Do You Want to Start a Tab?

Story One - A very unusually choreographed shot happen between 6 guys.
Story Two - Do you mind having an asshole bartender?

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  • Billy Fredlund
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Creators & Guests

Carl Busch
Riley Taylor

What is Do You Want to Start a Tab??

A podcast sharing hospitality stories that teach a lesson. Don't be a dick. Tip your bartender. And, drink responsibly.

00:00:00:00 - 00:00:02:03
Speaker 2

00:00:03:00 - 00:00:11:18
Speaker 2
everyone in the service industry has a story. Crazy customers, wild orders and WTO moments. Do you want to start have the podcast here to bring you those sales from behind the bar?

00:00:11:18 - 00:00:15:15
Speaker 2
My name is Carl. I've been bartending for ten plus years now.

00:00:15:16 - 00:00:16:10
Speaker 1
Over a decade.

00:00:16:15 - 00:00:17:07
Speaker 2
Over a decade.

00:00:17:09 - 00:00:19:06
Speaker 1
My name is Reilly and I have

00:00:19:06 - 00:00:21:09
Speaker 1
very short lived bar experience.

00:00:21:13 - 00:00:22:12
Speaker 2
Singular here.

00:00:24:15 - 00:00:27:21
Speaker 1
In between a year and two years to really.

00:00:27:23 - 00:00:48:18
Speaker 2
Very bartending for all your friends who, you know have said yes. So on this lovely little podcast, we read stories of the Internet. Yeah, we read stories in the mornings. We read bartender stories through the eyes of the guest or the bartender talk about it could have been handled differently or really in some sort of fashionable way. Is there an asshole?

00:00:48:18 - 00:01:01:14
Speaker 2
Is there a hero? I don't know. We find out. Then we write that story at 1.51 being your average story by being something very unique that I've never heard or read or whoever has never heard before. See, people will probably never see you get.

00:01:01:14 - 00:01:03:08
Speaker 2
That is what we do in this podcast.

00:01:03:09 - 00:01:05:23
Speaker 1
In a very long winded way. Yes. Yes.

00:01:06:01 - 00:01:10:11
Speaker 2
But is it a short podcast at all? So

00:01:10:11 - 00:01:18:18
Speaker 2
since we are a bartending podcast and O'Reilly and I both enjoy the adult beverages we like to drink at this point, I guess. And so what are we doing today? Radio.

00:01:18:20 - 00:01:22:07
Speaker 1
Today we are drinking a

00:01:22:07 - 00:01:26:04
Speaker 1
local beer from lying bridge brewing in Cedar Rapids

00:01:26:04 - 00:01:32:14
Speaker 1
called Mount Rushmore Trail Mix. And that's kind of an inside joke for anybody who doesn't know Cedar Rapids.

00:01:32:16 - 00:01:38:13
Speaker 2
But the name kind of gives away what Mount Rushmore would be. But it's basically the hill that they used to do.

00:01:38:17 - 00:01:43:09
Speaker 1
It used to be the dump. And then they grew grass on it, and now it's a park.

00:01:43:11 - 00:01:51:16
Speaker 2
So we try revitalize it. So we got a kettle sour with peanuts, chocolate and blueberry. Yeah. I don't know if I ever had a cellar with peanuts before.

00:01:51:23 - 00:01:52:13
Speaker 1
Peanuts in it.

00:01:52:19 - 00:01:55:06
Speaker 2
Piece. Yes.

00:01:55:08 - 00:01:55:22
Speaker 1

00:01:55:22 - 00:01:57:21
Speaker 2
Please. Mark has been very aggressive.

00:01:57:23 - 00:01:59:12
Speaker 1
Mind your business.

00:01:59:14 - 00:02:00:19
Speaker 2
Chews chips.

00:02:01:07 - 00:02:02:04
Speaker 2
It's sour.

00:02:02:04 - 00:02:05:11
Speaker 2
It tastes exactly how you think it would be. And does he take drugs?

00:02:05:14 - 00:02:07:18
Speaker 1
Kind of hazy, sour peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

00:02:08:00 - 00:02:10:09
Speaker 2
I'm glad to hear it. Yeah, I enjoy it. Yeah,

00:02:10:09 - 00:02:15:10
Speaker 2
it's pretty good job. Members there are. They're down in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Like you said earlier.

