Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Monday, July 8th, 2024 / It’s video game day - or as Chantel calls it - Mario Kart day, we’re searching for Sasquatch, recapping our 4th of July, Josh’s high fashions, Chantel never gets to shower, Josh lost his fishing net, fake tan lines, the breakfast time capsule, Chantel has a fellow Vikings fan, and the scrambled pancake trend.

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Wake up with Josh & Chantel every weekday from 6a-10a on Classy 97! Missed the show or want to revisit your favorite moments from the show, enjoy Wake Up Classy 97 - The Podcast!

It's Josh and Chantel, and this is wake up classy 97, the podcast. It's a replay of today's show. Go ahead. Move your mic. There you there it is.

It's a replay of today's full show. It's Monday, July 8th. Today on the show, it's video game day or as I call it, Mario Kart day because that's the only video game that matters. We're searching for sasquatch. Recapping our 4th July, Josh's high fashions.

I never get to shower. Everyone always takes my hot water. Josh lost his fishing net. It was expensive. Fake tan lines, the breakfast time capsule.

I have a fellow Vikings fan go skull, and a scrambled pancake trend. Hey. Thanks for listening. You can hear the show live every weekday morning from 6 to 10. It's wake up classy 97, the podcast.

Enjoy today's show. Classy 97. It's Josh and Chantel. Hi. Hey.

Hey. Welcome back. It's been a few days. It's been a few days. Not enough days.

Not enough days? No. Well, that's alright. We're gonna make up for that next week. We'll we'll talk about that later.

But for now, let's just let's just have a Monday Alright. July 8th, and, today is National Video Game Day. You say there's only 1 video game that matters. There is 1 video game to rule them all. Halo.

No. Mario Kart, bruh. It's a good game. It's the best game. It's it's good.

It is a good game. It is the best 1. It's 1 of the best. The best. It's 1 of the best.

Fight me or better yet, race me. You don't wanna do that. I do. You get so mad when I win. That's because I I taught you all of the Mario Kart tricks.

Doesn't matter because you didn't know how to jump off the line the fast way. You didn't know how to drift the right way. Matter? Yeah. It does.

I taught you how to play that game. So everybody learned once. Who taught you? Somebody. No.

Myself. No. Hours and hours of practice. Wrong. Someone showed you along the way how to drift and how to boost off the start line and how to hold, inventory items as a shield.

Someone taught you all that. I taught you how to do that too. It's national freezer pop day. You might call them Otter pops. Yes.

Those are delicious. It is international town criers day. Hey. Yay. You know those folks.

It's also math 2.0 day, a day to bone up on your mathematics. No. Thank you. What? Man, chocolate with almonds day.

Oh, now this is something I can get behind. Be a kid again day. Aw, yay. Yep. I like that.

And, that's what's going on. Oh. That's what's happening today. These are some good days. Yep.

I agree. Go play your favorite video game with a freezer pop. And a handful of chocolate covered almonds. Unless you're allergic. Don't do that.

Oh, sorry for that. Yep. Happy Monday. Okay. Every June in New York City, they have a summer fancy food show.

Okay. And I wanna go there because What are some of these fancy foods? They've got 3 days of unlimited food samples. Oh, this is your thing. I You No.

Love samples. They also have master classes, keynote speakers, panels, blah blah blah. Master classes on, like, how to cook and stuff? I don't know. I'm into that.

It's we should go. How do we get our boss to send us to go? I don't know. Where is this? In New York City.

Okay. So, basically, the summer fancy food show tells you the different trends you can see coming up in food. Okay. So you get to go sample foods before they're out on the market kinda thing? Kinda.

Yeah. Okay? 1 of the, what do I wanna say? Somebody who's created the thing. Okay.

1 of the 1 of the originators? 1 of the Yeah. Founders? Yes. K?

Has said, like, with the invention of TikTok, it's made, like, our job a little bit obsolete because TikTok can interesting. Can, like, bring out different food trends quicker than they can, but that's okay. Here are the top 5 top 5 food trends that they say are gonna explode Alright. Or are exploding. Let's go.

Next level spicy foods. Like, that's already happened Right. But it's the 1 chip challenge and stuff. But but you don't eat that all the time necessarily. That's like a challenge.

But the next level is really, like, eating your food with multiple ghost peppers or other spicy chilies. Multiple ghost peppers or alright. Like, all your snacks, they've got, spicy gummy bears and sweet and salty chili chips. Okay. And swicy, sweet and spicy food.

Swicy? Swicy. Alright. K? Then they have apocalyptic staples.

What's that mean? Like, stuff that's gonna last for a long time. Okay. Like, canned stuff, freeze dried stuff, pickled stuff. This is the trends that people are seeing.

