Beyond The Job Title | Underrepresented Career Stories

Join us for an insightful conversation with Amanda Horvath as we delve into personal growth, motherhood, authenticity, content creation, and self-awareness. Whether you're an entrepreneur seeking alignment or a mom navigating the intricacies of motherhood, this episode offers valuable wisdom and inspiration.

Amanda’s Bio

Amanda Horvath is a content and course creator, video strategist, personal brand coach, and YouTuber. Her passion lies in guiding entrepreneurs towards discovering their most authentic paths to online income using the powerful framework of Human Design. Amanda's valuable insights and experiences make her a beacon of guidance for those seeking to align with their true selves and forge successful paths in the digital landscape.

Where to find Amanda
Where to find Cesar

Creators & Guests

Cesar Romero
Helping startups and SMBs build strong customer relationships that drive product adoption, reduce churn, and increase revenue | Community-Driven | Podcast Host
Amanda Horvath
Helping entrepreneurs find their authentic path to online income by using Human Design

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Amanda Horvath | BJT11
[00:00:00] Amanda: one of the things that I've realized is that if you're living out of alignment with who you are and you're sharing out of alignment with who you are, the invitations coming in aren't in alignment either. And so while I was getting a lot of invitations.
[00:00:14] They, they weren't super exciting to me, you know, like, Oh, review this microphone or come like the amount of podcasts that I would do where I'd show up. And I would just talk about the exact same thing over and over and over again. It just got to the point where I was like, ah, like I can't do this anymore.
[00:00:31] And another element of my design. And I know I'm kind of weaving all over, but is that I need to retreat to turn a weak position into a strength. So like stop reflect. Journal, like slow down, disappear, like go into yourself. And so I've done that more than ever, especially in motherhood. Like, okay, let me just kind of like shut off the outside world for a little bit.
[00:00:56] Let me like not say yes to any invitations and let me really tap [00:01:00] into who I am and into my own energy and then come back and create from that place. So that new invitations that are in alignment with me can come through, and I'm still very much in that like transitional place of doing that, but it's at least started.
[00:01:19] Cesar: Hey friends, this is your host Cesar Romero. And you're listening to beyond the job title podcast, the show that explores the human experiences to shape our professional and personal lives.
[00:01:36] In this episode, I sit down with my girlfriend. Amanda Horvath. She's a content creator, personal branding, coach YouTuber. And her passion lies in guiding entrepreneurs and creators towards discovering their most authentic paths to online income. Using the powerful framework of human design. And in this episode, we dive deeper into the power of personal and professional [00:02:00] growth.
[00:02:00] The transition into motherhood. The power of self-awareness authenticity. And what it means to be an entrepreneur in a content creator. And put out work. That is aligned with our true self. So, whether you are an entrepreneur or a creator, Especially if you are a mom navigating the transition into motherhood.
[00:02:20] And are seeking alignment with your true self. And this episode is specially for you. And please. Make sure to subscribe so that you don't miss out on any future episodes. Thank you so much for the opportunity. And here's my conversation with Amanda Horvath.
[00:02:39] Cesar: First question I have to you, Amanda, is if someone were to ask you today, you know, who are you and what mission are you on?
[00:02:47] What, what would you tell
[00:02:48] Amanda: them? I am on the mission of being my most authentic self and following alignment at all costs, even though that's terrifying. To do.[00:03:00]
[00:03:00] Cesar: All right. Let's, let's unpack that. Why authenticity? Why is that important to you? And how do you approach being authentic?
[00:03:10] Amanda: Yeah. When I first started on YouTube, I remember watching my videos and feeling like there's like, that's not yet me, you know, even if I was like happy with the performance, there was always something that I couldn't put my finger on.
[00:03:25] Why? Like, like almost like a layer of onions that I had to like strip down to be able to really see my true authentic self. And then I think, you know, that was one layer of it and now having been doing YouTube for almost five years. Which is crazy. Next five years. I have reached kind of a different stage in the journey to where it's like, okay, I have a foundation of a following and now I can kind of a little bit expand a little bit outside of kind of how I, who I've shown up.
[00:03:59] [00:04:00] Previously, I think that kind of gave me a little bit of permission. And then of course, human design came in the picture and may of 2020. So it's been about three years now of me deep diving into who I am from that system and. Really being floored, I would say, by the truth that comes out of this system and the roadmap to go back to who you are.
[00:04:29] and so I've just fully surrendered to that experiment and, it's been a journey. That's for sure.
[00:04:36] Cesar: How did you come across human design, right? And for those... Listening that might not be familiar with it. how would you explain that to someone? And I know you, you have a 15 minute video that will link up to the, show notes as well.
[00:04:49] but, but for those that are not familiar with human design, how would you explain that and how do you come across
[00:04:54] Amanda: it? Yeah. So human design is a map for how your energy works. You, [00:05:00] it looks very complicated when you first find out about it. But essentially it shows you the areas where you're receptive to energy and where you.
