Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Monday, September 23rd, 2024 / Chantel is not ready to decorate for fall yet, we’re smart cookies and can tell the difference between our left and right hands, we did some deep cleaning in our bedroom and discovered long lost treasures and we rotated the mattress, Josh needs to trim his beard, our daughter got duped by an internet trend, and Chantel is worried that she isn’t worried enough.

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Episode title: Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh and Chantel - Monday, September 23rd, 2024

Episode summary introduction:

Chantel is not ready to decorate for fall yet, we’re smart cookies and can tell the difference between our left and right hands, we did some deep cleaning in our bedroom and discovered long lost treasures and we rotated the mattress, Josh needs to trim his beard, our daughter got duped by an internet trend, and Chantel is worried that she isn’t worried enough.

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Full show transcript:

This is wake up classy 97, the podcast. It's a replay of today's full show. It's Josh and Chantel. It's Monday, September 23rd. Let's see what happened on today's show.

You are not ready to decorate for fall yet. I'm not. I still have things to do for to get rid of summer. Okay. We're both smart cookies and can tell the difference between our left and right hands.

We found that out. So sometimes. Do you still struggle? Not always. Okay.

We did some deep cleaning in our bedroom, discovered some long lost treasures Oh, yeah. Rotated the mattress Wild and crazy. And you still haven't opened up those moisturizing socks. Maybe tonight. No.

What a treat. What a treat. Something to look forward to, I guess. You told me I need to trim my beard. Just slightly.

I you don't want me to go all the way? No. No baby face. Alright. It freaks people out when I do that.

It's kinda fun. Our daughter got duped by an Internet trend because she wants to be taller, so we'll talk about that. And you're worried that you're not worried enough. Should I be worrying more? That's pretty unhealthy, I guess.

Guess. I'm a pretty unhealthy person. Is that right? Okay. Well, it all gets broken down in today's show.

Thanks for listening to the show. You can hear it live every weekday morning from 6 to 10 and right here on the podcast. Enjoy. Alright. Here we are.

Hello. Monday. Happy Monday. Alright. It is, 23rd September and Cruising right through September, aren't we?

Yeah. No time to stop. Just keep going. Yeah. Let's see.

Today is education technology day, which is cool. Yeah. I like that. It's all about, you know, maybe take an online class or using electronics to learn, learn more about technology, a little bit of STEM stuff, all that kind of stuff. Alright.

International Day of Sign Language as well today. I know a little sign language. Yeah? I here's what I say to people because I used to teach preschool. So I know enough Spanish and I know enough sign language that I can talk to toddlers.

Perfect. Perfect. It's enough to get you by. It is great American pot pie day. Oh, I love pot pie.

Yeah. Not not the frozen kind. Yeah. Those were, those were a choice. Ew.

Ew. You always just ate out the middle and left the crust. The crust was the worst part, wasn't it? Yeah. Yeah.

Field marketers day. Yeah. What's this? What it says is that National Field Marketers Day celebrates the essential role of field marketers in bringing the gap between companies and their potential customers. Oh.

Uh-huh. Oh, you're excited about that one? Are you? Redhead appreciation day. Okay.

Restless leg awareness day. These days aren't these days ridiculous sometimes? Yes. They are. Restless leg appreciation.

Yeah. I appreciate the rest of that. Leg. Was it appreciation or awareness? Oh, I don't know.

It's restless leg awareness day. Okay. It's redhead appreciation day. Redhead awareness. Yeah.

I'm a no. Nope. I'm aware of, restless leg I appreciate it. Redheads. There it is.

Now you understand. I get it. It's Monday. Here we are. Get excited.

Yesterday morning at, what, 6:44 AM, we officially crossed the autumnal equinox into fall. We did? Yeah. You didn't even know. I did not.

Did you even feel it? Yeah. I did. You did? Yeah.

There was a crisp in the air. At 6:44 in the morning on a Sunday, you went, oh, there it is. It's fall. Yeah. Time to get the wreath down, isn't it?

No. I don't know. Like, I'm ready for fall, but I'm not ready to get the decorations out. You're not? No.

Oh, okay. Okay. I was thinking I maybe was gonna get the 3rd degree because you're like, yeah. I need to get all the, pumpkins down. It's time.

No. It's time. Because I still have a lot of things to do inside and in the garage and outside to clean up summer I see. Before I can get the fallout, and I have a lot to do still. Yeah.

The, the garage looks like a fallout is, is is a funny joke. The what? Nah. Getting the fallout? It whooshed.

It went right over your head. I'm sorry. Say it again. No. It's not worth it.

Why? We'll go back and listen and then maybe you'll laugh. It was a pretty good joke. Sorry. Sorry, Josh.

That's fine. It's terribly It's it's fine. I just you know, pumpkins, apples, orange colors, yellows, reds, all the things. Yeah. That's that's where we are.

We're now officially into that season. So I feel like the like, I would be accepting of your decorations at this point. You would? I would, at this point, be like, yeah. It's okay now.

If all of the retail stores could now put out fall decorations and Halloween costumes, I would accept it now. Oh, they did that months ago. Correct. They have a Christmas outfit. I'm aware, and it's not even close.

So It's closish. Not close enough. That's because everybody's gotta get ready. All those influencers have to get ready and I know. Try and sell us on all the stuff.

So they had to have that stuff accessible. You see? No. I understand. I understand.

I what I think is interesting is that, one store in particular puts the stuff out 6 months in advance at 50% off, and then they decrease the percent off as that gets closer. That's because they take they go every other week on their sales. No. I understand that too. But they have that whole section of Christmas at 50% off, and all the fall decor is at 40% off.

Because people are like, it's finally fall. I'm gonna go buy my fall stuff. It's been in the store for 2 months Yep. At 50% off until now. And they were like, nah.

