Clydesdale Media Podcast

It is CrossFit Games Week and we are here to cover all the news that breaks this week.  We will let you know what the plan is for the week.  We Rank our top Teams.  Dave is releasing news daily as the week goes on.  IE4 has been released, plus we will chat about what is on your mind.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

What's going on, everybody?

Welcome to Sunday Night

CrossFit Talk here on the

Clydesdale Media YouTube channel.

Good to be with you.

We have Jamie Latimer,

we have Carolyn Prevost,

and we have myself.

And in the chat already,

we have the best stats and

information person in the business,

Holly Dugan.

Data Wad on Instagram.

Scott, did you get a haircut or?

Lack of, lack of haircut.

It looks good.

If I did my normal,

it would be like this tall.


I have a haircut scheduled

on Tuesday before I leave for Fort Worth.

Just in time.

This is my old do before my

transformation into podcaster.

Don't laugh.

I like it.

I see you, Carolyn.

I see you.

I like it.

I think it looks good.

I don't, I don't know.

I just hate it's an old corporate look.

All right.

I keeping it real once to

borrow some of my hair permanently.

They're definitely going to

cut off enough on Tuesday for sure.


Bruce is asking for an

update to show a Cheryl missed those.

We had made an announcement

that we are taking a break

till after the games and we

are reformatting that show

to make it more of a community show,

do some workouts of the week,

things like that.

So the last one we did go check that out.

We talk about all the

changes we're going to make

and we'll be relaunching

that show right after the games.

so um guys watching the

olympics this week devs

your week slowed down jamie

anything updated no no no

olympics for me I've been

like non-stop watching the

olympics I think I'm off

right now in the summer

it's like all I'm doing is

just consuming the olympics

and different stuff so it's great

yeah I can't I i watched a

lot of simone and I watched

a lot of katie and them

going back and forth on the

gold medal count which I

thought was pretty cool um

I just kind of watching how

like simone tied katie went

ahead simone's got a couple

more events like who's

going to end up as the

biggest uh or the american

with the most female with

the most gold medals look

Katie says that she might

compete in 2028 in Los Angeles.

Simone won't probably,

but Ledecky will also.

But you never know.


Like four years in a gymnast

is pretty hard at her age.

She's already one of the older gymnasts.

I think you can stay within

the sport longer in

swimming than you probably

can in gymnastics.

I think Simone can catch up.

i think ledecky can do the

long distance stuff for

sure the 800 and the 1500 I

think she could do that um

and probably win those I

posted something on my

story in the in the 1500

she holds the 20 fastest

times in history like that

is insane it is insane like

That is completely unheard of.

I don't think people can

grasp what domination that

is in one event.

I mean, I think her just winning,

I guess I was like 10

seconds ahead of the next person.

Like that's, that's insane.

You don't,

you see all these other races

are so darn close,

like hundreds of a second.

And then there's Katie.

Nobody else.

Sixth best time.

Yeah, that's crazy.

That's the concept.

It's hard to grasp your head.

Put your head around.


So what happened with the Canadian soccer?

I haven't caught it,

but you were telling me

about them last week.


they ended up going 3-0 in the round


so they made it through to the


They played against Germany,

who's a really good team,

and then they ended up

losing in a shootout.

So Germany is off to the

semis and USA for you guys

are off to the semis.

So that's where they'll be playing,

I think.

It's not us against you, Carolyn.

Well, I mean, it kind of is.

We're Canadian at heart.

So can I ask you this?

With the penalty they

incurred because of the drone thing,

did it make them a lower

seed and have to go against

a better team in the next round?

Yeah, that's you.

Like they would have

probably have had an easier

opponent for their quarterfinals.

Um, but they come out, you know,

with only three points

instead of nine points.

So I'm sure that, you know,

being second in their group

makes a big difference for

her second or third or

third in their group would

make a difference.



That would be tough.

Have you guys watched any of Alana Moore?


She's the rugby player that

stiff-armed the girl.

If you are not following her on Instagram,

the funniest athlete, I think, out there.

She's up there with Rebecca

Fusile and internet content.

So funny.


She started the Olympics

with around 600-something

thousand followers,

and I think she's at 2.7 million now.

She's blown up.

Yeah, it's crazy.


She's really doing well for herself.

Her social media is blowing up,

and I just think that her

content is great.


She's marketing herself very well,

and her sport, too.

She's doing a great job.

People are definitely really invested.

I would watch Rugby Sevens.

Now that I know what it is, it is fast.

It's over quick.

I could watch that all day.

So she's made me a fan for sure.

Vi asks, in your opinion,

do you think they already

have or continue to benefit

from the knowledge their

coaches gained when cheating?

Speaking of the Canadian team,

do you think that they gained...

After the suspension and everything,

do you think that they

actually still have an advantage?

I think every team does it.

And Canada got caught.

That's my opinion on it.

With drones?

Spying of some sort.


There's an American soccer

player at the Olympics, I'm pretty sure,

that said he knows for a

fact that all the top teams do it.

And I feel like that's most

likely the case in

different ways that they

would be spying on different teams.

I would not be surprised one bit.

I do not think it's only Canada.

The question was,

because the coach cheated

and gained knowledge,

does it help them even if

the coach is removed?

And I believe it does.

they were trained in one way

or given advice about one

team that still stands even

when the coach is removed.

But I do agree with you that

everybody tries to cheat.

Most people try to cheat.


I just think like in a sport

like soccer where it's very, you know,

reaction and like,

you can know what formations they play.

Let's say they play four, four, two, or,

you know, I don't know, you know, four,


whatever, three, four, three or something.

Like just knowing certain formations, like,

oh no,

is it that much of an advantage to

spy on them?

I feel like you can study film quite a bit,

like looking at their practices.

Where I think it would play

an advantage is like

looking at the goalkeeper

and tendencies or if they

could watch a shootout that

they would do at practices

and see the tendency of a certain player.

Okay, they like to shoot left.

So then, you know,

you write it on your water bottle.

this player's coming up to shoot,

number five, okay, dive to my left.

That kind of stuff would be

more beneficial in terms of formation.

I feel like once the game starts,

you adjust to how it is.

But I'm sure there's advantages still.

Kipping it real asks,

what sport can I easily

become an Olympian in?

I think that

I think that's almost a

disrespectful question

because I think to be an

Olympian is really, really, really,

really hard.

I wanted to be an Olympian

when I was growing up.

And when I became a,

like a sophomore in high school,

I knew it was over.

