Reading the Bible Cover to Cover in 365 Days

Commentary on the following books of the Bible:
John: Chapter 8 
Hosea: Chapters 13-14
Proverbs 12

What is Reading the Bible Cover to Cover in 365 Days?

This is a podcast sharing thoughts and insights for the accompanying the daily reading schedule for the book, Reading the Bible Cover to Cover in 365 Days.

Welcome to day 343 of Reading the Bible Cover to Cover in 365 Days!

Let us pray:
O Lord, thank You for the wisdom in Your Word. Thank You for teaching through Your Word. Help us hear the message You have for us today. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Let’s see what Jesus is teaching in John chapter 8!

We read the story about the woman caught in adultery. Jesus shows us what to do when others sin. We should first recognize that we are sinners and have compassion for the sinner. In verse 11, Jesus said, “I do not condemn you either. Go on your way, and from now on, sin no more.” We see His heart full of compassion here. Then in verse 15, He said, “You [set yourselves up to] judge according to the flesh (by what you see). [You condemn by external, human standards.] I do not [set Myself up to] judge or condemn or sentence anyone.” We can assume that we are just as judgmental today as the people were in Jesus’ day because we, too, are human. Let us pray that the Lord keeps us from judging others and pray for the strength to avoid temptation when it comes knocking at our door.

In verse 24, Jesus tells the people they will die in their sins if they don’t believe in Him. They didn’t believe in Him and even grabbed stones to stone Him, just like they wanted to stone the woman at the beginning of the chapter. Human nature is to become angry when we are faced with opposition. May we put down our stones and lead with Jesus’s compassion.

Let’s see what we can learn in Hosea Chapter 13!

Verse 1 is underlined in my Bible because it warns us what happens when we sin. It says, “When Ephraim spoke with trembling, he exalted himself in Israel; but when he offended and became guilty in Baal worship, he died [spiritually, and then outward ruin came also, sealing Israel’s doom as a nation].” When we sin, we die spiritually, and if we don’t repent and change our ways, we also experience ramifications of our sins in the physical realm. It may present itself in finances, health, or relationships. Verse 2 tells us that sin breeds more sin, so once we dip our toe in the water of sin, we will likely jump in with both feet. Jesus preached repentance and belief in Him. May God continually draw us closer to Him so we turn to Him at all times instead of allowing the world to allure into its sin.

Verse 6 tells us they forgot about God as He fed and grew them as a nation. Though we may be tempted to judge them, we have the same human tendencies. When things are going well, we tend to forget that we must lean into the Lord and depend on Him. We start relying on our strength and think we are making things happen when it is God Who blesses us, not the world and not the world. May we lean on Him during good times and bad.

In verse 9, we read that the Israelites’ independence and turning away from God led to their destruction. Verse 15 tells us that God planned and did use Assyria to bring about the destruction.

In chapter 14, Hosea prays that Israel would return to the Lord, confess their sins, and ask for forgiveness. They will finally recognize that Assyria cannot save them. The Lord says He will heal their faithlessness. This shows us that God will help us overcome our sins. So many times, we think we have to overcome our weaknesses on our own, but we cannot. Just as Israel could not heal itself, we cannot either. God sent His Son to allow to heal us from our iniquities and make us right before Him. His plan to sacrifice His Son is for everyone, including the Jewish nation.

Let’s see what wisdom Solomon shares with us in Proverbs 12!

Again, we see the wicked compared to the righteous. Here are some of the advantages of the righteous.

A good man obtains favor from the Lord.
The righteous shall never be moved.
The house of the righteous shall stand.
The righteous yields richer fruitage.
The righteous shall come out of trouble.
There is joy for the counselors of peace.
Those who deal faithfully are God’s delight.
An encouraging word makes a heart glad.
The righteous man is a guide to his neighbor.
The diligent man gets precious possessions.
Life is found in righteousness.

Finally, verse 8 says, “A man shall be commended according to his Wisdom [godly Wisdom, which is a comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God].” May we continue seeking God and His ways and pray for obedience to follow Him.

Let us pray:
O Lord, thank You for Your Word that teaches us to believe in You and Your Son. Help us lean into You and Your Word and continue to learn of You and Your ways. Father, help us be obedient to You. Keep our hearts soft toward You so we hear Your gentle whispers and walk in Your ways. Keep us Your, Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.