Flip the Script with Vic

Today's episode delves into the transformative power of speaking your truth and the importance of self-expression. I share more about uncovering my authentic voice and the liberating nature of self-expression through movement and sound. I encourage you to embrace your own creativity and to speak your truth with compassion and conviction.

We chat about:
- The role of the heart space in uncovering one's truth
- The throat chakra as a place of transformation and magnetism
- Overcoming self-consciousness and judgment
- Vocalizing as an act of true self-love
- Exploring various forms of expression such as dance, writing, and podcasting

Enjoyed this episode? Share on Instagram with me (@victoriamargauxnielsen) and tag someone who needs to hear!

The Return to You Retreat is April 8-12, 2024 in El Sargento, Mexico. Click here to apply.

Join The Portal Collective, Victoria's new on-demand kundalini and breathwork membership to help you access your highest self with a daily meditation practice for $22/mo.

IG: @flipthescriptwithvic
IG: @victoriamargauxnielsen
TikTok: @victoriamargauxnielsen
email: victoriamargauxnielsen@gmail.com

Cover art: @house.of.morgan

What is Flip the Script with Vic?

Welcome to Flip the Script with Vic, your weekly pep talk to expand and shift your perspective. I’m your host, Victoria Nielsen. Together, we’ll unwind all the things you thought you knew, and awaken to what’s truly possible when you flip the script on your reality and take control of your own life.

Speaker A [00:00:00]:
Hello, loves. Welcome to another episode of Flip the script with Vic. I'm your host, Victoria Nielsen. I have tried to record this episode, like five different times, and I kept stopping myself because it felt like I had a block in my throat chakra, and not even just in my throat chakra, but in my self expression. And I have. I've learned a lot about my voice and the power of my voice over these last couple of months recording this podcast. And I think it's really important to remind you of the power of yours, and that the more that we can be in touch with our truth and our own authentic voice, the more that we are in touch with ourselves and we can have compassion for ourselves, and we can be in better balance with our lives. Because once we start to vocalize these things that are inside of us, these opinions, needs, desires, whatever you want to label them, but being able to express them is one of the core values of being human.

Speaker A [00:01:13]:
It's one of the most important and imperative things that we can do as humans, because as we begin to verbalize these things that are only known to us and inside of us and bring them forth in the. We're able to bring ourselves into coherence and into balance, because then we can say, oh, this thing that's been inside of me, that has resonance within me, this is how I bring it to life outside of me, and this is how I begin to create a life that mirrors all of the things that I believe inside. And finding our voices and using them is what allows you to step into your own self authority and to your own self confidence, because the more that you speak these things out loud, the more that they gain resonance within you, but also, again, without you, because you begin to really weave the convictions within yourself that maybe were already always there, but you didn't know it until you brought them to light by speaking your truth. And our throats are such a powerful place within the body because they're also where we alchemize and metabolize our thoughts and our feelings and our hormones and so many different things are transmuted truly in the throat. And our voice comes from more Than just our throats. It comes from everywhere within the body, but it is translated through the throat, through the vocal cords and the throat box, if you will. But this is such a place of high magnetism and transformation. And that's why, unfortunately, there are so many people, I feel like, that have thyroid issues, because they are not speaking what is true to them.

Speaker A [00:03:09]:
And yes, this means like speaking it to other people, but it also just means speaking it to yourself. And that's why mantra is so powerful in Kundalini yoga. Not just because you're saying specific words that mean something, but because of the tone and the resonance of these words. It's like a magic vibration and like calls to like. So when you are emitting these vibrations and sounds from your throat, you are calling these things that are a match to you in the form of your voice. And if this feels a bit far fetched or feels really far away, I've really been thinking about just the simple ways that you can begin to connect with your voice through self expression. Because I know that it's hard, and I know that it is not always easy to even uncover what our truth is underneath all of the conditioning and even just the thoughts of the mind. Because your truth comes from your heart space.

Speaker A [00:04:18]:
It doesn't come from anywhere else, it doesn't come from the thoughts in your mind, it doesn't come from your feelings and emotions, because you are not those things. But you are the frequency of YouR heart space. And you are those desires and opinions that reside in your heart. And to get more in touch with your heart and your heart space can be really simple. I went this weekend for the very first time to SoUl Dance. It's a beautiful gathering here in Atlanta that happens monthly where you dance for 3 hours. And it reminded me of my old rave days without the drugs and was actually a really beautiful experience because they start the dance with a beautiful intention. And this dance was called Ember.

