Clydesdale Media Podcast

We Recap the days events from the Syndicate Crown

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We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

And we are live from the

Best Western Plus Resort in Knoxville,


Are you on mute?

Do you have your mute on?

I hear that go.

I do have my mic on mute.


I almost feel like it's just

sound coming through my phone.


I don't know.

My mic is on mute.

All right.

Now the technical stuff's out of the way.


Live from the Best Western

Resort Plus in Knoxville, Tennessee.

We are here to break down

the Syndicate Crown final day action.

What went on?

Who's punching their ticket?

Who's going to the games?

Wow, we got Seema Cannons in the house.

We got Holly.

We got Kenneth.

What's going on, guys?

Helson Albernaz is there.

It says, hello, I'm sad.

Taylor, Annika, and Prevost.

uh couldn't have said it

better myself so we went in

today with three events

remaining uh and things

started off pretty hot we

had the row handstand row

handstand walk event oh

marma switzer's in that crowd

So we started out with that one,

and there were so many close races.

But I think the theme of the day,

and it started with this event,

were that people from the

first couple heats were

setting the time to beat.


and in this event it it was

like no other and uh or all

the others um ashley wozni

came out on fire in that

first event dana pran

actually won the first heat

then ashley wozni beat the

time from the second heat

and she actually ended up

finishing top five yeah it was solid

So that shook up the

leaderboard quite a bit

because Ashley actually

jumped 10 spots on that

performance for the women.

And then when it came to the end, it was,

of course,

everybody thought it was

Danielle Brandon's event to win.

And what actually happened, Jamie?

I can't even remember the final heat.

Was it like...

Oh, well, Haley.

She rode incredible.

She did.

And then once she hit the handstands,

nobody was catching her.


So I believe it went Haley, Tia, Raptus.

Then Wozni.

Danielle was up there.

I think Danielle might have beat Raptus.

on the last like two feet.


I just was shocked.

Danielle did not run on her

hands like she normally does.


She didn't look like she was

moving as fast.

Um, which it's more,

it seems to be more of a rowing workout,

but you expect when

Danielle flips upside down to be out.

walking everybody,

and that was not the case.

I mean,

she was walking in time with the

other girls on the floor.

Holly said Danielle actually

came in 10th in that event.

Yeah, that's crazy.

So that was not at all expected.

It was a close race at the top.

I'm pulling it up now.

Yeah, I mean, the last...

20 feet of that walk was

pretty close between.

It actually was Haley Adams, Brooke Wells,

then Tia, then Annika from the third heat,

and then Ashley Wozni from

the second heat.


Annika and Brooke were together.

Oh, that's right.

And Brooke had overtaken

Annika on the rower.


Just a hair.

That was such a tight race.

That one was so fun to watch.

It was.

And then when the men came up, it was very,

very similar.

And was it the third heat?

Because Rosema had to like

tuck and shoot his leg out

to get the win of that heat.

Yeah, that was the third heat.

I hate that it resets to

overall every time.

So it ended up in the,

in the third heat Rosema

one with Vino and Parker and it was bang,

bang, bang.


Uh, Jack Farlow dominated the first heat,


and ended up with a fifth place finish.

But the event actually was Hopper, Pepper,

Corn YA to start off the final heat.

But there were crazy

finishes all over the place

on every heat of that

except for Farlow dominating the first.

So, so much fun to watch.


Lots of screaming around as it,

because we could not tell

with the naked eye who had won what.


But it was crazy.

And now when I feel like the

way you finished your

handstand walk mattered,

at least for those guys,

because it was such tight race,

they needed to be.

They just need to be very

calculated with the way

they came down on their

handstand or rolled like

Jack did to make sure that

chip timer immediately ticked over.


it actually prompted a lot of

discussion in the pits

about what was the best way

to end that race.

Take two more steps on your hands,

do the front somersault,

or pull down and tuck under.

Everybody had their own theory.

But when you're relying on a chip timer,

I think staying on your

hands doesn't give you the

sense of security that it's

going to trip.


So, yeah.

Helson says, Farlow had a great day three.

He sure did, man.

Being down at the bottom for

most of day one and two,

and then to finish 17th overall.

Lots of great performances by Jack today.


He looked like what we would

have expected day one and two.

So what do you take from the

Danielle thing not running on her hands?

I don't know.

I don't know if she was just

being calculated this

weekend and making sure

there was no mistakes.

Not that I think she would

have gotten a mistake in that workout.

So it is interesting.

I don't see her needing to.

change anything about her

handstand walking to make

sure she doesn't make an

error but we saw some

fingertips touching sides

of tape and things like

that getting people no reps

or kind of like Tudor last

week starting with your

fingertip just grazing that

start of the line so maybe

she just took things slower

I don't know my conspiracy

theory is she did it just

to mess with us all

She did it to blow the heat one out.

Not necessarily.

He won just because she's

known as the handstand Walker and like,

I don't want to be known as that.

So I'm just going to take this one.


I'm in a good spot.

I don't need to.

So that's my conspiracy theory.

Just, just to be defiant.

Like Danielle likes to be like,

I'm going to show you,

don't call me the handstand Walker.

I'm going to have a nice

consistent weekend and just

punch my ticket.


Or do you think she wasn't

fully confident she could

win it and didn't want to try and fail?

Bruce, was it a row workout or not?

I don't think it was a row workout.

I think it was whatever you

wanted it to be.

It was a row workout.

If you ask Andrea Solberg in

Europe whether it was a

handstand walk or a row,

she'd tell you it was a handstand walk.

It was a row workout.

Who won the workout?


Who won the workout worldwide?



So if you had that prop and

you thought the world

record was going to fall today,

it did not.

And who won the record?



Cole grease saver.

I'm guessing because I don't know.

Yeah, I think so.

So I don't know.

Elson agrees.

It was a real workout.

Sorry, Scott.


but Andrea Solberg finished second in

Europe and she did not

attack that as a row workout.

She's so good on her hands.

That's what she attacked it as.

Then I don't know.

There's something going on

with the rest of the field in Europe.

Thank you, Kenneth.

It was a CrossFit workout.

I mean, sure,

you couldn't suck on your hands.

You couldn't stop every 12-foot increment.

You definitely couldn't win doing that.

So you needed to be good on your hands,

but it was a rowing workout.

Bruce says,

where does Danielle bet big on

the Heat One app?

Yeah, all that cash.


So that's the end of that.

It is what it is.

Hopper won.

And, uh, yeah.

Who won for the Haley one?

Hopper and Haley.

So then, and I want to,

I do want to say to you

right before that workout,

you and I look down at

Haley and on the start mat,

completely different Haley.

She was having fun.

She was singing along to the

music playing in the arena.

She was swaying, dancing,

whatever you want to call it,

to that look super calm.

Nothing like we've seen her in the past.

Oh, my goodness.

Look who's joined us.

Oh, hey.


We don't want to bug you.

I don't know what you guys

are talking about.

I missed the first part.

We just talked about the event four.

And then argued whether it's

a row workout or a

handstand walk workout.

It's 100% a rowing workout.

Unless you have very,

very fast handstand walks,

it's a rowing workout.



This was a power-up.

It depends on who you are.

But if you have very,

very fast handstand walk,

you can stay in the race.

But it's mostly a rowing workout.


