
Welcome to crub's Overrated/Underrated Quiz! Nicco polled 22 members of YOU, our audience, on a random assortment of topics to see if you felt they were overrated or underrated. Now, our esteemed crubbers must guess which way each topic leaned.

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00:00 We explain the game we're playing
04:01 The first round BEGINS
25:14 The second round BEGINS
36:35 The third round BEGINS (Nicco's Rules)
48:02 The course of history is changed
1:00:42 History is decided

Creators & Guests

Chris is the owner of the MykonosFan channel on YouTube. He hasn't been to Mykonos.
Nicco is the artist behind AllHailBuckets, his personal music project. He has a TikTok.
Sean is the owner of the Wolfkaosaun channel on Twitch. Talk to him about Garfield.
Trav is the owner of the That Trav Guy channel on YouTube. He T-posed once. Once.

What is Crubcast?

The Crubcast is a weekly podcast tackling various gaming and life topics with a touch of controlled chaos.

Nicco is holding me at gunpoint.

Nicco, why do you have a gun on me?

Well, because you asked me for it.

That's true.

Folks, that's right.

Everyone is asking for this episode of the Crubcast.

Welcome back, ladies, gentlemen, everyone in between and outside.

My name is AllHellBuckets.

I'm here with Chris Mekinos fan.

Hi, that's me.

I just fixed our video thing.

What's up with that?

Hope no one saw that.

I'm here with Sean Wolfkaosuan.

My grandma is also someone who put a gun to my head to make sure I did this video because she wanted it really, really badly.

Yep, we hired her and Trav.

And finally, we're here with Trav Guy, that Trav Guy.


I would have hired Sean's grandma, but I couldn't.



Well, he couldn't because I she was on another job and it was for me.


Anyway, anyway, today, folks, we are here.

We have a little treat for you.

We haven't done like a little game in a while, and I figured it was a good time to do a little game.

So we're doing Crubs overrated or underrated.

That's right.

I've compiled a list of 20 items, at which point I put out a survey in our Discord, which you can access at, for absolutely everything.

You'll hear more about that, perhaps, a little bit later.

And we got 22 responses, and we are here.

You guys are going to guess if the audience said these things are overrated or underrated.

22 responses means the possibility for a 50-50 is there.

But, ultimately, would you guys like me to explain the rules now?


No, but I think you should.

Actually, you should explain it at the end of the show.

At the end of the video, right?



Well, I will go ahead and explain the rules really quickly.

So, you guys are going to go around and guess whether you think the audience said these things are overrated or underrated.

They're also going to give me a percent split that you think it is.


You get a point for being correct on the overrated or underrated portion, and you also get a point for being the closest to the actual distribution that we have.


There is another section in this, but I will explain the rules to that as we get there.

The third and final rule, and this rule is across the whole quiz, is that if you get the split exactly right, you get one extra point.


So, that can really...

This is like a litmus test for how well we know our audience.

Is this like split the room from the hit game jack box?


Could be, actually.

Yeah, it might be.

They might have...

Well, you know, comment below if you would like us to play split the room from the hit game jack box on


And with that out of the way, folks, how are you guys?

I was going to ask, do we have to tally our own points, right?

Yeah, tally your own points.

I'm going to try my best to keep track as well, but...

You can trust me.

You should not trust me.

You know, if you guys...


Electric, kill him.

If you guys, I mean, look, it's the honor system at the end of the day, whatever you can sleep with at night, go for it.

I can't sleep.

Yeah, I don't know how to sleep.

I was pulled an all-nighter and then slept 16 hours.



Yeah, I slept like all of yesterday, dude.



I wish I could do that, man.

I've slept like 12 hours before.

But never 16.

That is that's awesome.

I wish I could sleep for 16 hours.

That is underrated.

Well, speaking of overrated or underrated fellas, first of all, how are we feeling going into this?

Who, you know, Chris, do you think you're going to win?

I have anxiety.

So maybe we'll see how it channels.

That's a good short right there.

just like Chris, do you think you're going to win?

Now it's an even better short.

Now that you called it out.

Yeah, now that you called it out, actually make that the short.

I'm calling it out to edit.


Sean, do you think you're...

Sean, what are your chances of winning?



All right.

That's pretty good.

Out of ten?

I don't know.

just seven.


You know, Sean is a no denominator type of guy.

No, denominator is pretty dumb.

I think Sean is pretty fluid with his denominators.

Trav, how are you feeling?

What are your odds of winning?

Roll a d20.

Oh, I have one, actually.

It's three.


Oh, it's three.

I was going to bring out mine.

Well, Trav did roll a d20, so Trav has a denominator, unlike our undenominator friend Sean and our known non-numeric friend Chris.

So, folks, without further to do, should we get started with this thing?

How are you guys feeling?

We're good?

I'm here.

Let's go.

I'm afraid.

So, okay, we're starting off with the first one, and Trav, we're going to start with you.

The first one, you guys all knew, this is just a warm up question.

This is obligatory.

It is what it is.

Nickelback, folks, we have Nickelback.

Trav, what do you think the audience?

Well, first of all, what do you think of Nickelback, Trav?

Overrated, underrated?



All right.

And what do you think the audience?

Or can I say like in between?

What do you think the audience says?

That is the real.

They're probably going to say, you know what?

I'm given benefit of the doubt.

I think they're going to say underrated.

All right.

All right.

So Travis has underrated.

And what's what percentage do I have to write down that I wrote down underrated or just the score that I get?

This is for just tally up your score.



And what is your what number did you what number do you think it is?

Travis, what percent do you think said underrated percent?

Oh, 60.

All right.

Travis says 60.

Chris, we'll go to you next.

I should have come to you first.

Nickelback, do you think they're underrated?

This is a tough one, because the Nickelback public opinion, I think, has swayed like a pendulum over time.

And I don't know where we're at right now.

I feel like sometimes it's fun to hate Nickelback, and sometimes people are like, no, man, they're cool.

Screw you guys.

So I'm going to say underrated, and help me out here.

40% would be 40% of the audience said they're underrated, right?

We're not doing like the scale of underrated.

That is just the audience.

Yeah, no, yeah.


I mean, it adds up to 100.

They only had two options.

The only options were overrated and underrated.

And I can't...

