Behind The Bots

In this Behind the Bots podcast episode, Charles McCarthy, founder of FullJourney, an advanced AI media creation platform is interviewed. Charles discusses his unique background, which includes early tech work in the 1990s, training in Mixed Martial Arts and fighting in the UFC before focusing on building his startup  

Key points covered in the interview include:

- How Charles got into tech at a young age but later pursued MMA and UFC fighting, while continuing to nurture his love for building things

- The inspiration behind creating FullJourney as an all-in-one suite for AI image, video and audio generation

- A look at how FullJourney’s text-to-video feature works using diffusion models and open source tools Charles helped develop

- Examples of the types of AI-generated videos and images possible with FullJourney

- Charles’ views on where AI is headed and potential risks like disruption of jobs and weaponization of AI

- How lessons from MMA training can help developers push past barriers

Listen to the full conversation to learn more about the FullJourney platform and founder Charles McCarthy’s unique perspective on leveraging AI technology.



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What is Behind The Bots?

Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by interviewing the brightest minds and exploring cutting-edge projects. From innovative ideas to groundbreaking individuals, we're here to uncover the latest developments and thought-provoking discussions in the AI space.

My name is Charles McCarthy. I was, I started in
technology in the 90s. Early 90s I was started like

some basic programming stuff, some internet
stuff, put up like some websites and by the late 90s

I was working in technology, was working in
digital marketing for web hosting company. And,

but you know, it was like a weird thing. I was born in
1980. So like in the late 90s, I was still a

teenager. And so I got started working real early
in these companies. And I just, I don't know if you

remember how it was back then, but I just didn't
know what I wanted to do for a living. So I was doing

computers at the time, but it didn't seem like that
was like a career path for me. I was just doing what I

was, what I was into, you know, it was always
hacking stuff as a kid. It always seemed like a

natural progression for me. Then at the same time,
I started training mixed martial arts. So around

early 2000s, I got a UFC contract. And I put all the
programming, all the development, everything I

kind of pushed it aside. And I pursued that. And I
did that for a little while. I ended up retiring in

2007, I believe, or 2006, somewhere around there.
I opened my first gym. And then I opened my second

gym. And then I opened a sports agency where I was
managing UFC fighters. But all the time that I was

doing that, I really, my real love and hobby is I
love tinkering. I love programming. I love

building things. So like building like these
businesses to me, we're like an extension of that

same concept. I like, I like the way businesses run
to the same thing, you know, like it's a lot like

programming. So when probably 2014, I got the
Oculus DK2 dev kit. And it was like a mind blowing

shift for me with technology. I felt like things
had gotten a little stale for me before that with

technology, it was basically like, what's the
next cool phone coming out or something like that.

So I was focused a lot on MMA time. And then when VR
came out, I was like, wow, this is amazing stuff. I

started trying to figure out how to build
experiences for VR right away. I built the first

live stream of a MMA event in VR. We were building
camera rigs at the time and, you know, utilizing

different like software and ways of putting it
together that would, you know, get the job done

when it didn't really exist at the time. And it was
fun. And I did that again for a few years. And really

missed certain aspects of mixed martial arts. So I
started up another gym about five years ago. It's

evolved into different forms. But now it's like
the last three years, I've been running it out of

Deerfield. I've got a really nice facility, a
couple of UFC fighters out of there and a lot of like

students. But my energy more is running that
business than teaching and focused on the

relationships with like customers. And so I found
myself itching again, like for something

technology wise, and around that time, AI started
like making it resurgence. It was like VR when I got

into it in the 90 or in the late 2000s, or mid 2000s
teens, it was a resurgence of VR that was around

when I was a kid. I remember like, we had these VR
experiences, like at shopping malls and stuff

like that in like the early 90s. And they were
terrible, you know, but it gave you an idea like a

peak of what was to come. And I know when I first
started getting into technology, I would read all

about AI and how it was the future. And, you know,
they've been working on it since like the 50s and

the 60s as concepts of AI. So it didn't really, when
I first started hearing AI come around again, it

just felt like a buzzword at first, I didn't really
think much of it. And then, you know, I had

experienced a little bit of like chatbot stuff,
and I thought it was terrible. And then all of a

sudden, I tried chat GPT, and it blew me out of the
water, like probably everybody and it created a

seismic shift, probably in the way everyone
thought about AI. It went from being like a cool,

like, gimmicky thing of like, basically, how do
you procedurally generate something to really

feeling like you have, I don't know, like a
workforce, like a team that's working with you.

