After Hours with Dr. Sigoloff

Today Chaplain Chad Booth. We dig into the duty uniform of the day, the full armor of God.   

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What is After Hours with Dr. Sigoloff?

Welcome after after hours with Dr. Sigoloff. This is a place where Dr. Sigoloff can share some of his thoughts and ideas with you. Dr. Sigoloff is a board certified Family Physician and he has been practicing medicine for almost a decade. Dr. Sigoloff is a Doctor of Osteopathy and therefor he has a slightly different approach to medicine. He likes to get to discuss the heart of the issue so that you can be better informed.

78. The full Armor of God with CH Chad Booth

CH Chad Booth: [00:00:00] How can you put on the full armor of God? I mean, let's just go through it. We have the helmet of salvation. We have the breastplate of righteousness. We have the Belt of Truth. You have the shoes shot with the preparation of the gospel of peace. You have the shield of faith, and then you have the sword of the spirits.

Nurse Kelly: Welcome to after Hours with Dr. Sigoloff, where he can share ideas and thoughts with you. He gets to the heart of the issue so that you can find the truth. The views and opinions expressed are his and do not represent the US Army, d o d, nor the US government. Dr. Sigoloff was either off duty or unapproved leave, and Dr. Sigoloff was not in uniform at the time Of recording. Now to Dr. Sigoloff'.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Hi, thanks for joining us again. I wanna first start off by thanking all of the Patreon supporters. Y'all have been amazing. I truly appreciate the gift that y'all are giving me to help. Help me bring you more material. And I, as I, as I do this more and more, I'm trying to get [00:01:00] early or get the the episodes to you early.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I've already published an episode for early for the Patreon supporters. We have Shell, we have Sam and Angela Sheey. We have Linda Perry, Ty, Katie, Kevin Emmy, Joe, Patton, Bev, pj, Rebecca, Amanda, Jay. And that's nasty. Thank you so much for, for being willing to give your hard-earned money to me, to help me bring you a content and to help me, you know, fight this, this battle against the unseen realm and support my family during this time.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Today we have a very special guest. We have Chad. Now, Chad is a. He's a chaplain in the military. And if I'm not mistaken, he's part of the, the chaplain lawsuit that was, that was happening. And I don't know the details of that. Perhaps he can give us a little more insight onto where that is in the process.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: But Chad, great to have you here.

CH Chad Booth: I really appreciate that Dr. Siglo. And I know you prefer Sam but's just sometimes when you're talking to someone and they hold a certain really they just demand a certain respect. So if I call you Sam, or if [00:02:00] I call you Dr. Siglo, know that is with utmost respect.

CH Chad Booth: Cuz I really appreciate your service. I appreciate what you've done to this community, how you've put out information out there that has really helped soldiers and their family members go through this hard time that we've been going through.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Well, thank you, sir. I, I don't deserve the credit. God does.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And that's why I'd just like to be called Sam. But I understand if, if it happens here and there.

CH Chad Booth: All right, so I know today you wanted to talk about spiritual warfare, and I don't want to, I don't want to talk to your viewers and be like, well, I'm a chaplain in the army, therefore, I have the cutting edge on this thing we call spiritual warfare.

CH Chad Booth: I am not the end all be all with spiritual warfare. I'm very young, like I'm a young 43 year old man who loves Jesus with all of his heart, mind, and soul. And I do my best to love him, love humanity, and, and, and be a warrior for Christ, the kind of warrior that [00:03:00] will honor our creation, his creation that will honor our God and will stand up for the, the specific beliefs that we hold near and dear to our.

CH Chad Booth: Okay. So I wanna ask you a question, Sam, when you talk when Yes sir. When somebody says spiritual warfare, is there something that, an image that pops into your mind that you're like, you know what, this is what spiritual warfare looks like? Or has there been a time in your life where you think that you were involved in spiritual warfare?

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I think if we know what spiritual warfare is, I think we can see it in every aspect of every bit of our life. Just something as simple as that, that idea of, I'm gonna say something that I, or I've already said, something that I didn't know that I said, let you know. Like, let's say I say something more harsh than I should.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Well that's, that's that unseen realm whispering in my ear, telling me, just say it like this. Be, be careless how you say things and [00:04:00] don't worry about it. But what that does is that cause conflict and it's that. Unseen thing around us that whispers in man's ear, woman's ear and tells us to, to not be as gentle as we could, to not be as loving as we could.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: You know? I mean, there's, I mentioned earlier, and I won't get into all the details, but there's certainly been a time in my life where I walked into a room and I felt a dark presence around me. And it was, it was a terrifying event. And it's like, I can't describe it. I don't know how to describe it. If any of the listeners have have been there, then you know precisely what I'm talking about.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And I'm not someone who's, you know, who's feeling and, and doing all that kind of stuff often, but it was such a heavy burden when you walk into that space. You could feel, you'd feel the battle waging around you, but there's other times where it's much, much, much more subtle than that.

CH Chad Booth: Yeah, you're exactly right.

CH Chad Booth: And, and you know what? When I. When I talk about spiritual warfare, there's a preconceived idea I have that always comes to my mind, and it's [00:05:00] me in a dark room and I'm getting really passionate, like, Lord man, we're gonna come against the enemy and we're gonna cast out some demons and we're gonna, we're gonna see your kingdom come.

CH Chad Booth: And I get all amped up and pumped up, and then I bring it back down. And then I'm like, okay, that's what spiritual warfare is all about. And how wrong as, as a young, as a young teenager, I'd have these preconceived ideas. Ed, I'll tell you what, they were so messed up. Like they were honest, they were genuine, but they were so far, like is that sp, is that spiritual warfare?

CH Chad Booth: Yes. But that's to the extreme. That's to like, to the end of the spectrum. And is there a place for casting out demons which are real? Absolutely. Is there a place to let your emotions let 'em be bare before God, our creator? Absolutely. But that's not the extreme, that's not the case of spiritual warfare.

CH Chad Booth: And you know what, you said something that the unseen realm, that little [00:06:00] whisper, I would call that whisper the Holy Spirit. Just for your, your opinion, I don't know where this conversation is gonna go. So let's just get this out of the, out of the way that these opinions and views are mine and mine alone.