[00:05:09] Consistent energy that you have access to. And they say that it's your map for moving through life without resistance. And that's what initially like hooked me in. I was like, Ooh, what is this life without resistance? Sign me up. And I've now learned that's not exactly like it is life without resistance, but it's still life, you know, and life comes with struggle.
[00:05:34] But aside from that, how did I find out about human design? I was in a mastermind group. And they, there was just a group chat and someone said, Hey, do you know your human design? And I was like, what's that? And I looked it up and I remember the moment. Like, I was, I am an investigator in human design and this has just continued to be.
[00:05:57] Like, true. I mean, before [00:06:00] I found out about human design, I was a total nerd with courses afterward, you know, podcast videos, all the things afterwards. Like, I've just become conscious of it. And so I'm, I have a pop socket holder in my shower. That I can watch videos on while I'm showering. So I was, I had just found out about it.
[00:06:20] I pulled up a video of like what a projector is because I had no idea. And I was watching that video in the shower and it was just like the way that it hit me to my core. It was, I can't explain it like how it landed, but it was just, I honestly felt like I was seen for like the first time. And that was like, it was so powerful.
[00:06:42] And then I immediately booked a reading with my, who later became my human design teacher. And I describe it as me saying hi. And then she told me my entire life story.
[00:06:53] Cesar: Sounds wild. What, what did you discover, you know, through, through those [00:07:00] sessions?
[00:07:00] Amanda: Yeah, there's been a lot. The first. I mean is really finding out that I'm a projector was huge because only 20% of the population are projectors, and that means that the world really isn't made for projectors, and we are so conditioned.
[00:07:20] We're also the type that is most conditioned away from who we are because we're here to feel the other and to amplify other people's energy and like really take it into our bodies so that we can know what is it like to be a generator. And so that we can guide them. So finding out that at the top level was really fascinating.
[00:07:43] And then starting to dig into it and find out just how sensitive to the energies in a room. I like I am was also very insightful because previously, you know, I really thought of myself as like this person with like super thick [00:08:00] skin and you know, I can like do whatever I want you know, but Realizing, wow, that's not actually the case.
[00:08:09] And how do I like soften into that and use that as a gift has been totally life transformational. So
[00:08:15] Cesar: you got this information, you realize things about yourself. How did you, what, what were some of the changes that you've made, you know, from, from that, you know, how did you integrate it? This new insights into, into your business, into motherhood.
[00:08:33] Amanda: Yeah. Can you hear him screaming? No. Okay, good.
[00:08:38] I'm overcoming a cough. Okay. Sorry. how have I integrated this? Yes. There's so much that I have done to integrate it over the last three years, but really the, the bottom line with human design or the core takeaway is making decisions correctly as yourself. So everything revolves [00:09:00] around that. So they say specifically like the four main areas in life.
[00:09:06] Love, relationships, where you live, where you work, and I always forget the fourth, something else, enter here, I guess it's, yeah, where you live, your relationships, career, I don't know, something else,so, focusing on those bigger areas. Has been huge. So with, for example, business, I grew up in a family of manifesting generators.
[00:09:33] All of my family are these people that go out, they make things happen and they move very quickly. And I have, like, I have a brother that's 18 months older than me and a sister that's 18 months younger than me. And so I was like sandwiched between these two manifesting generator. You know, individual is my entire life.
[00:09:54] And so I was very much in business taught, have a vision, go after it, make it happen. [00:10:00] So when I learned, wait for the invitation is my strategy for making decisions. And that's for all projectors. That was totally different. And I was like, okay, let me experiment with this. Let me just see. And YouTube channel for so long, people message me all the time with invitation.
[00:10:18] You know, and so I just had to start paying attention to them. And one of the things that I've realized is that if you're living out of alignment with who you are and you're sharing out of alignment with who you are, the invitations coming in aren't in alignment either. And so while I was getting a lot of invitations.
[00:10:36] They, they weren't super exciting to me, you know, like, Oh, review this microphone or come like the amount of podcasts that I would do where I'd show up. And I would just talk about the exact same thing over and over and over again. It just got to the point where I was like, ah, like I can't do this anymore.
[00:10:53] And another element of my design. And I know I'm kind of weaving all over, but is that I need to [00:11:00] retreat to turn a weak position into a strength. So like stop reflect. Journal, like slow down, disappear, like go into yourself. And so I've done that more than ever, especially in motherhood. Like, okay, let me just kind of like shut off the outside world for a little bit.
[00:11:19] Let me like not say yes to any invitations and let me really tap into who I am and into my own energy and then come back and create from that place. So that new invitations that are in alignment with me can come through, and I'm still very much in that like transitional place of doing that, but it's at least started.
[00:11:41] Cesar: I love that. I love that when I mentioned that is listening to yourself and taking time to to retreat right and be with yourself to really listen to yourself and find out what's out of alignment. And as a follow up to that is, you know, in your most recent [00:12:00] retreat, right, which I believe was. That year of the first year, the first year of motherhood, right?
[00:12:07] What were some of the, or how has your, your thinking changed, you know, since, since you became a mother?