I know Carolyn tried to be

an Olympian in Canada and you,

and then you find out at

some point it's over like,

and that's working your

whole life toward that one goal.

Like I, I don't,

I think even making that statement,

even if you're like an

archery or skeet shooting

or whatever it is, break dancing,

like you have to put a lot

of work in to be the best in the world.

I don't want all that

Turkish guy shooting.

He just sounds like he just

picked up a gun and after

his divorce and went and

now he's an Olympian.

His picture with just the

hand in the pocket is awesome.


There are stories of people

moving to small countries and doing it.

Yeah, that's not picking a sport, though.

That's gaming the system.

I saw a special one, and of course,

swimming is my slant,

but where people have gone

and done that in countries

and could barely swim,

and they've had to almost...

hold them in a heat by

themselves so they could be

saved the most impressive

olympians though by far to

me is the decathletes like

it's they're the best

athletes in the world um

could they be the fittest

in the world I mean the way

that they're elite and

they're sprinting and

distance I mean you look at

their bodies um obviously

it would be like there's no

like they could probably do

you know a bunch of strict

pull-ups they wouldn't have

the same gymnastic skills

that we have but it's a

good argument that they're

the fittest in the world I

would love to see an

athlete actually try to

compete at crossfit like

but they would have to like

learn some of the things

that we're programming for

our programming is crossfit

base but like they're

sprinting would like our

sprinting is a joke

compared to their results

our endurance is a joke

compared to what they're

able to do they're able to high jump

throw a javelin shot put a

long jumper like it's it's

impressive what they're

doing yeah do you remember

back in the old days of

crossfit when they had the

skills competition where

they did the broad jump and

they did like and they

weren't full point events

they just did a bunch of like

skills do you think that

that that would be cool to

bring back or do you think

that that's not exciting

enough for the crowd I

think it'd be cool to bring

back I like it I just think

we're so novice at it like

it's I i personally would

like to see it but I don't

think that many of the

athletes would be very good

at it if I'm being honest

People have specialized so

much in CrossFit.

I heard people speculating

when the Farrington field

was announced before we got

more details that it might

be something like that.

Like the old broad jump,

like maybe a vertical,

maybe like just a bunch of skills,

things that are 25 point

events or 50 point events,

as opposed to like a

hundred point events.

And you just combine them all together.

I would love it.

I'd love to see it.

I think it's an important part of fitness,

and it doesn't get tested enough.


we know Dave's not bringing back the

softball throw,

but the rest of them could

be brought back and made

into something kind of cool.

All right, well,

let's dive into the show a little bit.

Dave has decided instead of

a week in review,

he's going to do a day in

review while he's at the CrossFit Games.

Just overall general thoughts,

if you've caught any of those,

what your thoughts are

about Dave's day in review.

I mean, I think I like it.

It gets you,

for those of us that aren't

there yet or going at all,

it's cool to see some of those set up,

just see different parts of

the venue and put you in.

It gets you excited.

It's that lead up to draw you in.

What's going on?

What are they testing?

What has he got to say?

Yeah, night one was kind of meh,

but you did get to see Dickie's arena.

Like, you got to see it at night.

You got to see that there's

steps leading up to it,

that it looks a lot bigger

with Dave kind of in

perspective of it than it

does in some of the shots we see online.

Night two, I thought was outstanding.

He's in the stadium seats

with the demo team down on

the field working through some stuff.

And then you get your

magnifying glass out and

you're trying to figure out

all the clues.

Oh, yeah.

I was zooming into the

background looking at where

everything was placed.

I text Jamie this morning.

I'm like,

zoom into the left behind Dave's


Are those like the pylons

that they ran around in the sprint?

She goes, I don't know.

It's too blurry.

It's if anything, it'd be like, if it is,

I just think there's the

one and it's for like the end turnaround,

just down around and back.

I don't think it's going to be like a,

a bunch of them out on the field.

You think it's like a suicide?

Yeah, it could be.

I don't know if, I don't know.

I mean, like, give me some zigzag.

You're not asking,

like they've done that a

couple of times and it's

been awesome every time they've done it.

Except for when people got

cut because they stepped on the line.


But that's part of track and field.

You step on the line at track and field,

you're out.

We know the rules.

There's plenty of room.

You're just not cutting right.

If they add the zigzag,

then my Brooke Wells

prediction might be right.

Just saying.

He said that the event was...

based or inspired from one

of the events from Carson.

Is that what he, what he said on his, um,

he said that he, they were, weren't,

they were going to be

working on his favorite event today.

And it was inspired by

something from Madison loosely.

But then did you pick up any clues,


with your magnifying glass and zoom?

There's the starting block,

which is just where the name,

thing goes over and then

there was I think there was

three pylons those are the

ones that normally you cut

across around or if it's a

suicide you could also um

like run around that way

the the happy star in his

story today where you saw

um what's her name trista

holding it it didn't look

like it was that heavy I

mean she didn't make it

look like it was super super heavy um the

looks huge though but not

sure how I still don't know

how they're going to use

that into the sprint so

excited to see what they're

what they'll do with it

whether they throw it in a

sled they run with it yeah

there wasn't many clues on

the floor or on the field

so I you could see sandbag

like things over by the

people to the right

in front of them.

And then the other big clue

for me was you saw Colton Tudor.



and Tetlo running straight running

around the track.

Like a mile would be run.


Nothing in their hands.

And so it looks like straight mile to me.


You also,

I think he also had posted Sydney

running the mile.


on his story yeah like you

have to almost watch his

instagram story because

there's a lot of flus on

those two that will be

popping up or pictures that

will be popping up this

week so I'm going to run

through a story since you

brought that up or just go

through it so this is uh

inside the arena um and

then keeping it real made

it onto dave's story nice

Here's Sydney Wells running,

just like Carolyn said.

Here's the boys.


Looks like a drop-in.


And there is...

is like just recap of the

day in review and where are

we at here oh the lake oh

there's a big paddleboard

there's some people running

are they going to go right

into the water on it but

they're all on their knees

so I don't think that

they're allowed to do the standout

I don't think you'd want to really.

So, I mean,

these seems like the safest way

to go on this.

I think Dave also says that

they're going the wrong

direction when they're on them.

That's awesome.

So that's Dave's stories from today.


keeping it real says I was surprised he

had them testing teams.

I thought they would be

testing individual.

They're the only testers they got.

So if they need someone to test,

we tested plenty of team

workouts last year on the demo team.


they have to test most of like both

teams and individuals.