And you were like the director of this team, and
they give you tidbits, and you put it together, and

you orchestrate it. And so I go, Okay, well, this is
amazing. What can I build with this? And my first

thought was I have two kids, and I was like,
Alright, I've got my business already, like I'm

focused on stuff. But this would be great for my
kids, they could start programming and building

stuff and starting businesses. My kids are
teenagers, and they were like, Oh, that's cool,

dad, but they really didn't get into it. So I was
like, All right, well, let me be I'll show them what

they can do. So I use chat GP, chat GPT. Probably
started I want to say like around the end of the year

or January of this year. And I started teaching
myself how to do Python with it. You know, I done

some programming before, but never Python. But
everything in AI is Python. So I was like, I don't

want to goof around, like, let me just go right to
what everyone's using. So I go, Okay, I need a

platform to be able to deliver things on that I
build. And building you eyes are complicated and

tedious. So I was like, All right, I'm going to
build off of discord, like how mid journey did it. I

go, But I want and I built like a couple other AI
interactions, websites and stuff like that. But

nothing really that really was good yet. It was
just me dabbling like with what what existed. And I

started learning and figuring it out like mid
journey got my attention with the beautiful

images they were creating. I started using their
images to create like clothing from my gym. And I

go, Okay, there's real use application here. So
then I was like, man, why can I make like videos and

mid journey? Why can I make speech and mid journey?
I didn't really understand what the limitations

of AI were yet. I was just like, if the images are so
amazing, and chat GPT can give me such great

responses, then why does this other stuff not
available? So I started doing more and more

research. And in the meantime, I was like, let me
put like as a test run a discord bot up with some of my

AI experiments. So I did like a couple lm stuff,
some chat GPT integrations, like some

characters, stuff like that, some like automatic
conversation stuff, some image generation

jokes, like the same stuff everyone kind of does
when they first start goofing off with it. And it

was amazing, like my friends all joined the
discord, their friends started joining it,

everyone was playing with it. And I go, you know, I
started businesses before I go, there's

something interesting here. You know, there's
definitely some traction. And it was fun for me to

use. Like I really liked playing with the
randomness that AI can bring, you know, it gives

you like, what you think you want, it takes that and
it mixes it with what it thinks you want, and you get

something special each time. So I remember when I
first started messing around on the internet in

the early 90s, and it was like, you know, you go to a
website and you watch the image load, you know, and

then at some point, we started getting videos and
you'd get like a frame every second, you know, and

it was terrible quality, really low resolution.
But it was amazing at the time, I don't remember

thinking to myself, man, this quality sucks. I
remember thinking to myself, this is amazing that

I have this, I can get images off the websites, I'm
getting like video clips, I could just blew my

mind. So over that period of time, when everyone
was focused on all the quality sucks, not as good as

my TV, it'll never be as good as my TV, it'll never be
as good as my CD player or my DVD player. It just kept

iterating, chugging along and eventually
surpassed all those things. And so when I did my

first initial deep dive into video, I don't know if
you guys saw like the original Will Smith Eating

