Noon Hour Of Madness & Mayhem

In this episode of The Noon Hour of Madness and Mayhem Powered by Jalisco's, Peaches and Viktor dive into the ultimate list of movies every kid should see before 13. From Toy Story 2 (not 1, apparently) to The Lion King, the duo debates which films deserve a spot and which ones might leave modern kids scratching their heads (The Circus, looking at you).

The conversation takes a deeper turn as they explore video games with tearjerking endings like The Last of Us, Red Dead Redemption 2, and Halo Reach. Along the way, they laugh at the idea of Oompa Loompas being paid in chocolate and theorize about why Hollywood can't stop churning out unnecessary sequels.

Stick around for talk of sad games, nostalgic kid’s TV, and why Peaches might start a pyramid-building business.

🎥🍫 Whether you're a fan of chocolate factories, cowboy outlaws, or robots with a heart, this episode will hit you in the feels!

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The Noon Hour Of Madness & Mayhem can be heard live on KBEAR 101 weekdays at 12pm MST. Viktor and Peaches talk about a wide variety of topics depending on the day and you never know what to expect!

The noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Jalisco's, the podcast. Victor, I got something for us. Yay. A a nice list. Every time I do this voice, it's a nice list.

Alright. I like a good list. 25 movies every kid should see before age 13. Okay. Let's let's, cast some judgment on these movies.

Not not Toy Story 1. No. Toy Story 2. Now is Toy Story 2 generally known as the better of the movies? Or says here, why put this Pixar sequel on the list and leave out the original?

Somehow, when its when its creators flipped the script to allow space age action figure Buzz Lightyear to come to the rescue of Cowboy Woody, the story seemed fresher. The animation's also better, and the script is funnier. I haven't seen those movies in so long. Buzz Lightyear's in the first one. Right?

I thought he was. I would think so. That was the first movie I saw in the theaters. I I think I saw it at the drive in. I I typed in is Buzz Lightyear in the first suggested question.

I can't even say on the air. Okay. But it's quite funny. I just looked at the computer screen and and saw that one. Woah.

Let me see. My old man eyes ain't working. That's Buzz Lightyear. Can you really Oh, I see. There you go.

It's a decent question, I guess. I'm gonna find out. Is he? No. No.

I'm not. Apparently not. Alright. Alright. Is Buzz Lightyear in Toy Story 1?

He's gotta be. Right? I thought the whole point with Toy Story 1 was that yeah. He's on the cover of it. Okay.

Well, how Why why did this list say Buzz Lightyear's in the maybe because he's more of a personality? I think in Toy Story 1, he gets you know, Woody gets replaced by By Buzz Lightyear. Buzz Lightyear. And there's all there's that famous scene of him looking around the room, and Buzz has taken over the bedsheets, the drawings, and the walls. Randy Newman went off on that soundtrack for that movie.

Yeah. You got a friend in me. You can talk about a guy with a weird voice, Randy Newman. But he does have one of my favorite songs of all time, Short People. Yeah.

Short People got no reason to live. Hating Short People. My dad used to play that for his mom, my grandma because she was only 5 foot. Oh, very nice. Yeah.

How how bizarre your family's height differences? Chicken run is also on this list of 25 movies any kid should watch before age 13. I saw bits and pieces of it. I was never really interested in that movie. It's a claymation thing.

Right? If I remember correct. Yeah. And I think, like, there's a a like, the person running the farm wants to turn them into chicken pot pies. I think so.

That machine that presses them into pies or something like that. Like that. It's been a long time, but we I remember it being pretty decent. For some reason, they also added the circus from 1928. The Circus?

With Charlie Chaplin. Yeah. No kids are gonna wanna watch movies from the twenties. Yeah. It says getting young kids to appreciate anything without color or dialogue can be a struggle.

However, the silent masterpiece, The Silent Masterpiece from Charlie Chaplin is packed with so many pratfalls and other imaginative comedic scenes, they won't even mind that no one is talking out loud. Yeah. I doubt it. Yeah. Knowing children Like, let's put a bunch of young babies in the room or maybe even kids that are, like, you know, up to, like, age 8 and see if they pay attention at all to a black and white silent movie.

Yeah. I know you kids wanna watch Inside Out 2, but I've got something better for it. The circus on VHS. It's only about a 100 years old. You'll love it.

The lion king also on this list. A lot of these, like, kids movies are very dark and sad in the very beginning. Lion King's got some dark moments. That's for sure. Shrek, obviously a fantastic film.

