The Man Warrior King Podcast

In this episode, discover a completely renewed take on life. Far from the passivity-inducing "God is in control of everything" paradigm, the way Jesus teaches us to live is as those who carry authority. Authority over darkness. Authority over disease. Authority to bless and to curse. Authority to decree God's promises into your life. You need to stop assuming that everything that happens to you is God's will.

It's time for you to search out what his will actually is, and then use your authority to shape your life into an example of heaven on earth.

If you haven't yet, be sure to grab The DNA of a Man.

Also, if you're interested in working with Matt one-on-one in the Unshakeable Man coaching here to download the PDF writeup about the program and book a free 30 minute REBUILD coaching call with Matt.

00:00:01-Introduction to Authority
00:04:53-Understanding 'Exousia' and Delegating Authority
00:11:37-Victim Mentality vs. Authority
00:20:25-Shifting Mindsets and Declaring Promises
00:26:04-Blessing Others with Authority
00:29:48-Speaking Life Over Your Circumstances
00:30:30-Aligning Thoughts and Taking Action

Creators & Guests

Matt Hallock
Founder of Man Warrior King and author of The DNA of a Man

What is The Man Warrior King Podcast?

You want to live a life on fire and on mission.

You want to be filled with such conviction and drive that you stop caring about what ANYone thinks.

You want to face each day alive, authentic, and fully present in every moment: with your wife, kids, on the street, at the gym, at work.

You want to bring yourSELF to the table, and to stop bringing the watered-down, nice, what everyone wants version of you.

You want that self to be a man who is burning in passion for Jesus, unafraid to bring his kingdom to anyone in your path, no matter the cost.

You want to love the one in front of you without fear, without needing love back, and without reserve.

You want to experience God for real, to not just believe, but to KNOW that he’s got you and that he’ll show up on your behalf. That he’ll show up THROUGH you.

You want to get to the end of your race and say, “Yep…I gave it everything. Jesus, you know I’m all in.”

...And you want to know just how to get there.

Welcome to Man Warrior King. Congratulations. You are among the violent taking the kingdom by force. You are among the chosen, answering the call to rise above your self. You are in the forge being stripped down and strengthened—and you WILL rise stronger, solid, unshakeable.

You are a man. You are a warrior. You are a king.

00:01 - 00:39
Speaker 1: Good evening, gentlemen. Welcome to the next episode of the Man Warrior King podcast. I'm your host, Matt Halleck. I'm the founder of the Man Warrior King movement, author of the book, The DNA of a Man. Pick it up if you haven't. Head over to, check out what we got going on there but today right now I want to talk with you about authority and don't worry it's not the same old boring stuff about authority submitting to authority and stuff like that. I know that that's important at times. I get it. I know that message has

00:39 - 01:18
Speaker 1: been preached time and time again. I want to talk to you about authority in a different way. And it comes from the gospels themselves, gentlemen. From the Gospels themselves gentlemen the Gospels I am of the opinion by the way that the Gospels are so much more rich than maybe we realize Because you know when you read certain places in the Bible a thousand times, well I don't know, I've never read any part of the Bible a thousand times, sorry to say, but you know when you read places in the Bible over and over and over again

01:19 - 02:02
Speaker 1: and you just kind of end up at times accidentally checking out like, okay, oh, I know what this part says, let me skip ahead to the next paragraph. You know how that happens? It can happen a lot in the gospels because I don't know about you, but for me, I grew up in church. I've heard all the Bible stories that there are, you know, I'm very familiar with all this stuff. And so we can just end up losing the depth, the richness, the power of what God is actually trying to communicate by giving us an insider's

02:02 - 02:46
Speaker 1: view on the life of Jesus. So we are going to talk about this idea of authority from Matthew 10. In Matthew 10, it's 1 of my favorite chapters of all the gospels. It has been for a long time. I've and it's and the reasons why have morphed over the years. I think it started off, I think it was 1 of my favorites even way back when I was in college. And and now it still is 1 of my favorites, but for, but yes, for quite different reasons. But this chapter starts off verse 1 saying, Jesus called

