
Subah and Aman talk about fuckups based on 'themes' every week. Sometimes they bring on guests to chat about the lessons they've learned the hard way.

Join Subah’s unfiltered WhatsApp group:

00:00 - Intro
00:59 - Street cred
06:05 - How Subah and Aman met
10:36 - Aman application preparation for Iman
12:29 - Young successful people don't have REAL responsibilities
14:40 - Pain of not having an AC
16:15 - Send your invoices on time
17:33 - Old client owes us $6k
19:19 - Aman moves in & leg day
24:44 - Thoughts about taking sponsors
26:22 - Weird hire
46:30 - Lesson from urgent hiring

What is Fuckups?

Subah and Aman talk about fuckups based on 'themes' every week. Sometimes they bring on guests to chat about the lessons they've learned the hard way.


He started out as a loser as well. Fat, ugly. He was gifting 30 k gift like rings to his girlfriend.


I'm like, shit. I don't know what to do. I was like, who is this psycho? Fuck off. My dad was like that.


He says, nah. This ain't right. This is a spider.


She was hard?


She was hard on her. Oh. No. But I seriously look really fucked up.


Bro, it's fine.


So I guess that's the essence of the podcast. Fuckups. The fuckups. We mess up.




And we talk about how we messed up doing.


Let's talk about the fuckups. Where have you returned it? You do have Yeah.


I have I have the document ready.


Can you open it? Why don't


we introduce ourselves? Get some street cred.


So guys, my name, Subha, take this stage.


No. You take it. You're less natural than me.


I am natural.


No. You're not natural. Go for it.


I don't


Okay. So, street cred, if it's the first time you're listing, very unlikely, you'll probably hear through my page or this person's page depending on when we release this. Yep. Currently, he has, 8 followers? 13.


Thirteen followers. That's the street cred. Yep. But otherwise, started off in started off very early, worked in a net tech company. I'm talking like a corporate guy.


Worked for Iman.


Net tech company. After that And then Net


tech company. Okay. Worked for Iman.


And then I was on a podcast.


Fine, bro. Yeah. So worked for Iman and started my own agency while I was still working for him full time. Dishonest of me, but Yeah. You know, you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes in life and, after that, basically merged with a friend, made it atomic growth, and now I sell his podcasts.


MRR is fair to say, I guess around 20, 25 k floating up and down. We're gonna have a breakthrough the next time you hear from me. Next episode, actually next episode is like next week probably.


Yeah. So


it should be 15. Next to next episode, you're gonna hear me saying, like, 40 k MRR.


50 k. Oh, 50 k.


Okay. But as of right now, like, 20, 25 k floats up and down, you know, that's that's that's the game and, also managed to somehow build an Instagram following, which has been pretty pretty easy because I've been making content from a long time, so I don't exactly have camera consciousness like this dude.


So That's that's street credo. Go for it. Before going into my introduction, like, I want to add more, like, credibility to this guy. Mhmm. Because, like, like, he started out as a loser as well.


And Oh, yeah. Like fat, ugly, shameless


Or both.


But, like, usually, rich kids are, like, spoiled and, like, not really people I want to hang around, but, like, he's not one of them. And, like, he's actually someone I like spending time with. I've been living with him for, like, 20




20 days felt like too, like, barely. So, yeah, really good guy, g overall. And, yeah, that's that's them. Subha. I'm Subha, I'm You know what?


I'll I'll just interrupt you here. When he says fat, I mean, like fat. Fat. Right now, I look like a normal human, but I didn't look like a normal human a little bit, before. So


Exactly. A


100 KGs when I was around 16. So fat. Ugly. But, yeah, that's how it was. Started off with the gym first fixing the body and then things started to fall into place 1 by 1.


But, yeah, started from like a bad place. Yeah. When he says rich family, I mean, they used to be well off. Yeah. And things got like really bad before it got better and I had to make it better myself.


So it was like, you know, even down a hill. Exactly. I mean, I had to sort of save us some crashing, and now it's sort of floating, you know. So that that's that's what's happening.


Do you want to give more context on that?


No. Later.


Okay. I reject, but my mic but yeah, so that's Subha. And now my name is Awan and how do I introduce myself?


I'll introduce him. Yeah. He's Aman. He, unlike me, I grew up in like, upper middle class type of


family. No.


This guy guy was?


He was gifting 30 ks gift like rings to his girlfriend.


Don't do that. X x. Let's get that clear. Okay.


You can say, like, tell by the slang we grew up differently.


Yeah. And this this dude is a is a is a great guy. Stop. Oh, sorry.


I did that on a pod.