I'd already lost before you came.

You just slam dunked it over

my head even harder.

Chloe and I were talking

about it after she had done her event.

We're like, yeah,

that was more of a rowing

capacity workout.

Because you can get a lot of a head start

like, over the three rounds,

especially the 800 and the 600,

you can make up some time where, like,

even if someone goes really,

really fast on their hands, like,

if you're a good rower,

you can do some damage.

Yeah, I mean, prime example,

I think Danielle lost her very first,

like, handstand workout ever.

You need it to be good at both.

Yeah, yeah.

But I think it was more

important to be a really good rower.

Out of the two.

Yeah, I agree now.

Everybody's slam dunked on me.

I'm good.

But Danielle did not look like Danielle.

Typical Danielle on her hands.

So I don't know what was up

with her that she didn't

kick in that gear.

I think it's true.

I think it's a lot of pressure for her.

Every time she does,

she's done handstand walk workouts.

She's talked about that's

like the most anxious that

she gets her like pressure

that she has because she

knows she's expected to, to win.



my concern was that she doesn't want

to be known as a handstand

Walker anymore.

And she just said, I'm, I've,

I'm just building bricks

this weekend and I'm doing well.

And if I'm just consistent,

it's good enough.

Doubtful, but maybe.

So Carolyn's been on for all

of two minutes and she slam

dunked me twice.

Glad you jumped on the show, Carolyn.

All right.

Bruce Wayne says,

always great to slam dunk on Scott.

I've been posterized twice.

All right.

So then we move to event five,

which was a snatch ladder event.

so many crazy finishes like

for most people this

workout really came down to

those last couple that last

bar oh sure oh my gosh my

mom is saying go carolyn

thank you that was a rough

go this weekend but we're

here so it seemed like

unless there were just a

handful of people that got capped

And then it was,

how fast could you get

through that last barbell

once you switched over

midway up the floor to the

last two rounds on the new barbell?

And some people did it

really quick and some

people struggled a little bit.

Are you willing to walk us

through how that felt, Carolyn?

For me?

Or just overall as an analyst?

I'm very impressed with Shelby Neal.

I think she got a second on that one.

She's a great lifter.

When I looked at her do

clean and jerk last year

and her snatch last year at the Games,

for someone who's smaller,

on the smaller side, she moves very well.

She had a great finish there.

For me,

it was the quads were kind of blown

up a little bit in my lower

back as I was progressing through

like the snatch ladder.

But yeah, I mean,

it's impressive how fast

the girls are just able to

snatch that weight.

Like, like you said,

there's not that many that didn't finish.

I don't know how that

compares to the other regions,

but it seems like there's

most people ended up

finishing here than maybe

some of the other regions.


I want to say only like,

four or five,

maybe five didn't finish here.

And I think it's typically

been 10 to 12 in other regions.

And one girl, Elena Savage, she withdrew.

So that's, so five out of 39.


Just crazy.

Cause I did that smash

ladder in 2016 and I got capped at the

think I was like seven reps

at the 145 that year and

like I finished I mean I

missed three or four

snatches today was not a

not my best day but like

eight something like late

eights and like it's like a

horrible finish which is

just crazy to think just

how far sport is like we're

just so strong

So I'm going to ask you a

question and you can slam

dunk on me again if you want.

So you hit that last bar and

you nailed the first snatch.

Like I was getting excited, like,

oh my gosh, she's nailing it.

And then that's when the

difficulty set in for you.

Is that a weight that takes

so much of your energy and

exertion in that moment

that it's really hard to

recover and hit it a second time?


I felt fine going back to the barbell

to reattempt.

I thought that they were good misses.

It wasn't like I was getting

really sucked under the barbell.

It was like the one I had stepped forward.

It's a game of inches for snatch.

I was just a little bit

ahead of me every time.


just a little off in the execution

all weekend really for me

was off here and there.

And in this type of field, it's so good.

It's so deep.

You know,

you miss 10 seconds here and it's

like five spots here.

Like it just keeps adding up.

The field's just too good to

have a moderate execution.

We were talking with Brian

Friend and I don't think

any of us had seen a

competition with so many

close finishes where like

fractions of a second were

making the difference in

three or four spots.


The field was just so deep, right?

Like this was, in my opinion,

the deepest of the fields.

So yeah, like those,

those points just add up

over the weekend.

And like you said,

there's seconds and it's five people.

You're like, gosh.



like there were seven one-hundredths

of a second on the one race.

Like it's getting down to

like less than tenths of a second.

It's so tight with this field.

Like I told everybody,

and I actually ran into a

couple of listeners who

came to semifinals because

we talked about it.

And now they said they're

never going to the games again.

They just want to go to semis.

That's how exciting it was.


Yeah, I mean, it was super evident that...

with the wins, not necessarily wins,

but times to be being set

and difficult times to be

being set early.

And you don't really get

that at the games.

Like you get like a decent

time and then heat two

comes and it gets beat.

And then he three comes and it,

it gets beat.

Like, you know,

each heat is getting better.

Like it's self-seated and,

by the end of the day.

And that w there, there was no way,

like you weren't going to

have that no matter how you

seated this weekend.

Like there was always going

to be a top five time out of heat one.


Every, every heat was relevant.

Every, every heat was relevant.

Um, I still think this seating, oops,

Can you still see me?

Sorry, a window popped up.

I was doing work before here.

I still think that the

seating is just messed up

over the weekend out of all the semis.

We talked about that,

like seating after the first workout,

not seating after the last workout.

But regardless,

he's just relevant because

everyone's good here.

It also shows you that the

allotment of spots around

the world is off.

Because there's no way that

this field should have been

cut at 11 on both sides.

Including the teams at 8.



Because the teams,

I don't know if you guys talk about teams,

but the North America East

teams are taking Invictus

and maybe one or two teams from Oslo.

area and a couple teams from

australia but like north

america east is always the

deepest region like those

other regions might have a

couple top teams but

they're not the depth of

north america east for

teams so to give them eight

spots to me is ridiculous

those teams should have at least 10 to 11

11, so that Pro 1 gets in there.

And I was listening.

I think John and JR were

talking about of the

qualifiers from the East,

how many would have good

potential to finish in the

top 10 at the Games?

And they kind of plotted it

out and came up with six

names and really only four

others in their top 10 from other regions,

two from the West, two from Europe,

and six in North America East.

that's it's a shame that

north america east isn't

getting way more people in

them yeah I agree so so the

snatch workout comes uh

it's won by tia tia won

pretty much everything all

weekend and then um shelby

took second on that

which, like you said, was amazing.

She really moved well through that ladder.

Emma Lawson was third.

Ashley Wozni,

she was in heat three by then.

She had moved from heat two

to heat three at that point

because she had a great day.

Probably one of the best

days out of anyone that competed today.

And then Lexi Neely was in fifth.

And Dana had a pretty good

time out of heat one.


I mean,

she's has that Olympic lifting


Um, so there's no surprise there.

I'm assuming she could have

gone faster again,

had she been in a different

heat and a better heat in

terms of that workout.



I mean,

great finish for Emma Lawson

showing that as she's, you know,

getting a little bit older,

her Olympic lifting is great though.

Like I'm not sure where her

raw strength numbers are.

