Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Thursday, October 24th, 2024 / A marathon runner finishes her big race, do you think you’re a successful person, our daughter did not like my pirate costume, there’s a 2-hour long live stream on our Facebook page if you want to watch it, kids these days can’t read cursive, you’ll be surprised at how much football is actually played during a game, Josh might have found his world record, grizzly bear 399 has died in a car accident, your job might not be that miserable after all, and Chantel got sick and went home.

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Wake up with Josh & Chantel every weekday from 6a-10a on Classy 97! Missed the show or want to revisit your favorite moments from the show, enjoy Wake Up Classy 97 - The Podcast!

Episode title: Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh and Chantel - Thursday, October 24th, 2024

Episode summary introduction:

A marathon runner finishes her big race, do you think you’re a successful person, our daughter did not like my pirate costume, there’s a 2-hour long live stream on our Facebook page if you want to watch it, kids these days can’t read cursive, you’ll be surprised at how much football is actually played during a game, Josh might have found his world record, grizzly bear 399 has died in a car accident, your job might not be that miserable after all, and Chantel got sick and went home.

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Full show transcript:

This is wake up classy 97, the podcast, and it's a replay of today's full show. It is Thursday, October 24th, and today on the show, we talk about a marathon runner who finished her big race and got a medal even. Do you think you're a successful person? We ask the big questions around here. Our daughter did not person?

We ask the big questions around here. Our daughter did not like my pirate costume that I wore last night at all. There is a 2 hour long livestream on our Facebook page. If you wanna watch that, you're more than welcome. Chantel did.

Kids these days can't read cursive. That's being problematic for graphic designers, and you'll be surprised at how much football is actually played during a 3 hour game. I might have found a world record that I'm thinking about attempting. Grizzly bear 399 has died in a car accident, which is terribly tragic. Your job might not be that miserable after all, and Chantel got sick and went home.

Thanks for checking out the show. You can hear it live every weekday morning on classy 97 and on the free classy 97 app. Just download that in your App Store. And if you're new to the podcast, welcome aboard. Find a comfy seat.

You're gonna like it, I think. We hope you'll subscribe wherever you listen, and be sure to rate the show because that helps us grow and helps other people find the podcast, which is great. And we're now on YouTube. So if you wanna see some of what goes on behind the scenes, you can do that. Just search wake up classy 97 on YouTube and subscribe to our channel.

And now on with today's show. Well, good morning to you. Good mornin'. Happy Thursday. Good morning.

Good morning. Oh, okay. We need some of that, I guess, today. We do. Today is, it's Jamaican jerk day.

And I haven't made Jamaican jerk chicken in a minute. It's a chicken. Jamaican jerk chicken. You bet I have. A couple of different times.

I know you have. Yeah. Because I know where that recipe lives. Yep. Got it.

Yeah. Good job. That is delicious. It is pretty good. If you cook it on the grill.

So my gosh. It's way better on the grill than it is if you cook it on the stove. And then, yeah, you're probably right. That's probably why I haven't done Jamaican jerk chicken in a while. No.

So it's not for good about it. It's true. That is true. It's kangaroo day and also kangaroo awareness day. So do you know about kangaroos?

Aware. I'm aware of kangaroo. Have you ever seen a kangaroo? Yes. No.

I bet you have not. In the zoo? That's a wallaby. You're a wallaby. No.

I am not a wallaby. There's also kangaroos there too. Kangaroos are big, and they are ripped. They're insane. Have you seen how muscular a kangaroo is?

I've not. I've not had. The kangaroo look up kangaroo muscles. They're insane. And while you're doing that, I'm gonna tell you it's national bandana day.

Hey. You wore a bandana last night. I did because I was a pirate last night. Alright. That's a ripped kangaroo.

I'm telling you, their muscles are insane. You think you think that Jack Russell has some muscly arms. Holy cow. Kangaroo is nuts. Plus, they'll they've got that really strong tail that they'll roll back on and use their big old feet to fling you across a space.

Alright. We have been made aware of kangaroos. Thank you, Josh. World kangaroo day and national kangaroo awareness day. They're rare.