Like, this is what people are buying. Okay. And then fancy groceries. This is what I thought was funny because it it said a bunch of stuff that I don't know, like flour and olives, almond scratch, olive oil cake mix, and then Taco Bell's sauce. What?

Fancy. Fancy. Ready to eat Korean meals, like Korean food is on the up and up. And honey and seeds honey and seeds are everywhere, not necessarily together. You you like, like, honey and seeds in a bar, like in a in a granola bar type thing.

Yes. Do you like a lot of seeds? Yeah. Are you a bird? I could be.

I absolutely could be a bird. You might be a bird. Nuts and seeds and berries. Right. There's just a lot of spicy honeys, not necessarily even spicy, just fancy.

Fancy honeys. You're my fancy honey. Oh, come on now. If you believed in Bigfoot, where do you think he or she would live? In Oregon?

Oregon. Why Oregon? Because of all the trees and foresty area and There's lots of trees and foresty areas everywhere. Yeah. But especially in Oregon.

Interesting. Yeah. No. Interesting. Bigfoot's, definitely Do you think you don't think he moves around or she moves around?

Probably. I mean, I don't think see what Tennessee looks like. Oh, no. I don't think You don't? I don't think no.

There were a couple of teenagers who went camping in Louisiana, and they called 911 because they were positive they saw a Bigfoot like creature with glowing eyes. That's not it. I've never heard of Bigfoot having glowing eyes. This is my favorite part is that they said he stood about 5 feet tall. He's just a little Bigfoot.

Yeah. Littlefoot. I don't know what they saw, but probably an animal when they hit it with their flashlight wasn't Bigfoot. When they hit it with their flashlight, the eyes lit up. You know how, like, deer and cats and dogs Yep.

Do that? It was probably But what an animal with eyeballs like that. Be 5 foot tall? What animal is 5 feet tall? Well, let's see.

What native what animals are native to Louisiana. Louisiana. Yeah. These were recent graduates in Louisiana, these these campers. They were all about 17 to 18 years old.

This is not the first sighting of Bigfoot in Louisiana forests. A couple of years ago, there were 2 people. These are their names are protected. Okay. Texla What?

And Claude. Claude? Claude. They said they saw Bigfoot markings and twisted tree limbs. They also in they also heard loud howls.

Alright. They do have American black bear in Louisiana. Oh, do they? Yeah. Bears never scratch trees and leave March.

No. They never, make weird grunting noises and growls. But do their eyes glow? I I believe, do do I do black bears have that, reflective eye thing? Yeah.

I don't know. I don't know. There's only 1 explanation. It has to be Bigfoot at only 5 feet tall. Bears have reflective eyes.

Do they? So they saw a black bear. No. Maybe they didn't. Maybe they saw Bigfoot.

They saw a black bear. I here's the thing. I kinda like these tall tales. I like the idea of Nessie, the Loch Ness monster. You do.

I like the idea of Bigfoot. Do I think he actually exists? No. In Oregon. But I He doesn't travel around the Louisiana.

Yes. He does. Oh, I absolutely would. If I was Bigfoot, I'd be like, let's go down south. He may have gotten to Colorado by now, but that's it.

No. He's fast. He's a fast runner. Have you ever seen supposed video of Bigfoot No. Never running?

Nice. Slow walking with his arms. Never a runner. That's because he's too fast. You can't capture that on film.

Come on now. He's too fast. No. I know it seems like a lifetime ago, but we weren't in the studio after the 4th July. So we were able to recap the events of the 4th July.

The 4th July. So, let's start with, do you wanna you just wanna jump to the end? Where do you wanna go with this? I don't know. Where do you wanna go?

I'm I I mean, it really culminates at River Fest and the 31st annual Melaleuca Freedom celebration. And, what a fireworks show. Unbelievable. And where we sit and where I know other people sit, shrapnel happens. Yeah.

I saw pictures, from, some some friends on Facebook. They were like, I was getting hit with pieces of firework because it's just We were under a little canopy for a little bit, and it sounded like it was raining from all of the shrapnel that was sitting. And it's like a little ash and stuff. And it's what a what an experience. I couldn't even hear.

There was a video posted of fireworks set to the music. Yes. I couldn't even hear the music while we were sitting because fireworks We're so loud. It's there were definitely moments where you're like, this is just a lot of booms. Really cool, though, and, grateful to be a part of it again this year.

Super, super fun. And, and 31 minutes all set to music. I know you were a little upset because you have, a really big passion for that Neil Diamond America song. Yeah. And, and you didn't hear it during maybe it was there and you just didn't hear it.

No. Well, it's possible. It did play prior to the the, fireworks show. Did it on Classy 97? Yes.