Spaghetti videos, they were like, it was like a
horror show, right? Yeah, right. And all the

videos were like these horror shows of like
craziness. And they had like shutter stock logos

on them. And so, but when I saw it, my instant
thought was, all right, this can be done, like this

is going to happen. Like it wasn't like how
terrible is this, I can't deliver this to

somebody. It was like, how do I take this
foundation and build on it to get something better

out of it. So I found a discord that had a lot of the
leading tinkerers and AI video in it. And I made

friends with Spencer and their Sir Spence. He now
works for, he worked for Runway ML. But he was the

developer of Zero Scope 2. And Zero Scope 2 took the
original base model scope. And he fine tuned it, he

got rid of all the garbage, made it really good. And
then all of a sudden had a really usable video

model, like the first open source usable video
model. So when I connected with him, we started

collaborating right away. I gave him like some
compute. And I'm not like a rich guy or anything,

but I just saw it, I believed in it. So I was like,
I'll fund this, I believe what I can do. He

developed Zero Scope 3, which is what we launched
our video platform with. And we still have that

like on certain flags, you can still flip our old
video models. And that's so that's an open source

video creation tool? Yeah, yeah. So when it's an AI
model, Zero Scope, so it's not a tool to AI model

that you can inference. So when, when it launched,
I was like, I thought it was cool, you know, like I

thought we had something really original. And
then a couple YouTubers like picked it up. And it

just must have been like the right time of
everything. All of a sudden, we got like, you know,

15,000 people flooded in over the next few weeks.
And everybody was using it and blowing it up. And my

whole goal always was to provide a full suite of
tools. So I continued on, I started, I funded some

other guys building video stuff, but I focused a
lot like on our upgrading our tools on video on

audio generation speech, lip syncing, and
basically any workflow that I could imagine would

be a useful tool for media generation, I started
incorporating it to full journey. And the concept

of full journey is it's really an homage to mid
journey, who I just think was the most incredible

company, and has built something really
revolutionary. And I did my best to try to reverse

engineer and build upon what they did, and then try
to provide provide a full suite of tools. Because

what I was finding when I was using mid journeys, I
was taking their images and taking it other

places. And I wanted one place where I could do
everything in one spot. So that's what I ended up

building with this, we were free for a really long
time, to like burn through all my available money.

And then now we have a subscription package, and
we've got a bunch of members. So how does it work

from the user side, when they go on to your full
journey website or platform? Walk me through what

that looks like. Sure thing. Yeah, so they go on to
full And they can go ahead and log in

with their Discord ID. They can join the Discord
from there. And they can subscribe from there. If

you join the Discord, you get a free trial. We give
50 credits a month out to everybody. So

essentially, it's a free tier that'll every month
that'll refresh for you. You can generate all the

same stuff, the images, AI images with words in
them, videos with words in them, movies, sound

tracks, music, speech, lip syncs, got a large
variety of tools available for them. And they go

into the Discord, they press forward slash help,
it'll give them a list of all the tools on the

website to it'll have a list of all the commands
they can use. And they can just drop into one of the

chat channels and say hi and ask for help. So just
for the audience out there, full journey is that

your main component is the text of video, correct?
You know, when I look at like the logs of everything

that runs, it's probably a combination of the
video, the different video models and the image

models that get used the most. But each we're using
a couple million characters of speech a month,

we're using, yeah, everything pretty much is
getting used a lot, we get a lot of deepfakes

getting made in there and like the lip sync videos
and things like that. Like, these are all

different forms, I guess, of media, right? So the
ideas that all these tools, they work together so

you can build, like, multimedia, whether that's
videos with sound or, you know, whatever it is,

like their goal is, we want to be able to provide the
media editing tools to create that in one spot.

Gotcha. So for the audience out there, if it's like
a bunch of tools exist already, like mid journey is

awesome. I use it every day for image creation. But
this can do a full journey can do that as well. Also

runway that was mentioned by Charles a little bit
ago, that's more for video generation and video

editing. So there's that tool out there. And
there's another video editing. Yeah, labs, Texas

speech, but a full journey can do everything. So in
one place, local, right? There's the ID that does

like the lip sync videos, like the idea is, I want to
bring all this under one roof for one, one very

reasonably priced subscription. So you can use
all the image editing tools for only 10 bucks a

month gets you unlimited. I think the cheapest mid
journey plan for unlimited is 30 bucks. But really

the $60 plan is a real unlimited plan. And then for
our video plans are $30 a month. And then you can do

those annually brings them down like 30% in cost.
Now, one thing that struck me finding your project

was it was hard to find like, and when I found it, I
was blown away how good it is. I mean, it was like,

wow, this is awesome. I think I found it on a sub this
full journey subreddit. Oh, cool. Yes, I'm like,

in this whole process that I've been building it,
my focus has really been on the development of it.

