Clydesdale Media Podcast

We break down all the news in the CrossFit World.  Rumors are that we could have the results of the 3rd party investigation by next week.  Will that change anything going forward? Will it cause a bigger rift in the community or bring it together?  Arielle Loewen responds to posts she has made on social media while being interviewed by the Spin.  What will the 2025 season look like or will we have a season at all?

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

What's going on, everybody?

Welcome to Lunchtime with

the Clydesdale Media crew.

We have the Clydesdale Media

Roundtable every week, lunchtime,


What's going on?


Kat, I want to hear how parents' weekend,

mom's weekend went.

Oh, it was fun.

Mom's weekend, parents' weekend.

It was good.

I made the corn dip.

It was delicious.

This warm Mexican corn dip.

I've actually gotten enough.

ingredients to make it two

more times in the pantry

because it's that good.

So probably like during football season,

maybe on Sunday,

I'll make some because it's

starting to get cooler out.

But that was a big hit.

Um, the girls made pasta that was, uh,

you know, pretty basic.

They had like some little

finger foods and stuff,

but it was nice to get to

know some of her parents.

I didn't get to see my

friend from high school

until the next day.

So what happened was we went to, um, the,


we were supposed to go to the

football game,

but nobody really goes to

the football game.

So we waited until afterwards,

but we went to a frat party actually.

So me, my, my, my.

Um, me,

Mike and Leah went to the frat

party with Eliana because

this new boy that she's

seeing is the social chair

of the fraternity,

which I wasn't so crazy

about because he didn't

really spend much time with her at all.

Um, he was busy doing other things.


but there was like a mechanical bull


Um, and there was one girl who was very,

very, very intoxicated doing the bull.

with like a tube top on and

her parents must not have

been there because I feel

like she needed somebody to

go get her and like put her

to bed because

it was really hard to watch as a mom,

you know, you see that and you're like,

Oh dear God, make someone make it stop.

Um, but it was fine.

We had a good time.

Um, we, we didn't stay very long.

Um, had like, you know,

half a beer and hung out,

but it was nice to,

I did get to see my friend

from high school then at

that tailgate and party, whatever it was.

And we,

we got to hang out for a little bit.

Funny story,

the house that we were at in the backyard,


she actually thinks she

lived there when she went

to school there a million years ago.

She's like,

I'm pretty sure she like sent

my daughter and she's like,

go inside and tell me when you go in,

is there a bathroom here

and a thing here?

She was like,

I'm pretty sure that was my

house when I lived here.

So it was fun.


We had a good time.

It was nice to see everybody.

I'm glad we had done because

I don't remember parents

weekend being that fun when

I was a student.

I think my parents came once.

And we went to the tailgate

and then maybe went to dinner.

But I'm looking forward to next year.

It was a good time.


We didn't have parents

weekend when I was a kid.

Yeah, no.

We didn't.

The only reason I remember

is because from my sorority,

I have a picture of myself

at the game,

like one of those official

fraternity sorority

pictures that's got like a

border on it with the name on it.

And it's like my mom's

wearing a corsage and we're

at a football game.

So that's kind of how I know

it was parents weekend.

But other than that, yeah,

it was uneventful.

Speaking of football,

I heard last night at the

dinner table that from now

until November something,

there's going to be

football on TV every single day.


Every single day.

How is that possible between

like NFL and college?


They even show high school

games here in town.



So I want to rewind a bit.

Have you ever rode a mechanical bull?


One time.


Me too.

One time.

It was at that country bar that's here,

but I don't even think it's

there anymore.


Yeah, I know what you're talking about.

Over on Polaris, you know?

Yeah, it closed during COVID.


I was very tempted.

I've never done it.

I was very tempted to do it

at this party only because

it looked super easy.

But as soon as people get on it,

they make it look very tumultuous.

And I can't figure out if

it's because they're

impaired or because it goes

down so far that you just can't hold on.

I don't know.

It was...

I didn't do it.

I kind of wish I had,

but I'm sort of glad I didn't.

It's like those CrossFit

workouts that you see on the whiteboard.

They don't, they don't look that bad.

And then you do them.

You're like, Oh my God, that was terrible.