We're gonna make that a little extra 10% on the people that didn't buy it when it was a ridiculous time to buy those decorations. Do you see what I'm saying? I see what you're saying. Okay. We're getting swindled.

This is correct by a business. Well, it's fall, y'all. So Happy fall. That's that's it. Y'all?

That's all I gotta say. It's officially fall. Here we go. Are you able to differentiate between your left and right hand? I think so.

Good. It sounds Good. Like I like I probably would be able to do that. This one's my left. This one's my right.

A lot of people after this study was done, a lot of people said that they still sometimes have to hold up their hands so that they can see the l to determine. No. I'm pretty good. Adults. Adults.

These are adults that are like, yeah. I still sometimes, not every time, but sometimes I still get a little bit confused. I even last night, I know my right and left. But last night, I was watching football Yes. And somebody fell and hit their shoulder.

And I was like, is that was that their left or their right? Because, you know, if you're looking at somebody, it's cross cross the ways. So I had to, like, think, oh, he was that was his right. He fell on his right shoulder. I see.

Got it. Got it. Was that import I guess, important for you to understand feel the, injury to say, oh. Well, he was a right handed quarterback. I see.

So then I went, did he fall on his throwing shoulder? That would have been very bad, you see. Well, but you just said it was. You said he was a right handed a right handed thrower who fell on his right shoulder. Yeah.

That's true. Would be bad. He was okay. He's fine. Okay.

Very good. How did you learn did you learn a trick to your left and right? No. I did. When you learned?

Do you remember? Learn the do the l thing with your hands until I was an adult. Yeah. Me too, actually. And I said, that would have been helpful to know.

Would it have been? Yeah. I think I figured it out pretty quick. How'd you figure it out? I write with my right, not with my left.

End of thinking about it. It never became an issue ever. Like, I've never been like, what's that hand? What are you? Not once.

Smarty pants. I guess. Real time. Real time. I've never struggled.

I wonder if people who are ambidextrous. Uh-huh. Confused much easier than people who are not. I would think that they would actually probably be the opposite of that. You do?

Mhmm. Why so? Because they would very distinctly know I do this with my right hand, I do this with my left hand. But we, as one handed people, distinctively know. I have 2 hands.

One dominant hand. You know what I meant. Okay. Aye aye aye. So they can do everything with both hands is what I'm saying.

But that's not true. They would still prefer to do something with each hand. For example For example. My dad is I am going to. My dad is left handed, but golf's right handed.

Really? Yes. Did I know that? I don't know. I know that.

Interesting. It's a preference thing. That's so interesting. Justin, right handed. Justin down the hall?

Yeah. Next door. Yeah. Right handed, but Bowles ambidextrous depending on the day. Really?

Yep. Look at that. Interesting. Mhmm. Has left handed bowling balls and right handed bowling balls.

To determine if I if there was anything that I did with my left hand. Nothing. Nothing. Not a thing. No.

That hand is useless. It's not. I use it for a lot of things, but it doesn't lead anything. Does it ever does it ever lead a hug? It might.

You might go in and let left hand do the patting on the back instead of the right. Uh-huh. Maybe I'll try that. I lead. You're gonna think it's weird.

You're gonna go, oh, what's that hand? 2 handed. Good job, Josh. Knowing your left and right. Thanks.

Well done. Thanks. You succeeded today. Imagine this story. Last month, Graham Taylor, he's from New Bern, North Carolina.

He's fishing, and he's, he's an offshore fisherman. So he is out in the ocean. 30 miles offshore, a rogue wave comes up and knocks him overboard Oh, no. Of his boat. Was he alone on his boat?

Uh-huh. That's not a good idea. Well, he was wearing a life jacket, which is which is smart, but he was trolling, which means you have a little motor on the back that goes slow. Yes. Or you can use your main motors to go slow.

Either way. But the guy's boat was still running Oh, no. When he fell out. Oh, no. So all he could do was bob in the water while his boat slowly drove away.

Oh, no. No one driving. The likelihood of it crashing into something is small because he's 30 miles out in the middle of nowhere in the ocean. But also scary because you're not gonna be able to get your boat. No.

Where's your boat going? And you're now alone in your life jacket bobbing in the ocean. Of the ocean. 30 miles from the shore. Terrifying.

You know what's in the ocean? Graham Taylor. And a lot of scary things. So, luckily, he was wearing his personal personal flotation device, but he knew that and he knew that he had to keep his cool. He had to stay calm, it says.

And so he thought to himself, don't panic. Stay focused. Keep focused, and hopefully, something, you know, will happen. Somebody's gonna come along. And?

Sure enough, 2 fishermen Oh, good. Chad and David Good. Spotted him bobbing up and down in the water. And after an hour long ordeal, they pulled him to safety, and then the 3 men managed to chase down and retrieve the runaway boats. Phew.

Yeah. So his relaxing day of fishing did not go as planned, but he ended up with a new perspective on fishing by himself. Yes. He said, without a life jacket, I really don't think I would have made it. Just be safe out there on the water, take heed, and think.

And I think that's great advice. It is great advice. Also, don't go alone. I worry about you going alone sometimes. I understand.

Because you don't know what's gonna happen. No. And you tell me where you're going, but I wouldn't if I needed to find you, there's no way I would know where to go. But that's why I try to send you GPS when I can and say, here's where I parked, just so you know. So, hopefully, authorities can help if needed, but let's not make that happen.

But that's why I communicate. You know what I'm saying? Good job. It's good news to get you going. Good morning.

You came at me a little bit hard yesterday, and I I I don't care for it. What did I do? You were a little bit mean. What what about what? Something that I found.

