Soul Why? The Secrets Of The Soul Rich Woman Blueprint

Your Simple Guide To Manifesting Your Big Dream In Just Five Easy Steps

Show Notes

Your Simple Guide To Manifesting Your Big Dream In Just Five Easy Steps - ALLUORA SKINCARE

I want to move into my next space. So every day I showed up and I worked on my monsters. You got to feel energize to move forward with your dream. So I was excited, even though I had a lot of monsters to deal with.

I want to talk about your simple guide to achieving your big dream in just five easy steps.

Step 1: You have to shift your stuff.
Step 2: Dream big.
Step 3: Act as if.
Step 4: Keep your vibration high.
Step 5: Visualize your dream often.

In this episode, key takeaways:

1. Clear up the energy, and address the fear of commitment.
2. Audacious dreams for yourself. 
3. Share your vision, you got to keep moving and excite people. 
4. Attract the luck and wealth that you want for your dreams.
5. Create a mental video of you walking through your dream. 

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What is Soul Why? The Secrets Of The Soul Rich Woman Blueprint ?

Money & Me: Get anything you desire this year 5 Day Audio Program:
I believe we can change the world. But first, we’ve got to stop living in fear of being judged for who we are.
Hi I'm Genecia Alluora, Founder of the #1 Leading Female Entrepreneur Network in South East Asia supporting 1 Million women to Own & LOve The F-Word. Being fabulous, having freedom, financial independence and Family.

With a challenge to women everywhere to stop TALKING themselves out of their dreams, Soul Why? Secrets of The Soul Rich Woman Blueprint identifies the excuses to let go of, the behaviours to adopt, and the skills to acquire on the path to growth, confidence, and believing in yourself to be recognised as a leader online. Get clients online and to have more impact on the world!

Stop Believing THE Lies ABOUT Who You Are so You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be. You're Just an "F-Word" Away from The Life You Want, The Marriage You Want... The Family That You Want, Is Going To Be Fueled By The Business & Life You Build ... Join me, become a Soul Rich Woman. Alone we are strong, Together we are unstoppable!

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Genecia Alluora: This episode is brought to you by, the leading platform to launch your podcast in 48 hours and make it profitable. Get your free audiobook and free web class at I believe we can change the world. But first we've got to stop living in fear of being judged for who we are.

Genecia Alluora: Hi, I'm Genecia Alluora, founder of Soul Rich Woman, the Number One Leading Female Entrepreneur Network in Southeast Asia, supporting 1 million women to own and love the F word. Fabulous, freedom, financial independence, and happy family. Alone, you are strong. Together we are unstoppable. So go to, grab your free five day online program, Money and Me, how to get anything you desire. Welcome to my show.

Speaker 4: Hey, gorgeous. I'm Genecia Alluora, and welcome back to another episode of Soul Why Secrets of the Soul Rich Woman Blueprint. The podcast about making things easier and finding healing opportunities around money blocks, money mindset, marketing, and being in business for yourself and entrepreneurship. So thank you for rating and subscribing. Please share these within your business groups and friends. We would love to increase our listenership. And I want to get into those top ten list of podcasts if possible, so that will really help me out if you check that and just did a really quick review, it just helps people to find it. All right?

Genecia Alluora: In today's episode, I want to talk about your simple guide to achieving your big dream in just five easy steps. I believe you know that I own my own skincare brand, Alluora. In fact, I've been doing skincare for more than ten years. In fact, since 2006 when I became Miss Singapore Universe runner up and then winning the title of miss international Singapore. And in 2011, winning miss chinese cosmos singapore. I put all my knowledge together, and I have this keen interest in skincare because I had a very long schedule. We are in media, on the magazines, and I feel that having a skincare routine that is absolutely the most important canvas before applying any other makeup or any other things on your face, that is important. And also, having a good skincare routine builds confidence and give us the ability to shine through our life.

Genecia Alluora: In the last ten years, I was doing B to B. I have a partner who runs that site, and we supply skincare to salons and makeup artists. Recently, we have embarked on the platform TikTok, and we have been doing live streaming. On the platform there were a lot of discounts, a lot of sales, a lot of things that were possibly affecting my B two B business because I took my B two B products, which was my skincare MPUs, and we're selling it on the platform. And because my resellers, I have the B two B side, which is my resellers, my people who are taking MOQ a minimum order quantity from us, I didn't want to affect them. So my big dream has always been to launch my skincare business. By this time, I knew it was the time to launch the Alluora brand to the consumers instead of just to the B to B, which was the salons and makeup artists, et cetera.