Yeah. It's fine.


He beats me on the pod. I say,


okay. But this dude, he's great. Grew up in a totally different environment.


And But we kinda ended up like same place. Yeah. Same place.


Same place. Literally, physically also. Yeah.


Literally same place.


So my dude, he essentially grew up very, like, poor compared to, like, me, from the from the from the Kolkata, how the how the trenches.


I say how the


how the trenches. If you know that place, I feel bad for you.




But he's he's from the from the hood, India hood. Yeah. Okay. Street street stuff. Yeah.


He's he was becoming a footballer. It's like, semi pro or whatever. And, he was into that shit. Probably putting some b roll up right now if you're watching on YouTube and, yeah, he was living the life until life stopped hitting the same and then needed to make money and now that's a perfect transition into how we met each other so it was through a hustle, essentially. We both were hustling, trying to make money, and what happened then was we both had fitness theme pages.


My dude had a fitness theme page called d x m I n a t e.


Still silly somehow, like, imagine a guy with like this.


Mhmm. He had a fitness theme page. Yeah. Duxminate. Okay.


And I had a fitness theme page. Mqtivate. Mqtivate. Mqtivate. Mqt I v a t e d.


That was my thing. That was great. Right? And one day, someone messaged me because, he this page, Dux Men 8, was very similar to mine. So it was, like you guys should collab, do something together.


I'm like


Mhmm. Really so same. We almost had like the same logos as well. Like we posted the same content, almost the same logos and shit, and like our vibe was very similar. And when he says a guy messaged him, that same guy texted me as well.


And go on.


Yeah. So mind you, we don't know where we live, we don't know anything about each other except that we both have Instagram pages that are similar to each other. And the fact that this dude has an Android phone, because his stories stories were the Android type of thing right now.


Still do, by the way.


Yeah. So then what happened is I messaged him, you know, hey, something something I don't remember. Maybe we'll pull that up. I don't think I have the screenshots anyway. We sold the accounts but I messaged him, turns out the dude was 1 year older than me living in Kolkata that time I was also living in Kolkata and we were both young and you know it was it was incredible to know that out of like the entire world this dude was like 50 minutes away.


Like just think about how crazy lucky we got because, like, we could be that page was not supposed to be run by an Indian firstly.




Like, it was all English content and no one on the planet could guess like it was being run by an Indian. Uske baal, like, it was 2 Indians, which is crazy. First of all, it was not supposed to be us. And Uske baad, we were living in the same city, like, 50 minutes apart. So, yeah, that was just crazy.


When I was like, you when you told me you live in Kolkata, I actually figured out keep man, you're gay. Because I expected


to live you live


I said that 4 times.


That's fine.


I will keep saying it. But like I expected this guy to like live outside like some other country, but he was literally the same country, same city, 50 minutes apart. So, yeah, we basically ended up meeting after that.


Yeah. We went to the gym. That's how it started. But more context, we had 2 or 3 more pages with the same sort of logo, same content, same style. Those guys were living not in India.


So it was actually like, to put in perspective, it was actually, like, really rare for an occurrence like that, and that's how I met this dude. Otherwise, we would have been it would our lives would be very different right now.


Probably bad. Who knows?


Maybe better. Maybe. Maybe.


Mine would have been bad.


Okay. I would have killed myself. Street cred. Okay. Wait.


Wait. Wait. Street cred, though. What? Who are you now?


You know?


Like, I don't, like, feel like,


okay. I'll I'll do a street guy. He's getting a little, you know, like, how do I describe myself? Who am I? So he's a g, online space.


We both worked with iman at the same time. In fact, he introduced me to that stuff. Like, I didn't know that. I didn't know who Iman was to be very honest with you. That stuff.




Like, it will like, if you feel like but it's fine if you want to. What? Like, share that with people.


Yeah. I'm fine with the dog. Okay. I'm unfiltered like that. You feel me?


Okay. Yeah. So this dude, this dude basically introduced me to the Iman stuff. I didn't know who Iman was. And that's Yeah.


Sort of how we even got So what


have happened exactly was I got a gig with Iman and I made this like long ass thing. I spent literally 6 hours writing out the application, which I sent to you. You were like, my application was nothing close. I spent 6 hours writing the application because I was really, like, we were growing pages. Right?


So we had literally the same skill sets, and we knew everything about TikTok, short form content, and Ivaan basically put up a story. Like, oh, I want, like, to grow on short form content. So I, like, thought to myself, like, I remember thinking this, if I just write the best application ever on planet earth, I'm going to get selected. So I, like, spent 6 to 8 hours, like, writing that out. I remember I was on my phone, didn't even have a laptop at that point.


