We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.
I was born to kill it.
I was meant to win.
I am down and willing,
so I will find a way.
It took a minute,
now it didn't happen right away.
When it get hot in the kitchen,
you decide to stay.
That's how it win us, man.
Stick a fork in the hate around.
What is going on, everybody?
Welcome to the Clydesdale Media Podcast,
where we are featuring the
athletes of the 2024
CrossFit Games Semifinals.
So pumped to have with me Carissa Stapp.
What's going on, Carissa?
Oh, nothing much.
How are you doing?
This is my fourth show of the day.
You athletes think you have it tough.
Oh, man.
No, this sounds hard.
I get nervous to do one interview, so...
Yeah, yeah.
This is number four for me.
But I love doing it.
I wouldn't want to do
anything else in life.
But then to talk to you guys.
Many of you have become my
friends over the years.
And this is your third year
in a row you've been on the show.
Oh, yeah.
I'm always excited to be back.
It's always exciting.
Got a little streak going.
Got to keep it going.
I have to keep it going now.
But I heard...
right before we went on the
air that you said you were
not planning on going
individual this year.
What was the plan?
Well, at first we had a plan.
Like I was just going to
have a plan of just going a
little easier this year.
We're going to do like a
team just for fun at CrossFit Billings.
So we had a team like all
set up and then just things
just kind of kept happening
throughout the year where,
It's like maybe like one of our guys,
his Achilles snapped.
And so that was kind of just
the first thing that we're all just like,
you know,
maybe this isn't the right year for team.
And and I was thinking maybe
I would just take a year
off competing because after last year,
I was like, you know,
maybe I just need like a year off.
And then but I got it.
then I decided, man,
I'll just do quarterfinals for fun.
But then I didn't want to
just do quarterfinals and not try.
But I was like, you know what?
If I, if I end up in the top 40,
I end up in the top 40.
If not, if not, but now, now that I'm in,
I'm really excited to be
going back to semifinals.
So, so when the quarterfinals were over,
you were on the outside
looking in like 42nd place.
I think it was.
So I was, um, and I was, yeah,
I didn't really feel very
great with my semi funnels
were not semi funnels,
quarter funnels workouts overall.
So like I said,
I wasn't really expecting
to go individual and I was like, Oh,
just do these for fun.
And, um, so after being outside the top 40,
I was like, well,
I don't know.
I know that there'll
probably be a couple of
people that didn't end up
going individual,
like either go on team or masters.
So like, well,
there's still probably a
good chance I'll be in, but if not,
then I'll just have to be
okay with that this year.
And then, yeah,
after all the penalties started happening,
I bumped up a little bit.
So I'm like, well, okay, I'm in,
we're doing it.
Ready for semifinals now.
So penalty gate happens.
Are you...
are you nervous about your
workouts or because you
were just doing it for fun?
Were you okay with whatever
the outcome was?
I was, I was okay with what,
whatever it was going to be.
So I was like, if I,
cause I think we talked about last year,
I've been doing a lot of
writing and things like that too.
So like, you know, if I don't make it,
then I'll just put some
focus onto that refocus next year.
Cause I wanted to try to go
individual again next year.
So yeah,
I was kind of just okay with
whatever happened.
And, um, yeah, I do always believe, like,
I believe that God has a plan for us too.
So I'm like, you know what,
whatever's going to happen
happens either way.
Like that's,
that's the path I should be on.
So were you on the,
I love it teams earlier this decade?
I was on 2021.
I went on with, I love it.
And you were there for a couple years,
and then last year you moved back home.
yeah yes so I'm in I'm in
billings now and um yeah
just because my family all
lives out here so it's been
really nice to just kind of
be closer to them and my
sister just had a baby so
it's nice being by the
family and then yeah so we
were gonna make like a
billings team this year and
which we might end up doing
that in like the next
couple years too just
because we have we have a
good little group here so
um I might end up doing
that but yeah it just
didn't end up being the
year for it this year
So, so after being home for a little while,
was that, was that the right choice?
I think so.
I think I just needed, um,
I definitely can get,
I feel like this probably
happens to a lot of athletes,
but like the all or nothing
mentality where you just
kind of put other things on
your life on hold and then
just get ultra focused on, um,
competing and all that sort of stuff.