Genecia Alluora: So I was like, okay, let's work on these things. As you know, when we have big dreams, big monsters come up. That's why I'm sharing with you this episode, right? How do you manifest or how do you achieve your big dream in just five easy steps? And maybe some of you may ask me why is it that I didn't start my skincare business earlier? I mean, using and leveraging on my fame and celebrity hood during the time? Well, because I was endorsing beauty brands. They are key opinion leaders for major brands. For example, I was key opinion leader for Laurel for a very long time, as well as SK Two for several years. And because of being their key opinion leaders, I didn't want to, in my world, have a conflict of interest to the things I was doing when they were inviting me to be key opinion leaders for brands and becoming judges for magazines, beauty campaigns.

Genecia Alluora: I just want to be as neutral as I can and most importantly, learn as much as I can. And I did put this into my B to B side. So now after so long and after so many years, I decided to, hey, it's time. So big monsters comes with big dreams. And I worked on it really hard because doing the mindset work is one of the key principles, especially you're working through your goals, your dreams. I didn't have an idea exactly what were the things or formulations that I wanted, but I knew I wanted the outcome, which was dewy, glowy skin. Because my family, we had a lot of pigmentation issues. My mom, we have pigmentation issues and I didn't want to have all these problems. So I dabbled in serums. I use a lot of different types of skincare to maintain my skin so that my skin is always glowy, dewy and always skin tone, even out, especially when we are in the media putting on makeup. Skin is like a canvas. If we have not good skin, then our makeup wouldn't go on so easily. And sometimes we meet people with our makeup on. How are we going to present our confidence? By skin bare, right?

Genecia Alluora: Naked skin. So I believe so long that beautiful skin. Having great skin is extremely important. So doing this skincare part to consumers was a big leap of faith. It really brought up a lot of stuff for me because I wasn't really doing skincare to consumers. It was more to behind the scenes, like b to b. And it is not something that is convenient in my mind. I had to do the mindset work to make space for the Alluora products to be born and exactly what range, how many products, what exactly I want to focus on. And this is what I had to do and how to do it to work on my mindset and flex my manifesting muscle. And you know what? I really knew that I have to make it work because I wanted to grow this opportunity on this platform called TikTok. And knowing that there's a huge opportunity right in front of me. Let me give you a context. In Singapore right now or in Southeast Asia, TikTok is huge and is growing especially they're investing a lot of resources, giving business owners the opportunity to grow.

Genecia Alluora: They put in a lot of discounts. They pump in a lot of money to do marketing for you. So if I'm not leveraging on this wave, then when, right? So there's always more money to be made. I told myself I really need to work on manifesting. There's always more money, right? I cannot just sit there and just be doing live streaming, doing videos and just selling other people's products, which is great, I mean, becoming the affiliate. But to me, I want to own my brand. Just like owning Soul Rich Woman. I want to have another $10 million. I mean, that's really something big. I want to move in. It $20 million. I want to move into my next space. So every day I showed up every day I worked on my monsters.

Genecia Alluora: Get motivated by your dream. Now, the thing is, I'm not bothered about making more money until I have a dream attached to it. You see, even though I talk about the 10 million, the $20 million, you need to have that motivation, that deep sense of why you want to do it. So you got to feel excited. You got to feel energizing to move forward with your dream. So I was excited, even though I had a lot of monsters to deal with. So here are some of my manifesting tips to build your dream. Launching your products or services. Well, whatever that may be. Number one, you have to shift your stuff. What comes up for you when you think about living your dream life or creating your own line of products or services and launching that business that you have always desired? For me, it was a load of fear. What if I'm not good enough? What if people think I'm too old now? What if they say, that your ex Miss Singapore, you're old now. You should have done it earlier. Why is that now? Oh, you are just full of cops webs. You are no longer famous. You are this and you are that.