So I was, like, on my phone writing it out, typing it out on the Google Doc form. Just a copy I still have so I can like maybe put stories up of that. But yeah, I did that and I worked with like iman for a month, like, and after that, like, we were still obviously friends because we run pages together, and we have the same sales set, like, literally. So yeah. Basically, got him in, and yeah.


Happily ever after.


Happily ever after. Just wait. I'm pulling up the fuck ups.


But, yeah, a little bit more about me. A word with Iman. A word with Andrew Kirby. A word with Hamza. A word with, like, other people as well, but I'm kinda still, like, broke somehow.


I mean, we're all broke. Well well well well well well.


Oh, yeah. I got my first house, like not boarded, but like first house in December, 2022. Mhmm. Getting another one and the rent is like 40 ks. And honestly, I mean, I knew I would be making this sort of money, but like it, everything tastes sweeter in a way like paying.


Yeah. Okay.


Do it. It's kinda great. To elaborate on this, both of us, and also another reason why we get long because a lot of people make a lot of money when they're young, but they they don't exactly have responsibilities, so they end up, you know, messing around, they do their thing, they try to show it off, buy things too early, and essentially, you know, act like they're all that already. But for us both, we had real responsibilities since we were like a lot younger. So from 17 essentially, I had to take care of the whole house, I had to take care of my parents.


We did. Similar story with my dude here. So it's not like, you know, we're making a lot of money, we're messing around, we're traveling the world, that's not our case. We make money and we have a lot of real responsibilities that, came early. So we have to take care of things.


So, yeah, that's another reason why I respect this dude, and I think that's, you know, street cred.


Same same for me as well. Like like I mentioned, rich kids don't really grow proper. Like


yeah. Yeah. Okay. That's fine. Thanks.


Rich kids. Yes.


I mean, like, you understand. Yeah.


Okay. Anyway, that's a perfect, you know. I had


a lot of friends in school that had money, but, like, I wouldn't want to talk to them. So like that's what I'm like referring to when I say that you


We could literally go into like a whole school arc, you know, because like I could talk about my school. That was like trash.


Depressing, bro.


Anyways, we actually have like a notion page where we've written like all of like the fuck ups for the week. So the theme of this podcast is that every week, we sit together. Hopefully, you'll get like a better setup soon or maybe this is the best way.


This is the best way.


Whatever. We're moving into a new house and stuff, but Maybe


you can sit down my lap, please.


Shut the fuck up. But, we have a notion document and we sort of tried how we messed up. And this isn't a week of mess up. This is like a longer longer than a week. Because we've been delaying this podcast for a bit.




when I want to pull up is, like, from last night, I slept with a thin blanket, thin ish blanket and, like, I got barely any sleep. I fucked myself up. So


Oh, that brings me. So one of my friends was also over and my friend was essentially sleeping in the other room. Right? So my house has like 3 rooms, one my dad sleeps, the other one my mom sleeps, and then there's one room where, you know, we both sleep. Now I need the AC to sleep.


As you can see, I was Rich kid brought out, right? So like I need my AC to sleep.


You will agree, like, brought up you'd like it did deteriorate, but like, you were brought up as a Yeah.


So I need my ac to sleep. Okay.




What happened is the AC was gone and I sleep with a 10 KG weighted blanket that is hot as hell. It's really hot. And I cannot sleep without the AC. So what happened was I took my shirt off, I came to the hall literally like you see the sofa behind me? It's a similar themed sofa.


Okay. I slept and I can't sleep without a blanket either. So I put the AC on in the hall, we're currently in the hall, and then I got a towel, a thin blue towel. I put down on my body and that's how I slept on. It's not a fuck up.


It's just goddamn.


And, like, so I slept there.


He slept in the heat, bro. You're sweating.


Bro, I woke up, I saw was doing something.


Yeah. Good. But now let's go to the real juicy walk ups. Right? Do you wanna start with 1?




Go for it. I'd say I start with the one where you ended your project recently.


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's the first one.


Start with it.


So the fuck up is that I didn't send my invoice right after I was supposed to. I delayed it. And after that, the company I was working with, they, like, started to, like, bring up disputes that I didn't work or, like, do stuff that needed to be get done. So they were, like, negotiating the pay down, which is not it. Like, I've never had that happen, but, yeah, the fuck up basically taught me to just send your invoices on time.


Like, if you're getting paid on the first, please send your invoices on the first because there's no reason not to. And, yeah, that's the fuck up. Yeah. We won't go into too much detail because they paid me in full later.