And we ended up testing more

of the team workouts than

individuals because the

individuals are oftentimes easier, uh,

to test,

but like the big bobs and stuff

are just like the layout.

There'll be like that demo

team is going to be,

put through a bunch,

like they'll put four athletes.


You guys will go do this team workout.

And then the other two athletes,

the male and female might

test an individual workout.

And if they don't like something, okay,

let's get another two athletes,

male and female to test

this individual workout.

And there'll be like, Oh,

which four you guys think

would be the best to test

this team workout.

And then they kind of talk about, um,

what they can do there.

So no, there'll be those athletes again,

put through the ringer.

for people who don't

remember carolyn was a demo

team member last year so

she knows all about what

they're put through because

she experienced it

firsthand herself yeah the

first few days is a lot of

testing it slows down for

the demo team after where

they're doing engagements

and um might be showing up

at level ones or seminar um

workouts or community stuff

but the first few days are

basically got to be ready to

next next man up or next

woman up to do a workout

what is more fatiguing demo

team or competing at the

games I mean I think

competing at the games

because you have a pressure

like you're anxious like

it's just I don't know it's

very different um

It's different.

I was still very sore from

the demo team stuff.


When I was there in 2017 and

we were working on Strongman's Fear,

the demo team tested that event, I swear,

like 20 times within two days.

And it kept changing.

Our instructions on how to

set it up kept changing.

The weights on everything kept changing.

It would, they,

it took that long for them

to get it right.

The thing is,

is like they have testers

that will test it prior to, um,

to the actual games.

Like when I,

when I was on the demo team last year,

I didn't know a single

workout until I got to the

games and did them there.

It's look,

it looks like with Dave back in

the picture,

he brought some of those demo

athletes out to the ranch,

or he may have went to

different locations with

certain athletes to test it out prior,

like multiple weeks.

So, I mean,

that also could leave more time

for leakage of certain information.

But I know that they,

like they had a last year,

a camp in Columbus that had a certain,

like certain testers do

workouts and then the demo

team did them on site.

But like, we didn't know anything prior.

The teams tested here in Columbus again.

I know Boz came to Columbus

because they just do it at

Rogue in the warehouse.

And so it's just easy to get

everybody here where the equipment is,

I'm guessing, for the teams.

So they did that.

So the other thing that came

out this week from Dave's

Instagram was the event for

which we'll go ahead and

just play because we have it here.

And I've heard no bad

comments about this workout.

Like everybody seems to love

the structure of this workout.


Yeah, I personally love this workout.

I would love to do it.

So was it on purpose where

he went 50 TRI and then erased it?

I'm sure.

I mean, I mean, it makes no sense.

It doesn't go with anything

else that he would have been writing.

25 rope climbs is no joke though.


That's a lot.

Especially if it happens to

be like the 20 foot rope climbs too.

So what do you think about

the weights on the deadlift?

I think it's fine.


I mean, it's got a hundred deadlifts.

I don't think you need to go

heavier than that.

I don't like to see heavier.

So I think this is perfect.

I think this is a great workout.

Do we think that Dave did

this or I can't picture

Dave using emojis at any

time in his life?

I can.

I know, I think Sivan said he doesn't,

but I totally can see him

sending an emoji.

Do we think this is him

actually doing this?

I doubt it.

I don't know.

So, are triple unders a fake leak?

Who knows?

You know, I kind of

I kind of wish, like,

hope that he did that, did intentionally,

like, tell, like,

one person something that

is not going to be used to

see if it would get leaked.


I think that would be the smart way to go,

assuming they're ever going

to actually do anything about it.

But, like,

you should totally add in a

movement every year and see who leaks it.

I was watching a plate stack,

check chat the other day

that grant was on kipping,

kipping it real.

And, uh, they talked about,

should you suspend someone

who leaks information?

And I think you should,

I don't know if it's four year ban, but,


it's just as damaging to the sport as

someone popping for PEDs.

And I do believe like a

suspension is in order if

that's what happened.

i agree but how do you know

who it was if unless like

you intentionally did

something like that like

gave someone devil's press

and someone triple unders

and someone knees to elbows

and you see who who said

who comes out with what

then you know who your leak is

It's just so hard because

you have the demo athletes

that let's say will know

the workouts this week or possibly prior.

You have other testers that

have done the workouts.

You have people that are

walking around facilities

when things are getting tested.

You have judges that might

know workouts ahead of time.

You have seminar staff,

people that might know parts of like,

you know,

the pictures just starts getting

bigger and it's hard to

pinpoint probably where it

comes from unless you have

direct evidence.


yeah it's just it's the

unknown of our sport is a

huge problem because it's

oftentimes not unknown to

everyone right well

apparently ariel got a call

from hq after that was

aired on grant's show the

other day so apparently

they're invest they were

investigating to some

degree as to what happened

Which they should.

And if you find out who it is,

I do think there should be a punishment.

I agree.

Because it's not getting better,

it's getting worse.


And even on that show,

I was saying in the chat

that there are times where who cares?

It's just this to that.

But those crossover

double-unders that got

leaked a couple years ago were huge.

The fact that half the field

had a beaded rope before

that event made it a

completely unfair advantage

for half the field.


And I know Carolyn was

competing that year and she

didn't have a beaded rope.


I didn't make it to there.


Vi says HQ could publicly

name them as responsible

for the game's leaks and

shame can be very powerful.

And I guess I'm assuming it

with suspension that it's an athlete,

but it could be someone

that's not an athlete.

And so suspension won't do any good.


Like that's,

you don't know if it's an

athlete could be a

bystander that was watching.

Like, yep.

I mean, I'm sure that they have normally,

like I would assume that

they would only have, let's say Boz,

Dave and, you know, Chuck let's, you know,

watching the workouts

getting tested and then

they're just writing notes.

But if there's other people that are there,

like you just don't know.

It's it's hard.


And you have the graphics guys.

A graphics guy has to make

all that stuff for

production of the TV show.

This is the workout and this

is what's in it.

All that has to be done too.

ESPN's probably got a list

of what the workout is.

So yeah, it is deep.

Deeper than it used to be, I'm sure.

So that leak was that the

box is different.

Do you think that the box is

structured different now

that you've heard that?

Or do you think like your

initial reaction when we

showed that video last week

that there was like a line

she had to step over on top

or a chalk mark she had to

step into and out of?

Do you think the box is

actually structured

different or do you think

you were right initially?

