HigherEdJobs Podcast

In this episode, Mary Guiden added "Firework" by Katy Perry to the HigherEdJobs Playlist for your higher ed job search. 

She found the lyrics inspiring while experiencing the ups and downs of a job search: 

"If you only knew what the future holds / After a hurricane comes a rainbow / Maybe a reason why all the doors are closed / So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road."  

Guiden is the associate director of editorial strategy, special projects at HigherEdJobs. 

Do you have songs you want to add to the playlist? 
  • Email us at podcast@higheredjobs.com with your suggestions and why you think they belong on the playlist. 

What is HigherEdJobs Podcast?

The HigherEdJobs Podcast is dedicated to helping higher education professionals find fulfillment in their careers and be the change agents that higher education needs in today's world. Join hosts Andrew Hibel and Kelly Cherwin, along with guest experts, as they examine job search strategies and break down the latest news and trends in higher education.

Andy Hibel 0:02
Welcome to the HigherEdJobs Podcast, Playlist edition. I'm Andy Hibel, the chief operating officer and one of the co-founders of HigherEdJobs.

Kelly Cherwin 0:10
And I'm Kelly Cherwin, the director of editorial strategy. Today, we're lucky to have our associate director of editorial Strategy and Special Projects, Mary Guiden, and she's going to be telling us what her pick for her song that relates to the job search.

Andy Hibel 0:26
So we've actually been talking amongst some of the folks who do H.R. for the company, and we're actually thinking that this is part of the onboarding process now that you need to come on the podcast. And

Kelly Cherwin 0:38
within the first six months, this is very requirement.

Andy Hibel 0:40
So Mary's done a very good job. It's not even four months that she has been here and she's willingly come on the podcast and been willing to add a song to our playlist. But before we start, Mary, would you consider yourself a music person?

Mary Guiden 0:55
Yes, absolutely.

Andy Hibel 0:56
And if there's one musical performer, act or band that you would say, this is my go to, who would it be?

Mary Guiden 1:05
So I'm never very good at when someone asks me things like, What's your top ten list of all time greatest pop songs and things like that. So that's a hard question. In a previous life I was a music critic, so that kind of muddies the waters more just in terms of how much music I've watched over my lifetime. Now that I'm, you know, 25 or whatever, whatever birthdays coming up next. So.

Andy Hibel 1:30
Well, I guess this is the first time on the podcast we've actually had a professional opinion added to the playlist.

Kelly Cherwin 1:38
I feel like you're judging me, like I don't have a professional yet.

Andy Hibel 1:42
So, okay, if you can't select one, that's fair. But if you were, say, Hey, these are the musical places where I like to go the most, what would they be.

Mary Guiden 1:50
In terms of venue or musicians.

Andy Hibel 1:53
Musicians, musicians?

Kelly Cherwin 1:54
Growing up, did you have a poster on your bedroom wall of like Duran Duran or something like that?

Mary Guiden 1:59
I had Michael Jackson.

Kelly Cherwin 2:00
Nice pick. That's a good pick.

Mary Guiden 2:02
Yes. Although, of course, my sentiments about him in recent years have changed. But yeah, just thinking about groups like that, when old Comiskey Park still existed and I was in college, I went with a bunch of friends to see the Jackson five at Comiskey Park. So I guess that's one sort of concert memory. I'm not answering Andy's question though, but I guess in terms of go tos, seeing Brandi Carlile live is an amazing experience. And again, with all the concerts and things I've gone to throughout my life in recent years, I've decided to either revisit venues that I really enjoy listening to music in or even finding a new venue. Like a couple of years ago, I went to see Brandi Carlile at the Greek Theater in L.A., which was just an amazing setting right off of Griffith Park. I stayed at a hotel where my friend and I could walk there, and in you go through just this beautiful neighborhood with huge mansions and all kinds of amazing landscapes. I'm kind of into the whole experience, maybe a little bit more these days.

