Be Not Deceived is a podcast dedicated to looking at Biblical truth and comparing it to the lies the world and the devil is telling to cause deception in the church and in our society at large in the present day. The devil is trying to deceive as many as possible, but God always wins!
[Speaker 2]
Welcome back to Be Not Deceived. We are here again, going towards the topic of prophecy one more time for episode three. And I have Pastor Rick Beaudry here again.
[Speaker 1]
Thanks for having me.
[Speaker 2]
I'm so glad you're here. And there's so much to talk about when it comes to prophecy in the Bible. And we touched on, in the episode one or part one, prophecy kind of in general, talking about the Old Testament, going into the New Testament.
And then in part two, we talked about prophecies that are in the book of Revelation. And those are fabulous. So if you haven't watched those, please go to the Be Not Deceived channel and subscribe and also press the like button so that we can have this spread to more people.
And I want you to buckle down today, and we're going to look at prophecy and prophets of the Old Testament. And then we're going to start out with Matthew 24. As our channel says, Be Not Deceived, we're going to try to walk into all truth, taking away the lies and looking at what the biblical truth is.
And we do that by knowing what the Word of God says and also being good students of the Word. And that includes Old Testament all the way into the New Testament. So thank you again for being here, Pastor.
And I want to have you begin by showing us in Matthew 24 some of the ways that it's describes deception and how God is warning us not to be deceived. What do we have?
[Speaker 1]
Well, it says in verse 4, Take heed that no man deceive you. So that's what the podcast is about, Be Not Deceived. He says, For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ, and shall deceive many.
So the Antichrist is in place of Jesus Christ. So many, more than one person is going to come along throughout history and claim to be the Christ. The Christ is the anointed one, the Savior of the world, the Messiah.
So within Islam, do they have the Mahdi that they're looking for? Different religious systems. Who are they looking for, you know, for their Savior to come and to save them?
We in Christianity, we recognize Jesus Christ as the Christ, the anointed one, the Messiah, and that he was prophetically, as foretold by Daniel, he'd be cut off, according to Daniel 9, 25 through 27. So he came and he was crucified. He's rejected by the nation of Israel.
But he's still the Messiah. And so they were looking for the Messiah to return, the Jews at the time of his first advent, that he would overthrow the Romans and set up the kingdom. And unfortunately, they didn't understand that it was imperative that he would go to the cross and die first for the sins of humanity.
So he's not just the Savior of the Messiah for just Israel. He's the Savior of the whole world.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
That mystery. Right. And so now we look for him to return.
And he's warning us, Matthew 24, prior to his second coming, that there's going to arise many false Christs, many false prophets, false messiahs. And we see a proliferation of deception, deceptions that one of the devil, if not the devil's greatest weapon. In John 8, Jesus said, your father's the devil and he's a liar and a murderer from the beginning.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
And so we see the exponential rise in fake news and propaganda and the United States government passed a law where our own government can lie to the American citizens. And in the interest of national security, they can lie to us and not be held accountable. It's very difficult within the church, too, because so many people have reached a place where they're so incredibly biblically illiterate.
They don't have a knowledge of the scripture and understanding of the Bible. And, you know, there's a famine in the land for the word of God and people can't discern between right and wrong because we've veered away from absolute truth of deriving what's right and what's wrong from a Judeo-Christian ethic, the old and the New Testament, to an existential humanistic philosophy, like in the book of Judges, every man doing that which is right in his own eyes. So where's the authority?
Where's the authority come from of what's right and what's wrong? And so when people walk away from the Lord, like in Romans one, when they know the truth, let's say the truth of creation, and they suppress that truth and they move in a direction of denying God the glory that's due his name is creator and they start to worship and serve the creature more than the creator. So now they take that knowledge of creation, like last night there was a huge full moon and looking up at the sky and you see creation, you're fascinated with fall and different things going on, different cycles and all, and you suppress that truth and you push an evolutionary theory and a false belief system.
God says that because you suppress the truth, he's going to give you over to error, give you over to a strong delusion. And so and that's we see in second Thessalonians two also, when they suppress the truth, when they deny the truth, God's going to give the world over to a strong delusion in Romans one, part of his judgment is that as they worship and serve the creature rather than the creator. And he says they're all without excuse, because from creation, there's no excuse to not know that there's a God, the demons believe there's one God, you do well, you believe there's one God, you do well, the demons also believe in tremble.
So the very, the very heart of our being is that we were made for fellowship with God and God's placed a God shaped hole in our heart. And when you deny him that place of preeminence in your heart, now you're opening yourself up to be deceived. And so that's the devil's role.
The devil's role is to test, to attempt, and to try and lure and seduce and coax and tricky, very tricky to get you off the basics, off the basics. So now you believe you were an accident, you know, how ludicrous is that?
[Speaker 2]
And global warming is the hugest thing that we should be concentrating on right now.
[Speaker 1]
Right, right.
[Speaker 2]
You're like, okay, really? Is that true?
[Speaker 1]
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
So then he gives you over to greater lies. Now you're, now you go to a greater depth, a greater depth of deception, of denying the glory that's due God's name is creator. And then we have God revealing himself in the person of the son as redeemer.
And if you deny the Lord is glory in that regard, Jesus was crucified, buried, raised from the dead, you know, fulfilled over 300 prophecies when he came in his first coming, and you deny that truth, you die.
[Speaker 2]
Now what does he have to do to prove it?
[Speaker 1]
Yeah. Really? 300 over 300 prophecies fulfilled in his first coming.
So 27% of the Bible is prophecy and the church won't teach it. So what are people to believe? So that opens up the door for many, as Jesus said in 2411, he said, and many false prophets shall arise and shall deceive many.
So when you reject the truth, what happens? You're given over to being seduced. A delusion.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
So how do you know there's a lie? Because you know the truth. If you know the truth, the truth will set you free.
Right. So when you were working for a bank, one of the oldest examples we use in Christianity is how would you spot a counterfeit?
[Speaker 2]
Right. You feel it, touch it, smell it.
[Speaker 1]
They taught you what a real one is, the genuine one is. So when you know Jesus, when you really know him, and the devil comes along and tries to bring a counterfeit Jesus or a counterfeit gospel or comes with a counterfeit spirit in 2 Corinthians chapter 11, Paul says, don't put up with that.
[Speaker 2]
Yeah. You can, you can, you can catch it right away when you know what the Bible says and you know what Jesus says and what God says and how he thinks and everything. If you know him, if you know the genuine person in Christ, you know him, you know when the false comes along.