So I,

I wanted to either like be successful

or crash epically and I got neither.

Yeah, like a mediocre.


it like spun a couple times it went

back and then he did like a

big like launch forward.

And I just like slid down

the bull and around the neck and,

and just kind of flopped onto the mat.

It was epically uncool.


Too funny.

But I tried one.

You should do that.

If you guys ever come into town again,

we'll go to Xfinity Live

where they have the Eagles games.

They have a bowl there.

Check it out.

Not sure my back could

handle it these days.

Amy and I could have like a write-off.

There were people doing it

two at a time too.

That was interesting.

So many things I could say

about what you just said.

I'll just keep it in.

Kat just keeps talking and

it just keeps getting...

I love it.

I love it.

So, uh, eventful week, you guys.


For me,

I have had a couple of events at

work that have kept me late

nights and then, you know,

quick turnarounds to

coaching in the morning.

So today's my off day.

So I will be taking a fat

nap as soon as we log off here.



Oh, yes.

Last weekend.

So it was kind of a quick trip.

We went up Saturday morning,

came back Saturday night.

Lots of people asking about

Kat and how she was doing.

As she helped run that event

for a few years, lots of people asking.

So saying hi from everybody up there.

but it was they seem to be

getting bigger and better

like it seems better run

they did face a lot of

difficulties because of the

hurricane judges were not

able to get flights into

the event because of the

hurricane and first

responders who were judges

were told to stay and they

were not allowed to leave

so they were down twenty

judges to start the weekend that sucks

And so Friday got delayed quite a bit,

but they rallied and got

some new judges in and

picked up the pace on Saturday.

And it ran very fluently.

I think what's happened

though now is because of the timing,

being so close to the

Masters CrossFit Games,

you're not getting the big names anymore.



So the only division that

had like what I consider big,

big names was the thirty

five thirty to thirty four.

Because they're the only

event that does that.

So they're not really

masters like Danny Oliveri was there.

Katie Cagliore,

all these athletes we

interviewed during the

semifinal series are

dipping their foot into the

masters age group.

So it's fun seeing them guys.

But yeah.

Still some of the same old problems,


like no finish line or like they

did a ten-round workout,

seven sandbag cleans,

handstand walk to a deadlift bar,

do five deadlifts, handstand walk back,

and then start the next round.


You could not tell what

round anybody was on,

what place anybody was in.

it just got to be, it got to be rough.

And in some events they had placards out,

like marking the rounds,

but in this one they didn't

for some reason.

So you're just clueless.

It's just a mass chaos on the floor,

but I think they have gotten way better.

And I hope they've got a great venue.

It's got,

it's cheap accommodations around there.

You know, it's,

it's an affordable place

for like the masters athletes to go.

I hope they can kind of,

I hope they can kind of get

it rolling into a good

event for the Masters community.

Yeah, we get a better experience overall.


So that was it.

And then I watched two

sequel movies this week and

was surprised at which one

I liked better.


Tell us.

So I watched Deadpool Wolverine.


And I watched Bad Boys Ride or Die.


Bad Boys was way better.

I feel like that's off of

your genre of rom-coms, though.

They both are way off my genre.

There was no rom.

There was some com, but no rom.

But Bad Boys was as good as

the first and second one

and nowhere near as bad as the third one.

There's four?

there's four yeah see I

haven't seen any of those I

haven't seen any of those

but I did see the wolverine

one and I I haven't seen a

lot of marvel movies and I

thought that one was really

good for somebody that's

not like a huge marvel fan

like it was entertaining

but what didn't you like

about that one I I actually

liked it I just didn't okay

you just like the other one got it


It's so over the top and so Deadpool ish.

Like if you like the Deadpool movies,

you'll like it.

It's just, um, yeah, I bad boys.

One of my favorite movies in years.


Now we're going to have to watch it,

but I will say like to get

a lot of the jokes,

you have to have seen the first couple.


So now I have to have a bad

boys marathon is what you're saying.

That's what I'm saying.


Um, are you going to see the Joker?

I don't know, man.

The first one messed me up so bad.

Oh, it is crazy.

So I don't know.

The first one was a great movie.