And then you said, how much of that stuff do you have, and how much of it is working? Okay. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on.

You're get you're getting a little excited about it. No. Because here's what happened. We, decided to, I guess, fall clean our room instead of spring cleaning or fall cleaning. Mhmm.

And, I noticed, as you were cleaning out your nightstand, you found what are they? Moisturizing socks. Yeah. And you were very excited. I forgot I had those.

These. Oh, I forgot I had this. They're stylish, first of all. Let me tell you that much. You don't even know what they look like.

Yeah. I do. They were in a box. I saw the picture on the outside of the packaging. The picture never does suggest this.

It is just literally a sock that goes from ankle to midfoot, and so your toesies will stick out, and, and then your rest of your leg sticks out. It just covers up your ankle Your heel. To your mid. Mostly. It's what it's for, I assume, is to fix the cracked heel thing.

Yeah. The dry Is that the idea? The dry foot. Right. Dry cracked foot.

Still in the packaging. I forgot I had it. Hasn't been opened. Hasn't been used. And I saw it, and I said, how much of that foot stuff do you have?

A lot. Because I think you've tried everything, but nothing consistently. You're waiting for a foot miracle to come along and go poof, you have soft feet. It's not gonna happen. It's not because what's gonna have to happen is I'm going to have to consistently wear socks and shoes.

Yeah. Not necessarily. All day. No. No.

You're going to have to have a foot care regimen that you follow consistently. That's what the consistent thing that needs to happen is. Hey. I did that. I actually did a foot care regimen for it lasted maybe a week.

Oh, wow. I was like, I'm gonna I'm gonna do this weekly. I've gotta I want soft drinks. Gonna do this weekly. It lasted a week.

No. I'm gonna do this daily every day. And I would soak my feet, and I would do the thing, and I would wash them and scrub them. And Yeah. And then I would get out.

What happened. And then I just got busy Yeah. And tired. Yeah. And I was like, I can't do this daily.

So then you saw these socks and thought, I'll buy those, then I don't have to do that thing every week. I can just wear these socks that I didn't even remember I had. No. I totally forgot I had them. And, also, why are they in the bedroom?

They should be in the bathroom. No. I know why. Because it's a sock, so it's not like Why were they in your nightstand, not in your sock drawer? I'm not gonna put them in my sock drawer.

No. Never. Why were they still in the packaging? I put them in the nightstand because I think the idea was that I was gonna put them on and wear them to bed. So I put them in the nightstand, which is close to the bed, and then forgot they were there.

How long ago did you buy those? Oh, probably a year ago, at least. Good purchase? Thanks. Good purchase.

I should have worn them last night. Yeah. No. You put them back somewhere. Where are they now?

Who knows? Who knows? They've gone to the abyss. No. They're back in the nightstand.

I'll just I need to get them out of the nightstand so that I can remember that I have them because I'm like a toddler. It's if it's out of sight, it's out of mind. I've forgotten all about it if I can't see it. So You've done the baby feet thing a couple of times? Yeah.

That works actually very well. You have to put a you have to put a bag over your foot for an hour. Yeah. No. I saw still for an hour.

Gross because it, like, peels for days. Yeah. It does. It's really awful. But it works.

Does it? It does. Does it? It temporarily. Yeah.

Maybe if you did it consistently, it might help. I don't need your judgments. It's not. Alright. You gonna try those socks?

Yeah, ma'am. I can't wait to see them. What a treat. So imagine my amazement when you found, moisturizing socks, and I found, something I had lost back in January. But was it?

So when's the last time you think we vacuumed under the bed? It's been a while. Well, it's been at least since January. Our bed is heavy. Yeah.

I know. And our room is small because our house is old, and so there's not a lot of space to move the bed. This is true. And so it just rarely happens because it's heavy. Right.

So for some reason, we got this wild hair to clean the room, and it's and it's fine. It's all good. We spent a good portion of yesterday really deep cleaning. Deep cleaning, like, dusting. Rid of stuff, organizing.

The whole thing, which we which is great. I'm all I'm all about it. And you got all motivated to keep cleaning. But as I'm vacuuming under the bed, I find my Wendy's frosty key tag that I bought in January. The little hole where you're supposed to put your key ring, the little plug thing is still in there.

The little tab, it I literally lost it, like, the second I brought it home. And all year, I've been going, where is that tab? Oh, the tab is still in there. So it hasn't even been No. The hole hasn't even been Correct.

I see what you're saying. Brand new. I lost it immediately. No. I brought it home, and then I went, where did that go?

Clear under the bed. Way under the middle of the bed. How did you get there? I don't know how it got there. Also, why didn't I look there?

Why would I look there? It was Why would you look there? It's insanely under the bed. Anyway, found have it now? It's on my keys.

Yeah. I put it on my keys. You were so excited when you found it. Well, you're supposed to get, like, a frosty with every purchase for, you know, the, duration of the year. It's at least I I that's what I'm saying.

I got I got worth your while. Got a train load of frosty coming my way. September? A year's worth. Half of September.

They're gonna start selling the 2025 ones probably real soon. But You better get to getting. I thought I had lost it forever, and I had signed it off like, well, so much for that until it reappeared yesterday. When did you you bought it in January? Yeah.

With at least December or January. I'm gonna get one of the top of the pack. They sell it for, like, $2 or something. Like, it's super cheap. And then you get a frosty with everything, every order.

You just bought one frosty tag? You didn't So I brought home my frosty tag. Buy any for the rest of us? We could have liked a frosty tag. Oh, I coulda lost 4 of them.

You could've. You know? Why not? Yeah. I only bought 1.

Rude. Because I usually just go to lunch by myself, and then I would get my frosty and be fine. It's not like I, Maybe that was the universe's way of saying You should have bought more. You should have thought about your family. Maybe.

