The Jonathan Kogan Show

In this ⁠riveting video⁠, witness the ⁠intense and pivotal Congressional hearing⁠ as the FBI Director Wray takes the stand to answer probing questions and unveil shocking revelations. Get ready to be captivated as key players in the political arena clash, seeking answers to pressing national security concerns and accountability. From hidden scandals to clandestine operations, this gripping hearing promises to expose the inner workings of one of the most influential agencies in the country. Prepare for jaw-dropping revelations, crucial insights, and an ⁠unforgettable showdown⁠ that will leave you questioning everything. Don't miss out on this must-watch video that unveils the truth behind closed doors.
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What is The Jonathan Kogan Show?

The Jonathan Kogan Show brings you the most important, underreports news (and hot takes) that you need to know but the mainstream media is not covering. If you are searching for the truth, and of course the cold hard facts, then this podcast is for you. But, if you are looking for fake news and distractions from the real news, then you will be better off going to CNN, MSNBC, or Fox News. We do not cater to any corporations or powerful elites, but rather everyday peasants who simply want to know what is really going on without the propaganda.

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Jonathan Kogan:
One and we are live everywhere. In fact, we might even be back live on twitter, which is pretty awesome since uh, it's been a while since you can use the media studio. So that's amazing, but we should be live on rumble on youtube on facebook, whoever uses facebook, uh, twitter and yeah, maybe you're listening to this as a podcast. It don't matter. So, uh, welcome to The Jonathan Kogan Show I'm your host, obviously, Johnny K. It's great to be with you. It's always good to be with you. It's an honor privilege. Uh, we're going to, we're streaming today, baby. This is the first stream we're doing. So, you know, the topic, the main topic is there's an FBI oversight congressional hearing that we want to get into. We want to play some of the clips, but we're doing everything off the cuff. We are going in real time, real time analysis, apolitical, no bias, pure truth and nothing but the truth. So help us. And we say, because people praise all different things. You know, on this podcast, we like God, other people like climate change, other people like Klaus Schwab, and some people like mosquitoes, like Bill Gates, but you know, whatever. Okay, so before we get started with that, we're gonna go cover a bunch of topics. That's what we're doing today. We're covering a bunch of topics because you're busy. You are a busy human being. In fact, let me just put it bluntly. You have shit to do. And you don't have time to analyze all this. And the amount of propaganda coming your way to warp your mind into believing something that is not true is so intense that you need to have a political truth tellers on your side. And that's what we do on this podcast. We side with the peasants. You know, like, oh, wait, wait. I'm not a peasant. Well, let me, let me make this very clear. First of all, you are a peasant, but that's okay. In fact, that's fantastic. because the rulers of the upcoming world, we are in transition right now, okay? Last stage of human society, it's called the information age, all right? And we are transitioning into that. We're technically into it, but very, very early. And the rulers of this are going to be the peasants, decentralized powers, communities, the people, power to the people. So if you were an elite for the past, however long humans have been here, like 10,000 years or ever, you would wanna be elite if you wanted to run the show. But it's over now. They blew their cover. Now we see the conspiracy in plain sight. Okay. Everybody sees it, even though some people want to not see it. Some people are paid propaganda puppets for the regime and why they're selling out their own wellbeing for like a few thousand dollars a month, or even if it was a million dollars a month, like if you have kids, man, you should be selling out freedom. All right. And speaking of, we're going to get into all of this. Okay. Like you got to see what's on CNN. This is unbelievable. And people, people watch this stuff and they believe it, but we'll get into the details before we get into that. I want to cover this one little video. This is from Kamala Harris, who if you didn't know, she's the AI czar. So I feel very good that she's the AI czar. Thank goodness. This is from Alex on Twitter at ALX. AI czar Kamala Harris. Listen to what she says. This makes me feel so safe and good that we have the smartest and the brightest, the most caring and loving, pro-human, pro-technological innovation people in charge. Take a listen to this, this is real. She's the best vice president of all time. I love the people who are out there saying, oh my God, we got the best president and vice president ever. Like you are a clear propagandist if you're saying that. Like you could be unbiased and say, listen, I'm happy with the presidency and vice presidency. It's fantastic. I love it. But you can't say like, oh wow, this is the best duo better than Abraham Lincoln, George Washington and every other president combined. It's amazing. You're nuts. There's never been more chaos in my lifetime. Okay, we're at wars right and left. We got the middle-class being wiped out. Inflation is wiping out everybody. Everything's just a mess. Infrastructure, there's bridges falling on people's faces. It's crazy. So those, we just tell you the unbiased truth. All right. We don't have political leanings because we don't believe in politics here. But thank God the czar is in charge. Thank goodness Kamala's in charge because if she wasn't, imagine how out of control AI would have. Listen, here, ready? Let's think about this. If you can have one person in control of AI, one was Elon Musk and one was Kamala Harris, who would you choose? Exactly, Kamala Harris. Please. She's the goat, baby. Oh my God. She talks like this a lot too. So life, it's like space and time. There's a lot of time while you're in this space of life that is full of time and space and energy with people present in space and time. That's how she speaks. She is one of my favorite people ever. I love that woman. She is so good. She's so good. Oh my gosh. Okay. So now we got to get back to what we're going to cover here, which is the FBI oversight congressional hearing. Um, man, oh man. Oh, we got a lot to cover too, but we're going to, we're going to stay on topic here, right? So that is, uh, so let's, we're just going to go through a bunch of video clips. We're going to go to chief nerd here on, uh, on Twitter. And we're just going to go from the first video he has to other ones. And let's see what's going on here. Let's see if the FBI is corrupt or they're not. I wonder what you think. All right. So this is the first one. FBI Director Christopher Wray says the FBI obtained gun purchase records from Bank of America, possibly without a warrant. Let's take a listen. So first of all, when people talk about the merging of state and corporate power, okay, this corporatism, this is what people are talking about. This is what's going on here. This is why people like Robert F. Kenny Jr. are gaining traction amongst many people both on the right left center and apolitical people. There are many apolitical people, but you know for the ones that there are it's intriguing because you have these massive financial institutions, the banks. You've got huge multinational corporations, you know, getting, you know, they need the cobalt stuff from Congo. They need all this stuff. They need sweatshops and Taina and they need all this stuff. And then they merge