The Choosing Ease Podcast

In this episode, I’m joined by the amazing Charlotte Taussig, a holistic life coach who’s gone from feeling lost and overwhelmed to celebrating nearly €20,000 in sales in just a few months. How did she do it? Her journey is nothing short of inspiring.

Charlotte shares her journey from working in the corporate world to becoming a successful coach who helps intuitive find and live their purpose. She talks about her challenges in enrolling clients, and how she overcome her limiting beliefs to sign two new high ticket clients to her courses inside the ELEVATE Mastermind.

Tune in to hear:
  • Charlotte’s step-by-step journey from struggling to signing two high-ticket clients to her new courses in just a few months
  • The transformative power of combining masculine structure with feminine intuition and how this balance has been key to Charlotte’s success
  • How overcoming limiting beliefs can lead to €20K in sales and immediate breakthroughs
Whether you’re just starting or looking to realign your business with your true self, this episode is packed with insights and inspiration to help you on your journey.

Ready to package YOUR wisdom into irresistible offers like Charlotte did, so that your meant-to be clients get EXCITED to invest in?

Click here to book a FREE Breakthrough session with me!

In this 1:1 session, I’ll help you discover the biggest needle movers in your business right now and how you can grow to 5 and 6 figures. If it's in alignment, I’ll also share how you can join the Elevate Mastermind and get high-touch support as you work toward your big, beautiful vision, like Charlotte did.

Apply for a Breakthrough session here!

Explore Charlotte’s work:
Charlotte’s Website
Follow Charlotte on Instagram

Explore how to work with me:
ELEVATE Mastermind
Client Success Stories

What is The Choosing Ease Podcast?

A podcast for multi-skilled coaches and experts who are ready to leverage their unique expertise, create money overflow all while embodying ease. Discover how to stop forcing things in your business and start letting your natural life force guide you... so you can spend less energy, get bigger rewards, and make the kind of impact you were born to create.


I'm talking to Charlotte today. Charlotte is amazing and Charlotte is ETA member. We've been working together. And today we're going to share her story, how she already made in the 1st months of the program already made 19,000 €750 through her program after trying to do that for about 7 months, really full time and not really getting there. So we're getting into the story, like, how did you do, how did you do it?


Charlotte said, we want to know how did you do it? Please introduce yourself. Tell us what you do.


So I'm Charlotte Taussig and I'm a holistic life coach. I actually now finally found my positioning with being actually helping intuitives find and live their purpose. Yeah. And it was quite a journey because I started last year. And I just told you, it's actually almost 1 year that I went fully by myself




To work independent as a coach. And in the beginning, I was working with an agency, and I got everything set up, but I felt kind of lost. I didn't know how to find clients. I didn't know my positioning. I got lost in finding my positioning, that I got I started procrastinating because I caught all I have to have a positioning.


I have to have a positioning. And at the end of the day, I didn't sell my product because I just didn't know how to. And even though I had everything, yeah, I just didn't make that step in really selling.


Yeah. So important that that was, yeah. You invested in an agency, which you said they did great work and they they tried to help you set up your funnel. So I remember you had this website and funnels created with email sequence and lots of automation really well set up, but it wasn't converting into clients.


It wasn't converting into clients because I got so caught up in technology and in all that stuff, and it overwhelmed me. I got really overwhelmed also by all that stuff. Yeah. And at the end of the day, I thought, okay. How am I gonna do all this, and how should I now okay.


Technology and funnels and sale process, and I should do a launch. How do I do a launch? And, now I should, like, go into Facebook groups, and I should do this and that and that. And I got so overwhelmed that I just thought, oh my god. How am I gonna ever make this happen?


And I remember I just, I started doing some webinars, but they didn't convert into any sales, really.


Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Thank you for sharing that. And before that, you've been working in corporate, right, in fashion?


Are you working in corporate?


Yeah. My original job was working in corporate. I was in fashion. Actually, I was a CEO in luxury, in the luxury brands in a for a luxury brand. It was 5 years ago and then it's, I went, 1 year off and I was looking for my way through what do I really want and I started working for a very famous coach in Austria.


Yep. And he's kind of known as the Tony Robinson Austria for two and a half years. And I did everything. I did psychological counseling. I started studying with him and hypnosis and systemic coaching.


And, so I basically did everything with him. Yeah. And I learned from him as a mentor, but he was a man. And I thought, okay. I keep on learning from men.


He was a man. I also went to Tony Robbins. I had, Dean Graziosi. You you name them. Yeah.


They came to this point where I thought, but I'm a woman. And I figured they think differently than I do. I want to live more my softness, my femininity. And I knew there was a point where I thought there must be a different way of finding the balance in me between my feminine and my masculine side. Mhmm.


And that's how I also wanted to build my business. That was one of my goals to do it also out of my femininity and in balance with the masculinity.


