Flip the Script with Vic

Today, we're diving deep into the mystical world of the Akashic Records with a focus on how this tool of healing and empowerment can help you live a more embodied and empowered life. I also share everything you need to know about my new group program, Akashic Awakening. This six-week course promises to guide you through opening your Akashic records, overcoming life’s blockages, and activating your chakras.

Experience powerful, transformative healing in a supportive sisterhood as you connect with your higher self and unlock your infinite potential. I I share more of my story and how working within the Akashic realm can bring about rapid and profound changes in your life.

Get ready to embrace your inner wisdom and reclaim your power! More information about Akashic Awakening and how you can join this magical journey starting September 23 below.

Click here to learn more about Victoria's 6-week group program, Akashic Awakening.

Join The Portal Collective, Victoria's new on-demand kundalini and breathwork membership to help you access your highest self with a daily meditation practice for $22/mo.

Applications are now open for the 2nd Annual Return to You Retreat from May 2-7, 2025 in El Sargento, Mexico. Apply now!

IG: @flipthescriptwithvic
IG: @victoriamargauxnielsen
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email: victoriamargauxnielsen@gmail.com

What is Flip the Script with Vic?

Welcome to Flip the Script with Vic, your weekly pep talk to expand and shift your perspective. I’m your host, Victoria Nielsen. Together, we’ll unwind all the things you thought you knew, and awaken to what’s truly possible when you flip the script on your reality and take control of your own life.

Speaker A [00:00:00]:
Hello, loves. Welcome to another episode of Flip the script with Vic. It's your host, Victoria Nielsen. I am so excited for today's conversation. If you didn't see it, I just announced my first group program since 2021. It's called Akashic Awakening, and it is six weeks of work in the Akashic records. I'm going to teach you guys how to open your Akashic record, how to connect, and then we're going to go through five chakras, five blocks, specifically that I have worked through in the records and that have truly changed the trajectory of my healing journey and of my path here on earth. But before I go into the program, why it's amazing why I need to sign up all that good stuff.

Speaker A [00:00:45]:
I feel like it's important to ground you all in my story a little bit more and also in what the records are, because if you're new here. Hi. I have been on this journey since 2018, and the Akashic records are really the start of my healing and spiritual journey. And they've been a tool that I have used over and over and over again. And it is my absolute favorite tools of healing and empowerment, because absolutely anyone can access it. And that's really fucking empowering to know, right, that you have this thing that you can access at any time, and it doesn't take a lot of training, it doesn't take a lot of effort. It's really connecting to that divine wisdom that you were already always connected to and that you carry within you. So let's go back to 2018.

Speaker A [00:01:39]:
Little baby Victoria just had a miscarriage. And as a miscarriage does, it completely put my world into a tailspin. And I was not spiritual before this by any means. I mean, I did yoga, but it was really more about, like, the physical aspect and the mental health aspect of it. There was no spiritual connection for me. And after this miscarriage, I started questioning everything because it came out of nowhere. I didn't have it on my radar. It wasn't something that I thought was possible, even though one in four women will experience miscarriage in their lifetime.

Speaker A [00:02:16]:
And so I started searching for answers in books, in blogs, in just anything out there. I started eating it up, and before I knew it, I kept having the Akashic records come into my energy field. And I feel like that is probably the same for a lot of you, where you're curious now, because the Akashic records have found you, and, you know, it's time to maybe explore what they are, what they aren't, how they can better serve you. And I encourage you to get really curious because that's what happened to me. I was seeing signs from the Akashic records everywhere. I was pulling, like, oracle cards. I heard about it on a podcast. I read about it in a book.

Speaker A [00:03:00]:
And so finally, the woman that I heard on the podcast, who was my mentor, Daniella Gill, I made a session with her and she had an opening, like, the very next day. And so I signed up for it. And it was the most that I had ever spent at all on, like, my healing. And I was a little bit terrified, to be honest. But then when she opened the records, I felt just so much love and support because the records are an energetic frequency. And yes, people receive readings. Because you want to hear guidance from the ascended masters, teachers, any of your loved ones that want to come through, you're essentially channeling that information. But even more important than that is just the energy of it and the clear, loving presence that you feel when you open the records.

Speaker A [00:03:54]:
And of course, the guidance that she gave me was amazing. You know, she reassured me I was going to be a mom. And she actually told me that I was going to be leading women's circles and doing deeper women's work, which at the time was so far from where I was, like, in corporate America, working nonstop, very non spiritual, not even, like, attached in any way to my divinity. And so I kind of was like, yeah, yeah, okay, sure. But by the end of the session, I just felt so loved and supported that. When she said she was having a training, literally starting, like, the next week, to learn how to open your akashic records, I was sold. And again, it was an even larger amount of money that I had never spent. A and it terrified me to put that money towards myself.