[00:12:14] Amanda: I honestly feel bad for the advice that I have given parents in the past. That is like the bottom line. Like there's no way to understand it until you're going through it. Well, what's the advice? Just like the way to like film videos or the way to do anything, you know, and like there you just can't understand what it's like to have to take care of another human being.
[00:12:37] At all times until you're in it. Mm-hmm. even, even with support, like I've been super fortunate that my mom and mother-in-law ha help out once a week each. And then Sam, my husband works from home and so I have help, but even still, it's takes up an extra space of your brain was, [00:13:00] wasn't there before, you know?
[00:13:01] Or it wasn't like taken up before. So what have the changes been like in motherhood? It's been a softening and opening up, I would say, at a deeper level, the lack of sharpness that you experience as a female in that process of becoming pregnant. like giving birth, breastfeeding, or in my case, exclusively pumping and all the pain that comes with that, you know, like you just, the hormonal shifts in your brain are so different that you can't function in the same way.
[00:13:44] And so everything had to change. And then add on top of it, I'm also in my Saturn return, which is just like this crazy time from 28 to 32 that everyone has. That like your whole life basically gets shook and anything that's not meant to be there falls out. And it's just [00:14:00] like a whole world wins.
[00:14:01] Cesar: It's, it's, I...
[00:14:03] I love that you mentioned the advice I gave before doesn't really align or doesn't really apply, right? And that shows growth, right? Because a lot of times we might give advice, we might say some things, but as we evolve and grow, our perspective changes, right? And I think it's important for people to listen to that because it's okay to change your mind, to change your perspective on things that you previously shared, right?
[00:14:31] That might not apply anymore. Is there any, since we're on the topic of motherhood, any funny moment that stands out to you, you know, throughout the first year, where it was like, oh, Maverick.
[00:14:42] Amanda: He ate poop at one point. I was like, Oh my gosh, Maverick. And it was one of those, like, we do this thing called elimination communication.
[00:14:53] And we started it when he was like eight weeks old, where you hold him over the toilet and you go like, and he goes, it's [00:15:00] amazing. Like he actually goes to the bathroom. Well, every time like recently, as he's gotten older and more aware, it's become a little more challenging, but like he'll go and then he looks in the toilet and kind of like we all do, you know, he's like, Ooh, like he's interested in it, you know, well.
[00:15:17] After he bathes, we let him kind of like crawl around the house and like, I think kids have to, you know, you got to go diaper free occasionally. Otherwise they, you know, they got to let themselves breathe a little bit. So he's crawling around and this is kind of our normal habit, but then all of a sudden he, he pooped and.
[00:15:37] Like it happened so fast and if you're a parent, you know, like poop gets everywhere very quickly When it gets out of hand and he immediately like looks down Grabs a whole handful and then does that full face rub down on his face, you know, to eat it. And I was just like, Oh my gosh, this is happening. And I was alone, you know, like [00:16:00] Sam was out and I was just, I literally just said out loud.
[00:16:02] I was like, this is happening right now. Like, Oh my gosh. I like just grabbed him and put him straight back in the bath and washed them off. it was just one of those moments.
[00:16:10] Cesar: Oh man. That's yeah. I've, I've been there as a dad. I've been there and you know, it's one of those times where you try to Things happen, but you also have a baby to take care of and things happen at the same time.
[00:16:24] Exactly. You try to multitask. Exactly. Well, thanks for sharing that. That's definitely a funny story. I
[00:16:32] Amanda: have a follow up though, on your point about the open mind. Because I think this has been one insightful thing that I've also learned from human design is that like, if anyone that's listening to this, if you look up your chart, And you can just go to mybodygraph.
[00:16:45] com. You got to type in your birth info to get your chart. But it's very powerful. So when you look at it, like the top two centers in the chart, which are those big shapes are either colored in or open, [00:17:00] or white, I should say. And it's interesting because there are people on that are here to have a closed mind.
[00:17:09] They are here to have a fixed view of the world and a fixed way of processing the world and the rest of us that have it open. will take in the energy of those that have a fixed mind and feel this need to be certain about our things, our, our thoughts and our processes and how we go about life. And if we try to hold on to that fixedness, it ends up just bringing more like frustration or bitterness into our lives.
[00:17:41] And so for some of us, it is good to like, Allow ourselves to, when you look at it and it's white, it's like, oh, I am open minded and I don't have to convince anyone that I know for certain that this is the way and I can change. So I think [00:18:00] that that was kind of been an interesting thing because I definitely have it open in mind as do you.
[00:18:04] Cesar: Yes. As you're explaining that one of the things that came up, you know, since we're on the topic of motherhood, one of the fixed mindsets I had was that. When I became a dad, I didn't want to let go of the old friends, right, the friends that didn't have kids were not parents. But as I, as I got into parenthood, I realized that there was this tension between because, you know, friends that don't have kids.
[00:18:35] They can empathize with you, but don't really understand. I, I kept getting invites for 5pm happy hours. Like, guys, I have a kid. Like, she's like three months old. Like, I can't be doing that. So I had to let go this fixed mindset of like, I feel bad that I'm losing, or I don't talk to the single friends. And I opened up myself to make new friends, [00:19:00] right?