[Speaker 1]
And as a child of God, when he gives you his spirit and the spirit's living, dwelling within us, even when I was a brand new born again believer, if I heard something on the Christian television or somebody came to the door knocking and presented a different Jesus or I'm watching this person up there on television, the Lord also gave me a gift within my spirit of discernment. Now I may not know the chapter and verse where that's wrong, but within my heart and Kathy's heart and I say, Hey, there's something wrong about that. There's something wrong.
So now I'm going to be a student. I'm going to be as Chuck, Mr. Always emphasize X 1711, the brands were more noble than the Thessalonians because they searched the scripture to see whether those things be so. So you go to the area of Berea, the city of Berea, and you share the gospel about Jesus.
The people there said, all right, let's search the scriptures. What scriptures they have, old Testament. So now they're going to go back to the old Testament.
They're going to study Isaiah 53, right? And just as Philip was sharing with the Ethiopian eunuch, he was reading Isaiah 53 and you can see Christ in the old Testament, the volume of the book is written of him. So the brains are looking at it going, it's true.
The prophets foretold that the Messiah would be cut off, that the Messiah and Daniel and that the Messiah would be crucified in Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53. And it's true that he would not see corruption. As the prophet David said in Psalm 16, you know, the only one would not see corruption that, that he would raise himself from the dead.
And the third day, like he taught concerning Jonah. Yeah, I get it now. The book of Jonah, I get it.
You know? Right. And Jesus said, a wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign.
Show us a sign. Show us a sign.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
He just raised somebody from the dead. He calls the blind to see the, you know, the demons are cast out. I need a sign, you know?
Well, you get no sign except the sign of the prophet Jonah. So destroy this temple three days. I'll raise it up.
And so he.
[Speaker 2]
That's the ultimate sign.
[Speaker 1]
Yeah. He wipes out all of the pretenders and all the skeptics by, all right, you guys crucify me. We'll be, I'll be buried and I'll raise myself from the dead three days later.
And his enemies knew his claim. And they actually put a criterion of soldiers to guard the tomb.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
Lest his disciples were to steal his body, you know?
[Speaker 2]
To make it real.
[Speaker 1]
Yeah. So we, I mean, they did us a favor. Yeah.
Guarding that tomb. And so nothing could hold him back. The stone was rolled away so that people could come in and see the empty tomb, not so he could get out.
And so anyway, we have many infallible proofs. Our whole belief system, our whole faith. It's not a blind faith.
It's a faith based upon eyewitness testimony and the more sure word of prophecy. And yet there's many that come along and are going to deceive many. Jesus said false prophets shall arise and shall deceive many.
And he talks about in verse 24, and there shall arise false Christ, which are Messiah's anointed ones, right? So Christ is the Greek form of the Hebrew Messiah and false prophets. So false Christ, false prophets.
And they're going to be able to show great signs and wonders in so much that if it were possible, they would deceive the very lack. He says, behold, I've told you before. So God's going to allow the unholy trinity.
He told the religious leaders in John 8 that your father's the devil and that he's a murder and a liar from the beginning. And so you have the unholy trinity and Satan sees himself as God in Isaiah 14. He wants to be as God as I will statements.
I'll be as God. And then the Antichrist is the seed of the serpent. And so he's in place of what it means, anti in place of Jesus Christ.
Jesus said in John 5, he said, I come in my father's name and you receive me not. Another shall come in his own name. And he's talking to the nation of Israel, him you will receive.
[Speaker 2]
So they're going to be the same partner up with that guy.
[Speaker 1]
You're going to be deceived when this guy comes and signs a peace treaty with.
[Speaker 2]
Yeah, they're all over it.
[Speaker 1]
And that's the start of the tribulation period. At the midpoint of the tribulation period, he goes into the temple and declare himself to be God demands to be worshiped as God. And Jesus alluded to this, the abomination of desolation spoken by their eyes are open by Daniel.
We've been deceived. That's good. That's a start to know you're deceived.
[Speaker 2]
At least they were able to figure that out.
[Speaker 1]
Right. And here he says, he says, great signs and wonders, if it were possible that they shall deceive the very elect. So the elect is the nation of Israel.
And so these signs and wonders are so prolific, so powerful that if God didn't intervene, they could be led to, you know, deception to the point of actually, you know, follow him. Yeah. But but God's going to give them a measure of faith that one third remnants going to reject them and flee.
And so I've told you ahead of time. And then he talks about how they're going to say, oh, we've got him over here. He's in a chamber, a secret chamber and all that, you know.
So Jesus lets you know, here's here's how you can encounter at that. For as the lightning comes out of the east and shines even under the west, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be for wherever the carcasses there shall the eagles be gathered and everything. So he's talking about come back at Armageddon.
He says every eye is going to see him. Don't listen to them when they say we got the Christ. We've got him over here in this in this cavern, in this bunker.
He's over here. We have him. We got secret Jesus.
No, he says I'm going to come like the lightning. Everyone, every eye is going to see me coming.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
So don't don't follow their lie that they run over to this little cave. Yeah, he's over here on this mountain. Put your, you know, your white gowns on.
We've got him over here.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
And and Paul Paul said, I'm jealous over you. Church of Corinth. Second Corinthians 11 with a godly jealousy for I have espoused you unto one husband, even unto Christ.
But I fear just as the serpent beguiled Eve. So you would be seduced from the simplicity that's in Christ that a false prophet could come along and present a different Jesus, a different gospel and a different spirit.
[Speaker 2]
That's why we're here today.
[Speaker 1]
That's it. And so if you know the truth, the truth will keep you free, set you free. So be in Berean, having that spirit of search in the scriptures to see whether it's be so.
In First Thessalonians 521, Paul told the church of Thessalonica, prove all things, hold fast to that which is good. So when you and I hear a thought or a dream or a vision, somebody says, I got a dream. America's going to this, going to that and everything.
I don't have any biblical prophecy pertaining to America. So I don't know that dream, vision, whatever they had about Russia destroying America or this happened in America.
[Speaker 2]
I don't know. There's a lot of those out there.
[Speaker 1]
It's very ambiguous. I don't have anything definite. But if I look at Israel and I use them as as part of understanding the times in which I'm living, I know they're in the land.
I know May 14th, 1948, they fulfilled Ezekiel 36 and 37 being reborn as a nation. They're regathered in unbelief. So I'm watching that.
I see that America is on the world stage, but America isn't mentioned in the scriptures, per se. Some say possibly mentioned as the part of Tarshish, which would be England and and, you know, so Australia and New Zealand and America might be a part of the British empire of Tarshish, which was these merchants at the time, possibly. But I know that the Bible says there's going to be a one world government.