And I think just being
closer to home and just
allowing myself like a little step back.
I just,
I think I'm enjoying competing and
a lot more now than I was.
So, yeah,
I think if you're not enjoying it,
what's the point in doing it?
Yeah, exactly.
And I think like,
I started feeling that a
couple of years ago, I was like,
I'm not doing it this month that much.
And then last year I am like
having a couple injuries
going into some of my funnels.
So I like took some pressure
off myself competing.
And I actually had like the
most fun ever competing last year.
And so like, well, you know,
maybe I need to just like
not take as seriously,
like still be in it and focus,
but like not be like that
all or nothing mentality kind of with it.
So, and that's,
I think that's made it a
lot more enjoyable this year.
and I think I interviewed you last
year at the West.
It was an interesting setup there,
and that large field was
something different.
But you had a good time?
yeah I did actually have a
good time I am yeah just
because I feel like I
didn't have as much
pressure like on myself
like that I just mentally
put on myself I just kind
of went out for each I
obviously I'm nervous
before each event and
everything but I kind of
just went out with each
event like you know what I
can only do what I can do
just gonna have fun with it
and yeah I had I had a fun
time I didn't have a fun
time on the the ruck vest
ring muscle ups because I
failed every single rep so
that one wasn't fun but all
the other ones were fun
So tell me how this works.
So you're at I Love It.
Gabby's at I Love It.
You have Mitchell and Carrie there.
And then you all go – now
you're all individual in the West.
Is it like a reunion?
It is.
It is.
I know that this year – I
don't think Mitch is going this year.
I think he's just I think
he's taken this year.
So I don't get to see Mitch and Carrie,
but I get to see Gabby.
So it is going to be like
we've been messaging.
We are going to stay together.
And it's been that's how it
was kind of last year to a
fun little reunion.
And then.
So it's going to be a fun
time getting back together with Gabby.
And yeah.
And and she qualified really high.
Yeah, she was like seventh place.
So that's exciting.
Cause I, she was one of the,
she might like the second
interview I've done for the
second or third.
And, uh, yeah,
like I getting to know you
guys over the years, like,
I don't think people understand how,
how much like it makes me
root for you guys and look
for you on the leaderboard and like,
where are they this year?
And do I get to talk to them again?
Well, I was excited talking to you.
I feel like this is such a
fun thing to do.
And yeah, so yeah, I'm excited that Gabby,
like she was so high up there.
And yeah, it's just been,
I think it's going to be a fun time.
So we'll see.
When you get there and you want to,
it sounds like that's what
you want to happen is to
have a good time.
That's like my,
I feel like I'm trying to
just be just really
appreciative of everything
and just go in and enjoy everything.
I like the events a lot this year,
especially the running one, of course,
like that's going to be great.
And that starts your week off right.
oh yeah that's what I think
of like first workout is it
gonna be a good one so
that's I mean I feel like
day one's gonna be really
good and it might just it
might go down a little bit
after that but I feel like
that I'm like the same
thing you know I can't
really do it like where I'm
at is where I'm at this
year so I can only do what
I can do um so I'm trying
just to kind of go in with
each one like that and I
tested all the workouts
last week and I actually
did better on like the leg
of stroke climbs and ring
muscle ups and I thought so
I think it'll be fun
and they didn't weight you down on
the ring muscle-up.
Yeah, that's what I'm like.
You know what?
If there's no rec vest,
I won't be failing
muscle-ups for the whole workout.
So that's going to be better.
Right, right.
Makes you enjoy it better.
What would happen if
hypothetically Gabby
qualifies and you're there?
Would you be just as excited for her?
I'll definitely be excited for Gabby.
I think like, like I said,
I think just because like
this year I wasn't really
even expecting to go individual.
I think it'd just be really cool to see.
I mean,
I obviously of course still want to go to,
but like even Gabby going would be,
would be super cool.
I mean,
like Mitchell's been so close every year.
like like I think I would be
excited if mitchell because
I've been following him for
years and he's like just
been on the door um but so
let's let's get back to you
so event one if people
don't know about carissa
the girl can run like
there's no doubt you can run
my favorite thing you look
at event one do you look at
that and say like man I
want I want a top five
Yes, that's definitely,
I feel like the last,
cause the last couple of years, um,
the long events,
cause I got third place in
like that long running
event two years ago,
fourth place in the long one last year.