They like Frostys too. Maybe you're right. Guy. Don't call me that in association with eating so many Frostys, big guy. I know.

I'm happy with that. Problem. No. You didn't because you hadn't had any Frostys all year. And yet I'm still big guy.

So thanks. We got wild and crazy in the cleaning mode. What are you talking about? We flipped our mattress. Well Yeah.

That was all part of the the silliness that is our bedroom. And we don't have wild and crazy than us. No one? Nobody. And and our mattress doesn't necessarily flip because it's, it's it's like a got a that soft top, whatever that's called, like a pillow top or whatever.

Okay. So you can't flip it. We rotated the mattress. We rotated the mattress? I don't know if that makes that big of a difference.

Literally. Listen. Wow. Listen. We're so cool.

All that means is that, because we we just rotated it, you're sleeping in the divot I created, and I'm sleeping in the divot you created. That's all it did. How do you like my divot? I don't know. I kinda like my divot.

How was my divot for you? Do you wanna rotate it back? No. I can't be bothered. It was too much work to do it the first time.

That much work. It wasn't that much work. That was the easiest of the job to get noticed that I was in your divot. It's nice of you to say. What what what I what I think needs to happen is a new mattress.

I think that's where we're headed. I felt that the mattress was, like, poofier. Not poofier, but, like, I felt more level instead of dippy. Yeah. Because you were in my dip, not your own dip.

So you're saying your dip isn't that much of a dip? No. I'm saying that maybe my dip is bigger, and so you didn't realize that you were in a larger dip. Do you see your whole body fit in the dip instead of just the dip that was shaped to you? What?

I'm bigger than you. Okay. So you you went into a bigger No. I didn't feel like I was in a divot at all is what I'm saying. I felt like I was just on top of the mattress the whole time.

No dippage. You're making it seem like it sags like a like a old hammock. Like, it's not it's not that bad. Well, then don't call it a dip. Oh, there's a dip, but it's like it's like a spoon.

It's not like a like, we dug a hole. You know what I'm saying? I get it. I get it. Yeah.

I I slept nice. I didn't I liked the flippage. I fell asleep quick Yeah. Me too. As I usually do.

Yeah. And I stayed asleep for a while, and then my alarms went off. And that is how nice it is. Go. That's it.

That's it. Congratulations. Again, who's more wild and crazy than us? Nobody. Looking at single birds.

On the weekend. We are cool. I mean, you know. We are living the dream. Certainly, certainly high up there on the cool factor, Fo Show.

I know. For sure. You and me, bud. Mhmm. Coolest.

And when do you wanna when do you wanna get together and rotate that thing again? We're not. I mean, in a few months, I'm saying, like, when do you wanna you wanna set a date where we can No. We'll meet up. We don't schedule things.

We'll meet up and we'll cool for that. Rotate the mattress. Whoo. We live by the seat of our pants, baby. Watch out.

We had a date. You surprised me with a date on Friday night. Yeah. I mean, it kind of Kinda wasn't. Kind of a sort of a date.

But here was the deal. Like, like, our our son works that weird swing shift thing, so he was gonna be busy. And, our daughter, she was, doing, like, a birthday sleepover thing with a friend, and so it was just you and I. And I said, well, hey. I I wanna fill some some of this time because, otherwise, it'll end up just being a bunch of honey do list, and I would rather do something else.

And, so, that was that's where the idea was. Hey. Let's, let's fill some time. And it worked out perfectly because, we were able to go grab some dinner and, and because the place that I was going to take you, didn't open until 6 o'clock. And so it was it was all good.

Now you were kind of held at mystery. You were you were in suspense. Yeah. I didn't know I didn't know your plan. I didn't know your idea.

I didn't know where you were taking me. Right. At all. Like, you had no clue. Should I wear?

Should I wear some good walking shoes? Should I bring a jacket? But you kept asking questions. I said, whatever you were like, what do I need to wear? I said, whatever you're gonna be comfortable in.

What shoes should I wear? Is there is there gonna be walking? I said, yeah. There's some walking. How much?

I don't know. I've never been there. Like, I couldn't answer a lot of questions because I didn't know, what it was what it was all gonna be. But what was really cool is that I found this place on my own on a whim. It wasn't something you'd been like, you know what would be cool is if we went and did this thing.

It was something I found out about, didn't know existed, has existed for years. I don't know how long, but years Uh-huh. Clearly. And, and was was relatively busy for what ended up being the final couple of days for this place to even be open for the year. And Yeah.

That was the last weekend. Yeah. And so, it was it was something kinda special and cool. It was. And, and so but but, I mean, I don't know.

What do you wanna say about it? I thought it was awesome. I didn't know what to expect. You drove me out into the countryside. The country.

And I said, why are we going? Which is becoming less and less and less the country. Now about 10 years ago, this would have been way out of town. Now it's sort of the middle of town. But it was this adorable little this this woman.

She has 2 little girls, and that's why it's named Ah, I see. 3 girls garden. Got you. And she it's just a little flower garden, not little. It's it's a large flower garden that she has just outside of her home.

And you are able to go and you can either pick a little she has 3 different size options. Mhmm. A little jar or a vase or a bucket. Right. And you get a pair of scissors, and you just go and cut the flowers that you want and build your own little bouquet.

Yeah. And then you pay for it at the end, and she wraps it up in a nice cute little thing. And now I have this beautiful flower arrangement on my Of stuff that you you picked and built yourself and which is which it was super fun. And I again, I looked them up because I found them through, what, a couple of weeks ago. I was working with, the Idaho preferred folks, and I was at Walmart in Rexburg.

