Over The Air Christian Podcast

From the gospel of Mark 5:40, after being laughed at, Jesus put out the mockers, and took the father and mother and those who were with him, and went to where the child was.

Show Notes

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Sunday Morning Service 10:00 am / Friday Night Prayer 7:30 pm @ 8350 Bd Saint-Michel, Montréal, QC Canada

Mark 5:40
And they laughed at him. Then he put them all outside, and took the child’s father and mother and those who were with him, and went in where the child was.

Mark 5:21-24, 35-42 (by section)
When Jesus had crossed again in the boat to the other side, a great crowd gathered around him; and he was by the sea.  Then one of the leaders of the synagogue named Jairus came and, when he saw him, fell at his feet and begged him repeatedly, “My little daughter is at the point of death. Come and lay your hands on her, so that she may be made well, and live.” So he went with him. And a large crowd followed him and pressed in on him...
...While he was still speaking, some people came from the leader’s house to say, “Your daughter is dead. Why trouble the teacher any further?”  But overhearing what they said, Jesus said to the leader of the synagogue, “Do not fear, only believe.”  He allowed no one to follow him except Peter, James, and John, the brother of James.  When they came to the house of the leader of the synagogue, he saw a commotion, people weeping and wailing loudly.  When he had entered, he said to them, “Why do you make a commotion and weep? The child is not dead but sleeping.”  And they laughed at him. Then he put them all outside, and took the child’s father and mother and those who were with him, and went in where the child was.  He took her by the hand and said to her, “Talitha cum,” which means, “Little girl, get up!”  And immediately the girl got up and began to walk about (she was twelve years of age). At this they were overcome with amazement. 

What is Over The Air Christian Podcast?

Serialized expositions reflecting on the message of the Bible with socio-cultural and spiritual realities we face everyday. Hosted by Ricky, a Christian preacher and thinker who has come from Reformed Baptist, Pentecostal, and Christian Missionary Alliance traditions. He has graduated two theology degrees at Masters level.

Hello and welcome to Over the Air Christian Podcast. We're continuing a short Bible series on bringing the gospel of Jesus to our families. This 4-part series is made possible by Hosanna Church from Montreal, Canada. To find out more about Hosanna Church, or to visit there on a Sunday morning for worship, you can see the information in this episode's podcast notes.

Family is a very special relationship that needs the love of Jesus. And Jesus cares about families, he personally visited, and ministered to families by going to them. We can see this in the gospel of Mark chapter 5.

According to the records of the Bible, from Mark chapter 5, verse 21 and on, Jesus who was just getting off of a boat from another side of town, and someone named Jairus joined a huge crowd of people to meet with. He came to beg Jesus repeatedly saying, my daughter is a little girl and she is dying, sick to the point of death, come and lay hands on her so she may be made well and live -

Jesus did not immediately go, first there was someone else, a woman who, cut in line so to speak, a woman who spent a fortune of money on doctors but couldn't help her disease, when she physically reached out for Jesus, she was healed. That took some time, it seems, and after that was finally settled, someone from Jairus, the religious leader's house came and said, Jairus, your daughter is dead, why bother the teacher any more, forget it, go home and let it be.

Instead, Jesus said to him, 'do not be afraid, only believe'. And they went on to this father’s house where the little girl was, who was now dead. No one from the crowd of people went with Jesus other than Peter James and John, his disciples. When they arrived at the house, there was already a commotion of people crying and wailing. The fact that there was a crowd of people wailing, confirmed that the little girl was in fact already dead, meaning it was publicly acknowledged that she was dead.

Jesus said, why the commotion, this child is not dead but only sleeping. And they laughed at Jesus.

And then, this next line is what we want to focus on, Mark chapter 5, verse 40: And they laughed at him. Then Jesus put them all outside, and took, the child's father and mother and the disciples who were with him, and went into the room where the child was. And then Jesus took her by her hand, saying little girl get up, and the 12-year old girl got up and was able to walk about, raised to life after being public confirmed she was dead.

There are just 2 things I'd like to note here on the podcast, about receiving Jesus into our families and for loved ones, from verse 40 here.