So I definitely want like
top five in that running workout.
And, um,
I like that it's mostly running
cause I feel like the other
parts have those long
workouts were kind of the
spots I kind of fell behind a little bit.
So, um, I like this workout a lot.
So do you look,
did you look at Europe at all today?
No, I'm actually going to later.
I haven't looked at yet,
but that's what I need to
do tonight is catch up on
everything that's been going on.
So I haven't seen what's happening yet.
Is there...
Well, I mean, I watched it.
So you can't see the run too
much because they leave the
facility and run.
And, you know, CrossFit,
it's not streaming event one.
So it's like just a still
camera in the arena.
They have the bar set up in a square.
So you come in and you go to
your bar on the square and
then you do your stuff and
then you have to go around
the rest of the square and out.
So everybody has to run the same distance,
which makes it interesting
because you start on your
specific spot in the square.
And so naturally some people
get out the door quicker
because they're closer to the door.
But that means when they come back in,
they have to go all the way
around the square to get to their spot,
And so I think the thing I
learned the most is if
you're a great runner,
it's how do you manage the
clean and jerks so they
don't take too much out of you.
that's definitely how I felt last
weekend when I tested it out.
Cause it's definitely like
the 10 clean and jerks
going into like that, you know,
first 400 of the next 800,
you're definitely kind of
feeling it a little bit.
So for me,
I'm like definitely doing like
knock and do any touch and go reps,
just definitely all singles.
And then just like do a rep, take a step,
come back, do another rep,
take a step back.
That way you can kind of
keep the heart rate down a
little bit on that as much as you can,
and then just try to hit
the runs as hard as you can.
Yeah, no two athletes are the same,
but if anybody's close to what you are,
I would say Amy Kringle
would be that person.
She's won a couple of the
long events in semifinals past.
She was winning the event
the entire time until the
last four clean and jerks.
Oh, man.
I need to watch it.
And she took a very
different approach to the
clean and jerk than other athletes did.
She actually went touch and
go for many of them.
Oh, man.
And so I wondered in my head
if she would have went
singles sooner or maybe all
the way through,
could she have finished in first place?
Oh yeah.
I do feel like that singles is the way,
like just for me, that's what I think.
Maybe there's,
it does work good for some people,
but when I tested it,
I feel like that singles
right from the start,
because I feel like it kind
of keeps your heart rate
kind of the same as it is
on the run and not too much
of a big jump.
Because when I do touch and goes like that,
it really spikes my heart rate.
So the person she finished with,
went singles the whole way
and then went touch and go
on the last round when that
was the end of the workout, right?
You don't have to go back out.
At that point I'm like, okay, if I feel,
if I feel good,
the last one I'll do touch
and goes there.
I, when I practiced it,
I still did singles.
Cause I'm like, Oh, I'm a little tired.
that's what made up the difference.
She couldn't,
she couldn't hold the bar for
more than two reps in that last round.
And the other person went like five, three,
two, something like that.
man yeah there's gonna be a
lot to think about with
this one there was only
three seconds difference
between oh man that's a
that's a tight race that's
that's a fun but like
stressful race right right
so yeah so so is it really
just top five are you you
trying to win it I mean of
course in my heart I'm like
I want to win it
We'll see.
I know that like,
like Emily Rolfe is going to be there.
So I'm like, you know,
she's really good at that.
We'll have to see.
But yeah,
I think it's just going to be like, how,
how much do I want to push
the runs and be uncomfortable in that?
And then, yeah,
cause I do think that for me, since I do,
I, I am a better runner than
I mean, I feel like that that way,
the 125 pound bar is not super heavy,
but still like,
I feel like I'm better at
running than the lifting.
So I feel like for me,
just singles on that,
that way I can like really
maximize on the run if I can.
And you,
you took third at that one at
Granite Games.