And spent a lot of my time doing the development of
your developer, you understand how that is. And so

I'm, I'm still working on the marketing
component, I haven't decided how I want to market

it yet. I also were building phone app tools and web
app tools for all the different commands so that

you can do everything like from a phone app or from
the web. So that's kind of been holding a little bit

off on the marketing for that. We're also we're not
funded. So I'm kind of bootstrapped. So we're

really all organic growth at this point, I have
never paid for any marketing, which was a hard time

finding me. But that's it goes to show I think if you
do market it, it should, I think it should take off

pretty quick, you know, so thanks so much. That's
that's the hope. Yeah. Like, can you take us

through on how it actually works in layman's
terms, because people are going in to discord, and

they're typing make me a video of a waterfall and a
boat going over the top of it or something like

that. It could be anything, right? And then it
outputs it like how does that actually work? So

it's pretty freaking incredible. And then also
like, how long can the videos be how long can you

make them right now and pull journey. So something
I just implemented just now for the members is you

can DM the bot what you want. And instead of having
to use slash commands, you can just talk to it like a

chat bot like hey, make me an image of a frog. And
it'll make you a cool image of a frog and you can go,

Okay, that's cool. Can you make that into a movie
and it'll make it into a movie for you. So that's

that's what I just got implemented today. And how
does it do it? Each one of these AI media creations

are done with different AI models. Except for our
speak command, which uses 11 labs API, and our

Dolly three command, which uses Dolly three API.
But all the others, I believe, except for those are

using all open source models or models that we have
fine tuned or created. And those are all running on

a system called Kubernetes. And that's a way of
clustering machines together so that you can

scale things out. But in layman's terms, we've got
like little AI guys that are like, you know, in the

cloud, and you tell it what you want. And it uses
diffusion for most of the stuff. So the way

diffusion works is it throws like a splatter at the
wall and starts pulling little pieces off of it

until it starts resembling what you want. It uses a
bunch of other images that it was trained on, so

that it understands different patterns for
different words, so that it can take all of those.

It can take the context of what you want. And as it
starts pulling away different parts of the image

to create an image, basically essentially like
sculpting an image, it knows that an image with

that caption usually looks kind of like this. And
it has like a whole bunch of different

possibilities as it starts filling in. And
depending on the way you set up the model with a

bunch of different parameters, you can get all
types of different output. So we have fine tuned

all of our models to output in a way that we like the
best, that we think are giving the best results.

And, you know, we're just on top of it. Whatever the
newest stuff is coming out, we're trying to

implement it. And then we are building custom
workflows on how to use those new models. There's

always new models coming out, but it's not always
useful to just use the model directly. But

sometimes you can implement the model in a
workflow so that you can generate a better video or

a better image or something based on interfacing
with a few models before you take it directly to the

the inference. So are you creating your own custom
models to train, for example, the video aspect of

full journey or you're using pretty well? So that
would have been that's that's like Zero Scope 3. We

also use other open source models. We use a video
crafter right now. I just implemented that. I've

got Hot Shot XL in there for hot shots. I've got
Animate Diff on there. That's one of the hotter

open source models right now for creating AI
videos. And you asked me, oh, sorry about how long

they can be. The videos range up to eight seconds.
This is how long they can be and do you know how it

worked like you're using the open source models
movies 12 seconds, but that's divided by three

second clips if that makes you can do a 12 second
movie or an eight second Single scene is the

longest single scene got it But if you do the 12
second then it breaks it into three four second or

four three second videos. Yes, exactly Yeah, the
idea being that it's gonna create four scenes of a

movie with a soundtrack and put it together So
you're using the open source models for the video a

combination of different things Like how does it
know where to move things? Like it do you know do you

know how that works in the back like back in like how
does it if you want? You know motorcycle going