So if we're a superpower in America, how can I deduce, how can I discern the times I'm living in and the role that America plays? In order for the world to be put into a global government setting, the superpower known as America, which is an empire, needs to be taken down. And our economy needs to be taken down because the dollars, the de facto global currency that needs to go bye bye to have a digital currency, a global digital currency that the Bible prophesies in Revelation 13, 16 through 18, right?
That's common. We see it.
[Speaker 2]
And then we see one world monetary system.
[Speaker 1]
And then we see a one world government in Daniel 2. There's 10 toes, Daniel 7. You've got 10 horns, 10 kings, Revelation 13, 17.
So the world club aroma already has a map where the world's divided up into 10 regions.
[Speaker 2]
Right. So America is a lot of Christians don't know that.
[Speaker 1]
And America is going to be absorbed by one of those 10 regions, which some have called the North American Union, where you're going to have Canada, America, Mexico, no borders. Along with other parts of South America. That's going to be one region with one king over that region, who some are looking at it as being a technocratic king, like from the technical field, like a banker, a Black Rock, a World Economic Forum type of a thing.
Not necessarily an elected political official, but more from a banking standpoint, because once they get the digital currency, they have absolute control.
[Speaker 2]
And so those are the ones who are manipulating our world, even as we speak, as we speak. Yeah. Anyway, forming the one world.
[Speaker 1]
Right. So even if they have a puppet there, he's still a puppet because the purse strings, the ones that control the purse strings are the ones that call the shots. And yet above that, God's calling the shots because Psalm 2, oh, how the heathen rage imagine of anything against the Lord and against His anointed.
And God holds them in derision. You know, he's laughing.
[Speaker 2]
He laughs.
[Speaker 1]
And Revelation 17, 17, he says he puts in their hearts of these demons, these people to do his bidding.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
You know, they're really moving. They're really moving in a direction of setting the stage for the second coming of Christ.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
They're doing his work for the Lord to be glorified. And man, this form of global government presently, the governments of the world are, the Bible says, going to reach a place of perplexity where a complete failure and there's no way out. And so we're moving in that direction.
And human beings need a new form of government and a new leader. Everybody's watching that. The Antichrist come along, deceive them.
First off, they're going to realize they've been deceived. It's going to be just abysmal failure. And the stage is set for Jesus to return to set up his kingdom.
So ultimately, that's the truth that we know where we're going.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
Now, between now and then, I had to listen to so many people prophesying and saying that Donald Trump was going to win the election and going to make America great again and take the country back. And the evangelicals will jump on board and everybody's going to, you know, get rid of all the bad guys. And then the election's stolen and nobody cares.
Yeah, nobody apologizes for it. Nobody fixes the Diebold machines. Nobody makes any kind of correction to the ballot system and the whole way of defrauding the American people in the world.
And you look at the whole thing, it's like, what is this? And yet the people want to double down, like Trump's going to do it. He's the Messiah.
He's the Christ. He's going to do it, you know? And so who is it?
Who's going to save America? And it looks like America is being destroyed from within through treason, you know? And as America goes down, now what happens is people don't like that possible reality.
So now they start to say, the Lord gave me a dream and I've got a prophecy and this is going to happen to this politician, that politician, this one, you know, you can't substantiate it. You've got no proof. You've got nothing to go by.
So you have to wait. You don't need to allow some time for it to not come to pass or to come to pass. And if a guy can be 100% accurate in those prognostications, those foreseeing the future, we would say that's a gift of prophecy, a certain aspect of prophecy of telling the future.
But the Old Testament prophets, they would be taken out and stoned if they weren't 100% accurate.
[Speaker 2]
Do we use that same measuring stick for our prophets today?
[Speaker 1]
No. Today they can say anything they want.
[Speaker 2]
Nobody gets stoned.
[Speaker 1]
And people tickle ears. That's what I want to hear. And it's really not a very effective or stable way to allow your life to be led because now you're opening yourself up to false prophets, false Christ, easily deceived.
Yeah. And it's because you don't have a working knowledge of the scripture, because you're not listening. As I said earlier, too, God will never contradict his word.
So number one, I look to his word and I take that prophet or whatever they're saying, and I hold it to the authority of God's word. Is this consistent with God's word? And if it's inconsistent, I immediately reject it.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
Secondly, if it, all right, this is plausible. It could happen. Like, for instance, let's say people are saying Psalm 83 is going to happen, that all these Islamic nations are going to attack Israel.
Um, if that scenario comes to pass and happens in that way, then I'm going to be able to look back like Peter did in Acts 2, and I'm going to be able to say, this is that which was spoken by the prophets through Psalm 83. Because Peter said, this is that which is spoken by Joel, Joel 2. So I don't know if it's really true, you know, until that event happens, because some would say, you know, it's a, it's a prayer against their enemies.
Others would say it's already happened. Others are saying it's going to happen. And so, so I'm kind of loose on that one.
Let's take another one. Isaiah 17 says that Damascus is going to be destroyed and become a ruinous heap. Right.
Well, I believe that one's true. I believe that the process is in play for Damascus to be so incredibly destroyed because it's one of the oldest cities of all antiquity, and it's never been completely destroyed to the point of being uninhabitable. So that's happening now because it's a, it's a place of terror cells.
It's a place of people that have a hatred toward the nation of Israel and destabilization in the Middle East where they, where they, you know, where they are. And, and so we would say it looks like there could be some, a huge rocket missile war with Israel, with Iran, with the missiles of China, of the U.S., of Russia, and all that. It's all speculation.
We don't know for sure. But if it happens and Isaiah 17 is reduced to rubble, we would say this is that which was spoken by the prophet Isaiah in 71 through three. Yeah, we have, we have, here it is.
And this is true. This is proof, you know, another fulfillment of prophecy.
[Speaker 2]
I think that's fascinating that, that, that what you just said about having the, the terrorist cells in Damascus and with the ramping up of Israel wanting to stamp out all of Hamas and, and if they, if it leads to, you know, no more Gaza and then it keeps going, it could escalate into Damascus and then that prophecy will be fulfilled.
[Speaker 1]
Jesus told that there'd be wars and rumors of wars, nation against nation with just ethnic groups. So a creation of hatred, illogical, unreasonable hatred that men would have towards somebody because they're not of their ethnic group.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
You know what I mean? Yeah, we're very prejudiced. Nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom.
And it's, it's demonic. The best way to describe it is demonic. It's inspired by the devil, but war has to be sold.