They paid him in full later, but it was not a company. I mean, I'm gonna bad mouth it. I don't care. You you yeah. Yeah.


That company, man, I looked at those interactions and I believe there's one dude at the company who basically offboards people and his salary is made from how much he's able to take away from others. That's I literally genuinely believe that.


Me too. He probably gets a commission on that.


Yeah. That disgusting, disgusting process. Never seen such a thing in a company. And sending invoices on time, a client, old client, ex client who an old client, don't take any names.


Bro, I can bad mouth him. No.


You can't. We can't take his name. Brother, I can.


No. No. This is going out


in a year. No.


It will go out tomorrow.


Maybe not.


Why not? Okay. Not a problem.


Not a problem. Yeah. So it's going on. But basically, that client owes us, like, around $6 still, and we continue the service because we were under contract. Right?


But I didn't realize, okay, if he just doesn't pay, what happens then? What the fuck? Like I'm not gonna go sue him for 5 k. I'm not gonna I'll book a flight to the US, that's 5 k. So, yeah.


He owes me 6 k, he's now agreed to a payment plan after like 8 months. He's agreed to a payment plan of 300 dollars a month. So if your invoices don't get paid, take some action, unless you really know the client properly, which I thought I did, but still send your invoices, follow-up if they don't get paid, and just just make sure you


Get paid.


Get paid, but don't be like those impatient impatient people that like, you know, send an invoice tomorrow. Hey, did you have chance to see this? No. Have some patience.


Yep. Send it to them. Chill out,


you know. And, yeah.


Let's then voice fuck up. Let's move on to the next one. But fuck you guys for doing that.


Okay. That was very stressful. Pause. We're actually posting this shit. Right?


No. Why not?


No. This is not going out. This is too unfiltered.


This is how I am though.


No. I'm not.


I don't care. You need to be like this. This is your posting anxiety. Post it. I will post it.


Good. You agree?




He's agreed. I'll post it. Yeah. Okay. We're back.


We're back, we're back, we're back, we're back. The camera cut off. But yeah, moving on to the next fuck up. Let's go into the part where my guy recently moved in. So obviously, you know, we we are hitting the gym hard, trying to improve the body, eating our protein, all of that stuff.


Right? Just like that new found motivation when someone moves in. So after that, there was a leg day. Leg day, you know, it arrives when it wants to maybe on, like, a Thursday. Thursday, Wednesday?


I usually skip it, but


Usually skip. Leg day. So we go to the gym, we do the squats, on the first set on the first set, I can feel my back. It's not good. It hurts, something's wrong with it, I'm not I'm not talking about like you know it hurts like a, I was sore, I wasn't sore.


It was from last night honestly.


No. It was from some messed up shit that probably happened at MMA or deadlift and it hurt. It genuinely like, I did one score and I'm like, but then I was doing leg day after like a month anyway, so I'm like shit I have continue. I can't, you know, back off. Well, that's a clip though.


What's a clip?


It was


Can you not interrupt me? So what happened is then we had the leg day and I couldn't back off because he just moved in so I didn't wanna be a pussy, right, like it's the first leg day. So now it was time to do it essentially. So I I continued squatting even though it was hurting, it's fine, it's fine, you know what, shrug it off. And then the pain goes away because after a certain point you keep doing it, so it's like, shit, the body has to just go through it, so it stops telling you that it really hurts.


Squats are done, leg day is done. We go home, we chill for a bit, and I can feel my entire back exploding. Like, you know, like a old man when he's sitting on his chair, like he's sitting, like, ah, bro


like I'm sorry


dude it's like ah fuck you know so that that I felt like an bloody old man. Right? So I was like that type of pain. I'm like shit, like that. And it's still happening.


It's like 2 weeks, 2 and a half weeks or more. And I still do like, shit, I messed something up. So that's been going on. And that very same day, since he came, we were we were into, like, 3 AM running.


Yeah. So we went for 2, 3 AM runs. The first one was fine. Like, very fine. The second one, I had a ton of energy, and you stopped 5 times.


No. I didn't stop one time in the first one. Brother? In the first one?


The first one he didn't stop one time. He, like, did it diligently but, like, he was his cars were tired, let's just say, in the second round. But the second the second round.


Yeah. The second round after leg day. So the same day Yeah. After leg day, past midnight, 3 AM, we're done with work, right, exhausted from work, remote work all day, sitting on the PC, freaking grinding that shit out after the gym, now we're done. So now we have to, you know, go and run because we drank a little bit of coke, not that coke, like coca cola.


