Stopping Socialism

The other day, Donald Kendal, Deputy Director of the Socialism Research Center at The Heartland Institute was a guest on the Shawn Thompson Show on AM560 The Answer in Chicago. Donald is a frequent guest, and has now started a monthly segment with Shawn Thompson called “Davos Watch.”

This week begins the annual meeting of the World Economic Form in Davos, Switzerland where global leaders -- far removed from the people -- plan out how the future will look. It seems we get very little say in these matters, but that doesn't have to be a permanent state of affairs. The first step is getting informed about the WEF, the Davos agenda, and what it will mean to our freedom. Spoiler alert: The WEF crowd is not interested in our freedom. In fact, they consider it a troublesome barrier to their aims.

Have a listen to Donald Kendal's first "Davos Watch" installment on this excellent radio program, the Shawn Thompson show, which you should definitely seek out and listen to regularly.

Learn more about Davos and the World Economic Forum at Heartland’s Stopping Socialism TV channel on YouTube, and our Stopping Socialism Center.

Creators & Guests

Donald Kendal
Donald Kendal hosts episodes of Stopping Socialism along with weekly releases of the In The Tank podcast.

What is Stopping Socialism?

Discussions on how to save the United States from the scourge of socialism, presented by The Heartland Institute.

From the streets of Melrose Park to the trading floor of the mec, he's fought for every dollar he's ever earned.
And now with personal liberty and our system of capitalism under assault in America, he's here to seize back our rights from the government with a cigar in one hand and a copy of the Declaration of Independence in the other.
He's Sean Thompson and this is the Sean Thompson show.
I think the problem with the Americans is that they were overconfident in the amount of citizens that love the idea of being free of having liberty, of not being slaves to a society that had oligarchs and they were comfortable in it.
So COVID-19 crisis has shown us that our old systems are not fit anymore for the 21st century.
It has laid bare the fundamental lack of social cohesion, fairness, inclusion and equality.
In short, we need a great reset.
My next guest is a specialist in this sector of the transformation of America into a fascistic dictatorship.
He is the heartland's socialism, research fellow at the research center.
He's also in the, in the Tank podcast, stopping socialism TV.
He is Donald Kendall Donald How are you?
Thank you for joining me.
You know, I'm doing fantastic.
Thank you for having me on.
Well, these are interesting times because Davos is back in effect, isn't it?
When does that meeting of pretend oligarchs?
And, I'm wondering, do you have, how many of them were on Epstein's Island?
Do, do the list correspond?
You know what?
I still have to do some analysis on there but I, I'm sure that there is at least some overlap.
But yes, Davos 2024 is taking place in just about a week and a half starts.
January 15th will run for a week and will surely host all of the biggest and best stars on the world leadership stage, business leadership stage.
And they'll all be going down to that nice little Posh ski resort in Switzerland where they'll talk about what the best ways to kind of carve up influence in the world stage and you know how to best control of the lives of the lowly peasants like you.
And I, I mean, I'll tell you the truth.
We should just call them specter at this point because this is really what we're facing here.
These are you know, this was considered a conspiracy theory until they had actual video of people attending these meetings.
These meetings are the ones that are occupied by people who are recipients of our foreign policy, Money of the International Monetary Fund of the bank.
We really don't have an idea of how many hundreds of billions, if not trillions of dollars of the American taxpayer has gone to these, these attendees of such diabolical conspiracies, do we?
Yeah, no doubt.
And, and, and kind of one of the, one of the other things that I really wanted to highlight in this, in this chat with you is that, you know, I think like every time there's one of these Davos meetings or one of these cop 27 whatever number they're up to meeting some climate affair or something like that.
There's usually an article that will go around and pointing out the hypocrisy of these world leaders, they go to these places for a week and virtue signal about the climate, but they're jetting around in their private planes and they're getting five course dinners and all of this sort of thing.
And it's just like that and that's the extent of the exposure a lot of times when it comes to the media in Davos and it almost just kind of seems like we just make fun of them for being hypocritical like that.
But in reality, they wield in such massive levels of influence that just focusing on that like kind of hypocritical nature of them does not do the threat that they represent to liberty across the world justice.
So that, that's kind of the main reason why I wanted to talk to you today about, you know, the upcoming Davos conference?
Well, you know what's interesting is the way in which they keep funneling membership.
I find this to be fascinating.
Most people don't understand what Rhodes Scholar is or who Rhodes was and how he is a direct liaison to these kind of,,, world, economic, world,,, governing entities.
And this is all something where a lot of these participants are either Rhodes Scholars or part of that young President's club, aren't they?
Oh, yeah.