It has to be sold for the people to engage and be a part of it. So you've got to demonize, you've got to present a boogeyman. And in many cases we find out later that it's our own governments that are creating these terrorist cell groups to trick us into war.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
Because after war, after war, multiple times, there's no more constitution. There's no more America. Now they get to bring in the new world order.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
You know what I mean? Setting the stages. How can we discern the truth about the times in which we're living?
When we stay with the Bible, we look at Israel. We also know that Ezekiel 38 and 39 eventually happened where Iran. So let's say Iran gets bombed and there's a big war that's happening.
Iran is going to still be alive. They're not going to be destroyed in this rocket missile thing going on. And Russia is not going to be destroyed.
Um, no mention of China, but Turkey is mentioned in Ezekiel 38 and 39. And, um, the Rogan of Turkey is trying to do some sort of a peace thing right now. So we don't know where that's going to go.
And then you've got, uh, uh, Germany is going to be involved. So coalition of nations that are going to be with Russia from the north is the main player. So you go from a rocket, a rocket war to a land invasion described in Ezekiel 38 and 39.
So possibly this, this thing that could break out at any time, um, what we would call war, the missiles and all that would deplete Israel of much of its armaments. Much like we're so busy with Ukraine. We're depleting our, our, you know, store of armaments and our store of oil.
And Israel could reach a place like that where America is unable to continue to supply armaments that it gets so depleted that the, their enemies look at it as they're vulnerable with unwalled villages. They can't protect themselves anymore. Iron dome is down.
But also the enormous amount of natural gas, which they call Leviathan energy, Gazprom, Russia, the whole world wants to control energy. Europe needs to be supplied with, with heat. And much of that is supplied, you know, by Russia.
And so, um, so anyway, they, they call it the hook in the jaw where God's going to put a hook in their jaw and draw them in to Israel. That's Ezekiel 30 and 39, a land invasion. And the Bible specifically says five out of every six of that invading force is going to be destroyed by God.
I was going to say by God and God gets the glory.
[Speaker 2]
God's going to intervene and he gets the glory.
[Speaker 1]
And so, yeah, so that's, that's, that we can look at and we can say, wow, this is a fulfillment of Ezekiel 30 and 39. Iran is going with Russia, you know, and with, uh, Ethiopia and Turkey, and they're a land invasion. They think Israel's vulnerable and they're going to destroy them once and for all, but God intervenes and God gets the glory and everybody stands back and says, what are we going to do with Israel?
We hate them, but the true living God, you know, keeps intervening for him. So then I believe what happens is that's the signing of the peace treaty. That's where the antichrist emerges out of this one world governmental system.
And he brokers a peace treaty that Daniel 9, 26, 27 peace treaty, a seven year covenant with the nation of Israel. And, um, and then you, uh, that's the beginning of that's the start of the tribulation period and, um, a one world government, one world monetary system. Nobody can buy or sell with them about the mark of the beast on the right hand of their forehead and a one road religious system.
So you're going to see the merging of Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam, Buddhism, you know, Hinduism, all the isms, Krizlam, whatever you want to call it's going to merge together as an apostate religious system for three and a half years, like an apostate Christianity. And they already have development of the house of Abraham, the Abraham house, where they're developing a one road religious system of let's say, Judaism, uh, Islam and Christianity that are going to merge. And then at the midpoint, we know 1260 days in after signing that peace treaty, the antichrist declares himself to be God.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
Now the religious, the religious system then at that point becomes what becomes Luciferian, the worshiping of the devil demands to be worshiped as God. Exactly.
[Speaker 2]
So that, that, that real, that false religion system is going to be taken away because the devil is not going to share, the antichrist is not going to share religious freedom in the world. He's going to tolerate this one until the temple is built and then basically suck all the air out of the room and take it all for himself.
[Speaker 1]
And that false religious system originates within the garden, but particularly at Babylon in revelation, I mean, in Genesis 10 and 11 with Nimrod. So it's a false Babylonian, Babylonian religious system that comes to revelation 17 and is destroyed. The whore is what the Bible calls her, the whore, the woman riding the beast.
And, um, and then it's Luciferian. It's, it's, it's, it's the devil in Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 demanding to be worshiped as God. I will be as God, you know?
And so, so that's the lie.
[Speaker 2]
The whore riding the beast is the false is false religion. Okay. Just to make that clear.
So people understand.
[Speaker 1]
And the lie that's going to be perpetrated again, that's in Genesis where the devil deceives the woman that you won't die is that same lie that in second Thessalonians two, when they reject the truth, God's going to give them over to a strong delusion that they would believe they would believe the lie. So the people in the tribulation period will believe the Antichrist and his cohorts, the Klaus Schwab, those types of people that they're never going to die. How often are you hearing that now?
[Speaker 2]
They're already talking about how they're never going to die.
[Speaker 1]
They're already believing the lie. They're already believing it. So the proof's in the pudding.
If they can, if they can be crucified, buried and raised himself from the dead, they can be a Christ and there's going to be a counterfeit thing like that, that the Antichrist does where he's, there's an assassination attempt, but he, he survives.
[Speaker 2]
Um, but giving that, that false wonder.
[Speaker 1]
Yeah. And so lying signs and wonders. Yeah.
And so strong delusion. So, I mean, those are prophecies that are going to be fulfilled. We looked at that.
Um, I don't know when somebody tells me they had a dream or a vision or they prophesy this, that or the other, I have to use time. I have to, first of all, look at the word of God, see if it's consistent with the word. Then secondly, I have to pray about it and I have to ask the Lord for discernment.
So if I'm in 1st Thessalonians 5, 21, prove all things, hold fast to that, which is good. Now I also go to 1st John chapter four to test the spirits, try the spirit because the spirit of Antichrist is already in the world. So now I have to pray and I have to hold hands with my wife, Kathy and I, and we pray and we say, Lord, you know, are you speaking to us?
Are you directing us in this way, Lord? And so the Lord will guide us with his peace. If we have a check in our spirit, like I was telling you when I was a brand new Christian, I could watch Christian television and these evangelists around there and they know a lot more than me about the Bible.
And the guys knocking on the door knew a lot more also. But in this one occasion when the lady at the door was presenting, you know, a different Jesus to me, she was reading out of John one and I didn't know very much. And she said, you know, the Bible says in the beginning was the word.
The word was with God. The word was was God. The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by him without him was not anything that was made. She said in her Bible in the beginning was the word. The word was a God, a God.
And that struck me because I've read John one many times. And I'm like, wait a minute, that's not right. But the Holy Spirit was helping me catch her in a lie.