Number 1: Jesus put out mockers. Mockers are those who either do not believe, deny, laugh at, or discourage what Jesus could do, the Jesus whom you worship. You can recognize them in what happened leading up to the miracle. When Jesus was late, some people reported the fact that the girl was already dead, but also discouraged the father not to go to Jesus any more, implying it's over and impossible. And the others laughed at Jesus.

These are mockers, they make fun of, or taunt you in your beliefs and your faith. Mockers are the people who try to put Jesus out of your life. But Jesus put mockers out. And they do not get to follow Jesus in seeing what he could do. And this has everything to do with family, because this was exactly what Jesus did for this family in the Bible.

When there are people who tell you that it’s over and it’s finished, walked away from Jesus and walk away from religion, the word of God that Jesus says to you is - don’t be afraid, only believe. When skeptics laugh at you in you faith because of your belief, Jesus comes to you to put them out, so that you can be with him.

Jesus is such a person and such a God - that he will put away people who mock you in your faith about Jesus for the sake of your family. Put them out of the room, put them out of your family life, don't let them come any closer. Mockers do not get to see or know about what Jesus could do. Suppose your husband or wife or children are in trouble or in danger, there could be people who try to convince to forget about Jesus, face the facts, deal with it, like these mockers here. But they don't know the power of Jesus.

You are invited by scripture to live through dangers and troubles by faith. Trust in God, and invite Jesus into your family's troubles and dangers. The Bible is letting you know, you can invite Jesus into your family life, and this is how Jesus will approach you. Trust in God for the sake of your family and your loved ones, your husband or wife or your children or extended families, trust in the Lord in times of trouble and danger, have faith in him.

And as you entrust your family life to God, mockerstry to discourage you or dissuade you in your faith, present the facts, tell you that it is impossible or unscientific or it’s too late or that it's over and finished.

What we can do in the face of these situations and people is to pray and invite Jesus, and ask him to put them away, put them away for a time so that there is room and space for a very special time with Jesus, and your family. Invite the presence of Jesus by prayer into your family, and let him be the one who, put out mockers who discourage your faith, and keep your faith. Do not give in to temptation to walk away.

Number 2: Jesus leads the families that invites him. It was the father (his name was Jairus) who invited Jesus into his home, but when he arrived, Jesus took, both the father, and the mother to where the girl was who died. Jesus took, the father and mother, in other words, Jesus took, the lead; he didn't follow, Jesus took, the father and mother together, to their child who needed help

When our families are in trouble, whether husband or wife or children, we desperately make demands to God, sayings like 'Lord come do this for me, things are falling apart, pull this together for me' Do this for me God, my children are like this, Jesus I want it like that. My marriage my family is like that, i don't like it, make it like this. That's not unlike the father who invited Jesus, who said 'the little girl of my family is sick to the point of dying, come, and lay hands on her that she may live'

Men are to plead their requests before God, it’s a mark of humility and faith to do so. God does not despise a broken spirit or humble heart, he accepts it. When family is in trouble, show faith in Jesus through prayer, according to his power and his love. And Jesus leads us, closer, to our family that is in need.

Invite Jesus, and let Jesus lead your family. Christ is lord and he is the one who leads, we follow. Don't be discouraged in your faith, when things turn sour or gets worse even after we pray to Jesus. Pray and invite the presence of Jesus, hurriedly, there is no time to waste. but also patiently, time does not overcome God's power.

Consider the father who left his house and servants all the way to the shore to meet where Jesus was as soon as he got off the boat. This father went over long distance and crowds of people to see him.
Things got worse after he left the house to invite Jesus. At first the child was only sick, then she was dead and that's even worse. And yet, God is able to overcome when we are in his presence. So Jesus was late, now he raised her to life.

Turn to Jesus hurriedly, there is no time to waste. Wait patiently for him, time does not overcome his godly power. Even as we pray and invite Jesus into our lives, thing could get worse, it doesn't mean God didn't hear your prayer. Do not give up on faith when nothing comes about immediately after prayer. Prayer to the holy God is not to be treated as a science experiment. It is a relationship. Pray patiently and enjoy the Lord.

Even when things may get worse as we pray and seek the Lord Jesus Christ, do not be afraid, only believe, as Jesus said, everything will be different when Jesus Christ arrives, at the doorstep of our soul, at that time, let his will be done, because his will is full of mercy and grace. That you won’t find anywhere else save for Jesus. Lord over all, one and only, God over this universe and us.