Psychic School

Welcome, Psychic School listeners! We're thrilled to have you tuning in to another captivating episode. Today, we're diving deep into the world of dice readings as we explore the theme of "Embracing Truth: Psychic Tools for Breaking Through Fear and Speaking Your Mind." Our speaker is feeling an incredible surge of energy and is compelled to share their insightful readings with us. Thankfully, they have found some quiet time and space to connect with the mystical forces and bring us their divine insights. They have a powerful mantra that helps them tap into the energy and bring themselves to a heightened state of perception. As they embark on a reading, they express a profound sensation of being in love, but not truly authentic with themselves. It seems that there are layers of truth waiting to be unraveled. Our speaker emphasizes the importance of being genuine, of being able to sense those who are authentic and those who don a façade. They touch upon an intriguing metaphor of a dagger in the throat chakra, representing the fear of speaking up and communicating due to past hurt or fear of punishment. Overcoming this fear becomes a paramount message—finding the courage to use one's voice, share their truth, and make an impact on the world. Our speaker guides us towards voicing our authenticity, bravely standing up for ourselves, and treating ourselves with love and care. This episode is a powerful reminder that the world wants to hear what you have to say. So join us as we delve into the realm of dice readings and unlock the secrets behind "Embracing Truth: Psychic Tools for Breaking Through Fear and Speaking Your Mind." Let's get started!

What is Psychic School?

Welcome to Psychic School, where we explore the world of intuition and psychic abilities. I'm here to talk with expert guests, conduct experiments and deepen my understanding of the mystical. If you're on a journey to develop your psychic skills, then you've come to the right place. It takes practice to truly enhance your abilities, so keep experimenting and trying new things as we learn and grow together as students of life. Don't hesitate to reach out to me at, to share your stories, expertise, or love.

Speaker A [00:00:00]:

Hello, and welcome to another episode of the psychics school podcast. I am excited to have you here. I, Decided that I'm just gonna keep recording some episodes, as long as I have some quiet time today, I just record a dice reading, but

Speaker B [00:00:16]:

