Clydesdale Media Podcast

We recap the day at the 2024 Masters CrossFit Games.  Talk about the Vibes, the Workouts and everything surrounding the event this weekend.   We are over half way done and headed for home.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

What's going on, everybody?

Welcome to Clydesdale Sunday

Night CrossFit Talk on a Friday night.

Time to get your party on.

with Carolyn and Scott as we

celebrate the fitness of

the Masters age groups.

Just finished up my shift over there.

They're still going.

I think what's left is some

team stuff and the men have

to get through that echo

bike workout to finish out the night.

But we wanted to get on, get through today,

and then maybe we'll finish

up with some of the men's

stuff tomorrow when we

first start off and then go

through the rest of the day.

But today is, I labeled this show,

today is the kind of day

that it's going to hurt a

little because it was sprint,

sprint weight lift or

sprint weight change.

Then it was a long chipper.

probably the longest event of the weekend.

And then back to a just all

out on the echo bike sprint,

trying to get as many

calories as possible.

And all three of them are

going to hurt in a different sort of way.

I don't know if the first

one hurt as much as, I mean,

egos were maybe hurt because I,

people were losing that are

much stronger because of

the change of weights.

I don't know if I would say

the first one was,

but we called that like prior to,

to the event that

changing weights twice on an

absolute sprint of a barbell workout.

That's taking people between

a minute and four seconds

to a minute and a half for

a lot of the top.

Like it's literally coming

down to how fast you're

changing the plates.

How fast is that, uh,

plate sliding on and off that barbell.

It can get sticky in the

same thing with the clips.


And it's unfortunate that

that's a factor in a fitness test.

So I think that they should

have either have gone a

little bit heavier or then

the change of weights isn't

as much of a race or you

have four barbells,

which I don't think the spacing wise,

they didn't maybe didn't

have enough room.

I don't know.

But the way it was set up made it.

that the change of weight

was too big of a factor for that event.

Around the middle to end of

the leaderboard,

they're taking a little bit

more time between the lifts,

but even then it's so fast,

it's a minute and a half, it's a minute,


a couple above the two minutes, but yeah,

it's very, very fast.

So I was having some

discussions with people at

the event today

You know,

in the thirty five to thirty nine,

Will Morad killed that event.

And it's he is a very experienced.

Games athlete who has been

through this and they're like,

because he has all that experience,

he can change the weights

fast because of that.

And I said to them exactly what.

But is that a test of fitness?

Or he also trained at proven,

which has access to, you know,

always like the exact rig of, of, um,

the games or the clips that they,

that rogue normally uses.


So it becomes what kind of

access of equipment you have, um,

And you're used to

practicing like I have the

clips that Rogue always

uses at comps because I

want to get good at

changing my weights because

that has been a factor at workouts.

So, of course,

the experience of Will Morad

would play a factor there.

And he's used to those clips

off and on and and has had

that experience of changing

weights like before in a workout.

So not surprised that come out on top.

I have those clips too,

but it's because I can get

them in Chicago bear blue

and it just looks cool.

So different reasons, you know, but still,

uh, but they are not easy to,

if you've never used them,

they're not easy to get on and off.

No, it definitely takes getting used to,

but some of them are just

like more worked in too.

And it just so happens that your lane,

your clip is just a little bit easier and

Luck of the draw.

So if you lined up like the

top athletes in that

division with Will Morad,

I would have picked

Bronislaw to win this event

because he just is the strongest.

And, but he cannot change weights fast.

That it was so evident watching him.

He was very slow at that,

at that transition.

Because he didn't have an

issue with any of the weight.

No, he was muscle snatching.


Full touch and go the whole way.


As many athletes did too,

the weights were not

challenging enough for that

thirty five to thirty nine

age group for to have a separation.

There was no there was no

separation there.

Like the the separation

happened at the change of weights.

So I talked to an athlete in

the back and I'll leave her

name out of this,

but she mentioned you

because I went to talk to

her after that event.

She goes, this is not a good time.

unless you want pure negativity.

And so I left the camera off

and we just chatted.

And she said,

Carolyn called it last night.

She called it right on your show and said,

this is what's going to happen.

And that's what happened.

And it's frustrating.

And she said,

just to give you an indication,

the overhead squat lunge workout,

she appealed, got five seconds back,

but that was seven places

on the leaderboard.

And we're talking about that

race being stopped on a stopwatch.

And the difference is one second,

two seconds.

And it just is the

difference between someone being happy to,

you know,

press the stop button a little faster.

So these are points, you know,

over the weekend that are

going to make a difference.


there's a lot of the

workouts that I do like,

but there is a lot of

problems in terms of the stopwatches.

I never liked that overhead squatting one.

I thought the weight was too

light and those movements

were going to be too fast for, um,

for the wad.

So it just became, you know,

judging discrepancy between,

between lanes.

I knew the,

the snatch one was going to

come down to the weights

switches for especially, you know,

the middle of the leaderboard,

like the top half of the

leaderboard there.

Um, we knew the echo,

we'll talk about the echo bike one,

but we knew that that was

going to be very, very hard to finish.

So they, you know,

they could have switched

maybe a little bit numbers.

Cause I don't know how many

they wanted to finish.