It was a lot of running, but it had like,
sled pushes right yeah sled
pushes and like the burpees
over the line and assault
uh echo bike all that stuff
mixing so it had some power
output stuff with it too oh
yeah sled pushes in the
echo yeah it's gonna be
interesting I it'll be fun
to watch I that's
definitely the one I'm most
excited for I'm just like
I'm ready ready for that
one is there any of the
other five that you kind of
look forward to
I actually really like event two as well.
I practiced that and I was
kind of nervous about that one,
but I actually really enjoyed it,
testing it.
And I do think it's just that like more,
like longer,
type of workout well that's
not like super super long
but you can it's more like
steady pace you know
instead of just like I
don't like the super fast
sprints very much but um I
feel like that one is a
little more steady where
you just manage it the
right way and stay a little
more composed during it
which I i like those kind
of workouts so day one I
really like both events on
day one but well you're
only doing one event on day
one only one event oh yeah yes yes
In my head,
I keep practicing the first two
on day one, and so I'm like, oh, yeah.
Don't have to worry about that.
Yeah, it's one, two, three this year.
Oh, man.
Yeah, so it'll be good.
It'll be good.
Is that good for you, though, that, like,
the last day, you're an endurance athlete,
so on day three,
you have to do three
workouts at the end of a weekend.
There are going to be some
people that just the wear
and tear of the weekend is
going to get to them on that day.
Yeah, I do.
I do like the I do like having more stuff.
I do feel like that's good to me.
Good for me for some things
like ring muscle ups at the very end.
I mean,
that's something even though
they're not weighted,
that's still movement that
I'm not super excited about.
So I do think that's gonna
be the biggest thing for me
is knowing half the ring
muscle ups at the last workout,
and just not getting
wrapped up and trying to do
too big of a set to start.
And just being like, okay,
I'm going to be sore.
That's going to be the
movement I have to manage a
little bit if I want to
still finish that workout.
Yeah, yeah.
Oh yeah.
But I think overall it's going to be good.
I, I'm excited for,
I don't know about the
handstand walking is if
there's obstacles in that or not.
So that's what I'm like.
I'm excited to find that out.
And then I'll know,
cause I really like
handstand walking and I like rowing.
So if it's no obstacles,
I'm really excited for that one.
There is obstacles.
I'm like not as excited.
So last year when we talked to you,
we talked about that.
You are also a writer.
So, and you had,
that was one of the reasons
you had moved back to
Montana was to have some time to do that.
I know I've seen,
I've actually read some of them,
but you have been posting
online some of your writing.
Um, how's that going so far?
It's going, it's going really good.
I, um, I started a
cause I'm coaching a lot more and
stuff now this year.
So I don't have as much time as last year,
but I've definitely made it
like still a big chunk of
the stuff I've been doing.
And, um, I,
so last year I had wrote like
my finished up my first novel and, um,
like looking back now just
with another year of learning stuff,
I'm like, okay,
that wasn't as great as I thought.
So, um, I actually wrote over the summer,
I wrote another,
another first draft of a
novel that I've been like, um,
going through draft two the
past few months.
And I just finished like the
first third of it.
I've been publishing on this
website called sub stack.
I've been publishing my chapters on there.
And so I've been not,
I feel like really good with this book.
And so, but the same thing,
I'm like trying to like not
rush through it,
just be really intentional, just,
you know, like fitness stuff,
like learning as I go,
making a good base with it.
So that's the biggest thing
I've been working on this
year is trying to get that, uh,
that book finished well the
second draft finished
because I have it all
written out um and that's
the one I do feel like I
could have potentially
published so that's kind of
my that's why I'm like
that's why I think I was
okay if I didn't make some
my finals and like I can
put a lot more emotional
focus onto the book when
I'm competing I'm like
And I want to be in competing mode.
When you put it on Substack,
is it there to get input
from people to see like,
do you need to make changes
or is it just so you're like,
you feel like you've delivered something?
kind of both because the nice thing
about that sub stack is it
is there's just like a ton
of writers on it too.
So I have been getting, you know,
I can share some people
like there's some people at
the gym that like to read this stuff.
So I put it on there so they can see it.