And I got a brochure that talks about different, like, local farms and and flowers and produce and dairy and whatever that you can access that are, like, all grown in your region, or manufactured or whatever harvested in your region. And so then you can support these local farms. And that was on that list. And I went, I gotta find out what this is. And so I pulled it up, and I went, this is awesome.

Like, this is perfect. It was awesome. What a fun little thing. And you're you love flowers, and I went, this is so cool. And then I found out through their social media that it was gonna be the final weekend to be able to go.

And I was like, well, this is perfect timing. It all worked out, which was great. And you had a good time. I think I kinda, won the date You did. Because you kept saying how cute it was and how much fun you were having, so I felt really, like, accomplished.

That was good. Good. Good. Because you were you were in flowers. And it wasn't necessarily a date because it wasn't a lot of fun for you.

Oh, it was fine. It doesn't have to be fun for everybody. I got to hang out with you. That was fun for me. I didn't have to have the exact same like, I got to be there and experience it with you.

That was that was good enough for me. What are you talking about? It wasn't a date. I took you to dinner. Yeah.

That's Took you to cut flowers. And then afterwards, we went shopping for them. You needed a new vase. I did. And so we went and found you a new vase for them.

Date done. Date check check. Good job. That was a high five on that one. Let's go.

You did it. That was a good idea. Alright. It was a nice surprise. Well, there you go.

You won. Your turn now. I see. I know. I know.

I know. Always my turn. I know. I know. That's what you say.

You go, it's your turn. I always do the thing. I've done 5. You've done 1. That sounds about right.

You bought a picnic set. It's time for a picnic. A fall picnic. Yeah. In the works.

Don't worry about it. We've got some good temperatures the next couple of weeks. Worry about it. It's in the works, you say? I said don't worry about it.

There we were hugging on a Friday. I get off of work. I come to hug you. You're at home. And, your beer pokes your beard pokes me in the eye.

Yeah. And I go, ow. It's not that long. No. But it is pokey.

Why is it pokey? And you you had your eyes shut for a long time. Yeah. It hurt. You got me in the eye, bud.

With just one hair? I don't know if it was just one hair or if it was 2 hairs, but this is a risk of love that they don't tell you about. A risk of love. And I prefer you with a beard. Yeah.

So don't get me wrong. I don't want you to shave is what I'm trying to say. I should, though. What what if I go to, like, my little 12 year old baby face? That that's because that's what happens.

That's what happens. Turn into a child. Yeah. And it grows fast. Yeah.

So you would have a full beard again In a week. A week. Less than. Usually, 3 to 4 days, I think you have it back. No.

It's it'd be it'd be stubbly in about a week, and then it'd be back to this in probably 3 weeks or so. Okay. Maybe a maybe a small trim wouldn't hurt. Are you saying that it's a little a little mangy and unkempt? I'm just saying.

Is that what you're saying? It hurt my eyeball real bad. I almost went blind. Well, maybe don't put your eye near my beard. I did.

I mean, you know, there's that option. Where am I supposed to put it? Higher? If Above beard? I can't.

Tiptoes? Or I could turn my face away. Maybe that. Go in for a hug and turn my face away? Then you're gonna get beard in your ear.

That's okay. That's not gonna hurt as much as beard in my eye. That hurt. It's not like I did it on purpose. And all I can think about is those dudes that have really long beards.

Yeah. How does that not get in their ladies' eye? They don't put their eyes next to the beard. But that beard is everywhere. The beard hair is everywhere.

One of those guys that's, like, crazy long, wispy. Though that's a that's like having just a head of hair. A wispy? Yeah. I don't know if beard hair is a wispy.

It's coarse. I've seen it blowing in the wind. It looks wispy. No. It's just coarse.

It's just long course. Wispy. Because it it starts like you got a lot of beard up here, and then as it grows down like a wizard, it gets long and Yeah. Thinned out and wispy. I don't.

Wispy isn't bad. And then it the wind catches it, and it looks wispy. Is that the gold that you're trying to get? No. A wispy beard?

I don't want a wispy wizard beard. No. K. Because I don't want that for you either. I don't want that for me on you.

Yeah. Wispy. Very thin and light or flimsy. Yeah. It looks wispy.

I don't I disagree. Alright. It might have the appearance of being wispy, but it's you can tell that it's still a little bit thick. There's actually there's actually such thing as a thin wispy beard. It's a style.

Yeah. People trim their beards to make them wispy. Whispy whiskers. You do get when you when you shave Yeah. And then it starts to grow back and those little, like, grow back hairs Right.

Those are the worst ones of all, in my opinion. You don't like that? No. Those hurt. I can't even get close to your face in those moments.

In those days where it's, like, trying to grow back, mm-mm. That hurts. It's like a rug burn on me. What to tell you. On my cheek.

Keep your cheek away from my beard. Okay then. I'll just turn my face away whenever we hug. How's that? I don't I I guess fine.

If it helps you avoid pain, that's good. I'll take that. I don't want you in pain every time you hug. K. Coming for a hug and then you're, like, regretting it.

It's not every time. It's just the one time I got poked in the eye. Or One time since I've known you that that's happened. No. It's happened.

It's that's happened before. Boy, I've never heard about it. And I feel like as much as you've been talking about this one instance, I probably would've. So I think this is the first time. Just keep your beard hair trimmer.

Alrighty. Yes. Wispy. It's time to talk about some sports. It's time to talk about some football.

It's Monday day football. Monday morning football. Monday morning football. I see. Alright.

Well, there are 2 games tonight. It's a Monday night doubleheader, so that'll be fun. Who's playing tonight? The Bills? I know Cincinnati's playing tonight.

Oh, yeah. The Bengals and the Bills not together. I know the Bills I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.