If they just wanted one per division,

except for the thirty fives,

then they got what they wanted.



So something on a lighter note,

I was talking to Dex Hopkins in the back.

He hurt his wrist.

Oh my gosh, I saw.

Yeah, so you saw.

So I'm going to tell the story.

So last night,

he could not handstand walk.

So with the sandbag event,

he just had to sit on the

sandbag and take his place.

He was hoping the adrenaline

would get it where he could walk,

but he couldn't.

And so when he got to that last bar,

his wrist was not going to handle it.

So he switched, gripped the snatch.

All, all ten reps.

He told me only the last one.

Oh, okay.

Cause I think his Instagram

posts had showed,

or he had written all ten

reps or something.

Maybe I read it wrong, but yeah.

So he switched, gripped it, um,

like you would deadlift.

And snatch the heaviest

barbell with a switch grip,

which is insane to me.

Yeah, that's nuts.

I was wondering that about

him because I was, I was checking him on,

you know, the leaderboard.

Cause obviously he has,

he has a lot of experience and I was like,

Oh, something's gotta be up with him.

Maybe just,

he hasn't trained as much or

there's something like an injury.

And sure enough,

I saw the post with the

wrist that was that prior

to the competition or that

happened yesterday at,

at one of the events.

It happened in may.


He's been fighting it the whole time.

And it really bums him out

because he's been waiting

essentially like twelve

years to get to Masters

because he he feels he's a

better Masters athlete than

he would have been an elite athlete.

And it's he lives there, right?

He does.

So hometown boy.


But, you know, typical Dex,

he's bragging in the warm up area.

He's telling the stories.

I've got a great piece for

the the behind the scenes

about the whole thing

jonathan ortega actually

has the lift in high def

with the switch grip so

we've got all that to show

amazing um through the

behind the scenes which is

pretty cool um but yeah

it's uh that one is started

the day and a lot of the

athletes were like


the newer athletes were psyched

about that because it was

twelve lifts to get the butterflies out.

Before they had to go to that chipper.

So they were less anxious about that one?

They said that they're...

Because especially the guys

don't even get to the venue

until like one o'clock in the afternoon.


And so...

So they're already on edge

because they've been waiting all morning.

I was talking to athletes

that usually work out at

three in the morning or

five in the morning, like Lex,

like crazy people.

And now they've got to wait

till one or two in the

afternoon to start their workouts.

And it's just like messing them up.

And they were like, well,

at least with the snatch ladder,

it's a quick twelve lifts

just to get the butterflies out.

And then they could kind of

set in and do a proper

warm-up for the chipper and so on.

But, yeah,

so I think that was kind of cool.

But the chipper was scaring people, right,

because it was a completely

different workout than

we've seen so far this weekend.

Definitely shoulder intensive with,

you know,

the wall ball going into the

shoulder to overhead.

Then you had the dumbbell

stepovers with the snatches.

Yeah, that one,

a lot of people finished it.

Most people finished it.

So that's good that the time

cap wasn't an issue.

I think most of the top

scorers were in that category.

ten to twelve if I want to

say um but there was

definitely some

inconsistencies I saw again

with the judging and uh the

short overhead reps

dumbbell snatches were

typically fine dumbbell

step overs were refined

there but the short

overhead I felt like some

of them were still in their

jerk position before

descending and then the

wall ball depth was I mean

it could have been the

angle of the camera I really want

the broadcast or like not the broadcast,

but, um,

the floor to put the name tags on

the floor.

Cause I'm, you know,

they're all wearing the

same outfits or same colors.


It can get hard to see who's in what lane.

I'll recognize like the ones that I,

that I'll know.

Um, but it would,

Even if the athlete brought

out their card and placed

it on the floor or something prior,

I think it would just

facilitate the... Yeah,

I find it odd that they

gave them all a placard,

but they're not using them.

But they're on the floor.

So it just would be...

useful if as the athlete

walks out they walk out

with their gear that they

need for the the wad and

their placard and they have

a certain spot that they

place it so that you know

you don't have to have all

these volunteers switching

in and out the the plaques

right um yeah I don't think

I don't think the placards

are on the plaques are on

the floor no they're not at

all like they're not so it's silly

So it's just like a little

memory of the games to have,

but it wasn't used too bad.

Cause even,

I think it's making it a tough

job on the broadcast team too,

that they're just having to

search the lane,

look at their notes for the number.

If they don't know all the athletes,

like it was just.

So that was one of my

conversations with Boz.


That I miss the Reebok days

because there were so many

different colors and

combinations that could be

made from that.

Once you found your athlete,

you knew who they were.

Because of that.

And now we're into these

blacks and whites.

Now they did bring in some green,

but it's still like, you know,

six people are wearing the same.


It'll be like, oh,

look in here in lane number

twelve with the black

shorts and the white shirt with the,

you know.


Sports bra and you're like,

they're all wearing that.



So yeah, I, Boz is like,

he misses that too.

Like just from a,

from a judging perspective,

it's easier to identify the

athlete when you're the head judge to,

to correct something with the judging.


and we don't even think about that


Like here he is on a headset

trying to get to a judge to

tell them you need to call the snow rep,

but how do you describe

which one it is when

they're all in the same thing?


