Armbar Audio

#JonMoxley #GCW #TheWrldOnGCW #Wrestling

Show Notes

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Armbar Audio is a professional wrestling podcast for fans by fans!

Tim: You are now entering Armbar Audio.

John: What is going on?

People welcome to another
episode of hornbill audio.

It's a special late night live
stream episode of armbar audio.

John terns, AKA JJ is the Wiz for
those of you that follow me on my

regular Twitter and also know a little
bit about my gaming stuff that I do.

I don't expect anybody to do, but you
know, I try to promote it when I can,

uh, Annie way I'm joined as always.

Uh, by my partner, Brody chain, sorry.

Uh, yeah, I've figured today was
the day to bust this old bad boy

out for the, for the, uh, shell,
because we just witnessed history.

John didn't we and the K all fucking day.

Um, DK equals

I'm bringing up chat to see
if anybody's us, uh, nerdy.

Mark says, oh shit, someone
broke into Tim's house.

Tim: Nope.

It's just, it's part of the MDK gang.

John: Well, uh, you know
what they're saying about.

It's all fucking, oh yeah.

All right.

So, uh, we just got done watching
the world on GC w from the legendary

venue, the Hammerstein ballroom at
the Manhattan center in New York city.

It was Tim the whole time.

Um, so we got.

Lots of good matches on this chart,
we saw the pre-show was available

for free on YouTube feature, the
battle Royal, uh, Tim run down some

of the news that we saw in the battle

Tim: Royal while we saw, uh,
indie wrestling hall of fame

John: hall of fame show is
worth a checkout as well.

It was pretty good.

Lots of stuff that I didn't know.

Tim: Uh, I didn't see Jerry Lynn's part
yet, but anyway, uh, we had dark chic,

um, rhetoric, uh, Cole radder Charles
Mason of JC w um, thunder, Rossa arrow.

Uh, big Toca fucking juicy for now.

Uh, KTB was back and I was
very cool, I would say.

And for the longest time,


Um, there was Yo-Kai, uh, Janai and,
um, yo uh, Marcus Mathers was there.

And so.

You know, yoga and Janai were there.

And Marcus was there.

I was expecting Billy Starks, but
she, she wasn't, uh, involved, uh,

John: let's

Tim: see, uh, big VIN, big fucking VIN.

Uh, he wrestles a lot violence
and suffering and JCW as well.

And I found out today that he is 9 1 1
son, which makes a lot of fucking sense.

Um, Yeah.

Uh, I mean, there was a
shit ton of people, dude.

Like basically everybody they
didn't have in the other messages,


John: know, then of course, uh,
after the battle Royal, which was

won by big Ben, which was a welcome,

Tim: I loved the booking of the final
four you had so, and thunder road.

So whichever.

Like, I want them to wrestle anyway.

Like I want that to happen.

Charles Mason and big van and,
you know, big fin has the legacy.

Mason's a up and coming heel.

He really reminds me of
a more sadistic, uh, MJF.

I really liked that those four
wrestlers were in there at the end.


I would

John: absolutely love to see the
Festo have some more involvement

with GCU w if at all possible

Tim: I'm sure.

I'm sure it will happen.

Uh, after

John: the battle Royal,
we had district match.

Can't have Jesus w show without
caramel match Hammerstein, no

different, uh, the scramble match pity.

One ninja fuck match against one.

The soft start out saying against
one and helped me out to him.

It was a long show.

Tim: Well, I'll tell you Leon ninja.

Fuck Mac, uh, Shane Mercer,
whoever the fuck you said.

I don't remember

John: as a ninja man.

Don't tell we on Shane.

Uh, I say, I just said, Alex,
that's what I said, Jimmy Lloyd.

I think that was, it was that six.

Tim: Was that it, or was Jimmy
lawyer in the ladder match?


John: yeah.

Jimmy liberals environments,
but we'll get into that.

You know what?

I'm going to pull up the card.


Tim: I got it.

Yeah, it's going off the rails

John: already

Tim: in the match.

And they did a bunch of things.

Uh, Jack Cartwell, Leon grimmer
was the one we had and that

was, we missed winter, winter.

Apparently Nick Wayne was supposed
to be there, but he was not.

That's a shame.

John: I wonder why,

Tim: I wonder if there's.

John: We talked about young
billion, not being on the chart.

I wonder if that's another weird
fucking New York wrestling rule

Tim: maybe, but I think Marcus is young to

this fucking match ruled.