CH Chad Booth: And, and they probably do not represent any of what the DOD stands for. So if we go into like the spiritual warfare we've been dealing with, with the whole covid vaccines and, and, and all of that, know that these are my opinions and my opinions alone. So that, that's, that's squared away. And Fair enough. So this thing called spiritual warfare, you said it was subtle and I cannot agree more with you on that.

CH Chad Booth: It is so subtle that people don't even understand that they conduct spiritual warfare every single day and I would say every hour of their life. And if you have children every minute of your life, and if you have grandchildren, I'm telling you like there, there [00:07:00] are levels of spiritual warfare that everybody has the ability to fight or retreat from.

CH Chad Booth: So now that we've established, well, we haven't really established anything about what spiritual warfare is, cuz right now we're just talking about prayer and doing getting passionate before the Lord in a dark room. Got it. So I want to break it down as simple as possible. So when I ask you the question, what the uniform of the day is, what would your answer be?

CH Chad Booth: What's the full arm of God? Amen. So, To our, to the listeners out there, how can you put on the full armor of God? I mean, let's just go through it. We have the helmet of salvation, we have the breastplate of righteousness, we have the Belt of Truth. We can talk a lot about that because apparently a lot of government agencies needs to put on the belt of truth.

CH Chad Booth: You have the shoes shot with the preparation of the [00:08:00] Gospel of peace. You have the shield of faith, and then you have the sword of the spirits. Am I missing?

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: No, I think that's good. I love how they describe each thing and what they compare it to, and I love those com comparisons.

CH Chad Booth: Yes, absolutely. So how can your viewers put on the helmet of salvation?

CH Chad Booth: Like if, if they do, the uniform of the day is the full armor of God, then how Every morning when I wake up, how do I put on the helmet of salvation? Like, how would you put on the helmet of salvation?

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I think we've first have to figure out what salvation is, and I, I believe it's that relationship with Jesus that allows us to have that relationship with God that is not just fire insurance, but it's, it's a better life right now.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: It's forgiveness right now. It's community with God and with our neighbor.

CH Chad Booth: Amen. It's God's will in heaven on earth through [00:09:00] us. It's us being an ambassador now. I agree that if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus Christ was raised from the dead, you will be saved. That's what I believe.

CH Chad Booth: So when I wake up in the morning, I really don't doubt my salvation anymore. When I was a new Christian, I might have doubted it, but I was so young when I became, when I gave my heart to, to Jesus, I was so young that I don't ever doubt, I don't ever remember a time that I doubted my Christianity that I don't ever doubt that I am saved from eternal separation from God.

CH Chad Booth: And, and it is more than just fire insurance, like you just said, and I'm very grateful for that. But it's a right relationship with the King of Kings and the Lord of the Lords. It's a right relationship that brings absolute joy and peace. And it may not save you from hard times, but when the hard times get there, cuz everyone, everyone goes through hard [00:10:00] times.

CH Chad Booth: But when you do go through hard times, it's that joy like, wow, I'm not happy about what I'm going through. Like, I'm not happy I went through the past two, three years of what we've been through. I'm not happy with that at all. However, the joy has been consistent. The peace has been consistent. And that's what our Lord says.

CH Chad Booth: That's what our, our Lord brings to our lives, to our arena, as you will. Cuz as, as we battle at our various arenas, like we, we battle different enemies. Like who knows what enemy is gonna be entering my arena this week? I don't know, next year, I don't know, but I do know this, that through Christ Jesus our Lord, we are more than overcomers, we are more than conquerors.

CH Chad Booth: And that, that brings so much help. So the helmet of salvation if you are struggling out there with your salvation, you need to get into the word of God and be [00:11:00] reminded that you know it's not of your works. Your works did nothing. My works did nothing. They are absolute garbage. Like even on the greatest day when I can do, when I can go through 24 hour period and not sin at all, and I'm like, wow, I did so great.

CH Chad Booth: That is so filthy because something was tainted maybe with selfishness, maybe with a inflection of my voice that hurt someone's feelings or was a little bit too harsh on my children.

CH Chad Booth: The arm of God, the helmet of salvation.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Well, I think one thing that's important with the helmet of salvation too is let's say you were one of those people that were tricked and you did get the shot. There's forgiveness. There is salvation, and it's at the the foot of the cross. And you can be forgiven.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: You may still have natural consequences, but you can have that relationship with Christ restored, and I think that's really important to focus on. [00:12:00]

CH Chad Booth: You know what forgiveness is beautiful. And we need it all the time. And, and the closer you, the closer you get with God, you realize the more forgiveness you need.

CH Chad Booth: It's kinda like that whole that what is that one saying people have? The more you know, the more you realize you don't know, the closer you are to God, the more forgiveness you need because you, there was a time where I could raise my voice to my children and be like, yeah, I'm totally fine with that.

CH Chad Booth: Their voice, they need to know that I'm very disappointed with them. And if I raise my voice to them because they're doing something wrong and they need, but that's not me anymore, and I can just calm down a little bits. Then after I do, cause I still, every once in a while they'll do something and I'm like, they're teenagers and the testosterone levels are just going crazy.

CH Chad Booth: And yet I raised my [00:13:00] voice. And after it I'm like, boys, I'm sorry. I raised my voice. And I'm like, Lord, help me. Help me not to do that. Help me just communicate with them. And, and there is salvation and there is forgiveness, and there is redemption. And it's all because of the blood of Jesus. Christo spit on spillt, on cavalry caling.

CH Chad Booth: So the breastplate of righteousness. Not too many people know about this whole breastplate of righteousness. And, and I can tell you what I'm, I'm still working through it. Cause I, I do my best in the flesh to have my own righteousness. Still to this day, I'm like, Lord, nothing. I, I am not righteous. There is no one righteous, no not one.

CH Chad Booth: And that breast plate of righteous that the self wants to build, wants to say, Nope, I got this. I'm gonna do good today. And then the Holy Spirit just says, remember, you can't do nothing. Without me. [00:14:00] And it is not your righteousness that you're wearing. It's my righteousness. It's the righteousness of Jesus.