And she knew a lot of scriptures and they can take you all over the place. The one thing I learned from Walter Martin, when the cults come knocking on the door, the cults bring, you know, a vision or prophecy or whatever. They'll always bring a different Jesus, a different Jesus.
They'll always attack the deity Christ.
[Speaker 2]
Right. You can hone in on that.
[Speaker 1]
Right. So where do we go and help people when they're confronted with a different Jesus? We present the real Jesus.
Right. And they're always going to attack the deity. They're going to say he's not God.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
But if I take him to John one and I take him to Colossians one and Hebrews one and Revelation one, I can prove the deity of Christ in each of those chapters. Just simply by reading right there. So I can try the spirits.
I can prove all things. Well, that's what's good, because Paul told me in 2 Corinthians 11, they'll bring a different Jesus.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
You know, they'll bring a different spirit. They'll bring a different gospel, a different salvation.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
A different message.
[Speaker 2]
A different way to be saved. Like Catholicism, you know, a different salvation. Amen.
Yeah. Because they believe so many different things that's not biblically sound about praying to saints for not just Jesus or having to mix works in with salvation to be holy, to be right before God, when that's not what the Bible says. So Jesus did it all.
[Speaker 1]
So if the Catholic hierarchy developed a false doctrine of purgatory, and I'm trying to minister to my family member who's grown up as a Catholic, and I'm a brand new born again believer, and they say, well, we're all eventually going to make it to heaven. They're just in purgatory right now. We can pray them out of purgatory.
What are you going to say as a new believer? What are you going to say as a new Christian? How do you refute that false doctrine of purgatory?
How do you do that?
[Speaker 2]
Yeah. You got to go to the scriptures and say, Christ alone is the one who makes us righteous.
[Speaker 1]
Right. And so I would take them to Luke chapter 16, where Jesus spoke of the rich man Lazarus, and there was a double compartment in Hades or Sheol, which is the grave. And the rich man fared sumptuously and lived a good life.
And Lazarus was poor, and the dogs came to lick his sores. And Jesus is specifically naming these guys.
[Speaker 2]
Yeah, that was amazing.
[Speaker 1]
And so Lazarus dies and is carried into Abraham's bosom. Jesus told the thief on the cross, this day will be with me in paradise. Jesus wasn't crucified yet and buried and raised from the dead.
So Abraham's bosom was a holding compartment for the saints, the Old Testament saints. Right.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
So Abraham...
[Speaker 2]
Waiting for that...
[Speaker 1]
Lazarus is taken to Abraham's bosom, right?
[Speaker 2]
He was.
[Speaker 1]
And then the rich man dies, and he's in a place of grievous torment, Luke 16.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
And he's looking across a big gulf. There's a gulf between the two compartments.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
One of comfort, paradise, one of torment. And so the rich man looks across there and cries out to father Abraham to send Lazarus, the rich guy's used to bossing around, the poor guy, send Lazarus to dip his finger into the water and to touch my tongue. And then Abraham, the Lord Jesus says that Abraham, no, there's a great gulf between us and you, and you can't come on this side.
We can't go on that side. And so then the rich man says, well, send somebody back to go tell my brothers, because I got five brothers and I don't want them coming to this place. And then the Lord says they have Moses and the prophets.
What's that mean? Moses and the prophets.
[Speaker 2]
Yeah. The Old Testament.
[Speaker 1]
They have the Old Testament. They have Moses and the prophets that they believe not.
[Speaker 2]
Testified of Jesus.
[Speaker 1]
Right. And you got the word of God.
[Speaker 2]
Yeah. Right.
[Speaker 1]
This rich man somehow denied the word of God. He didn't come to know Jesus through the scriptures.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
Right. And there's over 300 prophecies and Moses and the prophets pertaining to Christ, right?
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
Because that's what we're told, right?
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
So if they believe not Moses and the prophets, neither will they believe the one be raised from the dead.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
And so that compartment, that place there of torment, the Bible calls it in the Greek Hades and the Old Testament shield. It's the grave. It's a holding compartment.
Now you got the wicked dead and you got the saints. Now the saints are held there because Ephesians four says before he ascended, he first descended to empty out Abraham and the boys.
[Speaker 2]
Yeah. They were waiting for him.
[Speaker 1]
They're waiting, right? So there's no purgatory of praying them out of this compartment. The wicked dead are awaiting Revelation 20 verse 11, right?
[Speaker 2]
Judgment day.
[Speaker 1]
The great white throne judgment where the wicked are going to be bodily raised from the dead and stand before God at the great white throne judgment. And they're going to be judged according to their works, whether good or bad. You and I, our sins, our works were already judged upon Jesus at the cross of Calvary.
There's no fearful looking to a judgment for us. So the grave is emptied out of paradise is emptied out to be asked in the body to be present with the Lord. But the wicked dead are still in a place of torment awaiting their eventual abode, which will be the lake of fire.
They're going to be taken out of Hades. They're going to be put in the lake of fire where the devil is going to put in the abyss and then eventually the lake of fire. But the Antichrist and the false prophet are going to be placed there.
And God made hell. He made the lake of fire for the devil and the fallen angels. One third fell with Lucifer when he rebelled against God.
So in the globe, when the world is in rebellion against God, this huge rebellion, this apostasy, this falling away from the truth or rebellion against God, you know, there's nothing else God can do except bring them forth to the place of judgment.
[Speaker 2]
And there's no escape.
[Speaker 1]
No escape.
[Speaker 2]
When you go there. Even the rich man realized that.
[Speaker 1]
The rich man.
[Speaker 2]
He realized it. It was super clear because he was crying out that he didn't want his brothers to come where he was. If he didn't realize that he was not going to be able to get himself out.
[Speaker 1]
[Speaker 2]
I mean, I think it's...
[Speaker 1]
The cry from beneath. The cry from beneath. The people in hell, they know.
[Speaker 2]
Very clear that they're not leaving, which is sad, of course. But I thought that was interesting when you were saying that, that it just dawned on me that he didn't ask, how do I get out of here?
[Speaker 1]
Yeah. Who's going to pray me out of here?
[Speaker 2]
Yeah, exactly. He asked.
[Speaker 1]
Who can pay money to the priest and pray me out of here? If I give money to the Catholic Church, they'll pray for me and get my loved ones out of here.
[Speaker 2]
There's none of that.
[Speaker 1]
There's no doctrine like that.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
So we go to Hebrews 9, and it says, it's appointed unto all men, wants to die. So all these people saying, hey, I'm going to live forever. You're lying.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
I know that's a lie.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
Because it's appointed unto all men, wants to die, and then the judgment.