The the, so not only will you have all of these, you know, from the Al Gores of the world to, you know, the higher ups in the Biden administration, go into the, to Davos and then they sit and get lectured to for a week straight about all of the things that are need their dire attention.
Now, they're the only ones that they're in the positions and they have the power.
No, they have the duty to do something about it.
Not only do they have a week of that and then they come home and they spread that same dialogue, you know, through their avenues of influence, but the young global leaders program, which is Davos, one of their biggest programs.
And basically what that is is they see these kind of up and coming people on the world stage, whether it's in the business sphere or the political sphere and then they bring them into this young global leaders program and some of the names just to name a few because there's hundreds and hundreds of these people.
But Justin Trudeau from Canada, Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel, Gordon Brown, Gavin Newsom, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg.
You know, the list goes on and on.
Leonardo Dicaprio, Paul Krugman.
Like these are just a few Leonardo Dicaprio.
He's just like the model at the auto show.
He's not really involved in anything.
And, and you know, there's the question of like, well, what does that mean young global leaders?
Is this just like a plaque that they get for, you know, kind of being a notable person or something?
And, and maybe it is in some cases like, you know, Leonardo Dicaprio, I'm not sure what his initiation process was for being a young global leader.
But according to the World Economic Forum website, they have a criteria that they talk about and what they, what they look for in their nominees and then they talk about how their nominees are invited to join the community and embark on a three year transformational journey.
So I could only imagine.
Like how, how much of that three years of their eyelids peeled back and watching a screen of you know, terrible stuff resulting from climate change and income inequality.
I don't know, but I will say that there is there is some data that backs some studies that kind of backs up that downstream from young global leaders in positions of power are policy changes that, that follow through with that.
So there is this one study that I was looking at that was trying to find a correlation between countries that had a high proportion of people in the administration that are part of this young global leaders program in the World Economic Forum and the policies that they passed during COVID-19.
And they found a strong a statistically significant correlation between those two.
And it, it shouldn't surprise anybody.
I mean, that, that seems, that seems somewhat obvious, but the fact that they are having the World Economic Forum, like I like I mentioned, they deal in influence, that's their currency.
And if their influence is spreading across the entire globe and infiltrating administrations of governments across the world, I mean, you called it specter somewhat jokingly but it's really not, not that far of a stretch.
Well, and you know, you know, to me, it's always the money, right?
So you see the policy profiteering the agenda, but here's the silver lining the way I see it.
We have the benefit of history.
History has vindicated those contrarians who rejected the fascism of American style, they rejected the nonsense and the stupidity from the lockdowns.
You can't go see your brother, your mother, whatever the masks and the and and most importantly, the bipartisan support of what appears to be a very detri detrimental drug called the vaccine.
And now we have the history, we have the uptick in deaths.
We have the unexplained myocarditis.
We have the unexplained,,, youth problems of health.
We got the Jimmy Leg, the Bell's palsy, all the rest of it.
So, you know, you're always only gonna get the thinking people that wanna think anyway.
But I think this kind of failure is historic and I don't think these entities have any credibility among people of reason.
That's why WGN News ABC and all the rest of it in Chicago, it's more of something you watch to laugh at than something you watch at to be informed.
So I think they have a credibility problem.
Do, do you think they're aware that the bulk of humanity that has an IQ over 60 rejects their nonsense spiel on COVID-19 alone.
So I, I absolutely do believe that.
And I think that a lot of these things, whether it's from the, the ESG and the great reset stuff that I've been on your show endlessly talking about over the past couple of years, or, or some of these other policies that they've kind of been behind, they've been able to do that with very little attention of just your average day citizen.
like I said, they deal in influence, but they deal in influence at a, such a higher level that they don't actually want people like you and I to pay attention to them, they want the Al Gores and the, the John Kerry's and the Joe Bidens to pay attention to them.
They don't want us to pay attention to them.
And then when something like the great reset actually catches on and people are saying like, hey, I don't like that, then what do they do?
They don't try to convince us that.
It's a good idea.
They change the name.
They, they put a different coloring on the different flavor on that idea.
Climate to try to move away from it.
The golden goose of fascism, right?
The fraud science, the provable fraud science that's been wrong for 70 years.
Every prediction from when I was young, the ice age is coming.