02:46 - 03:48
Speaker 1: his disciples to him, and he gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness. He gave them authority. I want you to think with me for a moment about the implications of what we are reading there. Because it is normal and natural for us to think about authority and think first about how God is in authority. That goes without saying, right? It's, it's, yes, he is the supreme being in all the universe. Nobody is higher than him. Nobody can boss him around. He makes decisions and he has to report to

03:48 - 04:43
Speaker 1: nobody but the others in the Trinity That's how you know, that's how we think that yeah, we obey God He's he's in charge. My life goes according to whatever it is that he wants, all that. But that, that is not what's happening in this verse. And so what is really going on here? What is what is happening in this transfer? So I want to share with you some of the some of the Greek of what this word that's translated authority means. That word can also be translated in Scripture as power. So it could be Jesus saying,

04:43 - 05:54
Speaker 1: I give you power to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and every sickness. But some translations call it authority. So what is the Greek here? The Greek word for authority is exousia. If I'm pronouncing it right, it may or may not be, I don't know. But Strong says that exusia means force, capacity, competency, freedom. That's an interesting 1. Or mastery. Like to take control of. It can even mean superhuman mastery. Delegated influence, jurisdiction, liberty, power, the right, strength. So imagine this, Jesus saying, hey everybody gather around. I am now giving you the mastery

05:54 - 06:44
Speaker 1: over unclean spirits. I am now giving you the superhuman power to heal every sickness and every disease. I am now allowing you to have jurisdiction over demons. I'm now giving you the freedom, the liberty to make your own decisions about kicking demons out and healing diseases. I'm now giving you the actual power to do it. I'm now giving you the right to do it and I'm giving you the strength to do it. What does that do for you when you hear that? What does it do for you when you hear that Jesus is handing you all

06:44 - 07:36
Speaker 1: of that? And then, then let's not even forget about Luke chapter 10. I believe it is Where the 72 Have come back and they're like Lord. This is amazing. Even the unclean spirits are listening to us and Jesus says yeah, I've given you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions. And Nothing, it says, what does he say? And I've given you, maybe, and over all the power, over every power of the enemy, and nothing will by any means harm you. Wow, so Jesus is really, he means it when he's saying I'm giving you authority. So sometimes

07:36 - 08:19
Speaker 1: in your life, in our lives, we have things going a certain way. And if it's not going our way, here's what happens. We begin to assume that God has something to do with that fact, that it's not going our way. We begin to assume that this is God's decision in my life, to make these things come to pass, or here's our sneaky tactic, If it's kind of a sucky thing that's bad, he didn't make it happen, but he chose sovereignly to specifically allow it to happen. Which in my opinion is just the same thing. We think

08:19 - 09:08
Speaker 1: that God is behind everything. But then why does Jesus say, I give you guys authority to kick out these demons and to heal diseases. See, we have this idea. Well, if it's God's will, He's going to heal. Jesus is saying, it is my will that people get healed and I'm giving you the ability to go do it. Where are you at? Can I get a witness somewhere? Is what he's saying. I want them healed. The authority is now in your hands. I'm handing it to you. See, in the Old Testament, things like healing and demonic, you

09:08 - 09:44
Speaker 1: know, deliverance and things like that, you didn't just have a bunch of people walking around doing those things because they didn't have authority. Why not? Because God had given authority to Adam and Eve, and they abdicated it. When Satan came along and they did things his way, they're like, okay, here's the authority that we had, and they didn't have it anymore. In fact, they gave it to Satan who now had authority over them because they gave it to him So they so the Old Testament People of God couldn't just walk around and make their own decisions

09:44 - 10:39
Speaker 1: about when they're gonna heal some people of sicknesses or when they're gonna kick out demons or when they're going to bring freedom in some other way or when they're going to bring healing to life circumstances like your marriage or like your finances. It was in the hands of God Those supernatural happenings had to come from God But Jesus shows up on the scene and He came as a man. Why so that mankind? Could win the authority back from hell. And so then he could put the authority back into your hands, which is where he wanted it