I still think there's an

area that you have to step

up into with both feet

before you can go to the

other side of the box.

Like whether that's a

straight line going across

the middle of the box and

you have to stand up two

feet must make contact here.

I don't know.

Like that's,

it just looked like you had to stand up.

Let's say three point of contact,

stand up straight step and

then come down.

Larry Young says the leak

could come from drone watching them test.

I've heard that's done in other places.

Bruce says there's footprints on it.

But it would have to change

when they come up the other

side of the box.


When I looked at the video,

it looked like one side was

lower than the other.

to me but that would be very

weird I mean unless it's

like almost like a step but

I doubt it yeah but just

like where her knee was

going on this side was

higher than on the left

side of the frame but I

don't know how that would

change how the box is yeah


the other thing that came out this week,

and thank you to the Barbell Spin,

they made a nice little

schedule of events for the week.

You can also download the games app,

but this is one little square,

shows you all the stuff

pretty generically.

I think if you want to know

what's going on this weekend,

this is the best way to figure it out.


this graphic is far superior than the


Because I know when we're at the games,

it is chaos.

And we're always asking each other,

when's the next event?

When's the next event?

I'm probably going to print this off,

laminate it,

and have it with me at all

times so I know when the next thing is,

when can I be there?

But what I do notice too is there are,

like Dave talked about,

there are built-in breaks in the day.

where there's absolutely

nothing going on in the venue.

So like Thursday,

you have the two events out at the lake,

and then there is a break

from 9 to 11 a.m.

Then the next event is 11 to 2,

and then team event from 2.15 to 4.

You have opening ceremonies

for a half an hour, and then 4.30 to 5.30,

another break,

before the Indies come back

in and do two and a half hours.

Two and a half hours, what could that be?

for the final event of Thursday.

I think that's close.


the opening ceremonies being 4 to 4.30,

and then an hour after,

you have a group of them

that are going to be first

heat in that individual

event on Thursday.

I wish there was more time

for the athletes there because, I mean,

assuming it's a short workout,

that they don't need too,

too much time to warm up.

Like, that seems very close to,

because 5.30 would be the

start time of first heat.



if anything runs a little

bit off which normally they

don't I think the games is

pretty good at staying on

like exactly unless or on

time unless there was like

a a rain delay which that

won't be an issue this year

um it's just a very quick

turnaround there for the

whoever's in that first heat yeah

So again, we get to Friday,

we have team events to start today,

and then a long indie event, then a break,

an hour break, back to a team event,

indie event, and then a break.

And that 5.40 to 8 p.m.,

that's a pretty good chunk

break before heading to

Farrington Field for the

final event of the night.

Does that...

Thursday night, 5.30, 8 p.m.,

is that the ESPN block?

I don't know.

I would only be guessing if

I answered that question.

That would make sense to me.


Because I think they were

touting that it was more prime time.

So that would be until 9 p.m.

Eastern time.

get into the prime time

block if they did that yeah

with at least maybe the

final heats so you could

like run the final heat of

men and women at at eight

o'clock eastern time yeah I

might try to find that

then Saturday starts at 8 AM.

That's Chad.

Uh, and then you have a, a little break,

then team event, indie event,

team event again,

and then an hour break in the event.

But these are all, this is a short day.

Like we're, we're done at six 45.


and not a lot of breaks in there,

and the workouts look, after Chad,

not very long.

And isn't that evening event,

that's the ladder?



so that Saturday morning one from 8 to

10.30, that's Chad.

So I'm assuming, let's say,

the female go first or male

from 8 to 9.15, let's call it,

and then 9.15 to 10.30,

so two heats probably.

And then the 1 to 3 p.m.

is the clean ladder.

And then eight.

So from 1030.

So let's say nine.

Let's say the females go first.

So let's say they're done around 915.

At the latest,

they got a few hours before

the clean ladder to recover.

Should be a good amount of time.

Then Sunday, it doesn't start till 11 a.m.

That's the team.

The Indies start at noon

with a quick one-hour

workout and then a three-to-five block.

Award ceremony only 15

minutes after the final event.

If they hold true to that,

that is a massive improvement.



Last year, I think we waited an hour,

hour and a half after the

event for the award ceremony.


At this point,

when you look at the schedule,

there are 11 events.

Do you think there will be

double scored events to get to 12?

Have we been under 12 recently?

Not that I can remember for many years.


11 seems too, too few.


So I wonder with Farrington field,

if the sprint and the mile

are two separate events.



I mean, that's a,

that would be an easy one.

And then do they throw

another one in double scored or.

I would like to see more

scores on Sunday than two,

two scored events to end the day.

Cause you don't want someone

already have that wrapped

up on Sunday with two events.

Like you'd want to see,

let's say a finale that has

a two part event.

And you know what?

You can't take an event off

because there's, you know, 200,

300 points there that day.

So I hope the Sunday has a

double parter for sure.


I hope so too.

I think just the more events, the better.

Larry Young,

thank you so much for the $4.99, dude.

I really appreciate you.

A happy star was as big as Trista.

You saw that, Carolyn.

Did you think it was as big as her?

it's a pretty big star it

looks cool um but I think

it's probably easier to

carry than the sandbag

because the sandbag is like

so much larger and if you

can't wrap your hands

around it it's like way

more difficult um the star

is almost like the husafel

but I would say almost

easier if I were to guess

based on how like did it

look full or floppy like we

talked last week

No, it looks full,

but I don't know how heavy it is.

I don't think it's going to

be ridiculously heavy.

They're sprinting with it.

You don't want them

necessarily face-planting too.

As you do, that's the fun.

You still want a sprint event.

Clock says you can bite the

point of the star for additional support.

I wonder...

But I wonder how, like, if you can hold it,

let's say on your shoulder,

just different ways,

like have it here and

you're just holding the top

like this as you're running.

And it would be interesting

whether they have it in the

warmup area or not.

And it's just like,

you guys don't get to touch it.

You guys get to touch it on

the field and figure out

how you want to run with it.

That would be interesting.

Wrong one.

Definitely easier, but cool.

I'll tell you what.


I volunteered at Outdoor Field in 17,

so I had to go pick up the cheese curds.

It's just a sandbag,

but it painted yellow and

called a cheese curd.

Just made it look cooler.

It just was.

It was no different than

your normal everyday sandbag.

Always got to be creative, right?


I like it.

I think it takes the arm length out of

I mean that the benefit of

the people with the longer

wingspan and it's just your strength.