00:02:15:12 - 00:02:17:15
Speaker 1
And you can see Mount Rushmore from their patio.

00:02:17:16 - 00:02:23:10
Speaker 2
You know, But it's a great little brew. They do some really good stuff. Kind of more on the traditional side sometimes.

00:02:23:10 - 00:02:26:22
Speaker 1
But I don't know. I would say they do more experimental beers.

00:02:26:23 - 00:02:31:00
Speaker 2
Yeah, I mean, they kind of do both. So I don't know if you're in Cedar Rapids, I would definitely go check them out.

00:02:31:00 - 00:02:31:18
Speaker 2
And so

00:02:31:18 - 00:02:33:09
Speaker 2
we just saw we'd like to serve.

00:02:33:16 - 00:02:38:12
Speaker 1
Um, let's let let's have you start this time because mine is more of an open forum question.

00:02:38:17 - 00:02:39:15
Speaker 2

00:02:39:15 - 00:02:53:08
Speaker 2
All right, so I got my record. Akam the link. I see what the link was, but I just Google bartender stories. I just kind of go to different websites. And so here we go. It's called the choreographed

00:02:53:08 - 00:02:54:23
Speaker 2
bachelorette party routine.

00:02:55:04 - 00:02:55:14
Speaker 1

00:02:56:10 - 00:03:13:02
Speaker 2
It was a Tuesday night and we were closing at midnight. A group of about six gentlemen came to my bar, seemingly intoxicated, but overall pretty friendly. Small talk revealed that they're mostly from the Portland area and are here. Undisclosed location near Philadelphia for the best friend's wedding, which is tomorrow.

00:03:13:02 - 00:03:18:00
Speaker 2
The one guy asked for a shot of the most expensive tequila we have that is cost up visual.

00:03:18:00 - 00:03:20:17
Speaker 2
And now at $150 a shot,

00:03:20:17 - 00:03:23:17
Speaker 2
he says, I'll take it. So I run downstairs.

00:03:23:17 - 00:03:36:04
Speaker 2
This was occurred on the rooftop bar, grab a bottle and all the fancy stuff to go with it for my little presentation in front of him. And he grabs the snifter filled with $150 worth of our best tequila. It's just. Okay, boys, circle up

00:03:36:04 - 00:03:37:18
Speaker 2
without missing a beat.

00:03:37:18 - 00:03:51:04
Speaker 2
As if choreographed the six guys in a circle insert flapping their arms positioned like chicken wings from the chicken dance, crouched down, start chirping like baby birds. Guy one That takes the shot, spits it into guys. Two

00:03:51:04 - 00:04:01:13
Speaker 2
Spits it into guy number two's mouth, guy number two into guy two or three out and so on until it all reaches guy number six who receives it swells like a fucking champ.

00:04:01:21 - 00:04:04:13
Speaker 2
First of all, what, what the.

00:04:04:13 - 00:04:06:10
Speaker 4

00:04:06:13 - 00:04:10:07
Speaker 2
Hey, guys, who served this new tradition When we go for bachelor party, baby.

00:04:10:07 - 00:04:11:06
Speaker 4
Bird each other

00:04:11:06 - 00:04:12:11
Speaker 4
in the circle, learn.

00:04:12:19 - 00:04:13:10
Speaker 2

00:04:13:10 - 00:04:14:12
Speaker 2
This is a circlejerk.

00:04:14:17 - 00:04:17:13
Speaker 4
Knock it off. Credit Huawei.

00:04:19:21 - 00:04:21:10
Speaker 2
So I've never seen that.

00:04:22:00 - 00:04:28:08
Speaker 4
I've never seen anybody. Baby shirt, baby, birdshot. One time we a much less savvy.

00:04:28:10 - 00:04:31:19
Speaker 2
Six five times technically right because the six I didn't do it right.

00:04:31:19 - 00:04:38:07
Speaker 2
Okay. So let's first of all stay with if this is your best tequila and how's your absolutely.

00:04:39:13 - 00:04:41:23
Speaker 4
The bottle goes for $500.