Not prepare. No. Well, that's I prepared what I was gonna talk about, but I didn't prepare that. I don't know who's playing. Because the people that I've wanted to play have already played, so that's what's important.

It's the Jags at the Bills and the Commanders at the Bengals. Oh, the Bengals are gonna take that, and the Bills are gonna take that. I'm calling it. The Bills are gonna win. Okay.

And they will remain they will be 3 and o if that happens. The Bills? And the Jaguars will be 0 and 3 if that happens. Oh, Jaguars. That's so sad.

The Bengals will be 0 and, sorry. If they win, they will be 12. They are 0 and 2 right now. We have a Bengals fan in our house, so they need to win. I know.

Okay. Let me talk about my team because the Vikings, oh, showed up to play, didn't they? Yes. They did. Yes.

They sure did. Yes. They did. Okay. It was good.

That was a good good game. They played the Texans, and they took it took it home. And they were in home territory, and they had the the big horn going. At one point, you said, I really wish I could be there to hear the Viking horn in person. And then probably, I don't know, 3rd or 4th touchdown, you were like, maybe they're overdoing the horn a little bit.

You might be overdoing the horn. Horn. I don't know. Maybe it's too much horn. That is awesome.

So now I am 3 and o Yeah. And number 1 in my division. What's up? I never used to like, when people used to say, oh, we like, they were part of the team. Yeah.

Oh, we won last night. You didn't do anything. How could you say that? But now I get it because we, me and the Vikings Uh-huh. We won.

The Vikings and I won. Yeah. Yeah? We did it. I helped.

I assisted. I know. I cheered them on. You didn't even wear your jersey. It's too small, and it says Cousins on it, who is not even a part of the team anymore.

So I can't. I need a new need a new jersey. Uh-huh. I have no I have no Vikings gear. I have a hoodie, but I didn't wanna wear a hoodie.

Alrighty. Okay. Something else that happened. The Panthers won. Which was their first win?

1st win. And that's the season. For them. Yeah? Did they win?

I don't think they won it all last year. No. They had to have at least one win. Think so. But I was happy for them because everybody needs a win every now and then.

Now let's talk about my other because there I like a couple of different teams. The Dolphins did not play great yesterday. No. I'm I'm frustrated because Tyreek Hill still has not delivered. And it's it's really frustrating.

It is. And I'm sure as as we all pointed out, it's not just frustrating for us. It's frustrating for him. I'm sure of it. That team has been struggling.

They are such a struggling season. It's not a good start for the Dolphins, and I really do like the Dolphins a great deal. So I'm sad for them. Also so Kirk Cousins, who used to be the quarterback of the Vikings, as you know, is now playing for the Falcons. Yeah.

So I watched that game, and Kirk Cousins was quite great. Mhmm. And I really wanted the Falcons to win. And it was a promising game to begin with, and I was like, great. They're gonna they are gonna win this game.

They're gonna sweep this game. They did not. That second half was not great, and they had lots of instances where they could have scored a touchdown and they did not deliver, and I am disappointed. I know. Do you have anything else to say about it?

That's it. I'm done. You're not gonna you're not gonna talk about your fantasy team? I don't think you want me to say more about my fantasy team. I just kind of really won the fantasy this week.

A 160 points? Yeah. I know. Come on. I know.

Closest one is 86. Get out of here. Get out. I'm done. You're done.

Pick a fork in you. You are cooked. Insufferable. That's the word. We get a lot of people who tell us, I could never work with my spouse.

I could I could never. So you and I have been married a long time. I've been in radio for, like, 25 years or whatever, and you have been in radio for coming up on 2. 2 years. I know.

You're gonna have a 2 year anniversary soon, which is kind of exciting. Yeah. It is. Be, what, around, Thanksgiving time? Christmas.

No. Yeah. Thanksgiving? Yeah. No?

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah? I think November.

Yeah. Late November. Right. Okay. Around Thanksgiving.

Mhmm. You're gonna hit your 2 year mark, And I've been doing this for a long time. And Never with me. You know, I know. I mean, you've been around.

You've done some stuff, but you've never done, like, a show like what this is. Yeah. And you and I have never done this until these past couple of years. And, yeah, we we even when we announced that you and I were gonna be teaming up and we were gonna do this show, there were people that were like, I don't know. Like, there were naysayers that were like, this is sounds like a good way to end up in a bad situation.

And when the idea was first approached to us, we talked about it and thought about it for a lot of days, slept on it, and said, listen. If this is gonna work, it's gotta work, and we gotta communicate outside of the working relationship. But it's also if it starts to impact our married relationship, then it it has to end because it can affect that. Right? True.

It hasn't so far. Correct. So I was telling you the other day, and I keep checking in, like, are you still having fun? Are you still enjoying this? Are you Oh, it has its moments.

Getting sick of me. But I said I said hanging out with you because it just feels like we're hanging out. It doesn't feel like we're these 4 hours that I'm here. It just feels like we're hanging out. Like, this could be our living room, and we're just hanging out at home.

Correct. And I said, but that is the best part of my day. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

And then I thought, I should say that on the radio. And then I thought, no. That's too cheesy. I don't wanna say that on the radio because then everybody will be like, ugh. Gross.

But then I thought, what's wrong with being cheesy and saying romantic things? The world needs more of it. You're right. I like hanging out with you, Josh. Well, that's nice of you.

It's the best part of my day. That's super nice. I enjoy being here as well. It's pretty good. That's not what I said.

No. I know. I'm not gonna repeat the exact same thing you said. You said I like being here. Yeah.

With me, without me? No. I I I like being here. Wish you weren't. What are you talking about?

I said one nice thing. I so did I. I said it in my own way. You heard it differently. What in the world?

