The Power Life Coach

In this enlightening episode of "Life is what you make it" we explore the profound impact our thoughts have on shaping our lives. Embracing the mantra 'Life is what you make it,' we delve into how mindset is the key difference between experiencing life as a joyous journey or a burdensome struggle. This episode goes beyond the surface, examining how our inner thoughts are mirrored in our external world, from our physical appearance to our health and financial success.

Discover the power of positive thinking and how it opens doors to new opportunities, builds resilience, fosters confidence, and enhances decision-making. We also discuss the importance of relationships in our journey to success and how positivity creates a ripple effect, benefiting not just ourselves but those around us.

This episode is a call to embrace positive thinking as a tool for happiness and success. It's not about ignoring life's challenges but approaching them constructively. By changing our thoughts, we can change our world. Join us in this transformative discussion and take the first step towards a life of joy, health, and abundance. For more guidance on positive thinking, visit and join our exclusive membership program.

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What is The Power Life Coach?

I’m here to guide and accompany you to your greatest potential and give you the tools to create a life beyond your wildest dreams. You will change your life’s narrative, transform your limiting beliefs, and you will fully own your magnificent power. So that you can go from lack, to making your life one big authentically yours mind-blowing story.

I know you want more than your current reality. So, let’s unleash your inner badassery. Let’s explore the Intersection of Pain, Passion and Power. You don’t know how? I do. I have been where you are now. I suffered, learned, awakened and succeeded so that I can show you how.

With me, you get an unapologetic, powerful sister and guide with exceptional skills and a fearless attitude, all in one. Think "Sistuoso Maestro".

So, welcome to your POWER LIFE!!

Let’s do this. You have waited way too long already.