They are getting, I think stronger,

but she's a great Olympic lifter.


did well last year also at the games

during those, those two lifts.


She looks,

she just looks smooth at all

times on the floor.

She moves very well.


And there was a point where

Jamie and I looked at each other.

We quit picking Tia for Heat

One App just because it was boring.

Like, who else is going to?

Because the game isn't fun

when it's just Tia, Tia, Tia.


they got to switch that up so that

you can only play her or

each person eliminated.

Even each person,

you can only play like once or twice.


um so then we flipped to the

men's side and another

person who had a great day

was jack farlow uh he

followed up event four and

his heat win with uh heat

win in this and his his

time stood for a long time

yeah if I remember I think

till the end you had you

had jack and then you had

um he finished fifth in the snatch ladder

And the only people that

beat him were the final Heat.

Those four guys.

And then you had Joe Piero

do the touch and go.

Which that time had to have been up there.

Top 10, maybe?

Well, he set the time to beat.

He was 5.58.

Oh, 5.58.

After that.

And then that was the time to tell Jack.

And then Jack got it.

And then nobody in Heat 2

beat either of them, I believe.


Or Heat 3.

And then the final four.

All right.

With Hopper, Pepper...

Was that Cornway?

Yeah, Cornway.

Because he got all fired up.


And then Kronikoff.


Cornway snatches probably his best lift.

I said to Jamie,

of all the athletes that had that quiet,

really solid weekend, it was Sam.


He just put in the work day

after day after day,

and it just paid off at the end.

I'd say Sam for the boot cycle.

Keep going.

Good thing he did because

event six was his worst

finish of the weekend.

And then on the female side,

I would say Alexis Raptus

was very quiet all weekend

but so consistent.

She was.



So Joey Piero was like my

favorite athlete to talk to all weekend.

And he was willing to chat

me up about every time I passed him.

And he knows what his

strengths are and he knows

what his weaknesses are.

And he doesn't take any of

it too seriously at this point.

And it was just a fun little

like humorous break from

everything that was going

on this weekend.

You're right, Kenneth.

Brooke had a really good weekend, too.

Other than that,

was it the front squat workout?

She didn't finish very well,

but everything else was super solid.

Daniel Brandon, super solid.



I like the Alexis pick

because I actually picked

her to finish second in the

heat one app and that she did.

I mean, I was kind of counting Brooke out,

so she surprised me.


So then we go to that.

We gave the wrong names for

the snatch ladder.

I hit the wrong button.

Jack Rosema won the snatch ladder.


And then it was Sam Cornway in second,

Pepper in third, Adler in fourth,

then Farlow in fifth.

So Farlow actually took two

fifths back-to-back after

being in heat one and then heat two.

And Piero actually finished

right behind him in sixth.

So there we go.


So, Lynn,

I know you're asking about DB and

the handstand walk.

We kind of beat that horse

to death a little bit.

We beat Scott to death.

And I'm not bringing it up

again because I don't need

to get slammed on.

It's a rowing workout.

I'll say it.

That's why, Lynn.


So then we go to event six and the women.

And this, man, tough workout.

Oh, I've got so many feelings about this.

So, that's what happens.

It keeps changing on me.



this was the echo bike into the

muscle-ups into the heavy

dumbbell lunges.

I'm going to say this first.

I'm not an athlete, so I can't say this.

The judging on this event was atrocious.



On the lunges or on the ring muscles?

On the lunges.

The inconsistency on how the

lunges were being called

across the board was horrific.

And I'm not an athlete, so I can say that.

It was horrific.

Some judges were making you

come to full extension at

the top before you swung

your leg through.

Others were not.

Some were letting you rest

the dumbbells on your thighs,

which blew me away.

Others were not.

As soon as they touched, it was a no rep.

The line...

calls were mind-boggling um

the for this for this great

weekend to come down to

whether your judge screwed

you over or not should not

be how you get to the games

and erica folo got mega screwed

Mega screwed.

And then once she got the couple no reps,

she just had no grip left.

And for her to cap was a shame.

She came off the muscle ups

in third place in that heat.

And they were,

what they wanted for

extension was insane.

She has two 70 pound

dumbbells in front of her body.

There's going to be some

forward lean just naturally

for any of us.

And to no rep her for that was appalling.


I felt really sad watching her.

She's like, she had such a good weekend.

I know this day was a little

bit tougher with, uh,

I know her handstand walk was,

that's like one of her weaknesses,

maybe like rowing and handstand walk,

but like she had a great weekend.

I think really put her name, um,

like on the board really.

People are starting to know about her.

I've known about her for

many years just because she

lives close to me.

So I've kind of seen her

name pop up and I thought

she could have gone individual last year.

So for her to have that

heartbreak and to come from

an inside position on the

last event to an outside

position is just hard to see that, right?

But she's very,

very young and I think the future is very,

very bright for her.

I mean,

the fight kind of goes out in

somebody when you're no rep like that.

And you kind of know you

just lost your shot.

There's really nothing you

can do in that moment.

I know people say just, like, go, finish.

But, like,

it was over for her with that call.

And you can't.

Like Scott said,

I do not like that

someone's fate is in a

judge's hand when it's not

consistent across the board.

Other people did the exact same thing.

I didn't see her no rep.

I only saw when she started

just losing her grip.

So she got no rep for the

extension or she just

didn't make it to the line?


And there was nothing wrong

with her extension.

She just had a forward lean.


what the broadcast probably showed was

not the initial no reps.

They probably showed her

only when she was

struggling like hell

because she'd been called

back three times.



And we were right that we

were almost parallel with

her when this was happening.

I am telling you,

I've judged in this sport for many years.

It was a bad call.

Bruce says watching it live,

the calls looked right.

If you say that, Bruce,

then you didn't see other

lanes of other heats do the

exact same thing and get away with it.

Because people were swinging

the leg through and not

coming to full extension on

steps all the time.

Bruce, and you're blind.

I'm telling you.

He probably didn't see it

happen to other people.

He said they showed her the whole time.


But maybe not the


You may have not seen, like,

Christopher got no-repped

the second time his

dumbbells touched his thighs,

but they touched his thighs

a line before that,

and he didn't get no-repped for it.


Oh, Lynn.

Yeah, they do.

You can read them.

And that, so Lynn says, honestly,

and maybe it's just me,

I always lean and stand up.

CrossFit has to release a

movement standard book or something.

I could not agree with you more.

The problem when we argue

about all these calls there,

there is no standard movement book.

There is no, when you say,

what is the lunge standard?

We don't know.

It's dependent on

It's dependent on whatever

that competition or this

stage of the competition

states is the rule.

It's a rule, not a standard.

And that's where I think the

sport needs to go or we're

just going to continue to

complain about this.


and some judges seem to interpret

those differently.

Because they change for every competition.

It's not okay.

Not in a sprint when there's

no recovering.

You no rep one rep on somebody like Colton,

like Erica.

You've just changed their fate.

The hard part about this

sport is you can't appeal a no rep.


That's something that

we're... I don't know if...

I know I get...

it would just be so hard on

the appeals and scoring

would take forever,

but they don't accept any

videos that you could show them.

They don't, they don't look at,

they don't allow you to appeal no reps.

So like, I wish we had, you know, one,

one case you can make all weekend.

You get one pick,

pick the time that you want to appeal.

you're no reps, right?