10:39 - 11:38
Speaker 1: all along. Now, yes, it is delegated authority, because he is still the ultimate boss but he's not in heaven calling all the shots of what happens on the earth he's in heaven orchestrating his people to please rise up in partnership with him and begin to bring the kingdom and to kick darkness out. So in your life, If you find yourself feeling like a victim, you find yourself feeling like you're at the mercy of circumstances, I want you to understand that's not how you're intended to live. Jesus is saying, I give you authority. Now, I know this

11:38 - 12:27
Speaker 1: chapter is specifically saying, I'm giving you authority to kick out demons and to heal every disease and every affliction, every infirmity. But if we go further into the chapter, you can start to see how this authority does not only, is not only limited to those things. So we have been so trained to think that it's not about me. I don't call the shots. God does. And Jesus is saying, Hey, guess what? It's time for you to start calling some shots. It's time for you to graduate, to get promoted. It's time for you to stop being an

12:27 - 13:37
Speaker 1: infant and to grow up into an adult man, a kingdom man. So if Jesus has handed you authority are you using it or let me put it a different way since he has handed you authority You are using it Whether you realize it or not and whether you like the way in which you're using it or not and Whether you are a fan of the outcomes you're getting or not. So you have authority to call the shots on various parts of your life and whether you know it or not, you have been. And you're like, well,

13:37 - 14:17
Speaker 1: I didn't ask for my marriage to get to this place. I didn't ask for the disease. I didn't ask for the money problems. I didn't ask for my kids to walk away. I didn't ask for my parents to die from this, that, or the other thing. I didn't ask for that. How can you say that I've been calling the shots? I didn't want these things to happen. And authority is not primarily exercised by wanting. And you're like, well, some of these situations, I don't even know how to fix. I don't know how to use my authority

14:18 - 14:59
Speaker 1: to, you know, end the years of poverty that have riddled my family. I've done everything I know how to do. I can't think of any other ideas. I don't know how to save my business. I've tried everything. I don't know how to get my church to grow. I'm trying. My authority apparently doesn't do me much good if I'm out of ideas and everything I've tried doesn't work. I would tell you authority is not primarily exercised by the stuff you try. It's not even primarily exercised by ideas that you have, strategies that you have, or plans that

14:59 - 16:02
Speaker 1: you make. All those are, I would say, an important part of you stepping into and operating from your authority, but it's not primarily those things. Your authority is your authority is primarily exercised through your words. And I will say this, your words reflect where your faith is. I don't think they reflect how much faith you have. I think you have a lot of faith. I think they reflect where you've decided to put your faith. Are you putting your faith in hell's desires for your life? Man, I've tried everything I know how, but business just isn't working.

16:03 - 16:35
Speaker 1: I don't know if it's in the cards for me. I might need to give up I don't why is God not helping me? He must I must be doing something wrong He must be trying to teach me a lesson See you start to think all those thoughts and the words can be spoken or they can be unspoken. They can be the narratives in your mind. You start thinking all those thoughts. You're putting your faith in those outcomes. And Jesus said, according to your faith be it done to you. And it's your faith that has made you

16:35 - 17:53
Speaker 1: well, he said. Not his. Your faith. So what are you putting your faith in? What are your words reflecting? See, you have authority and so when you say, I'll never be successful, I'm telling you that comes out like a decree from the throne because you are a king. You are decreeing something. My Wife is just frigid. She basically has no sex drive. She doesn't want it anymore. You are decreeing something as a king. I suck. I'm just a stupid screw up. You are speaking with authority. This is, This is not okay. See, our lives go a

17:53 - 18:35
Speaker 1: certain direction and we blame God, but have you been using your authority wisely? Or have you been entertaining the lies that Satan is coming around to offer to you, to try to pull you down, to try to defeat you, to try to tell you you don't have what it takes? And have you been agreeing with him and then declaring it? See, the good news, gentlemen, is that you don't have to know how to solve your problems to begin exercising your authority. Anybody can choose to speak a new narrative. Is it a battle? Yeah. Yeah, it can