00:04:42:01 - 00:04:52:00
Speaker 2
It's this is a whole thing on the Internet where this company is no longer make pristine tequila. You're just buying the brand in the cooler. Can borrow tequila, and there's very garbage, has a lot of additives in to it. So

00:04:52:00 - 00:04:58:17
Speaker 2
I guess it's the most expensive bottle. All right. It's kind of sad to say if that's where you're most, you know, best tequila.

00:04:58:17 - 00:05:04:06
Speaker 2
But you know, it is what it is. Yeah. And if you're selling 150 bucks a pop, good for you.

00:05:04:06 - 00:05:05:00
Speaker 2

00:05:05:00 - 00:05:05:18
Speaker 2

00:05:05:18 - 00:05:11:18
Speaker 2
I don't know. I would love I would not love to hang out with these guys for a bachelor party. Nope.

00:05:11:21 - 00:05:12:18
Speaker 1
No, miss me?

00:05:12:21 - 00:05:16:16
Speaker 2
If I was that bartender. But what the fuck did I just see?

00:05:16:18 - 00:05:17:06
Speaker 1

00:05:17:06 - 00:05:20:00
Speaker 1
because, like, I want to

00:05:20:00 - 00:05:22:12
Speaker 1
find, like, a study

00:05:22:12 - 00:05:25:14
Speaker 1
of how much tequila stays in each man's mouth and then how.

00:05:25:14 - 00:05:27:20
Speaker 4
Much is replaced by saliva.

00:05:27:22 - 00:05:30:13
Speaker 2
So by the time you get to number six or like, any 20 or something.

00:05:30:16 - 00:05:31:14
Speaker 1

00:05:31:16 - 00:05:33:12
Speaker 2
80% tequila, 20% saliva.

00:05:33:14 - 00:05:34:08
Speaker 1

00:05:35:01 - 00:05:37:20
Speaker 2

00:05:37:20 - 00:05:38:17
Speaker 2
for me.

00:05:38:17 - 00:05:42:07
Speaker 2
So they split it six ways they end or just the last guy get.

00:05:42:09 - 00:05:46:11
Speaker 4
Get the you pays for it right.

00:05:46:15 - 00:05:49:20
Speaker 2
That's who. How do you decide who's number six and who's number one

00:05:49:20 - 00:05:52:09
Speaker 2
does he just start to the random person.

00:05:52:11 - 00:05:55:03
Speaker 1
Have they have they been doing it like once,

00:05:55:03 - 00:05:57:20
Speaker 1
like the leapfrog running drugs were.

00:05:57:20 - 00:06:04:03
Speaker 4
Like the back person sprints the front. So the every new bar the back person starts.

00:06:04:05 - 00:06:06:15
Speaker 2
Yeah they just the most expensive cure.

00:06:06:19 - 00:06:08:13
Speaker 4
For some.

00:06:08:15 - 00:06:17:11
Speaker 2
Would have they do like the Long Island version, right. The first bar is the best vodka. Second bar is best gin. Third bar is best tequila. They that it in your country.

00:06:17:11 - 00:06:18:14
Speaker 2
Very hilarious.

00:06:18:14 - 00:06:20:11
Speaker 2
Yeah yeah.

00:06:20:11 - 00:06:29:23
Speaker 2
But then like maybe are that maybe his name on the table and then they're all like like musical chairs right You know, they're all kind of just going around in the circle, tripping, waiting to be the first one that he just

00:06:29:23 - 00:06:30:18
Speaker 2
to stop.

00:06:30:22 - 00:06:32:11
Speaker 2
You're the first one to go.

00:06:32:11 - 00:06:34:02
Speaker 2
I know. Like, this is weird.

00:06:34:05 - 00:06:35:05
Speaker 1
I don't like it.

00:06:36:02 - 00:06:40:02
Speaker 4
You know, I don't like any part of this song.

00:06:40:05 - 00:06:44:17
Speaker 2
So if you are thinking about doing this at a bar, please don't.

00:06:44:22 - 00:06:47:17
Speaker 1
I don't know. I mean, I've never been to this happen.

00:06:47:19 - 00:06:52:10
Speaker 4
This feels like. That feels like a pre-COVID shenanigan, right?