It'll be interesting to see

how they let them hold it for sure.

How was Trista holding it?

Like underneath the, the points or.

Yeah, just, just underneath like this.

And then there was another picture.

I think it was Katie

Henninger and she just had

it on her shoulder.

Oh yeah.

But she's a boss.

Like she can do whatever she wants.

She's just one of the

coolest ladies I've ever met in my life.

When I worked, when I did the rogue,

I had like some Penn state

stuff on and they were

playing Ohio state that day.

She relentlessly came after me like hard.

So now let's hit the, the teams.

All right.

Massive research to come up

with our top five teams.

and sure um and so I'm gonna

pull those up I gotta see

how this is gonna work uh

well I think we'll do jamie

first okay here we go top

five teams at the crossfit

games okay I have fifth eighth day

Fourth, Mayhem, just CrossFit Mayhem.

They took out Independence.

Why you got that?

I don't know.

Because I was overachieving.

And then I realized they

took it off the leaderboard.

Third, the Prestanda Krieger team.

Second, Invictus.

And first, Peak360.

So my big question on this

is the Krieger team.

Why that one as opposed to

the other seven?

I know.

I don't know.

They just seem like... Isn't

that the longest standing team?

Isn't that the... I don't know.


they kind of broke up because... Yeah.

What's her name is with Peak.


But when I was looking at the teams,

did you see Kristen Holt is

listed on one of the teams?

I think she's...

She's probably the alternate.


But how cool would it be for

her to roll out the tunnel

on that first event and

make the major comeback?

That would be amazing.

She is one fit lady.

Holy cow.

Yeah, I don't know.

I just think that I had them

written down the names of

the people on that team.

I don't know where that list

is right this second.

But that was the group that I thought

I like the eighth day.

Eighth day across it.

I know.

Does Danielle Dunlop, is she in that one?

Yes, she is.


So, Clark,

I think that Prislanda Krieger

is what was Navy Blue.


And I did look at the names,

and they did look familiar to me.


but the Norwegian names are

not easy to read and not to

like differentiate without

knowing the language is very hard.


So why peak three 60?

I just think they're going to win.

I, I think,

I think Noah's the twosome of

Noah and Tola,

I just think is unstoppable.


I think there might be

better girls on other teams,

but I just think Tola and

Noah are insane.


I think their girls make the difference.

I think their girls are great.

They're great.

But so is like, I think, I mean,

I think Hannah Black and

Emily Rethwell duo will be

an incredible duo.

I don't think they're any

better than Mathilde Garnas

and... I'm blanking on the

name right now.

See, you don't even know her name.

Yes, the one... She's super strong.

Yes, she was.

The blonde.

I think that duo is very, very strong.

But this Invictus team is

not Hannah Black and...



No, that's the unconquerable.

I have them in like seventh.

I wrote a list out to like 10th place,

but... Because this

Invictus is Lauren Fisher.

Lena Richter.

Good call.


This Invictus is Lauren

Fisher and Jesse Smith.




But I know that I called you

a homer when you sent me

the eighth day because

they're the Michigan team.


You know them really well.

And what makes you think

that they're going to

compete and make the top five?

Because I don't think you're wrong.

I just... I mean, if I was being honest,

I probably would put them in sixth,

but I want them on here to

be talked about.

I think...

I mean, their guys are really strong.

Dylan's incredibly strong.

And if you watch them at semis,

their strength,

their power output in the

machines is... Because they

were first or second in

that machine workout.

Their running is incredible.

Rachel is like...

she's an incredibly aerobic

enduring athlete, but like I would,

I would say she's like me,

but way stronger.

Um, so I think she's just,

she's just incredibly enduring,

good runner, good swimmer,

incredible gymnastics on her fatigue.


I'm going to go ahead and share

Carolyn's and it's going to

be so much different.

Uh, there we go.

So in fifth, I have CrossFit Walleye.

So that's Jamie Simmons and

Elliot with Mia and Laura

Horvath's brother.

That's what he's always

going to be known to me.

Team CrossFit Mayhem.

I think they'll have a great year.

Mayhem Thunder in third.

And Invictus and Peak360.

I think it's going to be

very close between Peak360 and Invictus.

I don't think it's going to

be one until the last event.

I think both teams have some

extremely fit individuals.

Both teams have been working

together all year long,

which isn't always the case for teams.

I think all of these teams

here are going to be very

good at the games.

I think teams have been

getting a lot of negative

press over the last year.

And I think this could be

one of the best top fives

we see in a very long time.

So I'll go ahead and pull mine up.

So my top five is Walleye in fifth,

Unconquerable in fourth, Mayhem in third,

Peak360 second, Invictus in first.

So I picked Invictus over

Peak360 because we couldn't

have three of the exact same.

Which killed me so hard

because Mathilde has a

special place in my heart

and always will.

And I love that girl.

And I want, I really,

I used to not be a Noah fan.

And then I got to meet him

and I got to know him.

And now I want him to get a win.

I really do.

But I'm picking Invictus

just because I want it to

be different because I

think they are very, very similar.

And I think that Jessie

Smith doesn't get the do she deserves.

She is really freaking fit.

She is.

And if Lauren Fisher is the

Lauren Fisher we saw in the

offseason at Lake Rogue,

I think they will do really, really well.

And I think Mayhem,

after two years together

and only having to change one person out,

is two years of working

together and is going to do them very,

very well.

And then Unconquerable,

I think at this point

there's so many good teams.

They looked really good at the West Coast.

uh, with Hannah black and breath.


and I think they're going to do well

as the, and the men are,

are semifinal athletes that

I got to know through the

interview process.

So a little bit of heart

pick here as well.

And, uh, while I,

I went with them over

mayhem thunder just because of age.

Um, and it's more the age of the men.


Khan and James Newberry.

I think they've seen a

better day as an athlete.

They're both phenomenal athletes.

It's just the competition's

really tough at this point.

So that's why I went with

Walleye over them.


julian's asking why did only

one person pick mayhem

thunder and I just gave you

my reason why because it's

the men I i would never

pick against cara if she

had uh stronger men on her

team uh but yeah yeah I had

him higher I moved him down

so I could put eighth day

on um I'm really curious to

see how the torian team

does too with royce

yeah I was going back and

forth between that one and

cross at walleye I really

like the walleye team um I

just feel like there's been

a lot of injuries in the

past you know competitions

with like jamie and even

elliott staying healthy so

that's why I was cons like

conflicting grabbing the um

The other Torian team.