Yes, exactly. Beautiful insight. So when you came into ATA, you kind of found that it's like as a balance of more the feminine side, the masculine side to the limiting beliefs in a personal development and the strategies and the do this, do that, and all the actions that you need to take. Do you want to share a little bit more about that? How did experience has been for you so far?


Yes. It has been just a wonderful experience. And thank you so much for Linda for all your support. And, I'm super grateful, for this half last half year, past 6 months, because I came with this intention to become more structured, more to get more support also personally, but also to find the balance between feminine and masculine to make my product sell, of course, and to solve my limiting, beliefs. And I really I mean, I found so many like, I can't even say it's, like, not not so much, but, yeah, I structure started structuring my business with you.


I started becoming more clarity. I was able to raise the price of my products. I was able to sell my products and I was even launching 2 products at the same time.


Two programs, just for people to understand 2 programs that is, one is completely online and the other is in person and online. They contain your Reiki, but they contain that you have been able, but I talk about often this creating your signature method. You've been able to pull all these different expertises that you had to get her right now. Yes, exactly. So completely different packaging and, and different pricing and a different avenue pathway to sell it for people to find you, which actually has led into these beautiful sales right now.


And it's ongoing of course. And, and, do you want to share a little bit about the experience working with your clients? So for example, one of your programs returning to essence, you're already doing it now, share with us, like, how is it, how is it to do it?


It was amazing because at first, you know, the launch when you helped me to launch the product, which was very exciting for me because I, at first I thought, oh my God, I'm going to do all this, but then actually went really easy Yeah. And it was an amazing experience, and I managed to get 5 people into my program.




And I thought at first that there was a clear person or client that's gonna come into my program. It was more like from corporate into finding their purpose. But then I saw, okay. It's also coaches actually that want to come to me. And then you also told me, hey.


Stay open everybody who's your client and just be open to receive




And to actually embrace what is coming and don't push it away. And that helped me to actually also get these clients into my program, and it has been a wonderful I mean, such a wonderful experience. I'm so grateful for every single of one of them, And, actually, we're a bit over half of my program now. And most of them have already achieved their goals. And it's just incredible because it's so delightful to see their faces change, their eyes sparkle.


And what they have been telling me is, like, I really can feel I have a purpose in life. And I don't wake up in the morning and I get the chills now because I don't wake up in the morning anymore thinking I don't know what I'm what I'm here for. But I'm waking up in the morning with that feeling of I know exactly why I'm alive and what I'm doing, and it all makes sense. And, yeah, that is just beautiful. And my Reiki course as well because I'm starting my Reiki course and it's people telling me from my past Reiki courses, wow.


I can feel my essence. I can I feel so connected in life? Yeah. And I can actually transmit that, And it's a completely different way of living. And so for me, of course, it's beautiful.


I know it's so me. It's so powerful and I'm so happy you're out there. I know how amazing you are and your, how amazing your energy is and your connection. So everything bigger that is more than us is and how you can help people to connect with their purpose and their intuition. And as you said, live their purpose.


So really, really amazing. I wanted to say because an important. That we just talked about is so that you overcame that I think people might recognize is that you thought, no, but these people are already coaches. They don't need me. They are already too advanced for my course.


And then they appear to be the exact people for your course.


Yes. I Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. I first didn't think that, and it was really helping me the way you approach and say, hey.


Stay open. Just and I think it gave me a kind of relief as well because I was so into this positioning. I have to be, like, really clear on everything before I get out there. And you kind of come and say, listen. One step at a time, just open yourself.


And and I think that also gave me the opportunity to actually find my positioning.


Yes. Yeah.


Really. Because before I was really, yeah, I was so stuck on everything. And, of course, the limiting beliefs. I remember when I came, I had the beliefs I must always be overwhelmed. I'm not enough, all these kind of beliefs, which you really helped me to transform.


How would you describe that? Because an ETA and an older work I do, we go pretty deep in those beliefs and it's energetic work. It's subconscious work. Yes. Here is how would you describe that?


The first word that came to my mind was easy. It's so it's kinda it's so easy to transform. And what I've noticed is that the way you hold the space is it gives the opportunity to really, to let go. That's how I feel it. For me, it has been really transforming to work with you, especially on my limiting beliefs.


And, you know, I got really upset. I was like, I have to learn this. Like, what are you doing? It's just incredible what you do.


Also is now also in my certification program, which isn't so, public just yet. I might launch that launch that later, but amazing. Yes. Yeah. You're brilliant at it.


And it's so lovely to have you in there too. Yeah.


And it was just, yeah, these limiting beliefs that were noticed. I I can't I think we'll remember I can't remember it was if it was I'm not enough or something. It was one of these beliefs. And on the next day, I had my first booking.


Yeah. You shifted it and boom, there.