I fucking love how they
have like all these, like.

Spot monkeys and, uh, you know,
flippers, and then you throw someone

like shamers fucking world every time.

Uh, you know, if you watch GC w
you know what these guys imposed,

it's going to be great match.

Alex Zane was wearing
personally my favorite color

combination, light blue, and

John: I saw your tweet about him.

He showed up.

What'd you say draped up and tripped out?

Tim: Yeah, it's a Southern rap song.

No, boom.

Talk about

John: man.

Walked up just like me and walked up.

Just like, just like a
fire sauce packet, dude.

I thought

Tim: he was fucking godfather for a sec

John: with a sauce.

Tim: Right.

But, uh, this match was won
by New York own ground reefer.

And, and that was pretty grad, you know,
Of course, he had to pull out the joint

and smoke it, which is the thing you're

John: allowed to do that New York
can't do anything the fuck else.

Tim: It might just be,

John: uh, also on the pre-show
providing commentary efforts during

the breaks was friend of the show
Del Mar, which was fucking awesome.

Or finally, they're awesome to see
polio finally there, she talked

to when we had her on the show.

Uh, yeah.

Him, because it was not it
was the alter ego, but yeah.

Uh, he talked about wanting to be involved
with TCW, so it's awesome to find out.

Get that chance

Tim: now.

So, uh, and then they intro to
everybody for the ladder match

before going to the main show.

And we had, we had for the grab,
the brass ring, um, ladder match.


Jimmy Lloyd, Jordan Oliver, PCO fucking

Hey myself.

You had it a second, Alex cologne
and replacing Leo rush was

the motherfucking truth agent.

John: Yeah.

Tim: Oh, you're right.

Well, then when he came

John: out, he was added because of Eddie.

Gaston's unfortunate, uh, injury.

She has a, Hey, I'm here to fuck
somebody up because Eddie, he's not here.

Tim: That's what he's known for though
is not playing around in this match.

He did like some crazy
shit, uh, with the ladder.

And, uh, he had like a
package pile driver on it.

He like did a flying cross body
with one or something like that.

Everybody in this match and the scramble
match just really threw it all out.

I mean, like the beginning of the
show, uh, from the Brie show, from

the beginning of the free show to.

All the way through the Lucia
match that happened after this.

Like, it was just balls to the wall.

Um, but AIJ gray got the brass
ring, which we are all having.

So those first three matches you
had the legacy guy kind of big man.

You had, you had the, a legacy guy.

Grim reefer.

And then you have the legacy
guy AIJ gray when, uh, so it

seemed to me like, oh, okay.

GC w is going to be putting over
their home grown and like, you know,

however you want to call it talent.

Um, the next match was team gringo,
Loco against team Bandido and

that shit was fucking bananas.

John: To be perfectly

Tim: honest, Aries Laredo, kid
monitor for me to gringo Loco

Benzino they all went nuts.

And like I said, You know, I saw
your tweet about this is the most

dangerous chicken I ever saw.

And it's funny cause I was
messaging set at the time and I

John: said, very dangerous game of
chicken with the triple stack fight,

Tim: like jumped up onto the top, did like
a backflip kick the flamingos facing and

flipped on the people which was train and.

Who won the match, gringo Loco legacy guy.

So it was like, okay, all right.

John: At this point, the show
takes a bizarre, bizarre turn.

Tim: Yeah.

Like what I was saying earlier, John,
from the pre show, from the beginning

of the pre-show through this match,
it was just balls to the wall, high

octane up, up, up, up, we're going up.

We're just going to stay straight.

Of course, no peaks and valleys.

And then we get Donella and
Cardona and then you'll.

I mean, there was, there
was some good psychology.

The two guys didn't wrestle bad or
anything like that, but one, it was.

There was too many people involved
that did not have to be involved.

The only one that made sense was

John: the one.


And I understand, I saw some takes, uh,
that it was like parodying, WWE type

booking, but if that's what they were
going for, make it a little more obvious.

Tim: Um, yeah.

Well, I mean, swaddle in
the fucking outfit kind

John: of.

Tim: Even though we love Sam.

I don't

John: know why Sam was there,
but I love Sam stack house

because he's involved with George Noah.

They're on a team.

Brian Myers made sense because of
the edge, the edge heads connection.

Tim: Well, not just that, but like we

John: all best friends.