with the government to do everything they can that is in their best interests, which is not in the best interests of the American people. And most likely not in the best interest of the middle class in particular. Okay. And soon there will be no middle class. We're going to a new neo feudal system. They want to tier class elites, peasants. keep the peasants under your thumb forever, put in biology synthetic injections and AI and all this stuff and make sure that there's no rebellion ever, chop off the nuts of young boys, all that stuff. Anybody that's military age male that is for America, feminize them, do some so they cannot rebel, cannot rebel. But if you're an adversary like China or somewhere else, Those military age males can come through the border unchecked and then they're in the country scattered on a free plane ticket, wherever they want. And then if there's retaliation from a foreign adversary like China, perhaps they already have boots on the ground. Literally, perhaps. I don't know. Listen, maybe conspiracy theorists, maybe not. But the truth is, and this is actually, I tweeted this today, how ironic. Should I pull this up? I think there's a lot of irony in this whole conspiracy theorist idea. Okay. So, by the way, if you're not following at KOGZ on Twitter, what are you doing? What are you doing with your life, man? So oh, and by the way, before we move on, let's continue talking about Bank of America, who was the topic of the last one. They're giving you, why do they want to know about gun purchases? In fact, why are... certain politicians obsessed with wanting to take away guns. Now I've never held a gun. I don't shoot guns. I'm not a gun kind of guy. Maybe I will be, but any totalitarian regime ever in the history of the world has to take the guns. They have to. Hugo Chavez took the guns. Mao took the guns. Stalin took, they have to take the guns. Now they want to take our guns. Why did they want to take our guns? Just let us have the guns. It's just crazy. Okay. You don't want, you don't want federal government to start taking away weapons from the public, when there's weird stuff going around, like things are getting more totalitarian. Like the last three years, like you're locking your homes, you can't work. In order to go outside, you have to get this put in your body, all this crazy stuff, right? That's totalitarianism. And then at the same time, they're obsessed with taking your guns while enforcing all that stuff. It's iffy in my opinion, very iffy. It's worth questioning. In fact, when questions become censored and that you shouldn't even have a social media platform for asking questions like, hey, Do you have any data behind this injection? No, you're banned. You're scum. You know, like Keith Oldman saying, you're a scum. So that type of stuff. Speaking about Bank of America, Munib, who started big in the crypto community, met him, I don't know, 10 years ago now? I met him 10 years ago when he was pitching like his first company with Ryan. Pretty crazy sat in on that meeting. So he says, so Bank of America just closed my personal bank account that I've used for 15 years. No reason given. Real reason, I do Coinbase transactions through this account for Bitcoin. This is a war on Bitcoin and crypto. Please retweet to warn others we won't stay silent. No, we won't stay silent. These massive financial institutions cannot just, you know what, yes, they can. If they wanna take everyone's big account away, who's a dissident, who wants to speak their mind, who wants to be truthful, who goes against whatever the mainstream narrative is, that's why you have to have self custody Bitcoin. It's a good idea, not a recommendation. I'm just saying I would learn about Bitcoin. I would research it. I would come to your own conclusion with your God given, God given critical thinking skills, but I'm telling you Bitcoin is revolutionary. And when we look back at this time, people in future generation, like, Oh my God, if I was alive, then it would have been so obvious. Well, take it, take it for what it is. But so Bank of America, why do they got their noses up and everything? Okay. Bank of America, get out of here. My God. I thought Wells Fargo was bad. So this is about the conspiracy theorist topic. Ready? I tweeted this. How ironic that the term conspiracy theory came from the assassination of JFK. And I'll actually play a more detailed analysis of this. I actually just heard after I tweeted this very good on the Jimmy door show, which you should absolutely follow. Listen, he's a truth teller. How ironic that the term conspiracy theory came from the assassination of JFK to deflect blame from the CIA. And now 60 years later. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., nephew of JFK, is gaining the most attention of anyone ever in exposing the CIA and dismantling the corrupt bureaucracies. Isn't that wild? Like full circle, right? Like a simulation. It really is like a simulation. By the way, I thought I also had a very clever tweet here and I got a comment on it. It sounded good in my head and obviously when it's good in my head, I put it on Twitter. The powers that be. Try to brand dystopia as utopia. How true is that? The powers that be try to brand dystopia as utopia, but they ain't gonna get away with it, baby. It ain't gonna happen because we're coming together across party lines, across different beliefs, realizing that all of us are on the same team. We're human beings, we're pro-civilization, we're pro-growth, we're pro-love, we're pro-everybody can do whatever the hell they want, just keep the powers that be out of my life. And that's it, freedom. We are making freedom great again, one podcast at a time. You know what I'm saying? I know you know what I'm saying. Do you know that I know that you know what you're saying? See, what's his name? Shoshin Nitson? Shoshin, Shvitsin. Shoshin Nitson says that, whatever his name is. The guy who was in the Gulag, he's like, we know they're lying, they know we know they're lying, they know we know they know they're lying. Yeah, that's what's happening right now on a massive, massive scale. So let me play the CNN thing I talked about at the beginning here. I actually should probably play from Russell Brand, but I'm going to play from Jimmy Dore because I just want you to hear what they say. This is unbelievable. So I covered this already. The judge, there's a huge case against the censorship industrial complex, which we've covered on The Jonathan Kogan Show at length. Please go listen to the other podcasts. Look up censorship industrial complex. I think that was the name of one of the episodes. Covered it many, many times. And then you have the mainstream media and people are watching this and they're believing it. It's mind blowing saying how this ruling, which was like the most, it's basically the largest infringement on free speech in the history of the United States. This judge said, quoted Benjamin Franklin, all this, all this crazy stuff, right? And how dangerous this is. And so ruled against the federal government going to social media companies and meeting them for taco Tuesdays. They were literally meeting for taco Tuesdays to censor Americans. Okay. for things that are against, I don't know, the virus narrative, the narrative with the war, anything where the establishment needs to have a certain foothold on the narrative, they would stifle dissent. Okay? And even if it's true, it doesn't matter. Don't forget, Mark Zuckerberg went, unlike Friedman, and said, you know, we censored stuff that was basically true. Or that was, you know, something like, it was argument. You know, it was at least debatable if not flat out true. Like we all know, we all know what's going on now. The people who don't know are the people who don't want to know. Okay. There's people who bought in and sold their