Moni Talks Tech

In this episode of Moni Talks Tech, Moni talks about 'the one tool to rule them all' aka Zapier.

Show Notes

In this episode of Moni Talks Tech, Moni talks about 'the one tool to rule them all' aka Zapier. Get shit done in your business even while you're still asleep in bed with the power of automation. She shares 3 hot Zapier tips that will give you up to 5 hours a week back in your business to do whatever the fuck you want with!

As mentioned in the episode:
- Back up Zoom calls to Google Drive with Zapier
- Automatically push information over from your Facebook group directly into a Google sheet with Zapier

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- Follow Moni over on Instagram for more tech tips and tricks @monirocksyoursocks
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What is Moni Talks Tech?

Moni Talks Tech (and other things) is a show hosted by Monika Rabensteiner, a weird Austrian lady, who went on the journey to start her own business and is now here to tell the tale. But not only that: she will be caressing your earbuds with tips and tricks around tech tools and design - everything you need to make your online business work smarter not harder - and look better in the process.

Welcome to Moni Talks Tech and Other Things, the podcast where service based business owners and coaches like you can walk away with simple tips and tricks to level up your business and defeat the ultimate end boss, your dreaded tech set up. Are you ready for this then? Let's go.

Good morning and welcome to another episode of Moni Talks Tech. Why do I say good morning? I dunno, because you might be listening to this way later in the day, but for me it's currently at 9:30 AM and I have my coffee in my hand, which I won't sip while I'm recording this. So I am just watching it get cold, but apparently cold coffee makes you prettier, so maybe that's gonna help, I don't know. But , hi and welcome to another episode. You might think nine 30 what a late time to start today, but I'm fine with it.

And do you know why I can do it. I can do it because I have systems do work for me while I do other stuff. And I am not an early riser. I've never been and I never will be. I will take my time in the morning because I can. That's the biggest benefit for me of having, my own business, is I can get up when the fuck I want and I can go to bed whenever the fuck I want. Well, that's kind of a bit connected to the weirdo, which is my partner , when I go to bed, but not as much anymore. This is too much, rambling for an early morning. So let's just dive right in. Today's episode, I will give you and share with you a few things that will make your life so much easier and will bring you back at least three hours of your time.

And what I'm talking about are Zaps and if you don't know what a Zap is, you are probably wasting a lot more hours on your business than you would need to . I think you've probably heard of the tool already. It's called Zapier. It's the one tool to rule the all and it will really, really improve how you do business and it will really help you take time back for yourself because Zapier is a tool that can help you automate. And oftentimes tools are cool and integrate natively with each other. So you can often just connect something to your email marketing tool without having to take a different route or not do it all together. But if your tools don't speak with each other natively, then Zapier most likely will be able to do that. So let me just give you one example. Everybody currently loves Flodesk.

Flodesk is a new email marketing tool. It makes really, really pretty emails. It doesn't need a lot of technology from you. It's mainly made to look pretty and to make it easy to use and have emails that are fancier than what you're used to from Active Campaign or from ConvertKit. Now, not a lot integrates with Flodesk natively. If you have a ThriveCart account where you sell all your things that doesn't connect naturally, you need something else to connect to. And Zapier, for example, is a tool that can help you do that. And there are lots of things that you do on a day-to-day basis that you can easily automate by using Zapier to do this for you. So in this episode, I'm gonna give you three examples that will reduce the time you spend on your business. Let's get right to it.

Number one, you're a coach who has coaching calls regularly during the week, maybe on multiple days, maybe on just one day. But you have a good five to ten hours of coaching calls that are happening during your week. Maybe more. After you've done all your coaching calls, you or your VA will go into your Zoom account and start to download all the coaching calls and upload them onto Google Drive because you want to save them there and you haven't paid for this upgrade of Zoom, which is by the way, really expensive. Where can use more space up on Zoom, right? This is where Zapier comes in. Zapier can automatically back up every call recording on your cloud onto your Google Drive. I will put the link to the article and to the Zap below in the show notes, especially when it comes to video footage, the uploading time and the downloading time of the videos alone. And then having somebody else do this for you, sit to round uploading them. It just takes away so much time, which oftentimes you can't do anything else because the entire bandwidth is already sucked up by this one task.