Can I steal Travis' answer?

That'd be fun.

No, you cannot steal Travis' answer.


Let me say 67%.


All right.

All right.

And Sean, last but not least.

Nicco Back was the first concert I ever went to back in 2006.


I saw them with Bon Jovi.

Very weird time.

But anyway, it's weird.

It is weird.

Not at all my style of music, but my parents wanted to go.

I'm going to go with...

I'm going to go with Underrated, because I feel like they're having that swing that Creed had, because for a while, Creed was pretty cringe to a lot of people.

They're dumb.

But now we're seeing, like, the Creed Uprising.

I feel like Nicco Back is close to having that, especially with, like, you know, their older albums.

I'm going to go...

Creed Uprising.

Creed Uprising, baby.

But I think that it's going to be pretty close.

I'm going to go with 52%, said, Underrated.

All right, folks.

We're smacking in the same range here as what I'm hearing.

Yeah, I have my...

I have the...

Would you like to hear the results?

Or would you like to wait until the end?

No, see, do it now.

No, I think now is the best time.

Yeah, of course.

OK, Trav.

Trav, you said Underrated.

Chris, everyone said Underrated.

And you were all correct.

So you all get one point.


Trav was the closest with...

So Trav said 60.

And it is 63.6.

Actually, no, I lied.

Chris would be closer.

Chris is closest by 0.1.

I did my math wrong.

Chris is closest by 0.1.


So, Chris, congratulations on your two points.

What was the number?

It was 63.6.


Goodness gracious.

You're closer by like, yeah, like 0.1.

Yeah, if it had been if it had been 63.4, Trav would have gotten it.

I'm not putting any points into this stuff.

I think he deliberately swerved the funny number and went down two points then.

Yeah, honestly.


It's a way to go.

It's a way to go.

All right, folks, moving on to the next one.

What we got.

Now we're starting to get into some gaming.

Elden Ring.

Elden Ring is the next one.

Oh, never heard of it.

So, Chris, you are up first for this one.

Oh, jeez.


Yeah, I am rotating.

I'm rotating who starts first.

Chris, you're up first.

Over and over again.

Twitch chat here.

Are these people who would like Elden Ring or not get it?

I'm going to say no cheating, no cheating.

I don't know.

How are we going to cheat?

No one said their answers.

I was just like, are these people nerds or are they jocks?

I think these people would find Elden Ring overrated.

Which I think by default means I have to say at least 50 percent.

So I'm going to say 52 percent said overrated.

All right, because I feel like it was close.

Oh, sorry.

All right.

Chris thinks it's close.

Sean overrated, underrated Elden Ring.

What I think people voted is going to be overrated.

It's the Elden Ring is a top 20 game for me of all time.

So that hurts to say, but I feel like I feel like that I'm going to go.

I'm going to go 72 percent said overrated.

Yeah, I say 72 percent.

All right.

And Trav, last but not least.

I mean, what do you I'm going to I think I'm in a similar boat, but I'm going to raise up a bit.

I'm going to say just with how the Internet is that a large amount said overrated.

I'm going to go.

I'm going to go 80 percent.

We do have the principle of being like a year or so out of the game.

And everyone's like, I was overrated.

You know, wasn't that good?

Yeah, that was the worst thing I've ever played.

And also the DLC, not a lot of people, not a lot of people vibe with the DLC that I've actually know.

That's more so the story driven people.

And I will argue with them.

But anyway, right.

So folks, I have some good news.


You are all correct.

Once again, everyone said overrated.


Now, Chris, you said 52.

So you thought it was close.

Sean and Trav did not agree with you.

And Chris, you are unfortunately incorrect.

Sean, you are also incorrect.


Trav, you get two points because the split was 81.8% overrated.

Our audience hates Souls.

No, no, no, it's not hate.

It's just they think it's overrated.

The thing is, a lot of non-Souls players got into Elden Ring at one time.

And whenever a lot of people do any one thing at one time, everyone calls it overrated.

So like, yeah.


Remember Undertale?

Actually Undertale, that's a different story.

Anyway, I have a question.

Was there a form where people could elaborate on their thoughts, or was it strictly data?

Strictly data.


I was curious to dissect if there was the ability to on this one.

I'm lookin at pie charts.

That's all that matters to me.

I'm lookin at literal pie charts.

Alright folks, moving on to the next one.



Oh, this is a good one.

Hideo Kojima and Sean were starting with you.

You slut.

I love Kajumbo.

Oh my gosh.

Do I think they'd say, oh my gosh, everybody don't know.

You just left to the same cadence as the opening to the Castle theme to the from Mario 3.

I like that.


Well, I'm going to say, oh gosh.

I'm going to say underrated barely.

I'm going to go 54 percent underrated.

All right.

All right.

And Trav, you're up next.

What do you Kojima?

We're going.

It goes.

It goes.

It goes.

Trav, Chris, Sean, Swirjar.

That's the order.

That's right.

I knew that.

Oh, man.

So I love Kajumbo, but I won't lie.

I know a lot of people think it's overrated.

They see Death Stranding and just go, this is just some guy just slopping about with their pants full of eyeballs.

But you know, that's I want to think better from our audience, but I don't.

So I'm going to say 80% said overrated.

Oh, OK.

All right.

And last but not least, Chris, where are we at in Kojima?

Where do you stand on Kojima?

Chris Michael knows, fan.

What are we doing?

I personally think he is appropriately rated.

I just think the people who don't like him are very, very loud.


Amen to that, sister.

To the extent that I would expect the responses to this to be overrated, because I feel like he's just been such a persistent figure in gaming that forever, that if you're not a lover, your immediate thought is like, man, I never stop hearing about that guy.

So overrated.

Sixty four percent.


All right.

All right.

I have to do some math here.

Ha, yes, Kajumbo, Kajumbo.

You just sound like a cute neutron.

Well, no, Kajumbo, I loved Kajumbo kids back in my day.

We couldn't get enough of them.

I don't like this looking at man's face.

Jimmy Neutron, Jimmy Neutron, she's just been Kojima the entire time.

I just can't stop thinking about it, Jimbo.

Brings me back.

Brings me back.

That's terrible.


Sorry, I actually have to do some math here.

How dare you?

Better you than me.



Uh, Sean, you said-



And you are not correct.