It just was really dark and

really demented.

And I don't know if I can go

down that road again.

It seems just as, yeah.

It seems just as demented.

I'm watching the new Netflix

series with Kristen Bell

and Adrian Brody.

Is it good?

It's so cute.


I really like it.

It's adorable.


I'll get on that.

I just finished the Menendez brothers.


I haven't gotten to that one yet.

Of course.

That one's like what two or

three episodes.

Like I can do that.

Oh no.

It's, it's like a series eight episodes.

Oh, it's eight.


Cause this one, this,

this thing's only ten,

but the episodes are like

twenty eight minutes long.

So we've watched it twice

and we're already on like episode seven.

we started re-watching the

bear Scott you were really

into that right I was okay

well the first couple

episodes were slow but now

I'm feeling like I can get

back into it yeah I felt

season three was a little

bit of a letdown okay after

the first two season two is

the best by far uh but yeah

Oh, yeah.

I've heard of Bad Monkeys, too.

Bad Monkeys is right up your alley, Amy.


Oh, yeah.

What's it about?

It's a murder mystery with humor.

Okay, I'm in.

Vince Vaughn humor.


Oh, is Vince Vaughn in it?

Yeah, he's the lead.

Oh, I like him.

I like him a lot.


are you able to watch more than one

series at a time?

You are.

See, I can't do that.

Yeah, I can get a lot done with,

because like I said,

like I'll carry around my

iPad while I'm cleaning or

doing something and just

kind of consuming.

I may not be watching it the whole time,

but consuming it.


all of my television watching is a

couple's activity.

So there's not a whole lot of like,

I have to wait until like

it's TV time at like seven

or eight o'clock at night to do that.

I don't watch much on my own, but I do.

That's when I catch up on

all my YouTube stuff.

All my CrossFit things is

when I'm driving or we're working.

CrossFat says, dark comedy,

Vince Vaughn comedy,

but it's still Vince Vaughn

playing Vince Vaughn.

Love it.

Perfect description.

I rewatched The Breakup the other day.

I love that movie.

Such a good movie.

I reference that a lot.

I want you to want to watch it.

It's so relatable.


It's good.

Did you guys work out today?

I did.

What'd you do?

Today was strict press,

seven by two at seventy five percent.

And then into twenty one, eighteen,

fifteen, twelve, nine,

six of front rack lunges.

With the barbell,

sixty five pounds and toes to bar.

The toes to bar got rough.

And the twist bar is one of

my best movements and it

just got real rough with

midline and your legs being taxed,

but it was good.


I like that.

We're doing a push press cycle right now.

And the first we opened up with the first,

the first set was six by

six at starting at eighty

five percent of your strict, strict.

So I did like thirty six

push press at like eighty five,

ninety five pounds.

I was dying.


And then today,

so you guys know I have

this tennis elbow thing

that I injected like three

times and it flares up

every once in a while,

but it really isn't warranted.

Like I'm not doing enough, honestly,

to make it do this.

So I'm kind of a little bit

discouraged by it,

but I'm redoing my office

upstairs and I was painting,

putting a sample color on

the wall and I went to,

I cleaned out my brushes.

And when I went outside to,

I usually whack it against

the side of the house.

Like I do like this to dry it off.


I took it and I went like this with it,

like as hard as I could.

And I tore something in my elbow.

Like, I swear to God, whatever happened,

I felt like my whole

forearm was going to

disconnect from my humerus

and I was going to die.

So now I'm really babying my elbow so bad.

No vacuum handles, but my,

I'm still taking my dog's

prednisone every day to poop.

Oh, my gosh.

You're still taking dog's prednisone?

You're taking dog prednisone?

Well, it's just,

it's twenty milligrams of prednisone.


It's the same?


I'm down to ten now.

I, like,

taper down to ten to stave off

whatever's going on with my hand.

But I have to, like,

I might have to jack it up

again now because my elbow hurts.

So, like, it just hurts all the time now.

It's not, I, like,

really messed it up doing that.

Like, just doing this once like that.

So Amy,

when you announced the dog prednisone,

Charlie and I were

convinced that Kat was

going to come back the next

week with a cone around her neck.