Yeah. You gotta see Shrek. Came out in 2,001, 20 almost 24 years ago. Yeah. I saw it at the drive in movie theater in Pocatello.

Wow. It doesn't even exist anymore. So, yeah. Does Josh wanna join us? I just saw him walk through.

I don't know. What what are you doing, Josh? Have you heard of this movie called the bear that came out in 1989? It's a nature film about an orphan grizzly cup club club? Cub and the Kodiak bear that adopted.

Yeah. I've I've heard of it, and I think I've seen it. I mean, 89, I would have been 7, but I remember the, the cover for the VHS. Yeah. So I don't know if I ever watched it, though.

I've never even heard of it till now. Josh? Does Josh wanna join us? Or is he going to his lunch party? I know what he's doing.

What are you doing? Josh, we're talking about movies. You're pacing in the hallways, dude. You make me nervous. We're talking about movies every person should watch before age 13.

So far, we've talked about The Bear, Toy Story 2, not Toy Story 1, only Toy Story 2. There's also Shrek, the lion king. Have you seen the bear? It was a 1989 movie. Is it a documentary, or is it a It's a nature film.

So, yeah, I would say it's a so somewhat of a documentary. Seeing a picture of the bear on the cover. And I I've never seen the bear. Me either. I wasn't pacing.

I was going to lunch, and I realized I forgot my keys, so I went to go get them and then came back by. Well, Josh is very antsy out there. Yep. Just just headed to lunch. Anyway, no.

I don't I've never seen The Bear. I think you should see all the Toy Stories. This is they're all good. They're all fantastic. I haven't seen the 4th or I don't think I'm gonna plan to see the 5th one either that's coming out soon.

What's wrong with you? What? The the the third one was kinda like the big finale. Like, oh, yeah. He's dropped off at the new person's house, and so long, partner.

That type of thing. I I don't know if I've seen 4, and is 5 being made or something? Yeah. I mean, it might be coming out soon, I think. Now that I don't have kids in the house, I don't pay as much attention to, the family of children.

Like 21 19, aren't they? Yeah. They still they still like that stuff. I'm a grown man, and I watch Bluey because it's amazing. Okay.

Are you gonna watch Bluey the movie? Have you watched Bluey? Yes. I'm gonna watch Bluey. Little clips of Bluey.

Bluey's phenomenal. You want a good a good man cry? Oh, gee. Well, that almost happened to me. I was playing I finished up the Last of Us, part 1 last night.

Okay. And, I had some, some You had a man cry? Almost. Almost had a man cry. So morning.

There was some tough morning. That's yeah. I that's why I was late. I was up crying till 3 AM after playing the last Is there a movie that actually makes you cry? Let let me guess.

Red Dead Redemption 2 for you. Like, I don't know if I've actually, you know, full on just started bawling, but red dead, both red deads made me sad. The last of us both last of us games made me sad. Trying to think here. Those seem to be the 2 that really stick out.

Older you get, Peaches, and you'll kind of experience this over the next 20 years. But as you age, things start hitting you emotionally different, and that's okay. Yes. It's good. There's a scene in The Last of Us where, they see Is it be is it some giraffes.

Oh, okay. And I I I is it, like, kid related? Is that what you're talking about? I see. I I don't know.

Like, not even that. Like like like, big life moments start hitting you emotionally different. And I You go to a wedding and you're like, well, what am I feeling? Yeah. Unless you're me.

I'm like, get me out of here. I hate these weddings. So boring. But, yeah, it I think some of it has to do with kids too because there were definite moments in the last of us that it was a dad moment. Yeah.

Yeah. You know, that I'm like, oh. And I think that's a lot of what Bluey is too. Ah. If you're a parent, it gets a it's a love letter to parents.

It's a great, great show. Alright. Yeah. I I have not really watched it because that's, you know, behind my kids' times or after their time. Just go watch 1.

They're 5 minutes long, and you'll feel so many emotions. And then show up show up to Bluey the next day. So that way, you can tell Jade you showed up late because you were crying to Bluey. He would he would appreciate it. Jade likes stuff that makes you feel very emotional.

That's why Yeah. Whenever this because he's emotionless here. Like, he's just a walking NPC around this office. But anytime I see a music video that's like, oh, this will make somebody cry, I always send it to Jay. Yeah.

Right away. I'm like, hey. Check this video out. It's really good. Did he make you watch the music video for that dead dad song from Nothing More right after your dad died?

Yeah. On air. On air. Jeez. Yeah.