They have the toy review show and
all that, but yeah, uh, Way too

fucking long and way too fucking

Tim: much fucking wrong.

The whole mark Sterling part was annoying.

Like stupid Virgil

John: showing up in a district man mass.

Uh, one has been, was trying to funny.

Would've been way from here
without Marsha only enrolled.

Um, and also if it would've just
been like, like really like.


Tim: If it seemed like that
whole part took way too long and

it was just, it really fucked
up the flow of the show for me.

Uh, I do love Cordona as a hill,
uh, and Chelsea is great as well.


We should have

John: stuck with her.

Tim: Yeah.

She, when she hit, uh, Cardona and then.

And then it was, that was, that was fun.

But, um, you know, Janella
losing kind of pissed me off.

There was a couple of results in this
show that pissed me off because like

I said earlier, it felt like GCs w
we're putting over there are people.

So what the fuck, but I mean, I guess
Cardona is one of their people now.

You know, in the Hammerstein thing, you
know, you're great, but you're not a

main event or good luck in your future.


John: if this, if, if Janella
and Cardona is going to continue

fine, keep it between them only

give me Brian miners and
Cardona versus Marco and Genoa.

If Marco's fully back the wrestling.

Uh, I hope this doesn't mean
that the voice didn't work out.

That's just the, that's another
thing that's on my mind.


Tim: well, no, I mean, you
can't have the biggest GC.

I kind of felt like that going into it.

I was like, it's kind of sucks
that Marco isn't going to be there.

So seeing him there.

Very cool.

Very happy

John: there was,

Tim: oh, we didn't even
talk about Dickinson.

John: I figured since we skipped it,
we'll talk about that as the end,

because that was like, that was a
personal highlight of the entire

evening for me, that whole little bit,

Tim: but yeah.


John: yeah, I, I don't want to linger.

On this too long, we did

Tim: well.

Yeah, for all the time they spent
on this match, they could have

put it into the rest of the show,
put it into the last two matches.

John: Give us Cardona and buyers
versus Genoa and Marco or endless

Tim: please.

John: Okay.

Moving on.

What was

Tim: next?

Then, uh, I believe it
went from that, uh, Allie.

And so

John: which, uh, that batch left
a bad taste in some people's

mouths that I do not in any way,
shape or form agree with I've

Tim: I felt it was, it was okay.

Like it was a decent
match, but I personally.

They expected a little bit more.


John: really think everything after

Tim: alleys should have
all that build all that.


John: promo bill.

Tim: That's what I mean like that.

And plus like, you know, going through
Kylie Ray wrestling, thunder, Rossa,

everything that she's done for the
past year or so, uh, you know, or more.

Uh, it kind of mirrored what Lou Festo was
saying in her speech about being one of

the boys, being a wrestler, being accepted
by everybody and wrestling everybody.

And then they have the promo where like,
you know, she missed out on so much

and she wanted this match for so long.

And she's your homegrown?

And she loses

John: and like short, you could
say, oh, well they might have a

rematch, but yeah, they might.

But it was the Hammerstein show.

It was the biggest challenges, WWE
history, like literally statistically

the biggest challenges w history I

Tim: should have.


Speaking of should have
won the next match though.



Jared says that these guys and
girls aren't the last Outlaws.

I'm the real last outlaw F he doesn't want

John: the.

Tim: But Jeff Jarrett attacked the alley.


Half of bluesy, uh, with Effie and
F we gave him what he wanted and

you know, this wasn't terrible.

Effie came out, you know, in both matches.

Both members of bushy came in.

Uh, still loved, still revered.

And you know, I would say Effie
probably got more fans tonight, uh,

than he has in awhile because of the
Rachel this show and the antiques

he pulled against Jeff Jarrett.

Why did Jeff Jarrett win beats me?

I don't, I don't know, like, are they
going to do this because here's the thing.

You know, we see, we see older
wrestlers come back and you hear

a chance of you still got it.

And shit, I didn't hear that at
all during this match, but Jeff

Jaris, he played it as kind of a
brawler and he knew he was in GC.

So he was going to get.

And I can't knock how
wrestled the match made.

Perfect sense.

It just,

John: I don't,

Tim: I don't know where it's going and I
just hope it it's going somewhere good.

But this begs the questions on is bushy
fonts is every fine, because to me,

those are two of your biggest things.

And you gave the winds to ven.

You gave the winds to grim
reefer, AIJ fucking gringo.