So when,

like right before we put Dash down,

they gave him like massive

doses of steroids of

prednisone and he got really sick from it,

but I have a whole bottle

of it and it's like.

Twenty milligram pills.

And when I called my ortho,

he was sent me in for a dose pack,

which was like a tapering of whatever.

And I was like, I'll just take this.

So I'm just taking that now.

There you go.

That University of Delaware

medical degree.

Yeah, Kat's a vet and a doctor.

On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays,

she sees humans.

Tuesdays and Thursdays, she sees animals.

And did I show you the white

mark on my elbow?

See that?

It's like the pigment is gone right here.

The orthopedic surgeon told

me that as I get injections there,

that it might discolor my skin.

And it clearly has.

It looks like I would like

put on self-tanner and like miss the spot,

which I didn't do.

So what happens if you just

put self-tanner on that spot?

That's kind of what I might do.

I have like a little bronzer

I put on and I get really dressed up.




I did tell the pharmacist when I

went to pick up my dose

pack that the doctor did

prescribe that I was taking

the dog prednisone and she

did not bat an eye.

So like she giggled, but she wasn't like,

Oh my God, you shouldn't do that.

So I think we're, I think we're okay.


I mean, they,

they prescribed special K to people too.

So Corey Leonard says,

I don't need a Z pack when

I have dog meds, cat probably.


Pretty much.

I mean, her name is cat.

She is.


I'm basically a veterinarian.


I'm a dog whisperer.

Speaking of meds, I have big news.

Okay, cool.

Last night was the last

night I need to take insulin.


That's so cool.

I've weighed myself off ten units,

two units at a time,

keeping my blood sugar at a low rate,

and I'm done.

That's so good.

That was a major goal when I

got the AFib in February

and six months later, it's gone.

Good job.

That's great.

So super stoked about that.

Do we want to talk some CrossFit stuff?


Yes, please.

I don't know about this rumor,

so I want you to fill me in on the rumor.


The rumor first?


Let's set it up with the

Ariel talk because she goes

into that rumor.




So Ariel Lone was on the

Barbell Spin last night.

To set this up, the week before,

she had posted some stories

where she was asking people

to ask her questions.

And in one of those questions,

she was talking about how

if she doesn't do the

CrossFit Games next season

she's looking at all these

other comps like NorCal

classic Crash Crucible and

that she may um that she

may dive into those instead

of doing the game season

And kind of listed those out.

Then there was another one

where she answers a

question about the game

saying it was horrible and

that if she never does them again,

it wouldn't be a big miss

for her anymore.

So she's on the spin last night.

They opened up by talking

about the tear cup,

and then they get into those stories.

And this is her response

when Tyler is asking her to

kind of do a summation

about what her feelings were.

Because she talked about it

for a little bit, and he's like,

I still don't understand your feelings.

Can you kind of sum them up?

And she's talking about from the moment...

of Lazar's death to like the

next day and them taking the floor again.

So I'm going to go ahead and share this.

Hopefully Borbel Spin will

be okay with us sharing this.

They're the ones that did the work.

We're just sharing it.

And so go check it out for

the full interview.

And here it is.

I think safe is not the word I'd use.

I would say

What happened was horrible.

That's on them.

As far as everything that

happened after that is what

drew a line in the sand

with me for CrossFit.

Because no longer was it community.

No longer was it this.

It was, hey, the show's going on.

Hey, show up at the ADM.

Hey, here's the athlete brief.

Here's the workout.

So everything that happened

after really scarred me.

Like hearing people, games must go on.

We're here to compete.

I want my money and all that.

And it's like,

I'm like, what are you doing?

But it's just like where

different people find value.

So everything that happened

after and how it was

handled professionally as an organization,

using words like the

shareholders want it to go on, you know,

stuff like that.

Or it's like you had a

choice and y'all made the wrong choice.

And each I did do what four events,

maybe each event I just saw

and felt like this is a production.

This is a show.

You circus monkeys need to

go perform for the show.

You didn't like feeling like a racehorse.


I ended up feeling like empty inside

and like a racehorse.

Like people paid to see you

do your dance on the stage.

So that kind of sums it up pretty clearly.