I don't know.

Like at a minimum.

Cause just if,

when there are calls like that,

it's just tough.

And like,

it's the athlete can't do anything.

Like we have no, no recourse there.



Train to lift says one

review should be allowed at this stage.

A hundred percent.


I'm working with one screen.

Dang it.

There we go.

Would love to see if anyone

has behind-the-scenes

videos showing the workout briefings.

Judges really should be held

accountable to,

and CrossFit has to do

better on that end with the

appeals process.

Usually media is not allowed

in the athlete briefing.


that's the one place the media was

not allowed was the judges area.

So we definitely wouldn't be

there for the judges being

reviewed the standard and

discussing that.

I'm okay with your thought, Kenneth.

I think three is too many in

a six event weekend.


One or two tops.


And I think people would be

hesitant to use those early

on in the weekend, knowing like many,

many workouts are left and it's like,

do I use it now?

You know, but yeah,

I think max one at least,

but better than zero.


So then to the event on the floor, this,

this workout was such a killer.

you watch an ashley wozni go

unbroken and on her last

step into the finish line

goes down on one knee and

drops the dumbbells and

then she has to go back the

12 feet and do that last

one again that may I know

she finished near the line

that may have made a difference

Anika man every year we get

to that last event and

something happens one

freaking point again

outside and just like she

was behind Lexi Neely going

into that event she beat

Lexi in the event but at

the point where they both

finished it was only a two

point difference and it was

a three point lead

so uh and then on the men's

side the annika of the

men's side is tyler christophel

Honestly, like the whole time,

Jamie and I are saying,

all he has to do is finish

with a decent time.

Like, just go two blocks,

drop the dumbbells, shake it out,

go two more, shake it out,

get to the end.

And he just completely blows

up on that last word.

And that's all Annika had to do, too.

She was in a pretty safe position.


All she had to do was just play it safe.

You don't have to go on

broken on the ring muscle ups.

You don't have to bike super, super hard.

And like you said,

break up your sections and

just get a decent finish and you're fine.

So Lex,

what I saw that Anika did is she

actually rested the head of

the dumbbell on her thigh.

That was the no rep that got called.

I think that's a legit no rep,

but Tyler Christoffel did

it once and didn't get called,

did it a second time.

Then they called it.

That's the inconsistency

that just is baffling to me.

And Garty, Sanchez, Christoffel,

and Annika both, the last couple years,

just last event curses.

At this point, that's what it is.

It's sad to see.

It is.

You feel for them so much.


I've been in that position once

before in 2018 to Chloe.

Like, it's rough.

Like, each of us had a bad workout,

and we're waiting at the end,

and you're like, did I do enough?

Did I do enough?

Like, that's a hard position.

And to have that happen many, like,

multiple years in a row, like,

that's tough.

I looked at Jamie,

I think it was yesterday.

No, it was this morning.

It was this morning for the

handstand walk row workout.

Annika's in a heat with

Brooke Wells and Emma

Lawson and Alexis Raptus and Tia Toomey.

And all the cameras are on Annika.

No, it was just Annika and Brooke.

She wasn't in,

they weren't in the final heat with,

The row?



You're right.

You're right.

But there were still like

big names in that heat.


And every camera is on Anika.

Like why?

That's, that's just a lot.

And I don't know.

It just seemed like a lot.


She beat Lexi by one spot.

So not enough.

If it was two spots, then she would be,

have been in that.

And that comes into play with the follow.

calls and no reps like could

she have been that person

that middled them like not

only did she get totally

effed over or maybe she

didn't maybe you guys all

agree with it but not only

did it like I mean and

that's you don't ever want

like annika can't rely on

other people of course she

needs to just be do what

she needs to do and be safe but

The one thing we can say

this year is Anika.

It was on her.


Like this year, slightly better.

And it was not an issue, right?


There, there was no bad call this year.

There was no judgment thing.

It was,

she just had to do better on one event.


And when, and it could have been the run,

it could have been the

snatch ladder one place.

It was one point at the end

of the end of the weekend.

I didn't see her not

standing up her lunges.

I didn't either.

Nathan Wilson says, I'm behind.

Buffalo was the only one in

that heat that wasn't

standing up their lunges.

And then when she got a no rep,

she was able to change.

It was so clearly she could do it.

Not everybody was calling

that standing up the lunge

issue across the board.

Train to Live says she

needed to Travis Mare that event.


He did great.

He came in clutch.

Just had to do enough to get some points.

So at least this year it

wasn't in somebody else's hands.

She had it in her ability to make it.

But Anika's hair was amazing, though.

Sucks to see because Anika

has done so much running this past year.

But that first workout took no prisoners.

If you didn't pace well,

it feels like Farlow got

caught in that too.


And Carolyn.

So many people got eaten up by that.

Went out too hot.

Went out with the lead pace.

And round four and five was a disaster.

I had medical.

It was bad.

TK just joined.

Super stoked for Chloe.

Had her in my top 10 after

your podcast that you did with her.

Scott and I talked about

Chloe prior to doing that podcast.

You reached out to me and you're like,

what are her big holes?

I was like, no.

This girl is so good at everything.

Once the workouts were out,

Like there was no doubt in

my mind that she was qualifying.

No doubt.

Like this day,

this day three was made for her.

It's all of her strengths.

She's amazing on her hands.

She's such a good rower.

She is unreal with snatching

at high weight.

Like she has a 200 pound

snatch and she hits like a

190 consistently in training.

She's probably a top three

in the world in ring muscle-ups.

I think she can do like 25 unbroken.


like high level gymnast and then

played that right.

She was one of the slowest

person off the bike,

went unbroken on the rings,

took her time to pick up

the dumbbells and finished.

Like she did unbelievable.


So let me ask you this.

Cause you know,

her as an athlete really well,

she was coaching a team at

this event and she was

taking that very seriously

on Friday and Saturday when

they were going.

How much help was it when

they were done and she

could then just focus on herself today?

Or was it just that's just

happened to be when the

workouts were better for her?

I think the workouts were

better for her today.

And on top of it,

but even with the workouts better for her,

I still think that the team

not qualifying like was

heavy on her heart because

I had a long talk with her

this like in the morning.

And, you know,

she's invested in in that pro one team.

Obviously, her boyfriend's on the team.

Those are her friends on the team.


I think it was obviously a

disappointment for them not to make it.

So her heart was kind of in both places.

But I just think she has so

much natural talent that

once it's 3-2-1 go,

she's able to perform.

So I'm going to ask you one

more question about her.

You know, she's supposedly retired,

as she said on the podcast.

She just said she was tired, not retired.

She was just tired.

Took a little break.

And then she clarified to

say she just was going to

do things in a different

manner moving forward.

She wanted a game spot, though, right?

Like if she's doing this,

she wanted a game spot.

I think it's a way for her

to take the pressure off just to say,

you know, I'm just kind of participating.

But, like, she knows she's talented,

but it's confidence in her.

And then I think it's just

not trying to put pressure

on herself to not choke and

stuff like that.

Is she celebrating right now

that she punched her ticket?


Probably, but then again,

there's probably a part of

her that's disappointed

that the team doesn't make it.

One second.

I'm going to go grab my

treat that Lex ordered for me.

I'm curious what you got.