Phew. It's not the 4th July without Neil Diamond. It was definitely there. I did try to get your attention when it was playing on the radio, which was about, I don't know, 9:15 or so. Uh-huh.

And I'm going, hey. Your song's on. What was I doing? Hanging out with the kids. I don't know.

I'm doing something. Working. I don't know. You were busy. Like, you were doing talking to people.

I don't know. Well, I'll tell you. As a kid, I grew up in Burley, and they have a firework show, but it's, you know, it's typical. I'm not trying to harsh Burley, but it was it was just fireworks. Okay.

It was just a small thing. And then I moved to Pocatello, and that was the first time that I saw fireworks set to music. And it was Neil Diamond Yeah. Set the course. Like, he was the first 1.

And so that really set in me So that's where you're like, I have to have that. That's what a firework show is to me. I see. Well, I know the team, here, and I wanna give, credit to, our boss, Jade. He's the guy behind the music every year, and I know he put in over 50 hours on making that happen, which is just incredible.

Just the music part, not the pyrotechnic part. Just that part. Going through the process of putting that together, it's a big deal. So, big big kudos to him for that and, a job well done by everybody involved in making that happen. A beautiful day.

Yeah. And and hope you had a great 4th now that we can finally, you know, sort of recap it. I did post the video of the finale and some of the pictures and stuff from this year's Melaleuca Freedom celebration on the classy 97 Facebook page. If you were not in the area and missed it or wanna see it, the finale was And it wasn't too bad. We got home about 12:30.

Yeah. It wasn't and we had, like, cleanup and other stuff to do. So, yeah, it wasn't bad getting out of there at all. So Everybody was kind Yep. And respectful as far as I could see.

So Though it was I had to stop by here. That was the challenging part. If I would have just gone home, easy. Coulda done it. Would have been home sooner.

But having to navigate through town to get to the studio Yeah. Because there was was growth closed. Yeah. And that was that was more of a challenge than getting out of the parking lot, I think. But we did it.

We made it. Until next year. That's right. On onto the next thing. So, anyway, happy 4th, everybody.

Hope you had a good 1. Glad to be back with you in the studio this morning. Hope everybody's safe and Back to life. Back to life. We had a barbecue with some family members over the weekend Mhmm.

Where we lit our own fireworks. When you work on the 4th July, you gotta wait till another night to be able to launch your own stuff usually because I'm not gonna be the guy in the neighborhood who gets home from the fireworks At 12:30. 30 and then spends until, I don't know, 2, 3 AM, keeping the neighborhood awake. We did have that problem on the 4th July. Wild.

Yeah. Wild. We heard fireworks still too. I'm not complaining about it because it's the 4th. It's 2 weeks back to Right?

Sure. You bet. I just didn't wanna contribute to that. We had a lot of loud fireworks. Yeah.

And You were worried about it. It. And we started at a reasonable hour. 10. And we told Beck, you have until 10:30.

Right. And it's exciting. Shutting it down. Yeah. You wanted to light the fireworks.

I mean, these, like, almost 20 seemed seemed like a fine idea. I hated it. You did. You were like hated it. I know these guys have a baby.

I know these guys have little kids. I know these guys Have dogs. Right. I don't So that's why I said, well, give her a second. Works during at night.

I don't know what her shift is. I don't know. She's probably sleeping. So it's Ugh. And you you were very concerned.

But I said, look. 30 to 45 minutes tops will be will be done. We'll keep it short. It it'll be no big deal. Don't want all the neighbors to hate us.

Sorry, neighbors. Right. We did have somebody pull up and say Can we talk about this this random anonymous person who didn't talk to me, but talked to, our son Uh-huh. And said, hey. And this was, like, 10:20.

Yeah. Like, it was it was not late, and this is a Saturday night, so this is not, like, an inappropriate time to be lighting fireworks. It's still around the 4th July here. Yeah. And 10:20, this lady rolls up and says, that she has alerted the cops, and they're gonna be patrolling the area.

And here's what I think. What do you think? I think she just doesn't like fireworks, and she was tired of hearing it in in the neighborhood. And this was the first time we'd, you know, lit off a firework this year. And there were other people in our neighborhood that used them.

So she's just policing the neighborhood on her own because she's frustrated that it's another night of fireworks. That's what I think is going on. Said too. It was not very cool. Not very cool at all.

Pretty lame. Like, look. If it's midnight or later or it's been going on for on and on and on and on and on and you've already driven by once to see if it was a safe situation. But It did end our fireworks show pretty quickly. Well, yeah, we were kinda we were getting toward the end anyway, but we're like, alright.

We'll we'll be done then. So I was happy about it. Yeah. Because you were stressed about all the other stuff. But to be done.

Not very cool, lady. Pretty lame. Pretty lame. Let's talk about your outfit of choice on Saturday. The outfit of Choice.