She goes on to say that during Chad...

Here you are doing a workout

for a fallen hero,

and you're trying to kind

of focus on that,

and all you're hearing is

the announcer talking about the race.

And that's when, like,

she knew she had to walk away.

So what that leads me to

kind of discuss is,

and I want to point out one more thing.

They do ask her in here,

is she affiliated with the PFAA?

And she says, no,

that her demands are not

what their demands are.

That the one thing that she

wants to see from CrossFit

is that it becomes a team

that puts the games together.

Not one person.

And that team can include Dave Castro.

She just wants it to not be a dictatorship,

but be a team led thing.


And her response to about the PFAA,

she said she doesn't really

align with them.

She doesn't want to get into

specifics publicly.

She may talk about it back like off air,

but that basically actions

speak louder than words.

So she says that as that's

almost a direct quote from her.

So with that,

we have rumors that the

investigation is about to

commit to be done.

And that next week they

would be releasing the

results of that investigation.

This is the third party investigation.



There are dates being

floated around by John

Young of October seventh.

But I've just heard it is

imminent and around the corner.

And so my question to you is,

Bethany made a similar post

on Instagram about she's

going into High Rocks this offseason,

maybe Wadapalooza,

doing those kinds of things.

What do you think?

Do you think we'll have a

twenty twenty five CrossFit

Games or do you think that

it'll look different if we do have them?

Yes, I think we will have them.

Yes, I think it will look different.

Yes, I think we'll have them.

I think the road to it might

look different.

But I think fundamentally,

it'll still be the same

type of competition that we're used to.

Just different.

Yes, we'll have them.

I think we'll be missing

some of the top athletes.


The people, the characters will change,

but I mean, Ariel's right.

And for her,

it doesn't sound like whatever

happens with the

investigation is going to

make much of a difference

for her because she was

talking about all the

things that happened

afterwards and that that was, you know,

the basis for her making her decision,

which is totally, totally cool for her.


So, yeah, I mean,

you're going to get a whole

nother swath of people that

are going to do some things

and act a certain way based

on the investigation, perhaps.

So that'll be interesting to see, but it's,

it is a product,

it is a production and it is,

there are characters in the,

in the production and they

can choose to be part of it

or choose not to be part of it.

And they will,

reap the benefits of being a

part of it if they choose to.

And with that comes other

things that they have to grapple with.

And it's all very personal

decision for all of them.


She'd also mentions in here

that other top tiered

competitions treat the

athletes so much better.

Like when you go to Rogue,

it's about the athletes.

When you go to Wadapalooza,

they are about the athletes.

And when you go to the CrossFit Games,

it's about the games.

And she said what's sad is, though,

like that's supposed to be the pinnacle.

You're trying to become the

fittest on earth.

So I don't know.

It sounds to me, I mean,

it sounds like she's

wanting more of the festival community.

I'm not saying that's what

she necessarily wants,

but when she was talking

about she missed the community,

that's more of like the

festival kind of thing.

But when you are talking about the games,

and let's take out this year's games out,

but if you want it to be a

professional sport,

this is a professional event.

right this is the super bowl

of it so I agree and some

of those off-season

competitions that you talk

about and she even

mentioned this like to get

to them easy you have to

compete at the games yeah

like to get the invitation

to rogue to get the

invitation to wadapalooza

and not have to go through

all the qualifiers you have

to compete at the games

But that whole process is

under the guise of the

current state of CrossFit, right?

And so it doesn't mean that

Rogue can't change the way

they pick who goes.

And it doesn't mean that

Wadapalooza can't change

the way they pick who goes.


That's not necessarily going

to be like the prerequisite

to get into some of those other ones.

If the environment were to change,

let's say that all these

high-level athletes drop

out and the population of

athlete becomes diluted from a, you know,

expertise perspective or

from a quality level, you know,

Rogue might decide to

change the way they do that.

They might just invite people.

based on whatever,

like they can do whatever they want,

which is great.

So yeah,

I can see that sort of that

concern going into the season,

but if it changes significantly,

then all that might change too.

And you,

we could see Rogue and Wadapalooza

going after Hyrox people.