The wallabies get a day? Probably their own day. Not today. It's United Nations Day, which is important. It is important.

It's national baloney day. Oh, yum. Yeah? Well, if you don't like baloney, how about it's world tripe day? No.

No? No. I won't be celebrating either one of these days. How about National Food Day? I love food.

It's just food. I like food. All food. Food food food is delicious. Get in my belly.

Food food. Except not bologna and tripe. Bologna and tripe. Gross. No.

Thank you. Have you ever had tripe? No. Isn't that tongue? No.

What is it? Langua's tongue. Tripe is, I believe it's stomach. Let me see. Don't talk about it anymore.

Why? It's the edible lining in the stomach. Yep. It is the edible lining of farm animals, primarily cattle's stomach lining. Yeah.

Don't talk about it anymore. It's just where they store their food when they're chewing. And then, you know, it's all white, and you cook it up. But what is happening right now? You're rubbing your face.

Oh, my head. My stomach hurts now that you've been talking about all this gross food. Tripe. No. Thank you.

Alright. Well, anyway Thank you. That's what it is. Any desserts? No.

Unless sugared tripe. Sugaredripe. Yeah. I know how you get when the tripe comes out. My baloney has a first name.

It's good morning. There was a woman who ran the Chicago marathon last week, and she is a bit of a late finisher. She took just over 10 hours to finish the race. I don't know how quickly people do finish this race, but I know that it's It's a full marathon? Yes.

26 miles? Her name is Jeanette. By the time she got to the finish line, everything had been removed, and no one was there. Except for her friends and family who made their own finish line. Somebody had taken a belt.

I saw this video. Her mom put a belt on the ground to front the finish line so that she'd know when she was done. And, of course, they cheered her on when she crossed crossed over the finish line. There were a few lingering race officials that were still there. They gave her a medal.

Yeah. They made sure that, she was running with somebody too, and and they got they got their medals. They finished it up. I thought it was super cool. And she finished?

Yeah. She completed it. She did this to raise money for the American Heart Association and to honor an organ donor named Steven who gave her dad a new heart in the beginning of the year. That's really cool. The average time and I'm looking across all age groups from 16 to 54.

And there's there's more. But the all average times, are about 4 and a half hours. Okay. That's the average. Now that means there are people faster and there are people slower, but the median average for all age groups, all genders is about 4 and a half hours.

She did it took her 10. But that's okay because guess what? She never quit. And she completed that race. It's a big deal.

She did it, and her family was there to support her. Her mom used a belt as a finish line. And what do you need, Josh? You need confidence. You need a willingness to try, and you need a good support system.

Good support system. All 3. Good for her. Yep. Jeanette.

Way to go, Jeanette. Well done for even just running a marathon. Well done to those people. Yeah. 26.2 miles running 4 and a half hours nonstop or 10 10.

If you want. Take 10. Why not? Do what you want. You're running a marathon.

So some good news to get you going today. There is a book called The Life of King Henry the 5th. Have you heard of this book? I have not. It's by William Shakespeare.

And back in 1923, there's this lady named Darlene, and she went to the library. And she was like, I wanna read The Life of King Henry the 5th by William Shakespeare. So she checked the book out from the library in 1923, and she never took it back. Arlene. Maybe she accidentally lost it.

Maybe she thought it went to the school library and took it back there. I've done that before. Well, I believe Arlene has passed away. Oh. And her granddaughter, Cynthia, was sorting through some of her belongings and found the book and said, grandma Oh, grams.

Why don't you take this back to the library in 1923? So she took it back to the library. She returned the book, and the library said it is never too late to return overdue library material. They're pretty excited to have the book back. It's been overdue for over 100 years.

Wow. That's pretty awesome. Right? This particular book ended up being an extra special one as it's considered rare and is actually worth a lot of money Really? As a collector's item among enthusiasts of Shakespeare.

So instead of charging overdue fines, the library chose instead to celebrate the book's return and thanks, Cynthia, for taking the step to finally return her grandmother's borrowed book. Cynthia didn't try and sell it and make money off of it. Well, there's that. She returned to the library where it belonged. Yep.