Hello my friends. Welcome to another episode of The Power Life.
I want to share a mantra with you, that I swear by: 'Life is what you make it.' Sounds simple, right? But it is a game-changer. This idea drives everything I do, both for myself and when I'm working with others on mindset. So. here's the deal: Our mindset literally creates our world. It's the difference between, living your life feeling like you're in heaven or slogging it through hell. It all comes down to how you frame your thoughts and experiences. Your mind's power is phenomenal, so let's use it to create a life we're crazy about, not one we're just enduring!
With that realization comes another truth bomb for you: Life is supposed to be our servant instead of our master. Think about it. We're not just passive reactive players in our lives; we're the captains steering this ship. Every choice we make, every attitude we adopt, it's all plotting the course of our journey. Every single moment, we're deciding where this life is headed. So, are you going to let life boss you around, or are you going to grab the wheel and steer it where you wanna go?
I'm always reminded of Spiderman's iconic line: 'With great power comes great responsibility.' You know, we've got more power over our lives than we often realize. But here’s the kicker - with that power comes a big chunk of responsibility. Life's like a solo game, and guess what? We're the only players. There's no one else to point fingers at or to hold accountable for. It's all on us. And I mean it, no matter what's going down in your life, there are absolutely no exceptions to this rule. Own your power, and own your life.
Let's dive a bit deeper with the Science of Mind philosophy. There’s this fascinating idea that our visible, external life is a mirror image of our invisible, internal thoughts. This principle is in play, whether you buy into it or not. So, you've basically got two ways to play this: First, you can be smart about it, accept this truth, and use it to your advantage. Or second, you can choose the hard way, resist this reality, and make life tougher for yourself. Frankly, the latter seems like a no-brainer to avoid. Why choose a path that leads to unnecessary suffering?
Let me give you a real-life example to illustrate this: I had a client, a bit of a skeptic, who agreed to experiment with this principle. He came to me for help with his struggling business. Sales were down, and he was a bundle of anxiety and overwhelm. Now, if you're familiar with my approach, you'll know I don't just look at one side of things. In this case it would have been his business. I always take a holistic view, considering the emotional, physical, and professional aspects. It's like a three-legged stool – each leg needs to be strong and balanced.
It turned out, my client was petrified of failing. He'd sunk a hefty sum into his business and was dominated by fear and self-doubt. On the outside, he played it cool, but inside, he was a mess of insecurities and panic. We got to work, and pretty soon, there was a shift in his internal vibe. His confidence began to rebuild. He started expecting success rather than failure, and his mindset shifted from fear to optimism and excitement. As his inner thoughts transformed, so did his business. Sales began to rise.
This is a testament to the power of mindset. The external changes in our lives are directly linked to our inner thoughts. Once you grasp this, your life transforms in ways you never thought possible. It's a principle I've seen work time and time again – in my life and my clients' lives. The outer reality always shifts when the inner mindset does.
Let's dive deeper into this concept. Let’s examine the connection between our inner thoughts and our outer appearance. It's fascinating to see how our internal life manifests in our physical being. Think of people's faces – their expressions often protray their inner thoughts. The eyes, the lines around the mouth, and even the posture of the shoulders reflect their inner state. The mind etches the story of our internal thoughts onto the canvas of our face and body. Over time, these impressions, like creases around the eyes and mouth, deepen and become permanent fixtures.
It's intriguing how people can subconsciously pick up on these cues. They might not pinpoint exactly what it is, but they can sense bitterness, anger, or defeat in someone. This perception influences how they respond to that person. If we aspire to be perceived differently, to attract different responses and opportunities, it starts with altering our inner dialogue. Changing our thoughts can reshape the what we project to the world. It's a powerful reminder that our inner world shapes our outer reality.
Moving on to another crucial aspect – the relationship between our inner thoughts and our health. It's undeniable that our habitual mental states significantly impact our physical well-being. Chronic stress, persistent worry, anger, and anxiety are not just emotional states; they have real, tangible effects on our health. For instance, did you know that people who live under prolonged states of worry or fear are more prone to developing conditions like anemia? Or that sustained stress can lead to cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal problems, and a weakened immune system? Even chronic anger has been linked to the development of stomach ulcers.
It's logical to think, 'Well, this is simply how our body reacts chemically to these emotions.' So then let's take this a step further. Consider the concept of financial success. How does this relate to our inner thoughts? It might seem less direct than the physical health connection, but hang in here with me and I promise you that the link is just as profound. Our mindset, the thoughts and beliefs we nurture every minute of the day, play a pivotal role in shaping our financial realities. It shapes the way we perceive ourselves, our capabilities, and our worth, which in return influences the financial decisions we make and the opportunities we either seize or let pass by. It's a fascinating interplay between our internal world and our external circumstances.
So let’s look at a few specifics of this in more detail.
Let’s dive into how our inner thoughts magnetize opportunities. It's the power of positive thinking that broadens our vision, enabling us to spot opportunities that might slip by unnoticed amidst fear, overwhelm, or negative thinking. Imagine positive thought as a pair of glasses that amplify the positives in life, making them more visible and accessible. Isn't it true that an open, optimistic mindset heightens our awareness of new possibilities? On the flip side, when we're wrapped in a cocoon of negativity, frustration, fear, or panic, our vision narrows. We become blind to the opportunities around us because our focus is entirely consumed by our negative emotions. It’s like walking through a beautiful garden but only noticing the weeds. Our mental state directs our attention and, consequently, our actions.
Moving on to one of the cornerstones of success – resilience. Let's face it, the path to success is seldom a straight line. It's a fact we all know too well. But here's where the power of positive thinking plays a vital role. It cultivates resilience, that incredible ability to recover from setbacks and failures. With a positive mindset, obstacles and challenges transform. They're no longer daunting roadblocks but rather stepping stones, guiding you to greater achievements. Instead of being stuck in the muck of defeat or sidetracked by negative emotions, an optimistic outlook empowers you to see each challenge as an opportunity to grow, learn, and ascend to new heights.
Continuing our journey, let's move on to confidence. The seed of positivity grows a robust tree of self-belief and confidence. This is essential for risk-taking and stepping beyond our comfort zones, where real growth and success happen. Believe in yourself, and you've already won half the battle.
Now, let's consider clarity. We all know that clear, focused thinking is critical for effective decision-making. Positivity cuts through the clouds of doubt and fear, enabling us to make decisions aligned with our goals and values. An optimistic mindset fosters clarity, leading to choices that truly resonate with our aspirations.
Then there's the aspect of relationships. You know the old saying 'it's not what you know, but who you know' ? Positive thinking enhances our relationships. Success is a collective journey, not a solitary one. When you radiate positivity, you become more approachable and collaborative, attracting those who share your mindset. This creates a network of supportive, empowering relationships, both professionally and personally.
Let's not forget the ripple effect of positivity. Your upbeat attitude has the power to influence those around you, creating an environment where positivity feeds more positivity. This collective positive energy is a fertile ground for shared success.
And lastly, consider the impact of positivity on health and energy. A positive outlook not only fosters better health but also energizes you. And we all know how crucial vitality and stamina are when it comes to climbing the ladder of success. It’s challenging even when you at your best, physically and mentally.
I want you to know that embracing positive thinking isn't about denying the difficulties of life. I hear you. Challenges are a real part of our journey, and at times, they can be incredibly tough and positivity simply allows for a more constructive approach. It’s all about where we direct our focus - on the potential for positive outcomes, rather than dwelling on the negative possibilities.
So, I urge you to start nurturing a mindset of positivity. It’s an important tool in unlocking the doors to your happiness and success. Embrace the wisdom that says, “Change your thoughts and you change your world.” Remember, happiness, health, and abundance are not just aspirations; they are our birth rights. Life wasn’t meant to be a series of defeats, illness, or unhappiness. But the key to this treasure chest of well-being lies within us – in the power of our thoughts.
Therefore, take control of your inner narrative. Cultivate thoughts that uplift and empower you. Start small if you need to – find one positive thought each day and let it grow. Remember, no one can create happiness for you; it's a path you must embark on yourself. As you move forward, let each positive thought be a step towards a life filled with joy, health, and abundance.
And for those of you seeking further guidance on cultivating positive inner thoughts, I invite you to join me on my website at . There, you can sign up for my exclusive membership program, designed to provide deeper insights and practical strategies for embracing a positive mindset. I would love for you to join me on this transformative journey!
Until next time, really embrace the superpower of your thoughts to create the life you truly desire. It’s waiting for you!! Take care!