[Speaker 2]
And then the judgment.
[Speaker 1]
So you guys are lying to yourself. You're delusional. You're giving over to strong delusion.
[Speaker 2]
So today is the day of salvation.
[Speaker 1]
Today is the day of salvation.
[Speaker 2]
Today is the day of salvation. This is the day that we as believers have been given the job to spread the gospel.
[Speaker 1]
Amen. That's it right there.
[Speaker 2]
We have been given the job to spread the gospel. What a privilege that is to be those ones, those criers, those crying out to the people to make your decision today, to say in your heart that this is the Messiah. Jesus is the Messiah.
And don't be that one, that rich man that is in that place of torment that he can never, ever, ever escape from. You're not there yet. The people that we're talking to right now have not died.
[Speaker 1]
[Speaker 2]
And when you die, that's it.
[Speaker 1]
That's it.
[Speaker 2]
You don't get to come back and say do-overs again.
[Speaker 1]
No do-over.
[Speaker 2]
Today is the day of salvation. Surrender your heart unto the Lord. Give your heart to Jesus.
Repent. Do it now.
[Speaker 1]
Today's the day.
[Speaker 2]
Before and how you do that. How do you give your heart to Jesus? What is the scriptures that tell us that you must be born again?
[Speaker 1]
So Paul and Silas are in a Philippian jail and they're beaten. And they're unjustly beaten and mistreated. And what do they do?
It's midnight and they're singing. They're worshiping the Lord.
[Speaker 2]
And those guys are crazy.
[Speaker 1]
Yeah, they rock the house. They took the house down and all the chains and everything that are holding the prisoners there are loosed. And the Philippian jailer is ready to kill himself because he knew that he was responsible for all these prisoners.
[Speaker 2]
And surely they've all ran away.
[Speaker 1]
Right. And Paul interjects, no, no, we're all here. We're all here.
So why would those prisoners stay there? They never seen anybody whooped on like those old barbers in small. And then stay there and worship the Lord at midnight, you know, and then for the shackles to come off and everything to sit there.
And they, you know, hey, I'm not leaving here. What's next? And so the Philippian jailer, Paul told him, stop, we're all here.
What must I do to be saved?
[Speaker 2]
Yeah. Yeah.
[Speaker 1]
And what do you say? Believe.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
What's it mean to believe? To surrender, to surrender your heart and life to the Lord. You turn.
When Paul was on the road to Damascus, Syria, the city we just talked about, he was going to apprehend Christians. And he later described himself as kind of a Jew, Judaistic hit man, you know, that he wasted the turf. He's with the chiefest of sinners.
He compelled people to blaspheme, you know, to recant, not believe in Jesus. So he was, he was brutal. And, um, and the Lord arrested him.
The Lord stopped him at night, blinded him and, uh, arrested him right there. Saul saw why are you persecuting me?
[Speaker 2]
I'm Jesus.
[Speaker 1]
Where art thou Lord? I'm Jesus whom you're persecuting. Can you continue to kick against the goats?
Paul was resisting the Holy spirit. And I believe his resisting of the Holy spirit. He was haunted by the face of Stephen, right?
Two chapters earlier in Acts seven, Stephen's face just shining like that of an angel. And they laid their coats at the feet of one Saul of Tarsus as they were gaping upon Stephen. Stephen just convicted these guys and they, they took him and they stoned him to death.
And before he died, he said, Lord, you know, lay not this there, this sin to their charge. And he, and he looked his face up toward heaven. And he said that Jesus was standing.
But standing and giving Stephen a standing ovation. I believe Saul of Tarsus was haunted by haunted by it. And the Lord Jesus intervene just as he intervened in my life in your life.
He gave Saul of Tarsus a measure of faith and gave him a choice of free will, but man really made himself known to him just as he did with you and I, because by grace are we saved through faith and that not of yourselves. It's a gift of God, not of works, as any man should boast right to be just 29. So his who art thou Lord, the posture is one of brokenness, the posture, just like the flipping jailer.
That's what's missing in many presentations of the gospel is the posture of repentance. Surrender. So it's, it's simultaneous.
Conversion comes with repentance, that posture of brokenness and confession. We confess with our mouth, the Lord Jesus, right? Be merciful to me, a sinner.
Right. Exactly.
[Speaker 2]
And have that knowledge. I am a sinner. I need a savior.
[Speaker 1]
Amen. And when you cry out to him, you're crying out to the only one that can save you. You're crying out to Jesus.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
So cry out to him.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord, Romans 10, 13 shall be saved. You're calling out to him.
[Speaker 2]
Believe in your heart.
[Speaker 1]
[Speaker 2]
And you shall be saved. It's that simple.
[Speaker 1]
It's that simple.
[Speaker 2]
God makes it simple.
[Speaker 1]
And that's our job right now in the last days. Everything's convoluted and weird and all.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
But really everything's falling into place. It's all falling into place. So we can't get distracted by all this stuff going on.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
We need to stay focused on occupying until he comes, be about the father's business, which is share the gospel.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
Sharing the gospel can rescue people from war. Exactly. If you can get people to quit hating each other by being transformed and changed.
So you Googled, and I've been saying this for several weeks. Yeah, I love this. Tell me what you Googled in regard to Iran.
[Speaker 2]
So I ran, I Googled it and it said it is the fastest growing evangelical Christian move, surrender in the world. In the world, Iranians are giving their heart to Jesus. And it is the fastest growing religion in the world right now.
And it's not Islam. It's not anything else. It is surrendering themselves unto Christ.
[Speaker 1]
And they could die.
[Speaker 2]
It's beautiful.
[Speaker 1]
It's dangerous for them to be a Christian in that country, right? But the fastest growing church.
[Speaker 2]
Because it's truth.
[Speaker 1]
Now, where's the deception in this on the world stage?
[Speaker 2]
They're not reporting it.
[Speaker 1]
We're teaching everybody to hate Iran, to demonize Iran.
[Speaker 2]
We're saying everything negative about Iran.
[Speaker 1]
Because we want to bomb Iran. Yeah, that's the devil right there. So why would evangelicals leave that out?
Why wouldn't they remind people that we need to be sharing the gospel? Yeah, we need to save Egyptians and Iranians, you know, and those in Turkey. We're to go forth with the gospel.
We're not to rally to the world.
[Speaker 2]
We need a heart like Philip went. And that Ethiopian person, he gave his heart to Jesus right then and there. He had the Old Testament, like we were talking earlier.
He read it. And then he says, how do I understand it without someone to tell me interpret it? And Philip's like, God sent me.