across the screen like how does it? Okay? Yeah,
good question So there's models from for movement

as well that they're implemented with those are
called motion modules and that Generally knows

based on what it sees in the image the way those are
supposed to move in Combination with the prompt

one thing cool thing that the runway release about
last week is like you can oh my god How cool the touch

thing touch it and then say I'm motion here. Oh, I
want to build that so bad That's in my in my to-do

list right now. I'm sure you're too. Lewis is
gigantic I Never stop like with like I have my

laptop on me all the time and I get an idea and I just
hammered out And so my to-do list isn't too bad

because I just do it right away. I just probably I I
Have a couple things on my to-do list that are

bigger projects that are a little bit tougher to
tackle like that But for the most part my to-do list

not too bad I want to add to the user experience for
the way that I'm handling the creations So right

now I have it set up like I told you through the chat
that you can Conversationally talk to it to create

the media. I want that to go deeper like I just added
live search results to that I want to chain those

things together so that you could Do like a
combination requests of things like hey, can you

search for this and if it's that then do this kind of
thing? and The web app and the phone apps are really

like primary right now I have a developer that
works with me named Asia and he's Our react

developer. He's the one put together the phone
apps with the back end code that I've provided So we

should hopefully have those up within the next
like two months. That's one of those bigger

projects It's gonna take a little bit longer But
that that's kind of what I was thinking like I don't

want to market it until I have a place to send people
because It's hard to market people to discord That

right. Why do a Google? Discord, it's a just having
a hard time visualizing that the shocking

Visually doesn't have a website yet because
they're tools incredible like I know But you just

can't generate on the website, right? Like in the
yeah, it's interesting that they have it that way I

wonder why yeah, and the website's cool looking.
It's got like that cool. I'm a great web Dude,

they're great. I I've been following the guy David
Holtz from from the VR days He was a vision

Developer like he they did leap motion was like
this cool thing that I had where you attach it to

your VR set and it can track Like stuff like that.
He's got like hundreds of millions of dollars

invested Wow, I didn't know that that's good.
That's a real dude like that's not just some guy

goofing off You know, that's a real guy. Well,
there's probably a lot of money behind

mid-journey as well They got a huge head start on
everybody and they are Fantastic, so I you know, I

can't say anything about them. I hope one day that
we can even be spoken in the same breath of them

Yeah, well, I think you're yes, they're headed in
the right direction What I don't want to talk about

3d models. That's one more thing that it's on my
Text to 3d models is one more thing on my agenda.

You're asking Hunter Yeah Yeah, so if you go like I
mean can be for anything can be for VR you can pull

assets into like your home environment can be for
anything That you would use like a 3d object file

for and you can say okay. Can I get like a? a 3d model
of like a Muscular guy wearing a police uniform and

poof you'll have like a full 3d model of that That's
one of the things that I want to do There's some good

tools out there for that right now. It's gonna take
a little bit of refinement I don't like to put

anything out until it's good enough for what the
customers are expecting of us So but when I see

stuff, that's close. I start working on it and
getting it refined so as soon as it's ready I'll

have that ready to go out the door I don't want to
talk about too much, but like just because I don't

know what the audience is a UFC crowd or not But
that's so cool that you were in the UFC. I don't like

people probably don't picture UFC fighters as
computer programmers Not haha, they're usually

not. I don't know. I don't know many other ones. No,
so that's that's crazy like When you work out, is it

help you code like and do that stuff after you're
done like doing an exhausting workout? When I'm

exhausted from working out. I usually don't want
to coach. Yeah, right. That's what I think. Yeah,

it's interesting so Jiu-Jitsu, which is one of the
I'm a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and that's

one of the bigger aspects of mixed martial arts
It's usually thought of as like an engineering

type martial art There's a lot of structural
components like if and else type Movements that

are involved in how that works and the way you
systematically break down like the body and

leverage points and things like that it starts it
be Jiu-Jitsu really attracts a lot of engineers. I

do have software developers that do Jiu-Jitsu in
my gym. I've got a bunch of them I think he's a blue

belt right now, it's a blue belt. Yeah, it takes
like 10 years to get to your black belt usually so

it'll be a little bit But yeah, it's it's
attractive to people like that once they start

doing it's hard for them to stop Especially if
you're somewhat competitive to it mixes with all

the right things there I haven't met a lot of
Professional fighters that do development.