souls and went along with this and clobbered people who were trying to tell them the truth and were being censored, calling them a Nazi and all this crazy stuff when really the real thing that happened was the people who were going full force like, oh my God, we got to get the unvaccinated out of the society and put them in camps. Like now we know how 1930s Germany went. I mean, listen, I'm a Jew. I can say that sort of stuff. All right. But it's true. Now you can see how there's mass movements like that happened. Okay. It's very unfortunate. It's very sad. But you can see how on a massive scale, a large group of people can get so behind something that is not good. to get rid of a certain part of society that they don't agree with, even if that part of the society is telling the truth. It's unbelievable. It's so unbelievable to watch, it's unbelievable. Now I know in the future that clip will be clipped out of context and probably played and be like, oh my God, he's such a Nazi racist, anti-Jew hating, terrible person. But the truth is the true audience will know the truth and nothing but the truth. And it's okay, they could take it out of context, but it doesn't change the fact that first of all, you take that out of context, it's not true. We love all people. We love Jews, Christians, Muslims, Catholics. We, we even like schmucks. Okay. There are people walking around being schmucks all the time and we still like them unless they're just, they, they're always schmucks. If you're always a schmuck to somebody else, you need to get your head checked. Okay. All right. So let's play this. This is unbelievable. This was really set on CNN in terms of the censorship industrial complex. Oh, then the last thing I want to say is Immediately when the judge ruled you cannot meet with social media companies unless it's national security threats What the Biden administration do? They immediately appealed it. They appealed it to censor Americans They're like no we need to censor American. We need to censor their free speech. Okay Unbelievable and then the judge came back a couple days ago and said you know what I'm upholding this and You cannot do it and deny the appeal which is a massive win for free speech for this is free speech is not partisan It's not political It's American and wherever you are in the world, but it's American in particular. All right. So let's take a watch with this from the Jimmy Dore show. Judge stops Biden from censoring corporate media melts down. So he's going to give some socialness and he also plays the video from CNN. Unbelievable. Listen to this. Thanks for watching! Is that amazing? This is amazing. This is 2023. Do you know people that are going along with this still that are totally on the wrong side of history? I do, I know of at least one and it's shocking. They are wrong over and over and over again and they're being lied to and then they know they're being lied to and yet they continue buying into whatever the next narrative is. I swear, I truly believe, okay? This is not a knock on Ukraine or anything. I'm just saying that if the mainstream media and the government randomly threw a dart at the map of the world and chose some random country and then said, we need to invade this country to save democracy or something like that, that everybody would have their, they'd have their flags up in their house. They'd have definitely have their flags in their bios. They'd probably wear flags in their underpants. They wear the flags on their socks. They probably slip a flag over their bed. I don't know, but it's so the power of propaganda is so much stronger than I ever thought it was. And but I think people are seeing through it. I know you are and people who listen to this podcast are and this podcast is growing. So I think more and more people are realizing like, hey, wow, these media outlets are not here to tell us the truth. They're here to propagandize us to manufacture consent. I think people are catching on. What do you think? I'm curious what you think. Let me know in the comments. Um, another thing is to show you that they're losing their grip and why they're saying this stuff and not scared to say it is because this thing called the trusted news and trusted news initiative, basically the Washington post, the BBC, all these mainstream organizations have agreed to collude together to agree on a narrative, which is the narrative from the regime, from the government, okay, and that they'll all repeat it and go with it and that dissenting alternative media will get crushed, they'll censor it. They will destroy their names, accuse them of stuff, and just get them demolished because it hurts their economic model. They said that in their emails. So, Robert R. King Jr. is actually one of the lawyers suing them, this trusted news initiative. In their emails that they gained in discovery, it says that we need to do this because we're losing power of our economic model of making money. because people are realizing they're being lied to and going to alternative sources that are, uh, I don't know, telling the truth. You got to understand, you might be in another place in the world, like Canada and other communist countries. And that's great. But in the United States, we literally have a constitution where the, which is. Okay. Here's what the constitution is for Americans. It's a set of rules that no matter what your political affiliations, we all agree to play by those rules. That's just like the bare minimum. Whatever's written on there, we agree in this society, that's the template that we all agree to no matter what. And the very first thing on that document is freedom of speech. And now we have the largest attack on freedom of speech by the federal government, okay? Which is the whole setup of America was that the government works for the people because of tyranny, you know? And that we can get rid of them whenever we want. That's the whole purpose of America. And now we have the federal government infringing on free speech like never before in history, and you should read this judge's ruling saying it is like the most dystopian or Wellian thing. And then you have mainstream puppets willing to sell their souls for on behest at behest of the government of the most powerful forces in the world. When really, if they got their way and censorship worked. And they pushed whatever narrative they want. Like there could be just everyone's broke and poor and they censor anybody who's like, Oh my God, I need food, I need food. But they censor everybody. Like someone who's been injured by a medical experiment, let's say. And they go, it's not real. It's in your head. Silence them. You know, that type of thing. Oh, they would never do that. Oh wait, they already did. Um, and basically they have false representation of what's going on in the world where everybody's homeless, just hypothetical, everyone's homeless, all this stuff, but You can't get out on the news. It's like North Korea, they go, the economy's booming. It's the best economy in the world. All this stuff, which is basically the territory we're teetering on right now. At least it certainly seems like it. I don't know how worse this propaganda can get that we would never let the federal government infringe on that. And I cannot believe how many Americans are willing to fight for the right. Two, five for the right for the Biden administration to keep censoring. You have shills. Even if you're a shill, you have to know that you live in the regime. Your life will be destroyed if you give this up. Once freedom of speech is gone, everything's gone. It's over, baby. It's over. What are you doing? Think. Think this isn't a partisan issue. This isn't a political issue. This is a common sense humanitarian issue. I mean, it's crazy. What are you doing? You gotta think, you gotta think kid, you gotta