And yeah,
you can get feedback from people.
and then it's also just kind
of a way for me to kind of
be building like a writing
portfolio because I've been
trying to put other
articles on there too just
about like fitness related
stuff as well kind of
making like a fit like I
call the page fitness and
fantasy because I'm trying
to kind of blend both parts
of my life in that so I do
write some other articles
on there and it's mostly
just a way to like kind of
share my writing journey
because I feel like especially I've
for me, when I look at other writers,
I'm like, wow, they're so good.
I'm not that good.
So I probably shouldn't be a writer.
Like, no, that's not,
that's not what you do.
Like this like fitness stuff.
You can't like start CrossFit and be like,
I'm not a semi-finalist athlete when I
So I should not just try.
So I think that's just like a way to like,
cause I like to see people's journeys,
like seeing them progress through stuff.
So that's kind of what I've
been doing on that is just
trying to show like my
journey with it and share
my novel that I've been working on.
I am really excited about this book,
so it'll be good.
and I'm sure it's just like a lot of
things in life, right?
You talked about fitness being that way,
that you don't start as a semifinalist.
You have to kind of work your way to it.
If I go back and watch one
of my old podcasts, like, it's cringy,
Like, what was I thinking?
And now you have a great show.
well I'm definitely more
comfortable with it today
than I oh yeah I was back
then and um like like I
told you before I didn't
take any notes down because
I've talked to you enough
and I been following your
career and like I could
never have done that three
years ago oh yeah yeah it's
yeah just like I feel like
even that with coaching too
like I usually get so
nervous coaching classes
and coaching people and now
I'm like yeah just so
comfortable being at
front of people and coaching
and like seeing cues I need
to fix some people same
with fitness and writing
and yeah like I said like I
look back at my book and
I'm the same way I'm like
oh that's cringy so when
you so when you're editing
your book do you have a
hard time saying stop stop
editing this is um
It's weird because I
definitely like the first
draft writing a lot more
because I can just like be
in my own world and just
kind of write what I want to write.
And if there's like a line a
character needs to say that
I know needs to sound good
and I can't think of
anything that sounds good,
I just like leave a blank line.
And I'm like, all right, just keep going.
So I actually do like that
first draft writing part.
I've had to, I think, train myself for it.
So when I first started writing,
I would write like a
paragraph and go back and
edit it like while I was writing.
And then I wouldn't get anywhere.
And I think I've the past, I guess,
just like a year and a half
or two years that I've
really been focusing on writing.
I've gotten better at just
writing good first.
Well, not a good first draft,
but just like getting my ideas out.
So I know I enjoy that a lot more.
than the editing.
So the editing,
I actually have been
getting really frustrated
editing it because I'm like, okay,
I know like what I need to
be setting up in this scene.
But if I'm like too tired
that day or like it's not
connecting with me,
it's just like frustrating
because like it's not
working the way I want it to.
But then the next day I
could come back with like a
fresh head and be like, oh,
I know everything I need to fix in it.
And then those days I can't stop editing.
But it's like the good days I'm like,
oh yeah,
I can fix this whole thing right now.
The bad days I'm like,
This is the worst book.
I'm the worst writer ever.
Throw my book in the trash.
I tried to do some documentary work
last year and I really enjoyed it.
I enjoyed like instead of
like an hour with each
athlete or a half an hour
with each athlete,
like spending a weekend
with them and then putting
together like the whole documentary.
but I found myself like
tweaking and like graphics
like kept tweaking graphics
and at some point I had to
say to myself like stop it
like it's just you just
need to get it out like
yeah and so like I learned
like I had to put hard
deadlines on myself because
if I didn't like I would tweak forever
Oh yeah.
I think that the deadlines,
cause that's what I did.
That's how I think training
myself to just like be able to write.
It's like, okay,
this week I have to write
10,000 words or what,
however many words I could
fit in that week.
Like it doesn't matter right
now how it sounds.
I'm editing it later.
Like 10,000 words just need
to come out or else I would
go back and be like, Oh,
well this paragraph,
I can fix that thing.
I'm like, no, that's for later.
Are you going to do some
more documentary stuff this year?
so I'm actually not going to semis this
I'll probably do.
I don't know.
I, I really enjoy it.
So I'll probably,
I think I'm going to pivot
to something more like that
for a little bit anyway.
Oh yeah.
I think.