So you're gonna have to wear AAA moon suit to go out.
The sun will be so bad.
And the reality is I think they're overestimating how many people buy that nonsense.
Fraud lie alone.
Do you know what they, they, what they want is to like I said, influence the top level people and then allow them to go to their, you know, their, their back to their country and then, then spread it through their trusted avenues, right?
And when they get brought up like, oh, it turns out that these guys are the ones that are feeding all of this propaganda to everybody.
Like we should pay attention to them.
They're like, oh no, no, no, don't pay attention to the man behind the curtain and, and one further piece of evidence of this.
If you go on to the World Economic Forum website right now and look at you know, Davos 2024 link and it says, you know what's coming, what to expect in our conference.
Their main overarching theme for this entire conference is rebuilding trust.
And it says we want to get back to the basics of a spirit of open and constructive dialogue between leaders of government, business and civil society.
And I'm over here wondering, oh, what could have happened in the last couple of years that would have destroyed the trust of these government officials and these international organizations.
I can't possibly know.
But I bet Carl Schwab knows and better yet.
I bet he, I bet he has the solutions to you know, to, to fix that problem.
Can I tell you what's been bothering me is the admissions of the fraud in the so called loan guarantees.
You know, it was amazing to me, number one that anybody would be unaware of what Joe Biden, what kind of political traitor he was and what whore he was to these corrupt oligarchs.
But when he admitted that he steered the billion dollar loan guarantee.
That part got left out of the, the the controversy.
The fact of the matter is we, the American people have been funding these frauds, these thieves like Klaus Schwab's and George Soros, we're funding them and we're the ones guaranteeing the loans and nobody ever gets an audit of those loans and you're talking kid of hundreds of billions of dollars and we have no accounting for it.
Do you think it's time?
We have a forensic audit and we, the people demand that these morons calling themselves representatives push for a forensic audit of the IMF bank and the loan guarantees that are given out to these foreign policy forth re members like Klaus Schwab.
Yeah, I think it's long past due for something like that on all levels of these international organizations, like for too long, it's just been kind of like, oh the UN, they don't have any real power over us, you know, and we just kind of snicker at them as, you know, I'm talking conservatives in general and we've just like, not paid them the attention that they rightly deserve to be paid and a critical attention and, and yeah, I, I think across the board whether you're talking about the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, you know, all of these different places, you know, we definitely have to take a look, you know, what, what, what is our billions of dollars that we're handing over to these organizations paying for?
I wanna know, I wanna know how is the climate because the democrat mafia, the morons that vote for Letizia James and Joe Biden, they like the idea of suing people who have profited.
So we're suing right now.
Letizia is suing Donald Donald Trump and she also was suing the guy who stepped down from the nr A whatever the hell his name is LaPierre or whatever.
So they're suing him because he had lavish parties and flew around.
But if you have oligarchs in our, in foreign lands that have been stealing billions of dollars, not repaying loans that we don't know how they even got them.
What is the collateral and they're just abandoned and paid for as we now pass an unbelievable threshold of $34 trillion of bankruptcy amount.
I think it's time that we maybe put a little leverage on because apparently it's a bipartisan issue.
We don't like profit.
So when it comes to profit of guys named Klaus Schwab who talk like he should have been on Hogan's heroes.
I think it's time to unite behind that.
Do you think there's some steam there?
II I think there is.
But again, we just have to really start paying attention to this.
I mean, so much of our just kind of and I'm not blaming anybody.
There's just seemingly just so many different important topics that we all have to be paying attention to at any given moment and all of that.
But we're missing the, you know, £600 Klaus Schwab in the corner there that really needs some of this attention.
And you know, when he would have these clips of him talking about how you know, his organization through the young global leaders group is able to penetrate government administrations across the world.
And he brags about how the Justin Trudeau administration is, is the cabinet is composed of half of young global leaders members.
And it's just like that amount of influence is an incredible amount of influence that deserves attention.
We need to be paying attention to this and understanding what they're doing on behalf of their constituents on a global stage.
Maybe if men in this country stop watching steroid freaks in costumes, chase balls, we could maybe get something and focus on the fact that the son of a Third Reich is the leader of the Fourth Reich and start identifying it for what it is.
But if it does happen, it'll be thanks to you in the in The Tank podcast and Stopping Socialism TV.
The Heartland Institute Donald Kendall.
Thank you for always making time.
I appreciate you.
Oh, thank you for having me on.