Both of them went with Walleye.

Yeah, Mia is so good.

Yeah, Mia is so strong.

Her gymnastics is great too.

Yeah, that team is really, really good.

I would have loved to seen

Royce on Kara's team.

I think it would have been

an incredible team.


If I asked his Royce's team in the running,

I would have loved,

I w I love Royce and I love,

and if the two of them were together,

definitely give them a

better shot in the top five for sure.

And I love con and James too.

Like they're some of the

most fun guys to talk to.

Super nice, super polite.

Every time I run into him,

just great dudes.

And, um,

I D I just think that they haven't

focused on CrossFit as much

and cons been hurt a ton

the last few years.

Like when he was on Annie's team,

his back was a mess.

So, yeah.


the Aussies could put together a team

that would be unreal if

they would just kind of

band together and do that.

I guess I don't know how

close they live to each other.

True, true.

You think of it as a small island,

but it's like six hours

across or something like that.

Jonathan says, but they have car as quads.

I just think their

experience is going to prevail.

I think they don't have as

much pressure on them

because they're just kind

of like they're going,

they're going to have fun.

You know, they're good friends.

They have good chemistry.

I just think they've been at

the game so many times and

they're going to step up

and I think they'll podium.

Yeah, it's funny.

That experience thing is

crazy because I've been

doing all these Masters

interviews and a lot of them are rookies.

A lot of them are going for

the first time.

And the people that aren't,

I've asked them,

what's the advice you would

give to a rookie?

And every one of them is like,

I was so overwhelmed that first year,

I didn't enjoy it.

I didn't take it in.

I didn't look around.

I didn't realize I was at

this really cool thing.

And some of the younger athletes, I think,

are going to have that same thing.

where that one, the peak, the Invictus,

and the Thunder team will

not be fazed by that at all.


So, okay.

Did you like how I used the

bobbleheads in our graphics this week?

I didn't even see it.

You didn't see your

bobblehead beside the top on your name?


Oh, I closed him down.


Well, I'll put him on IG,

so you'll see him there.


All right.

So the next thing on the

agenda is Mike Halpin put

together this concept of

how to give points for the

training camp award.


With it, it also kind of allows,

if you're not with a training camp,

to kind of be lumped

together as one as well.

So let me share this.

So the way it would work is

it's like a medal table,

just like the Olympics.

And you would count up the gold, silvers,

and bronze from each event

throughout the weekend.

So event one, Mayhem takes gold,

Brute takes silver,

and Krypton takes bronze.

You get a check in each one

of your columns.

Then event two comes,

and Underdogs takes gold,

Training Think Tank takes silver,

and HWPO takes bronze.

You get a check in your column.

So initial...

what are your thoughts on

this as opposed to kind of

the other concepts we heard

of where at the end of the weekend,

you get a point for where

you finish like a point for

first two points for second.

And it's a golf score, low score wins.

I like this idea.

I mean,

I think this is kind of cool to

track throughout the week.

And yeah,

I'd be curious where this,

how it plays out as to just first, second,

third or whatever and

giving places if it really

matters a whole lot.

Like is the top training

camp going to be the top

training camp no matter what?


It was Caroline Lombre that

came up with this,

probably because Jeff Adler

doesn't have a training camp.

I don't even like the word

training camp because

there's not many people

that are at camps versus training program,

I think was probably what

Dave was referring to

versus an actual camp where people train.

But I like this idea that

anyone could train.

you know participate whether

you're at your garage gym

like ariel to you know

mayhem having multiple

athletes um be competing

and just you know tally the

scores per event um whether

you want to represent your

gym like your affiliate or

a training program because

you could be an affiliate

but you're following

another training program so

whatever you want to represent

would put there I think it's

um it's a cool idea I

thought that that was neat

would would you put teams

in this too or is this for

individual only I think

individual only so many

teams I don't have a

problem either way except

for that yeah there's so

many like I think like four

of the I mean you have two

of the invictus teams

one underdogs team and then

like four four or five

mayhem teams I just think

it's hard because some

sometimes on teams they

don't even follow the same

program like they like 13

it's their team name really

um I think you would have

you if you really want to

do a team you just had a

separate leaderboard for

the teams for first second

and third on events yeah I

don't think it I don't

think it would belong in

this type of leaderboard

just the individuals

So then he also flipped it

over to countries.

Why not do a medal count

just like we do for the Olympics?

So Canada has some really

good men athletes right now.

And women.

Our women are crushing it.

And as a Canadian, Carolyn,

wouldn't you want to see how you stack up

a medal count against the

world like I think I think

this actually has probably

more traction because it

means more to the athlete

than even the training camp

yeah or am I wrong I think

I think both have good like

the athletes can have pride

in their country and then

also representing

their affiliate because, or their training,

their personal training program,

because I think, you know,

when you're representing your country,

it's one thing, but also putting your, um,

your company or your,

your brand out there can be beneficial.

So if people are like, oh, you know,

Ariel's gym or just a random wonderland,


Like cross it, run it with wonderland.

And then you just start

seeing all the points for that.

And it just gives good reputation to, um,

that affiliate.

I like both.

I like both ideas.

If I were a betting man,

I would say that Halpin

probably will run this

through the games in both ways,

and we'll actually see what

it looks like at the end.

And really, that's all we really need.

We don't need to give a prize for it.

I think for spectators,

it'd be really cool to see.

Yeah, I like this.

Easy to follow.

It's a cool idea.


Very cool.

Good job, Mike.

Would it be more interesting

with the countries or with

the regions and be like

North America East is

dominating in these top threes?

Because that's when you

start looking at points

allocations or number of

allocation for spots and

stuff and be like,

look at how many the East

or Europe is running away.

I think that would be interesting.

Even though it's just top three,

I think that could also be

another leaderboard that, um,

helping makes.


Or we could get Holly on this.

There you go.

We'd know it and be able to

talk about it throughout the weekend.


the different ways and maybe that

you're right.

It's only top three,

but maybe it lends itself a

little bit to the strength of region and,

and how much,

how many places it should get.

Who knows?

At this point,

it's just data that would be cool to see,

I think, regardless of prize or whatever.

We're actually coming to the

end of the show,

which is pretty quick for

us on Games Week,

but not a lot's happened this weekend,

so we're good.

I think it came out this afternoon.

Carolyn sent us a DM about

John Woolley had a

a video that went up on his

constantly varied conversations.

And he talks about the

expectations before you get to the games,

what happens when you get to the games,

and then he had like a rant at the end.