So the last year,
like we followed Emily Rolfe, Kelly Baker,
Alex Kazan, and a master's athlete,
Rudy Berger through the games, um,
And I put that together and that's,
that was awesome.
Oh yeah.
That stuff is, I like,
I love that sort of things too.
Cause like I said,
I love seeing people's journeys.
Cause we always just see
like the end product of so
many people and you're like, oh man,
I'm not that good.
I can't do that.
But then when you see like
journeys that people take
to get where they are,
I think that's cool.
So yeah.
And so like my co-host Jamie, I did,
I did some like,
like she was my first full
length documentary, like I 90, 90,
a hundred minutes long.
And it was just her
quarterfinals weekend in
the master's division.
And it was, it was really cool.
I really enjoyed it, but enough about me.
We're not here about me.
Back to you.
So with semifinals coming up,
what is a realistic goal for you?
Is it just to have fun and
maybe learn some stuff again this year?
Um, yeah, I think like,
that's what I'm trying to, of course,
you know,
there's always the part in your
head that's like,
maybe this year I'm making games.
So I'm like,
that's going to be there no
matter what I think.
But, um, I do,
I am really trying to make
it like my goal is to just go in and like,
kind of compete,
compete with it while enjoying it.
It's like go out.
When I first started CrossFit,
I really just liked being able to, like,
even if it was in class or whatever,
just going out there and
competing and doing what I
felt like I kind of knew how to do from,
competing in college and things like that.
so that's kind of my goal is just to go
in and just not get wrapped
up in everything else.
Just focus on what I can do
and have fun with it.
I would like to have, like,
it would be nice to have, like I said,
it'd be great to win an event.
Like if I could win event one, or, um,
I think if I could just, yeah,
place like similarly last year,
I know that there was more
people in the field last year.
So kind of however that, um,
evens out this year.
So kind of place similarly to last year.
I think that there's like three
events I'm nervous for,
like the legless rope climb
ring muscle-up, the snatch ladder,
I'm not super excited for either.
and then there's the other three
workouts I feel pretty good with.
So I'm like, you know,
I'm just going to have to see,
see how it plays out this year.
And yeah, I've learned a few things too.
And yeah, just have fun.
And it's just super fun just
seeing the more,
like the more years I go to semifinals,
the more athletes I get to know.
And so I kind of just get
excited about seeing all
the athletes again and like
You know,
just talking to people that I
talked with last year.
You don't see them for a full year.
Everyone's training,
doing the same thing all year long.
And that's kind of cool to reconnect.
So, yeah,
the big goal is just to have fun.
But, of course,
there's a part of my head like, you know,
this could be the year.
These are great workouts.
So we'll see.
But, yeah.
So my last question is,
you have this iconic event,
the snatch ladder.
It's not in your wheelhouse,
but it's been done 2016 regionals,
2021 West Coast Classic,
and now it's coming back
for this semifinal.
Even though it's not your wheelhouse,
is there a part of you
that's excited just to say
you've done it and to see
how far you can get?
Oh, yeah, yeah, definitely.
I do think I do like that,
like that kind of lifting
workout better than just a
one rep max anyway.
So there's definitely part
of me that's excited to see
how far because my max snatch is 180.
So like I could snatch at 175 if I can,
if I feel really great that weekend,
and I manage the snatches
before it good without
time capping so um yeah I
definitely want I
definitely am excited to
see how far I can get I
just don't think it's going
to be like my best placing
event but I am still
excited for it because I do
think that's going to be
like I will enjoy that
event more than um like a
one rep max snatch because
I don't like the one reps
yeah you're definitely on
the the smaller side for
the athletes um and your
endurance is your is the
name of your game
Yes, definitely like that stuff more.
Well, Chris, as always,
it's been a treat having
you on this year.
I want to wish you very,
very much luck this week away now.
Yeah, yeah.
One week.
I'm ready now.
And we'll be rooting for you.
Oh, thank you.
And thanks for doing all
these interviews too.
It's always fun.
I always get excited.
My favorite time of the year.
Oh, yes.
With that, thank you, everybody,
for joining us.
Thank you to Carissa for being here.
And we'll see everybody next
time on the Clydesdale Media Podcast,
where we're featuring the
athletes of the 2024
CrossFit Games Semifinals.
Bye, guys.