Uh, you know, and then you,
your stiff Janella Allie and

John: I don't know,
Genoa pretty much RGC w

Tim: aside from a couple other
names that we'll get into.


John: what

Tim: happened?


John: what, what did toward Dona
angelic cause that like it shifted

the time space continuum, and all
of a sudden these matches were

not being booked for the Jesus.

That would be fans.

Tim: Honestly.

That's what I'm saying.

Like this cluster of three
matches took this paper.

From what would have been a plus
to probably a B high side opinion.

John: I see.


But yeah.

Tim: Um, yeah, I agree with you.

I see.

I was saying a beat just cause I
didn't want you to chew my fucking ass

John: by minus

Tim: yeah.

In there.

Uh, then we got

John: back when I was telling you what,
like those three matches kinda made me.

That love JCW.

And we're telling everybody,
Hey, you got to watch the show.

It's their biggest show you got to.

If you haven't seen it, if you haven't
seen it, I don't give a shit either,

Tim: but wait, let me.

John: These three matches.

You're talking about Effie, talking about
Ali, talking about Cardona Janella, uh,

diehard, just w fans like you like me,
like a bunch of our friends on Twitter.

Uh, we're hyping this show up telling
people, Hey, if you don't know, you w get

this show, it's their biggest show yet.

And to people that have never seen
JCW, these matches made us book.

Tim: In migraine, but before these
three matches totally forgot.

We talked about Leo Russ being
replaced while Leo rushed didn't

have a place on this card.

Apparently Jonathan Gresham could
not make it to defend Lu Roe title

because I, I heard that Jordan, grace
might have a code maybe for something.

Uh, Blake Christian wrestled one
of his best nemesises Leo rush

in a fucking fantastic match.


John: Corolla says what the hell?

Jeff Jarrett is still wrestling.

And one, exactly,

Tim: exactly how mean I pop
wherever Jared first came to GW.

I didn't

John: know it was going
to be a fucking program.

Tim: Well, even if it.

Like, how do you have the biggest
show and not put your dude over?

I, I don't, I don't get it.

I don't get that.


Especially after Waterdale
said, but we'll get to that.

We'll talk about all of the non matches
after this, all this that happened.

Um, so yeah, Leo rush and Blake Christian
put on fucking banger, fucking ruled.

You know, Leo rush is a very
controversial figure in wrestling.

Uh, people, uh, either
love them or hate them.

And, uh, I love him, you know, um,
seems like, you know, he's done

with a w and, you know, whatever,
you know, if it didn't work out for

him, it didn't work out for him.

That doesn't mean he's obviously not.

He's been he's on the end.

These who cares.

Um, The other thing is John, after
these three match, those three matches.

We were talking about, we got back on
track with the world championship, John

fucking Moxley, uh, against homicide.

And this match, uh, was better than I
expected because the last few times I

saw homicide, I didn't think he still.

Could produce a decent match that
much on his own, but, uh, you know,

Jon Moxley looks 10 years younger.

He looks great.

Um, you

John: really, it's going to be
difficult for anybody to horse my horse.

My buzz, when I see John
Moxley wrestle right now.

Tim: And how about that chance?

Whenever the fucking, whenever it's fuck.

Uh, so, you know, uh, Moxley
retained and you know, me and you

were talking and I'm like, you
know, I don't buy the whole mocks.

I mean, the whole MDK isn't gcwr anymore.

There's heat between them.

And he's not on the show.

I said, we're actually going to retain,
Paige is going to come out and carve them.

And that didn't happen.

And then we started thinking,

John: is this like, what is going on?

What the fuck are they doing?

Like, we both thought we both
thought we're both doing,

what the fuck are they doing?

Tim: And putting that match there
made me forget about 10 times.

So then I'm going, like, what the fuck?

And then they say, oh, the tag titles
are up and you know, I'm fucking.

Right, right.

And I'm like, I'm wondering if
it's FTR, but FTR came out and

attacked them on ring of honor.

FTR kind of has that cornet
mentality of this being beneath them.

So it made sense for them not to be there.

Um, I said earlier in the week,
maybe RSP in Kogarah, but something

happened with Kogarah earlier in
the show that we'll talk about.

Uh, and then, you know, we got Trimont
come out and I was like, okay, this is

fucking, we watched Fremont engage
against riddle and fucking Tom Lawler.

We know that Trimont engage
her like the biggest names in

American death match scene.

Trimont just came back from a long hike.