Speaker A [00:05:09]:
And about kindling the ember and the fire within you to bring something into this world, to birth a dream, to birth your voice, to birth truly anything forth. And then using the alchemy and the power of your body and of your voice and of your vibration to do just that. And the opening meditation was so beautiful because she really allowed everyone to feel safe and welcome and to take up space. It really hit me profoundly that she was like, there's enough room for you to stretch and move. There's enough space here for you to take up space. And even with that permission, I still found myself being self conscious once the music started. And it started nice and slow so that you could get into your body and have a moment. I still was super self conscious, and I was closing my eyes, but I realized I wasn't moving my body from my heart, I was moving my body from my head.

Speaker A [00:06:09]:
And it wasn't until I really started, like stomping my feet and grounding my energy and allowing my body to flow and move in whatever way it wanted to without guidance from my head that I began to feel that safety. And I began to feel it was okay to express myself. And no one else in there was paying any attention to me. They were having their own experiences. But I was judging myself. And the way that I was moving. And that judgment blocks you from your truth, from your voice, from your self expression, because it's cutting you off before you even get anything out. It's like putting up a wall around your heart and saying, no, don't do that.

Speaker A [00:06:52]:
Don't listen to that. And it took me a couple of minutes, but I finally got into my body and out of my head. And it was beautiful to even see the people around me. Like, some were so comfortable right away and were taking up large amounts of space. Some were just stretching on the ground and taking their sweet time. Some were making little micro movements. And it was really unique and beautiful. And I finally realized it's not about how you look, and it's not about how you judge yourself or how you label yourself, or how you say, oh, I'm good at this, or bad at this, or anything like that.

Speaker A [00:07:29]:
You are simply just being and are freeing yourself enough to just express through your body, through sound, through whatever type of movement that you wanted to make. And they had a beautiful drum line come and really ground the energy. And we finished with an amazing sound bath. And it was just a very opening and freeing experience. And it reminded me just how simple it can be to get in touch with that part of ourselves, whether it's dancing or breathing or writing or whatever it is, to open that channel of creativity. Because we are all creative beings, and we all have something to say, we all have opinions to share. We all have our truth that is needed in the world. And we stop ourselves, we censor ourselves from ever getting to that place because we don't allow ourselves.

Speaker A [00:08:30]:
We think we need permission. We think we need all these things outside of ourselves to give us the green light when we don't. We need to be self authorizing. And it is us that has this power, and it begins with us and our internal world and the words that we say to ourselves, right? And the way that we talk to ourselves when we're alone, and the way that we begin to uncover that truth within us, because that's when things begin to awaken. And that's when, like I said earlier, your outside reality can begin to mirror your inside reality, because there is magic in your voice, and you truly are almost casting spells with the things that you speak into the world, and that could be literally speaking, or that could be writing, or that could be singing. There are so many ways that we can warm up ourselves to begin expressing that truth in the world. And it can feel scary, but how much scarier is it to stay silent and to not speak these things? And I think what tripped me up today in trying to record the podcast was like, I felt like I had to have, I don't know, a message or something to say before I sat down. And I do, of course, as I'm having this conversation with you guys, but even more so, I had to tap into myself and take a second to ground and center myself and then just see what wanted to flow through me.

Speaker A [00:10:10]:
And everyone has that ability and that power, because each of us are a creative channel, and source energy is a creative energy. And I said for years that I wasn't creative, and that's simply not true. And every single person on this planet is creative. If you're listening to this right now, you are a creative being. And you create just by speaking, and by speaking up for yourself and for the things that matter to you. And so whether that is advocacy and activism, or it's simply just speaking what you're feeling out into the world, there's no right or wrong way to begin vocalizing the things that you have inside of you that are your truth, that are you. Because the more that you can begin to speak these things, the more you're bringing yourself into not even just alignment, but love. That, to me, is true self love.

Speaker A [00:11:13]:
When you have conviction for the things that you are speaking about and that you are sharing and that you are birthing in the world. That's true self love is loving yourself enough to share your voice without worry, without constraint, without parameters. And I think in this day and age, it's truly brave to do that. And I think sometimes we feel like we have to say the controversial thing to maybe clickbait on social media or things like that. And it's not about that. It's not about just saying stuff for the sake of saying it, but it's about speaking. I keep thinking of that quote, like, speak until your voice shakes, because it has so much feeling behind it and so much meaning behind it. And so I think I would love to pledge to myself that I'm going to get back to not just speaking my truth, because I feel like I do that a lot.