00:06:52:12 - 00:06:59:23
Speaker 2
I mean, this is a really hurting. You went right. They're not being like obnoxious, you know, he said they're kind of just being drunk, kind of being, you know, whatever. They're just they're just.

00:07:00:02 - 00:07:01:14
Speaker 4
A good time. They're having it.

00:07:01:15 - 00:07:06:22
Speaker 2
Right. So I guess you to you as long as you're you sit the bartender, you know, 30 bucks for this.

00:07:07:04 - 00:07:08:19
Speaker 4
I mean

00:07:08:19 - 00:07:15:10
Speaker 4
yeah I mean tip your bartender the appropriate percentage in their lives. You're not, like, making a mess then, right? You're.

00:07:16:01 - 00:07:20:11
Speaker 4
You're fine. But, like, are you fine? Like, are you okay?

00:07:20:13 - 00:07:22:07
Speaker 2
I bet this does not pick up chicks.

00:07:22:07 - 00:07:23:21
Speaker 2
All right.

00:07:23:23 - 00:07:25:01
Speaker 4

00:07:25:01 - 00:07:30:23
Speaker 1
think it's safe to say there was no asshole in the story. Right. I mean, there have been assholes.

00:07:31:00 - 00:07:35:18
Speaker 2
I mean, I kind feel like the asshole for being judgmental about the whole situation. However,

00:07:35:18 - 00:07:40:12
Speaker 2
you could also consider that the person who proposed this as a

00:07:40:12 - 00:07:41:09
Speaker 2

00:07:41:09 - 00:07:42:21
Speaker 2
would be the asshole.

00:07:43:02 - 00:07:44:06
Speaker 1
But the prince got on board.

00:07:44:06 - 00:07:53:08
Speaker 1
Yeah. Is it no different than the group of girls with the stupid lollipop trees going around trying to get a fucking few dollars? Right? They're not taking it, you know. They're spending money

00:07:53:08 - 00:07:59:14
Speaker 1
to do it themselves. I just think that there's not for me. There's no asshole in the story. They're just a bunch of people having some fun.

00:07:59:19 - 00:08:04:22
Speaker 2
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I still think I'm being an asshole for being judgmental.

00:08:04:23 - 00:08:06:05
Speaker 1
Oh, you're being the ass.

00:08:06:05 - 00:08:06:14
Speaker 2

00:08:06:16 - 00:08:09:22
Speaker 1
Judgmental? Well, no. I mean, that's what we do in this fucking pocket. So we'd always be the asshole.

00:08:10:01 - 00:08:13:10
Speaker 2
But, like. Like you said, if they're having a good time, then we should just mind our business.

00:08:13:11 - 00:08:18:02
Speaker 1
It's just you and me this time. This. This is not your form of entertainment.

00:08:18:04 - 00:08:21:13
Speaker 2
No, no, it's not.

00:08:21:15 - 00:08:23:22
Speaker 1
Huh? Okay, so.

00:08:24:00 - 00:08:24:13
Speaker 2
Like it.

00:08:24:17 - 00:08:30:07
Speaker 1
You know, as far as we know, the bartender would have put more notes in there if they were disruptive back to words or didn't tip, you know? But

00:08:30:07 - 00:08:38:19
Speaker 1
the saw kind of in there. So I'm assuming the resonate went by easy peasy, right? You know, they probably just in their one dude you got to get starter cat.

00:08:38:19 - 00:08:44:16
Speaker 1
So yeah I don't know that's why I think now our storyline the more we keep doing these now we have done this

00:08:44:16 - 00:08:46:08
Speaker 1
almost for half a year already.

00:08:46:12 - 00:08:46:23
Speaker 2

00:08:47:01 - 00:08:49:22
Speaker 1
This it's crazy to think we are two thrones happier

00:08:49:22 - 00:08:50:16
Speaker 1
is I think

00:08:50:16 - 00:08:54:03
Speaker 1
my numbering system is going to get harder heart rate like.

00:08:54:05 - 00:08:57:13
Speaker 2
It's going to be harder to get a five when

00:08:57:13 - 00:08:58:21
Speaker 2
you've heard a lot of knives.