If we flip over to the bedside,

there were a lot of big

bike boys in that final heat.

and of all those people who

would have picked alex

caron to hammer the bike

harder than anybody I don't

know probably you no one me

that wasn't me I wasn't

picking him over roman or

hopper or dallin but he

holy cow holy cow I bet

it's ice cream it just

spilled a little bit everywhere

Oh, no.

We'll probably melt it on the trip here.

Melt it a little bit.

It's a blizzard.

I'm drinking it right now.

Caron came out super, super hot.

And I was worried then about

the muscle-ups.

But they did not seem to

bother him until the last rep.

And he somehow pulled it out.

And then the lunge,

like he was doing really, really well.

And tell the no rep.


And like everybody seemed to

drop at the same time.

A little bit here and there.

But my dark horse,

my dark horse that I said

last week was going to

qualify for the games was Jack Rosema.

And Jack Rosema big boyed those dumbbells.

did the Heinrich Heiplein at

the finish line,

stood there with them both in his hand,

and then threw them to the ground.

That was awesome.

Great final.

So did Dallin, too.


Yeah, Dallin's a specimen.

I don't know when that kid's

going to take over the sport,

but he's going to really soon.

Not under...

Jeff's washed, though.

Jeff's good.

Oh, I picked Jeff to win.

I think, like,

you're not the champ until

you beat the champ.

But Jeff had a solid weekend, and he won.


everybody was impressed by Roman and

impressed by Dallin and

impressed by other people.

But, dang, Jeff just steady Eddie.


if Dallin would have gotten the win

that he deserved.

on the rope time I think but

it would have been Jeff

because they both caught no

reps yeah but okay I guess

what I should say if Roman

would have gotten the no

rep he deserved and Dallin

would have actually won if

you didn't step on the line

though like his was a no

rep as well right but Roman

called his did

Yeah, Roman...

definitely like was a no rep

but you couldn't step down

on the outside you had to

finish your step down in

your lane and then you have

to run across if you step

down and your foot touches

the line on any of our box

jump step downs it was a no

rep many guys and girls got

two no reps they would get

no reps for stepping down

and having their hands on

the box ready to move it

that a lot of people got no

reps for that without that

second foot being on the

ground before the hands touched

and if your foot touched the

line at any point so people

don't jump around a little

bit or on the corner of a

box if you step down and

your foot was outside of

the line it was a no rep

you had to finish both

inside so technically both

were no reps and they had

they both sprinted and were exhausted

jeff would I don't I didn't

see jeff if he did the same

thing I'm sure that

happened on a lot of

people's last one before

they sprinted like it had

because you're just getting

ready so I was surprised more people

More people didn't do, I watched,

I don't even know who it was,

but I think it was in heat too.

A guy,

because you always were running to

your box, doing your 10 box jump overs,

finishing and running back to your rope.

And I watched one guy out of

one heat run past the box,

do his box jumps.

And so he was done and ran in.

I am very surprised more

people didn't do that.

so that you didn't have that

issue of running around the box.

You had to go around the box at some point,


Why not before?

Good point.


It's been brought up in the

chat by Helson.

Says Stovall had a great weekend.

Yeah, he did.


got to interview seth and

dre photobombed it uh which

was like a fun fun thing to

catch on camera um the two

of them seem to be having

like a friendly rivalry

kind of like roman and and

pepper with with the bike

stuff uh dre and uh seth

were trading blows all

weekend long with each

other and I think it made

them both great and both

relaxed for the weekend


there's a bunch of Mayhem boys in

that top five for that last workout.



They dominated that one.

I think just Dallin was the

only one that wasn't Mayhem

in that top five.


And would you have picked

Seth to go unbroken on that lunge?

Or Dre?


They must do a lot of pharma

carries at Mayhem.

because that seemed to be good for them.


How many athletes are

working on farmer's carries

between now and Fort Worth?


you've seen the step-ups at


You've seen now the lunging

with the farmer position.

So maybe you'll see some

sort of walking with maybe

axle bars or something.

I don't know,

some sort of progression there.

Nathan Wilson said,

I don't think anybody would

have picked Dre to get

second on event six.

So that was fun.

So at the end of the weekend,

we have 11 people who have

punched their tickets to

the CrossFit Games.

We've alluded to some of it along the way,

but I will read the names very quickly.

On the women's side,

You have Tia Claire Toomey, Alexis Raptus,

Emma Lawson, Danielle Brandon,

Shelby Neal, Haley Adams, Brooke Wells,

Paige Semenza, Chloe Gavin-David,

Caroline Stanley, and Lexi Neely.

On the men's side, we have... Oh, wow.

Sure we do.

We have Jeff Adler, Dallin Pepper,

Roman Krennikoff, Jason Hopper,

Samuel Korniat, Jack Rosema,

Saxon Pancheck, Austin Hadfield,

Alexander Caron, Travis Mayer,

and Luke Parker.

I truly thought Luke had

lost it in the last event,

but there was a big enough

points difference between

him and Seth to hold him

off as he was able to do that.

I know Lex was in the chat

earlier saying that Austin

Hatfield had a great weekend, and he did.

You know,

everybody's compared him to... First,

let me give a shout-out to my co-host,

Jamie Latimer,

who picked Austin last year

as her dark horse pick.

Before anybody really even

knew who this guy was,

before John Young inducted

him into the Hall of Fame...

Jamie was calling Austin

Hatfield last year.

So she called it early.

It came to fruition this year.

It was really cool.

But he's taller than I –

when everybody compares him to Colton,

he definitely is a head above Colton.

Like there's definitely some

more height to this guy.


Is there two rookies for the men?

Jack and Austin?


And two for the woman?





Just her.

I think so.

I think just her.

Yeah, just one.

Travis Mayer's not a rookie?

Oh, wait.


Yeah, just one rookie for the girls.


Yeah, that's it because Shelby's been,

Carolyn Stanley's been.

Chloe's been.

Yeah, Chloe's been.


Heard athletics in the house.

Chloe got on David.

Is that three goats?

I don't have my glasses on.

Is that three poodles, three goats?

I have no idea.

Both male rookies were at crash.

That's true.

Sorry if I missed it.

Any surprises with Barnhart and fee out?

So whatever Wednesday, I don't know.

Last week when we were

talking and made our picks,

I said it was either going

one of the girls, Brooke or Amanda,

we're going to be out.

The shoulder was going to

give them troubles this weekend.

So no,

it's not a surprise for me that

Barnhart is out.


I think that.

Amanda has had a lot of life changes,

plus shoulder surgery.

She didn't have surgery.

Shoulder recovery that was

well documented.

She didn't even get up into

rings until a couple months ago.

So yeah, that's not a shock.

I think Fi is just so

program-dependent right now.

She's trying to change that,

but that doesn't happen overnight.

I was impressed she finished

the snatch ladder.

I think that is a marked improvement.

And I love Fi.

I love that girl to death.

But right now,

until she closes up some holes,

very program-dependent.



I would say most of the

field is program dependent, though.

Yeah, outside of your top five or six.

Outside of your top five, top six.

Honestly, it's all program dependent.

I agree.

We all have holes,

and it just depends what

the workouts are.


Some weekends favor certain athletes.

Some weekends favor others.

Sometimes you just have bad execution,

but for a lot of us,

it's program dependent.