Speaker A [00:04:44]:
But I can say now that it paid off tenfold, because money is just energy. And so putting that money towards my healing was the most important thing that I could have done at the time. And this tool has been with me since the beginning. This tool is the one that I go back to over and over and over again. And it's one that allows me to run my business from this intuitive place to mom, from an intuitive place, to live from an intuitive place. And so after the training, I really didn't think I was going to, like, do readings for other people or anything like that. I thought it was just for me. And as we move along, 2020 comes along.

Speaker A [00:05:30]:
I joined, like, a Kundalini business program, and I then I started giving people readings and seeing their reactions was so amazing to know that I could pass messages on from their loved ones. I could help them feel better about their lives and their situations. And then I took it a step further and started to play in the records and started to see that everything has a record. So why could I not affect things on a spiritual level that would then trickle down to earth? So let me, like, rewind that for a second. Because the Akashic realm is just another realm. Right, of existence, and it exists right here, coinciding along with Earth. And that energy is available to us at any time. And every single person has their own Akashic record.

Speaker A [00:06:24]:
And your record is really just your energetic frequency. And when you're tapped into your record, you're tapped into the highest, most infinite potential that is available to you. Because the records contain, anything that has happened, can happen, will happen. It's really your special blueprint of who you are and who you came to be in this lifetime, because you made a lot of choices before coming earthside, contracts, soul, friendships, and all of that kind of stuff. Your past lives and things can be revealed in the records as well. But what I love is that when you tap into the records, you're receiving the guidance that you need in the moment. So you're receiving actionable steps and information that you can then go do outside of the records. So the records are mutable, and they change based on your energy, your intention, everything, because your records are you, essentially.

Speaker A [00:07:27]:
And so when you start to use the records as this guidance system, this extension of your internal wisdom, you are always going to be guided, man. You are always going to receive the answers that you need. You are always going to receive the healing that you need, because that was the next step for me, was to realize that playing in the records is really healing. So what do I mean by that? When I say play in the records, I'm talking about meditating in the records, doing a kundalini meditation or doing some type of activation, playing my sound bowls, going in with a specific intention of an energy that I want to clear or move through or work on. And coming with that intentionality, I have seen that shifts that are happening in the spiritual realm, as above, so below, right, are also going to change things on the physical realm, and they're going to change things on the physical realm. I don't want to say instantaneously, but very, very quickly. And so doing this work in the records, I have healed more since 2018 than I did anytime before that. And I feel like I have fast forwarded my trajectory so much because the healing that I'm doing in the Akashic records in the quantum field makes it, again, I don't want to say permanent, but you are making changes to your energetic frequency, and you are making changes to how your energy plugs into everyone else's energy and into all of the energy all around you, because everything is energy.

Speaker A [00:09:13]:
So, coming back to that, if everything is energy, then you can manipulate that energy in your favor. You can move, you can play, you can clear. And I think it's really important to talk about play in this aspect, because healing work a lot of the times, yes, it's hard, and yes, it can fucking suck. But what if you could come at it from play? And so that's kind of the experiment that I did recently with lots of friends just playing in the Akashic records. And I moving through these different things, and I'm just astounded at the realizations I've been able to have about my life, the energy that I've been able to move and clear. So I'm able to make space for the things that are meant for me. I'm able to really reclaim my power and connect deeply with my ancestral lineage. I.

Speaker A [00:10:08]:
You know, when you start at the root, which is what we'll do together, you're connecting to your ancestors, to your safety, to perhaps any fear that you're carrying in the body. And, you know, then you move up and you clear any of that fear and that shame out of the womb space. And you reclaim that area for creativity and for birth, not just of children, but of ideas and of energy. And then, you know, when you get to the solar plexus, you're releasing soul contracts that maybe you made before you came. And in our heart spaces, we're learning to receive, and then we're learning to speak our truth when we get to the throat. And so these five areas of the body are also the five areas in my life that have seen the biggest leap from doing this work. And I know it feels very esoteric. You're like, Victoria, what? What the fuck? But it works.

Speaker A [00:11:06]:
And there's a. There's a little bit of magic here at play, too, right? Because I can't necessarily 100% explain why it works, but it works. And part of this akashic awakening process is activating that dormant side of you that believes and trusts and has faith in the universe. Because that's the other part of this, right? You can't see your record. You can't see with your mind, with your eye the changes that are happening. You will feel them in your body and in your cells and in the way that you carry yourself in the world. And how easy or not easy it is for you to attract the things that you want to manifest or go after the big goals in your life. And working with this energy brings more of yourself to earth.