CH Chad Booth: And once that finally clicked and it still clicks, and I needed to click even more, that the breastplate of righteousness and your breastplate, if you're go going into war, what does a press plate cover? Right? Covers.

CH Chad Booth: Yeah. I mean, it covers every, your lungs. It covers everything, everything vital. So that righteousness that Jesus provides to you, it is vital to your survival. You can protect your head all day long and, and you need to for the helmet of salvation. But if you don't have that breastplate of righteousness, if you don't find your identity in Jesus Christ.

CH Chad Booth: If you find your identity in your rank or your job or your [00:15:00] title or your whatever, then you are not going to be an effective warrior because your, your breath plate of righteousness is weak. So we need to move on to the belt of truth. I'll tell you what the, the belt of truth has been near and dear to my, to I say to my heart and got it.

CH Chad Booth: I got it. Well, how is your belt go over your heart Chaplain booth. The, the belt of truth caused me to stand up for my beliefs because when I asked Jesus and I was in my prayer closet, Lord, do you want me to take these vaccines? And the answer was a resounding no. Like it was the truth. That's what Jesus told.

CH Chad Booth: That's what he said. That's the truth. So I'm gonna stand up for the truth. And I, I, I look around and I see all these whistleblowers standing up for the truth. Like, [00:16:00] whoa. And I see other people trying to take the truth and twist the words, and you can see it that they're twisting words, making words that should or could to will.

CH Chad Booth: That, that, that's a little bit different. So standing up with a belt of truth, good grief, I re I really wish that the c d C would have the more belt of the belt of truth, quite honestly. I really wish that the military would use their belt of truth more.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Well, I think it's interesting about this too, and I, this kind of just popped in my head, is I'm sure many of the listeners have gone to the gym before and put a weightlifting belt around them and gone to lift up weight.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And if you just follow me, I think I can make these connect here, that standing up for truth is, is strengthening the back, the backbone, the spine, if you will. Just like I listened to this rabbi and he said that when Noah entered the arc, it says that he entered the arc on the bone of the day. And [00:17:00] what that means is that he, with his spine straight and erected and strong, he entered the arc and in a similar manner, that belt, what does it do when you're lifting weights?

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: It's not just a little thin little belt that holds your pants up. It it holds you in. It helps you get that per that personal best record and it helps holds you together. The truth holds you together. If you don't have the truth, you just fall apart and it's not your truth. It's the truth. And it's a big distinction there.

CH Chad Booth: Amen. Right on. It's the truth. There, there is such thing as absolute truth. And when people say there's no such thing as absolute truth, my question is, are you absolutely certain about that? Because you kind of just proved my point there, buddy. Like there is such thing as absolute truth when people say, well it's you can't say it's wrong to covet.

CH Chad Booth: I'm like, yes, I can. It's wrong to covet. Well, I can just, I can covet anything I want. Well, what happens when somebody covets what you have and [00:18:00] takes what you have? Well then that's wrong. Well then you just admitted that you believe in absolute truth. Well, it's not absolute cause it, it, I I can do what I was as I pleased with other people.

CH Chad Booth: It's them. They can't violate my, my conscience or rule of law or anything like that. Like come on now. There is such thing as absolute truth and the Belcher truth. You're absolutely right. It keeps in our loins. I was trying to get too graphic, but you're right. It keeps in, it, it, it keeps your gut solid. It lets you have a backbone.

CH Chad Booth: And as a former NCO O of nine years, I know what it's like to be the backbone of the army. To be loyal to those with whom I serve. Seniors, Pierce and subordinates alike, you know what I mean? All soldiers are, are out ex are, are entitled to outstanding leadership. I'll provide that leadership. Amen. And it was that, it was that belt of truth.

CH Chad Booth: It was that taken my oaths seriously, that helped me stand up to put on the belt of truth, to put on the full armor of [00:19:00] God and to exercise what I know God told me to do. Now you know what? Something that is very, very hard is the next armor of God. The shoes shot with the preparation of the gospel of peace.

CH Chad Booth: When I, when I was outside of the military, I was a children's pastor for several years and wait a second.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: You were a drill sergeant. When did Yeah, go ahead. You were a drill sergeant and a children's pastor.

CH Chad Booth: No, no, no, no, no. I, I was just a sergeant. Okay. Sorry I wasn't a drill sergeant. Sorry. No, I don't want down that trail ever.

CH Chad Booth: I've had friends go down that trail, but that would be very fun. If I was a drill sergeant, I would ha I would definitely have fun with it. But yeah, when I was outside, I was a children's pastor and one Sunday I was like, okay, we're gonna teach the children how to share their faith. Cuz that's really important for us to do.

CH Chad Booth: Whether you're an extrovert or an [00:20:00] introvert, it's, it's unique how you share your faith. And, and, and I'm not calling for, like my wife who's a complete introvert, has introvert tendencies. She, she has a very hard time getting out there, standing in front of people saying, Hey, lemme tell you about the good news today.

CH Chad Booth: No, that's not her style. That's my style. But it's important for her to spread the gospel within her arena, within her sphere of influence. So when you prepare your feet, I think when you go for a run, like you're going places, you're moving, you're taking a step outside of what you're comfortable in, and you're taking that step into something that could, you could be rejected.

CH Chad Booth: You could be like pushed aside, I don't want to hear about that Jesus stuff. And then they have every right to do that. But it's our responsibilities as Christians. If we are putting on the full armor of God, then we have to put [00:21:00] on the preparation of the gospel of peace. And how can people do that if they don't know their own salvation?

CH Chad Booth: How can people do that if they don't understand what Ro their righteousness comes from or their belt of truth, or will get to the should of faith and sort of the spirit? How can they put on the shoes? Of peace to spread the gospel. If they don't have an understanding of how Jesus, how God like provided this to them, how can they share the good news if they don't understand it?