I shifted it, and on the next day, I actually had the first client book into my course. And she was one that came from nowhere. She basically was recommended, and I have not even done my launch. And she just called. She's like, listen.


I heard, like, you're a great coach. Can I just can we talk? And I told her from the program. She's like, okay. I'm just in and transfer the money.


So it was kind of, okay. That's interesting. And, yeah. So it does changing these beliefs is a is a key, I believe. Yeah.


Yeah. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing that. It is. It is and you're being already such a powerful healer and coming in and doing that work and then having so clearly those results.


And also in any moments because we all go through in our business through ups and downs, but you just have a skill that can, you know, that gives resilience. That's how I see an entrepreneurial resilience. That is what we need for the long term, success, which we we are building here. Yeah.


Can I say one more thing? Because just came to me, and it was that because you were also talking about energy work and everything. And I think it's exactly this mixture, which I also love, is bringing together the mind, but also the energetical and heart space. Yeah. And I think it's that what I especially love about ETA and your work is that you combine both worlds and you bridge them and I think that is highly effective.


Yeah. It's the the masculine and the feminine, but it's it's really it's this one hand really structured, and this is the structure, and here you have. But But in the other hand, also meditation, the, yeah, and the energetical work.


Yeah. The energetics are, like, envisioning things, meditation, the deep subconscious work, the compassion. I think you said something. Compassion. That's what


I Passion. That's what I said too.


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Beautiful. Thank you so much.


I couldn't have put it in birth verse like this is beautiful to hear that back. And I'm I'm I'm I'm seeing how that is, you know, a differentiator for ETA being such a world where those 2 come together, it's not just business, and, and all the strategy and the things to do is not just healing and mindset and all that. It actually really, really comes to matter. Yeah. Okay.


If there's anybody watching this that is like, Hey, I I'm thinking about this. Should I go into ETA? I want to be part of a group and then not get enough support. It's it's an investment, you know, all the spheres that we have. What would you wanna tell them?


I would want to tell them it's great to be in a group, and I think it's absolutely necessary to be, now I find the German word, but guided. To be guided. Thank you. To be guided by somebody because there is there's there's a saying in German, you don't see the forest because there's so many trees. And there has to be in order to grow and to grow your business, it's so important to get support and guidance and to really have somebody guide you who already made it, who already knows the way, and to have a group that supports each other.


And I can really say this is the case. It has been very supportive. Also, people in the group have been super supportive. The other clients, they are. I mean, yeah, it's just you're together with a kind of like minded people, and it's a whole different energy.




And it gives you the strength to keep on going. I know there was points where, like and I think it's normal when you're in your business. When I concept, Belinda, I really like you know what? I'm just gonna quit everything. Go back for the job.


It's like, I'm so done with everything. I'm just but then I think it's normal and you're just like, oh, it's okay. And. Yeah. And then I come back into the group sessions and I feel like, no, everything is okay.


It's just like, keep on going.


Yeah. Beautifully said, I think it is normal. And that is, you know, the people that quit, they quit. They are not doing the business anymore. It's about that long term success so that we learn to deal with those things because it is a very bold and brave journey.


People like you who are like spreading the lights, teaching people such amazing things as such an honor for me to guide you in that and to see then the ripple effect, your clients being so, you know, happy and guided and finding our purpose and all these beautiful things. And for anybody who is like, okay, that ETA sounds like interesting to me. I want to build my business. I want to do that in this beautiful yin, yang harmony, feminine, masculine way, and really do the inner work and do all the stress. I get all the strategies and everything that really is aligned to you and how you do it.


Belinda Morse dot coms. Then we will have you, book a 1 on 1, breakthrough session. And on that one, we will see what is the NATO movers for your business. And can I support you with that within ETA? I would love to.


Thank you so much.


Thank you so much. And can I say something? Yes. I really want, like, anybody should book definitely a 1 on 1 session with you just because it's really along that, it's kind of liberating. Right?


And it's gives you the opportunity to really look inside what is all the capabilities and possibilities to actually for my business. So yeah.


Thank you, Shula. I really


should at least get the 1 on 1 session


because session. Yeah. And it's it's it's exactly in this session. You will already get so much out of that session. I, it is not like you need to sign up.


I only work with meant to be clients. If it's like, yes, we're meant to be, then we are going to work together. But if you're, I just want to get that session as a first step, please do so and thank you. I really appreciate you saying that. Thank you.


Thank you. Thank you for joining us today on the Choosing Ease podcast. Remember to subscribe so you never miss an opportunity to connect. And I'd be so grateful if you could share your thoughts in a review. Join me next time as I continue to explore the powerful skills and strategies that will help you to let go of everything that keeps you from fully sharing your genius.


You are destined for greatness, and through the Choosing Ease podcast, I'm here to help you own your unique wisdom and share it with the world. Until next time, keep choosing ease.