[00:19:00] New dads and moms. And I wanted to ask you, you know, if you went through something similar as you transitioned into, into motherhood.
[00:19:09] Amanda: Yeah. And I think one thing that I tell people is that the transition into motherhood happens over time. And parenthood happens over time. The first two months, I was like, I was convinced that I could Continue the life that I've had, you know, the baby can sleep anywhere, you can go out, you can do things, it's a little unpredictable of what might happen when you do that, but it's relatively easy just because the baby sleeps all the time.
[00:19:39] And then as the baby starts waking up and moving more and crawling and having opinions and, or you know, like, breakdown tantrums. your restriction starts going more and more down. And, yeah, having, I've been fortunate to where [00:20:00] I got pregnant, and within seven weeks, three of my people also got pregnant.
[00:20:08] Like, right after me. Not all in Austin, but one, one here in Austin, and then two, one in LA that I went to school with, college, and then one that I became, like, online friends with that lives in San Diego, and they were all during that, like, waiting period, like, waiting to have kids, and I was like, y'all need to meet each other.
[00:20:26] Like, we're, you're all in this stage, you're all about to have a baby, and that, chat has now become the cute babies chat that is pinned to my phone. And it's like literally one of them just called me right this second. and it's just having community in this stage is so very key because yeah, it is sad.
[00:20:47] I've had some, I've had to process some people kind of like not, not showing up to events that I would used to. Used to show up to,and change my social [00:21:00] events from nighttime to daytime type events. And, you know, eventually come around to getting a babysitter. I haven't done that yet, but
[00:21:08] Cesar: yeah. It took me a while to, to, to adjust to that.
[00:21:11] and be okay with shifting to day events over night events. And one, one key thing that I mentioned is community, right? Yeah. You saw the need, you integrated these two friends, right? And you kind of created your own little circle. And that's important for moms and dads to realize that if you fill that gap, that need, you have the power to create that community, right?
[00:21:40] You don't need to wait, or you can integrate into whatever community there is in your city. Like you don't have to do this alone. Right. And that's very important to
[00:21:51] Amanda: please don't do it alone.
[00:21:53] Cesar: Please. Yeah, especially if you don't have support like a partner or in laws. Right. it's [00:22:00] especially if you don't have that support system.
[00:22:02] that's last question here are on motherhood. And then I want to shift gears into another segment. But let's say little math, you know, it's 30 years old, right? what, what's your vision? Like, what, what would you want him to remember the most about you? Like, what, what would you want him to say about who his mom is?
[00:22:27] Wow.
[00:22:28] Amanda: I would want him to say that I fully supported him and his uniqueness, and didn't try to mold him to be who I want him to be, but instead allowed him to explore his own identity and his own interests and was more like I heard this Statement at one point that our kids, we don't own our kids. We just get to go on this journey with them and we get to be the guides on this [00:23:00] journey for them.
[00:23:01] And I've really been taking that mindset of, okay. I like, yes, he's my kid, but like, I don't possess him. You know, I just get to, our souls get to align for a while as we move through this journey. And. I would hope that that's how he feels and obviously you got to set boundaries and stuff too, but you know That would be the bottom line the majority of the time.
[00:23:27] I hope he feels that
[00:23:29] Cesar: That's an amazing amazing vision to have and because I I have the same vision for for my kids as well i'm more like a travel guy than The dictator, you know, like, Hey, here's some dangerous. Here's some opportunities. Here's some challenges like you take him or not, right? Like, and I think you're doing an amazing job leading by example, right?
[00:23:52] being more. Or being authentic and invulnerable, you know, with your journey, which brings me to that to that [00:24:00] topic of authenticity, right? you know, we live in a world where, especially if you're a creator, right? You want to make friends with the algorithm, right? With the YouTube algorithm, with the social media.
[00:24:13] Algorithm, but at times you, you might feel like you have to sacrifice your authenticity, right? And I don't know, that doesn't sit well with me because I see, you know, beyond the superficial content, you know, and I don't know about you, but recently the, the content out there on TikTok and YouTube at times, it feels like it's all the same in terms of like how it's formatted and, and, you know, what's going to make you to, to click on it.
[00:24:46] and I wanted to ask you, right, like what, what advice would you have to, to those creators out there that, you know, maybe they're getting started, but they don't want to sacrifice. their authentic self, you know, to appease some algorithm. [00:25:00] Yeah,
[00:25:00] Amanda: this is definitely the journey and the focus that I am currently on, and I'm sharing the journey as I go on the channel, and I don't have it figured out.
[00:25:11] I would say that's the first thing that I would, I would say, but I have figured some things out here and there along the way. And You do need to know how the game is played in order to break the rules, right? That's like the first thing that, that's the rule that everyone says in all different industries.
[00:25:29] And so you have to learn what does the algorithm want? And then you have to, like this, the reason that I, I've come up with this concept of like, Oh, befriend the algorithm is because I was journaling one day. And it came out just like the resentment and the bitterness really that I felt towards not being seen, you know, in the algorithm.