So I find that that was an

interesting conversation with him.

And he said it's actually

something they brought up

with sponsors to try to

differentiate people more.

But you can see where that's gone.

Have they been running

basically on time the whole time?

I think they've been really

good with timing.

Going through that many divisions,

most competitions fall behind.

So it's nice to see that it

looks very organized from

that perspective.

So that's great.

I will say from a logistics point of view,

The athletes are loving it.

They are right on call times.

They know when to go warm up.

They know when to get ready.

Everything is just running

like really smooth for them.

That's great to hear.

They're very excited about

how that is run.


I'm going to hit a couple of

questions before we move on.

But one thing I'll let you

talk about while I'm

looking through the questions is,

you know,

we talked to Jamie after the

snatch ladder,

they increased the cap time

from two to three minutes,

which I actually said on

the show last night,

because I'd heard that in the back.

But if some athletes didn't know that,

was it not briefed?

Was it not sent out to all athletes?


I didn't hear anything about it.

Obviously we talked about it yesterday.

So I figured that it was a

three minute time cap,

which makes sense for the

weight switches.

But I think for the most part,

people were under that two minute.

There were some obviously above the,

above the two minutes,

but like the top of the top

half of the field was

closer to that minute and a half.

But yeah,

That's something that you

hope is communicated either through email,

you know, prior to people warming up.

So like when they're looking

at their heat sheet in the warmup area,

you know, have the workout,

have what the time cap is.

There's been a change.

The workout is now three

minutes instead of two minutes, you know,

just so it's visual.

You have people from

different countries there.

You want to make sure that the message is,

is going out to all the athletes.

So Lex asked,

what is my favorite

interaction behind the scenes?

My favorite interaction

behind the scenes has been Haley Murillo.

That girl needs a camera on

her twenty four hours a day.

She is nothing but nonstop comedic relief.

And that is she will be the

comedic relief in this

behind the scenes every

time I talk to her.

And it has nothing to do

with what's going on in the competition.

Nothing, which is awesome.

Is Josh in the back with their daughter?

Yeah, they're so cute.

So he was back there not

with the daughter.

It was just the two of them.

I probably got five to six

minutes straight of the two

of them going back and forth.

And it is pure gold.



And then check in, she was a star.

Like she's going to end up

probably being the star of

this behind the scenes.

She's doing great too, right?

Like I think once I checked,

I think she was within the

top five or right there.

She did well in that episode.

She broke some news that she

wasn't supposed to break yet.

And I was like, oh, it's okay.

Cause this is, this is,

your episode isn't coming

out for six weeks.

She's like, perfect.

It'll be right on time then.


Uh, but that was cool.

So she definitely,

there's been a lot of great interaction.


but that one stands out just because

it's very different.

Um, Lex also says to judging,

this seems a bit atrocious respectfully.

I don't think they're certified judges.

I will tell you, I,

after you guys texted me

about the shoulder and overheads,

I went down to watch that event.

It was so bad, so bad.

And it's the shoulder to overhead.

You're right.

The snatches were fine for the most part.

I even would give the wall

balls a passing grade from my angle.

I thought they were pretty good.

But the shoulder to overhead

was atrocious.

And they're moving fast too, right?

Like it's a way they're just

cycling pretty fast.

And sometimes you can miss

that full extension a

little bit as you're

looking at many things going on at once.



I just don't know how often the

judges are getting changes

in their shifts because

these are long days for these volunteers.

I think they're changing out pretty quick.

Are they?

But it's hard to tell

because there's three floors.

That's the thing.

So they might be switching

to another floor.

Still working for a while.

But I know like they're

really good at treating the

volunteer area because we're in there.

The media is in there with them.

The volunteer area is really nice.

There is food for everybody all day.

There is bottles of water,

like plenty for the volunteers.

They are treating them very, very well.

Love it.

And so the volunteers are coming through,

getting food, getting water.

So I think they're getting lots of breaks.

It appears that way from

just the eyeball test, but I can't.

I'm not there all day to

like document who's in and who's out,

but it seems like they're

getting a lot of rest.

How was the crowd today?

A little bit bigger than yesterday.

Okay, great.

The snatch floor was packed

from start to finish.

And that's the one they didn't broadcast,

which I actually got texts

from people like,

that's the one I wanted to watch.

Like everybody likes to

watch the big lifts,

but that floor does not

have a camera crew.


it's the same one from the deadlift

and running from the other day.

The only reason I called it

weight switching-

Okay, so we won't see the maxes.


the only reason I knew about the

weight changes was

Bronislav had posted his

video of his lane,

and I've seen different

videos from people on their

own personal Instagram that

their lane is getting filmed.

Yeah, that's one that you'd want to see.


Ronica said there's no leader jersey,

which would be cool.

That would be a cool addition to have.

Cause you know,

Northern spirits there with their press,

like they're making shirts all weekend.

So I don't know why they

couldn't make a leader's

Jersey just as quickly.


There's a lot of divisions.

There'd be a lot more switches probably,


But that's a nice incentive for the lead,

the lead athlete.


It's a good idea.


So, um, so yeah,

we talked about the wall

ball one pretty in depth.

And then we finished up today with the,

it's going to hurt echo bike.