Everyone's dreams. You made that decision. You made that decision. Yeah. Do you wanna explain it?

Wore it all day. Well, listen. You wore it in public even. Yeah. I'm not ashamed, but my feet hurt, so then I had to change.

Listen. Let let me go back in time here. A year ago or so around Father's Day, the kids decided they wanted to give me some snack foods, and a card. And, while they were shopping, they also found this shirt that is covered with hot dogs, which is right up my alley with being the big fan of hot dogs that I am. Right.

And so I I had I have a hot dog shirt. It's a shirt with a 1000000000 hot dogs on it. And it's like it's a button up. Yeah. It's got a collar.

Mhmm. It's a fancy hot dog shirt. Right. And I wore it that day that I got it, and then I felt like this is this is the kind of shirt you hang on to and wear a couple of times a year. That's what I feel about that shirt.

Wear as needed. Yeah. It's not something you wear all the time. It's a summertime barbecuing 4th July kinda shirt. So I said, I'm gonna put this away in the closet, and I'm gonna pull it out a couple of times a year, and I'll wear the hot dog shirt.

And not a week goes by that I don't get some flack about not wearing the hot dog shirt all the time. The fact that it isn't in my regular closet, but that it's in the closet in the basement where I store my winter coats as well during their off season. So, that's that's gotten me some heat from particularly our daughter. Yeah. And, and so it was a big day to bring it out.

I felt like Saturday is the day. It's 4th July weekend. There's a barbecue happening. If ever there's a time to wear the hot dog shirt, today's that day. But then I said, but I gotta get a little something for me out of this deal too because I'm gonna wear the shirt, which is gonna make our daughter very happy that I'm wearing the shirt that she always asks about.

So I have a pair of cutoff jean shorts that I made about a year ago, and I said, yeah. I'm wearing those with it. So this nice, fancy, million hot dog button up shirt It's so fancy. And my jean cut off shorts. Your jorts?

And then, to really finish off the look, I said, I I don't have, tan feet because I wear socks and shoes all the time. So it looks like I'm wearing white socks for feet. I'm gonna wear Chaco sandals, and I completed the look. It was great. But I haven't worn my Chaco's often enough for my feet to be, like, calloused up and broken in on them.

Mhmm. And so they hurt my feet by the the time we went to the store and all. And so I was like, I gotta I gotta change my shoes. So I did. Emery hated you.

Like, I didn't mind it, honestly. I did not mind it. You were cool. You were relaxed. You were comfortable.

I felt great all day. Do you, buddy? All day in my jean cut off shorts and my hot dog shirt. Did you notice any looks? Did anybody do a double take?

I didn't notice because I wasn't paying attention. I just was out doing my normal thing dressed as I was. Wear it confidently. That's all you need. Right?

So hot dog shirt, will get laundered and retired for a while. I'm sure the summer's young. There's still time. It may, it may reappear. If you do hate that shirt I don't hate that shirt.

Okay. That shirt is just not an everyday shirt. You just need to stain it somehow. Oh, yeah. Like, oh.

No. I don't wanna damage the shirt. I like the shirt. It's just not a like, you don't wear that 1 in the fall. It's not hot dog season.

It doesn't make sense. Oh, but it'd be could be fun in the fall. Pair it with a nice sweater. No. So just the collar of the hot dogs, is it No.

Peeking out over the sweater? Is that hot dogs? Then I'll get looks. You're wearing you're wearing a knit cardigan and a hot dog shirt? Yeah.

Let's talk about night showering versus morning showering. I showered at night last night. Oh, all of you showered yesterday, which was a problem for me. You kinda made it a thing. I really, really hurried.

I mean, the kids showered, at least an hour before I did. So there was hot water. We don't have I feel like our hot water tank isn't very big. I think we need we did another 1. Separate 1 for your the bathroom you use.

Yeah. I think is what really needs to happen. That's fine with me. Because, apparently, you like to use more water, I think, is what the problem. I like to use more hot water for sure.

Yeah. For longer. Yeah. For longer. Yeah.

Yeah. And also the bathtub is deep. And so if you take a bath, it's it's it's there's not I was just planning on taking a shower. I understand. And you could've.

I told you that. Except when I'm the last 1 to shower usually, then I'm in the middle of washing my hair, and then the water goes cold. And then I have to finish my shower with cold water. So that's what I was trying to tell you was that the kids had showered at least an hour before I did, so that was good. And I took about an 8 minute shower.

I rushed through I don't know. To make sure there was plenty for you. I wish there was a way that you could see a hot water level. You know? Or we just switch to the, on demand hot water system.

What is that? It's it's there's always hot water. There's never not hot water. It's in line. Why don't we have that already?