What in the world? Yeah. Alright. But to those of you that think you couldn't You could. Bet you could.

Because we're just hanging out. We're just hanging out. It helps if you like the person, though. That's a big deal. Like, anybody you work with, if you don't care for them, it's gonna be a hard working relationship.

But I like you. So it's kinda cool to hang out with somebody you like for a few hours every day. 4. Not bad. 4 to be exact.

Yeah. Yep. And then there's more later. Like, there's there's 4 in the morning, and then there's this, like, time where you're off doing a different thing, and I'm here doing my thing. And then we get back together at the house, and it's like, how was your day?

We we're hanging out again. Yeah. Here you are. We get to hang out in the morning and at night. It's a weird thing.

That's So it is weird. Us doing it. I like it. I think it works good. So thanks for being here.

Congratulations on your almost 2 years. It's coming up. It is coming up. Congratulations on your almost, Whatever it is. I'm an old person.

25 years old. Long time. Wowza. Yeah. I know.

Wowzers trousers. Yeah. Yeah. That's it. Emery informed us that she's trying to grow taller, and so she sleeps with a pillow between her legs because she saw on Pinterest that that helps you grow taller.

Pillow between knees to grow taller. I don't think that's a thing. I don't think that's a thing either, she said. Know it can help with, like, hips and stuff. Yeah.

But it doesn't help you grow taller. Okay. Here's it's so this this went viral online. She she's been duped. She's been duped.

It can improve it can improve your sleep posture and your pelvis alignment, but it will not make you grow taller. The idea that you can gain 2 inches in height by adjusting your sleeping position is wildly optimistic. The biomechanics of the human body just don't work like that. Okay. Well, send her that article.

I don't wanna break her heart. She thinks she's gonna get taller. She's frustrated that she's not 7 feet tall. I don't know how tall she wants to be. She wants to be 7 feet tall.

I just think she wants to be taller than 5 foot 2, I think it's the real issue, but she's married to or she's married too. She's the child. She's the byproduct of 2 short people. So it's sorry. That's all you're gonna get, kid.

There's a whole bunch of a whole bunch of videos that are like, no. It'll make you taller. Now listen. You are taller when you lay down than you are when you stand up because of gravity. And so if you lay down and you decompress your spine, you're actually taller than when you're standing and gravity is pushing down on you K.

Pulling down on you, however that works. Squashing your body? Yeah. Squishing you. But so so if you lay down and you sleep, you stand up, you're taller in the morning than you are when you go to bed, but that's, that's just that.

Yeah. There's there's no such thing as K. There's no such thing as getting taller. With the pillow between your legs? No.

Dang it. It does help your posture, which is which is good. And, and it puts less strain on your back and your hips so that it's it's more comfortable, but it is not gonna make you taller. Sorry, Emery. Yep.

Sorry to dash your dreams, your tall dreams. This is a very Bobby Brady thing. Like, we're gonna find her, like, with her arms stretched out, trying to get tall, hanging from the swing set or something. I'm gonna be taller. We're kind of in this weird stage of life where our kids are old, and now we are finding ourselves without them more and more and more.

They are off doing their own things. They are old enough to take care of themselves. I find that I'm not worrying as much as I should be because I know that they're capable, independent kids. K. And they also have their phones on them 247.

Yeah. I mean, Beck is a young adult. Yeah. And he went out of town with some friends over the weekend. Right.

And Emery was hanging out with her friends over the weekend. And then I start to worry that maybe I'm not worrying enough. And so then I go, I haven't I haven't been worrying about my kids. Maybe I I should call them or text them. Maybe I'm not maybe I'm not worrying enough.

And then I worry that I'm not worrying enough. Maybe I'm not being a very good parent. Yeah. Because I'm not worrying enough about that. That's healthy.

Right? Yeah. I know. Oh, yeah. I know.

I'm worried about not worrying enough. Yeah. That's Well, that's what I that's what I told you on Saturday. I said, I haven't really thought about the kids in a couple of hours. And then I went, should I be more worried?

No. I know. I don't think that I should be because I know that if something were to happen or if they needed us, they could call us at a moment's notice, and we'd say, let's take care of it. Right. Let's figure it out.

Right. But that's weird. That's new territory for me. Okay. And I don't know where to do I don't know what to do with my emotions or lack of emotions rather.

Lack of worry. Well, you should definitely pile on more worry. That's the solution. The solution is worry that you're not worrying. That's good.

That is good. No. It's fine. If you check-in, if you feel it on a whim that you just wanna say, hey. How is everything going?

Just checking in on you. That's fine. There's nothing wrong with that. That's that's being an attentive parent, and that's fine. You can just say, hey, just checking in.

Everything cool? Awesome. Hope you're having a good time. That's it. There's nothing wrong with that.

If you feel the need, that's probably appreciated. Keep living my life. And then do your thing. Just do my thing? Do your thing.

Kids are okay. Right. And if they need something, we go, hey. I'm in the middle of something. I'm gonna have to leave because I've gotta go help.

That's that's that. Right? Yep. Strange. I know.

I know. What a weird phase of life we are in. That is true. But I'm not worried that I'm not worrying enough. I know.

No. You don't know. Oh, no. You're fine. It's all good.

Things aren't good. You don't need to wander around like a ball of worry. Like, oh, I'm just not worried. No. But that's not.

And then because now you're going, I'm not walking around like a ball of worry. Should I be? Should I be? I know. I'm worried.

That's what I'm saying. Stop it. Worried that I'm not being a good enough parent because I'm not worried enough. You're good, dude. It's good.

Thanks, dude. You're good, dude. Thanks, dude. Yeah. Totally, dude.

Totally good, dude. Totally good. There was a cop in San Francisco, and he got rid of his regular costume. It's not a costume. It's his uniform.