So it's a buy-in of

seventy-five double unders

and twenty chest to bars

with whatever time left you

have in the first round, four minutes,

second round, three minutes, last round,

two minutes.

It's max calories on an echo bike.



fastest I saw people get onto the bike

was around the minute and

five seconds ish.

So on the first round, so you would get,

I'd say on average people

on the first round were

getting around two forty

five on the echo bike for the females.


and there were some impressive numbers of,

you know,

people that just were pushing the pace.


Right from the get go.

The thirty five to thirty nine women.

I think there were seven

ladies that finished four

of them in the second round.


Klutz and Kenzie Riley had a good

race between all of them.

And you could just see

Knisler was pushing hard

that that second round.

Our own Jamie Reimer smoked

it and got a second place.

Can we talk about Andrea Knisler?


Eight months postpartum?

or if that uh she had her

baby in may maybe like

that's just silly so she's

not she's she's not eight

months she's yeah not even

like may june like four

months five four five she

was she was squatting like

three hundred pounds

I want to say like within

weeks after having her baby.

So like it was nuts.

I don't want to give

everything away from behind the scenes,

but I talked to an athlete

today and who is a taller athlete.

And I said,

this is going to be a good one for you.

You're a taller athlete.

She goes, yeah, I'm a heavy athlete too.

And I can really get on an echo bike.

And I said, well,

how are your double unders?

She goes,

not good since I gave birth to a

ten pound baby.

That those double unders

actually played a huge part, you know, as,

as they're getting on the echo bike,

as they get through that first round,

that lactic acid is

starting to go through those legs,

through the arms,

and they're getting to that

rope on that second round.

And you just thought you started seeing.

a lot of misses and all of a

sudden the chest of our

pull-ups were no longer unbroken for,

you know,

several athletes are having to

break those up.

And that time on the echo

bike was just obviously

decreasing with the

decrease in time each round,

but also decreasing in the,

in the time it was taking

them to get to the bike.

And you saw athletes not

even get to the bike in the

third round because their

conditioning was in there.

Their double unders were

starting to fail chest of bars,

et cetera.

Like some people would have

one or two cows left and,

after the second round and

never got it back to actually finish,

which is so defeating

because you're so close and

you got to redo that whole buy-in.

So that's, yeah, that's tough.

So Jen Nichols says she had

her baby in mid-March.


So March to April, April to May, June,

July, August.

Five and a half months postpartum.

Pretty close to what Tia.

That's insane.


Alison Stahl's killing it too.

Yeah, she is.

And she's nine months or ten

months postpartum.


Man, you women are insane.

I haven't had a baby, so I don't know,

but they are insane.

They are crushing.

It is proof of what the sickness, wellness,

fitness continuum can do.

When your needle is all over

to fitness and you go

through something like that,

the recovery time is

getting shorter and shorter and shorter.

See, I don't know.

It's person dependent.

It really is.

Of course.


I think being fit can certainly help.


But you can be super fit and have a long,

long process after pregnancy.

They're not the standard.

That's for sure.


Well, there are complications too.

Yeah, yeah.

But they're definitely impressive.


someone who had a very

complicated pregnancy that was,

it was very long for her to recover.


I think it's a person,

but I'm assuming that fitness would, um,

play a factor somewhat in

the recovery process, but yeah.

And in the other divisions today,

there wasn't a lot of finishes.

That's for sure.

Even with the decrease in

cows of the upper divisions at sixty five,


wasn't as many, which is what we said,

that that was gonna be a very,

very difficult wad to finish.

You had to really want it

and want to suffer and


it'll be interesting because the men

can just,

like they just have that power output,

that sprinting ability that

is a little bit tougher to

get on the women's side,

even if the cows are lower.

So as the men heats go on here,

I'm curious to see how many

of them will finish and how

many will be able to finish

it within that second round.

Because the females today,

there weren't many finishes.

Like I think in Jamie's division,

there was one finisher.


I think Val was the only one that

finished in that.

Forty five to forty nine division.

One person, I think,

who finished in front of Jamie?


Carleen Matthews, yeah.

And she's not a big body,

but her double unders and

her chest-to-bar were awesome.

She was barely jumping off the ground,

jogging to the rig.

She's always had great gymnastics,

and she really impressed me

on the machine.

to get those cows and to be

able to repeat that

intensity every interval.

You know what really

impressed me by her today

is in that chipper,

she was having a hard time

with grip on the box stepovers.

She dropped a lot and shook out.

And the minute she got to the snatches,

it was like,

Beautiful motion,

her going through those snatches.

And because she has like short levers,

it was fast.

And she caught a bunch of

people coming back through on that.

And then to do wall balls as

a shorter athlete, very impressive.




that one's nice because you have a

mixture of movements that

favor different athletes again, right?

Like you have that wall ball that,

you know,

it definitely helps to be tall

and it's a little bit easier,

closer to the target.

The dumbbell snatches, you can be shorter,

but then the box step ups,

it does help to...

you know,

to be a little bit taller to step

onto that box.

So I thought that was a good

mixture of movements.

Shoulder to overhead was a

range of motion.

So I would say like half of

the movements favored

smaller athletes and half

the movements there favored

the taller athletes.