So Chris and Trav, you guys get points.


I love points.

You guys did it again where you split the number evenly, and it has been decided by mere decimals.

Oh, so Chris said 64 and Trav said 72 or Trav said 80.


The real the real number is 72.7, making Trav making Trav the extra point.

Wait, so I get two points?

Yes, two points.

So as of right now, I have the point totals at five for Trav.


Four for Chris and two for Sean.


So, Sean, you got it.

You got to start getting on there, buddy.

What are you doing?

It's all good.

Look, look, it's all good.

I don't know numbers.

Numbers don't exist to me.

They're dumb.

Never hire this man as an accountant.

Yeah, right.

You'll get money somehow.


I mean, that sounds good.


Yeah, that's good to me.

You'll get money somehow.

It's like, all right.

Yeah, you'll get money somehow.

I have a heart.

Yeah, I have a.

Never mind.

I'm not going to say my job.


And next.


So, Sean, you just went first.

So Trav is up next.

Trav, your prompt is the GameCube controller overrated or underrated.

Oh, you know, with our audience, that's kind of tough.

Yeah, don't worry.

These actually get easier as the game goes on.

I'm going to say overrated, but not by a lot.

I'm going to say overrated by 65 percent.

All righty.

And next up is Chris.

just for the sake of us not all answering the same, I'm going to say underrated 48 percent.

Though I think I agree with Trav.

Seventeen shots.

Wait, underrated 48.

So you think it's overrated?

I don't know how this works.


So if it's less than 50, you'd be saying the other one.

But at the end, your number is always going to be higher than 50.


50 or higher, basically.

52 percent.



And then, last but not least, Sean, the GameCube controller.

Gosh, I know people love that thing.

I used to bring my GameCube controller to Smash Tournaments back in the day.

Controller truth.

I'm going to say I don't know where I stand on it, to be honest with you.

I actually don't like.

I'm going to say underrated.

And I'm going to go.

68% because I think people really love that thing.

Yeah, right.

Like when I think back to being a kid, I love it, but I don't really like it as much these days.

I'm killing you.

Yeah, I'm going with the nostalgia there.

That's why I'm like, you know, 68% people want to bring that thing to Smash Tournaments.

Let's go.

So fellas, I'm not going to lie, you guys all had the right idea here in that it was very close.

However, there's only one person with points this round, and it is Trav.

Trav, you get two points by default.

Ooh, spot on?

No, he was just closest.


17 shot, though, 30, yes.


He was just closest, because like, his...


That's fine.

because you guys were under...


Think about the optics, man.

I don't think.

Think about the optics.

So true, bestie.

I'm just here.

I think you only...

No, wait, do you get the points for being closest?


If you don't know, who knows?

Yeah, you said that.

Yeah, you get...

That's the whole thing this has been going on.

I just trust Nicco.

Whatever Nicco says, I'm going with it.

Honestly, yeah, it's...

I'm just...

I'm going to do it that way.

If you are...

If you're right...

If you're right and the other two are wrong, you have to be correct to get the extra point.

I'm not a correct person.


So you have to be correct to get the extra point.


I mean, I already...

So it's...

Okay, okay.

Well, hold on.

The thing is, I just like...

I'm like, man, I did...

I made the mistake of not having a calculator here with me, thinking that I could just do all of this as mental math, and I absolutely cannot.

That's a mistake.


I can't believe this.

Well, you know, it is what it is, man.

Here, hold on.

Let's let's see.

Let's see.

So Chris said 52.

Sean said, I was off, does it matter?

And Trav said.

Sixty five.

So actually, I lied.

I lied.

Chris got the extra.

Chris got the point for being closest.

Why am I even doing this?


So so yeah, sorry, I should have took it off to my own.

I should have stuck to my own rules and I am.

So I got an extra point for being closest.

Yes, you got a point for being real.

I don't know where that came from.

I'm sorry.

What was that?

Oh, my God.

I have a good mood today.

Have you not heard that sin before?


No, you got one.

You got one.

Trav got one.




Love this game so much.

You just got one.

Trav just got one.



So now the point total.

One, two, three, four, five, six.

Trav has six and Chris, you have five.

Sean has two.

Piss off.

Okie dokie.

And and the last the last one of round one.


Is is Drew Carey.

And who OK.

Who who just went first?

Travis went first.

Chris, you're up.

What is this?

Drew, Drew Carey, what is Drew Carey for 20 points?

Sean put Drew Carey in by personal by personal request.

What did I do that?

When I proposed the idea, you were like, OK, but they you were like, OK, but they have to meet this one criteria that you'll see later on.

I did write down Drew Carey.

Why did I do that?

I wonder how many people assumed Drew Carey and just didn't know who Drew Carey was.

I'd say I can only go off of Who's Line era because he kind of went to the TV show host game and just kind of living life, right?


I'm going to say underrated.

I felt like he never got his due due to being the host on Who's Line.

He's always behind the desk, you know.

It's a Drew Carey show.


That show was on sometimes.

It was OK.


60 what?


Thank you.

All right.

And who's up next?

It is Sean.


I like Drew Carey.

You chose him.

I don't know why.

I really don't know why Drew Carey came to mind because he never does.

But I'm going to go.

What's your name, Steph Curry?


Steph Curry?

I'm going to go underrated, and I'm going to go...

You know what, I feel like a lot of people are going to say this.

I think I'm going to go 88%.

Bring back the Drew Carey show, and the only thing I remember about that show is when they would yell Cleveland Rocks, and then the radio stations around me would play Cleveland Sucks whenever we would play the Browns.



And Traff?

What do you think?

I'm going to say underrated, but not by a lot.

I'm going to say underrated by like 55.

Sorry, overrated, overrated.

My bad.


I'm going to say overrated.

A dissenting voice.



All right, folks, are you ready to hear the results?



Well, we have.

I am pleased to announce that somebody got it exactly correct.

Somebody got it exactly correct this round.

We're giving away our first, like, second bonus point.

So Sean and Chris, you guys both got it correct.

It is underrated.

And Chris, you got it exactly on the money.

Sixty three percent.

Ah, I'd like to thank all the people I had to step on to get here.

Is that a barnyard quote?

Yeah, is it?

That's a quote from a barnyard movie.