Coke. And we we had that and Coke. Coke. Coca Cola. Coca Cola.


Coke. Coca Cola. Okay. We drank a little bit of that with ice and, yeah.


So, like, the day after that, like, he didn't know probably, I didn't know properly, but the day after that, 5 days after that, we couldn't walk properly. We were sore for the next 5 days. And it was a very bad experience. We were regretting it. I had headaches for 5 days straight.


So, like, that's a fuck up.


Big fuck up. Next 2 days, I didn't work.


So the lesson for you guys.


Lying down on the bed, you know, like a soulless human, like, like flat on the stomach with the arms spread out. That was me.


Give give them a lesson. The lesson is like don't have unplanned workouts if you're already working out hard enough.


You have a plan, stick to it.


Yep. Don't


show off for your friends.


Exactly. Yeah.


2 AM running 3 AM running club. So if you're down for it, just let me know




In the comments. Or whatever, wherever you're


listening, watching like, is this service?


Whatever. You wanna go to the next one?


Yeah. The future fuck up doesn't apply.


Yeah. We noted the future fuck up because we were anticipating we'd fuck up, but we saved the day.


Yeah. So we bought a shitty pizza at 5 AM. By the way, please never order from Pizza Hut, Domino's is better.


That's what


you need to know. We ordered like 2 pizzas at night and breadsticks, which I told you not to bring. But no,


no breadsticks, garlic bread with cheese.




Garlic bread with cheese.


But it was bread.


Garlic bread with cheese.


It wasn't garlic. I didn't see any cheese. It was only


bread. It was only like stale cheese. I don't you can't call that cheese, can you?


No. Also, did you add like cheese balls?


No. No. Cheese balls. They they gave us a free margherita pizza though. Like a small one.


But that was bad as well.


Yeah. That was bad too.


So never order from Pizza Hut. Domino's is better.


And remember, you're better off going to sleep than ordering that food at 3 AM. Trust. Trust me.


Maybe not, not, but, like, Domino's. And we're taking sponsors Domino's. So


I'm never taking sponsors.




On a serious note, I would never take a sponsor. At least, like, how I think right now.


I'm making a note. I'm like, yeah, we don't


Like literally buy 25% of a company and then sponsor you. But otherwise, I don't know man.


The gay shit that I see on YouTube is like this video sponsored by


Yeah. But then they're not businessmen. Right? They're creators. So they need to make their money somehow.


That's okay.


No. I feel like, that that if you're just a creator, then you might as well get your back. Right? But if you're a business person, you understand the game. You understand why you're being sponsored.


Right? I mean sure they have leverage, they have product which you can amplify and it'll be better. You all will make more money but you understand that your audience has the potential to make money. So why would you not use it to maximize what you can make instead of, you know, getting sponsored by another company and making them money while you're also getting like a you know


a little bit of money. If you're


a businessman, if you're a creator do your thing, make your bag,


do what


you need to do.


You're gonna become a businessman.


Fair enough. I mean creators have become like businesses now.


I mean, yeah, but like there are still creators that have audiences that don't monetize properly. So, I mean, if you need help. No.


Don't reach out to me. Reach out to him.


No. I don't have a company.


Next. I thought I lost the Okay. Next fuck up, we're going into the highest situation. Let's finish it on the first episode. Let's let's wrap it off with a bang.




So so was EA went to online jobs.ph and then she started scouting for clip curators? No. No. No.


I think she put up a job post for social media managers since we had like a fire.


Social media managers and she shortlisted 2 people which she interviewed herself and picked 1. So what hap happened after that, Sibal?


So more context is that I had to fire, someone from Atomic because they made the same mistake twice. And general life lesson, do not make the same mistake twice. In fact, that dude was really nice and, no issues with him.


Bags back 3 times.


Times. I think I did too. Fuck. Thrice? We can't.


Twice after she cheated on me.


You know this is going public. Right? Yep. Including this? I do not care.


The thing I I got back with mine like, fuck me. Once? Twice? Not proud of it.


I am?


I'm not.


I fucked her up last time.


I should have just left it after the first.


I mean, maybe I should have, but, like, happy ending for me.


Happy ending for them. For me, it was just an ending. There was nothing to it. But, yeah, back to the story. Right?


So I had to fire someone at Atomic, they make the, they made the same mistake twice and that is a general life lesson where you do not make the same mistake twice. You do everything after the first mistake to prevent it from happening again and if you don't, you are incompetent. Yeah. So what we do after that is essentially, we had to hire someone and onlinejobs.ph is a platform where you find some of the best VAs. So I had my EA which stands for executive assistant or just like the, the the one person who helps you with all of your tasks and their day to day changes with your day to day.