CH Chad Booth: So it's important. So I'll get back to my little story about the children's church. Tell 'em, Hey, listen, you believe you confessed to your mouth and you believe in your heart that Jesus Christ says, Lord Nancy, you gotta tell people about Jesus. So, but this specific lesson was really, Hey, you gotta tell people about Jesus.

CH Chad Booth: So the, the, the music pastor's [00:22:00] son, they went out to a Mexican restaurant after church and he is like to the, I was not there. He told me the following Sunday, he said, I, we went to a Mexican restaurant and the the waiter came up and I said, do you know Jesus? And he said, no. And I said, okay. And it broke my heart cuz he had no idea what to say after that.

CH Chad Booth: But I was so proud of him for saying, do you know Jesus? I was like, okay, today's sermon is Nick's. We're gonna talk about what, how, how, why, what do we talk about? What do we talk about with our situation? How did Jesus rescue you from your sins? How did Jesus bring peace to your life? So we spoke about that and then guess what?

CH Chad Booth: The, the very next week he came back. I told that waiter about Jesus. Did he accept? I don't think he did accept. I'm not too sure. I forget that part, but I, I don't know whether he accepted or [00:23:00] not, but I know this, that young man knows how to, how to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. And, and how many of us don't know how to do that?

CH Chad Booth: Like, as a children's pastor, you would think you need to tell people about Jesus. Okay, let's teach 'em how right then and there. And I didn't even think to do that. So I'm wondering if the, if the listeners, do they even know how to talk about what Jesus did for them? Like has there been a, has there been a time in your life where you're like, listen, I need to tell people about Jesus.

CH Chad Booth: How did that make you feel?

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Well, and, and some listeners may not be that, that verbose and that that's okay. There's different ways to spread the good news. The, the way I tried to, to live is a little more subtle, but always being that person that, that has something different. Am I always reaching that goal?

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: No, I'm not always reaching that goal, but I try to be the person that looks different than the rest of the world to set [00:24:00] myself apart from the rest of the world. Just as God had the Jews set apart. That's why they had the kosher laws. So they would be different. So they would know they're different. So that people go, I wonder what they got.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I, I want that. And, and then when the opportunity rises, my feet are, are shunned with, with the peace. And so I'm able to move quickly. Agilely, I'm able to, if I come across something that I'm not expecting, I God gives me the peace and allows me to keep moving. Mm-hmm.

CH Chad Booth: You're exactly right. So having an understanding of, hey, when people ask me, Hey, what's different about you?

CH Chad Booth: How could you go through the past couple years thinking you're gonna get kicked outta the army? Thinking that you're gonna get punished, thinking that you're gonna get a go. More thinking that whatever, whatever your, your, the listeners are going through, you put in your trial, you put in your heartache.

CH Chad Booth: [00:25:00] So how can you take that, say, well, this is how God brought me peace. This is how I got through it. Being prepared. For that close friend who already knows you for like the the introverts to, Hey, I'm not gonna go out to strangers. But when my introvert friends come to me, I can let them know, Hey, this is what God has done for us.

CH Chad Booth: Like quite literally when we had to move out of the house, God literally provided a place for me to stay for a month. God opened up my parents' house for my family to go move in with him. And then God supplied this house that we're in right now so we can be a family. God did that. And when I share that, and this is why service to God, service to Jesus is so important because he is going to be there for you during that hard time where we were separated and she was in the Carolinas and I was here like it was hard, but I'll tell you what, the [00:26:00] peace of God passes all understanding

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: that. That kinda reminds me. I. Of this story that I heard some pastors say not too long ago actually. And it was this lady who was a Bible believer and she, you know, she was poor, she didn't have much money, and she'd open her, you know, she'd pray by her window every night and she'd pray, God, please gimme the money to buy food or please gimme food.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And every day she'd be praying this, and I'm sure many of the listeners have heard this before. I'm sure this is an old story. And she's praying and praying, and then one day all this food is just at her front door. And as she's getting in, pulling it in, and she's just thinking, God, the neighbor comes by and says, I heard you praying and I knew God wouldn't provide for you.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So because he's an atheist, he's self-professed, atheist. And he said, God wouldn't do this. So I went to the store and I did it. And she's like, yeah, God worked right through you. Boom. You know, you don't have to be following God. To have God work through you, to have those things that you do, you know, work for [00:27:00] the Kingdom of God, work for those who love him.

CH Chad Booth: Amen. Yes. But hopefully those people, hopefully that atheist dunno if the story's true or not, but hopefully if something happens like that, they can actually see, oh yeah, that kind of makes sense. And they have an opportunity to, yeah, but they have an opportunity to give their heart to the king of all kings, or they have an opportunity to harden their hearts and to just continue on their life as if there's no God.

CH Chad Booth: Like that's their right. They get to do that, you know, the the shield of faith. Do you know anything about like the, the when the shoulder, faith, faith was talked about in scripture? There's an image of a gigantic shield, not like this little. Pany shield that just covers a little bit of, we're talking about a six foot shield covered with wet leather to extinguish the fiery darts of the enemy.

CH Chad Booth: And it's, it's [00:28:00] heavy, like this shield of faith is not light at all. It's very heavy. And you gotta clunk, clunk it into the ground and you keep moving. And as you keep moving forward, you gotta pick that up and keep moving forward. And, and all the time it is faith that is what's shielding you from the fiery darts of the enemy.

CH Chad Booth: But how many times do we say, ah, this faith thing is just too hard. I just not leave it to the side. Just a minute. Like has there been a time in your life where you've done that and what was the.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah, it wasn't, it wouldn't be good. I'll tell you that. And I, I think that says a lot about the enemy too. And his darts, they're not just arrows, but they're, they're flaming darts.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: They're things meant to get you hot to light, you on fire, to get that passion of anger going, but yet you have this giant shield that, that's heavy. It's a heavy mantle to carry with you, but it just puts 'em out and stops 'em, and it puts 'em out and it stops 'em, and people see you putting 'em out and stopping 'em and keep moving [00:29:00] forward.