00:08:59:01 - 00:09:03:16
Speaker 1
So where I'm at now is I think to do above four,

00:09:03:16 - 00:09:12:18
Speaker 1
it has to be very compounded story. Right like this, this, this, this and this all happened to make the story happen. This is a very blunt story. Now, have I ever seen this? No,

00:09:12:18 - 00:09:16:20
Speaker 1
But you've seen them shoot from bachelor parties, bachelor parties, you know, things like that.

00:09:16:20 - 00:09:20:18
Speaker 1
So that's why I won't give you the story of 3.5, because there's only, like, one.

00:09:20:18 - 00:09:24:19
Speaker 1
There's only. Right. There's only one plot. There's not multiple plots.

00:09:24:20 - 00:09:30:12
Speaker 2
Yeah, it's not. There are multiple levels of fuckery converging into one massive shit.

00:09:30:14 - 00:09:31:00
Speaker 1

00:09:32:06 - 00:09:37:18
Speaker 1
I mean, it's technically there are six plotlines, right? Because there's six guys.

00:09:37:20 - 00:09:40:17
Speaker 2
Most six men have to have a situation.

00:09:40:19 - 00:09:48:09
Speaker 1
What do they do behind closed doors? That's what do their fucking wives are? Future wives and girlfriends say about this, right?

00:09:48:13 - 00:09:52:05
Speaker 2
That's like that to me. That's the same level of, like,

00:09:52:05 - 00:09:54:17
Speaker 2
friendship commitment as the movie tag.

00:09:54:17 - 00:09:56:02
Speaker 2
Yeah, we're just like,

00:09:56:02 - 00:09:58:05
Speaker 2
these people are close.

00:09:58:07 - 00:09:59:02
Speaker 1

00:09:59:06 - 00:10:03:03
Speaker 2
Close enough to do some things other people would not consider doing.

00:10:03:05 - 00:10:03:14
Speaker 1

00:10:04:11 - 00:10:04:20
Speaker 2
I don't know.

00:10:04:20 - 00:10:06:02
Speaker 1

00:10:06:02 - 00:10:08:05
Speaker 1
think we really have to get above pause anymore.

00:10:08:09 - 00:10:16:14
Speaker 2
I don't think this one is a four. And I agree with you. I think it's because the level of fuckery while it was while it existed, it was not

00:10:16:14 - 00:10:17:12
Speaker 2

00:10:17:14 - 00:10:20:11
Speaker 1
Right. This is like third grade I this is boys thing.

00:10:20:15 - 00:10:29:17
Speaker 2
Yeah. This is very much of boys will be boys crossing streams of the fucking girls type of situation being

00:10:29:17 - 00:10:32:08
Speaker 2

00:10:32:10 - 00:10:42:01
Speaker 2
So I think I'm going to go with you, but I'm going to go 3.8 and it gets just that little bit higher notes because for some reason, six

00:10:42:01 - 00:10:44:16
Speaker 2
grown men agreed to do this.

00:10:45:21 - 00:10:46:01
Speaker 1

00:10:46:02 - 00:10:47:23
Speaker 2
It can't have been the first stop.

00:10:48:00 - 00:10:54:11
Speaker 1
No, because you said like choreographed. Right. So it's like they just also instantly like.

00:10:54:14 - 00:10:56:07
Speaker 2
They all knew what to do. Right.

00:10:56:07 - 00:10:57:04
Speaker 2
And they all did it.

00:10:57:04 - 00:10:59:07
Speaker 2
And I don't know how I feel about it.

00:10:59:10 - 00:11:01:19
Speaker 1
Do you have a story that is

00:11:01:19 - 00:11:10:16
Speaker 1
just as unique as this, or maybe a little bit different, but there's something done that you and your friends like to do to go out, have a good time to give that night a little bit extra, some some something.

00:11:10:16 - 00:11:14:06
Speaker 1
We would love to hear it and we'd love for you to go to our summit, if you would.

00:11:14:09 - 00:11:15:18
Speaker 1
If you look at any links

00:11:15:18 - 00:11:22:15
Speaker 1
or if you look at in the show notes, there's a link to our celebrity call. If you want to start out. We would love to hear. You can obviously be totally

00:11:22:15 - 00:11:24:03
Speaker 1
anonymous, right?

00:11:24:08 - 00:11:25:14
Speaker 2
Anonymous. Yes.