think. Unbelievable. All right, all right, let's go back to the FBI oversight. Shall we? I think we shall. So they're giving, so basically they're giving the financial institutions like Bank of America whatever they want without your permission and without a warrant. So that's fantastic. Here we go, here's next. So next clip we got here, again, this is from Chief Nerd. The chief nerd rep Matt gates roasts Christopher Ray's leadership and truthfulness as a as FBI director It's a five-minute clip. Let's take a listen By the way, this is- So we have to just ask a simple question. Is this Christopher Wray character the most corrupt person of everyone that's involved with these politicians and elected officials and appointed officials? I mean, obviously it would probably be Fauci, but he's no longer there. This Christopher Wray is a slime dog. We should just call him slime dog millionaire. You watch him and his holes on his nose, the way they open, it's almost like he's a like, uh, I don't know, like one of those big animals that swim with the tusks and I don't know, but he's got large, not flaring nostrils. That's the way to say it. They're flaring. They're flaring guilt. When I see those nostrils flare up, I just think guilty or liar. Man, this dude is corrupt. It's unbelievable. And he brings up a good point. If you don't know about this stuff, it's either the organization you're in charge of is just totally rogue. Okay. And doing stuff. without your knowledge, which is your fault, or you're doing it or you know of it and you're lying. Whichever way it is, it's not good. It's not good. Oh my God. In fact, I have a good, uh, we've got a good comment on, uh, on that exact issue from Michael Schellenberger, who's been one of the key people. In fact, I think he coined the term, uh, censorship industrial complex, by the way. So, uh, yeah, let's get into this, uh, this tweet. So Glenn Greenwald's involved in this, uh, obviously follow and watch him. He tells the truth and nothing but the truth. I mean, he tells the truth. Um, I'm sure he tells other stuff too, but he's a reliable source. Uh, and I'm trying to give you other sources for you to, you know, cross collaborate, you know, connect with people who are in this sphere of truth telling, regardless of what that truth is. Okay. We just care about telling it. That's it. So basic. It used to be called journalism. Now it's called right-wing extremism. Okay. Glenn Grewal said, FBI director Chris, Chris Ray was just asked repeatedly whether there was one or more FBI agents or informants on the ground at January 6th as part of the crowd, which entered the Capitol. Ray refused to answer over and over. Can't imagine why. And, uh, so, uh, so if we click that. Why would he deny that? So weird, right? And he says, I've long been pointing out that the Dem Party, not only its leaders, but followers, are now reverent of the US security state. When's the last time you heard your favorite liberal pundit condemn the CIA or the FBI? But the way House Dems are oozing praise for FBI today is nauseating. Yeah, it's so weird. It's so weird. Schellenberger said there were hundreds of government agents and informants in the January 6 crowd, which we know and we've covered in this podcast at length He says indeed there have there may have been hundreds of undercover government agents in informants both local and federal in the January 6 crowd According to one January 6 witness there were 100 to 200 secret service agents alone at the Capitol before and during the breach of the police barriers And then Glenn says, which is exactly why Ray won't answer the question, ponder the content the FBI has for the population, for the director to claim more than two years after January 6th, that he doesn't know how many assets they had there, or even if it was more than one. And then here's the tweet I was referring to that Schellenberger says. He says, the FBI is a rogue agency. We are in a dangerous place as a nation when our highest law enforcement organization. is pulling good agents off of hunting down child pornographers so they can entrap mentally disabled people in order to manufacture a fake domestic extremism crisis. And then he says, here is the evidence. I haven't seen this yet, but let's click it because it's real time. And, uh, let's see. He told, uh, Congressman Troy nails who follows me. So pretty good. This is from real Steve friend. The FBI director told Troy, the Congressman, that no agents were reassigned from child exploitation investigation due to domestic terrorism, another lie. I was reassigned from child pornography cases and told those cases were going to be considered a quote, local matter. Yet why are they doing that? Why are they doing this? Why are they not interested in protecting children? In fact, why are they interested in doing the opposite? Like, Destroying children. What what is it? Who's running the show? Yes, it's crazy In fact, Wall Street silver just tweeted out and I think Elon respond to it He wrote and I checked this it's unbelievable. It's unbelievable. It goes Wow the clown world. This is really weird This is the this is what says key California Assembly Committee blocks bill to make child trafficking a serious felony the source Yahoo so Let's go to this is from Yahoo news The key California assembly committee blocks bill to make child trafficking a felony. Oh, okay. Yeah. Let's, let's read a little bit of this. California lawmakers in the assembly public safety committee on Tuesday blocked a measure that would have classified human trafficking of a minor as a serious felony under state law in effort that attempted to keep repeat offenders behind bars and make them ineligible to be released from prison early. The measure was halfway through the state's legislative process, having cleared the state Senate unanimously with broad bipartisan support. None of the six Democrats on the Assembly Public Safety Committee were willing to cast a vote on the measure Tuesday. Republican assemblymen Juan Alanis and Tom Lackey were the bill's only yes votes. Following the vote, those in the audience could be heard yelling, you're horrible, and you should be ashamed of yourselves, to the committee members. human trafficking victims embraced and sobbed in front of the dice. What is going on? And at the same time, at the same time, you have mainstream outlets like the Rolling Stone saying that Sound of Freedom, a true movie that's a true story about an agent that is going after child trafficking and catching people who are, you know, trafficking children and arresting them. that is like a QAnon crazy person that's feeding the brain, brain worms of, of boomer adults or something, of boomers. Like what is going on? It seems like there is a concerted effort to protect, I don't know how else to say it, but it seems like the concerted effort to downplay to get almost legalize pedophilia and childhood trafficking. And at the very least discredit it saying. Don't look over here. This is a QAnon conspiracy that is overly exact. Like Sound of Freedom should be praised as just like a movie that covered a true story of childhood trafficking, like fantastic. Why are you making that political and saying, oh, it's a right wing crazy thing, even though we know there's childhood trafficking all over the world. And we know that the U S are responsible for a lot of it at the Southern border. But for sure, we, you know, childhood trafficking occurs, obviously, unfortunately. Why are they protecting? these people like what is going on? They're not passing bills to make it a felony in the state of California. And the people want the guy who runs that state as president and then you have like places like the you what was it the UN that said like we're going to change pedophilia to maps minor attractive persons and like legalize it. There seems to