ResponsAbility - Dialogues on Practical Knowledge and Bildung in Professional Studies

ResponsAbility - Dialogues on Practical Knowledge and Bildung in Professional Studies Trailer Bonus Episode 12 Season 1

#12 Bernadette Flanagan | Why Spirituality and Contemplative Studies Matter for Today's Professionals

#12 Bernadette Flanagan | Why Spirituality and Contemplative Studies Matter for Today's Professionals#12 Bernadette Flanagan | Why Spirituality and Contemplative Studies Matter for Today's Professionals

Our guest in this episode is Bernadette Flanagan, an internationally recognized researcher in the fields of spirituality, contemplative studies, and professional education. Bernadette was Director of Research at All Hallows College, Dublin City University, and is now Director of the Spirituality in Society and the Professions research group at South-East Technological University in Ireland. She is the co-editor of the Routledge International Handbook of Spirituality in Society and the Professions as well as the Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in Spirituality and Contemplative Studies. In this episode, Bernadette shares insights into how spirituality and contemplative practices can foster reflection, resilience, and ethical responsibility among professionals working in fields like education, healthcare, and social care. She explains how contemplative and cooperative inquiry methods open new ways of doing research that connect personal development, professional practice, and social transformation. We also discuss how first-, second-, and third-person research approaches can deepen academic work in spirituality, and how spiritual and contemplative practices can serve as crucial resources for navigating today's global "polycrisis". Finally, Bernadette reflects on how her long career of supervising spirituality research has shaped her own understanding of life, learning, and responsibility. 

00:00:59 – What is spirituality? 

00:03:02 – What is the role of spirituality in professions and professional studies? 

00:05:40 – Why do we need spirituality? 

00:07:00 - What is the relationship between spirituality and contemplation? 

00:08:17 – What can spirituality and contemplation add to more mainstream, competence-oriented approaches in professional studies? 

00:09:46 – Do cooperative inquiry, contemplative inquiry and action research, do they share a common methodological orientation? 

00:12:33 – On first-person, second-person and third-person research 

00:15:35 - Lies the true potential of spiritual and contemplative practices in second-person research and not in third-person research? 

00:18:34 – Was there a personal transformation due to all that research work in the field or spirituality and contemplative studies? 

00:22:57 – What brought Bernadette into this field? 

00:29:15 – How can spirituality and contemplation foster the responsibility of students of professional studies? 

Further literature: 
  • Flanagan, B. & Clough, K. (eds.) (2025): The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods for Spirituality and Contemplative Studies. Abingdon on Thames: Routledge.  
  • Laszlo, Z. & Flanagan, B. (eds.) (2019): Routledge International Handbook of Spirituality in Society and the Professions. Abingdon on Thames: Routledge. 

What is ResponsAbility - Dialogues on Practical Knowledge and Bildung in Professional Studies?

How to turn professional experience into practical knowledge? How to reflect over one’s professional practice in order to improve it? How to further develop a practitioner’s responseAbility when facing challenging situations? Already Aristotle spoke of practical knowledge in terms of prudence or practical wisdom (phronesis), a notion which is also reflected in the term Bildung. In this podcast, the hosts prof. Michael Noah Weiss and prof. Guro Hansen Helskog are examining central aspects of this knowledge form and its relevance in professional studies by talking to different scholars who made significant contributions to the field. Listeners can get hands-on ideas on how to develop practical knowledge in their own professional contexts.

Michael Noah Weiss & Guro Hansen Helskog