There's no way that is.

Tom Kenny says it.

He says, I'd like to thank all the tiny people I had to step on to get here.

Step barnyard, step on.

Why did I find your step on me?


Barnyard, step on me for more information.

Alexa, search off.

I wrote down barnyard step on.

Oh, and it just says step mom of the birthday boy and then barn.

So that's like eight points for me, right?

Step on.

Let's see.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight for Chris.

One, two, three, four, five, six for Trav and three for Sean.

That's fine.

We're coming back.

I have seven.

Now, wait, one, two, three, four, five.

Do I get three points?

You got the extra point for it being closer.

The extra point for being right on and then the point for getting it correct.

You said the first second point.

So I was like, oh, the second, second, the first second extra point.

So I believe the first time you got it right, it's for me.

I'm going with it.

It's thank you for this time, Kevin.

It's the first time you got it right on.

Anyway, folks, we are a quarter of the way through this thing.


How are we looking on time?

That is a good question.

I'm here.

I'm ready to win.


So we got to speed it up.

We do got to speed it up.

So that's that's good, actually.


I've been taking it kind of slow.

Round two, folks, is Popery.

This this round is anything.

The first the first round was gaming or media.

Rather, first round was media.

I was like, how is you carry gaming?

And the second round is Popery.

So up first up first is Sean.

And it is the question is soup.



That's it.

It's soup.


Overrated or underrated?



Underrated 69 percent.

OK, Sean says underrated at 69 percent.

All right.

And next up, Trav, what do you think?

Not enough people like soup.

It's it's people think it's too much for them.

They can't handle the texture.

I'm going to say they think it's overrated by 72 percent.

That wasn't the funny number.

All right.

I have my finger in the pulse.

And last but not least, Christopher.

I think 90 percent of the 22 people said that soup is overrated.

It's a monstrous concoction.

No one likes soup.

I'm killing you.

Where you stand.


All right, folks.

This one, this is a good round because Sean was the only one who was correct.

Let's go.

They said the crowd said underrated.

They they said underrated and they said underrated by 72 percent said underrated.

So I got both points.

Yeah, you get two points.

Oh, my gosh.

We're coming back, baby.

because mainly because society is a matter.

Chris's and Travis were very far from.

That's fine.

Society is fixed.

We're very far from the numbers.

It's fixed.

Yeah, it's fine.

Society is fixed.

OK, folks, the next one, we are the next one is crummy.

It's crub.

OK, it's crub overrated or underrated.

This is an egoic one.

I don't think there's a way to answer this while looking good.

Well, guess what?

I'm the first one.

I know.


Yeah, you are the first one.

It's crub overrated.

54 percent.

Mostly because I think there's some funny stinkers in this little crowd.

Sean, what would you say?

I'm going to go.

What was your number, Chris?


My bad.

Sixty four percent, you say.

Fifty four sounds right.

My bad.

I already forgot.


Sean, what are you saying?

I'm going to overrated by a hundred percent.

I feel like it might be a bit.

And Trav?

I'm going to pander to the crowd.

I'm going to say underrated by seventy percent.

Well, I'm pleased to say that, Sean, you get three points.

Let's go!

And Chris, you get one.

And Chris, you get one point.

There was no other option.

You could only select overrated for Crub.

And that's right, folks.

You know why it's overrated, and you know what's not overrated is the Crub Patreon.

That's right,, where you can get hours and hours of content just like this, if not even more enthusiastic from the boys.

We like to give you some good stuff here.

Catch us at Crub Official on every social media platform, except Twitch, where it's,

And folks, try it out for just one month.

I'm sure that you'll love it.

Throw a dollar at Brody or throw a quarter at Brody, whatever we say.

And we think you'll really, really love it.

We have a lot of enthusiasm, a lot of passion goes into this, and we really appreciate the folks that support us.

Now, John, that was huge for you.

That was huge for you.

You needed that.

I'm not going to lie.

I thought that it was actually like a peop-

you could have voted both ways.

I'm like, I feel like just people are going to say overrated just because funny.

Yeah, no, I took the underrated option away.

That I like that.

I took the underrated option away.

I didn't want the chance of it being a real question.

I felt like it would have still been close, though.

I feel like it still would have been close.

No way.

Okay, folks, the next one is funny group chat names.

Sean, funny group chat names, overrated or underrated?

Underrated, 82.

All right.

Sean said underrated for 82.

Trav, what do you think?

Funny group chat names such as-

I'm gonna say overrated by 60.

Such as UUP Gaming.

You're saying overrated by 60?

All right.

And, wow, burp right in the mic, sorry, myself.


Sorry, listeners.

And Chris?

I'm not.

What are you saying?

This is a vague one, which has me unsure.

Well, okay, I will explain it just a little bit.

So it's funny group.

The info the audience got.

The info the audience got is funny group chat names.

That is, yeah, that's why I'm like, this could go either way.

I'm going to say underrated.

Okay, 62 percent.

All right, folks.

So I need to do some quick maths here.

Okay, give me a second to elaborate as Nicco does it.

My thought is that since it is a vague concept, people will project their own funny group chat names, and since their audience are socialites, and they love chatting, they're always in groups.

Yeah, smart thing.

And they all have names.

I think everyone will read that.

Let's not go too far.

And go, I am a funny group chat, underrated.

All right.

I don't know why I needed the calculator for that.

But the thing is...

Well, the calc meme is still huge, Nicco.

Calcs, right.

That's right.

I needed the calc.

I needed my calc.

I didn't even think.

If you're new here, it's called a calc.

Oh, Chad, if you've just joined the stream, calc is short for calculator.

We're just using slang here.

We're just using slang here, man.

We're just using slang here.

All right, folks.

So the answer is, it is funny group chat names, underrated.

And it is underrated.

Chris and Sean, you both have it correct, with Chris being the closest as the actual split is 68.2 percent underrated.

And Chris said 62 percent.

Sean said 82.

Trav said 40 percent.

He said 60 in the other direction.

just a week away.

So I get 8 points?

And so, Chris, you get a point.

No, you get two points.

And Sean, you get one point.

Sean's coming back.

Now, the next one.

Who started that round, fellas?

Was it you, Sean?



Who started it?


I think it was Chris.

It was not me.




So, Sean is up next with dissing Zoomer slang.