And he had that amazing match
against AIJ gray and violence and

suffering, which gage was on the
fucking commentary booth for it.

And he was putting over to Vermont
so much and everyone's looking,

everyone's looking and waiting.

And all of a sudden you
had a who's that guy.


He came out and I'm like, fuck.


And then fucking for whom the bell
tools came on and you know, this match

was what I expected, but a little
bit shorter, you know, uh, you got

guys throwing chairs at each other,
breaking the table, breaking fucking.

Doors on each other's heads, pile
drivers, you know, this, that the

other Nick gauge covered mark Briscoe.

And it looked like Jay had broken
it up, but they called the man.

And, uh, afterwards we got
gauge on the microphone and

John, you can talk about that

John: on the mic.

And of course, how does he start it off?

Where's my.

Huge pop, huge pop saying, I'm going to
say there was a huge pop, but it wasn't

big enough for the chain they gauge.

It never is a mother fucking
crowd goes bananas, entire fucking

locker room pours out into.

I thought the ship was falling down.

Uh, um, he talks about,
fuck, I don't remember.

Tim: Yeah.

Basically just put over how Jesus
he was the best promoter and

then at 70 K all fucking day.

And that's all you all.

We, all we were waiting for was Nicki.

Because you cannot say GC w and
not think of big change, that's it.

But outside of the matches, uh, on the
pre-show we had Brett Lauderdale and Chris

Dickinson come out, Dickinson, uh, gave
a really good speech and talked about.

You know, it w he said
it wasn't ring of honor.

It wasn't evolve.

It wasn't beyond wrestling.

It was GC fucking w who gave me the mic in
the middle of this ring, in my hometown.

And, uh, he said, he's coming
back spring break weekend.

Um, you know, he was injured with a
leg injury that happened in new Japan,

strong, I believe at battle of the valley.

That's what happened.

And then Lauderdale took the mic
and, um, Just said everything.

We wanted to hear absolutely Lauderdale
and said, we're going to make

wrestling as gay, as gay as possible.

And like he put over Allie that's,
that's the thing like in his speech, he

put over Allie and Effie specifically.

So yeah, like

John: definitely some confusion.

Tim: Cause he was saying how there's been
a million GC W's and then he said, you're

going to look at that locker room and
tell me there's a million Allie catches,

John: hold on,

hold on.

What the hell?


Tim: up.

But yeah, he was saying that
and I'm talking about the JCW

beginnings and everything like that.

Like a really good promoter
didn't mention gates.


And you know, the whole show.

And then another segment we
had, somebody else came down,

John: right?

It was the one, normally the one and
only, oh, Mansour is a simple John man.

Tim: I was a little TIFF that they didn't
play that song, but it's all right.

It would have taken way too long.


John: thought it was
funny how they played it.

Uh, I thought it was funny how
they played it right before

the hall of fame show went on.

And then tonight he came back.


I love that.

It was like that, that was
like a little tease, I think.

Tim: I believe, I believe you're correct.

And you know, a man's came back and he was
talking up GC w and how much he loved it.

And of course, anytime somebody
grabs a mic and doesn't have a match.

This man has to insert himself.

John: Oh, well, it's none other
than representing the four, four.

Oh, the silver teeth,
Satan, Atticus Kogarah.

Tim: Yep.

And, uh, you know, he, he was saying,
fuck, GC w and SGC are just Lauderdale

sent snakes were the real Outlaws
of GC w and blah, blah, blah, blah.

And Mansour said, you know, I might, the
doctor said I couldn't wrestle, but he

didn't say I couldn't be in a punk bitch.

You know, they start fighting for four
oh, And put a whooping on Mansour.

You got Matthew Justice, come down.

Then the lights went out and I'm thinking,
oh shit, like, is this going to be RSP?

And he's going to put Koger in his
place, which would have been awesome.

But no, it was from the.

If you've watched the most notorious,
we had Gregory shit with someone.

He did not want to

John: started shooting with somebody.

He shouldn't have, it was Sabu accompanied
by bill Fonzo, which was funny because

Atmos notorious, uh, Greg irons did the
whistle thing and made people think it

was bill Alfonso, but it was fucking him.

Tim: And then Alfonzo hit him
with a chair then DVT his ass.

But, uh, so we got that feel good
moment in from what it looked like,

you know, uh, if Dickinson's coming
back around spring break, Mansour may

be earlier or around the same time.