Genecia Alluora: I have so much noises. So to clear up the energy, I had to work on this first. I also have to address my fear of commitment. Yeah, when you do skincare, when you do products, you really have to be committed, right? You want to transform your life. You have to show up and be committed as well. I did a lot of forgiveness work on everyone and everything involved. I did forgiveness work on myself, and I shifted a lot of shit just to make way for my Alluora skincare products. Number two is to dream big. Like, the amount of the sales figure, I was looking at, like 10 million, $20 million. It's like, wow. Can you imagine if the products will go around the world? Other than just being in Singapore? And I can put onto Amazon, I can go into different places. You have to put in the time to make these big, audacious dreams for yourself, like those ones that is very tingling and you feel, like, excited, but yet not sure what exactly is going to be a hit for you. You're kind of that excitement. You can set up a pinterest board or draw up your vision board and literally map that out for you.

Genecia Alluora: Your ideal life, your ideal house, your ideal job. And for me, I mapped out the products I wanted, how many products in which quantity and what kind of design I wanted, what kind of look and feel I wanted, what kind of formulations that I want to be addressing, what kind of ingredients exactly I wanted for my every single product, and what is the theme of my product. Okay, so wow, we got the dream big. Number three, act as if when I was working on my Alluora skincare range, I was thinking, wow, it's already out. And I was talking about it. And I was also leveraging on my B to B products, which I was already doing these skincare ampus I was already supplying to salons and also makeup artist. I took that and I put it on the platform and I shared about my dreams and as though already having it, and I presold the skincare founder sets for my allora products.

Genecia Alluora: Meaning like even before I launched, I shared my vision and the number of products, what exactly they are going to get for their skincare, even before it. Was there listed on the platform and there were people who supported me. So you got to share your vision, you got to act as eve and you got to keep moving, excite people. And it is what enabled me to be able to commit the number of quantity of the skincare range. And, of course, being able to know. That there are people, my customers, who supported me even though they have not seen my skincare products yet. They have not heard of anything yet. They put the money on the table and say yes, Genecia, I support you. So when you act as if there is an opportunity for you to build your confidence to a certain extent and borrow courage from the supporters who are supporting you in your big dreams.

Genecia Alluora: So I'm really very thankful to my Alluora skincare founders group. So, sisters and brothers, if you're listening in, I just want to say thank you so much. Okay? Number four is to keep your vibration high. Now, when you're talking about your products, your services that you want to. Launch your dream that you want to have, you have to keep the vibration high, the energy high. You got to have your crystals with you. For example, if you're into crystals, you can get your Cellar night, the Labradorite, you got to have your Rodo night and many other things to balance out your energy. Keep your aura light with you and keep your smoky and zesty lights with you as well.

Genecia Alluora: In any case, you can also build up your energy by doing meditation and go for morning walks or even continue to work with your mentor or coach to keep that motivation and vibration going. Because only when your vibration and energy is high that you can attract the luck and wealth that you want for your dreams and in your business. So that in itself is key. Number five, visualize your dream often now with the skincare product that has happened, for me, visualizing was one of the major stuff that was happening. What kind of look and feel I wanted, I visualized in the online store. I visualize it in the hands of my customers. I visualize that my customers enjoy using the skincare products I visualize everything possible.

Genecia Alluora: So I would love to hear from you. What are you visualizing? If you said, Genecia, I'm not too sure how I can visualize it. You can create a mental video of you walking through your dream house, your job, your relationship every day. And for me, I created this mental video of myself having all these customers selling it and they're good reviews and I would just watch it all the time in my head. So I would love to know what big dreams you are dreaming right now. What are you itching to create, attract and build? Look, it doesn't have to be a skincare product range, although if you need help to create one and you want me to help you to create a brand of your own on your own. Skincare line, hey, you can look for me or even becoming my affiliate or our reseller.

Genecia Alluora: Hey, you can use this to build your side hustle. All right? Or maybe it's just earning a few extra hundred dollars a week or more, being more relaxed lifestyle for your family. So when you release and forgive and finally deal with your money stuff, you'll be more empowered to feel in charge of your life and to be really open to receive what you are truly worth or meant to be. So I hope you enjoyed today's episode and remember this this is your time and you are ready for the next step.

Genecia Alluora: Hey, gorgeous. I can help you to build your dreams. Now you can work with me in my Money Mindset coaching program and mastermind community, Soul Rich Woman. The more you surround yourself with inspiring, successful and supportive people, the more you'll feel safe to dream. Let's clear all the old stories, beliefs and sabotages that are stopping you, holding you back and making you go round and round in circles and not allowing you to create your soul rich life, fabulous freedom, financial independence, and a happy family. It's fun and practical. That is Or simply email us at So come and join us.