The Life of King Henry the 5th by William Shakespeare, back in the library. This is at the Patterson Public Library in New Jersey, where they now have finally recovered a copy of that book. Arlene, return your book. I mean, you imagine if they would've charged the late fee? Holy cow.

25¢ a day for a 100 years? 100 years? Yeah. Let's do some quick math. Do some quick maths.

Let's see. 25¢ times 365 days. Oh, no. $91.25 a year A year? Times 100 years.

That's $9,125. Yeah. That's a hefty library fine. That's that's a lot. The most you've ever had is $28.

I have not had a library fine. Thank you very much. You have? Nope. You had to pay that.

Yeah. Because somebody checked out books on my card. We have had this argument for a 100 years. As little as that book, it's good news to get you going. So would you consider yourself to be successful?

No. Why? Because I don't feel like I am. Okay. Would you consider yourself to be successful?

Yeah. Okay. In what way? Well, it's all about your markers of success. Right?

So there's a career expert named Scott. Hey, Scott. Scat. Scat. He says, look.

You gotta try to stop and appreciate how successful you are right now, and you have to ask yourself these 6 questions. Do you live your values? K. That's a question. Oh, yes.

K. Yes. Are you working on your life? Yes. Do you appreciate what you already have?

Yes. Do you have a growth mindset? Why are you saying it like that, John? Because I've said this one for years. Do you have a growth mindset?

Yes. Are you doing the work so that you're ready when opportunity arises? Yes. And are you trying to achieve your goals, not someone else's? I don't Answering those six questions will determine if you're successful.

Okay. What if you don't necessarily know what your goals are? Well, then you gotta have a growth mindset. You gotta rewind to your growth mindset and develop your goals toward growth. Yes.

Yes. Yes. Do you you consider yourself successful? Do you know how to Yeah. I did.

Did you? Yeah. And based on these 6 criteria, I would say, yeah, as well. Like, you've gotta you've gotta exist where you exist, and you've gotta be you gotta have the gratitude. You gotta live your values.

You gotta be true who you are. Those kinds of things work on your life. My mom Appreciate what you already have. All these things are great individual bits of advice, but all of them add up to great markers of success. But I think what people hang on to is the future, the wants, the needs, the things that they want to be And they're not in the present.

In the present. They're constantly living in this, I want this, I want this, I want this, and they beat them. Happier. Right. Which you won't.

I have this. I'll be happy. When this changes, I'll be happy. And you won't. So you gotta you gotta work on stuff.

You gotta have goals. You gotta have things you're trying to achieve in order to keep you motivated moving forward, for sure. But you've gotta go, hey. Where am I right now, and and am are my markers of success being fulfilled? And if you can say yes to that, yeah.

You're successful. Are you successful by your own standards? You should be able to say yes. Depending on the day. I think there are definitely days where I go, alright.

I pretty much killed it today. I did pretty good today. And there's days where I go, could've But that's the days. Tackle that day better. It's days.

You gotta look at big picture. You gotta average out the days. Okay. Okay. Okay.

Yeah. You can't stick on one day. And this has been my TED Talk. I hope you enjoy. Look at motivation.

That's right. 7 o'clock in the morning. Get in the 50. You are successful. Just ask those 6 questions.

Do you live your values? You're working on your life. Do you appreciate what you already have? Do you have a growth mindset? Are you doing the work so you're ready when opportunity arises?

And are you trying to achieve your goals, not someone else's? Those are big questions, and if you can mark those off, you're successful. And if you're if you're not marking them all off, now you know what to work on. You know? According to Josh.

According to my TED Talk. According to Josh. Yeah. Thanks for joining, Megan. You had to dress up last night as a pirate?

I did indeed get to dress up as a pirate. I walked into our daughter's room, after I put on the costume, and I I said, hey. You gotta check this out. Look at this. And I said, rate the fit.

And she said, quote, what is that? Oh, buddy. No. So she didn't care for it. No.

You saw it later on. You didn't get to see it that early. You, you showed up where I was working a haunted house, and you you saw my pirate costume. What did you think? It's great.