Oh, I don't know. Because we don't. Oh, we need that. Yeah. It's just a separate deal.

And then, and then you have hot water on demand anytime you want it. You just turn on the hot water, and there's hot water. Prefer to take a shower at night before. I prefer that over taking a shower in the morning. But I didn't have an option yesterday because I was afraid that there wasn't gonna be enough hot water.

So I said, I'll just wake up early and do it in the morning. And I said, okay. And I said, oh, is this a challenge? Because I don't like when people say I can't do something or I won't do something, So I went watch. Watch me.

Hey. What happened? I laid there this morning Yeah. And I said, I could really get up and shower, or I could get 30 more minutes of sleep. Mhmm.

And I kinda tossed and turned for a minute while I debated going, what what should I do? I ended up sleeping. Yeah. I took sleep. I chose to sleep.

So Yeah. You did, which happens. It happens. It did happen. It it's not true.

That's what happens. Absolutely did happen. But you could have, showered last night is the point that I just wanted to reiterate. No. Because it was also later than I wanted it to be.

Disagree. Also, I have to blow dry my hair. And also and also and also. Shave my legs. It would have been late by the time I got It was already late.

To bed. I know that's the point. It was already late. The problem is here's what the problem is. Because I'm the mom Mhmm.

My feelings go last. They take last place. Okay. And I said, everybody go first. Alright.

Alrighty. And I'm the 1 that's left suffering. Listen. The amount of cold showers I've suffered through because of baths and showers upstairs using all the hot water. Oh, I'm supposed to feel sorry for you.

Right. Right. Right. Right. Right.

Right. Right. It's not how this is working. Okay. You shower today.

I will have to. I'm gonna I'll let the kids know to hurry and do that right before you need to. We'll we'll make sure all the hot water's taken. Not surprised. Yeah.

I won't be surprised. I had a scary moment. It wasn't that it wasn't that scary. You were a little bit, I was upset because that was expensive. Right.

It was expensive. That was the thing that you had to say. You went, that's expensive. I went fishing yesterday, which which finally caught a fish and and then some, which I was excited about. And, I hooked onto this really nice brown trout, and I'm trying to reel it in, and I'm I'm pulling it over toward the bank, and I'm looking everywhere for my net, which is usually right behind me.

And I can't find it. And I'm and it's it's not in my bag, and it's not in my belt, and I wander toward the shore, which you get kinda like a a little setup going on, kinda near a a shady bush. It wasn't a lot of shade. Yeah. It wasn't.

You were kinda like sitting in the plant. In the bush to get the shade. Which which that in of itself was kind of a funny little thing. But, anyway, that aside, I walk over the bank, and I'm like, I can't find my net. Is it on me?

And you're like, no. So I I, got the fish, did undid the hook, took a picture, put them back. And then I went, where did my net go? And so I wandered around kind of the place I'd walked in. You wandered all the way back to the truck.

Checked for me. Pass back to the truck. And I'm wandering in the river where I'm at trying to see if it if I dropped it and it sank like where I was standing. From the bridge, seeing if I could see it from the bridge. I can't see it anywhere.

No. I'm at that point convinced that it has, fallen off and floated downriver. I thought so too. And I went, that was an expensive net. That was the that was the thing.

That was expensive. It would and you would think that a net wouldn't be that expensive. How much was that net? Well, I got that net on discount. So that net wasn't as expensive as it should have been.

It's it's the net is worth well over a 100 some odd dollars. For a net. But I did not pay that for the net. There are way more expensive nets than I don't have. And the fish were falling out of it.

That's why I had to get a new net because, I I use the nets that have the, like, the silicone webbing Mhmm. Because it's supposed to be more gentle on the fish. Their their fins don't get caught in it and stuff. Let's be. Let's be nice.

I'm a catcher for these fishermen. It's important. And and so I don't use, like, a, like, a mesh or whatever. It's it's, it's whatever. It doesn't matter.

It was expensive, and I was mad that you flossed it because I was like, great. Yeah. Now we're gonna have to go buy another stupid net and spend a ton of money on another net. So I thought to myself believe those nets are that expensive. I'm I'm gonna wander downstream a little bit.

I'm gonna try fishing this area anyway. There's a couple of different, you know, rocks I wanna fish around. And so I'm gonna I'm gonna wander down this way. So I'm over by the bank, and I'm just wandering downstream. I found my net tangled in a tree about 30 yards downriver from where I was standing.

So it had fallen in the water and floated down stream, but I was very excited. It was nice that the tree caught it. Yeah. The tree was, there with the assist, which was good. And then we don't have to go shopping for another net.

This is true. I'm so happy. Uh-huh. I just thought I'd look up real quick, how much the net is online right now. Yeah.