I decided to do another one just because I feel really I feel like today, so today is Saturday. Nope. Sorry. Sunday. August 28th, maybe. I don't know. end of August, Sunday in case anyone looks up. you know, the psychicness factor of today. Today, I feel really, really like, almost buzzing. So I feel like I need to kinda do these readings just to get it off my chest. I feel Like, since I have some space, my kids have friends over, they're I might get interrupted, but, I have some space to do this. My husband has spoke off today, so it's kinda my day where I just have me time, and I feel very busy today. So wanted to just keep going with this kind of intuitive reading stuff. So I'm gonna start with the dice gonna first, I'm gonna do my singing bowls a bit to kinda get into the zone. So you haven't heard before. Sometimes I do like a little I do like a mantra on my head. I have this thing where and I have it on my YouTube channel where it's like me repeating I'm you and you are me and we are together. And it's like my mantra that I repeat over and over again to kinda say that, like, we are all the same energy. We're all connected. We're all I am you, you or me, you know, I mean, it says it in the mantra, but, like, we are also, like, source and god. And, like, we're connected to everything. We're the tree. We're the moss. We're the leaves. We're where everything. And if we wanna, like, access that, we need to acknowledge that. And that's the mantra I kinda say in my head while doing the singing well to kinda bring my energy that state. So just so you know what's going on in my mind. Okay. I feel so much buzzing today. It's it's honestly wild. Please let me know if you feel similar similar feeling or if you're like, remember. The end of August. I had this weird buzzing feeling in my body. Let me know. You felt that too. Reach out. Look at my hands. they're just really warm right now. Okay. I'm gonna do a smallish reading here. So Okay. I have reading from, like, left to right. I have this googu eyed face in the root chakra. And the Google eye face is, like, when you're, like, so in love with something, but you're not really being real, Like, you're not really being honest with yourself. You're not really saying, okay. Is this, like, a real thing, or is this, like, You know, the, romance period or, like, the, what's that called? my example is, like, when I was in high school, I my first, like, boyfriend, not my favorite part. first person I had relations with in the bed, Boudoir, let's say. He made me feel like I was the most important person in the universe, and he made me feel so loved and I had these goggles on like, oh, he's so wonderful, he's so great, but he couldn't keep up with that persona for very long, and it ended up crumbling and crashing and having a huge tower moment, that is still affecting me to like, to this day, you know, like, so, Taking off your goggles sometimes is important. Some people are truly wonderful all the time. But when you feel because I have to I I can sense this from a mile away when someone's being authentically nice. Or putting on a show to be nice to, like, win you over. If someone's trying to, like, win you over, and that's not who they are at their core, that's a red flag, right? And I can sense that so quickly now. And I think that I had to experience that in life to be able to access that feeling, you know. I think that a lot of people I feel like the things that we go through in life are to, like, build on our own empathy skills and like to understand what other people are going through in life. So, I have this rose rosegoggle kind of heartgoggles in the root chakra. So, perhaps there's something in your So your root is like your stability, your security, like what makes you feel grounded in this life. So, like, your job your personality, like your traits as a human on this earth, you know, your your Sally who's, a doctor, a mother, a sister, and aunt, your Jason, father and uncle a serial killer. Like, you know, you you You are those are your root characteristics. Okay? Your soul has more characteristics, but at a root level, there's something There, that you're either, like, not being completely authentic with, like, you were putting on a show, romanticizing something, or someone else around you is doing that. At at the root level. Okay? I don't entirely know what that means, but as I do, the rest of the reading, it might come through in a different way. I have the dagger, which as you can imagine is not positive dice, and it is in the throat chakra, which is all about your communication. So so you're feeling Like, you can't speak up. You have this dagger you've either been like, hurt in the past, someone's betrayed you, you feel like you cannot speak, up Whatever is in your head that you have spiraling over and over again, you can't get it out because you feel like you are gonna be punished or you've been punished in the past for doing that exact same thing. Okay? And I get it. I think most people get that. But this dagger isn't real. It's not really there. And the only way you're gonna know if it's okay is if you do it. The only way you're gonna get past this feeling of like, well, what if I say this and it's not well received or what if I say this and it is well received and what if I say this? and someone thinks I'm crazy or what if I say this? And, I get fired or whatever it is. The only way you're gonna get past that thought in your head is saying the thing. You have to say it. And, and, the results are like, you need to go through those results to become the next version of yourself and to learn and to grow and to evolve in this lifetime, right? So so There's a dagger there, but it really it's it's one of those things that is just there to show you. Okay. You need to, face these these, these feelings and face not knowing if it's gonna have good or bad, a good or bad feedback. but the worst thing you can possibly do for yourself is to, like, shut your throat chakra down and not say anything. And also to use your throat in a way that is hurting other people, that's another thing that comes up with this throat and dagger. It's that we all have a voice and we can use it in such a powerful way. And if you're using it in a way that it's, destructive to humanity, like, really take a moment and check-in with yourself. Like, is what you're saying help help someone, or does it hurt someone? And you're allowed to have boundaries and stick up for yourself. and that is a really powerful thing that other people have to hear. You if someone's treating you poorly and if you don't stand up for yourself, I mean, it's not you being a nice person, it's you not teaching that