Unbound with Chris DuBois

 In this episode of Unbound, we discuss the 3 sets, and how you can use them to maximize the amount you accomplish every week. 

What is Unbound with Chris DuBois?

Unbound is a weekly podcast, created to help you achieve more as a leader. Join Chris DuBois as he shares his growth journey and interviews others on their path to becoming unbound. Delivered weekly on Thursdays.

Want a system for getting more done in your week? When that leaves you satisfied on Friday and excited for Monday? Listen into today's episode.

Are you a leader trying to get more from your business in life? Need to. So join me as I document the conversations, stories and advice to help you achieve what matters in your life. Welcome to unbound with me, Chris DuBois.

How often have you finished a week and realize you got nothing noteworthy accomplished and sees happen to me all the time, and I'm sure it happens to others primarily because others have told me it happens to them. So I wanted to share my system for accomplishing your bigger tasks in a given week. And I'm not trying to be like some productivity guru, or say this is going to fix all your problems, right, you'll get what you put in. But you can add a level of certainty to your week by approaching your goals this way. I call it the three sets. So Sunday night, plan these out it first, you set your goal. What do you actually want to accomplish this week? What's that number one task that if you finished it, you would feel amazing come the weekend, you need to get hyper clear on what it is you want to get done. Because very frequently it is that lack of clarity that stops people from achieving their goals. Okay, next, set your standards. This is about effort and sacrifice. What are you willing to do to ensure that you hit your goals? Right? What are you willing to give up? A lot of goals fail because people don't change the standard they're holding themselves to in order to make that goal happen. So you need to set that standard. And then don't negotiate with yourself. If you're not going to sleep until you've achieved a milestone of your project, then do it. Although I wouldn't use sleep as that sleeps important. Okay.

Don't turn on the TV, don't go out for dinner, or for drinks. And if you haven't hit your targets for that day, just set that standard and then hold your ground and make sure you're actually living up to that standard for the week. And finally, set the conditions. This is where we look at the week and start removing any blockers that could stand in the way. So you put time on your calendar, right for focus work, you'll move meetings, you'll plan when the shutdown slack, move appointments to alter the same day, so you can just block them there. If the full moon affects you, or something weird like that, then shift your calendar around, right you have that ability to do it right now by just forecasting what's going on on your calendar. Now, emergencies still may happen. But by setting up these conditions for your success, you're going to mitigate the chances of actually failing. So let's talk some examples. First, if your goal is let's say Finish drafting my book chapter this week. Okay, standards, I'm going to write for at least two hours each morning before checking email social media, I'm going to say no to any social activities until I've met my daily writing quota. Other conditions I'm going to block those two to three hour time chunks for writing every morning and request no meetings or calls before noon. I'm going to work from a coffee shop with no internet to avoid online distractions. Right, another goal, let's lose two pounds this week. Standard no cheat meals whatsoever. Work out one hour per day, six days this week, and drink a gallon of water daily conditions right to make sure this happens. I'm going to meal prep all of my food on Sunday, I'm going to schedule gym time on the calendar and treat it as important as I do meetings, I'm going to remove junk food from the house.

Let's see Let's another goal launch my online course by Friday. Okay, so I'm going to work on my course for four hours every night after my day job, no TV or social media until it's done. Conditions. We're going to set up childcare to focus after work. I'm going to remove distractions from my workspace, schedule progress check ins with an accountability partner, things like that. So this is a super, super simple system. But it's also super fun to execute because once you see it work once, it is very easy to become addicted to it. So give it a try. Let me know how it goes three sets set the goal, set the standard set the conditions.

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