I'm right here for this very purpose that you might be saved. And then he said, this is talking of Jesus.
[Speaker 1]
[Speaker 2]
This is a description of the Savior, the risen Lord. And he's like, oh, the light bulb went on. And he says, I'm ready.
[Speaker 1]
What hinders me from being baptized?
[Speaker 2]
There's water right there. Yeah, I'm not just ready to give my heart to the Lord. But let's baptize too.
[Speaker 1]
And look at Philip in his obedience and doing what the Lord told him to do. It was a progressive revelation of God's will for his life. And he got to be raptured.
[Speaker 2]
He's there to Zotus. Right, right. He just transferred.
[Speaker 1]
So back to Iran, who's the ancient leader of Iran that God prophesied 190 years before he came on the scene for Cyrus, Cyrus, the Persian, the Persian Iranians of the Persian.
[Speaker 2]
Right. Yeah.
[Speaker 1]
And so the ancient Persians. And what a fascinating, fascinating prophecy that we see in Daniel chapter five, where the Medes and the Persians overcome Belteshazzar and Daniel five.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
And as in a moment, you know, Belteshazzar is dead. And then, you know, Daniel is still alive and he's able to show them, you know, in Isaiah, where God surnamed you Cyrus, my servant, my servant. Right.
[Speaker 2]
Isn't that amazing?
[Speaker 1]
It's amazing. I mean, think about that if you were a king, the king of kings and lord of lords, the king of the Jews, the God of the Jews in his prophets, they were able to name you, your surname, you Cyrus, you know, the Persian, my servant.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
Before you even come onto the world stage, before you were even born. Yeah.
[Speaker 2]
Yeah, that's awesome. Unbelievable.
[Speaker 1]
That's why you can trust the Bible as being the word of God. Nobody else can do that.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
God has proven himself over and over again. The three aspects of God's character that the devil doesn't possess. What is omnipresence?
He's everywhere. He's omniscient.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
He knows everything. Devil doesn't know everything. Nope.
Devil can observe and learn. The devil can't prophesy. You know, he can lie with a prophecy, but he can't have 100% accuracy, right?
[Speaker 2]
No, no.
[Speaker 1]
Because he doesn't know the future.
[Speaker 2]
He can study the world and study human nature.
[Speaker 1]
In a vague way, in a general way, and his little minions of false prophets can do the same thing. But a prophet of God is 100% accurate because God's omniscient, and God inspires this person and gives him that knowledge, and then it's recorded, and then it's tested by time.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
It has to come to pass. Or it's not from God, and he's not God because he'd be a liar, right? So the immutability, it's impossible for God to lie.
So he's omniscient. He knows all things. He's omnipresent.
The devil can't be omnipresent. He's a fallen angel.
[Speaker 2]
But God can be everywhere.
[Speaker 1]
So the devil counterfeits omnipresence with AI technology and the cameras and the grid, right?
[Speaker 2]
He's using tricks and technology.
[Speaker 1]
But it's still grossly inadequate. And then we know that our God's omnipotent. He's all-powerful.
[Speaker 2]
Amen. He is all-powerful.
[Speaker 1]
He destroys the Antichrist. And all the Antichrist armies. How?
[Speaker 2]
By the brightness of his coming and the sword of his mouth.
[Speaker 1]
Sword of his mouth. Blood is as high as the Lord of Israel. So we're on the winning side.
[Speaker 2]
You know, it's so funny you say that, right? So the brightness of his coming and the sword of his mouth.
[Speaker 1]
2 Thessalonians 2.
[Speaker 2]
So easy.
[Speaker 1]
[Speaker 2]
He just shows up.
[Speaker 1]
[Speaker 2]
And he's so amazing.
[Speaker 1]
[Speaker 2]
So bright. So fantastic.
[Speaker 1]
[Speaker 2]
And then the word that comes out is like a sword.
[Speaker 1]
[Speaker 2]
And then we were just talking about how does the devil do his playbook? He's working his tail off.
[Speaker 1]
[Speaker 2]
To try to be like God.
[Speaker 1]
[Speaker 2]
And he's got to use the technology. And he's got to, I mean, he's working hard. He's sweating.
[Speaker 1]
They are working hard.
[Speaker 2]
He's sweating up a storm. And he just doesn't compare.
[Speaker 1]
Not even close. He just does not compare. He's not the opposite of God.
[Speaker 2]
But boy, he sure wants it.
[Speaker 1]
A created being. A created being. And then an angel grabs hold of him and throws him into the abyss for a thousand years.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
You know?
[Speaker 2]
Yeah. A thousand years.
[Speaker 1]
And then he's loose. But when we read here in verse 27, For the lightning cometh out of the east and shines even unto the west. So shall also the coming sun of man be.
[Speaker 2]
That's what you just read.
[Speaker 1]
That's what you just read. The brightness of his coming. It's the shrine of glory of God is so bright.
Yeah. Just as Saul of Tarsus at 12 noon in a desert, he saw a light that was brighter than the sun. That's the shrine of glory of God.
[Speaker 2]
Just blinded him.
[Speaker 1]
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
And it's the same thing that happened to the wise men that came from Babylon. That Daniel's there. And Daniel's, you know, writing the book of Daniel.
And these guys are able to read. And some of it's even written in Aramaic. They're looking for the king of the Jews.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
Because we saw his star.
[Speaker 2]
Yeah. Right. We saw his star.
They were told by Daniel. And they were waiting for that time.
[Speaker 1]
And now they're searching. And they're coming to Bethlehem. And the religious leaders don't even know what time it is.
They don't know.
[Speaker 2]
They don't know what time it is.
[Speaker 1]
It's the time of their visitation to the babe of Bethlehem. Right.
[Speaker 2]
That's going to be a good podcast in the future. Do you know what time it is? That's coming.
[Speaker 1]
And then the star isn't just any star. It's the Shekinah glory of God. Right.
Hovering over the house two years later where he's at. And they find him there.
[Speaker 2]
Doesn't it say in Revelation that we we won't need any moon or sun or anything? He's going to be the light that we won't need any other light. You know, I want to go back just for a second about when you were saying that Paul was kicking against the goats.
And it just dawned on me that he was, like you were saying, he was highly affected by Stephen and him shining so brightly before he died. But you think about it. You said that Paul was persecuting Christians after Christians after Christians.
He was the worst of them all.
[Speaker 1]
Right. He was zealous.
[Speaker 2]
But if you think about it, those Christians are proclaiming the gospel.
[Speaker 1]
[Speaker 2]
And he heard it because he was in pursuit of them.