And then you obviously needed, you know,

muscle stamina the whole

time to do well in that event.


So just a couple overall

impressions of the day.

Um, the,

the athletes were complaining

about their legs a lot.

That overhead squat one,

that intensity that they

put into that workout was

very hard yesterday.


and then you go into the wall balls today,

you got hundred and fifty, um,

squats there.

Like, yes, I normally,

like a lot of the athletes

normally feel their shoulders.

I think go out before their

legs in the wall balls.


And then they were saying

the echo bike finished for the day.

And then you finish on the echo bike.

That's tough on the legs, for sure.

So were they feeling their

legs after the end of the

day or at the start of the

day today from yesterday?


And yes.


Cause I would assume that

those overhead squats,

like that speed of it that

you had to push, like,

even though it was light,

like people were definitely

saying that they're,

they were feeling their

legs after that one yesterday.

So I wouldn't be surprised

that there's a lot of

soreness and obviously with age too,

you know, that's, that's a lot,

that's a high volume weekend.

So recover is going to start

playing a factor, you know,

on Saturday and Sunday.


on how the body is going to

be feeling and the

intensity you're going to

be able to put in your workouts.

Yeah, we've kind of talked about it,

but the crowds were great

today around every floor,

especially the non-televised floor.

At both days,

that's been the most popular

place to kind of hang out.

I don't know if people think

I can go back and watch the

stream of the other ones if

they're competing or if

it's just the most popular

event of the day.

So, um,

a lot of people love the run

yesterday because they

actually went out like

under a bridge around a

cobblestone street.

Um, and people said that it was,

it was really cool.

And, you know,

it's nice to go out of the

building and get away from, you know,

inside the gym fitness, right?

So going out, you know,

it makes it feel more like a games,


Like you had those outdoor

events that you're missing

at this competition.

So getting outside, coming back in,

like it just feels a little

bit more games.

And yesterday we actually

got a break on the weather.

It only topped out at like

eighty eight or eighty nine.

for birmingham that's not

that bad um and then today

maybe low nineties so

nothing like the hundreds

that everybody was fearing

um it's been it's been

actually kind of pleasant

and you said that there was

ac in the building too so

oh yeah yeah yeah the bay

door was closed today it

was not sticky it was very

cool in there most of the day

So let's just go through the

leaderboards real quick and

we'll kind of make comments as we go.

Again, the women started off the day.

So I'm going to start with

them because their

leaderboards are more

complete than anybody else's.

And I will pull that up.

Yeah, there's this complete right now.

It's a forty five to forty

nine men are going on that

echo bike when I'm not sure

if it's heat one or two of that.

Just seeing in the background over here.

So their divisions won't,

we'll only have two scores

in up until probably you'll

get the fifty to fifty four.

I'm assuming for the men.

All right.

So for the women on the sixty five plus,

we have Julie Holton third,

our very own Denise Moore

in second and Patricia McGill in first.

I got to talk to Denise today.

She thinks Patricia's

running away with it at this point.


It's about a twenty point lead,

twenty one point lead.

But Denise had a good day.

Denise needs help from other people.

A lot of times when you get that, you know,

those two athletes that

kind of separate themselves

from the field,

it's about getting help to middle.


And if Patricia is super consistent,

which clearly she is on everything,

she's going to need some

help from other people, too.

On sixty to sixty four,

we have terrorists senior

or Sato Betsy Vandenberg and Laurie.

We said that Betsy and Laurie,

we're going to be battling

all weekend yesterday and

here they are six point separate the two.

And that's so that's going

to continue on for the rest

of the weekend.

For sure.

Women's, Fifty to Fifty-Nine.

We have Joanne Cooper.



Mavre and Tia Vesser.

So Tia Vesser is one of the

people I had to watch.

The other two have surprised me.

Do you know anything about those two?



Yeah, she's been at the Games many times.


Has she won before?

I'm pretty sure she's

Canadian and she's...

I want to say she's won before or she's,

she's always in the mix.

So no surprise there.

She has an event win three top fives.

She's been at the games many times.

I recognize her name from

many years at the game.

So she's, she's a, she's an OG.

Okay, cool.

I've probably met her at local comps too,

but all right.

Women, fifty to fifty four.

We have Kim Purdy in first,

Jen Dieter in second.

Third is Stephanie China.

So yeah,

Jen Dieter has always been a

consistent athlete.

She's won legends a bunch of times.

I don't think she's ever won the games.

I know she's been a few times,

but I'm not familiar with

Kim Purdy either.

Me neither.

So that one's pretty interesting.

Then we go to forty five to forty nine.

This is the Kelly Frio Valvo show.

Kelly actually had a pretty

great day today and took a

thirty point lead over Val.

which is pretty shocking

because Val seems to be at

the top on everything,

but she only got seventy points in event.

I think it's three maybe Kelly today.

She's one of those athletes

that was smashing the eco

bike in two rounds and had

almost finished it.

I think she was two or three calories

shy of finishing the echo

bike in the second round

and never made it back to, to it.

Um, started struggling on her double under,

started struggling on her

chest to bar in round two,

even the fact that she was

that close to finishing on round two,

I was surprised because she

was struggling on her chest

or she had gone to singles.


so obviously she's a power athlete on

that machine because she

was able to stay in the

race and still have a high

finish in that workout,

even though she'd never made it back.