Like if Hyrox becomes,

if a lot of CrossFit people

make the switch to Hyrox,

it's just going to elevate

Hyrox and make it potentially more

watchable because of that

you know maybe it gets more

popular I don't know to me

it's hard to be a watchable

event well maybe but I mean

maybe hyrax is going to

evolve now that you know

what I mean like so many

things could change based

on who shows up and how

they influence the sport

So Jody's asking,

was there less of a

community in Texas versus Wisconsin?

I don't think we truly have

the answer to that.


Lazar's death happened in

the first event of the first day.

We didn't even get to the weekend.

I will tell you that moving

Vendor Village a block away,

I don't think was a good move.


and all the like community

workouts and all the

appearances by the other

athletes and all of that

stuff being a block away,

I think took away from the community.

You also didn't have like a

big gathering area where in Wisconsin,

it was so spread out.

You had an indoor field, an outdoor field,

walking stuff in between food booths,

different things like that.

We seating area where you

could sit and like eat your

lunch and like talk to friends and,

There was none of that in Texas.

It was all contained into

either the arena with like,

just like you would go to a

concert with concessions

and you go to your seat or

you walk out the building

and walk a block up the

street to another

convention center or vendor

village community workouts

and all that we're at.


That was not fun.

And all of that was free.

So ticket sales,

while they said you had to

have a ticket to get in, it was all free.

I don't know.

But then the outdoor event

in the football stadium had

like seventeen thousand people there,

which is the most who have

ever watched a Crockford event.


So I don't know.


I think it's too hard to compare

these two years, this year.

Jay Burch, there was a food court there,

but not in the arena where

the event was happening.

Again, you had to leave and go to it.


the setup in Madison with the arena

on one end and the field on

the other end and

everything in between sort

of made that very cohesive.



but it was cohesive too in the sense

that the weather was more

appropriate that you could

walk that distance and be outside,

you know, to have your meal.

I don't know.

I may get shit for this, but oh well.

I didn't think the weather

was that hot in Texas when we were there.


would I have wanted to go out and work

out in the middle of that?

Probably not.

But walking from point A to point B. Okay.

But Scott, just standing out,

if there was a field,

standing out on the field,

we weren't even competing

and we would be sweating our asses off.


I'm not saying that like they should

have competed outside.


I'm saying the walk,

like you can't blame the

weather for the walk to the other.

No, I mean.

To just kind of walk up the street.

And vendor village was air conditioned.


and the place where you could sit and

watch in vendor village and

eat was air conditioned.

So like that part was way

more comfortable.

It was just, it just seemed so separate.


the other issue you had is

security was so tight at

both venues that the line

to get in was super long.

And if you had a bag,

like they searched every inch of the bag.


there was part of me that

thought like we're going to

keep moving forward and,

and people were just going

to kind of not forget,

but emotions would die down

a little bit after the

event and we would move

into a season just like normal.

But it does seem that like

some athletes are still

running high emotions on what happened.

And Ariel even said at the beginning that,


that she almost didn't go to

the tear cup because there

is a little bit of a,

she thought there might be

a divide with the athletes

between those who stayed

and those who left.

Well, I'm glad she went.

I'm glad that wasn't the,

she found out that wasn't the case.



I'm not saying there wasn't food in

the stadium.

I'm saying there's not a food court.

Like in Madison,

there were a bunch of food

booths and then picnic

tables all over where it

was a communal area to sit

and eat your lunch or your

dinner with friends.

In Texas,

you could go up and get your

chicken fingers,

but there was no place to

like sit and hang out with

a bunch of people.

Unless you were media and

you could go back in the

media room and hang out with everybody.

so so I do think it's going

to move forward I do think

the investigation may cause

a bigger divide just

because people are going to

look for what they want to

see and they're going to

pick out the parts that

meet their argument and I

think for a brief time

you're going to see more

divisiveness on the internet

I agree.


And also because it's almost

going to be like, you know,

a re-trauma of it.

And so I think for sure that will happen.


And then it's going to be a

waiting period of getting

through that again.



regardless of which way they

go in the investigation.

Whatever the decision is,

everybody's gonna find

their parts that back their

argument and then heads on

a platter or everybody

needs to stay and they're gonna, yeah.