[Speaker 1]
[Speaker 2]
He heard it over and over and over and over again.
[Speaker 1]
He knew it here. He knew their claim.
[Speaker 2]
And he was kicking against the goats. And I just thought on me. He heard it and heard it and heard it because he that was his profession at that time.
Right. Is to go after the Christians and capture them and kill them.
[Speaker 1]
[Speaker 2]
But in the minute, what were what were they doing? They were proclaiming the gospel.
[Speaker 1]
Proclaiming Christ.
[Speaker 2]
Proclaiming Christ.
[Speaker 1]
And he was resisting the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit takes the message and bears witness to you. Christ saying this is true. He's the Messiah.
[Speaker 2]
Exactly. And he's again and again.
[Speaker 1]
And the goat when you would plow with an ox, they would put these very sharp wooden pointed goats near the flank of the ox. And the ox would try and kick the person plowing. And that's what the Lord is saying.
You're kicking against the goat. Can you continue to kick it? He's resisting the Holy Spirit.
And it's painful resisting the Holy Spirit. It's killing them inside. And I know when I came to Christ, I had a choice.
It happened to me like instantly. When I went to a concert, they shared the gospel and I responded. Now, at that moment, it was so powerful.
I could have resisted. I could have said, no, I'm not ready for this.
[Speaker 2]
I'll get a choice.
[Speaker 1]
But the Holy Spirit was so powerful upon me that resisting the Holy Spirit, I believe, would have caused me to go insane. And how many people are insane today because they're kicking against the goats? They're resisting the Holy Spirit.
They're resisting the gospel. And then they're resisting. They lose their faculties.
They're tormented inside. That's Saul of Tarsus. He was a tormented man, a haunted man resisting God's love.
Resist it because it's the kindness of God that leads us to repentance.
[Speaker 2]
Amen, amen. That's awesome. That's awesome.
That's beautiful.
[Speaker 1]
[Speaker 2]
Thank you so much. Yeah, I'm so glad that we got to dive in to just talk about what prophecy is in the New Testament, what God prophesied. And so much of what we see in the Old Testament towards the New Testament and the prophets of old.
It's beautiful. It's a great understanding. I think we're going to possibly dive into maybe some of the Old Testament prophets and the very significant prophecies they predicted for the future here in the next episode and just kind of name them by name and see how many there were and just kind of have fun with laying the foundation of, you know, we're just proving over and over again why prophecy is so important, why prophecy is so important for us to study, and how God calls us to pay attention to prophecy of the past fulfilled, being fulfilled in the future, and what we have to look forward to. So I thank you for being here with us on Be Not Deceived.
[Speaker 1]
It's a bright light. Yeah. We don't have to walk in darkness.
[Speaker 2]
No, that's true. Shekinah Glory is amazing and God is so good.
[Speaker 1]
[Speaker 2]
And he loves us so much. And this is, like we said earlier, this is the time. Take advantage of the time that we have.
And the time is now. And, you know, life is fragile.
[Speaker 1]
[Speaker 2]
None of us are getting out of here alive unless we are raptured, which we're looking forward to. But we are fragile people. People, you don't know the day that your last day.
You don't know the time when God is going to call you home or have an end to your life. And he gives you a space of time to decide. To decide whom will you serve.
Doesn't it say in the scriptures that everybody serves someone?
[Speaker 1]
Yeah. And Joshua said, as for me and my house, we're going to serve the Lord.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
You guys decide who you want to serve. But as for me and my house, we're going to serve the Lord.
[Speaker 2]
We're going to serve the Lord. Today is the day to serve the Lord.
[Speaker 1]
Got to serve somebody, as Bob Dylan said.
[Speaker 2]
Right. You got to serve somebody.
[Speaker 1]
Either the devil or the Lord.
[Speaker 2]
[Speaker 1]
Yeah. No in-betweeners. You're either for him or you're against him.
You're either saint or you're an ape. Right.
[Speaker 2]
Well, you know, and I was thinking, too, that the time that we have on earth and as time gets worse and worse and worse, and it is going to become worse in our world.
[Speaker 1]
I promise it will be.
[Speaker 2]
It's not getting better.
[Speaker 1]
Not getting better.
[Speaker 2]
We're not going to clean the world up by recycling and keeping the cows from flatulence or whatever they think is going to help the earth to be improved. No, God is in control. He's a God of order.
He's got it under control. But it is predicted through prophecy, through the word of God, that it is going to continue to get worse. The one world order is going to form and the tribulation is going to start and Antichrist is going to want to be served.
But this is the time to serve the Lord, to surrender your life, serve the Lord. He is a great help in time of need.
[Speaker 1]
[Speaker 2]
He's our strong tower.
[Speaker 1]
He's there.
[Speaker 2]
That we can run to in times of trouble.
[Speaker 1]
Dial 9-1-1.
[Speaker 2]
Yeah, 9-1-1.
[Speaker 1]
Psalm 91-1.
[Speaker 2]
Yeah, look that up if you've never read it before. Psalms 9.
[Speaker 1]
[Speaker 2]
Sorry, 91.
[Speaker 1]
Verse 1.
[Speaker 2]
Verse 1.
[Speaker 1]
Read the whole Psalm 91.
[Speaker 2]
91. So thank you so much.
[Speaker 1]
Thank you. I look forward to next week when you have Edward Amaya, when you talk about the world waxing worse, he's going to be talking about the human trafficking.
[Speaker 2]
Yes, we're very excited.
[Speaker 1]
Jesus said the iniquity will abound and the love of many would wax cold.
[Speaker 2]
It's so sad.
[Speaker 1]
The world is so much more horrific than most of us know. And the things that he's going to divulge and show us that's happening around the world with human trafficking, these children, it's like, how do you process that kind of evil? How do you even process it?
[Speaker 2]
It grieves my heart. What we're talking about is we're going to have Far-Reaching Ministries come and be a guest in our podcast, and we're very excited to have... Edward Amaya.
Yeah, thank you, Edward. He's coming, and I will be posting that as soon as I have him come next week. And he's going to share with us what atrocities are going on around the world as far as human trafficking, organ harvesting, just things that you cannot even imagine are going on currently in our world.
And so just keep your eyes open for that broadcast. It's going to be powerful.
[Speaker 1]
Far-Reaching Ministries.
[Speaker 2]
Far-Reaching Ministries. You can look that up on YouTube if you want to get a little preview of what we're talking about. So we have a lot more podcasts to come, many more subjects to come, and we thank you for following us and watching today.
[Speaker 1]
Thank you.