So, like, so dissing Zoomer slang.

Is it not the Zoomer slang itself?

It's important here.

Dissing Zoomer slang, is that overrated or underrated?

What are you looking for?

I need to look at just a couple Zoomer.

Like Riz and like...

Baby Grunk.

Riz and Baby Grunk.

Yeah, and people like diss it and people like diss it all the time.

They say, like, don't go on TikTok and be like, these young kids these days can't speak anymore.

You're saying what, Sean?

I'm going to say underrated, but I'm doing it as dissing as in like making fun of it while using it.

Like, man, big riz, man, big, big, big riz, you know, stupid stuff like that.

Or skibby toilet in my face.

Yeah, I get it.

Interpret it however you want.

It's just speaking negatively on it.

Skibby toilet in my face.

So you're saying underrated?

Yeah, so I'm saying underrated because of how many dumb like that.

You can do dumb things like that.

I'm going to go.

I think it's still going to be close.

I'm going to go 56 percent underrated.

All right.

All right.

Trav, what do you say?

Um, I'm going to say it's underrated by 60 percent.

All right.

And Chris, what do you say?

I voted our audience demographic to know their age, so I'm going to say underrated 73 percent.

I don't feel like we have many people who would stand up and say, no, it's overrated.

All right, folks, I have I have some news for you.

OK, spit on everyone.

Everyone got it correct this round, because we got an exact 50-50 split.

This is a this is an exact 50-50 split.

And it is I'm giving everyone the point for it, because it is the only 50-50 split that we will see today.

OK, so and Sean, you get the extra point because you said 56.


So Sean gets two.

Trav, Chris, you get one.

All right.

Moving right along here.

Chris, start us off with no, Chris, you just did Dissing Zoomer Slang, right?


Come on.

We just started.

I think I know I started one.

I started.

Sean started.

OK, so now it's back to Trav.

Trav is up.

Trav, the 90s.

Are they overrated or underrated?

Oh, underrated by 75 percent.

Underrated by 75 percent.

Motherfuckers love nines.

You said 75?

Probably 79.

Yeah, 75.


Chris, what do you think?

The 90s.

I think they're overrated.

And I think people are sick of nostalgia mining, so I'm going to say our audience agrees.

I'm going to project that out.

I'm going to say 68 percent.

OK, all right, all right, all right.

And Sean, you're up.

I think this one going with with Chris was going with like, I feel like there's a lot of nostalgia that people like, all right, shut up, let it just let the 90s exist.

I feel that I still feel like some people have a lot of nostalgia for it because like you have people like me that just want a new Chrono Trigger game.

So I'm going to go underrated.


56 percent.

All right.


All right.

All right.

All right.

All right.

All right.

Folks, well, Chris, you're the only one who got it right.

The the audience has agreed with Chris that the 90s are overrated.

Let's go.

And Chris also happens to be the closest.

Chris said 68.

And the actual split is 59.1.

Oh, OK.

59.1 percent.

Yeah, I thought it was going to be close.

Yeah, it was pretty close.

It was pretty close.

Maybe when I get to.

All right.



So Chris gets to and everyone gets none.

Everyone else gets none.



Now we're on to the round with special rules.

This is the Nicco isms round.

Oh, I was waiting for it.

I'll be honest.

And honestly, there'll be something.

I knew it.


If this runs long, we can know.

I'm ready.

Stop after this round.

But I do have 10 more.

I'm fine.

Let's go.


So, the goal of this round is you have to say whether the audience agrees with me.


Or not.

Oh, no.

I'm not gonna tell you how I feel about it.


Now, my question is-

Oh, that's awesome.

My question is-


Here's my question, though.

Did they know that they were-

They should know.

Like, on the Google Doc, was it them still picking overrated or underrated, or was it they knew that they were agreeing with you or not?

This is double-blind.

They just said overrated and underrated.


Oh, no.

They didn't know it was a Niccoism?

It says Niccoisms at the top of the section.

So they knew that these are, like, lore things, but they didn't know that it'd be like, oh, the ganger is going to guess whether you agree or not.

Like, no, they just said overrated or underrated apropos of nothing, and I also have an answer for each of these, and you guys have to guess whether they aligned with me or not.

And I'm not going to tell you what mine is until after.

So starting with the very first one, Chris, tell us about dress codes.

Do you think, walk us through your thought process?

Did the audience agree with me or not, overrated or underrated?

I'm going to walk them through what I thought, because this did come up in our own private little chat a week ago, just about.

And you expressed your opinion, and I remember reading it and going, yeah, I guess, but I never really had to think about it.

And I'm going to guess that's where most people were.

So I think under duress, let's say, to say it as worse than it is, I think people probably went, yeah, it's overrated because that's the negative response to address code.

No one likes address code, right?

I know.

So I'm sure most people went, well, I guess I don't like it.

I'm going to say 72 percent, because maybe we have a few people who are like really in a sweater vest or whatever.

It's really funny.

All right.

Great line of thinking.

Yeah, Sean, Sean, thank you for walking us through, Chris.

Yeah, I overrated your thought process.


OK, but do they agree with me or not?

No, I think that you think that they're a little underrated because you think, OK, they're needed for certain events, certain jobs, certain this and that's.

And some people just don't care.

And sometimes like the pushy envelope.

And I know that's how you think, which is good process, good thought process.

But at the same time, this is just thrown at me.

And it's like, hey, just pick one.

Don't think about it too much.

I'm going to say overrated, which I assume a lot of people did.

That's why I'm going overrated.

And I'm going to go with a 90 percent overrated.

Oh, all right.

All right.

And Trav, what do you think?

I I'm going to say overrated by like 80 percent.

I think when you saw me, did you say over?

Wait, you saw you said overrated.

Do they agree with me or not?

So you think that you think they don't agree with me?


Yeah, I think.

Yeah, I think that they disagree with you because I think you think underrated and they think overrated.

Oh, yes.


But you said 90 percent.



90 percent overrated.



Sorry, I have to like I have a bad documentation system here.

OK, it's the same notebook for everything.

Yeah, Trav, what is your what is yours?

What do you think?

Do you think they match with me?

Do you think they don't?

I mean, I.

I now I have to think about like, wait, what does Nicco think about?