CH Chad Booth: Amen. Yes. And I don't want to be very careful with this because faith is just not blind ignorance. Like so many people, several of the atheists I've spoken to say, well, I just, I can't, I don't do the whole blind ignorance thing to which I respond. I I don't either. There was a book published by Frank Turk and Norman Geisler called, I don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist.

CH Chad Booth: And I absolutely love that book. It, it goes about it. It, it doesn't talk bad about anyone. It just simply says the atheist, they have more faith than Christians because from where they go, they believe that nothing created something. Well, that gap requires a lot of faith. That gap requires a lot of, a lot really don't know, I just believe it.

CH Chad Booth: But the gap from I believe in God and he literally created everything [00:30:00] that doesn't require too much faith. Like when I, when I go and I show my phone, did that phone spontaneously come about? Out of nothing. Everyone would be like, no. You're crazy to believe that. So the human body, and you know this as a doctor, the human body puts this to shame.

CH Chad Booth: Like the fact that we have a special knee, the fact that we have a crazy, intense eye. The fact that we're able to grow and defeat viruses naturally. The, the fact, all of this stuff that God gave us, like that's, that's it. And we haven't even started talking about like outside trees and the ecosystem and the food chain and all of that.

CH Chad Booth: So all of it just mi ally happened at the right. No, Jesus set it up. He did it. So this shield of faith that we carry, go ahead.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah. One thing about that is when, when you look at biology, and this is just a quick [00:31:00] aside for the biology and people who may think that evolution is a thing and that it works, it, it doesn't, it can't.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Because basic dogma biology is all cells come from other living cells, but they claim that plants came first. Plants are immensely more complex. Than any animal cell because they take the light of the sun and they convert it into sugar and there's nothing else on the face of the earth that can do that.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And if you didn't have plants come first, you would not be able to have any life. Cuz all animals that eat other animals, eventually that goes back to a chain that starts with an animal eating a plant.

CH Chad Booth: Yeah. And, and, and God did this. So when we talk about putting on the full armor of God and using the shield of faith, know that you have all the evidence, all the evidence on your side. The fact that there is a creation points to there is a creator. And if you're if you subscribe to the whole cause and effect, I got it.

CH Chad Booth: I, [00:32:00] I completely understand cause and effect, what was the cause. But even at the end of the day, there has to be an UNC caused cause that is not bound to the rules. Of cause and effect. There has to be something outside of space, time, everything who can say, you know what? We're gonna start the first domino.

CH Chad Booth: That was the first un caused cause. And logically speaking, that, that sound. So when we put on the shield of faith, when we carry the shield of faith, know that it is a heavy burden. But Jesus is right there. He's the one that if you believe in him, his burden is light, his burden is easy. He will help you bear that load.

CH Chad Booth: He will help you move that shield so you can extinguish how the enemy is coming after you today. Eh, before we get to this, the, the, the [00:33:00] sort of the spirit talking about spiritual warfare. It doesn't happen. It, it happens many places. But I want the listener to understand it happens everywhere. It happens when you wake up and you decide, I'm gonna be on time for work today.

CH Chad Booth: It happens when you're on the highway and you're driving down the road and somebody cuts you off and you have an opportunity to get a little bit angry, to get a little bit, oh, I'm gonna road rage a pro, I'm gonna do godly road rage. No, no, ain't gonna do that. Cause it is not a thing. So spiritual warfare happens because when God tests us, when, sorry, when we are presented with challenges, we have an opportunity to grow, to stay stagnant or to regress [00:34:00] And, and every time we choose to grow, every time we choose to say, I'm gonna act like Jesus today.

CH Chad Booth: Then that opens up our arena where we fight. Cause our spiritual warfare, this, this is my arena right here. This house is my arena. This is where I fight when, when I'm in the, when I'm at work, my arena, where I fight is my battalion. I don't fight in, in at the division level. I don't, I don't fight at the commanding general level or, or the the, the various level, the d o d level.

CH Chad Booth: I don't fight at those levels. There's other people's that, that is their arena and God has equipped them to fight in that arena. And, and, and I want to encourage your listeners, you gotta make sure you fight in your arena because if you step outta your, of your arena and you fight in somebody else's ar arena, you're gonna get stomped cuz that's not your [00:35:00] fight.

CH Chad Booth: You need to be very astute. You need to be very sensitive. Lord, where do you want me to fight? Where do you want me to put your influence into? Where do you want, how can I further your kingdom? How can I represent you? Well, where do you want me to, to do this spiritual warfare thing? And let 'em speak to you and be very careful, cuz you don't wanna step out of your arena.

CH Chad Booth: Does that make sense?

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I think one thing that kind of goes along with that kind of echoing that same idea is, you know, everyone wants to, well, maybe not everyone, but a few people I know, you know, including myself. I want to, I wanna be brave and pray. Lord, send me, you know, I, I want to be that person. Be ready for that.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: That challenge that comes with the boldness that says, Lord, send me, have your feet ready to move your hands ready to work. And all that comes from studying the word, knowing how God works. You [00:36:00] know, every time you hear a voice in your head, challenge it. Say, okay, does this fit with what God teaches? Is this how he typically talks?

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Okay, does it, okay now is it something that would be good in this situation for me to do? Okay. And let's say it doesn't fit one of those, then it's probably not God that you're hearing that voice from, whether it be an actual voice. Cuz some people do hear a booming voice or a whisper, an actual whisper.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And some people just have something that they know just deep down inside 'em that this is God telling them to do this. But, but you, you test it and not saying test God, I'm saying. Test the words that you're hearing against how God typically works. Is this something that would help bring more freedom to, to humans more, more like the garden?

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Or is it gonna bring more destruction and death and if it's gonna bring more destruction and death and it doesn't align with what God typically says, then have good discernment because that's probably not from the Lord.

CH Chad Booth: Yeah. Right on. If, if the listeners out there have never heard the voice of God and you are [00:37:00] saved and you believe in Jesus Christ, I want to challenge you tonight like it has to be tonight.

CH Chad Booth: Don't wait another day when you go to bed, close your eyes cuz everyone knows this is the magic. And once you do this and close your eyes, then it's automatic prayer, right? No, but before you go to bed tonight, you need to challenge your heaven, father. Father, I don't know your voice, you said cuz the scripture says, my sheep know my voice.