The last thing I'm gonna say

about it is it's kind of

mind boggling to me that

Dave is taking the heat

But he is the public face,

but it doesn't mean he's

the ultimate decision maker.


We keep saying it's a small team,

but it is a big company.

And that company is run by a

CEO and a board.

Dave can only do so much.

true yeah right and that

part just it baffles me a

bit that it's all on him

now if it comes out in the

investigation that he was

the one that put together

the safety plan and all the

stuff then then wrong on me

but I don't I don't think

it is and and he's not the

kind of guy that's going to

come out and tell you all

the reasons why it's not

his responsibility you know

what I mean he's not he's

not going to publicly do

that that's just not his style um

Yeah, I think we just got to wait and see.


do you think that it was his decision

to move forward with the games or not?

I don't know.

Like it was Dawn's or the boards.


Hey, this is what we're doing.

And then they put him out to

take the heat.



I fully believe that as well.

And so I think some things

are just misguided.

And the last thing I'm going to say,

I swear to God,

it's the last thing I'm going to say.

The PFA keeps saying that

nobody listens to them.

And they talked about this

on Spin last night a little bit.

But last year,

do you guys remember at the

games that the PFA had a

list of ten things that

they wanted fixed or addressed?

And CrossFit fixed or

complied with eight of those ten items.

And on the other two,

they gave the PFA a reason

why they couldn't switch it

to what they wanted.

Either it would, I think the risers,

you couldn't stack them

more than two or it was an

insurance issue.

And I can't remember what

the other one was.

But to come out and say that

they never listen,

there is evidence that

CrossFit has listened and

addressed issues in the past.


Just because they don't

always say yes doesn't mean

they're not listening.

Yeah, I,

I totally agree that it needs a

statement like that.


I get that all the time in my field.



I'm anxious to see what, what comes out.


So anyway,

That's all out.

The other thing that's out is this Monday,

we have episode five coming

out for masters behind the scenes.

That's going along pretty good.

Every, every third episode,

I have to like sort the days folder.

And then that, that,

so this week is a lot harder.

Just saying.

They are getting better too.

You, you are correct.


I mean, the first one was good.

I thought, but yeah, you're,

you're in the groove.

I love it.

Yeah, the first one was just, hey,

you're here.

How do you feel?

You know, excited to be at the games.

And now we're getting into, like, more.

And it gets even better.

Like, some of the best stuff is, like,

Will Morad.

And he doesn't even come until Saturday.

And then again on Sunday.

And then Val Vobrol.

And some of those people, like,

are just later in the weekend.


And I know they're sitting there.

I just want them to kind of come out.

But it just takes a while to get to them.

so I have to I have to bolt

I love you guys see you

later bye um whoops that's

big yeah I don't want to

see that close please all

right um so that's all I

really have for this week

unless you have something

amy I do yeah your uh

headline is what I was

curious about because I had

not seen any stuff from

last night to know that so


If you go to barbell spin,

the aerial interview is the first thing.


And it's only about ten to fifteen minutes,


And it's pretty good.


And what it does is there

just seems to be all this

kind of like what happened

from the moment the tragedy

happened until they took

the floor the next day.


And she's the first athlete to kind of


we've had Marco talk about it from a

team perspective.


And the night before,

which I think she went into

a little more detail about

how the athletes felt and

how some of the other ones

wanted to compete and tried

to earn the money.



And that's natural.

There's going to be people

who want to go on and do that.


but yeah definitely go over

to their I mean I watch The

Spin every Wednesday night

that is my go to bed show I

watch them every week it's

probably the one podcast I

watch every single week

because it's really good

content especially in the

first part of it every

single week and now that

John Young and I have made

up and are friends again

it's pretty good yeah

So don't forget to like and

subscribe to our channel.

You guys are awesome.

You make this the best every single week.

And thank you to everybody

about the insulin stuff

that you talked about, I talked about,

and that you congratulated me on.

That means more to me than a

lot of stuff to get rid of

that one medication.

Now I'm just going to work on the others.


With that,

we will see everybody next time on...

Glidesdale Media Roundtable.

Bye, guys.