Yeah, what do you what do you think I think about it?

We could tell who's been reading the group chat.

That's all I'm going to say.

I assume that you thought dress codes are overrated.

And what do you think the audience would say?

I would say overrated by like 80 percent.

OK, so you're saying they agree with me.

OK, cool.



Do you understand?

Yeah, I understand.

I was just like, wait, hold on.

It was less that I didn't understand.

It was more that like I was second guessing myself.

Like, wait, I wonder if Nicco understood.

Well, folks, so.



I'm ready.

Lot to unpack here.


So Sean got you did not get it correct.

OK, the audience did agree with me.


I think that dress codes are heavily overrated.

OK, because I want to wear whatever I want all the time.


And I hate wearing suits.

I think the worst personality, I think the wrong personality comes out when I wear like a suit.

I have a suit story one day.

Green Goblin.

So so Trav and Chris Trav and Chris, you each get one point.

And Trav gets the extra point.

Trav gets the bonus point.

Trav said 80, and it is overrated by 81.8 percent.

Let's go.

So Trav does it again, man, after a long drought for Travelton.

I'm so thirsty.

You got to get someone really thinking about dress codes to be like, yeah, I like dress codes, you know.


I think most people are just going to think.

The thing is, I think most people are too indifferent.

I think we should actively be fighting against dress codes.

I think most people are too indifferent.

And I think they want their space to be pretentious.

So like, I don't.


I mean, there are people like that.

I get it.

Yeah, I don't like dress codes.

Next up, folks, starting with Sean is carpeted floor carpeted floors.

Do they agree or do they disagree?

What do you think I think?

And what do you think they think?

You think carpeted floor is very overrated because you want to be able to wear your shoes around.

Suppose that, and you don't want to do that on carpeted floor.

That's stupid.

Get hardwood.

We've talked about this.

This is why you wouldn't like my house because I have carpeted floors.

I'm going to say.

They agree.

With it being overrated by 74 percent.

Agree overrated 74.

All right.

And Trav, what do you think?

Do you think they agree with me?

Do you think they don't?

What do you think?

I think I'm going to project my own biases into this.

I'm going to assume that they don't agree with you because I love a smooth floor.

Every floor I love is flat.

Every floor is smooth.

Every floor I...

Sorry, every floor I loved is carpeted.

Let me get this straight.

Oh, okay.

I love every floor I have is flat.

Every floor in this house is smooth.

I don't like it.

I miss carpet.

I love acoustically controlled rooms.

And it's harder to do that when the room is flatter than my chest.

So I'm going to say people think carpeted is underrated by 70 percent.

Okay, I do love carpets, by the way.

Wait, so you're saying people think carpets are underrated.

Do they agree with me or not?

I'm going to say that they don't agree with you.


And Chris, you are up.

The acoustics really touches on where I've been hemming and howling, because I feel like Nicco is a hard-for kind of person.

But it is a lot trickier to control audio with a hard-for, right?

And I could really see that swinging it just enough to where you're like, yeah, no, carpet it all the way, right?

And I think then we get to normal people who don't have to think about this kind of stuff.

And they're like, well, they're warmer, they're less squeaky, they're less weird to have your little toesies on, your little piglets.

So I'm going to say people disagree with Nicco.

Carpeted fours are underrated.

And I don't think people have a strong opinion, but I'm going to betray that and say 82%.




This was contentious.


Get ready for this one.

So just tell me what the Sean was incorrect.

I hate life.

So no, no, no points for Sean.

Trav was correct in that they agree with me.

So Trav gets a point.

And Chris, you get two points because you are also the closest.

Chris said that they, you said they, you Trav and Chris both said they disagree with me, which is true.

And they have said that carpets are underrated by 82.

No, they said carpets are underrated by 77.3%.

Chris said 82, he is the closest.

That's what I said.

Yeah, sorry listeners, this is a great audio experience.

I thought it'd go a lot better.

I'm not going to lie to you.

No, it's fine, it's fine, it's fine.

It's really funny, it's OK.

I do have one comment that I want to say, though.


I hate all of you.

No, not that.

Rugs are the cowards carpet.

That's it.

No, no.

Rugs are the ideal version of a carpet.

just because I can't afford a nice house doesn't make me a coward.

Rugs are the ideal version of a carpet because you can move it.

You can pick it up.

You can change it out if you wear shoes on it.

Rugs are often more intricate than carpets so that you can wear shoes on them.

Meet me on the webcam.

I think that carpets are overrated.

I can't look at my screen.

It's really bright.

Sean, meet me on the webcam.

OK, I think you're wrong.

I don't even remember what this bit was about.



All right.

So look at me.

I can't afford a good thing.

Any shit.

I can't have a singular good thing.

I can't afford a good thing.

We're not.

We'll pay to buy a house that has carpet.

We'll put the last five questions in the post.

I think we're wealthy.

Put the last five questions in the post show.

Let's finish these bad boys up.

We got three more fellas.

Three more is all I have.

My webcam clamped.

I don't know how to fix it.

Well, I'll try to fix that.

We're in final three.

Do we want to give where the points are as we head into?

Yeah, yeah.

Let's get the let's get the point totals.

Can you guys vamp for two seconds while I count?

Yeah, I love vamping for two seconds.

My favorite character from Metal Gear Solid 2.

That taught me that by vamp meant by one of the two.

I don't remember.

I was that thing.

Yeah, vamp is a slang term for bisexual.

And I learned that because of Metal Gear Solid.

I'll buy.



That makes sense.

This is really unexpected.

I think I missed some of the points I got, so I don't know if I get entirely correct.

I have it.

I have a bad system, but I have a system.

I have a sense of fortitude.

In third place right now with ten points is Trav.

Is Trav has ten points.

In second place, in second place with eleven points is Sean.


And in first place, in first place with.

Sixteen points.

Oh, it's Chris.

I have 17, so we'll split it and say 16.

Seventeen, one, two, three.

Are we going to do like a final Jeopardy thing where we have to like better points?

I only have 16.

I only have 16 for you.

But who knows?

I'll audit it later.

You're you're winning by a lot.



What's the next one?

How do you sleep at night?

Chris, what do you what do you think?

Me too, bro.

So the last three folks, the last three Nicco isms, remember, it's agree or disagree.