And specifically about the rant,

it was that Dave is using

his personal Instagram

account to make CrossFit

Games announcements.


Wooley said, I, for one,

am blocked from those announcements.

And if he initiates it and

collaborates with CrossFit

Games and whoever else,

because he initiates it,

the people that he has

blocked cannot see those posts,

regardless of who it's collaborated with.

Should CrossFit be using his

personal Instagram account

for CrossFit games news?

I mean,

if that's the route they want to take,

he needs to unblock everybody.

It needs to be,

that needs to be completely open.

Why does he have people blocked?

I don't understand.


do you have thoughts or you want to pass?

I mean, I kind of agree.

Like everyone should have access to the,

to the information, all the hints,


So whether it's making

another account or not sure

what the solution is there.

Cause I didn't know that

about like if CrossFit

games shared that people

would be able to see, like,

I didn't even cross my mind.

that that was a problem with

um people that were blocked

so I just thought it was

interesting I was like oh I

didn't look at it from that

way so john young says

wooly is a rough listen

that's personal opinion um

I'm blocked from 2019 I

just made a different

account so I can see

important things and that's

great that you were able to

do that but we shouldn't

have to do that right

especially if you're an

athlete and you happen to get blocked,

like as an athlete,

you should get the

information along with

every other athlete or have

access to that information

the same as every other athlete.

John asked if I gave event

four a go and no, I didn't yet.

I did think it was

interesting that the

females had 30 cows to 50,

but I think that that's

smart because there's the

same amount of rope climbs

for the men and 25 rope

climbs for men versus 25

rope climbs for the females

is not the same.

So I think that going a

little bit lower on the cows is smarter,

especially because some of

the men can really pull

that skier much more than the females,

but I will have to give it a go.

Jonathan Ortega,

the same with all socials.

It's his personal account.

He can put out whatever he wants.

It just so happens he puts

out CrossFit info.

I get it that you're allowed

to put whatever you want on

your own social media account,

but if you are giving

official CrossFit Games information,

it's probably that he

doesn't even know when he

collaborates with the games

that his blocks carry over.

I'm betting he doesn't even know.


I didn't know that until today.

So John says in 2019,

he went on a blocking rampage.

I may or may not have

commented on the

programming leading up to the cuts.

This was before I was ever on a podcast.


I mean, that just seems spiteful.

Like for,

I just don't think he needs to

black anybody like you

black people so that you

don't see their stories.


That's why I would block

somebody if I didn't want

to see their stuff anymore.

You don't want to see their comments.

That's why you block someone.

You don't want to see their

comments on your stuff anymore.

And he can block whoever he wants.

I could give two shits about

who he blocks.

My point is, he runs the CrossFit Games.

The CrossFit Games has an

Instagram account.

If you're going to release stuff that's

information to the athletes,

it should be released on

the game site and then

collaborated with Dave.


If he wants to keep doing it

so that the unblocked,

so the unblocked people

following the CrossFit game

site get that information

and he can still have them

blocked on his personal account.


that just, and maybe they fixed that.

Maybe he didn't even know

this existed in this way.

Like that, that was the,

the way that Instagram works.

Cause I did, I did not know that.

I just think you should unblock everybody.

If it's his personal account,

I think he can do whatever

he wants to do.

But if you're putting out

CrossFit Games information,

it needs to be available to everyone.

So either you choose to

unblock and keep posting it there,

or you move it to the

CrossFit Games IG account

where people can see.

Yes, one or the other.


a couple quick hitters to go

um waterpalooza socal has

announced the swag that the

competitors are getting as

well as uh the volunteers

um competitors if you sign

up for any of the community

events you get a shirt you

get some shoes and you get

some sunglasses

Volunteers get a couple hats,

a couple pairs of sunglasses, some shoes,

and it looks like a lot of shirts.

Did we figure out the options?

From what I'm seeing, it's not options.

It is, this is the package.

I didn't see that.

I mean,

I think it's great that here's

giving these packages of

shoes and shirts and, you know,

10 sunglasses for all the events.

I don't know that I need all

those sunglasses as an athlete,

but pretty cool.

Maybe they're trying to get

rid of some inventory, but it's great.

It's great that the

volunteers are getting all of that.

I mean,

I was going to say you probably

need a change of clothes,

but this is the SoCal one, right?


So it's not the,

the raining Florida that

you might need all that change of clothes,

but I mean, you might be sweating a lot.

So yeah, I like it.


I, when I was a volunteer,

like you're sweating just

as much as an athlete,

a change of shirt would be

really cool throughout and

have a couple for the

weekend and not have to go

do laundry would be great.


maybe you want to color

coordinate your sunglasses

um so then the last couple

things we have on the

agenda are from the masters world

Quick hitters,

Marcia Van Gleinen-Weigel

was disqualified from the

Masters CrossFit Games.

She had failed a drug test

back in 2021 during the

European Masters

Weightlifting Championships.

This news was broken by barbell spin,

and she went on a rampage

blaming barbell spin for

her being disqualified from

the CrossFit Games.

It wasn't the barbell spin

that failed a drug test,

and it didn't hold a

competition in which she

did fail it where she could

appeal to him.

So I don't know how she

makes that correlation,

but she has been removed.

She was in the 55 to 59-year-old division.

And then she made fun of

Spin's squats on his thrusters,

which no call for that.


If she's going down,

she wanted to make sure

everyone was going down.

She's like, you called me out.

I'll find anything on you

and call you out.


She tried to kill her from a

bad perspective.

I mean, to her credit,

I think Brian can go lower

on his thrusters.

So I will agree with that.

But it doesn't justify a failed drug test.

And she wasn't set up for a

failed drug test like she

was insinuating.


And it doesn't... Brian's

squat depth does not stop

the fact that he is the one

breaking news left and

right in this world and is

really good at it.


And he just broke the news

that she had committed.

Um, and she knew she failed that test.

Like when you sign up for the games,

you know, that's on your record.

All right.

So then the other thing that,

that barbell spin broke

this week was the backfill

process that got all janky

in the 35 to 39 year old division.

So the way this plays out is

Jasmine Sheehan qualifies

for the CrossFit Games as a

Masters athlete.

She's also on a team.

She declines her invitation

to the Masters CrossFit

Games because she's going team.

Right after that,

Chantal Bouchard receives an email saying,

be prepared.

You're the next one up if

someone else declines or

something else happens.