So, Garty...

Poking funny from the pod last week,

Emma is not on Tia's level.

I did not say that Emma

would beat her at semifinals.

My semifinal pick was Tia, Alexis, Emma,

Danielle, which is what happened.

I said that Emma was going

to beat Tia at the games,

and that is still TBD.

That is not even TBD.

There is zero shot.

It is still TBD.

I have my reasons.



you think Tia's going to pop here at


No, I don't think Tia's going to pop.

I think it's a lot of work

on the body to be a games athlete,

and you can never know when

something happens.

No, she'll be fine.

All right,

and I guess it was zebras that

were in the chat.

Dex is in the chat.

He was supposed to be here

being my videographer, but, man,

can't find a babysitter in Birmingham,


He was surprised Fee is out, to be honest.

big difference there is that

lexi had two really really

good finishes inside the

top five like lexi has a

second and a fifth and that

just gets so many points

like phi was pretty

consistent overall but she

never got anything better

than a tenth and normally

that's good enough to

qualify but when you get

like these top five point

like when an athlete in

this field in north america

east can get a top five

It is huge.

They can get almost like all

30s after that,

but they'll be like 20th

place because they got a

huge amount of points that

rarely anyone gets on those

top five athletes.

And Lexi was able to do two

finishes in the top five.

Like that was the main

difference right there.


like Fi was pretty consistent

throughout the weekend.

She had one bad finish with

the row and handstand walk,

which is expected.

She's one of the smaller athletes overall.

on the field.


but you like in these types of weekends,

consistency can get you pretty far,

but when you can get a top five finish,

like you could just get so

many points there and she

just never had anything in the top 10.

Dex says,

apparently Carolyn has passed the

ball to Dex.

Dex says 100%.


everybody is a specialist when

shit they love to see show up.

And so now I'm being slam

dunked on by Dex.

Dexter's heavy lift and bike

sprint and circus gymnastics.

That's what he loves to see show up.

some preferences on who

people wanted to see.

Kenneth, Taylor self-thoughts,

haven't mentioned him.

I don't mention him a lot,

and it's not because I have

anything against him.

He is who he is.

But he has covered a lot on

other media platforms.

So I like to cover the other

people as well.

But I thought he had a solid weekend.

The guys didn't plan on coming this far,

and he did,

and he represented himself well.

Yeah, I thought he did great.

Similar to Fi.

He never had, like,

he got two ninth places,

but wasn't able to get, like,

really a top five finish, right?


That front squat workout is

where he lost most of his points.


And now Dex throws me the ball.

I think Emma isn't a

semifinal programming

baller like she is at the games.

Very different.

Thank you, Dex, for the assist.

Tia should compete in the men's field.

Lexi hit some home runs for

the cushion for sure.

And this is really where Fi

got hurt was the handstand row workout,

which was actually kind of surprising.


No, it's not.

She's five foot something.

She's not going to pull the rower as much.

Oh, I forgot.

I forgot that I was... I

don't know how her speed is

on the handstand walk,

but I don't think she's a

speedster like Danielle, Annika.

There's a lot of good

gymnasts in our field.

Very good gymnasts on their hands.

Hayley Adams.

So if you don't have...

Like a 150 row on like that 800 one.

Like it's,

I'm not that surprised on that

rowing workout.

I think she could have been

close to the 152 range and

been competitive.

She rode very hard in the

quarterfinals workout.

Yes, she did.

annika surprised on the

machine she is about five

foot one she did she really

surprised me so I they must

they have been working on

that a lot apparently um

yeah she was holding like

155 I think on the 800 I

think I saw on the screen

she was just a tick behind

brooke on that holding very

close to brooke it was crazy

Yeah, but if you look at her face,

I don't even think she saw the monitor.

She had her eyes closed.

It was a pained look because

I think she had to give

everything she had to keep that pace.

Everybody's saying Tia's unbeatable.

We'll see at the games.

You heard it here first.

Lynn says, this is to Dan Church,

Nick Matthews mentioned

before that once you've

locked in as a games athlete,

your system and abilities

are in sync like nothing else.

That's why she's so dominant like Matt.

I don't know if I agree with that.

Houston, Texas, 94.

My wife and I traveled out here for semis,

and the parity between

places 6th through 15th the

entire weekend on both

sides made it worth it.

I'm also not the hugest fan

of three workouts on day,

like half of your event on day three.

There's so much mix up.

To not recede also before the final.

That sucks.


And I know nobody cares,

but from a media perspective,

there's no time.

There's no time between

events to talk to anybody,

to get any content uploaded,

to do anything like that.

It really does kind of put

us behind the eight ball.


Dan Church says, honestly, though,

I had no idea what was

going on in the podium spots.

The cut line was the exciting part.

That's what makes semifinals great.

It's the cut line.

It's great to see the top

dogs out there doing what they're doing.

The tension and the drama

behind the cut line is

worth the price of

admission to semifinals.

And it did not disappoint

one bit this weekend.

speaking of the price of

admission what'd you guys

think about the fans here

so good so not just good

but great the vendor

village was packed the

community event was cool

the um the stands filled

there was a great crowd on friday

An even better crowd on Saturday.

And usually that dips on Sunday,

but it did not dip today.

The house was pretty packed.

Well, half your events were today.

So if you came to watch any

of the individuals,

you kind of needed to be here today.

Do you think having only

individuals go on Sunday,

even though you hate your three events,

made the crowds better?

I don't know, honestly.

The crowds yesterday for teams was hype.

It was, I'll give you that.

Like the cheers,

the groups in their shirts, like,

and you had a little of that today.

Like you had Hatfield's crowd,

you had Haley's crowd for sure.

That was really evident,

but I thought the team contingent maybe,

maybe outweighed the individual fans.

I was here in 22 and 21.

The crowds weren't like that.

Like, we've definitely moved forward here.

And please,

let's never go back to

California again for a semifinal.

Because that did not work.

I agree with Kenneth here.

Where you pick your semifinals,

you have to pick by where

there's a big community of

CrossFitters that are going to travel.

The Mayhem group here in

Tennessee are going to travel.

It's not that far away,

so that affiliate's going to travel.

You have to pick cities that, first of all,

it's easy to get to, it's cheap,

and there's a lot of good

affiliates around.

It was only a five-hour

drive from Columbus.

It's only an hour drive to North Carolina.

It's not that far to Georgia

with the training think tank crew.

You have a lot of hot spots.

Yes, Mayhem's an hour and a half away,

but there's other big

hotbeds for CrossFit in

this surrounding area.

But Mayhem was loud.

But Haley's from North Carolina,

and I think she brought more.

But what I'm saying is like,

what I'm saying is wherever

the location is,

let's put it by one of

those places where you know

that that type of community

is going to come.

Eighth day team had

incredible performances

from the first heat.


we talked about that a lot yesterday.

They went from the first

heat to fourth place overall,

which was pretty freaking astounding.

And Jamie's close to them

because they live near her in Michigan.

So we talked to them a lot

after the event.

Super impressed with Alexis

Raptus making some small

mistakes in workouts and

still sticking with it and

finishing strong silent assassin.

She just keeps getting better.


Garty says, agree.

Love the opportunity to go

back to Carson for historical purposes,

but we've exhausted the

options in California.



It's too expensive.