Nonstick coding, nonstick coding.

Do they agree with me?

Do they disagree with me?

What do you think I think?

What do you think the crowd thinks?

You certain with me?

I just don't comprehend how we got here.

Nonstick coding, nonstick coding.


How does the audience feel about nonstick coding?

What do you think they said first?

What do you think they said?

I don't know, overrated.

I think they said overrated.

Okay, and what do you think I think about it?

Oh, God, I know you said it in the first 20 episodes of this podcast.

I remember talking about it with you and Moriarty, and I think Sean.


I think you think it's overrated.

I think they agree with you.

because I...

It just feels like...

What's the way to put it?

Like, you know when you're sick and you can't breathe, all you can think about is how you can't breathe, but when you're not sick, you don't think about breathing.

I think it's a thing where once it inconveniences you, that establishes the opinion, right?

But you're never like, oh, man, I love non-stick coding.

Man, I'm so grateful for non-stick coding.

It's so underrated.

No one says that.

It's overrated 85%.

85%, okay, Sean.

If these two say anything different, they're wrong.

You and I have had these conversations.

And like, the thing is, I don't know if your opinion has changed.

My opinion has not changed.

These are not trick questions.


These are not trick questions.

These are things that I've had the same opinion for a long time.

Yes, but I...

What I'm saying is even back then, anyway, I'm going to say they agree.

And what are they agreeing with?

Agreeing that it's overrated because you don't really...

The best dishes are made in those pans that still have a little extra flavor from past things.

I like that.

trust me, it works.

Flavor is funny to me.

Everyone has that one skill that's like, man, I don't know why things still come out of this a little garlicky, but it's just the right amount every time.

And every time you start cooking before you cook, you just start licking it like, oh, thank you.

Yeah, I'm always doing this.

This is why I'm not allowed at the Airbnb anymore.

I'm going to say overrated, but I don't think it's very...

I'm going to say 56% overrated.

All right.

And Trav, what do you think?

Do they agree with me or do they not?

And so, Sean, you're also saying agree, right?

You said agree.

Here's my thought process.


They are reading nonstick pan in a non-hostile environment.

They're not going into this going...

I feel like if someone's talking about the quarrels of nonstick pans, like how you get microplastic poisoning, you know, sure, I get it.

But when you're reading this unprompted, just like, what do you think about nonstick pans?

I think people are going to be like, it's pretty pog, pretty cool.

So I'm going to say they don't agree with you, and that...

What was I saying?


They think that they're underrated by about 60%.

All right.

Well, folks, I can tell you that the audience does agree with me.

I can't believe this.

I think nonstick coding is overrated, but they don't agree with me by very much.

They only agree with me by 54.5%, which Sean said 56%.

So Sean gets the extra point.

So how many points do I get?

Two or three?

Two, only two.

OK, I wasn't sure if agreeing with you and also getting the overrated is right or not.


Yeah, do I get a point?

OK, Chris, you only get one point.

OK, I think that's where I've been confused because I only hear Sean gets an extra point.

I don't think I get a point.

But then I gave myself an extra point somehow, so I'm not sure what I'm thinking.

It's all good.

I don't trust myself either.

The thing is, I mean, Chris, you're running away with this thing.

I don't think you really need to be exactly correct.

Chris, I think you should run away.

I don't know why I turned away.


I want to get away.

Penultimate, penultimate.

We're looking at Pickles.

We're looking at Pickles.

Sean Pickles.

Pickle Rick.

just says Pickles.


just says Pickles.


But I think.

And you're going to say underrated, but do you think they agree with me or not?

Oh, that I don't know.

I don't know your opinion on Pickles.

I don't know your opinion on grapes, not grapes.

Pickles grapes.

The same same fruit.

Something happening for everyone's internet or just mine.

Also mine.

I think that's happening to all of us.

I think it's a discord issue.

Discord, what the heck?

We're trying to do a podcast talking about pickles here.

What's going on?

This is so funny.

Oh, my God.

I'm going to propose.

No pickles.

I'm going to...

What if we all end the call and come back in?



Hold on.

Be right back, everyone.

This is epic.

Would you like to give your answer again for pickles?

Do they agree with me?

Do they disagree?

What do you think I think?

And what's your percent?

I don't know what you think about pickles, but you might be thinking Pickle Rick, and you think that that's pretty, pretty overrated.

So I'm going to go underrated.

So you're going to say they disagree with me?

They're underrated, they disagree with you, and I'm going to go with 62%.

Not a bad line of thinking.

Mm-hmm, because I really don't know your opinion.

All right.

Trav, what do you think?


Bye, Trav.

He literally just phased off screen right as I called for him.

She's like, all right, Trav, just stoned face, like, well, I plan on these vids.

For our audio listeners out there, Trav has a green screen effect on him, and as soon as I said Trav, he stood up and faded into the background.

Of the Wikipedia article of Amazon Prime.

Oh, my God.

Yeah, Trav, Trav Pickles.

Pickles, do they do the audience agree with me or do they not?

What do I think?

I actually don't remember your opinion on Pickles.

I'm going to assume you're a good person and say that you love Pickles.


So I'm going to say Chad thinks that they are overrated by.

I don't know.

Sixty five percent.

I just came up with a thought.

I think it.

I think I think we're also not remembering is that Trav almost died to a Pickle.

So I think that Nicco is very against Pickles now.

Wait, but Trav, do you think they agree with me or you think they disagree with me?

You said over.

I don't remember.

I'm going to have said over.

You said overrated for them.

So you think they agree now?

Yeah, I don't remember what I said.

OK, so you're saying agree and you're locking it in at 65.

Lock it in.

I have no idea.

I out of all the things I've heard you have an opinion on over these years of knowing you, somehow we dodged Pickles.

So I'm going to say you think they're underrated.

I think the audience thinks they're slightly underrated.

Which do you think agree?

I think they agree.

And since I have the brain of like a Yorkie, 48 percent.

I don't know if I'm doing that right.

They mean.

All right.

So, folks, I I hate Pickles.

I hate Pickles.

But the good news, Chris, is that you said agree.

And it doesn't matter if you think that they agree with me or not.

So you got a point for it.

Trav also got the point for it because he then said agree.

He was about to say not agree.

And he said agree.