00:11:25:15 - 00:11:27:03
Speaker 1
We used the B word correctly

00:11:27:03 - 00:11:30:23
Speaker 1
and you're like, that's not a big word at all.

00:11:31:00 - 00:11:34:10
Speaker 2
I mean, it's big in etymology. Yes.

00:11:34:12 - 00:11:35:12
Speaker 1
But it's big for me.

00:11:37:02 - 00:11:38:16
Speaker 2
Continue to joke.

00:11:38:18 - 00:11:42:09
Speaker 1
So anyways, we have that. And then today

00:11:42:09 - 00:11:52:15
Speaker 1
I got us our own phone number. So if you would love to call in to talk about your story because maybe you're not good at the writing scenes like I am is rather speak it

00:11:52:15 - 00:11:57:05
Speaker 1
it's you know post your name. If not, we'd love to hear it and then we'd play it on the show.

00:11:57:16 - 00:11:58:18
Speaker 2
I love that.

00:11:58:20 - 00:12:01:09
Speaker 1
Right? I would love even if you're drunk. Tell us about this story.

00:12:01:09 - 00:12:04:02
Speaker 2
God, please call us drunken. Tell us your story of the night.

00:12:04:06 - 00:12:10:08
Speaker 1
So the phone number is 5632770072.

00:12:10:08 - 00:12:25:19
Speaker 1
And that phone number will be the link of all of our podcast episodes if you forget it, because there is another podcast on the phone and they don't have it on their show notes. And I told them to put it in their bathroom, but yes, we'd love to hear it and play it on the air.

00:12:26:01 - 00:12:28:23
Speaker 1
We have to get a couple of them. Maybe we'll just do it all. Episode.

00:12:28:23 - 00:12:29:18
Speaker 1
Yeah, the boys room.

00:12:29:19 - 00:12:33:08
Speaker 2
Depending on how many stories we get. Yeah, we will do.

00:12:33:08 - 00:12:33:20
Speaker 2

00:12:33:20 - 00:12:34:19
Speaker 2

00:12:34:21 - 00:12:49:04
Speaker 1
And then also to also help support the podcast, sharing this with your friends or family who you think this they would find enjoyable. And then also leave us a rating on Spotify, Apple, any podcast platform music has some sort of rating. Five stars would be great and we love it.

00:12:49:04 - 00:12:51:04
Speaker 1
You know I give it to the

00:12:51:04 - 00:12:52:22
Speaker 1
to the young boy bartender,

00:12:52:22 - 00:12:53:22
Speaker 1
this really

00:12:53:22 - 00:12:56:08
Speaker 1
is Riley.

00:12:56:10 - 00:13:03:16
Speaker 2
All right. So this is kind of like a this is a post on Reddit from Professor Underscore Betty a month ago.

00:13:03:16 - 00:13:10:20
Speaker 2
And the question was, anyone else love being an asshole bartender? I think some customers come in just to be emotionally beat up.

00:13:10:22 - 00:13:14:19
Speaker 1
I fucking 100% already know the answers. Yes, yes, yes, course.

00:13:14:22 - 00:13:15:07
Speaker 2

00:13:15:07 - 00:13:19:15
Speaker 2
and then so then the story actually comes in the comments

00:13:20:09 - 00:13:21:09
Speaker 2

00:13:21:09 - 00:13:25:12
Speaker 2
it's from Dolores. I was for Herbig a month ago.

00:13:25:12 - 00:13:38:08
Speaker 2
Dude, people love that shit. People I don't know get customer service voice regulars get. Yeah. Wait a fucking minute, Mike. I don't have time for your shit and they come back for it. I've got one guy who every time he comes in, gets No, get the fuck out of my bar.

00:13:38:12 - 00:13:49:21
Speaker 2
And he says it's his favorite place in the city because he feels so welcome and it reminds him of home. He's Irish. They still get their drinks and some chit chat, but it's nice to not have to do the industry persona right.

00:13:49:21 - 00:13:50:15
Speaker 2

00:13:50:15 - 00:13:56:03
Speaker 2
this isn't really like a story. It's more of an open forum. Question to you being an asshole bartender,

00:13:56:03 - 00:13:57:15
Speaker 2
do you?