$90 Uh-huh. To replace it, if I were to replace it right now. Yeah. Because it's, it's the carbon fiber with the with the little silicone net thing. So, yeah, it's nice.

I we could just make you a net out of yarn. Yeah. No. That's not it. That is not it.

Emery, our daughter, is almost 15, so she really knows what's going on in the world. She She's up on trends? She's up on trends. Uh-huh. She told us over the weekend that 1 of the new trends is fake tan lines.

Which I thought when she said tan lines are making a comeback, I'm thinking, like, like, farmer's tan. We got, like I got that going. Right. I was excited. I'm like My my white, looks like I'm wearing sock feet, but it's just they're not tan.

Or where your watch sits and you've got the watch band tan. Yeah. I got that too. But no. She said it isn't even like a natural suntan.

No. She said people are taking AAA darker foundation or a lighter foundation, whatever, and they're painting on fake tan lines, like on their shoulders where, like, a a strap would be. They're painting a fake tan line there. Why? Why?

Indeed. Why? Have you done any research into this? Negative. I have done 0 research into the fake tan line trend.

How come, Josh? I just didn't, I I didn't look it up. Yeah. They're doing it with makeup, though. Feel like I was on board because I've got I've got all kinds of fake tan not fake.

They're real tan lines where, you know, my watch sits. Or, I mean, you had a tan line just the other day where your hat was sitting on top of your hat. Super cool. It was cool. The mesh on the back of my head with the with the where my hat sat, there's a just a white line.

And I said fan I didn't know how trendy I was. This tan trend this tan line trend, we were gonna be on top of the cool game. So here's what here's what they say. If you're practicing proper sun protection by staying in the shade, reapplying sunscreen, and so forth, you likely won't get tan lines from the sun. But some people like the look of them, So it's got this recent surge in popularity.

It feels a bit nostalgic, even synonymous with a good time spent by the pool or picnicking. So some people are opting to recreate these tan lines with makeup. They're using bronzer, and then I it looks like what they're doing is they're putting, like, tape where they want their normal skin tone to be, their white skin. Okay. And then they're using this bronzer on their arms and shoulders and, you know, whatever so it blends out.

But then when they take the tape off, they have a pale line where they where they cover. They're masking the area and then applying bronzer around it. All of this sounds so exhausting. Kinda does. It kinda does.

And for what? And just time consuming. I I don't who has time to sit and, you know, tape off where you want your Tails. I know. Skin tone to show, and then to bronze it with your who has time for that?

People on the Internet. They say that it's what? Nostalgic. They Yeah. Oh, yeah.

Reminds them of a good time spent by the pool? Yes. How about you just spend your time by the pool and enjoy it? Well, because they're practicing proper, sun care. So there's they're they're wearing sunscreen and stuff, so they aren't getting tan.

I get that. But by the time you take your bronzer and create your fake tan You could have been having a good time. I'm having a good time by the pool. I see what you're saying. Hey, Josh.

Where you been? Oh, just applying my tan lines. Just applying my tan lines. And then you can't even get into the pool because it's all gonna wash away. Correct.

And then you yeah. But it's not for swimming. It's It's it's for after. It's for the Instagram. Doing it for the for the Instagram.

Look how nostalgic I am. We, as our kids have gotten older, have foregone the parade, the 4th July parade, and for the last couple of years, have opted to go out for breakfast instead. I think other people caught on to the trend. I think so too because it was much more busy this year than it was last year. Yeah.

I thought that was our little secret, but we also got a later start. That is true. And and I think that mighta had a little bit of like, it's always busy to go get breakfast on on the weekend. When you get into, like, 9 or 10, like, you're gonna be waiting a while. Yeah.

And we were too late. We were too late. We were much too late. That's because some people wouldn't get out of bed. Was that me?

As we were waiting Was that was it me? Well, as we were waiting, I'm not calling anybody out. Was it me? I feel like I was out of bed. I feel like there were 3 of you that wouldn't get out of bed.

Oh. Okay. Oh, okay. So as we were waiting As we were waiting, there was another gentleman that was waiting. I think he arrived probably just right before we did.

Okay. And he was waiting by himself. Yeah. And then he had his 2 grown children, show up and wait with him. And we're waiting in the entryway, and it's quiet, and it's always a little bit awkward.

And everybody's trying to whisper because you don't want people to overhear your conversation. But this gentleman with his 2 older children is sitting there, and he pulls out a shoe box. And she goes, you found it? Right. And so then my ears perk up, and I go, oh, what is this?

So I'm kinda eavesdropping. And she says, that's the time capsule I made. Right. And he said, yeah. And it says, do not open until 2024.

