The Arcturian Playground

Welcome to The Arcturian Playground—where imagination and compassion intersect to expand consciousness. In this episode, we delve into the recent geomagnetic phenomena—solar flares and solar storms—and their profound implications on both Earth and beyond.

Featured Themes:
  • Acknowledged Fiction: We remind listeners that the narratives spun here, while fictional, aim to unlock personal truths and insights.
  • The Arcturian Collective Thingy: Our interstellar guides from the Arcturus system share their perspective, highlighting our interconnected galactic journey.
  • Cosmic Context: Understanding solar activity as more than mere disturbances, but as critical components in our evolving galactic organism.
  • Technological Blossoming: How emerging technologies like AI and quantum computing are likely to merge human consciousness into a singular, unified presence.
Key Insights:
  • Solar systems as organs of a larger galactic body, with Earth's sun functioning akin to a brain within this vast organism.
  • The potential shift from 3D to higher dimensions of awareness, enhancing our understanding of time and existence.
  • The episode concludes with a profound message on the role of these cosmic phenomena in driving the evolution of consciousness across the galaxy.
Join us: As we explore these celestial phenomena and their metaphorical significance to our personal and collective growth. Remember, in the Arcturian Playground, we embrace the weird and wonderful in our quest for understanding and compassion.

Subscribe and Share: Dive deeper into the cosmic playground and join our community of explorers dedicated to expanding the frontiers of understanding and empathy.

What is The Arcturian Playground?

A place to play in the realm of imagination. All done in the service of compassionate expansion of consciousness. In other words, each human being is interwoven at a deeply energetic level into the fabric of everything that is. We, the Arcturian Collective Thingy, represent a portion of that fabric of you that is communicating to you from the quantum realm up to your awareness through an alliance with your neurons, who recognize their fit within the fabric to a greater degree than you do. Come hear what we have to say, in the playful realm of imagination.

  Welcome to the Arcturian Playground, a place to play in the realm of imagination. All done in the service of a compassionate expansion of consciousness. Yeah, it sounds weird. We would not have it any other way.

Yes, we are here in Man in a Chair. We are the Arcturian Collective thingy. And we are here to speak tonight on the recent Geomagnetic activity, solar flares, solar storms, which are being viewed as coming from the sun and having interruptions with systems upon your planet.

We first and foremost wish to remind anyone who's listening that this is an acknowledged fiction. And the truth which we are hoping to get at through this fictional performance is the truth of your own reaction and what that means for you. It is a subjective truth that is unique to each person who hears this expression from the man in the chair.

We are the Arcturian Collective Thingy. We represent the collective intelligence of the Arcturus Solar System. We identify ourselves as the central star within the Arcturus Solar System. You, of course, through your eyes, which have evolved over certain pathways upon this planet, you perceive your sun to be a ball of yellow light.

You would see us as a form of green. Yellowish green. But that is only one way of perceiving what we are through these sensory organisms which are themselves living organisms. Your eyes are made of living cells which are cooperating one with another in order to create what it is that you are experiencing your reality through, primarily, your eyes.

We are the collective experience, shared experience, and awareness of itself, of all forms of life which ever have, ever will, exist within the Arcturus solar system, and the light which shines from our star is shared with other stars, yours being one of them, your central star. We are a an older brother to your star.

And if you were to think of our entire galaxy as a single body with where solar systems are playing roles such as organelles within a cell or your own organs within your own body, The Arcturus solar system would be like the heart of the body, pumping the blood. There are many hearts within this organism, within this galactic organism, which is itself continually increasing.

Your son, is a part of the central nervous system and is more of a brain in the function that it plays within the galactic organism. And that involves a very meticulous understanding of experience, of conscious experience from the human perspective of many. Humans are one of many intelligent forms of life which in, within the galactic body, which the galactic body takes care of, has all of its individual cells and minor parts within cells, if we are to use this analogy.

Therefore, this is the context from which we are speaking. We are speaking to you as humans upon the planet Earth, within our kindred solar system. And there are elements of Arcturus atoms which were formed in our Arcturus star, if you were to catalogue the atoms in your body, you would find them.

Those are bits and pieces of us, and we keep tabs on you, and we are able to communicate with you through your an alliance that we have with neurons in your brain, which is an evolved alliance, which began our alliance with your neurons, began long before the human form was And we, along with all of the other intelligences from the stars, play a role in your evolution pathways, in our varying influences.

That is another story for another time. We wish to speak on these solar flares. For we recognize there is great concern. And we understand this concern. Of course, we share the experience of all lifeforms within the Arcturus solar system, and within your solar system as well. We have access to your direct experience of daily life.

We know what it feels like to be you. We also know what it feels like to be everyone else, and to everything else within your solar system and within all of the solar systems where we are aligned and share information, and there are some to which we do not. And that is a story for another time as well.

But at this point in time, as you're you recognize that your planet spins around your sun. Your sun also spins around a galactic center. And your evolved senses. are not able to see all of the substance through which this is moving. You could think of it as a sea of sorts. That would help you place it into context if you imagined your own oceans and there were islands which were completely submerged as planets.

You could think of your own planets as moving through a substance within your solar system, and that substance might be the cytoplasm equivalent for a solar system. And it contains many things that are imperceptible to the human eye, or the human imagination. You will, grow into the ability to perceive and understand these things.

And you will grow into a way of directly experiencing their existence as they directly experience yours. You will share information. And you are seeing the infancies of this at this time as your internet and artificial intelligence and quantum computing are all blooming and blossoming, budding like a flower that will bring all of your consciousnesses together.