18:35 - 19:16
Speaker 1: be hard to retrain your mind to think differently when you've been thinking hell's thoughts for so many years. But anybody can do it. How do I know? How do I know this? Did I just read it in a book? No. No I didn't. And if you listen to the show for any length of time, you might know my story. I know that anybody can do this because in the season of life when I could barely walk I began to declare and believe that Jesus heals all my diseases according to Psalm 103 I began to declare and

19:16 - 20:17
Speaker 1: believe that I would not be defined by disease because it was an enemy squatting illegally in my life. Better be careful if you ask me how I know this to be true because I'll tell you. And if you have an excuse for why you can't begin to declare God's promises over your life because you're in such a tough spot, I'll tell you I don't buy it. See the authority that you have begins to, begins to produce the fruit you want when you begin to line up how you think, believe, act, and speak with God's promises for

20:17 - 21:00
Speaker 1: you. I don't care what life looks like. I don't care what hardships have come. And I need to be careful with this, gentlemen, because I don't want to come across as though I've got this all figured out and I'm perfect at it. As there have been some tough seasons of my life, even in this last year, and my emotions got triggered. And I started feeling like God wasn't helping, that he wasn't, he didn't have his eyes on me. Why could he partner with others and not me in the ways I needed? So I don't want you

21:00 - 21:53
Speaker 1: to think that I'm perfect with this. But I'll tell you something. I got my head out of my butt and I got back to the basics of God, What do you say I am? What's my identity in you? I believe it Lord, I'm incredible because you have told me I am and you've made it that way. I believe you in it. I got back to the basics and I'll tell you what. I began to see shifts and some big and some small but shifts. Biggest 1 of all on the inside. And I stepped back into my

21:53 - 22:37
Speaker 1: un- my impenetrable fortress that is a mind That is washed in the promises of God Then the little hiccups of life come along such as the car not starting yesterday and it's like Is God doing this Why isn't he helping me? Why do the cars always break down? No, that's not where I'm at. It's like, oh, well that's super inconvenient and this is gonna be a hectic day and it's super annoying, but oh well. We're gonna make it happen. It's no big deal. We're gonna figure it out. It's gonna be fine. Why because of 2 things

22:40 - 23:22
Speaker 1: I'm man enough for the challenge and I'm incredible. I could take it and second None of that comes from me. It's all from Him too. He is with me. He's my father. God wants good in my life. Not bad. He's not throwing wrenches into my car engines just so that I can squirm. He wants me to win in every situation and so we're going to. That's authority. That's decreeing what will be. I have in these last couple of months been walking in this to an extent gentlemen where I am believing I don't and it's not because

23:22 - 24:14
Speaker 1: I've been trying I have this gut level conviction that this school year we have 3 girls in school that this school year I've been telling this to my wife and to them to my girls and to my friends this school year is going to be the best year that our family has ever seen In any in every way I've been speaking this not trying to conjure it up, but because I believe it And watch that's what it's gonna be Why Well, Matt, that's that's ballsy. How do you know? You better be careful you're putting a target

24:14 - 24:54
Speaker 1: on your back. God told me that every curse that was meant for my demise, he turns into a blessing. He says that every weapon formed against me won't stand. Well, but yeah, you got to be realistic. No, I don't. Unless you mean by realistic that God's promises are more real than the way the world operates, then okay, I'll get on board with that. But I don't have to be realistic according to how the world is or the church is. God's Word needs to be my reality. And if my life doesn't match it, then I'm gonna need

24:54 - 25:55
Speaker 1: to do what it takes until my life begins to match it. And I'm not just talking about moral behavior, I'm talking about the manifestation of the kingdom, I'm talking about the promises. So Jesus, he entrusted you and I with more than you might know. If you look later in this chapter, not only are we to go out and heal the sick and raise the dead and cleanse the lepers and cast out demons, but he talks about how in whatever town or village you enter, find out who's worthy there, and then stay in their house till you

25:55 - 26:36
Speaker 1: depart. And then he says this, if anyone won't, oh no, no, no, no, no, forgive me, as you enter the house, greet it. Okay, well that sounds weird what is that about like so hey hey thanks for letting me stay here hi house is that what he's talking about no no it's not what he's talking about what he's talking about and and in the NIV it says as you enter the home give it your greeting. What he's talking about is is that you can actually bless the home that is putting you up for a few nights.