Yeah. Just, hey. I've got a song you should hear. I'm, like, listening to the words. I'm like, this is a dead dad song.

What are you doing? It's the noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Jalisco's I am peaches. And we're getting real real mayhem y today talking about family films. Mary Poppins. Mary Poppins.

I guess it's a classic. I remember watching it as a kid. I was not into isn't it isn't it a musical? Yeah. I'd say it's a musical.

Yeah. I'm not watching it. It's got some some songs. Right. Spoonful.

A spoonful. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's the only song I remember.

Something about the chimney. How to train your dragon came out in 2010. Okay. That that that's a pretty good movie. You watched it?

Mhmm. Oh, because your kids probably were very young at that time. Yeah. They liked it. They're 14.

I'm like, it's it's behind me now. I don't need care I don't care about the dragon. There was a dragon in it, a black dragon. Yeah. Named Toothless or something.

Yeah. And, thought it, looked It reminded me a lot of coup not Koopa. Dim, my other cat. Dim. Dim.

That explains a lot. Yes. Dim. Yes. The Wizard of Oz?

I think I suppose it's a classic. I suppose. I might be able to come up with 25. We'll we'll see how the rest of this list goes because I'm thinking of some must watches that are definitely more of a must watch than Mary Poppins. Inside out.

I I think it's a good movie. Yeah. Sure. How about the land before time? Oh, I That's another tear jerker.

It is. That movie, I I remember it, really bothering me as a child. I I I didn't like it when I was a kid because it was bothersome. What's big to you and the rest of the people that are your age that sort of died out with people my age and it's really dead with people younger than me, the Muppets. The Muppets.

Yeah. The Muppet movie came out 1979. I know a lot of people who are in their, like, forties to fifties to even older, that love the Muppets. And for me, I don't really care about watching. Like, sure, I saw Sesame Street and the Muppets as well and the all the puppets and all that, but I didn't really care for it all that much.

Yeah. Me either. I've, I was never into the Muppets even though they were big when I was young. Right. I just didn't didn't didn't like the show or the movies.

Beauty and the beast. I suppose it's a Disney classic. Sure. ET, the extraterrestrial. Alright.

Alright. Now we're now we're getting into some that I think we'll start, seeing some other movies that I would say are must watches. I'd I'd I'd say ET is. It's a kind of a scary movie. Right?

Like, you're 42. Yeah. You came out you you came out. You were born in what year? 82.

82. So that that that literally came out the year you were born. Woah. I thought it was later. No.

1982. Okay. Well, it's a it's a quality film. And then when you were living, the Sandlot came out, which is next on this list. That's a great movie.

It's fun. Not a kids' movie, though. Come on. Yeah. It is.

The language and the, you know It's a movie for 10 year olds. There's a lot of helicopter parents out there that are going that will probably go, they're chewing tobacco on a carnival ride? That's right. And they learned their lesson, peaches. They puked all over the place.

They did. It's a great scene. Great scene. Well, now kids can pop the zin and go on a carnival ride. Oh god.

The Lego Movie, that that was surprisingly a really good movie. I thought it was gonna be terrible because it's a movie about Legos. Yeah. But, it it was really good. It was a really good movie.

Is that the movie where Shaq's in it, and he goes, like, they're not gonna expect this, and then they go, oh, no. They were expecting that or or something like that. It's a stupid little there's so many Lego movies out there. Yeah. It's been a long time since I saw it.

WALL E. WALL E's really good too. Another sad movie. I'm crying for a robot, but be nice to him. He's just a little nice fella.

It's weird that movies can play with your emotions like that. Like, dude, it's real. Dude, I know. I'm like, with red dead and the last of us that we mentioned the last break, I've played these games before. And still, every time, there's a certain point in red dead where it's like, oh.

And then the last of us, I didn't expect it to get me, but it got me a few times last night where I'm like, oh, jeez. This is this is real emotional. Yeah. I haven't played any, like, emotional video game at all as of late. I mean, the last game I played, Indiana Jones.

That's that's that's a that's a fun game. Adventure. Yeah. Well, the the evil guy, Vos, has a thick German accent, and it's fun hearing him talk. Yeah.

Yeah. I'm sure there are some other, games that I'm not thinking of that are, in the heart wrenching. Too. Like, heart wrenching games and good on that list too. There's gotta be a lot of It's the noon hour of lists.

That's right. Home alone, obviously, in a central movie. Gotta see that. Gotta see that. See the one with realistic robbers on Family Guy where Harry and Marv shoot the kid.