It looked great. Whatever. Your shirt could've used a steam. As I said, pirates don't use irons unless it's just swashbuckle. Clanging irons.

So your shirt was a little wrinkly. Yeah. Well, I'm not like a And that's okay. Laundered pirate. I know.

I know. You're a rough and tumble pirate. I get it. Rough and tumble. Yeah.

You had snow boots. It's the only boots I had. So I now let's be clear. I I've got, like they're rubber boots. They aren't like, Like a moon boot?

Yeah. They're not like I wasn't walking around in, like, snowboarding boots. And it was dark. It's fine. You looked like a pirate.

You fit the theme. You had a bandana around your head. Yeah. At one point, there was a girl who said, what do you have under your bandana? What does your real hair look like?

Actually look like under there? I'm bald. But then she said, I knew you were bald. And I went, how? How would you know?

I'm wearing a bandana. You have no idea what's under here. How did she know? Had luscious locks. How did she know?

I have no idea. That's pretty rude of her. I felt attacked. Oh. Not really.

You were working the scout spook alley. That's correct. You guys made a haunted pirate ship. Yeah. We had, like, a ghost pirate ship.

It was great. You did a great job. Yeah. It was a fun it was a fun layout. We had we had some, jail cells through, like, a jungle area, then you had to walk on the dock and then go up the ramp onto the deck of the boat that kinda wiggled when you walked on it.

Yes. And then you'd go into the captain's quarters where he had all of his jewels, and he was counting things. And then you had to go walk the plank and jump into the ocean. Yeah. It was good.

You did a great job. Fun little, storyline that you kinda walked through. It was fun. You have a very limited space to work with. And Yeah.

I mean, our room is, like, maybe 400 square feet. It's not that big, and we try to make that happen. So pretty okay. It was good. You did a great job.

Well, thanks. And I got to dress like the coolest pirate. I mean, you did you did I should have taken a picture of you. I can't believe I didn't take a picture. Oh, we don't need that.

Nobody needs to see that. No, buddy. Oh, no. Not that. Such disappointment.

You had a Christmas video yesterday that you you and Victor, who is on the k Bear Morning Show, who also is the music director Yeah. Here. Mhmm. You guys decided, I don't know what it is you decided to do. Tell me what that 2 hour long video was that you posted yesterday.

Well, it wasn't just a video. We did a livestream from the studio for 2 hours and some minutes, and we have been working on, the Christmas music library because we're getting ready within a few weeks here. Classy 97 will become the Christmas music channel. And as we're preparing for that, and we've been preparing for it for weeks weeks Uh-huh. But as we get closer and closer, we start getting to, like, this list of songs that we don't know what to do with.

And so we're kind of working through that list of music going like, are these songs that we wanna play all the time? Are they songs that we, you know, have even heard of? Is it stuff that's gonna mix well with the rest of the library of music? So we had we were just kinda going through what we normally do. We just decided to put it on Facebook live as we were doing it.

We have cameras in the studio. We thought, here's behind the scenes. This is what it goes into, you know, making Classy 97 the Christmas music channel every year, and we're at the bottom of this list. Let's listen to some of these songs and figure out if we wanna play them or not. That's what that's what happened.

I wish that I was here or that I was able to to listen to it and watch it live so that I could interact with you guys because I had some thoughts. That's what you said last night because you watched the entire thing, which I'm blown away. 2 hours. If you weren't there when it happened, you're welcome to watch the entire 2 hour long thing. It's 2 hours long.

You were like, I watched it while I was cooking. I was doing the spook gallery. Kind of a lot. Yeah. It was on, and I was just listening.

Background while I was puttering around the house and making dinner and doing things. So I just had it on as I was doing other things. So watching, I wasn't watching it. I was listening more than anything. Yeah.

Which is fine. Some of the song choices that you guys were like, yeah. Let's add that. I was like, no. Some of the ones that you were like, no.

That's let's keep that out. I was like, yes. Add that in. Yeah. That's, that's why everybody has opinions.

