Rail Technology Magazine News

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And here’s today’s news from Rail Technology Magazine in association with TransCity Rail – on Thursday the 25th July 2024.

A project to strengthen the iconic High Level Bridge over the River Tyne has been completed after a year of work.
The Victorian-built structure, which provides a vital road and rail link between Newcastle and Gateshead, was the subject of a £5.2 million investment from Network Rail.
The structure, designed by railway pioneer Robert Stephenson, became the first double-decker road and railway bridge in the world upon its opening in 1849.
The recent work included upgrades to the structural beams and wrought ironwork, as well as waterproofing the road deck and improving drainage.

Transport for Wales (TfW) has begun to trial a digital signalling system that will enhance passenger experience and optimise train operations on rural and low-density routes.
Request to Stop (RtS) enables passengers to request approaching trains to stop by using an on-platform communication system to alert the driver that they are waiting to board.
RtS will utilise GSM throughout the trial period, providing greater location flexibility, with a planned future upgrade to GSM-R.
The system introduces significant timetable resilience, efficiency and passenger safety improvements in comparison to the manual method of requesting a train to stop.
RtS could also bring time, cost and carbon savings to operators. Each unnecessary stop for a diesel multiple-train unit that is avoided could save up to 70 seconds and six litres of fuel.

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