Travel that like flights there.

are expensive hotels.

They're expensive.

Literally everything there.

Every time I would text WAD zombie,

he said, California fans don't show up.


So what's going to happen

with Wadapalooza SoCal?

Do people want to travel to

California in the summer?

I have no idea.

It'll be, it'll be interesting, right?

Cause people like to go to

Wadapalooza like in Florida,

like in January,

because for a lot of people

it's winter time, right?

Like, yeah.

but I don't know uh lex says

novel concept what if they

did semis in the cities

with the most sign ups

through the season maybe

through the previous season

so that they can actually

plan ahead because I think

they would need well do

they plan ahead I don't

know but um ideally ideally

you would look at the the

past season if you want

your semi-finals to be close by you know

And then let's book it last minute,

and let's book it the same

weekend as something else.

Memorial Day weekend?


The problem is they don't plan ahead,

and they're stuck with

dates and venues that they

can get last minute.

You know?

that's that's where it sucks

but I think that is a good

idea I was worried because

in knoxville didn't really

show up in 22 well they

tried to do that

back-to-back thing here in

22 and it I think it split

the crowd yeah but this

this year was freaking

awesome I think the vendors

were happy I heard they

were selling out stuff like on friday

And like Northern Spirit,

they hooked up like the judges,

the volunteers, the athletes,

like it's like I mentioned

this last time during I

think the West Coast, but I mean,

it's great to see a sponsor at least,

you know, give that to the athletes.

Are you guys sponsored by Northern Spirit,

Jamie, for the Masters games?



The logo, like,

that logo is growing on me.

Like, the way that it was saying, you know,

the CrossFit Games semifinals.

Like, it's very easy to see.


I remember at the beginning of the season,

we weren't sure about the

logo and if a kid drew it and stuff.

But, like, it's growing on me.

I heard the Masters, though,

are getting the French

striped T-shirts for their uniforms.

So they can all be mimes.

Linda Jerry says, also,

I don't know if they did an analysis,

but most of the people I

talked to were less than

five years in the sport.

No nostalgia isn't a good

catch if most of the attendees are newer.

That's a good point.

Very good point.

Lex says,

do you think more people would

come if it was at the ranch

versus Carson?


There's no seating there.

Are there hotels around the ranch?


Well, then no.

Sebastian says,

was looking forward to Laura versus Tia,

but after this, not so much.


uh houston texas 294 tons of

young families there this

weekend tons including the

mayor kids surprising their

dad watching him compete

for the first time that was

adorable that was cute they

got so pumped when his when

his name got called at the

end what if they moved to

bidding for locations I i think

I don't know.

I feel like the whole

season's going to change next year.


Who knows?

There might not even be

CrossFit next year.

Lord Wang says,

I'd be more likely to

volunteer if they gave a

different color shirt for each day.


I think the problem with that is each

group of volunteers get a

different color.

So you know what judge is blue,

medical is red,

athlete control is

generally like a baby blue or yellow.

Like they actually,

so you can identify what

role that volunteer has for the weekend.

But I talked to volunteers.

They said it is the most

hooked up they have ever

been for any event doing volunteering.

Kenneth asks, what about Boise?

They've got a lot of

CrossFit gyms in Idaho and

Salt Lake city in that area

in the Pacific Northwest.

I don't think that'd be a bad option.


That or, or Vegas.

I mean, Vegas is,

I would think a smarter choice.

It's they have cheap flights to Vegas.


Like there's always a lot

going on in Vegas, but it's still,

it's so cheap that I think

that's an easy way for

people to just go there.


I agree.

And when they had the West

Coast Classic there,

the hotel attached to the

venue was not expensive.

It's off the strip,

so you're not paying the

big prices of the strip.

And you could walk down from

your hotel room and into the venue.

That's awesome.




the casino had five restaurants in it,

so you didn't even have to

leave the building the

entire time you were there, which was,

thank God, because it was 118 degrees.

Lex says Reno.

The only thing I know about

Reno is from Johnny Cash.

Dallin proved he can fight

with Jeff and Roman.



And HQ should just consult

with this channel.

I talked to Dave this weekend.

He welcomed me to the

semifinal and asked if

there's anything he could do for me.

Did you ask him for a pass for the games?

I did not.

I just said I have a list.

I'll get back with you at

the end of the weekend.

You had your opportunity, Scott.

And just to follow up on yesterday.

and my beef with Little Miss Puffy Pants.

I did not run into that today,

but I want to make it clear.

Yes, I said Lauren Khalil's name.

Yes, I said Patrick Clark's name.

I don't have beef with the two of them.

I have beef that they never

get talked to the way that

we get talked to.

We follow the procedures and get lectured.

They don't follow the procedures,

and nobody says a word to them.

So my beef isn't with them.

My beef is with the way that

everything is administered.

It's like me in no reps on the floor,



My beef technically is with

the judges not being consistent.




my beef with that is that CrossFit

has not made a standard on anything.

So it's hard on the judges.


But today,

no security was called on me

today like yesterday.


I didn't have to talk to the head of


None of that stuff happened today.

We were just chill and cool.

And even though Miss Puffy

Pants was back at her stage

holding down the fort,

we were okay today.

Did you see Garty was

commenting on why maybe

like Denver or some of

those places don't get

picked is because of elevation affecting?

I could see that.


But we're going to Texas

with extreme heat.

We went to West Coast

Classic with extreme heat and elevation.

Vegas has elevation.

You're in the bowl on the

top of a mountain range.

So, and those athletes dealt with it okay.


I have not riffed about no judging for


Did you get any video looked at?

I got one video reviewed and approved.

Well, that's what they said, right?

In the rule book that they

were looking at one video

and may ask for others.

Yeah, I mean, I guess.

And if it would have turned

out to be like individual

quarters where there was

33% of video to no rep,

maybe I would agree.

But I don't actually think

they reviewed the videos

because I think there was like 20%

no reps or adjustments or

across all the divisions given out.

Which one?

Grub was trying to do a poll

on that and get some numbers of that.

So I'm very curious to see how many, um,

I think one person got a

penalty and we're not, no,

nobody's even sure in my bracket.

Cause I moved one point.

I moved from like 142.

344 points to 143 points or

something weird like that.


so something got knocked out and I

don't know.

Which one did they look at?

At all.

It just should be a public,

it should be once the

leaderboard goes live,

everyone's video should be

required to be attached.

Just like I've said for

individuals and it should

be a public leaderboard and

where I guess we just all

shame each other because

there's really going to be

no other way to get people

to hold standard.


Ask your question again, Carolyn.

Attempt four.

Which video got reviewed?

I don't know.


Do you remember which one I sent you?

Three, I think.

I don't remember.

Was it movements that

typically get no reps?

Or what movements were?

Let me go on the game site.

Number three.

The only change in the

leaderboard I saw was decks

going from 41st to 40th,

which I'm stoked about.

But that's the only change

in any leaderboard that I saw.

And your one point.


And I saw videos posted on

Instagram that should have

been knocked the hell out of.

That's the other thing is

like there's there are

videos out there that have been pulled.

I don't know if the people

have in public or other

people are sharing them or what that are.



We do know this, Lex.

We looked it up today to make sure.

But our 41 year old

Brazilian qualified for the

elite CrossFit Games.