[00:25:52] And it's like, okay, look, like the algorithm wants to get you out to more people. And how can I take ownership for [00:26:00] that? And. And not try to fit into a box, like in some ways, I feel like it's the fitting into the box of what the algorithm wants that actually ends up killing your momentum, which is interesting.
[00:26:16] I think for too long, I tried, I did what the algorithm wanted me to do. And it comes with the letting go process that like, another thing that I, another like mindset thing that I have is like, you can't have anything until you've let go of wanting it. Thank you. So I do this, like, letting go process where it's called the Sedona method.
[00:26:40] It's like, could you, would you win? Like, could you let go of the algorithm being your friend? Right? Like, could you let go of being. A giant YouTuber, let's say, and then would you, right? Cause could is kind of different [00:27:00] than would like, are you willing to, and then when, and then that's an opportunity to say right now, and you repeat that process over and over again, tie it with breath work and it really helps.
[00:27:11] And that was really the first thing. And I was like, okay, you know what? Like I am going to entirely let go of my YouTube channel. Making me money, doing anything like in my entire business is tied around the YouTube channel, right? And in my family relies on that income from the YouTube channel too. So that was an incredibly scary risk to take.
[00:27:34] But being okay with that allowed me to like loosen the reins on my own mind that allowed me to discover my authenticity. Because I don't think that we aim to be inauthentic. I think that we just don't know what authenticity looks like for us. And if you can give yourself, like, permission to [00:28:00] play and be in a sandbox without having to get results, that's where you're going to truly find it.
[00:28:06] So I think those are my two steps, is like, number one, like, learn the algorithm, learn what it takes, learn how the game is played, and then two, let go of the game for a little while and see what happens. And I think the two worlds meet like that's kind of where I'm, I've only four weeks into this new transition, I would say, and it's already feeling so much lighter because clarity comes with action, right?
[00:28:35] I say that all the time.
[00:28:37] Cesar: I love that so much. I love that. And yeah, being in the arena play, play the game, but don't attach yourself to a specific outcome or to a result, right? Just, just play and see, see what happens. Kind of watching, watching your kids, right? Like play. They don't have an angle in mind.
[00:28:52] They're just playing, right? And they discover, oh, this block can go on top of this block. Right? and this honestly, even this [00:29:00] podcast is me just stepping into the arena and playing, playing and see what happens. Right. See what conversation strikes with people. so thank you for playing with me, Amanda.
[00:29:09] I appreciate it.
[00:29:10] Amanda: Absolutely. No. Yeah. I love it. When you said you're doing a podcast, I was like, yes, let's go. I'm all about it.
[00:29:19] Cesar: Yeah. You know, it's, it's, it's one of the videos mentioned something about the individuality and the collective, and I have felt disconnected to the collective. And I think this podcast is one way of me putting that gap.
[00:29:34] Of connecting to the collective, but also sharing valuable conversations that I can then share with the collective and like maybe someone resonates, right? So it's, I've been feeling lonely. I've been feeling like, yeah, like, Hey, there's this gap, man. And that's what Zack inspires, inspires me. You inspire me.
[00:29:54] You know what? I need to be bolder and just take steps and ask for [00:30:00] people. For the time and, you know, if they were coming to podcast and, when I reached out to you, I was like, you know, all these negative thoughts come into your mind. It's like, oh man, Amanda is like way above like success, like right here.
[00:30:14] And she's probably going to think like, she's going to say no, or, you know, I'm going to waste her time. It's all these negative thoughts that I had to overcome just to make the ask. For you to, Hey, you know, we, we like to come. So just dealing with that, you know, it's part of the game as well.
[00:30:32] Amanda: A hundred percent.
[00:30:33] I always like, for some reason, this helps me so much, but whenever I feel imposter syndrome, I say, Brad Pitt has imposter syndrome. Like specifically I say it with him. I'm like, I don't know why I use him. And then I found out he's a projector with the channel of struggle, which is what my design is, but I digress.
[00:30:52] you know, it's like every single person out there that you respect. feels like, who am I [00:31:00] to do this? And what if people really, what it is, is what if people find out I'm a fraud, right? And I can't maintain it. And it's just like, you know what? I'm human and they're human. And can we just give ourselves permission to be human?
[00:31:17] Cesar: Yes, so much. I spent a lot of time on LinkedIn, and especially on LinkedIn, there's a lot of tactical advice, but I'm like, guys, I know there's a human beyond this LinkedIn profile, and I bet that you're, you, you have challenges, you have struggles, right? Which is part of the reason what prompted this, me to do this podcast.
[00:31:37] It's like, I want to see beyond people's... Labels and titles and explore their humanity
[00:31:43] Amanda: because you have the love of humanity. That's your whole thing. I do your design.
[00:31:49] Cesar: If I could make a living just going around and I'm not kidding, going around and just asking people for their story, where they've been.
[00:31:57] Why they do what they do, where they're [00:32:00] going, like that's me, I just, you know, just put me out into the world and just give me microphone and just asking people these questions.
[00:32:09] Amanda: And I think it's so important that we ask ourselves that question, you know, it's like, if I could do anything and money wasn't an obstacle, what would I be doing?