So what I gathered from the conversation, and I should've said something to the because I'm really curious how it's going to go now. But, but she had said that she'd built this, like, when she was in kindergarten Yeah. And was supposed to open it the year she graduated high school. So, like, earlier this spring. Uh-huh.

2024. So it that was, like, the culmination of your school career from kindergarten to high school time capsule box that you made in kindergarten. What would you put in that in kindergarten that you would would then have opened up? A bunch of random stuff. Yeah.

It'd be a bunch of random stuff. Or pictures that I'd drawn or yeah. It'd be things that I was I like, I think I would have been cognitive enough to be like, I don't wanna put this in a box and not see it for 12 Oh, yeah. You wouldn't put your favorite stuff in there. So, yeah, it would be It'd be a bunch of random stuff.

So I really wanna know what's inside that, inside that time frame. Getting seated a couple of tables behind us. Right. And I couldn't see from my I was facing the opposite direction, but Emery could see. And I kept asking her, Emery, can you tell if they've opened that time capsule box yet?

And she goes, no. But even if we could see, mom Yeah. They're not just gonna, like, hold things up. Yeah. She was pretty much like, oh, look.

It's Nickelodeon gack. Yeah. They were still sitting there when we left, and I was very, very tempted to walk over and be like, hey. I'm sorry to interrupt. Yeah.

Did you open it? But I overheard the time capsule conversation, and I really wanna know what's inside. Right. That's a cool idea. That's a fun idea.

So if you're if you wanna help your kids do a time capsule, it's a great way to do it as you get ready for a new school year. You know, especially if you have kindergartners or preschoolers, pre k, great time, to to start a time capsule. Maybe put a little more than just random stuff. Like, oh, is this a Lego head? Like, that would have been in there.

I would have been, I got this It would be for instance, something that signifies maybe the beginning of the school year and the end of the school year. So Well, if you're gonna keep it going, yes. But if you're gonna do it 1 time Oh. And not open it until the end of your school career, then you wanna probably put in, like you'd wanna put in 1 of those notes that's like, my name is, I'm this old Yeah. My favorite things.

I wanna be this when I grow up. I'm putting this thing in the box because of this. Right. You'd wanna you'd wanna have some of some of that kind of stuff. I wish I had been brave enough to ask I know.

If they had opened it. Pretty cool. I know. I was pretty invested in that time capsule. Will never know.

I know. You had an exciting moment the other day. Did have an exciting moment. I have a new best friend. I don't know her name.

What but you've already determined that she's your best friend? Well, we have 1 thing in common that I know of for sure. It's just the same football team. Yeah. That's all.

That's it. You have a very small sticker on the back of your car that is the Vikings logo. Yep. And Because I've liked football for a really long time. As of last year.

1 season in, and you're waffling on whether you like the team or not. But you put a little sticker No. I'm not. I'm done waffling. I'm I'm sticking not moving to the Falcons with your former quarterback.

No, traitor. Alright. So you have a tiny Viking sticker. We're driving down the road, and I looked to the left. I was driving, and, and there is a girl hanging out of the back seat of a truck Yeah.

She looks to be about 60. Yeah. Waving her Vikings jersey and all excited because you guys have are you're now best friends. Because we shared a bonding. Right.

Hey. Same. Same z's. That's awesome. She's got her big Justin Jefferson jersey on waving it at you, and you you're very excited.

Boy. I was really excited. I was happy. That means my sticker is working. What's it working?

What's it what is the point? But, also, from inside the car, you started going, yes. Skull Vikings. No 1 could hear you except everybody. Doesn't matter.

The Vikings can hear me. Every time you say a Vikings cheer Uh-huh. They're like, oh, yeah. We hear that. Is that right?

And then it preps them up for the upcoming season. They're like, we got this. Okay. We're gonna kill Kirk Cousins. Oh, man.

You are ruthless. You're ruthless. I showed you a video. I'm surprised that this video got traction, but I showed you a video, and it was a video of scrambled pancakes. Look, I here's I don't really care for this trend.

I'm frustrated by it because I like to cook, and it's just silly. So the idea is that you just make pancakes. Wait. Get this. You mix a batter Yes.

Just like normal pancakes. Normal. But then you throw it on to your griddle, and you mess it up. And you chop it up like you would scrambled eggs. Yeah.

So it looks like it looks like a bunch of tiny pancake pieces, almost like a funnel cake. The idea That's that's not even it looked crazy. Yeah. People were like, this is awesome. This is the best idea.

She She who? The woman who made the video Okay. Said that the whole thing was a joke, and the pancakes did not taste good. Right. Also Others are claiming that that's No.

Because look. If you want that, a pancake scramble, cook a pancake just normal, and then chop it up when it's done. Chop it up. That's what the same thing you do for a toddler. Exactly.