be a concert of effort to legalize pedophilia and also like downplay childhood trafficking, instead of praising it as like this fantastic. It almost seems like the only reason you would do that is if you were in on that conspiracy, if you were a part of that trafficking. Otherwise, why? It seems crazy. Is it possible that the people in charge are pedophiles? Is that possible? Yeah, of course it's possible. It's a massive business. In fact, it's a bigger business than owning all sports teams in the NBA, the MLB and the NFL. All those teams combined. Combined. that seems high, but it's like 160 billion dollars at least. I don't understand why the mainstream media is running cover for pedophilia and why they're like activists for like cutting off genitals of kids and yet people are saying we should protect children who are being trafficked as you're now a QAnon Trump or Republican person? Like what? I'm apolitical. But I want to like protect children. Since Wayne is protecting children and speaking out against, yes, against childhood trafficking, a Republican issue. What does that even mean? Since when is it not a human issue? Am I losing my brains? Every day that goes by in the current landscape, it's, I feel like either I'm becoming a complete moron or the world's gone crazy and you have half the public. We're not half the public, but these quote, quote Democrats, but that that's a particular party in this, you know, this day and age. Listen, it is what it is doing these weird things that seem to be opposite of what's in the best interest of the people. It's like opposite day every day of the week. Listen, should we pass a law that makes it, you know, a felony for trafficking children? No, why not? It would be, I don't know. I just want to say no. What? Why? What's the reason that you won't cast a vote for that? Like what? What's the reason? What? I don't even understand. I don't understand. Or like, oh, if the parents don't want to, you know, cut off their daughter's tits at the age of seven, that the state gets to take them and do the surgery themselves. What? What is going on? Please help me make sense of this because I don't get it. I'm truly not political. I truly don't agree with either side. I'm not even independent. I am apolitical through and through. I don't understand how children are an exception to that rule. How are children, the topic of protecting children, how is that not apolitical? I do not understand. I'll never understand. Someone help me. God help me. Somebody. Okay? It's crazy. All right. Let's get back on track here. It's just nuts. The whole thing's crazy. Um, by the way, subscribe to The Jonathan Kogan Show, wherever you get your podcasts, you can go to JSK dot baby. That's the promo for today. And if you're listening to this on the podcast, well, that's kind of weird. Hope you're subscribed. And if you're watching it, here it is. The Jonathan Kogan Show shades of shadows, the Biden, China corruption, nexus exposed episode two or nine. We do 209 episodes, baby. The Denmark, uh, study amazing escaping the woke matrix. I would listen to that one. 207. Just good stuff man. Good stuff Unbelievable. What a pod. What a pod baby, you know, I couldn't do this without your help. I appreciate you. Thanks for listening All right. So what else we got here? Should we go back to oh, yeah, do we have more on? Oh Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. So Here is a minute 35 clip This is I think this is questioning. This is to Ray the FBI director again who seems to be a sleazeball He's refusing to answer if there was even one FBI agent in the January 6 crowd. This is two years after. Why can't you answer that question? Well, let's listen to it. I haven't heard this yet. Yeah, what is going on here? What is going on? Why would the FBI and the government want to put confidential human informants in the January 6th insurrection, please, of the January 6th attack, whatever you want to call it. Why would they want to do this? Why do they want to frame MAGA, the Make America Great Again Trump Movement, as a domestic terrorist organization? Why do they want to do that? Why? Why can't he answer the question if there was one or more undercover informants in the crowd that there were not one or more and if there was they were there to protect the people I mean i've seen some pic. I mean the whole ray epps thing is Mind-blowing remember the last thing they do in orwell is tell you not to believe your eyes And if you watch videos or listen to this podcast we covered them twice and you watch right we got to go in capital, we gotta go into the capital. Your problem's that way. Your problem's that way. Towards the capital, you gotta go into the capital." And then he whispers in the guy's ear, and then the guy pushes the gates and knocks down a police officer. But that guy, is it every single person who was even breathing air near the capital that day is going through trials, put in jail, and then re-apps the guy who's caught on camera doing all of this. gets New York Times articles, and it's a conspiracy theory, and a 60 minutes episode, where credits of 60 minutes, they played all this stuff. Like they played, it looked terrible. They played everything. And then at the end they're like, don't believe your own eyes. And they're protecting him. And then you watch the Democrats in Congress saying, they're like, who's, stop harping on Ray F's. But if anyone else was affiliated with January 6th, they're a terrorist that should go to jail for life. They're the worst human being ever. They're a danger to democracy. But... Ray Epps, he's there to save democracy. He needed to stage an insurrection to save democracy. You didn't know that the only way you could save democracy is by subverting it and planning an insurrection and then framing out the country's terrorists. And then you will successfully have saved democracy with a one party state. That is how it's done. My friends. This is nuts. I have to hope and believe that many people feel the way I do that do not have public, do not have, uh, you know, political leanings right or left, and are just watching this stuff and knowing that a will be lied to, to like, propagandized to an amount that no one's ever seen the history of the world. And then B that it's a lie. Everything's a lie. January 6th, clearly a lie. The guy can't answer the question if there were many informants there. What are you supposed to infer from that? I mean, it's unbelievable. And then you're told, like, Ukraine's crushing the war and Russia's going to be done in like a day and then we have to send cluster bombs even though they're like an international treaty that we shouldn't. What? But if Russia did it, they're the worst thing ever. But if we do it, we're saving democracy. Oh my goodness. And there's people that are going along with this. Like, like any updated, they can, these people can say, listen, if you don't carry around a blanket today and fly to Chicago and wave your blanket, you are a danger and threat to democracy and like half the country would be there like waving blankets in Chicago. Like they could do anything. They could tell people to like chop off their leg for good luck and they'll take off their legs surgically and then Pfizer will have some like incredible medication that says, Oh, we'll help the healing of your one leg. when it's taken off will help the stump heal and everybody should take it. And in fact, whether you have one leg or not, we're going to make it mandatory. Okay. In fact, when you're sleeping, we're going to put it in your ass and then it goes right to your bloodstream. I mean, this is crazy people. Where does it end? That's all I want to know. Where does it end? Sorry for my language, by the way. I get, you know, it's hard sometimes because many days I feel like I'm losing my mind. I don't know