Just it's over in one scene. That's what they said. Like but they said, like, oh, don't step on this little toy car. It's obviously a trap. And then Kevin's at the top of the stairs going, oh, and then Harry just shoots him.

That's so bad. March of the Penguins, I I think it's a it's another sad nature film. Yeah. I haven't watched it. It's always like it the always most the the most ferocious scenes when it comes to those and then you hear, like, a like, you hear David Attenborough's voice just taco comedy to you.

Like, yeah. Watch the animal get mauled on screen. I know. It's gut showing too. Yeah.

I I haven't watched it. Coco, way past my time. Didn't care for them. I thought it was a good movie. You did you watch that with your kids?

The Iron Giant came out when I was 3. Wow. Yeah. That one, I don't remember it. I did see it, but you always see it pop up on best movie list.

Well, I guess it also was really bad. Poorly reviewed when it came out, but then when it came out to VHS, that's when it started to pick up. I didn't realize the Iron Giant is Vin Diesel. I didn't know that either. It just said it right here.

And what is easily the best role of Vin Diesel's career? Not clearly, it's Vin Diesel in the pacifier. That's one of my favorite movies. Ah, yeah. Yeah.

Good stuff. Good stuff. Spirited Away also made this list. Oh, that's a really good movie. I haven't seen that one, and, one of my close friends was like, yeah.

You should watch Grave of the Fireflies considering you have a younger sister. And I'm like, what what are you trying to tell me to watch here? Like, I feel like and I've heard from multiple people that movie is incredibly sad. Dude, all of those Studio Ghibli movies are they're something else, man. They're very unique, and the spirited away is very bizarre.

Should we go through the rest of this list real fast? How many are left? 3. Let's save it for the next break. Next break?

There's 3 movies left. Yeah. But we might wanna talk about them. Why? I don't know.

I'm I thought we wanna get to the heart wrenching games in the next break. Yeah. Let's let's do this, and then we'll get to heart wrenching games. Okay. Fine.

Alright, Victor. We have 3 more movies here on this list of 25 movies every child should watch before age 13. Alright. I'm I'm excited to see what the top 3 are. There have been a lot of Well, it's not top 3.

It's just random assortment. It's not it's not like a top ranker list. List. Oh, okay. I thought it was ranker list because I was gonna say so far, they've had some that, I thought would have been higher up on the list.

So that makes sense. Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory. Alright. Which one? I guess he arrived.

Gene Wilder. Alright. That that's a quality film. It's classic. Have you watched the new one with Johnny Depp?

No. The even newer one. No. I'm not watching a third adaptation of the movie. I've heard Only one needs to be original again.

I know, but I've heard it's really good. Who plays Willy Wonka? What's that guy from Dune? You know, the weird version dude. Dune.

I don't care for that. Dude, Dune is awesome. Willy Wonka oh, I put Will Wonka. Willy Wonka. Called Wonka.

You're right. Willy Wonka movie Wonka. Timothy Chalamet. Oh, yeah. Okay.

That's who what his name is. No. Thank you. Yeah. But I saw mister Bean is in it.

Rowan Atkinson here. In oh, mister Bean. I didn't realize he was still around doing it. Father Julius. Who's father Julius?

And then the chief of police in the movie is Keegan Michael Key. Wow. They're really going all out for this movie. There, police in the I I don't maybe it's a quite different adaptation. Armed with nothing but a hat full of dreams, young chocolatier, Willy Wonka, manages to change the world one delectable bite at a time.

Oh, it's a prequel. Yeah. It's a prequel. Okay. Well, that that that could make it interesting.

I did hear that it's really, really good. Is there an origin to the Oompa Loompas, how he found those? Probably. Can you imagine he just made those in a lab? He's like, I'm gonna clone this, like, tiny little short helper worker.

Yeah. Hopefully, it's a dark a dark tale. Because the Oompa Loompa situation is, it it just doesn't seem appropriate to me. But Why not? Because Are they exploiting short people to be workers?

Exactly. Do do they get paid? I don't know. Like, all the chocolates you could ever want? No.

It's like radio. It's a labor of love. Oh, okay. That's why they're doing it, for exposure. Yeah.

For exposure. They get all the free chocolates like the pizza party. Okay. Spider Man into the Spider Verse. Dude, that's that's a really good movie.

It's, it's pretty crazy. Have you seen it? No. Oh, yeah. It's, My Spider Man's Tobey Maguire.