00:13:57:15 - 00:13:58:18
Speaker 2
How do you feel about it?

00:13:58:18 - 00:14:01:11
Speaker 1
I feel it has its time and place.

00:14:02:14 - 00:14:12:23
Speaker 1
I will say this Sometimes it's easier to do that with your regulars because you built this relationship and they understand who you are as a bartender. They know you have a lighter side and it's just it's like you're with your best friend, right?

00:14:12:23 - 00:14:17:03
Speaker 1
Like you and I, when we first started hanging out, we weren't telling the dumb shit that we're telling each other.

00:14:17:03 - 00:14:21:05
Speaker 1
Now you have that you have to build it up and have that trust and that just like,

00:14:21:05 - 00:14:26:05
Speaker 1
okay, we're on the same page, you know? We just know we're fucking with each other, right? Mess around with each other, whatever

00:14:26:05 - 00:14:31:14
Speaker 1
there are sometimes at the bar where I think coming out strong, like.

00:14:31:14 - 00:14:32:23
Speaker 2
I'm not sorry, it's covered.

00:14:32:23 - 00:14:34:02
Speaker 1
Up swing. It

00:14:34:02 - 00:14:35:11
Speaker 1
is very

00:14:35:11 - 00:14:38:08
Speaker 1
it's if you move, it's like, you know, it's.

00:14:38:09 - 00:14:39:21
Speaker 2
A bold choice kind of over.

00:14:39:23 - 00:14:58:19
Speaker 1
Right? Yeah, exactly. So it it works sometimes it doesn't work. Sometimes if it doesn't work, sometimes I just apologize. I'm sorry. I just like how fun. You know, I'd like to keep this place light hearted sometimes. It's okay. Oh, okay. Because I know you think I'm just being straight up asshole, like with. No, I'm sorry that, you know, if there's

00:14:58:19 - 00:15:00:02
Speaker 1
regular sitting there, like.

00:15:00:02 - 00:15:01:13
Speaker 1
No, you just have it. This is just story.

00:15:01:13 - 00:15:02:05
Speaker 2
That's right.

00:15:02:07 - 00:15:04:13
Speaker 1
And then, you know, I take it down a notch,

00:15:04:13 - 00:15:15:01
Speaker 1
be my normal self. I guess, and then maybe bring it back a bit. You know, this is some stupid to go. There's the fucking door, you know. You know, things like that. You know, they usually laugh once in a while

00:15:15:01 - 00:15:18:13
Speaker 1
if that person's kind of having a bad day or they just don't like humor,

00:15:18:13 - 00:15:22:14
Speaker 1
they just like, you know, they're just like already pissed off, you know?

00:15:22:14 - 00:15:23:12
Speaker 1
And I just

00:15:23:12 - 00:15:46:15
Speaker 1
because I think sometimes it helps lighten your mood, right? If you're upset or mad, you know, it's you work at a hotel. Sometimes they don't get checked in right away. Sometimes you just got to travel with 6 hours. You're you're tired. And so and I think that normal. Like, how you doing it? I mean the, you know, the super nice like bartender thing I think that's overplayed and sometimes seem seems this in genuine disingenuous.

00:15:46:17 - 00:15:49:16
Speaker 1
Yes, Disingenuous, you know, because it just seems fake.

00:15:49:16 - 00:15:50:12
Speaker 2
Because it is fake.

00:15:50:13 - 00:15:58:21
Speaker 1
It is. I mean, there are some times I usually want to know, what about you? But like, just do it over and over and over and over again. Right? It sounds

00:15:58:21 - 00:16:02:18
Speaker 1
it just sounds fake. And so sometimes you just got to have to

00:16:02:18 - 00:16:04:08
Speaker 1
you have to crack a few eggs to make it.

00:16:04:08 - 00:16:12:11
Speaker 2
All right. So a lot of the comments were and some of tonight I went into a bar and those who regularly

00:16:12:11 - 00:16:18:09
Speaker 2
was greeted with Hey, Fuckface. And I sighed as I knew everything was again right in the world.

00:16:18:11 - 00:16:20:02
Speaker 1
I have never done anything like that.