other person the lessons that they're supposed to in life. and also it's making you feel like you are not a valuable person in this society and you are. and honestly speaking up for yourself, really truly benefits both both parties as much as it's a scary thing. the worst possible thing you can do for yourself is you know, be treated poorly, not say anything, but also speak to other people in a way that's going to put them down in a way but using your voice in a way that is is really just hurtful and unkind, So definitely a difference between standing up for yourself and being hurtful and and unkind and, dismissive and and grateful. so using your voice in a positive way, that's really important. And so so if you feel like you've been negative especially to the, like, the random people that you come across in your day to day life. If you're negative in any way there, just take a moment and realize what affect your your voice and your your actions and, your demeanor towards other people. the effect it has on the rest of their day and their life. So it's really important to remove those daggers and, speak as positively as possible in your your life. and then I have the last one. I have is the doughnut. And I made these ones with black Sharpie marker. this doughnut kind of looks like a fried egg too, but the the purpose of it is like, the thing that comes to my mind is treat yourself. You know, I don't know if you saw parks and rec where Aziz, his character oh my god. I wish I remember everyone's name. Donna, I think. Oh my god. Anyways, their characters had this day where they they they called it treat yourself. it would just, like, go to the mall, like, purchase a bunch of stuff and get the hair done, whatever, and then they clip over to treat yourself. it's only funny if you've seen the shelf, and it's a really funny shelf. So go watch it. anyway, so I see this stone in I think of when I was drawing and I was like, this is what this means. It means like, treat yourself in life, enjoy life, have some fun. eat that doughnut, have some icing on your cake, you know, that kind of thing. but like in moderation, our life is not about, If you are on a roller coaster all day long, you'll get nauseous. Right? It's really fun, but you gotta wait in line filled up. There's there's reason why the line is isn't 2 seconds. One time I went on a roller coaster, like, four times in a row because there was no line, and I wanted to curl my cookies everywhere. Like, there's a reason why you have to wait. There's a reason why there's a build up. There's a reason, like, you know, we're not happy all the time. Okay? So, but in his life, we're supposed to have some fun. We're supposed to have a donut, you know, if there's It was supposed to get a milkshake every once in a while, but it doesn't mean that for every meal you were eating a milkshake, drinking milkshake, or or having a 6 pack of doughnuts every meal. it means to like, balance life out a little, like and and intuitively know to like try to like Listen to your intuition where when it comes to like, back out of stuff. And like, see where life takes you. Maybe you're driving home from work one day and you're like, Oh, I feel compelled to go right on the street instead of left. Do it. See where it takes you? Maybe you see a random store that you've never seen before. Hey, Stop in. Say hello to the clerk. Be that weird person who says something to a random stranger because you have no idea you have no idea how many times I have come across people in like my literal day to day path, and I tell stories about this to other people and they're like, you met this person, like, like, because this doesn't happen to other people, but it's because I'm so open to that. So I'll go into a store and, like, spark up a random conversation and not it never feels to me like I'm being weird. It just feels really natural to me. And I'm sure it's because of who my mother is. She's very, yeah. She's a people person. but people open up to me about the wildest things, and I I've I can feel like deep connections with people almost immediately and sense things and know things. And, Why am I sharing that? Because I have this, like, doughnut in your 6 chakra, which is your 3rd eye chakra, And I think that so I, I say this to everyone who's, like, trying to developed their intuition. And I I think I'm pretty sure I said this in my last podcast. Like, the last ice reading I just did like, having fun and playing games with your intuition. I mentioned some other games that you can play, some intuition games you can play, but one thing I didn't mention was I read, Oh my gosh. The gifts beneath your anxiety by Pat Longo. K. She was the She was the psychic that helped, like, Theresa Kahuta develop her psychic ability. Okay. She's from Long Island, I don't wanna, like, say tune my fax better in case I get it wrong, and I don't, like, I don't have anything in front of me to, like, read. But, was listening to a podcast or maybe it was part of her book, but I listened to something with Pat Longo, and her, like, intuition, her, like, psychic ability She started really she had young kids, but it started really opening up when she started going bowling. She started having fun. And I started doing this, I started going to the gym. And I was like, I don't really want to go to the gym to work out. I go to the gym and I go to meditation classes. and I go to the gym and I walk around Valley Village for her 20 minutes look at spiritual books and I have that time to myself, and I go to the gym and I go to the steam room, and I go to the gym and go to the gym I also go to the steam room and I go to the sauna and I I've created like a meditation retreat that I go to and it's helped me open up so much and it's because I, like, was like, I'm gonna treat myself. I'm gonna treat myself. And like, Going out with girlfriends whenever I possibly can, and taking an extra 10 minutes in the shower, and 20 minutes of my walk in the morning and just, like, having more fun and having more fun with my children, not just, like, being The mom who sets all the rules and is really strict in whatever, like, playing with them and coloring with them and doing art with them and like, remembering what it was like to be a child and enjoy life, that whole thing is what helps you develop your intuition. Like living in that feeling of joy, that buzzing feeling, that good feeling, that's what helps you open up to source and life in the miracle that is all around us all the time. So, recap Get take take off those rose colored goggles if or, you know, stop acting like you're the bee's knees if you're not. like be true to yourself, you've got a shadow