Yeah. Into the spider verse, I didn't expect much out of it at all, but it's, the way they did the animation's really cool. No. I only care about the the the Tobey Maguire Spider Man. I did see the the was it the homecoming one?

Because he was Tobey Maguire was in it along with Andrew Garfield, that whole, like, reunion of the 3 Spider Mans. Yeah. Yeah. That was a good movie. Yeah.

The the newer Spider Man movies are pretty good. I'm excited. I need to watch the sequel to venom. I liked venom 1, and I don't think I did see Venom 2. I don't think I saw Venom 2 either.

Venom 1 was pretty good. I know there's Venom 3 out there now or something like that. Man, they're just too rapid. Yeah. Too many there's every that's that was a thing that people were talking about online was that, all the movies now, for some reason, need a sequel.

We don't we don't need a Toy Story 4 No. Or 5. Dude, and as someone who reads, man, there's so many good stories out there that would make excellent movies. Hollywood's just weird, man. They're afraid to try anything new.

There's people on TikTok all the time talking about these great concepts. 1 of my friends just sent me one of how dinosaurs actually sounded like parrots. And it was, like, people that went through, like, a wormhole, and they would go back in time, like, 200,000,000 years and get stuck. And so there's another team that had to go out there and go rescue them in the land of dinosaurs where they can mimic you like parrots or something like that. Interesting.

Yeah. I thought that'd be pretty cool to see. Yeah, dude. It's it's unfortunate. Because year after year, when you see, you know, the best movies of the year, there are never sequels or remakes.

No. It's always original content. Yeah. A lot of the stuff you would see at, like, was it the Sundance music Sundance movie film festival. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. I know whiplash was Yeah. A huge movie that came from that festival. That was a fantastic movie.

Great movie. Great movie for sure. Last one on this list of best movies every child should watch before age 13, the princess bride, which is one of my absolute favorite movies. I don't know why people hate on that one. I yeah.

I mean, I really like it. They've left a few off this list that surprised me, though. No Goonies? No Goonies. Well, Goonies is also, like, kinda traumatizing.

It it's like a horror movie almost for kids. I mean, you imagine seeing slot? Ah, you know, like Yeah. But it it I don't think it's that scary. I mean a lot in that movie too.

Yeah. There's a little bit of bad language. Talking about the sandlot on here. You know, there's Yeah. There's gonna be people like my cousin Marcy who's gonna be like, my kids can't watch that.

They said crap. Yeah. I mean, if you're gonna have the sandlot, you'd have to have the goonies, I would think. What about, the never ending story? Is that another one that's just too What about the brave little toaster?

Or even that. I mean, I wasn't a big fan of that show, but but sure. Why not the brave little toaster? Yeah. There there were a lot of great, eighties and early nineties movies that I'm I'm kinda the Goonies is the main one that I thought for sure would be on that list with some of the other stuff.

You wanna tell me kids would enjoy that Charlie Chaplin movie from the twenties No. No. No. No. No.

The Goonies is a classic. I'm shocked with the original Star Wars, maybe. Star Wars. Like, like, what else is there that it could be? I mean, they're I I don't know why I'm drawing a blank here, but there's so many.

So many great movies. I'm I'm glad I grew up in the time with all my kids' shows and stuff with Drake and Josh and the Suite Life of Zack and Cody and all that. I mean, after that, it seemed so stupid. Yeah. When I was a kid, it I it feels like it was great.

We had Runnin' Stimpy. We had, the Ninja Turtles. That was big for him. And that was a little after my time. That's more of my time.

Yeah. But I I really liked that show. It was really good. There was that show, mister Meaty. That was barely on the TV.

I don't even remember that one. Super creepy. It was a kid's, like, puppet show, and they, like, would battle monsters working at the restaurant. It was gross. It was some gross stuff in that show.

Sounds right up my alley. Yeah. Meet the Feebles. How about that? Hell.

We put it on the Yeah. Come on. Bad taste. Dead alive. Mac and me, Death to Smoochy.

Put them all on that list. Yeah. Every one of them. Every one of them. Why don't you photoshop together Victor's 25 move movies that you should watch before you're 13.

Human Centipede. Human Centipede. You know? What else is there? There is a Hereditary.

Hereditary. Throw it just throw it all in the mix. Wrapping up this noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Jalisco's with, a gaming question. What's what's the, saddest game you've ever played? Somebody asked this on Reddit, and the top answer is The Last of Us.

I was gonna say, I think The Last of Us might be more sad than Red Dead. There has been a game on Xbox Game Pass that seems kinda dumb called what remains of Edith Finch. That popped up on my That's popped up on multiple lists so far that I've looked at, and a lot of people play that game just simply because it's easier to, get achievements for. Oh, okay. I I haven't even heard of it.