[00:32:18] I asked myself that question in December and it totally changed my trajectory of how I'm approaching this year, because I too feel that way. But from being behind the camera, interviewing people. And so like, I'm like, Oh, if I could do anything, I would, I would make a documentary on human design and I would go interview everyone that learned from the founder of human design, because they're all getting older and this information is going to go away.
[00:32:44] And so time is of the essence. And I was like, you know what, Amanda, like. Screw it. You have to make one video a week. Just start collecting the information now. And so I'm starting that process. So it's like, what's like the, the big vision and then what's the one step that you can take [00:33:00] towards it? Without needing to completely pivot, you know,
[00:33:03] Cesar: right.
[00:33:03] That's so important. 1, 1, 1 last thing that came to mind and then to wrap up the episode, I wanted to, rapid fire around. But 1 thing that came up while you were saying that. One of your most recent videos, I, I watched about documenting your journey. And man, that, that spoke to me so much. especially when you mentioned that your kids or grandkids would be able to have access to this information and get inspired or get more insights into who Amanda is and who, who Cesar is or was, I guess, you know, but It got me thinking too that I'm, I'm doing something similar, you know, I've been doing it for about two months.
[00:33:45] It's been inconsistent, but I've been recording my dad, kind of like a podcast episode, but, you know, just recording him and asking him questions about, about his life. And the idea [00:34:00] is that I want to have this library of. You know, content that I told about his, his backstory, right? unfortunately, I couldn't do it with my mom, you know, she passed away.
[00:34:10] And, but I want to do it with my dad, right? So I'm, I'm doing it. I'm documenting his journey. and the idea is exactly what you mentioned in that video. It's like, you know, I can listen to it. Lucia, my daughter can listen to it and just get insights into who they are, where they come from, you know, what the grandparents did.
[00:34:29] so I thought that was super, super timing that, you know, that they posted that video.
[00:34:34] Amanda: And good for you for doing that, you know, for taking the time to do that. I think that's amazing and so needed and, and I think it, it, it sadly does take losing someone before that. Desire kicks in like one of my biggest regrets wasn't interviewing my grandfather on video before he passed and then it's like, you know what, I'm going to interview everyone in my family and I've now done my [00:35:00] grandparents.
[00:35:01] and I need to do my mom and my dad as well. So I love that you're doing them. but yeah, it's so important. And, and then. You know, if we have that desire that the video that you were mentioning talks about how, well, if we value other people's stories, then why don't we value our own?
[00:35:17] Cesar: Yeah, man, it hit me like a, I don't know, it's just something that's bam, you know, and I'm already doing it, but it's like, it was validation, right?
[00:35:28] It validated what I have been feeling about, you know, sharing my own journey with my family. So thanks for, for, for putting it out there.
[00:35:37] Amanda: Yeah. And just a quick note on that. and I can see even what that video is called just so that people can, it's capture your legacy one video at a time. It's on the channel.
[00:35:46] the, the way that that video came about, I had no idea. What I was going to say when I said that in front of the camera, I had no idea what the title of that video was going to be, you know, I had[00:36:00] like Maverick had just gone down for a nap. I had set up the camera while Maverick was like, still with me and.
[00:36:08] And it's like a four minute one take video, you know, where I was just going to document my story and I just like sat down with a cup and then I started talking about why the importance of documentation and then I was like, Oh, that's a video right there. Okay, you know, whatever. So I think that kind of ties into the, that authenticity and how to, how it's knowing how to package a video like that is where the game comes in, but the video itself was not strategic.
[00:36:37] I
[00:36:38] Cesar: love that. And then. All the comments that followed it, it just resonated with people so much, you know, so, well, thanks for that. all right, ready to do a rapid fire round to let's do it. Yeah. All right. First question. One book that has influenced your
[00:36:55] Amanda: life. E myth revisited
[00:36:59] Cesar: by,[00:37:00] what's his name?
[00:37:00] Amanda: Gerber. Yeah. Michael Gerber, like systematized things.
[00:37:04] Cesar: Yeah, systems, man. You know, it's, it's, it's my Achilles heel. Yeah, it's critical though, right? Because otherwise it's unsustainable.
[00:37:13] Amanda: yeah, I'd say that's what kicked everything off for me.
[00:37:15] Cesar: Yeah. All right. Next question. One of the most worthwhile investments that you've made, and when I say investments, right, it could be financial, it could be a physical thing, or it could be a relationship.
[00:37:27] Amanda: Investing in myself, I really value investing in myself in terms of giving myself a runway to accomplish something entrepreneurially. you know, we have savings for a reason. You use them. It's okay. You know, also buying courses, booking coaching calls. I value people, like I was just telling someone, I was like, oh man, I, and this is rapid fire, but I like, I've spent so much money on coaches [00:38:00] recently as I've just been figuring out what to do and where to go.
[00:38:03] And it's like, yeah, whatever. Do it. You're worth, you're worth the investment. So I'd say that's my best investment.
[00:38:11] Cesar: I love that. And I know this is rapid fire too, but one quick question around coaching, like why, why coaching?