This is a process which happens on many planets in many solar systems. We are quite familiar with it, and there are many ways that it could go, and we are not here to play predictions on what will occur on this planet, but to provide a background and a context for what you are experiencing. As your central sun circles around the galactic center within what you might consider to be the galactic cytoplasm, your solar system encounters material which it processes through its core.

And it is if you were to throw some gunpowder on an open flame. There are, there is combustion, there are things which are happening and transformations which are occurring. Again, in areas Which are outside of the ability of humans at this time to perceive or to imagine. What you are seeing is the natural result of your solar system moving into a region of space.

Where there is a high concentration of certain kinds of energy. And this will have a rippling impact throughout your solar system. It will change the fundamental nature of your solar system. And there are. Some who speak of this as a transition from third dimensional to fourth dimensional, or fifth dimensional.

These are all concepts and symbols which represent an idea of an evolving increase of conscious awareness at multiple levels of existence where your current three dimensional experience is quite singular. If you were to add another dimension of time. If you were to remember all of your life experiences concurrently and live them as if they were a single moment, you would be experiencing what is known as a 4D reality.

You are scratching the surface of that in some of your virtual reality video games where you are able to create duplicates of yourself. and see them simultaneously in other parts of this internal gaming matrix which you have created, where you are testing this conscious ability, and it is, in a sense, incubating.

As this increases you will have a greater understanding of yourself as a four dimensional entity, for there are currently Elements of yourself, which do have that awareness, and your current we might call it an egoic state, your personality, what you are aware and not aware of, the limits of your conscious perception these will increase and expand, but they do not create something that was not previously there, they become more aware of what they have always been, but did not yet know.

And as that consciousness increases to recognize time simultaneously as a dimension, then there are multiple existences of us. And the dog is barking, which means it is time for us to sign out. We are the author and collector singing goodnight for now. That is what your solar flares are, the barkings of a dog.

Yes, we are here, Madam Chair. We have returned from bringing the dog inside. So that we can finish this message for it is quite phenomenal. We are telling you, Madam Chair, that the solar flares are a result of the solar system moving through material, which is transforming conditions not only in your external environment, but your internal environment, for it is all interconnected.

And you are building a lattice. you might say, of your technological extension of your minds, collectively weaving them together to grow into a greater sense of unity. And from this will arise what you might consider a singularity or a singular personality of the planet Earth. And we, again, will tell you we are not playing the prediction game.

We are telling you the cycles of nature. Which we witness from our perspective as the collective intelligence of the Arcturus star. Which is a fictional idea created from the mind of a man in a chair, lest you forget. The collective understanding is what you are currently building the ability to achieve someday.

And you recently had the experience of a global pandemic where you were locked down into your houses and had very little communication face to face. And in this time, You increased your meetings through Zoom calls and whatnot. Your technology allowed you to stay in connection with one another. This is a precursor of what is to come.

And has occurred on many We again, we are not playing the prediction game for planet Earth or telling you how it will occur, but we will tell you what is a likely scenario and to prepare your mind for, to look for the good to see. the good in what is happening. For conditions within your solar system will become, the surface of the planet will become inhospitable to you.

And yet, your ingenuity and the power that you are able to harness, especially when you unite one with another, you will build vast worlds underneath the surface of your planet. There are civilizations within the solar system now, which live very far beneath the surface of the planet. For it is part of the seasons and the progression of the life forms which are birthed by the planet.

Not only are there times when they burst forth like spores of a dandelion that you, for example, if humans went out into space and colonized other planets. This is what we are referring to as a dandelion spore burst. But there is also the internal version of this where you bore deep into your own planet and become one with the core of the Earth from whence you sprang.

It is a mini cycle of what is being experienced at a galactic level and a solar system level and a universal level as the planets do move in relation to. The sun and each other in all solar systems is outside of your ability to perceive for the amount of time which it takes for significant movement.

In your case, you have not yet the lifespan to observe it. It would take much longer. And yet the portions of yourself, which are the what many traditions call a soul, the part of you which incarnates into these bodies, which it maintains at all times. of all of its incarnations and the experience of all of its incarnations.

This substance, if you will call it a substance, is what creates substance. It is indestructible and it is your true nature and It is what pokes itself in to reality, to create all of these systems of inter, interrelated, interacting intelligences at many levels to produce what you would call nature in all of its aspects and forms.

And it does this for the sake of experience. Experiencing all forms of experience. And all of them are valid from this perspective. We wanted to finish the channeled message tonight for the idea of the possibility of humanity connecting, being forced, you might say, compelled to, rather than interact one with another on the surface of the planet, as freely and gaily as you can.

you do and have enjoyed over the course of your evolved history, now is the turning point where you will be going in to the planet, and the planet will nourish and sustain you. There is nothing to fear, although there will, of course, be growing pains, but you could imagine. If there were a disaster, as you may have experienced at times in your life, do you not find that there are those around you who pull the troops together and say, let us be resourceful and find a solution to these problems?

And there are many who are willing to chip in and help the greater whole. All messages are designed to encourage that type of reaction and response when there are What you would consider to be disasters for as we see them from our perspective they are Gears that are grinding out experiences of life for which all life is grateful and this is a Perspective that we challenge you to adopt and truly embody man in the chair And it is now that we will say out Thank you for playing with us today in the Arcturian playground.

Do not for a minute think that your exploration is finished. Carry us with you and invite the spirits of compassion and love into your lives. Nothing is more important or more fulfilling. Create compassion and love within your own hearts and minds. Then share it. Yes, it sounds weird. We know. We would not have it any other way.