00:16:20:02 - 00:16:22:05
Speaker 1
And I might be more speed diving bars,

00:16:22:23 - 00:16:23:23
Speaker 1
but, you know,

00:16:23:23 - 00:16:28:08
Speaker 1
like with my regulars, you know, I mean, they keep coming back. You know,

00:16:28:08 - 00:16:34:11
Speaker 1
they they have better options to go. We are a hotel where our shit's more expensive than other places they could go. Other places.

00:16:34:14 - 00:16:41:13
Speaker 2
Right? And somebody says, I always tell my regs that if I'm not an asshole to you, I don't like you. If I'm nice, I fucking hate your guts.

00:16:41:15 - 00:16:51:10
Speaker 1
You can forget it to me. But that room, yeah, there is a there is a a meaning or a a relationship or a I can relate to that certain degrees, you know.

00:16:51:14 - 00:16:52:16
Speaker 2

00:16:52:16 - 00:17:08:19
Speaker 1
I just also think because then it brings you down to that friendship level or, you know, more than I'm just your guest and I am the guy serving you or girl woman serving you. Right. Like there's more of a genuine relationship there because that's what your friends do. Every one of their friends

00:17:08:19 - 00:17:11:05
Speaker 1
does, and say dumb shit to each other like that.

00:17:11:05 - 00:17:11:12
Speaker 1

00:17:11:18 - 00:17:12:12
Speaker 2

00:17:12:14 - 00:17:13:04
Speaker 1

00:17:13:04 - 00:17:16:07
Speaker 1
I don't know, cause it makes you feel like you're one of the boys,

00:17:16:07 - 00:17:19:22
Speaker 1
but so if you have any thoughts on this,

00:17:19:22 - 00:17:21:10
Speaker 1

00:17:21:10 - 00:17:23:07
Speaker 1
Which we do,

00:17:23:07 - 00:17:24:13
Speaker 1
we have a.

00:17:24:13 - 00:17:25:07
Speaker 2

00:17:25:09 - 00:17:29:03
Speaker 1
Called Wonderbra. Yes, There you go. Oh, my God. It's so.

00:17:29:06 - 00:17:30:06
Speaker 2
It's so fresh. It's so.

00:17:30:06 - 00:17:32:12
Speaker 1
New. Yeah, That and also,

00:17:32:12 - 00:17:47:18
Speaker 1
I just got back from like a 12 day long vacation, so my mind is still work. So. Yeah. What do you think about that, guys and girls and ladies? And then do you like having kind of an asshole bartender serve you, you know, in a playful kind of light, or you just want to go and just be

00:17:47:18 - 00:17:49:09
Speaker 1
pleased that they do it all night long.

00:17:49:09 - 00:17:58:18
Speaker 1
So again, 5632770072. We're not going to rate this again because it's more of an opinion open ended question Where I said

00:17:58:18 - 00:18:02:18
Speaker 1
another way you can support the show is we do have a picture on for $3 a month.

00:18:02:18 - 00:18:10:11
Speaker 1
You can get exclusive interviews to all of our guests that we have on the show. We sit don't talk to them for about 30 or 40 minutes about their life.

00:18:10:13 - 00:18:24:05
Speaker 1
It's a very fun time. I would like to also say that you can now do a free trial. So if you're debating whether or not for seven free days you can get access to our content, give it a try if you like it. Cool. If not,

00:18:24:05 - 00:18:28:20
Speaker 1
no hurt feelings. Still to the podcast, the free one. We would love you anyway no matter what.

00:18:28:23 - 00:18:38:13
Speaker 1
Right? You have an extra three book spirit. Go right ahead. We do have to also picture our members that have been supporting us for a couple of months. Chandler and that they're both fantastic. Love you guys.

00:18:38:16 - 00:18:39:14
Speaker 2
Thank you very much.

00:18:39:17 - 00:18:41:11
Speaker 1
And yet we have also have

00:18:41:11 - 00:18:53:22
Speaker 1
two free episodes on our feature on the interview with Jessica and then are two or three. I was better because I was a story, so we keep adding stuff on there. It's a lot to do. I know we keep rambling about a lot of stuff, but we just we know these options are out there for everyone

00:18:53:22 - 00:18:57:23
Speaker 1
and on that note, top deck tip bartender and drink responsibly.

00:18:58:04 - 00:18:58:17
Speaker 2