Or the general mission that you're trying to accomplish. And essentially, she went to, she she put up the job post and we interviewed, I believe we interviewed 2 candidates and we needed to hire someone urgently, so within the next 2 days. So we interviewed 2 people, or I think she interviewed a few more but I joined for 2 interviews, essentially gave her like a little training on here's how you interview someone for a job, make sure, you know, you ask these questions, present yourself like this, all of that. And can you not slouch? I'm tired.


Get up. Okay. Get up, will you?


Getting up, bro. Give me time.


Sit down straight, you know. I mean, sit straight. Yeah. So don't mourn. So we essentially interviewed 2 people, one of them was nice, the other one was, too nice.


And one of the one of questions we ask our people whenever we're, interviewing is what is your primary reason to earn? Because people need to have like a strong motor, you know, otherwise like let's say, oh, I just wanna make money, go out with my friends, and you know, party, mess around. Then it's like that they don't have a strong resolve and they'll just quit whenever they want to. They don't have a reason to really earn all responsibilities. So I don't remember what one girl said but I do remember what one girl the whole story this is about, what what she said is that her parents, both of them are sick, so she needs to make money to basically for their medical bills and to provide for them.


Go ahead.


Bro, I don't remember, you have no context.


Okay. So after after that happened, basically, by the way, this is a conversation, not a story, so you can, like, hop in.


Yeah. I know.


Yeah. So, yeah. I didn't make the decision who to hire but, we just needed someone quick so we decided so my year decided to go with the second one and, whose parents were essentially a little not well and hired up. Then the next day I had a long training call with to make sure she knows what she's doing. Also recorded it so that, you know, the next time we ever have to hire a, social media manager, they know what their roles and responsibilities are without me repeating the same meeting again.


Kinley is not sponsoring us. Tell her off. So then after that please.


Can't be giving them free clout.


Yeah. Yeah. Blow blow this fucking bottle. Yeah. It makes too much noise.


Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop.


It will make noise.


No. You go now.


Okay. So then, 1 minute 1 interview, not interview, but meeting. And then she did does tell me that, you know, she looks so stressed and she isn't and at randomize times. Yeah. She's just awake, messaging you how do I do this?


And randomized times. Yeah? She's just awake messaging you how do I do this and all of that. She ain't sleeping, and I can tell she's not sleeping because I'm awake at all weird times too and my sleep schedule is a perpetual mass. For example, I'm at 5 AM right now.


It is? Shit.


Good morning. Goddamn. It's just like that.


Yeah. Okay. That happens and then we, have one meeting. And I can tell that this girl is, you know, she has a lot of anxiety and she's not doing very well, I believe, like her life itself. And, she also tells me that she she has a fiance, she's to be married, and but her life still seems like a mess to me.


I'm like okay, and you know we just go on. Next day I have another call with her and, keep training her. She makes one big mistake but, you know, we all make mistakes, one time it's okay. And, everything's fine, right? And then, that night he sends me a long, long ass message.


Yeah? Screenshot up here, if you wanna read it, you can have recommend pausing on YouTube.


Very not privacy


environment. Nobody knows her name though. Nobody knows her name.


I think we said it.


Yeah. We blur it. We blow it.


No. We won't.


Nobody knows how to spell her name.


Spelling exactly.


Yeah. Like if you type there on the internet, you're not finding nothing.


Exactly. It's like you're learning alphabet.


Yeah. Exactly. So, yeah, she's she's she essentially comes up with a story that night where her family she she escaped from her family because they used to physically abuse her. So she ran away to an island where First


part sounds like my mom, though.


No. No. No. So she used to get physically abused. She ran away to an island.


She had a bunch of money saved up from her 3 years of freelancing after she turned 19. So By the time she was 22, she had like $10,000 saved up, which is a lot in the Philippines. We're back, camera cut off again, but yeah, she saved up $10,000 by the time she was, like, 22 or something, and, apparently, her brother committed a really bad crime and mind you her brother used to physically abuse her and stuff like that.


Her brother was chart.


No. So then, she basically used up all of her savings to bail her brother out, and the bail was set at, like, $10,000, which is a lot in the Philippines. Right. And then this all happens, and she comes up with more stuff, like, her the place where she's staying is on rent at like, she it's rented, and that the homeowner is now kicking her out because of some some goddamn I don't know the reasoning, but some because of some reason, the homeowner is kicking her out, and she needs to hire men to move her stuff to the new place that she's going to rent. So she needs an advance on her salary and she's been working with us for a week.