Andy Hibel 3:09

Mary Guiden 3:09
That is cool.

Andy Hibel 3:10
So we've talked about this and without, I guess, any further ado, Kelly, are you prepared for Mary to add to the playlist?

Kelly Cherwin 3:18
I'm very excited, yes.

Andy Hibel 3:20
To just remind folks, you can find the playlist on Spotify under the HigherEdJobs Podcast Playlist. We think we do a lot of things that are fun, but remember, the playlist is there because every job search and career needs a soundtrack. So we have folks periodically add to the playlist. Sometimes us, sometimes colleagues, so can check it out there. And this choice will remain permanently on the HigherEdJobs Podcast Playlist on Spotify. So what will you be adding?

Mary Guiden 3:50
So, Andy, I think it's interesting that you brought up bringing this process into the onboarding process here at HigherEdJobs. When Monica was conducting my onboarding and did some training on things like the podcast, we talked about the playlist and she mentioned, you know, at some point we'll record a session with you. So you may want to think about what song you might want to bring out on the show. And as I said, I've never been good at, you know, name your top five songs or what's the top song for you this summer? But when Monica was explaining this to me and how the playlist worked, immediately one song popped into my head in that instant, which has really never happened to me. So I'm not sure what that says.

Kelly Cherwin 4:31
A drum roll here.

Mary Guiden 4:32
But the song that popped into my head was Firework by Katy Perry.

Kelly Cherwin 4:37
And why did you choose that song? I love that song. By the way,

Mary Guiden 4:40
in thinking about the whole job search process. And our our listeners will understand this. It's not easy. You can get ghosted. You can get a rejection letter or email from what you thought might have been your dream job. But as Katy Perry sings, "if you only knew what the future holds after a hurricane comes a rainbow. Maybe a reason why all the doors are closed. So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road."

Kelly Cherwin 5:10
I Love that.

Andy Hibel 5:12
From a perspective of the soul of the playlist. That's a home run, but also great song. I mean, you may not love Katy Perry, but if you don't at least respect the message that she tries to portray and the spirit that this song offers,

Mary Guiden 5:27
I agree.

Andy Hibel 5:27
It's really a great song.

Kelly Cherwin 5:28
Nicely done. I actually I have seen kind of on a funnier note, I do love the song. I love the message. I saw Katy Perry in concert in Las Vegas, and one of her props was a gigantic toilet. So some of her props and and yeah.

Andy Hibel 5:48
I think as Mary put out there like that, that might be an appropriate stop on the job search road till you finally reach that rainbow that you're looking for. And yes, like I too have seen Katy Perry multiple times and does she does put on a fantastic show. I will say.

Mary Guiden 6:07
I have not seen her live. And I don't know if she's really on my bucket list. And that's not to say I wouldn't go to see her, but I watched her documentary on Netflix and felt like after watching that, I had a newfound respect for her.

Andy Hibel 6:22
Thank you very much, Mary. Thank you for coming on playlist edition of the podcast and putting a great song on there. And most importantly, thank you for joining the team. You've been a pleasure to work with and we've loved having you here. And Mary's actually the person primarily responsible for this podcast. So when you send those emails to podcast@higheredjobs.com praising this selection, she will be the one reading it. So let her know. If you have songs you may want us to add to the playlist or thoughts you may have about the overall playlist and maybe songs from like Journey that you don't think are appropriate. Please feel free to send us a direct message on X @higheredcareers or email, so that email address of podcast@higheredjobscom.

Mary Guiden 7:08
Thank you for having me on Andy and Kelly.

Andy Hibel 7:10
Mary, thank you for being on.

Kelly Cherwin 7:12
Thanks, Mary.

Andy Hibel 7:13
Thank you all for listening and we look forward to talking with you soon.

Mike 7:16
And don't stop believing.

Kelly Cherwin 7:19
Boom, boom, boom.