CH Chad Booth: So I know the voice of God. I know how to challenge it. I know how to make sure, Hey, it's did I, is this is this something that is just me? Am I just being a rebel? Am I this and I know how to challenge? Cuz in the same time there was a, there was a situation in Bible college actually. I was driving back from my girlfriend's house good old Brenda.

CH Chad Booth: Gosh, I love her. So I was driving back from West Virginia and I saw this hitchhiker on the [00:38:00] side of the road and the Holy Spirit said, pick him up. And I was like, Nope, I'm getting back to college. So I passed him and a couple miles down the road, you better go back and pick him up. Nope, it's too late. And then the Holy Spirit really caught my attention.

CH Chad Booth: And he says, you're gonna regret it if you don't turn around and pick him up. Ed, the heaviness that was put on my heart right then and there, I will never forget it. So what did I do? Got off the exit, drove all the way back. It might have been like five miles. And then once I saw him I was like, okay, there he is.

CH Chad Booth: And it took several more miles to get to an exit to turn back around. And I picked this, this gentleman up and we spoke about the goodness of God for almost two hours. It was phenomenal. And, and I thought I was doing him a favor. How arrogant. Like I God was doing me a favor. [00:39:00] And so it's situations like that in situations like at 2007, July 4th, 2007, I was jobless.

CH Chad Booth: I was I knew God had something different for me. I was moving out of the children's pastor role. I don't know what I built trucks for Freightliner. And I did the children's pastor's thing on the side. Anyway, so July 4th, 2007, I went and I was like, Hey, we're at this celebration celebrating my birthday.

CH Chad Booth: Woohoo. And I go over, there's a recruiter tent. I'm like, honey, I'll be back. I'm gonna go get my free Frisbee. I'll be back. Give me some free stuff. You know, you get these, the stress ball, whatever. So I went over there and, well, hey young man, have you ever thought about joining the, the military? Think it was a Navy recruiter.

CH Chad Booth: I was like, nah, that ain't for me. Thanks for the Frisbee. And I turned around and walked away and they immediately, I had a check in my spirits. I was like, oh, Lord, are you serious? [00:40:00] And I knew it, like right then, I knew it. So I went back to Brenda and she, she made me cry like it was a, I went back to Brenda.

CH Chad Booth: I was like, Holy Spirit just told me I need to join the military and become a chaplain. And she said, Chad, I will follow you wherever you go. And I was just like, oh my gosh, this is, so, I got the best woman in the world like no other man. None of my other girlfriends would've said that. So I'm so grateful for Brenda.

CH Chad Booth: She said, I will follow you wherever you go. So of course I went to the to the Navy first off, and I was like, yeah, Navy's not for me. Forget about it. So I went to the Army and enlisted nine years. I said, Hey, I wanna be a chaplain. Let me know what I gotta do. They gave me the big rocks. So I was like, okay, I got the ordination, I got the, the, this, the only thing I needed was my seminary done.

CH Chad Booth: So joined the army, used my tuition assistance, got the seminary done despite two deployments to [00:41:00] Iraq, despite two, no three moves. Two moves. Sorry, two moves. Got it done and then started the process of becoming a chaplain. And it took me till year nine. I got everything done by year five, and it took me till year nine that they finally accepted me and I was a chaplain assistant.

CH Chad Booth: I thought it was gonna be an easy process, but it, so 2017, 2016, I get word Sergeant Booth, you're gonna be a chaplain. I'm like, oh my gosh, man. Thank you. So, so I know about listening to the voice of God. So if you're out there and you don't know what that voice is or how you, that, that sense, that feeling, that gut feeling that, oh my gosh, I know this is the voice of God.

CH Chad Booth: You need to challenge our heaven. Father say, I need to know your voice. Dad, I need to know your voice when we're at the beach, and I [00:42:00] call for my voice. They know it's me calling them when I'm downstairs and I whisper to Brenda, Hey, can you make some cookies tonight? They know my voice and even though I whispered to my wife, Hey, make some cookies tonight, please.

CH Chad Booth: They know my voice and they come running down. Please mom, make your cookies cuz my children know my voice. So if you don't know the voice of God, you need to be sensitive, Lord, and, and, and be honest. Like, Hey, listen, prove to me. I need you to prove to me I'm gonna lay out the fleece out and make the fleece wet and the, and the and the ground dry, or vice versa.

CH Chad Booth: Do that. I don't care. Do whatever you want, like challenge the Lord and watch him prove himself faithful.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I think one thing that's important that I didn't mention before is that third part that makes you know that it's most likely from God is it's usually, as you [00:43:00] described, twice, something you don't want to do.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: It puts you in a position that's uncomfortable where you have to grow to be comfortable.

CH Chad Booth: Yeah, absolutely. E even with the, with the Covid vaccine, asked them, Nope, don't take, don't take any of them. And I said, okay, why did you say any of them? I don't care. You won't take any of them. I said, okay, fair enough. So I put in my loose accommodation, I said, none of them, I can't take any of them. God told me not to take any of them.

CH Chad Booth: I said, fair enough. So when they came out with a whole Novavax option, like, Hey, are you gonna take this? No Fetal cells were used. Let's use the Belt of Truth, shall we? But at the end of the day, I was like, no, God told me, take none of them. So that's what I knew, the voice of God. And I had the, the, the, I was grateful [00:44:00] that he made me stand in this uncomfortable time because I did go back to him, Lord, are you sure?

CH Chad Booth: Like, this could be so easy. I could just take it. You can, you can cure me from anything, any of the side effects. You can cure me. Like I just became a chaplain almost six years ago. No, in January it'll be six years. I just became a chaplain. I mean, can, can I not just throw in my career because of this?

CH Chad Booth: Nope, you're gonna stand on this. Ah, okay. So it was, it was uncomfortable. It was uncomfortable talking to my boss about this. Cause when people start saying, God told me, they get this glaze over their eye and they're like what do you mean God told you? Well, I have this thing called a relationship with Jesus.