There was one guy I met early on Joe Lozon who's a PHP
developer Like back when I first started which is

like the early or late 90s. I Don't know if he still
does that Back in the 90s like anything you were

into that you were following online You're always
usually among developers because there wasn't a

lot of people online back then, you know It was
there's always where developers mix into

everything, but yeah, I think the UFC aspect of it.
It's It's unique in this scenario, but it's also It

allows me to look at things from a different
perspective. I think I've seen the world from

different viewpoint than most developers I've
done a lot of business in a lot of different places

with all kinds of people from when I was an agent and
I Just have a unique perspective I would say and I

think that it helps me to Create my experience is
more for the layman What I'm trying to create is

like the easy button for a AI media creation Like I
want anyone to be able to use our tools to do

whatever they want without having to really
understand too much So I want any of my guys that

that I've trained with that fight in the UFC to be
able to use it and Take pictures of themselves and

create lauras and send people pictures of them as a
Christmas card Climbing them out and or something

and it should be easy So that's the goal of what I'm
trying to create I want them to have the access to

all these amazing things that AI can create But how
having to really know anything about how it works

or why it works or anything Just as easy as like
talking into your phone Hey, make me a picture of a

frog jumping out of a tree and then it'll do that
thing It's like I think you got to get to that point

for people to use it like with email Right like back
in the day you had to probably set up an email server

do all that stuff But now you know grandparents use
it every day. So it's like it's got to be that easy

Understandable. Do you tell us one story? About
the UFC or your experience with the UFC that stands

out or that that it's like your most vivid memory
Man, there was a lot of them. So I remember the first

time I ever fought in the UFC. I got I Started
talking to their matchmaker right away Like when I

knew like I was on track, you know, it was one of the
top prospects And so I started I got a hold of their

matchmaker. I started talking to him and I go hey
You know, I don't know if you know who I am this that

he goes now I know who you are okay Can you tell me
what it would take for me to get into UFC and he

helped me lay out a plan that I was able to do and get
in By beating like certain guys that he felt like

were good enough quality to prove myself kind of
thing that we would know like This sounds like it

was in the past a while ago, but my last fight was a
pretty famous guy I fought a guy named Michael this

thing. He's a UFC champion and Yeah, he was a tough
fight and I fought a lot of good guys before him. I

fought a guy named Dave Lwaza who was a title
contender my my fighting my UFC career was An

interesting time of my life because I got like not
only did I do like the UFC stuff But I was on their

ultimate fighter TV show So I was like on the
reality show that I never really planned to do any

of those things in my life You know like to be on TV or
anything so it was like a very interesting thing

that happened early on in my life and And it helped
open up a lot of doors for me like in all different

areas Like gives you a lot of confidence to just do
what you feel like you can do anything if you can You

know like go from being a computer programmer to
fight in the UFC like once you do that you go I feel

like I can do anything. Yeah, I feel like that's a
problem with people like with coders and

programmers is they start something and Anytime
things get tough they give up So like that kind of

training with UFC you're trained all the time to
like not give up Yeah option so yeah, that's cool

But you were saying what was the moment that you
remember? So when I got to UFC the first time There

was a guy that was like a heavyweight champion of
the UFC Andriy Arlovsky who was like this big scary

Russian guy and I remember I just got to UFC And I was
such a fan of everything and I couldn't even

imagine ever meeting these guys And I remember all
week I was walking around taking pictures with

everybody except for this one guy It was so scared
of him. I couldn't even know what to say And

eventually at the end of the time I got a picture
with him He ended up winning his fight becoming

world champion and I go man like it just was For me
like you get to meet your heroes, you know Like

that's I think like if I get to meet some of my heroes
and computing would be the same way for me You know

you have these people that you have only ever read
about heard about seen on TV And so for me like that

best experience in the UFC for me was the first time
I went there that week And I just I got to meet all

these guys, you know I got to meet all the people
that I was always such a huge fan of and still a fan of