side. address it. Everyone does. And like try to be the best version of yourself that you can be in this body and this being that you are right now. but take off those goggles and stop acting like something you're not, if you know, be you, You're here on this earth to be you and also to understand that we're all trying to be ourselves, but there are people who have these you know, that are being fake to entice us to do things, and so we need to recognize those things. So just being aware of that, it's in the root chakra. Just Yeah. And then the the dagger in your your throat chakra, being aware of, like, how you say things How, what you say, how you act, coming from a place of love from your heart chakra. It's really important. and to understand that even if you've you've been hurt in the past, it is still important too. to be authentic. and then also having fun in treating yourself. Treat yourself and have some. Fine, damn it. It's so important, telling you. And fun can look different in different times of your life. Like, if you told me when I was 23 that my phone would be on a Sunday afternoon doing dice readings on my coach, I'd probably be like, yeah, that sounds pretty cool, actually. but, like, or that, like, on a Friday night, I, like, really look forward to, like, laying down and putting on a meditation, you know, I would be like, okay. What? I I don't know. I I might have been receptive to it, but, like, back then, I like Friday night, I'd go to the bar with my friends, and we'd meet you people, and have a great time. And there was nothing wrong with that side of me either. I feel like I was very connected back then because I was always out meeting new people and, like, experiencing different things and now I'm in this, like, kind of retreating phase in my life where I'm more like a home body. and I enjoy my alone time. I think I'd learned that I really enjoy me as a person and being with myself. but I also enjoy, like, getting out and seeing my friends and, Having fun and treating myself, so treating yourself. Okay. That went way longer than I expected. That was only 3 cars, and so I was only gonna I was gonna do a couple other other decks. I'm gonna pull an affirmation card. I won this deck from a friend, on Facebook a few years ago. And I really like it. It's just it's a great deck that I use with my kids a lot and it's just like a car. I really believe in this in that spirit is always trying to send us positive messages to, like, help us through life. They're never trying to, like, be like, you're gonna die, you know. And even like the death card and tarot, it's not always about death, but in life how we die all the time. I feel like in the last three months, I've died so many times, like, the rebirth of myself, how many times I've shed my own skin is just insane. So yeah. Okay. I am gonna pull one of these affirmation cards. It just hopefully resonates with One of you guys worthiness. You are worthy of the ultimate happiness. You deserve it and accept it, and you don't feel guilty about it. I think that's really important that, we all really do deserve happiness and and we we shouldn't feel shame in that. Or like if you really enjoy your job, or you have, you know, you've moved into a space and you want to change jobs, but you're like, I can't even I can't go to that job because it's like so much fun that I shouldn't even get paid for it. I always think that, like, I feel guilty about even wanting to get paid for something that is brings joy, which is such a weird thing. But, anyways, We're all worthy of happiness. We're all worthy of abundance, and and we should never feel bad about the ways we feel. So, I think we're all, like, worthy of just, like, feeling our feelings, you know? Okay. I'm gonna pull from one other deck just because you know what? It's one of those days. Just one of them days. Bagger. Oh, those really She wants to pull some tarot. It's not tarot, actually. Do you remember that song by Monica? It's a good song. You should like Google that. It's good. I love that song. Monica, that was before the boys' mind was Brandy. Classic. Classic. Call. Classic's on. If you didn't do that song with your girlfriend growing up. Well, we're probably from different eras because you probably did that if you grew up when I grew up. Okay. Oh, okay. That's funny. I got the throat chakra, which is this is so this deck is the psychic tarot deck, and the thing I pulled is the throat chakra. one of my biggest things I've worked on in the last year is is working on my throat chakra and you can listen in previous episodes, but a lot of the work I've been doing is just like talking to myself. Like, whenever I'm driving, I talk to myself. I talk out loud to the universe, but I also like send voice notes to my friends. and that has, like, helped me maintain and develop new relationships with my friendship friends, like, friends that I talked to before And we talked to you like every 6 months. Now we talked to you like daily with voice notes, and it's made me feel more connected and more able to speak authentically with every person I meet on a day to day basis. So if you're like working if this if you feel like you haven't fully been honest with yourself about stuff, maybe you have these rose cuddler gauges, like, just start speaking. And if you're too scared to speak to someone, speak to yourself. because when you speak out loud, you process your thoughts in a different way, and it's really important. So work on your throat chakra. Okay. I'm gonna pull another one so it didn't really give much, but I think that it is important message. okay. And then the next one I have is memories of love. And what I have is, like, it's it's the picture of 2 hands holding a candle and, like, putting it into this, like, body of water with all these other candles. It's kind of like a, it's an image that shows, like, your, you're, making a memory for someone who's, who's past basically. I don't know really what I'm getting with with this one. Honestly, I'm kind of feeling pulled out of this right now, but maybe this will resonate with someone in in a way. I feel like we I'm gonna pull another one. You know what it is? It's like I've got out of this flow of things, and I feel like there's it it's this is it's too on its own. You know what I mean? Like it's on its own, so I don't know what to connect it to, like trying to connect it to the dice. Like, okay. It makes sense. You, maybe you've lost someone and you feel hurt by maybe something they've said in the past. but you need to focus on the memories of love that you had of this person, not like the hurtful things that they said to you. Like, that's one thing I'm getting