I know. So we we look at the data. We look at the the way it might mix with the rest of the stuff we're playing, and we kinda put together a library. And we try to do our best every year to make it fresh and new and exciting and and fun to listen to for, you know, weeks. Yeah.

And so, yeah, that was really kinda what we were doing yesterday. And the video is there. You can go watch it on our Facebook page. Absolutely can. If you wanna sit down for 2 hours and some minutes and listen to, Victor and I kinda go on and on and on about some Christmas songs.

Or, you know, you you don't have to. You can just enjoy what we build and that'll be fine too. It was fun though. It was it was cool to kinda hang out. A good time.

Yeah. And there were some listeners that were chatting with us. And so it was really cool to kinda get to, to get to talk to some folks while we were working. It was really cool. So you and I need to do it.

We need to do some Facebook live stuff in here. And we can go live on YouTube and all kinds of fun things, and take part of the show and just put it live on the Internet, and people can interact with us and stuff. We gotta do that. Maybe we should make a plan to do that tomorrow. Okay.

We should definitely That'll be fun. Yeah. It it'll be a good time. So we'll you know, 2 hours, 4 hours, the whole show. I don't know.

Who? We'll see. But it's a good time, and you get to just chat with people, and they get to see what goes on behind the scenes making this show. It's kinda fun. That would be kinda fun.

So, anyway, maybe tomorrow. We'll, see if we can put that together. I think it'd be fun. Follow us on Facebook if you don't already. Classy 97 KLCE if you wanna be able to connect with us on the, live feed tomorrow.

And then you can go watch it again for 2 hours or whatever afterward if you want. That's fine too. There's a college in Washington. Oh, sorry. There is a college in Maryland called Washington College.

Alright. They have a logo that is George Washington's signature. A lot of people don't know how to read it because it's in cursive. They don't know how to read cursive. They are changing their logo.

Okay. Just to a g w? Because keeps these days aren't learning cursive, and the prospective students didn't know how to read it. Now that's true, but also, it's also a signature. So a lot of people can't read signatures.

So the signature is in cursive, but it's also very stylized. I know how to read cursive, but I don't necessarily I can't make out the letters in this signature because it's a signature. I'm trying to find it, logo. Here, I'll show you a picture of it. Because all I can find at at the George Washington University is the big GW with the George Washington mascot.

No. It's George Washington College. College, not university. There's a there's a photograph. Oh.

Well, yeah. It's George Washington's signature. Yeah. Yeah. But it doesn't what does it say below it?

Washington College. Well, there you go. Washington College. Yeah. So Washington College started in 1782, but the cursive logo only dates back to 2013.

So it's not even necessarily an old logo. Mhmm. But they have changed the new they have changed the logo to something new. And, no, it's not Comic Sans. I'm grateful for that.

Now it's just Washington College. I don't know what the type I don't know what the font is, but it's oh, sorry. It is No. I thought it gave me the the font. It doesn't matter.

Now it just says Washington College in perfect font that everybody can read. Well, looks like I'm looking at their, Facebook, and their profile pic is just washcall. So washcall written out. Washcall. So they just shorten everything anyway, which I'm like, come on, guys.

Washington College. Call. I don't think that logo's too difficult. Right. And if you know, like, underneath his signature, it says Washington College.

Right. So I don't think a change was needed. Yeah. Plus, it's George Washington's signature. Exactly.

Like, you should at least know that. Exactly. But what do I know? I can read cursive. So Oh.

I'm so fancy. I know what a flex. What a flex. Let's talk a little football, Chantel. Let's talk about football.

So Monday's game, this last Monday was between Tampa Bay and Baltimore. There were a couple of games. But this one in particular, somebody wanted to run the numbers and find out exactly how much of the football game is actually playing football. Okay. Do you have any kind of guess?

Okay. So it normally lasts on television for about 3 hours. That's right. This game was 3 hours and 4 minutes long. I'm gonna guess probably an hour and a half.

You think 90 minutes of the 3 hours and 4 minutes was actual football? Yes. Let me tell you, you're way wrong. Oh, less than that. Right?

Considerably less. Okay. So let's say an hour. Way less than an hour. Honestly.