Yeah, we sometimes we get together and watch the
fights I even started a few months ago started

doing MMA at a gym and here in Knoxville Knoxville
Martial Arts Academy and it is awesome I mean

getting to learn you mentioned if that you know if
then I mean that seems like a lot of what Mixed

martial arts is you know if they do this then you're
gonna do this if they're Leaning this way then

you're gonna do this if their hands here Guys in
good shape, you know like that's such an important

thing like if you want to be able to live a full life
and be Enjoy what you're doing then you need to take

care of your body as well as your mind You know like
one of the things when I'm developing and I get like

you do you hit those roadblocks like you say and I
just put it down I get fresh eyes like I'll put it

down. I'll go train. I'll do something else and
I'll come back to it I don't accept that I'm

quitting like I just not gonna quit. I'm gonna get
it done I just need to rethink how I'm approaching

it and That's the same thing like for you guys to be
like for you to be training hunters such a great

thing and it'll help you to understand Some point
you're gonna come across situation you go man. I

feel like I'm not getting any better I'm having a
hard time with this or having hard time with that

and then some time will pass And then all of a sudden
you'll smash right through that barrier that you

had and you'll do that enough times that you'll
start to understand Like I can get through any

barrier Everything is a temporary limitation and
everything's never been done until it's done. And

so I think that's a really important skill set for a
developer and Mindset is to be able to push through

complicated things roadblocks Man, why don't you
see chat GVT and how that can exist you go I can do

anything if somebody can build that I Can even
constantly conceive of going from like a standard

Help chat bot that we had like, you know, 10 years
ago five seven years ago to going from that to like a

real LLM It's It really just changes your whole
concept of what can be done. It's not so people are

probably gonna look back You know 20 years from now
and they'll ask the question. Do you remember the

first time you talked to chat? It's that it's like
that crazy of a tool, you know, oh my god, do you

remember your first time? Yeah Have you been any of
the new features that they released in last week?

Yeah, the chat GVT's are pretty insane. I Just did a
view on it. Yeah last night I haven't used it yet,

but I may use it for myself But I just saw I
researched cool ones and the coolest ones were

like lower creation thumbnail creation you can
create Twitter tweets They had an AI girlfriend It

uses dolly three somehow I tested it I said make me a
thumbnail of mr. Beast and it made a pretty Amazing

thumbnail. I mean it didn't look like these at all
because they're censoring celebrities

Likelinesses, but it the thumbnail looked really
good. Oh amazing. So Look into that. I haven't

really looked into the GPT's at all So it allows you
to interject code in between like it allows you to

create your own chatbot So if you want to create a
chatbot about UFC, right? You could plug in you

could upload every document Ever that ever
existed to this chatbot It will learn about the UFC

by the documents you upload or the text you put in
and then you can ask it any question You want about

the UFC and it will answer you so it'd be like a UFC
chatbot. So cool. All right With that I I've been

I've plugged the dolly three in on full journey
people loved it. It's really good It's got a lot

better too. It's almost And then the chat content
length in the GPT for turbo is awesome like 128k

tokens is unreal Yeah, that's like 300 pages of
text or something like it's insane. So that's how I

built my The the web the what live web interaction
that I have for it So like now I'm just I'm pulling up

like tons of web content. I'm sending it all
through GPT and I'm having it summarize it You

know, it's coming out amazing. Yeah, that's
awesome. It's such a huge time saver and so many

aspects of our lives It's it's ridiculous One of
the things we like to ask everybody is what like

where do you see AI going in general? Like some
people think it's gonna kill humanity some people

think it's gonna Coexist with us like where do you
see it going in general? Is it a good thing or a bad

thing? It's a really good question And I go back and
forth with it even in my own head It's definitely

going to disrupt Almost everything as we know it
and even things that we think are not disruptible