But, yeah.

So then in the forty to forty four,

we have Carly Newlands in first,

Carly Matthews in second,

Andrea Pinheiro in third.

And just because she's a

part of this show normally

in fourth place is Jamie Latimer.

She killed it today.

This was supposed to be her bad day.


and she took a second in an

event that she was worried

about and she did pretty

well in the chipper and the

snatch ladder she did

damage control that she

needed to do hit the last

bar which she was not able

to do in testing love it

she did awesome so we are

super stoked for her um

yeah like I was very

impressed by her on the

echo bike today proud of

proud of our jamie yeah

Then in the thirty five to thirty nine,

Caroline Klutz,

we called that Andrea Nistler.

We called that Julia Holm as well.

All three phenomenal athletes.

But that Caroline Klutz,

Andrea Nistler battle is pretty tight.

It is six points as well.

Going into the last four events.

Nisler had a good day.

Um, those last two events,

she was able to slowly, you know,

chip her way or chip away

at the lead that Caroline had.

Um, but I've been very impressed with,

with Caroline Klutz.

I think she's very consistent overall.


it's a battle between those two really.

I, I don't,

I don't think anyone else

will challenge for those top two spots.

I really think those two are

separating themselves right now.

Yeah, and what's crazy is like for Andrea,

the run's gone.

Like she has that out of the way.

And that was probably going

to be her worst event.

And now, yeah.

But if you scroll down, though,

there's some studs there.

Mackenzie Riley, Haley Murillo,

Jasmine Sheehan, which I met today,

and I got footage from her

for the behind scenes.


Love her.

And I told her that you

called her out on the show last night.


But, yeah.

Did Lepinen win last year,

the thirty-five?

Like, she's a

think she could have she

might have I thought I know

the podium was tovar and

I'll go look narrow no

tovar it might have been it

might have been maybe not

okay maybe it was the year before

Then we'll go to men's men's

sixty five plus.

John George, Dan Miller, Freddie Cherry.

I think that's pretty much

the same we saw yesterday.

So not much.

Lepinen won in twenty twenty

two for the thirty five to

thirty nine last year.

I don't think competed.

That's why I remember she'd won.

OK, I'm not crazy with my stats.

Men's sixty to sixty four.

Joe Ames, David Powell, Peter Harvey.

I had a nice conversation

with Tom Famry today.

I don't want to spoil the

behind the scenes.

He didn't expect to be

anywhere near the spot on

the leaderboard.

And now he's trying to

figure out how to

compartmentalize that and move forward.

Because this was not what he

expected at all.

So this would be after five

events for them?


Right now,

so they haven't put in the last one.


the upper divisions don't do all the


Okay, that's right.

So that could be their day then for today.

Yeah, I think that is their day.


Yeah, they're done.

Okay, so they get ten events.

Or no.






So then we go to fifty five to fifty nine.

Vic McQuaid, John Kim, Greg Geards.

John Kim was so elated in

the back about how he's doing.

It's awesome.

He did not expect to be

anywhere near here and is

it just live in his dream,

like which is awesome.

Fifty to fifty four.

Jamie McGarvey, Sean Ramirez,

Justin LaSalla.

Justin LaSalla was in first last night.

So there's been a little bit

of a shake up there.

Sean Ramirez moved up.

But Jamie McGarvey had a

great day and has a twenty

five point lead.

Twenty seven point lead on Sean Ramirez.

Is this his comeback year right now?


Yeah, he did MFC last year.

I think it was his first

event that he was eligible for again.

Because he had four years

from a little bit in twenty nineteen,


To twenty twenty three.

Yeah, I think that was it.

He may have tried to make it

back last year and didn't qualify.

It's true.

Now that I'm thinking about it.

So I think it might've been eight to two.


He didn't qualify in and then, yeah,

I think that's right now

that I'm saying it, uh,

forty five to forty nine is Robbie McCord,

Kane Hayes and Jason grub.

So grub in third place last night,

he was in second, uh,

but he's tied for second

and they're only nine

points out of first.


That's those points seem very close.

So that's anybody's ball game.


and between those three and that division,

I think is going right.

That's the forty five to forty nine.


That's the division that's

finishing up right now on

their event six.

So a shakeup will be happening soon.



And it's probably a grub-type workout.


I don't know.

I bet he can hammer the echo bike.

You just don't know.

Sometimes some of the men, like Saez was,

that's a hard one to predict.

Some people are just so good

at the echo bike.


You can't only be good at

the echo bike here because

we saw people not get back to it.

You got to get there.

You got to get there.


and you can have one good round and you

can send it for that round.

But if you didn't pace

yourself based off your fitness,

like it doesn't matter how

good you are if you can't get back.

So, um, yeah,

Carly Matthews is the best

example of that.


It's, it's, uh,

It's consistency over the rounds, right?

And knowing your body on

where are you just under

the red line that you can

sustain and repeat.

So the forty to forty-four,

we're going to be missing an event.

Jonathan Edel,

That guy cannot stay in his skin.

He's so freaking pumped of where he's at.

I met him through our

athlete series of interviews.