Cause you know, he moved around,
he took bumps the fuck, but uh,

all in all, you know, I think that,

you know, you have people maybe
turning into tuning into gcwr for the

first time and seeing Ruby and Jeff
Jarrett when may sway more viewers.

Um, but that those three matches like.

Took away from this
paper view for different

John: reasons.

And it's really unfortunate
because I do, we both do.

We've loved just w we're
gcwr till we fucking die.

Um, I mean, fuck, how many
other shows have we sponsor?

And we're not going to
stop because of this.

That that'd be stupid.

You can't wait this solely
a whole fucking, uh, Y love

that you have for this thing.

And we didn't provide criticism
because we're, we're consumers

just like anyone else.

And because we love this
so much, we can be awake.

Maybe that wasn't the best
thing they could have done.

It doesn't mean that it was shit.

It doesn't right.


Tim: went from a plus to a, B minus.

It could have been, it could have
been, uh, you know, the high mark of

20, 22, but luckily it's only January.

Um, so John, I do have
some questions for you.

John: Um,

Tim: do you think that GC w.

You know, they make homecoming
weekend and annual things,

spring break and annual thing.

Um, the show during many, a
weekend, an annual thing, the

collective and the annual thing.

Do you think that GC w will make
the Hammerstein show and the

annual thing that would make

John: me very happy?

I hope they do.

I hope they're able to, uh,

'cause like th this was legendary.

This was the biggest
independent show in history.

If you're not counting all win, um, and
looking at where AWS is now, I don't

know if I am Johnny roll-in anymore.

I don't know.

I know.

I know.

Uh, yeah.

Yeah, definitely more
to love than to not I'll

Tim: say that.

I agree.


I liked the little idea of the
hall of fame, you know, uh, they

really paid to be an annual thing
who really fucking deserved it.


That needs to be in the
presenters were fantastic as well.

Um, I, my other questions are.

Where, where do you think
the stories are going?

John: Huh?

That's interesting.

Uh, well, we're definitely getting,
we're definitely getting SGC versus

some formation of four, four.

Oh, it's spring break.

Um, I really hope RSP comes back someday.

And put split stroke are in his place.

Uh, because Kroger is out here
picking battles that I don't think

for forever, it needs to be picking.


Tim: mean, objectively
Kogarah is very good.


And it was kind of a shame that he
didn't have a match, but, you know,

I, we all thought that they were going
to have all over in Kogarah happened

in Hammerstein, and then he blew
their load early and changed it up.

And that Matt should have
happened in Hammerstein.

Those two are the young, the young goats.

Of JCW, but they made up for it.

You know, Oliver had his good, good
moments in that match and Atticus

doing what he did was, you know, um,
but yeah, RSP, I don't know where

you are, but you need to come back.


John: are

Tim: their stomach that
they could do, you know?

Um, but.


John: maybe, maybe we get Bossi versus
Jeff Jarrett and a partner at some point.

Tim: Yeah.

Who, I don't know.

We'd have to bring in.

Well, she never wrestled, right?

John: Karen Jarrett?


Yeah, no,

Tim: please.

Don't please.

Don't I don't need to hear,

John: I don't know.

Allie, do you think Ruby will continue to?

Tim: I would love to see Kylie Ray again.

That'd be cool.

And since she works for
NWA, Jared's history.


John: says, please have,
don't get beat down big time.

Tired of him winning

Tim: at, beyond wrestling day 91.

RSP beats the shit.

Yeah, because if RSP didn't do the
things that he did with gage, Cordona,

wouldn't have a fucking leg to stand on.


And independent wrestling, but, uh,
anyway, um, Final thoughts, John

John: final thoughts?

Uh, I still enjoyed the show.

It was very enjoyable.

Um, I, I, I don't regret.

I never regret.

Never have regretted.

Probably never will regret,
uh, purchasing a GTW show.

Tim: This was not the worst
ECW show I've watched.

No, not at all.

We're just critiquing.

So much because it was

John: hyped or by which as much as it was.



Tim: I mean, honestly say you will
beat the fuck out of most notorious.

Most joyous looked like God
damn preschooler next to

Greg from say, you will.

And that happened.

They, after like, come on.

John: Does it mean it doesn't
mean you stop supporting

Tim: no

John: fucking fucking day.

Anytime they engage once a match
and John Marcy wins a match,

nothing else might as well happen

Tim: wherever you are in the world.

Whether it's morning, noon, or
night, you have a great one.

John: Bang.