Okay. He got rid of his uniform and dressed in a rainbow colored inflatable chicken costume for his traffic safety patrol at a busy intersection. Yep. He so it it's one of those where it looks like you're riding the animal. Oh, I know what you're talking about.

Yeah. Of him is normal, and then it's the bottom half is the inflatable costume. So it looks like he's riding the inflatable chicken. But he wanted to make a point to demonstrate how many drivers failed to yield to pedestrians, even those that are as bright and obvious as the officer. For sure.

He said, I am look at me. I'm brightly colored. Yeah. You can't miss me. I'm large.

Yeah. You cannot miss me. And still people were like, nope. Not gonna stop. Not getting yelled to you.

San Francisco. And I'm gonna tell you, if you tried to do the same thing in East Idaho, I bet you get the same result. I bet you would too. I think people in cars in general don't necessarily know that pedestrians have the right of way, just in general. Like, I just I just think people go, like, why are you in the road?

Get out of my way. The road's for cars. And they will barrel through anything. That's not the way it works. No.

There are laws. There are laws. And those laws straight up tell you that, yeah, the, pedestrians have the right of way. So that these are the same laws in San Francisco as well. And for every driver who refused to let him cross first Yeah.

Uh-huh. Chicken crossing the road. I get it. I get it. I get it.

He would flag down his partner, and they would be issued a fine of up to $400. Yeah. Yield to pedestrians. Sheesh. He said if you don't see someone in a giant chicken costume, then we really have a problem.

Right. And I think it's less that they saw the person and more that they were like, I I see you, but I'm not gonna stop for you. Why are you in the road? Yeah. Roads are for cars.

Get out my way. To be. My day is more important than yours. That that's the attitude. I mean, even this morning on the way to work, I'm, like, stopping at a light because it turned yellow, and that's what you do is you slow down and stop.

And not the guy next to me. He's barreling through. It turns red. He's still going. Yeah.

Come on. I gotta get there. Stop it. Stop. Stop it.

Be safe. Right? Stop for pedestrians. They're trying to get to their places too. They just have to get there much slower than you do.

So give them more time. That is true. And quit running red lights. And that. Quit running the red lights.

Oh, hey. Guess what? Oh, hey. What's that? Do you know what time it is?

If it's time for would you rather, would you rather, would you rather this or that? Yes. It is. If if you didn't know, that was made up on the spot. Was it?

That's just one of my many talents. Okay. Alright. Would you rather this or that? Would you rather be trapped in a room with bees or in a pool full of jellyfish?

A what full of bees? A room. What kind of bees? Honeybees. I'll take that.

I know. Me too. Because here's the thing about honeybees. They don't wanna sting you because they'll die. So I think also not gonna give them any reason to.

I'm just gonna chill out. If you're just cool and calm and collected, they'll leave you. Have an allergy, so I should be okay if I do get stung, and I'll just hang out there. That's what I'm saying. I don't mind.

The jellyfish, I don't think they're going to attack either, but there's a much higher likelihood in a pool of jellyfish that I'm moving around Exactly. And I'm gonna end up bonking a jellyfish. Gonna get stung whether you want to or not. And I wanna deal with that. Bonking a jellyfish.

I'm not gonna be in there bonking jellyfish. Tell you that much. Ping ponging. Yeah. I'll be I'll be hanging out with the bees.

Plus, then if you've got jellyfish you know what they do to jellyfish stings? Yeah. You know, the cure No. I know. I don't want any of that.

So I don't need any of that. I'd rather go with the mud on the bee sting Is that a thing? Than the jellyfish stung cure. I don't need to hear any more about it. Okay.

I've already made my decision. Me too. Roomful of bees it is for both of us. Would you rather this or that? Best of luck, bud.

Classy 97 KLCE on YouTube. That's where you find us. We've got YouTube shorts that we've posted. What about YouTube pants? YouTube YouTube videos that we've posted.

We've got, clips from the show that you can watch. Oh. You can see us actually making radio Yeah. Which is kinda fun. You can subscribe to Wake Up Classy 97, the podcast on YouTube and YouTube Music.

You can also get to know our other channels, sunny 97 and classy 97 light a little bit. We've got the Sunday Blessings podcast with Jay Hildebrandt on there. You can check out the Riverbend Awareness Project podcast. It's on there too. Yeah.

There's a lot to do Da da da da. On our YouTube. And, every day, we take the show, and we turn it into a podcast. We take out all the music. So you just get us talking for, like, an hour or whatever, and then you can listen to the show on demand whenever you want.

So if you don't get a chance to wake up at 6 in the morning, but you wanna know what were these guys talking about at 6 o'clock in the morning, you can find out, at noon. You can find out at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. You can find out at 5. You can go to bed with it. It's fine.

Have you ever had a friend that says he sleeps with their podcast in sometimes, and then he falls asleep. And you said And that's fine. You said that you kind of felt like does that mean we are putting you to sleep? Or does that mean that we're just so relaxing? And and what's happening over there?

Nothing. Don't worry about it. Okay. I think it's, I think it's comfort food. That's what I think.

I love it. So I think that's what we've got going. But, anyway, if you wanna listen, you can listen on YouTube. You can watch some stuff on YouTube. We're also on Spotify, Amazon Podcast.

We're on, Apple Podcast. Everywhere you get podcasts, you can get Wake Up Classy 97, the podcast, which is this show. The podcast. The podcast. Yeah.

And you can listen wherever you get podcasts. Thanks for listening to the show today. I hope you have a great rest of your Monday. We'll be back tomorrow morning, bright and early, and, I guess we'll talk to you then. We will.

Happy Monday. Bye. K. Bye. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast.

If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.