He came over, gave me a big hug,

is just so pumped for where he's at.

But Julian Serna is in

second and Chicho Quesada is in third.

And then just because he's

been a friend of the show,

Rudy Berger is moved up to seventh.


He did appeal last the first events,


and did move up ten places

because of the appeal.

What was the appeal?

He was getting no rep for

extension over and over and over again.

I'm surprised that they're

giving time and reps back

because normally a no rep

in the rule book,

they don't let you appeal

those kind of things unless

it's a movement that takes a lot of time,

like a rope climb.


Like, I don't know,

a handstand walk and not

making it to the line and

you had to be brought all the way back.

But typically they haven't

done appeals or accepted

appeals based off of hip

extensions and stuff like that.

So it had to have been

probably bad for them to

accept it and give time back.


That's the only thing I can

think they could appeal in that workout.

But I could be wrong unless

unless like the judge made

him do more reps than he was supposed to.

And the judge miscounted.

That's something else that

you can appeal typically.


And then finally,

thirty five to thirty nine.

Will Morad is absolutely killing it.

That's not, no, it's that's really.

Oh, wait.

That's just minus the last event.

So they're not even at four

hundred points.

So he's got almost a hundred point lead.


Slide over to the right.

That's crazy.

That's a huge lead.


That's that's awesome.

That's consistency.

And there's not like a score

that's in that's not in for

certain people.




It's funny because I talked

to Will before the Syndicate crowd.

And he said that if the

prize money stayed the same,

he was going after the win.


He's extremely in shape.

And then when he got hurt at Syndicate,

I was really crushed for him.

But apparently it was

something that he could rehab.


because here he is

dominating a pretty impressive field.

And it's cool that you see a guy like Will,

who has been a great athlete for years,

get a podium due in the Masters division.


I mean,

he was consistently within like

that close to that top

fifteen ish on the men's

side of the games last, you know,

a few years.

And he's been at the game so many years.

So unfortunate with his injury this year,

but happy that he's back in

and crushing it.

Shout out to Anna Polsky, too.

He's local here around maybe

an hour from Toronto.

He's someone that goes team

as well at the games.

And I'm finding that a lot

of former team athletes are in this.


I mean,

especially with the timing of the

competition that you can do both,

like why not have a

competition for yourself, you know,

test yourself against people of your age,

your peers.

So that's great.

But what they're also saying is that,

that it's very different.

Like it's almost a little

lonely because you're not

there with three other people.

So it's just a different

dynamic being back in the

back as opposed to like

with a team of four.

Yeah, for sure.

And Bronislav made his way

back too after that first event,

that running one,

which we know that wasn't great.

And he didn't do as well as

he wanted to on the snatch event.

I think he got a seventh or

an eighth place.

So for him to be back into

the podium position,

I think he'll be happy with

that at least.


You would assume that he can

push the echo bike.

I mean,

he can Turkish get up the echo bike.


Yeah, he could.

He's got some crazy feats that he can do.


Did you notice he shaved his head?

Yes, I think I saw that, yeah.

Got rid of the top knot man bun,

whatever thing he had going on.

He's completely bald,

which a little streamlined effect.

Get him down the lane a little faster.


But yeah.

So overall, it was a really fun day.

You know,

last night I was ready to

complain about some stuff,

but the pivots made today

have been really nice.

And it seems like they are

reacting to some stuff that's,

that's happened and trying

to make it better on the

fly instead of just letting

it go as is throughout the weekend,

which has been really kind of cool.

That's good to hear.

Um, and then, you know,

I've gotten a lot of

feedback from the athletes

in the back about this way,

as opposed to the old way.

And a lot of them are really

liking having their own event now.

Well, the spotlights on them,

like a lot of times I

wouldn't have had time to, you know,

sit down and watch, you know,

the masters go or the teenage go.

So it's put the spotlight on them.

I think.

People are going to be

walking more so than usual.

I hope they are.

The streams were close to

two grand again today.

Two grand.

Two thousand.


Or over.

I wish that would be up a little bit more.

But the crowds here are really good.

I think the vendors are happy.

Are there a lot of vendors?

I didn't think the three...

There's quite a few.

Not like CrossFit Games

level or Wadapalooza level,

but like more than semifinals for sure.


And Thickboy is a presenting sponsor,

and it's really cool seeing

his logo on the middle of

the floor that's not being televised.

I did see Thickboy.

So shout out to him since

he's our presenting sponsor as well.

Did you want to look over

the three wads for tomorrow quickly?


I don't know what they are

off the top of my head.

Do you have the standard?

Oh, yeah.

Event seven is the thirty clean and jerks,

thirty ring muscle-ups, thirty snatches.

So I think that that will be fun to watch.

It's a fun event.

Now that we've seen it all play out,

do you think that there's

been too much snatching?

I mean, you have the dumbbell snatches.

You only had forty reps there.

That's not that's pretty low volume.

And the barbell snatch that they had,

you only had to do it one time through.

I don't think it's and this

is only thirty reps.

The volume of snatching isn't ridiculous.

Like it's I've seen higher at comps.

I mean, to see it three different times,

I don't think you need to.


especially cause you also had the

deadlift, you had those sandbags over, um,

sandbag cleans, right?

