Encouragement for Today Podcast

In today’s episode, you’ll hear a devotion written by Tracie Braylock based on Isaiah 26:3, which says, “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you” (ESV).

We hope today’s devotion encourages you that no matter what’s going on in the world, your home or your life, you can find perfect peace in God’s presence.

Related Resources: 
  • For more from Proverbs 31 Ministries, head to our website at proverbs31.org, where you can subscribe to Encouragement for Today Devotions in written format, delivered to your inbox each weekday.
  • If you’re loving this podcast, check out the other podcasts in the P31 Podcast Network, including The Proverbs 31 Ministries Podcast and Therapy & Theology with Lysa TerKeurst.
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  • Click here to read the transcript for this episode.
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What is Encouragement for Today Podcast?

Life can be so challenging sometimes — we each understand this all too well. It’s not only the big things that seem out of our control, but it's also the little things we face each day. We forget our keys. A friend cancels on us. Our bank card gets declined. We wake up anxious. Negative thoughts fill our mind. It doesn’t take much to leave us feeling hopeless, confused, exhausted or stressed. We wonder what God has to say about what we’re experiencing, but sometimes just getting through the next few hours is hard enough. That’s why Proverbs 31 Ministries created the Encouragement For Today Podcast — a collection of 50 devotions to help you start your day with a biblical perspective you can carry with you no matter what lies ahead.

The papers fell off the kitchen table and onto the floor. My children were running and playing as they usually do, completely unaware of anything besides the fun they were having. But in that moment, as I watched whatever little work I had accomplished journey to the floor from the breeze my children created, defeat overtook me.

I’d been trying to get sensible words on those pages for hours, and nothing seemed to make sense. I thought the papers’ descent was my sign to just let it all go. Maybe try again another day, or at another time.

Sinking further into the chair and wondering what to do next, I watched my children play. They were in the moment, having the best time, laughing, chasing and simply enjoying one another. They couldn’t care less that the toy box had fallen over, the play dough was stuck to the floor or that the caps were off half of the markers.

But there I sat, feeling stuck in the thick of things, unable to accomplish any of my goals. The laundry, fresh out of the dryer, was waiting to be folded. The pile of dishes in the sink from breakfast needed to be washed. And those fallen pages still needed to have words on them.

How could my children block out everything and maintain so much joy in the middle of what felt like mayhem to me?

From my chair, I began to breathe deeply, whispering my need for God along with heartfelt thanksgiving for His presence in the midst of it all and a request for meaningful words to flow onto those pages.
My tension began to shift. And as only God can do when you slow down, surrender control and embrace the stillness, He revealed my lesson.

The children were focused on having fun, and wherever I decided to place my attention determined what I would experience as well.

What I needed to do was adjust my focus, placing it solely on God and trusting that He had everything under control. Only when I made God the center of my focus did I begin to experience the truth of Isaiah 26:3, which says: “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.”
Shifting my attention enabled me to experience His peace, joy and hope even in the midst of the chaos surrounding me.

No matter what’s going on in the world, your home or your life, you can choose to focus your heart and mind on God. When you choose Him above all else, you can experience His perfect peace in every situation.

I thought about how much time I wasted feeling defeated. How by allowing discouragement to take over, I opened the door for other toxic thoughts and emotions to distract me from the blessings right in front of me. God was right there with me all along, patiently waiting for me to choose Him.

He’s always the best option and is delighted when you seek His face. So, no matter how many people, piles and projects need your attention, you can rest knowing peace can be found by simply keeping your mind stayed on God.

Dear God, as my children play, the piles of laundry and dishes await my attention and the deadlines loom, help me keep my mind stayed on You. Perfect peace is found in Your presence, and it’s where I long to be. Continue to guide me in Your truth, no matter what’s going on around me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.