Speaker A [00:12:19]:
But I was rereading this note or memo that I had written to myself from a couple of months ago, and it was something about why I'm done with polite society. And my big reasoning was because I don't believe in staying silent to keep the, you know, I moved to the south, this is a while ago, know from New York City where New Yorkers are very brash. They're going to tell it like it is. They're not going to sugarcoat things. And I moved to the south and everyone always said this phrase, oh, bless your heart. And I really fucking hated it because it was really just an ass backwards way of saying that they didn't agree with you. But not saying that outright, it was like super passive aggressive. And I really just don't resonate with that because I think you should say what you mean and mean what you say.

Speaker A [00:13:13]:
And again, it's not about hurting people's feelings or about being mean or saying things for shock value, but it's about speaking up when something doesn't sit right with you, whether that's with a loved one or with a partner or even with a boss or a colleague, having enough love in yourself to stand up and say that you don't agree with whatever that thing is. And it's funny, I'm picturing my mother in law a lot in this, and she's one of my biggest teachers. And as much as we can butt heads sometimes, I think it's because I am very direct with her. Granted, I could be a lot nicer in my directness, I can admit that. But she really pushes me to speak my truth. And I hope that I can encourage her to do the same, that she can break out of the shell and the mold that she grew up in of polite society, of ladies not ruffling feathers and ladies keeping the peace. And she says a lot when something like she doesn't like something or she doesn't agree with it or she thinks it's weird, she'll be like, oh, that's interesting. Okay, maybe it is interesting, or maybe you just don't fucking like it.

Speaker A [00:14:38]:
And I wish you would rather say that. And so I encourage you to just speak up in those moments when you maybe disagree with something. Because these days I think people are really afraid of cancel culture and of saying things wrong. But everyone's opinion is their own and everyone is allowed to have one. Yes, they are like assholes and every single person has one, but they have value because your opinion is what shapes your values. And you also have full permission to change your opinions and to change the things that you say out loud. After learning more information, I think that's the beauty in being able to actually share these things that you think, because then they can start a dialogue with people, they can start a conversation because not everyone's going to agree, and I don't think everyone should agree. If everything was homogeneous and everyone agreed to everything, what kind of life is that? That's not why we're here.

Speaker A [00:15:45]:
We're here for the duality. We're here for the differing sides of things. And if we can come from that heart centered space, when we share these conversations, everyone is better off. I think a lot of the times, of course, we come from the ego instead, or we come from anger. I'm totally guilty of this, too. Yeah, I come from anger a lot more than I know that I should. But it comes from a place of wanting to learn and grow, at least for me, and wanting to genuinely hear your opinion about something so that I can expand and maybe it won't change my opinion. Maybe I will still think the exact same thing that I did before.

Speaker A [00:16:26]:
But it's worth exploring together and just opening our eyes to see that our way is not the only way and our truth is not the only truth, and that every person has their own reality and their own truth, and it is their birthright to express it in whatever way that they want to. And again, hopefully it's coming from a heart centered place, but it is their right to do so. And I really hope that each of you will begin just sharing a bit more of yourselves in that way. And as I mentioned, easy ways to begin unlocking this are to start a podcast. That's an easy way to really open the throat chakra and begin sharing, but also to dance and move and get yourself into a space where you are free writing almost and feel ready to share and speak. And I would encourage you, if you don't have three values or three opinions or three things that you carry that you know are uniquely yours, that you begin thinking about them and discovering what they are. A big truth for me is like, I truly believe that our kids give us more and not less. And I keep saying I'm going to make a podcast about that, and I will soon.

Speaker A [00:17:46]:
But that is a truth of mine that I truly believe and speak with conviction, and that allows me to self actualize because I keep having kids, right? Because I believe that truth and I believe that they're some of our biggest teachers and we learn so much from them. And so that's just an example for me. Maybe your example is that everyone can heal themselves. I don't know, drawn a blank. But I really hope that you will share your truth with me on Instagram and let me know what you think of the podcast. And yeah, I think that's it for tonight, guys. I'll get off my soapbox. The return to you retreat is two months away.

Speaker A [00:18:37]:
I'm so freaking excited. From April eigth to the twelveth in El Sargento, Mexico. If you are looking to release, surrender and receive leave, I would love to support you. Please book a discovery call so that I can answer any questions that you may have. Thanks for listening guys. I hope you have a beautiful rest of your night. This one feels hard to close off. I feel like I need to close the energy, but yeah, be good to one another.

Speaker A [00:19:04]:
I love you. Close.