[00:38:17] Amanda: Why invest in coaching? It's so rare to be able to talk about yourself. For an extended period of time and therapy is a great way to do that, right? And, and I do value therapy, like talk therapy. I haven't done it recently. I think I've leaned more into the coaching thing. Partially because a lot of my angst and issues come from very like niche type topics, like human design, like understanding that deeper or.
[00:38:50] Business and online marketing. And so in some ways, coaches are filling a similar role to therapists without like, I [00:39:00] guess, you know, they're not diving into your past, right. They have. It's a different modality, but I've just been pulled more as of right now into those areas and I'm definitely feeling the calls to go back to true, true therapy as well, but that's just kind of been the focus for
[00:39:16] Cesar: now.
[00:39:16] Yeah. One mistake I've made with, with coaching in the past is getting coaches that don't have the experience in the specific path that I'm on. and man, it's, it's cost me a lot to learn that lesson, but, but now I know it's like, you know, if I'm on the podcasting path, right. I should get a coach. That's probably five, 10 years ahead of me.
[00:39:36] Right. And learn from them. So, just wanted to mention that
[00:39:39] Amanda: when people come to me and they're like, I want to start a podcast. I'm like, I'm not your person.
[00:39:43] Cesar: That's thanks for being honest. Yeah,
[00:39:47] Amanda: I'm like, I can help you if you want to do a video podcast, but like, even that is not my profession, like not my expertise, you know, so yeah, I think that's great.
[00:39:57] That's so true. All
[00:39:58] Cesar: right. Next question. quote [00:40:00] that you think of often or life model that you live by?
[00:40:04] Amanda: Clarity comes with action. There's a big one. I love it. I love it. And overwhelm and action can't coexist. So if you're living in overwhelm, click into action.
[00:40:16] Cesar: yes, because through action, you'll, you'll discover, you know, and get insights into it.
[00:40:20] Amanda: Yeah. I mean, that's a very business one. I have other person like
[00:40:24] Cesar: whatever. Those are great. You know, especially the action one, because a lot of times we can get stuck in the courses or the watching videos or the listen to podcasts, you know, and confused motion for action. Yes. All right. Next question. In the last Let's say 12 months, one habit that you have put in place that has made a big impact.
[00:40:48] Amanda: Oh gosh, during the first, the first year of motherhood, what's a habit that I've introduced? No, I've introduced many. I would say, okay, yeah, [00:41:00] being fully present when I am with Maverick, not trying to double task, you know, like if I'm changing a diaper, I don't want to be thinking about business. Like, how can I shut that part off of my, as much as possible and just be fully there and just soak in the moment and, and know that this doesn't last forever.
[00:41:21] That's really been, I would say the biggest focus of mine over the last year. And I guess, I guess that's a habit, but all of their habits were broken going to the gym, even meditation. I've tried to reintroduce that recently. It's just. Yeah. Everything goes out the window.
[00:41:37] Cesar: No, but the one I'm being present, it's something that I'm,I'm working on this man.
[00:41:43] It's, it's so important to just be present when you, when you were a kid, right, it could be an hour, it could be 10 minutes, whatever it is, but, thanks for being honest with that one. Yeah. all right. And last question here to, to wrap up, what would be your number one advice or takeaway that you would like our [00:42:00] listeners to, to absorb, you know, as it relates to their moments of pivot moments of transition, perhaps they're on their creative journey.
[00:42:09] and they're feeling, you know, stuck,
[00:42:12] Amanda: you know, I'm one, one trick pony right now. I'd say, look into human design. If it, it all speaks to you. Seriously, it has just been so life transformational for me. And even if you're like so many people, they say, Oh, I'm just a generator. It's like, no, no, no, you're a generator.
[00:42:32] Like being a generator is amazing. You can, you have so many gifts and abilities and there's so many nuances to being a generator or manifesting generator. Really, everyone wants to be that, you know, in a way, all the other types, so I just, I think if it, if it speaks to you, lean in, I would highly recommend doing your reading rather than trying to self study it, you'll just get further along, at least initially.
[00:42:57] And then you can see if it's even for you or not. It's not for [00:43:00] everyone. and then if you do a reading, like really experiment with it, because if you don't experiment. Then it just stays in the mind and you won't experience the frequency within your body. And that's where the true power comes from. So yeah, that'd be my number one tip.
[00:43:15] If you're wanting clarity or looking for, I don't want to say like looking for answers, but wanting to deeply know yourself. I think that there's a lot of power that can come from that. And this is a tool that allows you to do it.
[00:43:34] Cesar: I love that. And we'll make sure to, to link it in the show notes. and I personally got in,guidance from Amanda.
[00:43:41] So, you know, it's, it's definitely, a powerful tool. you might not fully understand it at the beginning, but the more you dive deep into it, the more you get to recognize. Patterns of yourself, right? So highly, highly recommend it.
[00:43:55] Amanda: also says the man that's all about the patterns real quick before we [00:44:00] wrap.
[00:44:00] Is there anything like that lands for you? Like what have, cause I think. People even seeing because even if you haven't fully integrated it into your life, there's probably one thing or something that stood out possibly. Yeah.