I mean, how many times did I do that when our kids were little? All the time. Let's make you a pancake. And then the best idea we ever had was when we finally just got a pair of kitchen scissors, and I just just cut them up. Cut them up.

You just cut them up. Because I People are going nuts about this. Like, oh, it's a pile of pancake bits. Cut up your pancake bits. It's the same thing.

You can order a flapjack. You can get a short stack, tall stack, whatever you want. You cut it into little pieces. You cover it with butter and syrup. You got yourself pancake scramble as an adult.

I would recommend buttering it before you cut it up, though. That works a lot easier. Yeah. Butter it. Unless you're using spray butter.

I can't believe it's not butter spray, you know, like the commercial. So, anyway, my point is it grossed me out as a person who likes to cook, and I appreciate food and culinary things. I went, this is so just why? Why? Why are we doing this?

But even the originator of the the video said, yeah. This this wasn't a good idea. Yeah. Don't do this. Well, I'm glad that, we've settled it.

It doesn't matter, though, because, there there's actually it's it's a thing. I think it's called stupid food, and that's what it is. That is 1 of those things where it's just like, what are we doing? Just wasteful. Right?

I just feel like it's wasteful. If you're gonna eat it, fine. But just make a regular pancake and cut it up. It'll it'll be cooked all the way. It it won't be, like, weird, lumpy, inconsistent, some burned, some raw.

Just learn how to cook. That's all. Is it that time already? It sure is. I feel like I'm getting to a point where I can't remember if already used some of these would you rathers or not.

Okay. Would you rather this or that question of the day. Would you rather have noodles for fingers? What? Or hot dogs for toes?

No. I don't think we've asked this before. Happy we not? Okay. And then I knew you were gonna ask.

Are the noodles cooked or are they raw? That's a good question. I would ask the same about the hot dogs. That 1 doesn't necessarily matter. But it might.

Why? I don't know. Let's explore. Okay. And then I'll tell you why.

Okay. Explore. Answer the question. What question? Are they cooked or raw?

Which ones? All of them. The finger the noodle fingers or the hot dog toes? I think everything is cooked. Oh, no.

So you got noodly fingers. Like, wet noodle fingers. Completely unusable. What kind of noodles? I'm going with hot dog toes.

What if it's a bow tie noodle? Doesn't matter. Could still use that. For what? Nothing.

What's my job? Pushing buttons. Can't do it with noodle fingers. No. You'd have to use your hot dog feet.

No. I can use my regular hands because my hot dog feet are down there. But because they're cooked, they're either sweaty boiled or Rollied Ew. At the gas station on the hot dog rollie. Rollie dogs.

So they're kinda like tired, but also very tan. Or there there's this. There's a lot of similarities in on the grill and over the fire. Okay. But both of them are burst open.

Yeah. Oh, good point. So that's what I that's why I said, are they cooked or not? Because it's real important. I've either got sweaty boiled toes or I've got rolly toes that are real tan and and questionable, really, might get you sick or burst open grill campfire toast.

Can I feel that? Can I feel the feeling, or do they just look that way? You can feel it. Oh, that's terrible. I'm taking sweaty boiled then.

Sweaty boiled hotdog toes. What are you taking? Sick. What have you taken? Noodles.

Noodles? Her fingers uncooked. Mine are uncooked. Useless hands. No.

You can't change the rules. I can. It's my game. Better today than yesterday daily challenge. What is it?

Fill your space with your favorite smell. Oh. Create a calming environment for yourself that makes you smile. What's your favorite smell? I like the smell of, cookies.

I like the smell of cedar. You do you? I do. That's nice. It is nice.

I don't think I wanna smell cedar all the time. I currently smell like bacon because I made some bacon in the microwave this morning. Good smell. So that's all I'm smelling. Microwave bacon?

Yep. Okay. Tastes like regular bacon. But microwaved. Let's see.

What are some other I I mean, that's really a good smell, like baked cookies. Yeah. That is a good smell. 1. That's a good smell.

Grass? I don't know. Oh, I like it. Yeah. I bet.

I bet you do. You don't have to earn it. Get out of here. It's not hard. Really?

Yeah. Really. Tuesday is lawn mowing day. That's tomorrow. Great.

I, will wait for you to get home, so you can start the lawnmower for me. Fine. Fine. It's not hard. It isn't hard.

It is it's not hard? Okay. Can't believe you. We don't even have a big yard. Fill your space with your favorite smell is your better today than yesterday daily challenge.

Have a great Monday. We'll be back in the studio tomorrow morning. Don't forget this show is now available as podcast. Hey. Hey.

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All around you. Have a wonderful day. Have a good day. Happy Monday. See you tomorrow.

Bye bye. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.