if you feel that way. I don't know if I'm alone on that, but I definitely feel. Um, um, how do I say this? Like I'm losing my mind. I don't know another way to say it. It's just crazy, man. It's unbelievable. So what else we got here? You know, oh, we want to get into that conspiracy theory. You know, when they use conspiracy theory, just know that was coined by the CIA because they were worried. They were worried that people were questioning the JFK assassination too much. That's where this came from. OK. That's where this came from. Don't forget that. Um, in fact, let's see if I can just pull that up real quick. Unbelievable. People are upset that the government cannot censor the speech of Americans. And just like Jimmy Dorr said, he thought that was something the left had to fight against. That was a right authoritarian thing. And now it's a conservative value? What? Let's see. Alright, I think I can find it. So, So I want to. So I really want to get to the conspiracy theory creation or with JFK and how that just how is. Oh, this is it. I found it. All right, so I think I got the exact part. I'm just going to start playing it since we do this all in real time. This is from the Jimmy Dore show. Um, and I already played a clip from earlier in this, but we're going to start it here. And I said, I was going to get back to how, you know, the irony of conspiracy theory, conspiracy theory was a term created for people questioning the JFK assassination too much. And this is the background on that and how it's full circle to Robert F. Kane Jr. probably exposing the CIA and other bureaucracies more than ever and probably maybe destroying it perhaps, or maybe he'll be assassinated. I don't know. But listen to this kind of history behind it, which I've talked on this podcast, but you might not know, and it's a very good explanation. They were questioning it too much. Just take a listen. And here we are, ladies and gentlemen, here we are looking at the end of free speech in the eyeball in the eyeball. Oh, my God. If people don't wake up like it's crazy. It's absolutely crazy. I'm just happy to see that there's more courage now because I've said it before. Courage is more contagious than fear. And people are popping up people that you never would have thought. Right. We're thinking the same thing that you were thinking, but they're just finally willing to speak up now. You know, we did it before it was cool. We did it before, you know, we did it because we look out for the peasants no matter what. It's really out of selfishness because I'm a peasant and that's all I care about is myself and my life. But it turned into a movement, a movement for freedom, a movement to just keep our human rights. Okay. Not to just give them away. Because when you give that away, they don't come back. Or if they take two rights away, they give one back and say, oh, look at that freedom. And because no one's been held accountable for the last three years, and the virus and everything, they're just likely to do it again and try to take away more rights. Get you locked in your house for four years to take 4,000 injections. I don't know, whatever they want. There needs to be accountability. It's so important. so that these creeps and sociopaths and psychopath lunatic mass murderers don't do it again. We funded the research that created this quote unquote pandemic, which was, I mean, eventual plan and it was all basically a massive conspiracy, real conspiracy, on a large, large scale that warped almost the whole world. Okay. Not only did we engineer that and the quote unquote solution, we did the whole thing. but that these people who were a part of this are either slightly being praised or absolutely not getting in trouble for creating the worst catastrophe that any of us alive today have experienced in our lifetimes unless someone is still alive from the Holocaust, all right? Other than that, this is it, baby. This is it. And we said, it's so interesting how after Nuremberg, we said, never again, never again. That's what people used to say, never again. Well, guess what? Again, again, it happened again. Complete violation of the Nuremberg code and nobody's being held accountable for that. What, in what world do we intend to live in? If a violation of the Nuremberg code where we said never again is violated and then nobody is held responsible in what world does that happen? It's happening now. It's like, it's like there's groups of people who are living alternate realities, people who are living in reality. uncomfortable reality of the truth and they see the light and there's people who are just propagandized or doing the lying and pushing this agenda forward to just do it again. It's insanity at the highest level at the highest level. This is psychopathic lunatic behavior and these people are just doing they're siphoning all the wealth to themselves. They're taking the money away from the poor to the rich the huge wall. biggest wall transfer in history. They're migrating people, they're shaping the world, they're changing the demographics of countries. They're just shaping the world on a global stage with Klaus Schwab and his white cat, we are changing the world. And whoever masters these technologies will master the future. Okay, okay. Well, it's time for you to step up to the plate, start speaking, start sharing this stuff, start getting out there. Because If this neo-fetal system happens, it's over, baby. They're in it and coming back. All right. This is it. We need to hold on and we need to change some stuff. No question. We got to change some shit. Yeah. We live in a fucked up world. It's not fair. I don't know who said life is fair, but listen, we need to change some stuff. A hundred thousand percent, but changing. It doesn't mean giving the elites more power to give the authoritarian central planners more power to do whatever the hell they want. at the expense of our civil liberties and our freedom and our God-given critical thinking skills. That's not what that means. It means we work with each other to build better communities, more, you know, I'm not with these buzzwords, but inclusive. Everyone should be included. I'm down for that. Every human who wants to contribute to society should be included. Hell yeah, baby. But that doesn't mean that these people at the top of this artificial food chain get to dictate whatever they want to happen with the world and tell you what to do and what not to do. and then just go on with their lives, even though they're destroying lives, millions of lives all over the world, whether it's losing their jobs, people have been injured, people have been killed by the very thing that they manufactured in a lab. I mean, come on people. How can anyone move on and say that we don't need accountability or that, yeah, let's just get over and watch baseball? In what psychopathic world does that happen? It's lunacy, it's lunacy, but people move on. It's unbelievable. People showed their colors the past three years. And to me, it's a blessing. We're gonna look back as a blessing. It divides society into people you could trust who are for the people and just care about the truth, and then people who are hacks and sellouts and just propagandists, and you should never listen to them again. It divides black and white. Boom, society was divided to the cucks and the people. Now when I see someone who was a total fraud speak, I don't even care. I don't care what they say. It doesn't matter. And there's people who are still watching these same people as if it never happened. It's unbelievable. It's fascinating actually. Talk about being an experiment. We're in a, we're in a, you know, it's, it's like Stockholm syndrome, right? You start praising your overlords. Like they destroy your life and they say, Hey, the only way to get out of this is to listen to every single thing I say or else. And you go, yes, master. Yes, master. Yes. Pinch me. Oh my God, baby. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Get out of here. Okay? I don't want Fauci's hands on me. All right? I don't want Bill Gates around me. I don't want Biden sniffing me. I don't want that stuff. I'm not about that life. My life was great. It was fantastic. I didn't have to be involved in this. I could just watch sports. I could just live my life. And then all of a sudden these authoritarian central planners started poking their tentacles into everything and the big pharma tried to insert themselves into my ass. And I don't like that. That's not what I do. Okay. Stay out of here. Okay. We're good. I'm going to eat from a farm. You know, maybe get some animals, some cattle, get some cattle, right? You know, you know, take some supplements, which were branded to be uncool and that they don't work after the Rockefellers go do that research. Go, by the way, go read the book, Dissolving Illusions. I'm reading it right now, I'm not done with it, but I've read enough to recommend it. Dissolving Illusions, it is an eye-opener. Approach it with an open mind, listen to it, read it, whatever you gotta do. Man, they have distorted history and the truth so much. This is just a reckoning that's been bound to happen. I mean, this is decades, if not centuries of lying that is crumbling down in real time in front of our eyes. It's beautiful, it's scary, it's... Unbelievable to be alive right now and you're alive right now. You were chosen to be here at this moment No matter what you believe in it's time To push the agenda of freedom and people and love and earth ahead Not tyranny and slavery and up is down left is right and all this craziness What world do you want to live in you ever ask yourself that? Especially of kids what world do you want they to live in them to live in and if you don't have kids? Just what world do you want to live in ten years? literally ten years Think about your life 10 years ago. You can think about it. It wasn't that crazy. Sure, it was probably a lot different, but you remember that time. Now move 10 years forward. Everything's gonna be different. This plays out to how we choose it plays out. We stand up, we protect freedom, we build a better world, like a real better world, not like a better world in the eyes of the WEF. That's something we can do collectively. Individual excellence, take care of yourself, your health. Eat well. Exercise, become physically strong, then become mentally strong, work hard, pursue something you're great at and then you're good at and do it over and over and over and over. Individual excellence, baby, ultimate rebellion. Andy Frisella said that. Very good, also a truth teller. But it's not a partisan thing. You got to make yourself great. And then if all of us do that, that will make us all come together and lift up humanity. So control what you can control. Don't worry about all this nonsense happening over here. This clown world chaotic, well, World War III affects us all. That's a little bit of a problem. More than a little bit, that's a massive problem. But I'm telling you, we can make it through this. If we start finding all the truth tellers and come together, let's connect over the Internet, let's share each other's stuff. And then when someone gets attacked on a social media, but we come and protect each other, we come and get each other's backs. Someone attacks and says, oh, my God, you're a right wing extremist. We say, no, we're just telling the truth. And you go, I got his back, I got his back, I got her back. Love, love, love. Fire symbol. Emoji. rocket ships. You understand? I know you do. We all do. Very important. Okay. So you know how much the establishment loves war. They love war. Oh my God. There is nothing that gets Lindsey Graham more off than war and dudes, but war. Okay. My God. If he could just blow up 500 children in Iraq, he would splurge all over the walls. Like, you know, it would be like Ron Jeremy. It'd be crazy. Just roping it, baby. Ropes all over. It'd be like the Wild West cowboy trying to, you know, herd it, you know, cattle or something. I love that word cattle. All right. So they love war. And now because India isn't going with the Biden administration completely with, you know, I don't know, creating a unipolar American led suppress every other. country, emerging economy with the IMF and insurmountable debt, because they're not going along with that. You got, you're going to start hearing propaganda like this and ready for this. This is from the Telegraph being shared at the top of Microsoft Bing today. So everybody sees it. Ready for this? Quote, India is now part of Putin's actual axis of evil. The West must act. Getting the world's biggest democracy back among the good guys is a very big ass by Boris Rivkin. Okay, they want more war. What to do about India's close military commercial partnership with Russia? The West must act. We must start bombing people. We must kill children. We must give cluster bombs so children in 50 years can step on and blow up. What are we doing? Are people gonna, I don't know, is anti-war making a comeback? I don't care what you think of any war, any invasion of anything, the goal. The pure goal, no matter what you think of anything, we could disagree whether it was provoked, not provoked, it doesn't matter. It's irrelevant to what I'm gonna say. The point is we should all advocate for world peace. You know how like those Miss universes go on stage and we used to make fun of them. They would go, so they go, what are you gonna do if you win Miss Universe? I don't know what the question they ask. And they go, we want some world peace, because some sexy Colombian, she's like, we want some, pero, me gusta la, el bueno, tardes, esta, world peace. And we used to make fun of them. Well, they were right. The Miss universes were brilliant. The world peace is the answer. So if you are negotiating for a forever war, you could tell if someone, it is their opposites. If you're negotiating for a forever war or you're negotiating for peace, those are polar opposites. They both can't be true, impossible. And the current regime wants a forever war. Like Julian Assange says, the goal isn't to win the war, it's to have a forever war to move the money from the public sector to the private sector. Shout out BlackRock. War is big business. War is fantastic for business. Now, we are contrarians in the fact that we don't like people dying. We don't care what people's nationality is, because we see things as two classes. It's not like Russians, Ukrainians, no, no. It's elites and peasants. The elites want the... peasants to go to war for them and kill each other. Well, I say we counter that and say, okay, the peasants across all countries come together and say, we are all about world peace. We're all on the same team. If the elites want to have war and go fight and Lindsey Graham and all those people want to and Mitch McConnell and you know, all those people want to go dress up as soldiers and fight, they have private land. They have private estates all over the place. They're all worth like $400 million from serving in Congress, which is totally normal. Don't ask questions. Yeah. What'd you do? I'm a public servant making like $150,000 a year. How much you worth? Oh, like 400 million. Oh wow, your stock trading is so much better than Warren Buffett, that's fantastic. Good job, Pelosi. Those people can go fight wars among, they can go get some Russians, some Ukrainians, some Americans, some Canadians, some, you know, England. Great Britain loves the war, they love it. So you guys can go on your private estates in Martha's Vineyard or wherever they are, probably on a property that's right next to the ocean that supposedly is gonna drown their very property that they