26:36 - 27:44
Speaker 1: You can let your blessing rest over that place. The words that you speak into that home are not empty but powerful. They are not just nice sounding niceties. They are decrees because you have authority. Whoa. Interesting. Then if you keep going, look at what else it says. If the home is deserving, let your peace rest on it. If it is not deserving, let your peace return to you. What are you talking about Jesus? I don't have this weird little like peace thing that I wheeled around. What do you mean? And he doesn't say if the house

27:44 - 28:23
Speaker 1: is worthy, then be an instrument of letting my peace come on it. Letting the peace of God rest on it. He's saying let your peace rest on it. That sounds weird. It sounds like you're putting me in God's position. I don't like it. But Jesus is like, but that's what I said. You have this, this atmosphere, this blessing that you can either leave in a physical location or take it back with you and move on What in the world? How in the world am I supposed to do that? Does it just happen? Like, do I just

28:23 - 29:06
Speaker 1: rub my hands on the house? Do I, you know, sit in it? Do I walk in it? You can do that anywhere and not have any kind of special thing happen. What do you think makes the difference? It's when you combine some action like that, right? With an intentionality. And how is your intentionality formed? It's with words. He's saying that you have this ability to leave a blessing from you that's going to cause fruit. Or you can choose to withhold it. Why? Because you have authority. Guys, your words matter. The authority that you wield is incredible.

29:07 - 29:49
Speaker 1: My wife and I, we talked to stuff and it'd be embarrassing for many people. The other day, we hadn't had rain in a long time. A long time. Which is weird for Tennessee. So the other day, a couple few weeks ago, there was like on the forecast some rain and it started to just kind of, there's some, a few drops, right? Like hardly enough to make much of a dent. Started dropping. My wife went out to sit on the patio. She's like, no, this isn't enough. And so she started talking to the rain. She said no

29:49 - 30:31
Speaker 1: you're gonna fall more than that we need more rain than this come on and it started raining harder. She also likes to talk to her garden, tell the plants to grow, tell the pests to get off of the plants, all that. I'm all in favor of it. What are you speaking in your life? What are you speaking over your life? What if the outcomes that you're seeing right now have something to do with the fact that you have allowed yourself to believe more in curses over yourself than in God's blessing over yourself? What if you have

30:31 - 31:11
Speaker 1: used your authority to give that kind of thing more power than what God wants? This is a real, real issue, gentlemen, that we need to take to heart. Because I want you to win. I want your life to be blessed. I want you to be the head and not the tail. I want you to go up and not to go down. And I know that God wants it to, and I know that the church will say, no, well, maybe, but sometimes not. And the world just doesn't work that way. And, and sometimes you have to go

31:11 - 32:00
Speaker 1: through hard things. Okay. Why doesn't the church try to convince you of how much God wants to bless you when it's all over scripture? Can you answer that for me? So here's what I want you to do. I want you to think about the 1 area of your life that's that hurts the most. And I want you to figure out what God says about it. And I want you to start saying the same thing. And you may not feel it. It doesn't matter yet. What matters is that you change your will. Your feelings will follow. You

32:00 - 32:53
Speaker 1: get the ball rolling and then when your feelings eventually come into alignment with the words that you're speaking, synergy happens, and then manifestation of the kingdom begins to flow. All right? That's it, gentlemen. Go do this. If you're in a place where you feel like, man, I need help, I want you to head over to and check out what we've got going on there. Different programs, courses, coaching opportunities with me one-on-one. You can grab my book, The DNA of a Man. It's at slash DNA. You can also find it on Amazon. And would you

32:53 - 33:05
Speaker 1: please leave a review? That would be awesome. Guys, we can do this. I know you've got it in you. I love you. Bless you. Peace.