the dagger and the memories of love is like focus on those good things. Don't focus on on the bad things in your life. but I just wanna do another card and taste something comes through because I just felt like really lost there until I started juggling the deck and that's interesting. So sometimes if you feel out of it, oh, I have fertility, just like a, can represent, like, new life, new birth. Fertility is like, the birth of something new, something new, Okay. So maybe if if mem memory of love is like hitting you, maybe you'd lost someone and you're like, I want to create something in I wanna create something new to remember this person by, I think that this is, like, your sign to do that. Like, if you're thinking about making a memorial or a video or something, if you're, like, wanna get birth to a new concept or a new new idea based on some something that someone has said to you in the past. He was no longer here. I feel that coming through. I feel, that if there is new life, if there is a child, that there's gonna be some aspect of that child, some like soul aspect, It's gonna make you remember something about this person. Or if there is this if there is a child, maybe there is a child in your life. I'm getting like a child. And I know, like, there's the fertility one, but the fertility doesn't necessarily mean baby. I get this, like, feeling that there is, like, this connection to a child and this person that has crossed Okay. This isn't resonating with you at all. I'm sorry, but I'm just as I shuffle, I have this, like, overwhelming, There's this, like, spark the soul coming through in a child in an And this child is, like, trying to make you remember this memory of this person. Okay. And then I have solitude. And this is, like, I think of of me, for example, how I really enjoy, you know, Friday night laying in bed and just doing a meditation instead of, like, going out to the bar. having those moments to yourself and like being by yourself and like recognizing what you like about yourself and having those moments just to like decompress, and connect. to your higher self. oh my gosh. it's so funny, I slow down completely as soon as I start. This is an experiment myself. Soon as I stop shuffling, it goes. So I'm like, I have all this information just coming into my brain. So I have so much stuff about this kid, And now it's gone. I gotta keep going. Okay. Solitude. So the picture on the solitude is a woman and she's reading. She's looking down. There's a tower behind her and some mountains, and she's looking at this book. She's reading this book, And I have this, like I keep having this thing happen in my mind about how when I read with my story, my kids is I I read stories to my kids. I'm not by myself. I do go into a meditative state where I'm reading. I think I'm in the story. I'm reading the story, but my mind actually goes somewhere else. And I think that is something that is, like, accessing some sort of other place. I don't know why I keep getting that in my head. It's like reading. I have this vision of, like, And again, I'm half habanisha. I don't have a vision, but it's like this imprint of, like, me reading with my kids and the memory of that, like, there's this memory. So if you're, like, babysitting or you have kids and you're, like, with this kid and there's something to do with reading a story or something's gonna spark spark a memory, and your brain is gonna go somewhere. It's like takes you to another place and you're thinking about something like that is don't ignore that. That's something. Okay? That's like main message I'm getting here And then to, like, really think about it after, like, take some time for yourself, sit in solitude, and, think about what that means to you and who or what was coming through in that moment. Okay. I'm gonna do one more. oh my gosh. This is such a good one. And it, like, immediately. I'm like, yes. Okay. So this one was patience, and it has, It's like a person and there's this, like, a little seed in in this person's hand and the seed is growing to this beautiful plant, but it's like, it's it's it's we plan these seeds in life and we will we always want, like, immediately, being gratified, you know, you plan to see and you want this flower to grow immediately, but it takes time and nourishment and, like, patience. and, there's so much stuff you're doing with your life right now and you're gonna continue to do and better yourself in all of these seeds are slowly growing and you're gonna have this beautiful garden that's gonna be full of of magical abundance and beautiful stuff beautiful, experiences and ups and downs, and like you're gonna see, the importance of of the downs as well as the ups. So you're gonna be able to have a rough experience or a dark moment, but you're gonna be able to Understand that the dark moments also lead to good moments like how the root of a tree goes down and up. Those roots need to go down for the roots to go or for the branches to to grow and for the flowers to bloom all this that's happening underground is just as important as what's happening above ground, so to understand the importance of the good, and the bad, and the dark, and the light moments of life. and this is like what is happening for you right now. I feel like that is the end of this this reading. I hope that resonated with people, keep planting those seeds, keep, you know, speaking your truth, and if you're not speaking your truth, I encourage you to do something. Take that dagger away. remove any blocks that you might have work on yourself, if you're not ready to speak out loud to people, start speaking to yourself, Take time. Whisper your whisper to yourself in the shower if you're scared to talk out loud. If you feel scared, it starts somewhere. It starts with

Speaker A [00:32:35]:

Speaker B [00:32:37]:

you know, note that comes from your voice box. And then it grows from there and the more you speak, the more comfortable you'll be and this world wants to hear what you have to say, and they wanna hear the truth of of what's inside of you, not not what you're what you think you're supposed to say because you're worried about being hurt and not what you think you're supposed to say because you know, your you're being pushed or or your you think that you're supposed to act a certain way. you know, because you're not, you know, saying stuff because you think it's cool in TikTok, you know. Get those rose colored glasses off. Just do say what you're supposed to say. Don't worry about other people and and don't say things that are gonna harm other people. but make sure you're sticking up for yourself at all times. Be authentic. Be you and treat yourself