Actual on field play time made up 9% of the broadcast. The entire time, there were actual plays happening on the field, 16 minutes and 24 seconds way. Of the 3 hours, 16 minutes. I that's insane. That's insane.

Right? Actual football, 16 minutes. Before I started watching football, I always knew the game was boring, honestly. And I would tell people, football is so boring because it's like, oh, let's play it. Let's make a play, and then let's talk about it.

Right. 20 minutes. Do replays. We gotta have time outs. We gotta do all that stuff.

So Yep. So what they call that, the time you're not playing, they call that stoppage. That makes up 66% of the game or the broadcast. 66% of that. That's crazy.

That also includes stoppage. That that does not include halftime. So halftime counts in your commercial time as well, which made up 25%. So actual stoppage time, you spend more time watching not football action, 2 thirds, 66 percent of the broadcast That's insane. Is just standing around talking about what just happened, what might happen next, substitutions, penalties, timeouts, waiting for football to happen, which only takes up 16 minutes That is of the entire broadcast.

I know. I was blown away by those numbers as well. 16 minutes. Insane. Absolutely insane.

Yep. There's another world record, that I may try to break. It is all about those chopsticks and whether or not you can, you know, manipulate them very effectively. There is, a lady in Bangladesh, 24 year old woman who broke a Guinness world record by using chopsticks to pick up and eat 37 grains of rice 1 by 1 in 1 minute. That's almost one every other second.

A little faster than that. She's been using chopsticks to eat all of her meals for the past few years, and one day a coworker noticed how well she used the chopsticks to eat her rice and said, you know, you could probably get a world record for that. And she said, okay. I'll try it. And she did.

She beat the world record by 10 grains of rice, 37 grains in one minute. And now I gotta attempt it. I gotta find out if I can pick up and eat how many grains in one minute. That's that's a tough challenge, but I'm up for it. I'm gonna do it.

I might have found 1. We'll see. Some sad news coming out of, Grand Teton National Park. I just saw the story. This happened yesterday.

Famous grizzly bear, beloved for decades by countless of tourists, biologists, and professional wildlife photographers in Grand Teton National Park has died after being struck by a vehicle in western Wyoming. We're talking about grizzly bear number 399, which, very, very well known grizzly bear, 28 years old, the oldest known reproducing female grizzly bear in the Yellowstone ecosystem. And each spring, wildlife enthusiasts will wait to find out, you know, as she comes out of her den, how many cubs has she birthed over the winter, and then that news would, you know, spread online like crazy, which is which is, you know, a typical thing that's been happening for a lot of years. And the circumstances of the of the crash are pretty unclear at this point, but they are being investigated, and I'm sure further information will be released. But, grizzly bear 399 has passed away after, an accident with a vehicle.

Scientists speculate that, she had 18 known cubs and 8 litters over the years, including a litter of 4 in 2020. A big, big animal, 7 feet tall, about £400, and, pretty amazing. And and a lot of people have taken online. They've gone online and, calling her an ambassador of the species and that, she is, you know, just a magnificent queen and an icon, for grizzly bears. I totally agree, and, we hope that, obviously, that the cubs are doing well.

We don't know if there are any cubs around when, she was, hit by the car and exactly what happened in that accident, still not quite known. But, unfortunately, grizzly bear 399, died Tuesday night on a highway just south of Jackson, according to park officials yesterday. So sad news. So they put out a list of terrible, miserable, awful, boring, miserable jobs. And, my job isn't on it, which I was grateful to see because I don't I don't think this is a miserable job.

I can see how people would think whatever job they're like, in the middle of is like, oh, this thing just drags on and on This list of miserable jobs, they found out that a bunch of people who are doing, manual labor jobs are the most miserable, and they ranked them, like, on all of these different criteria. But the top five were warehouse manager, construction worker, social worker, psychiatric aid, and the number one unhappiest, most miserable job is apparently an electrician. Made the top of the list. So I'm glad I'm not that happiest job around that you can get according to the other side of the list. Top of the like, most satisfying non miserable job is someone who designs cars.

I'm trying to figure out like, that's a cool job. It's artistic. It's creative. You get to use your hands. You got sculpting, and you got technology in there.