CH Chad Booth: And as a chaplain, I train people on how to have good relationships with their loved ones. And it has something to do with communication. So if you're not [00:45:00] communicating, if I'm always talking to Brenda and not shutting my mouth and listening to her, not much of a communicator. Same thing goes with our heavily father.

CH Chad Booth: He wants to communicate with us, he wants to communicate with you, but we just have to learn to be quiet. Cuz when we get quiet and when we start not fidgeting, our minds start to wander. Oh, the bills are coming up. Oh, we have this coming up. And you start to worry. No quieten. Make your mind quiet. And then listen to God.

CH Chad Booth: And when your, cuz your mind will wonder, your mind will start thinking about whatever it thinks about. And you're gonna have to take your thoughts captive and say, no, I'm going to wait and I'm knocking about, I'm not gonna think about these things. I'm simply going to listen to my heaven. Father, [00:46:00]

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: what about the listener that may have stumbled, may have fallen, may have not listened to that voice.

CH Chad Booth: Yeah, there's, oh, if you see my hands right here, got a nice little callous right there. It's cuz I do the rower a lot. And the more I use rower, the more callous I have on my hands. You can see 'em right there. I have an opportunity to rip these callous off and my skin will be very, very sensitive and it will hurt.

CH Chad Booth: It, but sometimes when we don't listen to the voice of God, we put that callous over our heart. So next time it's gonna be harder to listen. So when you come to the knowledge, Hey, I, I have fallen away from you, father, I, I have closed off my life to you so much that I need [00:47:00] you to rip the callous off. No, there are very, there are two very, very dangerous prayers.

CH Chad Booth: That's one of 'em. And the other prayer that is very dangerous is a prayer for patience. If you pray for patience, you better know that you have bad times coming for you a lot. So Lord, take my callous heart and make it soft again. And he will. But it's gonna be very hard. It's gonna hurt because for you to get back to that right relationship.

CH Chad Booth: For you to have a heart, a life that is malleable in the hands of our awesome, awesome creator, like callousness has got, hardheartedness has gotta be gone. So asking forgiveness, Jesus, forgive me. And then immediately your sin is removed as far as the east is from the West, and that's how good our God [00:48:00] is.

CH Chad Booth: That's how we put on this armor of God. Every, that's how we do spiritual warfare. We, we simply, Lord, when I have thoughts of, of whatever you're struggling with, thoughts of salvation, like, I'm not saved. I do this. I, I'm so bad. I'm still doing it. I'm still living this way. Lord, I, I doubt my salvation. Then, Lord, help me to know that your salvation is not live Like when I, when I sin.

CH Chad Booth: I do believe that people can lose their salvation. People can choose to love Jesus. People can choose to push him out of their life. That's, that's my belief. But at the same time, when you walk in a re relate right relationship with Jesus, heck, he's always gonna be there for you, even when we are faithful.

CH Chad Booth: He is faithful and, and I love that part. I love that God does that for us. So real quick, I know we're coming up to the end, but [00:49:00] the sort of the spirit, I, I have really just one analogy for the sort of the spirits and that's how are you using your weapon, the weapons that God gave you? How are you using them because the sort of the spirit.

CH Chad Booth: Like, do you have a ninja sword? Do you have a samurai sword? Do you have a big old claymore? Cuz I don't know about you, but we're probably a little bit different. The Lord uses me like a blunt instrument, says, Hey, look at this nice little lake. Let's make it, let's mix it with, and then he throws me in and then it, it's just, it's chaos.

CH Chad Booth: And it's like, all, Lord, what do you want me to do? I'm ready. That's how the Lord uses me. But there are times in my life where I want to encourage the listener. You need to learn to use a sort of the spirit. So don't just be like this, like you have a shotgun, a 12 gauge shotgun, where, you know what, when, when the enemy comes to me and I'm like, well, greaters, he's in [00:50:00] me than he that's in the world.

CH Chad Booth: I tell my soldiers that I'm a spiritual sniper. So when I have certain things come to me like you are a failure as a father, how am I gonna combat that with a specific verse? When I have filthy thoughts come into my mind, how am I going to use the word of God? Oh, that's right. I'm to think on things that are righteous, noble things that are of praiseworthy, things that are pure, like that's the type of, you need to know the word of God so you can use your sort of the spirit appropriately.

CH Chad Booth: So when Satan comes to you, when demons come to you and and tempting and when, when you fall into temptation, you can use your sort of the spirit appropriately and your arena. Does that make sense?

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Precisely. And I think an important thing everyone must remember too is who is it the centurion that said, I can't remember.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Is it [00:51:00] someone who came up to Jesus and said, give me faith in my unbelief. You can pray for faith if you're having a tough time with faith. Pray for faith.

CH Chad Booth: Absolutely. It's just like wisdom. Like, Lord, give us wisdom, give us clarity of thought. That's my nightly prayer. Which brings me to my final point. There are timed battles out there, and really two things. You need to have an established quiet time before the Lord and, and if it's difference each week.

CH Chad Booth: Okay, got it. I know some schedules are chaotic. You need to have a, as an established time to where you tell your loved ones, Hey, I'm getting alone with God and I'm gonna spend 5, 10, 20, 30, however long I'm gonna spend some time with our heaven. Father, you need that. And then that will [00:52:00] prepare you for specific, and I would call them timed battles.

CH Chad Booth: I would call Halloween would be a timed battle. There was a time where we don't celebrate Halloween anymore, like at all, like. It's, it's evil. Why would I celebrate that? Why would I dress my kids up as a demonn or a ghost? Like, no, that, that, that doesn't res resonate with me. You know? So Halloween, we literally, my whole family and, and I got two boys, 16 year old and a 13 year old.

CH Chad Booth: We worship the Lord and in our living room, we worship the Lord. And we made not, not prayers, but declarations, that the enemy will not influence this house. That the enemy will protect our street. That the, that the enemy, oh, sorry, that our heaven father will protect our street, and that the enemy will not come on this street whatsoever.