But they do have red dead. Well, they only have part 2 on here. I'd say the first one's pretty sad. Which one is sadder? That's the other question.

Because I feel like all the Arthur Morgan story is sadder than just John Marston. Well, I What happens to him and the avenging moment? I think in, Red Dead 2, you know, you get a lot you get to know Arthur way better as a character than you do John John in part 1. It's a much longer game. The story's better.

Everything is much deeper. And Red Dead gives you a few different moments that, hit you with the sadness. Also, if you've played red dead 1 before you play red dead 2, it makes both games even sadder. But I think the last of us might be and the combo of the 2, last of us 1 and 2, that that might take the crown for the saddest. I'm seeing a lot of people saying the same things.

The last of us, then there's also the walking dead video game that also is incredibly sad. I never played that. Life is Strange that's popping up everywhere. Yeah. My daughters really like that game, and, I've seen them play through it.

It's one of those ones where, you know, you, like, just make choices. It's not, like, action based. You know, it's more of a story play, and it'll be like, hey. If you wanna do this, push triangle, this push circle. And the story, I think, goes different depending on your decisions.

They just Conker's Bad Fur Day made the list of the saddest tear jerking endings in gaming history. I don't remember the end, but it's not a game that would ever have popped in my mind. Allowed to, like, talk about the the little tagline here to spoil it a little, or do you think people are gonna wanna play that? I mean, that game's 30 years old. Just said despite his victory, the only thing Conker could think about is the loss of his girlfriend, Berry.

Oh, I don't remember that. I don't remember that, but I really grew up with that. 4 made the list of one of the saddest endings of all time. Yeah. And I'm about to play through that again, and I don't remember the ending.

So don't spoil it for me, but, I'm just scrolling down this list here. Oh, they got Final Fantasy 10. That's definitely really sad. Oh, yeah. Halo Reach.

I forgot about the, the ending of that game. You're like, man, that sucks. Yeah. Mother 3 or earthbound 2 ish. Anyway, mother 3 is pretty sad for sure.

I I I'd say Earthbound's pretty sad too. Sad games are great. Sad games are great. Which one? I'm on game rant.

I wanna see what they rank as number 1. How did Far Cry 3 make this list? I mean, I played that game. That's one of my favorite games of all time, and I'm wondering why exactly. Maybe there was something I forgot about that game.

My daughter was telling me the other day I need to play, Far Cry 5. Said she thought I'd really like it. Oh, Far Cry 5 is funny because if you play it and you see the people in that game, it reminds you a little bit of people around in this area, even more so in Montana. It's a fake place in Montana. Oh.

This game takes place. That's what they told me. Yes. And there's, like, these cult followers, and they're all, like, wanting it's it's it's a game that you need to definitely experience for sure. I'm shocked you haven't played it because of the the implications of what it kinda like like I said before, it just makes this it really gets the people here in the area, like the country folk.

Yeah. That's what they said. That's what they said. Oh, this dumb list I'm looking at, it stops at number 6 and doesn't give me the top 5. That's weird.

Yeah. It says Bioshock 2 is also on this list of one of the saddest endings for a great game. It's got a pretty sad ending. It's a really good game. Well, anyway, I I really wanted to see what they thought the the top 5 were on here, but I guess we can't.

Yeah. There was a gamer rant list I was looking at and That's what I was looking at. Game rant. The whole list was messed up. It said, like, 5 and 13, then 12, then 4.

It was Oh, maybe that's the problem because I got down to the very bottom after scrolling endlessly and, yeah, did not have a top 5. Right. Yeah. So okay. Well, that was fun.

Oh, Inside also made the list. That game that you play. Yeah. I mean, I I guess it's got kind of a, you know, a downer overall feeling to it. But, yeah.

What a great way to end the noon hour. You know, do something sad this weekend. Play the bunch of shirts. Bioshock Infinite. Play that game.

Yeah. Dude, I I'm I'm about ready to fire up the last of us 2. I don't know. I've got a nice pile of changes all on this one. I'm trying I'm you say you're in a stream over the last weekend Yeah.

And you didn't do it. I was waiting for you. Well, I'm having too much fun playing on my big TV. I just I don't wanna go play on the computer. It's but give me the computer, Danny.

The noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Haliscos is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information, Oh, wow. It's all of my spit wrong while I was still talking. That's funny. Alright.

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