The Floral Hustle

Welcome to another minisode of the Floral Hustle Podcast! I'm your host, Jen, and today we're diving into a game-changing topic: pricing transparency in your floral business. If you're looking to attract more clients and streamline your business operations, this episode is for you.
Episode Highlights
  • Why Pricing Transparency Matters: Discover the importance of being upfront with your pricing and how it can drastically reduce ghosting from potential clients.
  • Building Trust: Learn how clear pricing can build trust and set the right expectations from the get-go, avoiding uncomfortable surprises.
  • Easy Implementation Tips: Simple steps to incorporate pricing transparency, such as creating a detailed brochure and an a la carte flowers program.
  • Boost Your Market Share: How being open about your prices can differentiate you in the market and make your services more appealing.
  • Real-Life Success Stories: Hear about florists who have successfully implemented pricing transparency and the positive impact it has had on their businesses.
Key Takeaways
  1. Transparency Reduces Ghosting: Potential clients are less likely to disappear when they have a clear understanding of your pricing from the start.
  2. Client Education: Providing detailed pricing helps educate your clients, making them feel more comfortable and informed.
  3. Streamlined Processes: A transparent pricing structure can streamline your workflow, saving you time and effort in the long run.
  4. Marketing Opportunities: Use pricing transparency as a unique selling point in your marketing materials to attract more business.
Action Steps
  • Create a Pricing Brochure: Include details about your services, pricing, and what clients can expect.
  • Develop an A La Carte Program: Make it easy for clients to understand and choose your services without extensive consultations.
  • Leverage Marketing: Promote your transparent pricing in all your marketing efforts to stand out from the competition.
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Thank you for tuning in, flower friends! Have an amazing, flower-filled week!

What is The Floral Hustle?

Are you ready to grow your floral business not only in profits but in creativity and fulfillment? Listen as Jeni Becht a wedding and event designer of over 25 years shares all the juicy details of growing and evolving her floral business into one of passion, purpose, and financial freedom. She shares all the secrets with actionable tips and strategies so you can wake up inspired and on a path to profitability while feeling lighter and more aligned in work and life. Join Jeni in building your business while ditching the overwhelm, avoiding burnout, and feeling fulfilled in work and life.

Hello, flower friends. This is Jen and you are listening to the floral hustle podcast on this week's mini. So we're going to talk about why and how to have pricing transparency in your business. This is something that I think can be game changing on several levels. Um, when I have had coaching clients.

or flower friends, like incorporate some pricing transparency. They've just been ghosted less because you are a customer. You are looking at like all these pretty flowers on Instagram. You have no idea how much they cost. There is no guidebook. You've heard me probably talk about this. If you're a loyal listener on other episodes, they have no idea how much something costs.

And here you are. You know, just all of a sudden telling them something that they had no idea is costing 5, 000 when that's their total wedding budget and for flowers, hopefully. So having pricing transparency is something that I feel is really important and it's not that hard to execute. People love information.

People love to be educated about things. People love when people are sharing, uh, thoughtfully and really like not being the used car salesmen of the floral world is something that is really welcomed because there is so much mystery around this. I. Cringe every time I hear somebody say that they won't get like give anybody pricing until they meet with somebody.

If I could not test drive a car or understand how much a car cost before I would buy it, I would not do business with that dealership. If I went to, let's just say a hairstylist and I'm like considering this whole totally new thing and they won't like tell me how much it would cost for me to get that done or they won't.

Have a consultation with me unless I give them a hundred dollars for their time. I would tell that person to pound sand. Like no way would I personally invest in that relationship. Yes, there are people who are just blatant price shoppers, but by you interjecting pricing transparency, you are going to spend less time on that person.

Um, I personally live in Minnesota. And pricing transparency has a culture here. And you're like, what does that even mean? Look around you and what is like really easy to access from a pricing standpoint that normally might not be. Here it is car dealers. And I know I draw parallels to that because that is a big purchase.

Wedding flowers, a wedding is a big purchase. The same thing with homes all of those things have Pricing labeled on them. Yes. There is some negotiation. Obviously when you go and buy a home you can make an offer but with cars, especially in my Market, we have the highest penetration of best price dealers in the whole nation I see like those type of things, that type way of doing business is only going to grow.

People have expectations that it should not be an arm wrestling match. To be able to find out how much something costs, it might not be the exact thing that they want, and that's really easily explainable. But it might be something that is, is close, or maybe it's just 50 off. But where do you even start with that?

And does that even sound like important? To me, as a person of integrity and as somebody that just really wants to be very transparent, it is so much easier for me to not be in this adversarial relationship to start off with with a client, because I'm not going back and forth going, Yeah, yeah, I can't tell you that unless we sit down or you give me money.

You know, I love to start that relationship, Hey, thank you so much for inquiring. I am so excited to connect more on your wedding day. Attached is my brochure that has my starting at pricing information. If this is something that looks interesting to you and you would love to connect more, I would love to hear more.

Here are some questions that I have about your special day. List the questions, wait for their response. How easy is that? Super easy. Like we, I feel, complicate and make this relationship just start off on the wrong foot. Start it off on the right foot and just say, Hey, I am sharing information with you because I want to see if we're a good fit.

Like that is so easy. You can build relationships with planners. Because like there's also this just really upfront whole experience you can, you know, really just gain market share because it might not be a common practice even in your market. So first thing that you can do to incorporate pricing transparency is have a brochure.

I have a brochure that breaks down my services, breaks down me as a human, breaks down, like, an introduction to the process and has a page dedicated to pricing in it. Also explains, like, what could change if, from this pricing. Then, they're getting that right away in the process. I'm not holding on to it.

Also, an a la carte flowers program. Really easy way for you to have pricing transparency on your website. It can be in your brochure if that's the pricing transparency that you want to put forward. You can work off of a budget of flowers for items instead of an exact list. You get to be in the driver's seat of what you're picking for colors and options and choices.

If they pick a color palette with, you know, summer pastels or something like that. Like, you get to pick in light blue, light pink, light peach, light yellow, white, green. Like you get to pick all the blooms in that. Makes it super easy. Then, from there, thinking, okay, if I have this really easy process, maybe I could take more of those weddings on and do less work.

That is a fact you can do less work by streamlining process, making sure that that process is simple and easy. And so you're not meeting with those clients. You're not meeting with all of these people who are just price shopping because like for one, it's there for two, you've made the process so simple.

You don't need to necessarily meet unless they need to be reassured. I had one of those orders two weekends ago and it was for 1, 750. I got a 1, 750 a la carte flower order that I did a 15 minute console because the mother of the groom was the one purchasing it and what was a little bit older, so that made them feel comfortable.

You can of course dictate and customize your process, but those two things. are super easy way for you to incorporate pricing transparency in a way that really can Open up so much opportunity to new planners new i'm redoing my a la carte flowers program right now And I actually am going to Um send postcards out.

This is a new marketing opportunity Like, I am going to send postcards out to different, like, even venues. I'm going to send them out to venues because I, I want to make, like, as many people know about this really easy way for people to buy wedding flowers as possible. And postcards, the postage on postcards is cheaper.

So like, it's a no brainer. There are so many outside marketing opportunities that that really if you have pricing transparency, you can differentiate yourself. You can, uh, easily quote things out without a ton of work, as long as they are pretty simple and easy. And you can market yourself in a way that most other florists can't.

Thank you so much for listening flower friends and you have an amazing flower filled week.