Jasmine's teammate pops for PEDs,

and they become ineligible

to go to the CrossFit Games on a team.

She notifies CrossFit that

she wants to rescind her decline.

Jamie Hygieia then hurts her

shoulder and has to

withdraw from the CrossFit Games.

The backfill spot goes to

Jasmine after declining

instead of Chantal.

I think this is criminal.

I just am wondering why the

heck they all of a sudden

this year are trying to

backfill up to 40th place

when last year they had

plenty of time to backfill

China chose spot and did

not choose to do any

legwork to fill that spot.

Because it's not the

CrossFit Games running, it's the Masters,

and they'll take the most

amount of people to fill

for the money-wise.

I know both athletes.

I'm good friends with Jasmine.

It's an unfortunate

circumstance that I think

she should have accepted

both if I was in her position.

I get it costs money,

but once she had qualified for a team,

Her sole focus was the team

CrossFit Games.

Later on, they did pop, like,

Tyler Lee popped.

I think it's still under appeal.

It's not yet official.

It's tough because I feel

the spot should go to Chantel, like,

by the rules that they have in place.


who's going to get a better –

who's going to help bring, like,

the competition level up?

It's Jasmine.

Like, she's a top 10 –

games athlete in that age

group versus a 42nd place.

So she brings up the level higher,

but it's tough because I

think once you decline,

I don't know if you should

have a second opportunity.

It just, it sucks that that happened,

but that was her decision

to decline in the first

place is how I view it.

But I'm happy for her that

she gets that opportunity

to compete at the games.

I think a rule is a rule.

And if you want to be a sport,

you've got to follow the rules.

And if you think that you

messed up and the rule

should be different,

there should be a process

in changing that rule for the next year.

But there was documentation

sent to Chantal and that she was up next.

And then for them to go back on that,

to go to an endeavor,

different direction.

Not only are you changing the rule,

but you sent documentation

and you're going against

the documentation you sent.

Yeah, that's the problem.

They didn't have to send Chantel an email.

The fact that they did and said get ready,

it's the CrossFit Games' fault to

you know, they,

they went back on the word

and they took Jasmine.

Like it's not Jasmine's fault.

Like she asked, she was like, Hey, is it,

you know,

is it too late to get my spot back?

And then something happened

and they had like, it's not like,

if there's no wrong in asking if I'm,

if I'm Jasmine in that

position and I lost my spot on a team.

So I'm going to go see if

it's still available, you know?

Like it's almost like your

ex is still available after,

after something happens,

but invite them both.

I think CrossFit messed up.

Like it's,

you almost have to invite them

both because I don't think

what they did is fair to Chantel.


I, man, you,

you bringing up your ex like that,

that would put it, you decline.

You say, sorry, I'm going in.

I'm, I love her more.

I'm going over here.

And then whoop,

You still available?


Got cheated on, so you come back.

Still available?

Can I?


I don't know.

At the end of the day,

why not just bring them both?

You know, between now and then,

one person's probably not

going to make it there.

So why not just bring them

both at this point?

After this mess up, just do that.

And then change the rule to

whatever to be what you

want it to be next year.

And then adhere to it going forward.

So there is a, so Julian,

I've heard asked this question.

Do you guys think there's a

seven verse since he was

the first CrossFit podcast

and everything else was born from that?

I don't think he was the first there's was,

and that's what I just want.

I, and it's been talked about below.

Barbell shrugged came way before that.

Um, Armin hammer has been around forever.


And yeah,

the CrossFit podcast was before a lot,

but like coffee pods and wads.

And I started before Savon

started his podcast.

Nobody just knew who we were at that,

that point in time.

So, um, so yeah, there,

there were lots of podcasts out there, um,

before even the CrossFit podcast started.

um okay uh so the after party

It was announced this week

yesterday that there's an

after party at the CrossFit

Games at Billy Bob's,

which I've been to in my past.

It is a massive, massive honky tonk.

It's got like three stages

and bunches of stuff, restaurant inside,

a whole bunch of stuff.

But it is.



It's happening the last night,

Sunday night from 9 p.m.

to 2 a.m.

You can get your tickets at CrossFit,

I believe, dot com.

There it is.

Are you going to go?

I went to one after party

and I realized that I am

way too old for that stuff these days.

it's just, the music was so loud.

I couldn't even talk to anybody.

Um, and at that point,

like that took all the fun

of it out for me.


so there's like the official after party.

And then a lot of times

there's like another after party,

like that,

the most of the athletes go to like a,

like it was like a more private event.

It'll be interesting whether, you know,

for the first year,

if more athletes go to this one.

It is a massive place.

Like it would fit a lot of

people and you could

probably hide the athletes

in their own area.

It's so big.

But yeah, I am not going,

I will tell you right now,

my flights Monday morning at some point,

I'm just going to go back and

do this show Sunday night.

Cause we'll be back next Sunday night.

Uh, at the same time,

right after the CrossFit games are over,

breaking it all down Sunday night,

CrossFit talk every week.

And we are probably going to

do some mid afternoon shows

throughout the week.

We're going to look at the

schedule and see where it

best fits in to not collide

with everybody and to, uh,

get in where we can.


I'll probably do a lot of

that live from the media

room right there in Dickies.

So that's our show.

Heading to Fort Worth Wednesday morning.

I'll be there on the ground

sometime Wednesday afternoon.

I've already booked Tristan

Patrick to talk a little

bit about his journey down there.

I'll talk with Hattie,

a short little interview

we're going to do there.

And then whatever else happens, happens.

I have no plans.

Probably go over and give

John some crap at the barbell spin booth.

Tell him his picks suck and

that Saxon's going to win

the whole thing.

Just so I can give it back

to him like he's been giving it to me.

so yeah with that thank you

so much for being here

thank you everybody don't

forget hit that subscribe

button we've added 22

subscribers this week alone

we want to keep those

numbers rolling we're going

into the games we're going

to be doing a lot of stuff

while we're there and we're

going to keep it rolling

all the way through the Masters games so


so you know when all the shows

are coming.

Make sure you do that.

And if you want to support the show,

hit the Join button.

And for $2.99 a month,

you can help support the show.

With that, Jonathan,

we talked about my haircut

at the beginning.

It's a lack of haircut,

not getting a haircut.

I will be getting my haircut on Tuesday.

With that,

we'll see everybody next time on

the Clydesdale Media.

Nope, not that one.

The Sunday Night CrossFit Talk.

We'll be back on Sunday

Night CrossFit Talk next week.

Bye, guys.