And there's some really cool things. I don't know if I'd be up for it. That feels like a very specialized kinda job, somebody who designs cars. And there are a lot of cars, but I think every everybody's kind of got, like, a team. Like, how do you even get into that non miserable job?

You just walk up to a car dealer and be like, I think I can make a better one. That's that's I don't think that's the solution. I could do what this is better for sure. So it's no fun when anybody in your family isn't feeling well. We've got, our daughter who, is home.

She's sick. She's not feeling well. And then as the morning has kind of progressed along, Chantel was like, I'm not feeling great. And it got a little bit ichier and ichier. And so she has gone home not feeling well, which is always a little disorienting because when you have a 2 person show and you get to banter back and forth, and you get to talk and have a conversation, and you get to do the things, it's, it's somebody else in the room.

You get to bounce back and forth. And I haven't had to do a solo just me by myself show, in a long time. And so it's, it's me. Hi. It's Josh Tielor in the studio hanging out.

I'm here, until 10 o'clock. Chantel wasn't feeling well, though, so she has gone home. If you're wondering over the past few minutes why it's kinda been just me hanging out, that's why. So hopefully, she's feeling better, and we'll be back to normal tomorrow morning. That'd be the plan.

For now, you get me. So hope that'll hope that'll suffice for the rest of your Thursday morning, as we kinda make our way through trying to figure out the things to talk about when you're by yourself in a room, talking behind a microphone about just nonsense. That's kinda what what's on the docket for the rest of the show. I'm gonna find some nonsensical things to talk about, and, and then we'll just keep moving forward. And, hopefully, everything's cool tomorrow, and we'll be back to normal.

But thanks for hanging out. Thanks for listening to the show. So if you've ever flown out of the Salt Lake City Airport, there are times when you have to go to concourse b. And concourse b feels like a mile and a half or 2 or 10 away from the main entrance to the Salt Lake City Airport. But they just this week opened up a new walking tunnel to get you to concourse b gates.

It's called the river tunnel, and it does provide a route directly from the main terminal, to the b gates. Now if you are headed to gate b 2, for example, the walk is gonna be just the same. But most people, they found, are going to the center portions of the terminal building, and so they're saying that you're gonna save as much as half a mile of walking, which could save you 10 to 15 minutes of walking between the terminals, which is really good. The river tunnel is a straight shot once you get through security to the main terminal, which is fantastic. And, they did thinking ahead, they did make the tunnel train ready.

So if they decide later on they wanna build a concourse c at the Salt Lake City Airport, they will be able to put a train in between a and c. Now I'm look. I'm saying I know there's money involved and all that stuff to make the train go between a and b, but that might have been helpful. You know, just, you know, throw that out there. It might be nice to just have the train now.

So that's gonna wrap up the show for today. I know a little bit weird there at the end with, with Chantel not being in the studio. But, hey, you can catch the show, again live tomorrow. We'll be in the studio 6 to 10 every single weekday, and we do have the show available now as a podcast. Yesterday, we posted our 1 hundredth episode of the podcast, which is pretty exciting.

You can listen to it and download it and subscribe Everywhere podcasts are available. So if you have Spotify or you have Apple Music or you have YouTube Music or Amazon, whatever it is you listen, you can find wake up classy 97, the podcast. Everywhere podcasts are available and you subscribe and you get notified when new episodes are posted each weekday. Then you can listen there. You can also rate the show, which is easy to do.

You just, hit the little stars on whatever platform you're using and, rate the show. That helps us kinda grow and helps more people find the show, which is cool. So thanks for doing that. And we're also on YouTube, which is fun. You can, see, there's a video of me bobbing for apples today, which is pretty good.

And we've got all kinds of stuff from inside the studio. So if you wanna see what kinda goes on behind the scenes, you can take a look there. On our YouTube channel. Just search for wake up classy 97 and subscribe there as well. Thanks for listening.

Have a great rest of your Thursday. We'll do it again tomorrow on your Friday right here on classy 97. See you. Thanks for listening to Wake Up Classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast.

Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.