She needs an advance of like $600 or $400 on this and mind you that is not the issue the issue is that yeah like if any other employee of mine currently who's working on atomic asked me for like double that, I could probably give it because I know them, they've been working with us for a while. So that's fine, but this person, like, something felt off, and generally I'm a very trustable person, like, I trust people easily. So does this fool, you know. So initial thoughts, we both essentially let me get closer. So initial thoughts is that we both thought he was saying the truth.


Right? Agree with that?


Yep. 100%. I still do.


Yeah. I don't know about that.


Is she lying?


Probably. But then I go and show that to my parents, and I was like, who is this psycho? How could you hire her? How how who is this kicker? No.


You block her and you message her, fuck off. My dad was like that. Right? My dad said something like that, so I'm like, Then I send it to my co founder who has a lot more experience than me. He says, nah, this ain't right.


This is SaaS fire.


Literally said fire.


Literally said fire. I think this


is this is why managers don't talk to football players because it's like a 1000 times easier if you're not in contact, like, view the situation without emotions. Like, just look at things as they are. So, yeah, that's just a side note.


Yeah. His dude plays football manager when he was younger, you know, on the PC, that game.


I didn't have a PC.


So then after this, I'm like, shit. I don't know what to do. Like, even though everyone's telling me she's she's lying, something tells me she's not. And to this day, I am slightly conflicted that she was saying the truth, but I moved towards the side that she was bullshitting. Or at least most of the story was bullshit, maybe mixed with some parts of the truth, which is most likely the case.


So now what happens is I have a lot of women that work at the company, and I presume they're probably a lot better at handling this type of stuff. So we have a woman from Mozambique, who is, essentially the operations manager, and she does a lot of the company. She's been with us for 8 8 months, 1 year, something like that.


Shout out to her.


Yeah. Like, I can trust her. Right? So tell her the situation, and she's like, nah. Right, she's like, nah, this girl is lying.


Then we have another woman from the Philippines, who is also working with us for over a year, and then we show this to him, she's like 100% lying. So you know what they do, next step is because we, just in case, you know, I had the slide, like, she does she need that help? Like, imagine she needs that help and then I fire her.


Exactly. That would be like the worst thing I've ever done, but like I I do it.


Yeah, you do it, but I feel like I'm just not that type of person. I don't know.


I mean, I'm not too, but like at the end of the day, it's not my responsibility and, like, there are a thousand other people that have their dad dying and don't have bills that they they they don't know how to how how they how they will get their next meal, basically, and it's not my problem, honestly.


Makes sense. But I have, like, a charity fund now.


Yeah. You could use that.


I could have. So, you know, from there, what we do is the the 2 women, I let them handle it, they hop in a meeting with her the next day, and they ask a question. This thing went on for an hour, and I was like, I I was curious, you know, I was at the gym, what's going on, what's going on? Yoola text me, this girl is crying, I don't want to be here. So wait, if she's crying, is she telling the truth?


And she's like I don't know. So even Eula at one point, who trust me she's hardened, right? So she can see through this stuff usually and she has like good instinct. So in the middle, in the middle of this, she's like I don't know anymore, I kind of believe her and that messes my head. I'm like no way.


So if even Eula is like 5050, then I don't know what to do. Right? But then the other person from the Philippines, who is also working with us, she knows best, right, because she is in that country, like not even living too far away from this person. So she can see through the stuff and there were a few inconsistencies that they caught, but it was still confusing. The first thing that Eula asks this person, the social media manager for is that okay, so do you have any like thing from from bail?


Right? Like you know you bailed her, there must be some sort of document that you got. And that document, she sent over. 1st she asked, can I blur the name? And she like, no.


You you should probably send me the full thing if you're expecting help from us. So she sends the the Android document, and then that looks legit, even though that the amount doesn't make sense. Because the highest bill in the Philippines, unless that dude did like some really messed up shit, it it just doesn't go that high.


So Shouldn't what was the number?


Like around $10,000.


Crazy. Like Philippines is cheaper than India. Right?


Yeah. Cheaper than India, I believe.


Yeah. No way.


Yeah. But I can't believe there's a country cheaper and probably better than us. Like, they have the beaches, clean beaches.


Beaches, I'm sure. Beaches. Beaches, I'm sure.


Okay. But, what else do we have? So zill catches on some inconsistencies, like she's saying that the rent is more like $700 and that is not that's not the case unless she's getting like a luxury mansion apparently. Exactly. So a lot of inconsistencies that Zill, who is the other Filipino, was able to catch and she was hard.


Like she was like, yeah, I know this girl is lying. And then after watching that recording again


She was hard? She was hard?