CH Chad Booth: And we stood and we, there was [00:53:00] no ambulances that night. All was peaceful. I'm about to say that. All was calm, all was peaceful, all was calm. No, I'm not, ain't gonna to sing the song. You don't want to hear that. But we did that. Those were timed battles. So take the opportunity, take what God has given you and, and, and fight and do your due diligence.

CH Chad Booth: Stand up for your beliefs. Stand up for what is right, stand against evil, stand against all the corruption. Stand against it.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah. Growing up I went to this private school, Lutheran Private school, and we always have Reformation Day celebrations on October 31st.

CH Chad Booth: Fair enough. Yes. Right on. Oh my goodness. I know. Spiritual warfare to your listener, it might seem way too out there. Well, you know [00:54:00] what Chad gonna leave that spiritual warfare stuff to the pastors. I'm gonna leave it to, you know, the, the clergy man out there. I'm gonna leave it to the you chaplains. Cause you are the professionals, right?

CH Chad Booth: Are you kidding me? Do you think so little of yourself? Where the word of God says that you are a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, to declare his praises, who called you out of darkness to declare his marvelous light. Like you are that royal priesthood. And if you're out there thinking, Hey, I'm gonna be good to go.

CH Chad Booth: Cause I go to church on Sunday and I'm gonna listen to the pastor and he's gonna feed me, and then I'm gonna get home and, and live six days who, and I may probably forget what he, what he or she taught on anyway. Like, if you are that way, then you're probably not a strong Christian. I mean, you know about if you eat strong food, go ahead, finish that phrase.

CH Chad Booth: If you eat strong food, what happens?

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: You get strong. [00:55:00] You eat weak food, you get weak.

CH Chad Booth: You, you get strong it. I love that. I, and I love your, I love it, man. I love it, man. You eat strong food, you get strong. But if you're eating str, even if your pastor is phenomenal and he's giving you the meat of the word and you're like, mm, yeah, this is great.

CH Chad Booth: If you're, if you're fasting for the next six days, I would hate to see your spiritual body. Try that with your physical body and see how great you look. Like. Just, just eat one meal, just one meal, and then donate anything for the rest of the week and see how long you can last. Like, nobody wants that, you know, so don't, don't give into the temptation that, well, you know what?

CH Chad Booth: I go to church and I give my tithe, and I give, and I'm, I'm generous and I'm a good person. And you need to dig into the word of God. You need to pray. You need to [00:56:00] cha train your children because if you let all, if you let your children just be trained by a children's pastor, it won't be good enough at all.

CH Chad Booth: Like my children, oh my gosh, they are warriors. Like they ain't no soul boys. I can tell you that right now. The testosterone levels are crazy up in this house like crazy. And, and my wife, God bless her, she's like, I'm, I'm done. This testosterone is a little bit too much today. I'm done. I'm stepping away. I I got it, honey.

CH Chad Booth: But I tell you what, they are strong in the faith also. They know that Jesus loves them. They, they don't have to doubt their salvation. They don't have to doubt where their righteousness comes from. They don't have to doubt that they have the, the, the, the guts, the intestinal fortitude to stand up for the truth.

CH Chad Booth: They are ready to tell the gospel to their friends. They are ready to move the shield of faith and say, [00:57:00] you know what? Yeah, you can attack me, but guess what? It's gonna be quenched cuz you will not defeat me cuz I'm more than an overcomer and waits cause I got the sort of the spirit right here. So as soon as I, as soon as your flaming arrows get quenched, guess what sort of spirit I'm going on assault and you're done.

CH Chad Booth: And at the name of Jesus, Satan will flee. You're. There, there's no, well, I'm thinking about leaving. No, the sword of the spirit is sharper than any two-edged sword. And when you start using it appropriately, nothing can stand in your way. You are that unquenchable, uncomparable, foe that, that Satan keeps sending people to saying, I'm gonna, I'm gonna mess him up.

CH Chad Booth: I'm gonna get him with this. I'm gonna get him with this beautiful woman, and I'm gonna cause them to have lustful thoughts against her. Nope, ain't happening. Boom. Show to faith, sort of the spirit. That's how it's supposed to roll. And, and when you instill that, [00:58:00] when you train your children, when they grow old, they won't have to deal with so many people what they deal with today.

CH Chad Booth: Like, they're so sad that, oh, I, well, you know, I'm just so depressed and I'm so sad. Like I'm an accident and, and there's really nothing worth living for. Like, oh my gosh, my God has so much more for your life. God has a plan for you, has a destiny for you? And is it gonna be hard? Most likely. Is it gonna be rewarding?

CH Chad Booth: Absolutely. Is it gonna be hard for you and your family? Probably Is your family gonna be stronger and more unified together? So you don't, so you're not dealing with domestic violence, so you're not dealing with thought, thought, thoughts of suicide. So you're not dealing with depression, even though like even I deal with depression, like it's hard.

CH Chad Booth: I got it. But through the sort of the spirits, it's gonna be conquered and it continues to be conquered. [00:59:00] You listeners out there, spiritual warfare happens every day. Open your eyes and use the weapons that God has given you so that you can fight the battles that are coming your way. So you fight the battles that are in your arena right now.

CH Chad Booth: Then the battles that the Lord has for you in the future, you will be so much more rewarded. You'll be rewarded beyond comparison because when you finish the end of your fight, you're gonna stand before God, the creator. And I prayed. I just, I hope that he says these words to you. Well done, good and faithful servant.

CH Chad Booth: Enter into eternity with me or depart from me. I never knew you. You didn't want anything to do with me on earth. So why would I punish you being with me for eternity? [01:00:00] You get separated from my presence. And yes, this is a literal hell, but he doesn't send people there. He gives you what you want. If you want to spend time with Jesus here on earth, he's gonna accept you.

CH Chad Booth: And if you don't want anything to do with Jesus during this life, He's gonna give you what you want.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Amen. I think that's the perfect place to stop. Thank you so much, Chaplain Chad.

CH Chad Booth: Ah, you're welcome. That was very fun. Thank you for letting me rant a little bit. Yeah.

Dr. Sam Sigoloff: God bless you.[01:01:00]

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