Sean, you do not get a point for that.

Now, I need to do these math totals.

Someone there's someone's got the cricket sound effect.

That is mean.

I think it's just a cricket.

Might be mine.

I think there's just an actual cricket somewhere.


Oh, sorry.

That's my window.

My bad.

A little well.


I love that, like, I had a comeback for a little bit and then just all L is afterwards.

It's like, yeah, and then nothing.

I was rooting for you, but then I kept going somehow.

Another one.

Another one.

Another one, baby.

One second.


So, Trav gets...

Trav was the closest.

The audience agreed with me.

They said it's overrated by 81 percent.

Well, 81.8.

I'm killing our audience.

It's almost 82 percent.

And Trav said 65.

He was the closest.

That's crazy.

I thought people loved pickles, bro.

I hate pickles.

I hate pickles so much, man.

I don't like sweet pickles.

The thing is, for me, if I had a choice to like every food, I would like every food.

It is not voluntary, and it triggers my gag reflex.

And it's kind of unfortunate because it seems like everything that have pickles in them are fucking delicious.

Yeah, I swear jar me.

Yeah, I like pickles.

I think that's Nicholas's first swear jar.

I think it is.

Yeah, it might be.

I had pickles no less.


Well, yeah, these are things I feel.

Sorry, Sean, we keep cutting you off.

I don't care.

I don't think we should let Sean talk.

No, you shouldn't.

I the only time I've ever had a pickle back shot.

I don't know why I thought about this.

Pickle back shot?

You're not making me.

No, no, a pickle back.

OK, we'll talk about pickle back shots.

We'll talk about pickle backs in the in the post show.

Folks, you need it now.

Yeah, because I went to Sonic Rave and I did a pickle back shot, but it was like a jalapeno pickle back shot, and it was the worst thing I ever did in my entire life.

It's what I think.

Rave, that's awesome.

Yeah, I have a picture of me and Eggman.

I drew a Sonic Rave.


That'd be awesome, dude.

I want to go to the Shrek Rave.

Anyway, folks, here's the final one.

Let's just get this out, let's get out of the way.

Final one.

And also, let me float this idea to the class.

So we're not gonna do a Patreon question of the week this week because all of you contributed to this.

This is the Crubscriber question of the week.

The question of the week is the question I asked you.

I have a question.


I'm not God, but I can listen.

What's the question?

Oh, okay.

I don't remember.

Hit me when you go.

Okay, last one.

This is the final one, fellas.

Surprise parties.

Do people agree with me?

Do they disagree with me?

And what do I think?

You go on with first.


Trav, you're up.

I think you hate surprise parties, because I hate surprise parties.

I'm going to go with that.

And I'm going to say, Chad agrees with me, because we are all mutual people who are on the spectrum and hate surprises.

And that we hate...

We think that surprise parties are overrated by 81 percent.

And next up is Chris.

Pen to paper, that's about what I would have said.

Yeah, I think Nicco thinks...


Oh, they disappeared.

I think Nicco thinks they're overrated.

I think the audience agrees.

I don't think many people like surprise parties that are then extroverts, and extroverts don't watch gaming podcasts.

So I'm going to say 89 percent.

There's like one in here, statistically.

I'm an extrovert.

Yeah, me too, but keep going, Sean.

What do you think?

I am an extrovert, and I hate surprise parties.

They can be fun if you're going to one, maybe, but even then, there's still awkwardness.

I don't like to show up to people's houses whenever they don't know I'm going to be there.

I don't like that.

It's a weird thing.

Surprise parties for like maybe like your grandparent or something.

Sure, maybe, but like anything else, no.

Surprise party for me, no.

Absolutely not.

Overrated 100 percent.

That was an important distinction.

100 percent.

100 percent, and they're agreeing with Nicco.

Okay, folks, last one was an easy round to grade.

Everyone is correct.

I hate surprise parties, and our audience largely hates surprise parties as well.

Let's go.

Trav gets the point for this, gets the extra point for this one.

So points all around.

Trav gets the...

How do you keep putting your hand?

I just slammed my pen against my hand meant to unclick it.

I had it back.

I slammed my pen against my hand.

That's destroying Trav.

Check that out.

Look at that.

Yeah, well, audience, it is just a picture of optimus Prime.

With a hole.

And occasionally whenever he pulls his hand back, there's like a hole in his face.

Yeah, that's the damage I did.

Trav got two points, Chris gets one, Sean gets one.

Folks, how do we feel about this?

How do we feel this went?

We're going to do the last five in the exclusive post show, which you can find at

It was fun.

I liked it.


What do you guys think while I tally up these score totals?

What were your favorites?

Some highlights, some not highlights.

Boy, what a barn builder.


You're playing Farnville?

What are we?

Is that like a backhanded compliment?

Barn builder?

It's like when you get the whole county together to build a barn and everyone just has such a good time.

So yeah, typically, typically they say barn burner for things that burn the bar down when they're-

But we're not doing that.

We're building it.

Barn builder is really funny.


Yeah, I don't know what you're talking about, bro.

Yeah, I don't know either.

Sounds violent.

We're gonna build that wood.

All right.

I like the one Sean lost.

Well, it looked like he was going to win.

That was pretty fun.

Yeah, I went from, oh, this is going nowhere.

Oh, I'm doing-

Never mind.

I had a good start and then I forgot how to read.

I liked it.

Good time.

Oh my God.

We have, OK, well, I guess we don't have a tie because Chris won with 19 points, but Trav and Sean tied at 14 points each.

I don't like that.

We're both losers, bro.

I need someone who isn't me to go over this because I gave myself an extra point again somehow.

That's fine.

I'll give you the 20.


I'll give you the 20, man.

I'll give you the 20, man.

I swear if he ends up winning by one point in the post show, I'm going to come to your house.

No, I'm keeping him at 19.

I think my audit is actually pretty thorough.

I'll go to Chrissy's house, then.

But here's the thing, fellas.

Trav and Sean, I think we got to do a tiebreaker for you guys.


Then do the next question.

I'll flip it to us.

The next question, and this one's just back to overrated or underrated.

No more of this agreeing or disagreeing business.

Never having played Kingdom Hearts, that is the entry.

That is the entry.

I promise, it's as written, that is the next one.

Sean has just left the room.