[00:44:13] Cesar: man, that's a good question. I think I don't remember exactly what, what we discovered, but one of the things that I can't seem to let go is this need of create this, this, this need of like connect with people and create conversations and.
[00:44:33] Going beyond the superficial going deeper. you know, I've been trying to like, oh, you know, it's nothing but finally I was like, you know what? I need to let this out. Otherwise it's going to eat away at me. And I asked myself the question, you know, if 10, 20 years down the road, you know, what would you regret?
[00:44:51] And one of the things was not giving my creative side an outlet. just because I want to follow [00:45:00] like the safe path. so, yeah, you know, that's a long winded answer
[00:45:04] Amanda: to your question. I love it. No, that's a great answer. It's so good.
[00:45:08] Cesar: Awesome. I know where, if people want to get a hold of you, what's the best way for them to reach out to you?
[00:45:15] Yeah. Oh, don't reach out, you know? Yeah, yeah,
[00:45:19] Amanda: yeah.
[00:45:20] Cesar: I'm in a, I'm in a transition period or I'm in a, you know, not connection period.
[00:45:26] Amanda: No, just kidding. So it's interesting. I'll start fresh. So it's interesting because I like very purposefully kind of cut, tried to shut down, like, almost Tim Ferriss method.
[00:45:40] Conversations without them being paid in a way. Cause I just tend to guide people for free. Often I have, when I look at my screen time, I spend 10 hours a week in my messages. So like community is a huge thing. I no longer really am active on Instagram.[00:46:00] so really. You know, it sounds kind of weird, but it's like, if someone really wants to connect in and soak up the wisdom, it's looking at either my online course and joining the other community.
[00:46:12] And then I'm very active. I pour into my people for that. You know that. And, or book a coaching call with me and we can deep dive a human design reading is another way of doing that. And then I also do offer one to one coaching for YouTube and human design combined. and I'm. I don't take on very many clients from that.
[00:46:33] So I would say those are kind of my methods, but otherwise thought like go on the YouTube channel, subscribe to the YouTube channel, join the email list, join the, either the quick start guide to human design, learn about that, or watch, my main core webinar training, which is how to overcome self doubt master video and, you know, share your message online.
[00:46:58] and you could find those [00:47:00] in all of the descriptions of my YouTube videos and then you can just kind of, you know, always like hit reply on the emails of the newsletter. I respond to those for sure. And the comments on YouTube as well. So you can definitely reach me. I'm available. But. I've, I've kind of moved away from the DMS a little bit.
[00:47:19] Cesar: Thank you for such a, insightful, sharing, you know, how to get in contact, not, not just how to get in contact with you, but how to support your work. Right. And you mentioned very different avenues, like in the comments section on YouTube, on the email list, a course. which, you know, I, I'm a part of the alumni of Amanda's video course.
[00:47:40] yeah, you know, just, just showing support in those different ways. Like there's, there's not, cause a lot of times people think that creators are like these gods, you know, that sit on this pedestal and they're unreachable. but there's a reason for that. Right. Right. It's like. Creators want to reserve their time and energy for the people that are [00:48:00] committed to their journey, right?
[00:48:02] And to their work, right? So if you can show that You're at least on the email list, or maybe in the comment section that you're active there, the chances of you getting a reply, right, from Amanda or from other creators out there, increase, right, because Amanda says, Oh, you know, this, these are the guides I've been supportive since.
[00:48:20] You know, my journey. So thanks for sharing that. most people are like, Oh yeah, send me a DM. You know, they don't reply.
[00:48:26] Amanda: Right. No, exactly. And, and I'm still very like approachable. Like it's someone just recently commented on one of my videos. It was like, Hey, we're doing a human design meetup on Friday.
[00:48:38] Or he was like, Hey, I actually, I want to respond to you about this video that you just created and kind of give you some insights of maybe some things that you missed. And I was like, Oh yeah, sure. Hit me up on Voxer. So I sent him my Voxer. He messaged me on Voxer. And then, you know, we had a back and forth and he's like, yeah, we're doing a human design meetup on Friday.
[00:48:54] You should come. And so then I met up with him and we had like an hour long conversation. So it's just like, yeah, [00:49:00] it's finding that overlap and, and. as you know, be respecting the energy that you have and the life stage that you're in, which for me is motherhood. And so there's a limited time already.
[00:49:12] So anyway. Awesome.
[00:49:13] Cesar: Awesome. Well, thanks so much for coming on the show and sharing your journey with us. but yeah, I appreciate you. And, yeah, maybe we'll record a future episode about a different stage.
[00:49:23] Amanda: Yeah. Well, congratulations on launching. Thanks so much for having me.
[00:49:27] Cesar: all right. I hope you enjoyed this episode and thank you so much for listening all the way through. I appreciate you. And I hope that you get some valuable information that you can apply to our personal and professional life. If this story resonated with you and you would like to support the podcast.
[00:49:51] Please make sure to subscribe. So you don't miss out on any future episodes. Thank you so much for the opportunity. I appreciate you. And I look forward [00:50:00] to serving you in the next episode.