So you're hinging a lot in

these movements.

Um, but some,

some of the volume of it is

relatively light.


I don't think that that wall ball one,


that dumbbell snatch needed to be there.


Like I think that one you'd,

Didn't need to have that in there.

We didn't need more shoulder

to overhead either.


So, I mean,

I feel like you're kind of like

they have almost everything, right?

Like you, you already have the wall ball,

you have the clean and jerks,

you have the short overhead, you have,

what else is coming up?

Uh, I don't even know, but like you,

you're hitting most rope.



so you got that one to start off.

I think that'll be a good race.

Hopefully we see, you know,

the woman finished on the

twelve minute time cap,

especially in the thirty

five to thirty nine.

I think you'll see some

people finish there for the females.

I think as you go up with

that same time cap and

keeping that same weight,

I don't think many of the

females will finish as they

kept that time cap for, I think,

all the way until maybe fifty years old.

I'm not sure.


Then you have that range of

motion workout and quick workout,

which is going to be a transition,

which is the eight round,

eight bar facing burpees,

eight toes to bars.

And then that one power

clean at two fifty five one eighty.

Basically an EMOM, right,

like you're doing all those

movements quickly.

it's going to be fast, right?

It's going to be who can

step up to that bar quickly

and get it because those

other movements are

unbroken and transitions

are going to play a factor.

Are you jogging to the bar?

Are you cycling your toes to

bars with a long motion?

Are you kind of kicking your

feet up to the bar to go a

little bit faster,

which might blow up your

core a little bit more,

but you're less time on

like on your grips.

So people will be playing

around with different

strategies for that one.

Do they have two or three

workouts tomorrow?

I think they have three.

Three and then just one on Sunday.

The front squat is only five minutes.

The other one is eight minutes.

The other one is going to be

a twelve minute AMRAP for

most of the females division.

For the men's division,

they should be fine

finishing that twelve minute time cap.

So for the majority of the

top of the field,

they will not have worked

for more than twelve

minutes the whole weekend.

That's is there's no twelve

to fifteen or fifteen to

twenty minute workout for

the majority of the field.

Yeah, but they're all events to watch.

That's Jamie's strength and

look where she's at fourth place.

And then for the front squats,

that one will be interesting.

What kind of change plates they have.


And with.

Twenty athletes on the floor,

however many they're going

to have on the floor, being able to see,

you know,

people's weights and stuff like

that could be could play a

factor on what people will try.

Will not be televised.

Yeah, that will be on that running floor.

There was a snatch ladder today.

The teams did it this

morning on that floor.

I didn't pay close enough

attention to the change plates,

but there were a lot of rigs out there,

like just a squat stand.


All over the floor.

I'm excited to see some big

numbers being hit.

I think you're going to see,

you're going to be

impressed on the female side,

like someone like Andrea Nisler.

I know she just had a baby,

but that girl's strong.

So on the men's side,

Bronislaw is going to put up some weight.

I mean,

I know he's good with his snatches.

I'm assuming his raw strength is good.

Yeah, you're going to see.

With an event like that,

that you can have some

specialists that are going

to be playing on the leaderboard,

you could see some shakeup

of the leaderboard tomorrow

for sure with that one event.

That's that one event that

can affect the leaderboard

where someone that's been

in that twenty to forty

that whole weekend has been

waiting for that front squat.


you're at the top,

you better have some

strength and consistency or

a big lead right now.



Someone to watch for that.

I was talking to her today,

Claudia Ragdale.

She's coached by Coach L from Strength.


And Coach L said,

I only coach strong athletes because,

you know,

he coaches her and Kelsey and

like he goes,

all my athletes can put up weight.

Danielle is strong too.


When her back's right.


That's the thing.

It's just, it's just her back injury.

Her Olympic lifts are

actually really good.

Her snatches, uh, really good.


You look like Dave Castro

looking up at your, your outdoor screens.

I know you just watching

that echo bike workout as it's going on.

I can't even see much.

You don't know who's on the floor.

All right.

We'll let you get back to it.


I'm assuming the thirty five

to thirty nine should be soon.

So it'll be good time to see

who's going to win those races.

Dex told me he's finishing in round two.

Do you think he will?

What's the bet?

We didn't make a bet.

We should.

You didn't make a bet for him.

I should have.

Yeah, you should have.

And I said,

that's a pansy way to call out

that you're going to finish.

He said, okay, I will finish in two.

He's calling his, his shot.


I'm looking for him,

but is his wrist going to

be fine for the chest of ours?

Is that, I'm assuming this is good.

It's when it's an extension.

So in deck speak, it's all good.

It's all good.

Looking forward to it.

So, uh, yeah, well,

everybody watch for that.

And if he doesn't do it,

like DM them on Instagram

and tell them how bad it is.

Rip them apart.

All right.

Well, with that, everybody,

thank you so much for being here.

It's been fun.

We'll be back tomorrow.

I have to do the late shift, uh,

covering the behind the scenes tomorrow.

So it might be a little bit later.


but I think we end earlier tomorrow

because of the last couple

are pretty quick.

So, uh,

With that,

we'll see everybody tomorrow night on,

it'll be Saturday night CrossFit Talk.

With that, bye guys.

See ya.