She was hard on her. Oh, poor. Yes. So take it from here. I'm lost.


Bro, I don't have context in the entire situation.


You're right. So after that, we watched the recording again and the moment the girl started crying was exactly the moment when she didn't know what to answer. So we don't know, we don't know. But you know, another thing that doesn't make sense is that her base pay was a 100, so in a month she could easily make like 600, 700. So why on earth would she ever ask for an advance of $600 or $400 if she wanted to scam us?


Like wouldn't you go for like a 1,200? Exactly. $2,000. That's too


small of an amount to scam anyone for.


Because she could just work for a month and make that. So


I mean, I think she she needed the money.


I think she need I'm still conflicted to this day. And we ended it peacefully, like, on email. I think, you know, she was cooperative throughout and thankful to me regardless.


Did he


and yeah, so we ended up firing her because she was firstly the reason for firing was that she was mentally unstable, unable to sleep, and that we couldn't tell she was lying or not, and we were more towards the side that she was probably lying, because there were some inconsistencies. And it still weighs on me a little bit, I'm like, shit man, she was probably lying a bit, but she needed that, you know.


I think so too. Like, if she didn't like if she actually wore the scam, she would have asked for, like, a grand, 2 grand, like, 2 grand bare minimum. Like, because you mentioned she could have made that in a month. But now it's done, and I do think, like, it's her problem, man. Even though it's very bad, like, it's actually bad bad if she actually needed the money.


And, you know, after asking for help, she actually got fired. So she didn't didn't even made the money that she was supposed to, like $600 that she would have made otherwise. But at the end of the day, I'd like not a concern honestly. Mhmm.




She has her own arc, I believe. So all the best to her.


And we can't pay, a sort of mentally unstable person who has a lot of, you know, personal issues going on.


Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.


Hey. Hey. Shut up. And we can't really trust them to handle client accounts. So I feel like as a as a company, we made the right decision, but maybe I could have tapped into my charity funds to help her out personally.


But I couldn't tell if she was lying or not. So decision, I ended up paying her the prorated amount and a little more than what she was owed and called it a day. So


That's the story. The lesson from this, I would say, for you guys would be, like, every problem in the world is not your problem. Like, you don't have to take it on. The news, you turn it on. It's talking about about girls being it's not all the negative stuff Yeah.


On the planet. But, like, it's not your problem. Stay away from it. You don't need to make it your own problem. Like, after you have your finances in check, after you have your, like, family taken care of, and, like, maybe you're having a bigger impact than you usually would than a normal person, honestly, then maybe you can think about, oh, I'll take their problems on.


I'll help them do better in life, but just fire them and move the fuck on with life.


Well put. But actually I I I feel like I should have used a bit of charity funds and, Yeah.


I think so too. Like $200 just


Yeah. But it's fine. I feel like I'm saving the charity funds for a bigger, greater cause one day.


I agree. Because if someday I do go homeless


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Don't worry. I'm never gonna use that for this guy.


I'm gonna kick him in the ass.


I'll steal it. That was the episode, guys. Bye bye.


Sorry. The video didn't end. I have something better to end it with. Yes. I know I spoke a lot this episode.


Next episode, you come up with your Enjoy. Big fuck up. You feel me? So, yeah, it's gonna take him a little while to get used to the camera and might might might I'll get him out of his camera consciousness news soon, and we're gonna become better hosts, and we hope to bring on some great guests onto our show for a different perspective where we're gonna talk about how we fucked up instead of talking about how do you make 200 k this month? Share the secrets.


Like, nah, man. We all fuck up and we all make mistakes that a lot of people can learn from. And, you know, it's something we can it's a format we can do weekly, which is what really excites me.


It's the version principle that Charlie Munger uses. Like instead of listing all, like, the good things you can do, list all the bad things you can do and just avoid them. So, like, instead of thinking how I can have a have the best day of my life, think how can I absolutely fuck this day up and just write everything down, like wake up late, have shit food?


I get your point. But anyways, this episode has gone on for a bit. So what I want from you guys, if you made it until the end, is we wanna, towards the end of the each episode, we wanna ask each other 1 or 2, like, key questions that, you know, gets a lot of traction maybe in the comments or wherever you can submit a question essentially, is the most asked 1 or 2 questions, Rex and I can ask each other, and, leave any comment, questions that you have for him or me just in below. Or if you have a question about yourself, like how do I do this, how do I do that. If it's if it's good enough, or if I want to answer it, we'll answer it.


So that's that. And, bye. It didn't fucking end.


Well, it didn't start.