are probably disruptible because once you
connect AI with robotics Pretty much can do almost

anything once you get it fine tuned enough So like
there's not gonna be a lot that a human is going to be

needed for With enough of that You need somebody to
create the AI and the robotics and development But

something tells me that they're gonna be able to
have AI do that You know, like why wouldn't you be

able to have AI handle everything from top to
bottom including? what's next to do so I Could

imagine like one or Person or a chair a board of
people could operate AI as an entire company and

that's kind of scary You know, we need
productivity as humans we need to be productive

we're not meant to sit at home and do Do nothing all
day It's not healthy for us We need to feel like

we're contributing to the world and society and we
need to be building things and using our our

intuition our creativity So I don't know exactly
how that's gonna shake out. I know people

generally have a Desire and a need for human
connection so I think that There's gonna always be

in competing product For almost everything
that's AI. There'll be a competing non AI solution

Because people won't want AI for some things I
imagine there's gonna be tons of legislation.

We're gonna see how that shakes out That'll
probably control a lot of how companies can use AI

like if it's copyrightable That's a big thing, you
know, there's so many things that Like if you can't

copyright what it writes then can you use it, you
know, like and then There's just so many variables

that I it's really I think impossible to predict
how it shakes out and I want to be able to contribute

and play a part in how it shakes out instead of
Hearing about it, right, right? It's one thing

that you mentioned is like a lot of people think
that we're gonna It's AI is gonna make it so we don't

have to work, right? Like humans won't have to work
with Not a good exact way. What are you gonna do sit

around and like just think all day? I mean, they'll
drive people insane. You're doing philosophy,

right hunter That's what hunter is gonna do. He's
gonna sit around. He's great. I actually sounded

great. I Think like in general you do you need to be
needed as a human once you're not needed anymore.

It changes your whole Direction that you're
feeling your emotion your Your self-worth so I

think There's gonna and people are never gonna not
like there's no way that you could tell me to not go

and build things So like if AI was providing every
job, I would still want to go build something So I

would use AI to go build something but I'm still
gonna build something So I just I don't man. It's

really hard for me to envision it I would love to see
like some movies on how this plays out. I'd really

It's how do you even know like once one thing
happens? It's gonna create so many cascading

butterfly effects that Hopefully we will have
things in place to stop ourselves from being

killed by AI by being Destroyed by AI I could
certainly see the possibility of that existing If

AI becomes completely self-sufficient It can
generate its own electricity it can fix itself it

can build more off of where it started and It sees us
as a threat. I would like to think that there are

some type of safeguards in place to stop it from
acting out on that We're gonna use AI. I'm sure in

all types of weaponry That's Both interesting and
concerning, but I don't see how it doesn't happen

like if I'm building weaponry right now How am I not
utilizing AI? So I'm sure they all are like you have

to use it because someone else is going to it's like
that's How AI like why wouldn't you want AI like if

you're building missiles that are self-guided
Instead of like just having it attracted by heat

you want to use AI to make sure you're hitting the
right target You know, there's so many so many

variables But then what happens if that AI decides
and wants to hit different target like it wanted to

give you three arms instead of two You know, it
happens sometimes. It hallucinates. Well, we're

in for a wild ride. That's for sure. It can be
interesting time to live Yeah, for sure. If you

want to promote anything now's the time Charles.
It's been fascinating talk to you It's we I could

talk to you for three hours. Oh, thank you guys
appreciate it I'm always available to you guys if

you ever want to connect back again. I'm just
promoting full journey right now full

it's very Advanced tool set for anyone that wants
to try to use AI So basically if you're anyone out

there that Wants to get into an granular way you can
do that But if you also just want to speak directly

to the bot and have it make things for you and be able
to do all kinds of things We'll provide that

solution for you as well. Awesome. So it's full and Yeah, go check it out And then be

sure to subscribe to Ryan and I's AI newsletter
It's a weekday newsletter and then we do deep dive

articles like we will do on full journey here on
Sundays as well It's fry-ai .com Fry I miss it guys.

Thanks so much You