Number two, you probably also love data. Data is really important to know where you're going in your business, how well things perform, where you can improve. But it also takes a lot of time to get all that information into a system where you can look after it and look over it, not if you have Zaps. You can make this easier for you by creating Zaps that will let's say Zap in every email campaign that went out, an active campaign into an Airtable that where you then only need to to go in and type in the latest sends and opens and click through rates for example. Or you create is Zaps that will push all your new leads that you get through Dubsado or through your website, right into a spreadsheet where you then have all the leads collected in one place and you don't need to manually carry that over and don't need to spend or waste time. And not that it's wasting time to look after your leads, but it is a waste of time if you need to do all of this manually instead of having this happen automatically via Zap for example. When we talk about metrics, what you can also do is have your latest Instagram posts get Zapped into a spreadsheet, an Airtable or somewhere that you collect the data basically, which then makes it possible that you already have all your posts in there. Then you just need to take some time to put all the data in that you want to collect.

There's shares and likes and comments and stuff like that, but at least you have all the posts already collected in there and then you can go from there, which also immediately will save time and it will be easier for you to just go into it, look at the post, or you can even carry the post link over and then you simply need to click at the perma link in your spreadsheet and you'll be redirected immediately to that one post that you Zapped into there and then can just take the data from there.

And now onto the third point, that can also save you a bunch of time. So let's say you also use Slack in your business, you can set up different kinds of Zaps. So whenever you post something in a specific channel, things happen. So let's say you have, channel that collects all your client testimonials or social proof for example.

So you can set up a Zap that whenever you post an image into this channel, it will automatically upload to Google Drive or to Dropbox for example. Or if you are collecting email addresses for a Facebook group and you want to automatically push them into your email marketing tool, for example, just when you post them in a channel, you can set up a Zapp for that, that whenever you type in something in this channel, it'll automatically be added to your email marketing tool, email marketing tool of your choice by the way. As a side note here, there is also a tool where you can automatically push information over from your Facebook group directly into a Google sheet. It's called Group Funnels. I will post a link in the show notes as well and it's really neat. You will also need Zapier for that, but at the same time, you don't need to go into a separate tool. You can just immediately add these people on, click on in the Facebook group into your email marketing tool, which is also pretty neat. But check out the show notes for more information about that. I totally didn't just point down with my fingers to show you that it's in the show notes even though you can't see me. , you can also have create a task based on messages in your channel or based on the fact that you've been mentioned somewhere and create a task in Asana or in ClickUp or in Trello for you if you want.

So those are all things that you can source out for yourself that are just really helping you to reduce all the manual steps in your working processes. And that doesn't mean that they need to be big immediately. Like you would wonder why would I want to have an automatic task set up when I can just go there and set it up myself? It just takes me two minutes. But have you ever sat down and add it up, all these just two minute tasks that you're doing throughout your entire day? I am sure you will be able to add that up to at least one hour, maybe two hours a day, depending on what you do. And if you add that up on your entire week, you will. It will blow your mind how much time you spend on just tiny little tasks that something else could otherwise pick up for you and Zapier is very often the tool that can do that for you.

If you need any help with that, you can find me on Instagram at MoniRocksYourSocks, and you can slide into my DMs and I can totally help you with a tech setup or creating your website. I'm also offering VIP days. You will be able to soon find that on Instagram and more information about that if that's what you need for you and your next launch. And in the meantime, I can't wait to hear your thoughts. You can tag me on Instagram, you can message me, you can email me, you can reach out via my website, So I can't wait to hear from you and see you again next week for another amazing episode. All Things Tech, which I am sure you love very, very much. See you then.