just bought for like $50 million. But don't question it. Don't question anything. They bought a property next to an ocean that's gonna drown their house, but they still spent 12 million on it. Okay, yeah, sure, no problem. Go fight a war there. Go fight Obama's estate. Have a blast. Bomb each other, throw grenades. In fact, you can even use cluster bombs. You can use cluster munitions. Have a fantastic time. Just don't involve the peasants. I'm sick of it. Aren't you sick of it? Or am I alone? I mean, can you let me know in the comments? Are you sick of it? I'm sick of it. I think it's lunacy. I've said that word so many times, but I love it. All right, so what did we cover? We know that AI is in good shape because Kamala Harris has got everything under control. We know that we are just being lied to, like no civilization ever. And we're seeing a change in the media landscape, which is maybe one of the best things, maybe one of the best things. And how ironic this is actually kind of interesting. This is a different topic. So, this is actually amazing. So whatever you think of Andrew Tate is relevant for this particular video I'm going to play. Just saw this come across. It doesn't matter. We don't know if he's guilty or not guilty. I have suspicions, but I'm not going to share my opinion because we believe people are innocent or proven guilty. We'll see what happens. But how ironic is that he's being accused of human traffic or whatever, right? Yet the BBC just played this clip. And the guy who is... talking in this clip about Andrew Tate being a trafficker. This guy, okay, his name is, I think it's Hugh Edwards, H-U-W, okay? He expresses his concern about Kober Tate's message, or about Andrew Tate's message, sorry, that's his Twitter tag. This very TV presenter that I'm going to play right here, who works for the BBC, he has just been ousted as a sexual predator. This guy, this very guy that is talking about how worried he is about his message. is a real life sexual predator. Listen, this guy. That guy that you just listened to or watched is a real life sexual predator. And it's so amazing that these mainstream channels can put a child predator on TV to talk about someone who's potentially guilty of human trafficking, although it looks sketchy, not gonna lie, it looks very sketchy, but it's amazing, they can just make you believe anything. It's like, he's innocent. They have like, oh, that's what they do. They project. The projection is their number one strategy. So like, here's projection, ready? It's like you take someone who's like a rapist. Okay. Like, I don't know, name something like, uh, Bill Clinton. Okay. And Bill Clinton goes on and gives a speech and goes, you know, we got to get Andrew Tate because he's probably slept with underage girls. Uh, you probably got a blow job in the old office. And he's just a bad, bad man. Meanwhile, everything he said is true for what he did. They project they say what they're doing that everyone else is doing. If you can notice, like specifically with Biden and the people in power, what they say other people are doing are 99.9 percent of times the very things they're doing. It's astonishing. It's astonishing. The whole thing is just nuts. All right. So, um. Yeah, listen. What else we got here? Jimmy Dore asked why the FBI agent, Brian Autin is allowed to suppress the Hunter buying laptop story and participate in the Trump Mar-a-Lago investigation while being under disciplinary review for his central role in deceiving FISA courts during the Trump Russian collusion hoax. Oh my goodness. It never stops. Never stops. Everything is opposite. And then they've Don't want people to get a felony for childhood trafficking. What? Oh my goodness. Goodness gracious. Um, so can I play this part on YouTube? This is, um, this is very, very good. This is an interview with Aaron Seary about how the CDC and FDA, uh, market the flu shot to pregnant women without clinical trial data. Yeah. We're going to play this because that's what we're going to do. I think it's good. Listen to this. This is how they pull this stuff off by the way. If you want to know how they pull off, how big pharma gets their tentacles and everything, just listen to this. Do you see how sick and twisted this current system is? Do you see what happens? You know how we heard in that last Jimmy Dore episode that in the last Jimmy Dore, how the CDC is an extension of the government, not the government, but, well, I want to say the deep state, but you know, but the federal bureaucracy, right? And that they work on behalf of the pharmaceutical companies because if a pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical company can advertise something, well, they'll do it on their behalf. They're in cahoots, it's unbelievable. The FDI, they get almost all their funding from pharmaceutical companies. The whole thing is broken. And if you can't see that, I don't know what to tell you. I'm trying so hard. I never thought it'd be so difficult for people to listen and absorb and understand what's true and not true. I try really hard. We tried very, very hard in this podcast to tell the truth. And if we say something wrong, which is very rare, we admit it, right? We don't have an agenda here. So the whole thing's crazy, but that's a perfect example of how the system is fucked up. I don't know what else to say. It's fucked up, all right? You can't, because if for something the pharmaceutical company can't do, they go in the back door and let the CDC do it. And then you're gonna trust the CDC to get this and that and this and that and get 14, 15, 18, 20, before you turn, before you're done, you're glowing in the dark with a Pfizer logo. I mean, it's crazy. The whole thing's unbelievable. They should say, hey, everybody has to get a tattoo of Moderna on their cheek. and Pfizer on their neck, and that will protect you against all influenza. I bet you, I don't know, 40 million people would do it, give or take. It's crazy. But that's a good example of how messed up it is. That is so serious. You don't mess with pregnant women. You know we don't test things on pregnant women. Why would you ever test things on a pregnant woman? I don't accept that. I will never accept that. I am for the children. I protect the children. We need to protect children. If there's one thing we can all come together on, it's the damn children. Please, I'm trying to find common ground here. The children should be the common ground. That's the point. All right, I gotta stop the podcast here. If you're listening, watching, please subscribe to the John and the Kogan Show podcast. Please share this if you can. That'd be fantastic. Subscribe to the Rumble channel. Subscribe to the YouTube channel. If we'll, who knows, this will probably be censored on YouTube, so we might not have a channel after this. Here's the podcast on the screen. You could check it out. Listen wherever your podcast if you like it give it a five-star review. It helps push out the podcast Wherever you listen to it and if you give it a little description of like, you know Five-star and something about it in the Apple podcast. I'll read on the next episode obviously Because that's what we do here. We share we're a community. It's a movement. It's not a podcast. It's a movement And we're in this together. We're in this together. That's all I gotta say We are in this together through and through and I love you Thank you for listening to John and the Kogan show. I hope you share it. I hope you enjoyed listening. I hope you come back tomorrow. And we're just getting started, baby. We're gonna stream longer. We're gonna do more. I just gotta go right now. So I gotta call it, you know, I gotta cut it off right now. But thank you for being with me today. It's always good being with you. I'm Johnny K. I'm signing off. I'll see you later. Bye.