So she will be forced to

take another drug test.

But Jamie's not allowed to

talk about that anymore.

Only me.

I'm the only one that's

allowed to talk about that.

Thank God she gets another test.


but it's just like the theory of numbers.

The more she gets tested,

the better the shot that

one comes back with the actual evidence.

speaking of because she's

our currently our only

person who made it and you

said we we talked to Will

today we said we would on

your live yeah um talk

about that we did talk to

Will more at today uh he's

having an MRI tomorrow to

determine the extent of the

injury he suffered this

weekend um and he'll know

more as to whether he is

even able to uh go to the

Masters CrossFit Games

So this was something that

happened during the second

event and not something

that he was coming in with?

I think it's something he's

been fighting through that

went to a level that now he needs an MRI.

um so but he he was in

really good spirits yeah

like you know he's like

it's just that sport it

happens and that man's been

through a lot like his

wife's cancer diagnosis and

then his his misdiagnosis of

uh the kidney or liver

disease that actually

wasn't true and he was able

to come back from all that

and he's just a good guy

and he was really he was

just he goes now all I can

do is cheer on my friends

and see if they get tickets

to the games and that's

what I'm gonna do but he

did the one sad part was he

goes I know all my testing

times and I'm looking at

the leaderboard I would

have made the games yeah

I mean, anything could have happened,


Grip could have failed him.

Things were happening out there that,

but yeah, I think I liked his shot too.


So, uh,

so that it was just good to talk to

him and he's in, he's in good spirits,

but, uh, so yeah, trained to live.

That's what we've been talking about.

The 41 year old Brazilian

making it to the games.

Uh, yeah, maybe she'll, uh,

can only afford or have the

time to come over for one

of them and chooses

individual and skips the masters.

So she's the only one that

made it through both

because we've never had someone do both.

So she could be, she is the lone ranger.

I said to Jamie today that

maybe her cycle won't let her do both.

She has to pick one or the other.

So, but, and Will's allowed to think that.

I know that, like,

testing times are different.

But after you get injured

and you don't get to complete the event,

it's all you have to hang your hat on,



And you just, you just, you know.

So, anyway.

Anything left here?

I agree with this.

You know,

staying healthy is part of the games, and

Like, yeah, it's true.

That is Ben Scott's big thing with.


Everybody's still giving

Roman credit for winning

the game last year when he didn't win.

So Jeff won after 10 events.

right I agree um I but I

have to pull this up

kenneth says I hear she's a

great cyclist I hear that

as well my friend I hear

that as well lance

armstrong I might have

missed this but have you

all tuned in at all to

south america semi and gee's performance

did not tune into anything.

We have been swamped busy

the entire weekend,

but did see his time in the

snatch ladder.

Uber impressed.


But I think John Young said

this on their podcast.

Uh, okay.

We know geek and lift.


It was expected.

That's what he does.


Uh, uh,

i did not know she was a

doctor that is right she is

wow and the access wow

really pulling that needle

right out of the haystack

there oh my gosh goodness

okay else's and she knows

how to play with the hormone cycle

We listened to John Young a

little bit on the way back

from the venue to dinner

and then from dinner to the hotel.

So I did hear him rant a

little bit about that he's

good at the lifts and he

doesn't seem to get better

at the other stuff.

And that's why John doesn't,

it's not that he doesn't like him,

doesn't favor him to do

anything more than he does at the games.

Yeah, I kind of agree on that.

Like he hasn't shown that he's,

willing to work on those other weaknesses.

Like he's just taking his

big wins and staying in that lane.

And is he going to get top

10 at the games?

Like he has, I doubt it.

I think the field has gone

deeper and deeper.

And I don't, I don't know for this year,

like now you've got Allen

and Hopper now in the mix

and Justin's back and it's

going to be pretty good.

Hudson Hatfield, Mount Rushmore,

CrossFitter, according to John.

Seema Cannons, Prevo.

Sean Woodland told us your

athlete history.

I had no idea you're a beast.


apparently you didn't listen to the

interviews we've done with

Carolyn over the past few years.

Rough weekend this time, but I'll be back.

The workouts were not good

for me this weekend.

I was exposed.

I'm not good at

double-unders or eco-biking.

So the double unders,

I'm watching close because

I know that that's been your thing.

There was a moment where you

strung together a lot,

like for one stretch.

Is there anything you can

take from that that you did

differently or it just

happened to go on that one?

No, some days I can do 75,

maybe 100 unbroken.

Some days it's sets of 10.

like hit or miss.

So it's like, if I'm going,

if I'm doing well, it's like, okay,

ride the wave.

Just keep going.

Cause I don't know when the

next time I'll like,

I just get fatigued over

500 and it gives me a lot of anxiety.

So I need to breathe.

And like,

I can go on broken on the toaster bars.

That's fine.

The front squats, it's fine.

But it's just, for me, it's a complete,

it's just a double under workout.


But yeah.

So Daniel Church says, it's tough though.

For instance,

I'm a strong guy and I work

endurance a ton.

I will suck at it,

but I can still power clean 340.

Despite doing six months of running,

my 5K is only like 28 minutes.

So the one beef I have with John Young,

I probably have more than one,

but I like the guy.

He makes me think and he

makes me debate and he

gives me ideas for my content.

So I'm going to preface it with that.

But John is very much,

if you have to prove it to him,

for him to go down that road.

I think that's why people

are shocked with the Austin Hatfield,

because he went more

forward thinking with that

that he doesn't normally do.

He is very much a show me.

And until he shows him at

the games that he's changed,

he's not going to believe anything.


He's not afraid to say if he

made a mistake on someone, though.

No, no, I'm not, I'm not dogging John,

but that's, that's just his,

if you listen to him a lot, he'll say,


they've never done it before as to

why that's why you're not,

they're not going to be good.

He needs,

he needs to be convinced or he

needs to see something in

the athlete that he's, then he's all in,


Like he, he's an all or none.

There's no between for him.

Like he's either all in on

you or he's doubtful.

No, he admitted it.

He did say he's very much a

what have you done for me lately guy.

It is.

And there's nothing wrong with that.

He just needs to see the

visual evidence before he's

willing to go down that road.

I think when you listen to like a JR,

JR is going to look at it

from a coaching perspective and say, ooh,

I'm seeing improvement here.

They have the potential.

That's why JR and John

talking is a good mix.

And there's times where John will go, okay,

JR, you've convinced me.

But that doesn't happen a ton.


Lynn says, Guy is working on it.

I'm in Tennessee,

and Guy is in local comps

and triathlons and 5Ks this offseason.

It's just going to take some time.

Yeah, he's built to be a power athlete.

Like, it's...

It's hard to switch that over.


It really, really was.


I agree.

Well, I am just about toast,

and we've gone really long.

And we've got to pack

because Jamie has a

middle-of-the-night airline ticket.

And then I'm just going to

drive home from there, so...

With that,

thank you so much for being in

here tonight.

Thank you to the chat for

adding so much to the conversation.

Thank you for Carolyn taking

time out of your busy

weekend to jump on with us.

With that, guys,

we bid you adieu from Knoxville,


and we'll see everybody next

week on Sunday Night CrossFit.

Carolyn, we're super proud of you.

Super proud.

Thank you.

I'll be back.

I'll be back.

Bye, guys.