Speaker A [00:11:53]:
We spend so much time in our heads. I talk about this a lot. But the more that we can get into our bodies and ground our power, our energy into the earth, the more that you were able to rise and to blossom because you are so deeply rooted that you were able to and that you feel safe and that you have the capacity to. So, you know, the Akashic records, really, when you open them, you are essentially aligning your energy, like I said, to its highest energetic frequency, into its highest potential. And the more that you do that, the more that you're bringing your physical body into alignment with your higher self, with your Akashic self, there is no separation. Right. This record is technically housed outside of you. So all of the Akashic records are housed in different star formations.

Speaker A [00:12:52]:
I work specifically with the Akashic records that are housed in the Pleiades, but there are some in the Sirius constellation, in the Milky Way galaxy, in, you know, all of the other starseed, I would say, places in the universe. But you will always come to the same feeling of love and support. And so, getting back to Akashic awakening, we're going to spend six weeks together in the records. We're going to open safe, sacred space together, and then you are going to open your own energetic record every single week. And we're going to move through the chakras, focusing on a specific theme, like removing fear from the body, like calling back your power, like activating your voice. And we are going to do it together in the Akashic records in sisterhood, because that is really key for me. I have found on my healing journey is that doing this work with other women makes it exponentially more powerful, because you're not just tapping into your energy, you're tapping into the energy of the collective as well. So, yes, you will be, you know, changing your energy, but you're also going to be working with the group dynamic to help feel less alone and to be able to play in this safe space and maybe rewrite some of those stories that you have around the sister wound, around the witch wound, around being your full self in front of other women.

Speaker A [00:14:27]:
So you will have that as part of this as well. And at the end of this, my hope is, yes, you heal, of course, but I also just want you to be in touch with yourself and your own power, and to realize that you don't need anything outside of yourself to make decisions, to carve your path forward. It is really going to root you into your own sovereignty, so that you stop looking outside of yourself for answers, you stop asking other people their opinions, and you begin to form your own, and you begin to know exactly what's right and not right for you. And I love that. This tool also helps you see what's possible. So, like, your. Your record is your energy and in and is your own realm. So when you connect with your record, you're never going to be so far outside of yourself that, like, the guidance that comes through doesn't resonate.

Speaker A [00:15:25]:
But it is an ascended version of you. And so any guidance that you can receive from that higher self, from that ascended version, is going to have a higher perspective and is going to take you out of the minutiae of the everyday and let you see the bigger picture, and let you move some of these blocks out of your energy for good, because whatever's in your record is going to be reflected here on earth. And so if we can clear that energy up, if we can harness it, if we can work with it, then we become more like that energy and we become our higher selves. She's here with you right now, and she's just asking to connect with you. And this is one of the easiest ways to connect with her, is to open the Akashic records and see what's there for you. So I. Yeah, I feel like that was kind of long and rambling, maybe, but. And I kind of wove my story in, but if you are interested in learning more about Akashic awakening, I'm gonna put a link in the show notes so that you can book a discovery call with me if you would like.

Speaker A [00:16:37]:
Like I said, I wanted this program to be a little bit more affordable than working with me one on one. I wanted the camaraderie of everyone coming together in sisterhood to heal together, and I wanted just to make healing fucking fun. Like, can we just be witchy? Can we just be weird? Like, can we go into this? Yes, you're doing deep work, but it doesn't have to be so hard. And if there are times when it gets hard, you will have the support that you need from this group of sisters, from myself, and from the Akashic records, and your guides and angels and ascended masters, and any of your spirit support team that want to come through for you. And who knows, maybe you'll connect with a new spirit guide or maybe you will find a new way to nourish yourself a little bit differently. Because I feel like there is not another program like this out there that combines the Akashic records with the somatic work. And I think that's the key is doing both and doing them together in the records because then you are really like collapsing timelines essentially and moving your healing forward faster because you're doing it in the quantum field that is connected to everything and, yeah, I think that's it. So if you would like to join me for akashic awakening, you're going to victoriamargo.com awakening.

Speaker A [00:18:14]:
The journey begins September 23 at 08:00 p.m. and we're going all the way until October 28. Six weeks together of beautiful support, of being witchy, of activations, of clearing and soul work and deep, deep connection. I hope to see you there. I love you guys so much. I'll see you next week. Be good to one another.