We Are Liars - A Pretty Little Liars Podcast

Emily decodes Ian's suicide letter while the Hastings put together Ian's funeral. Mike's been breaking into the houses of Rosewood and Jason catches him! Hanna and Caleb reunite with a kiss <3

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Creators & Guests

Ilissa Daley
Co-Founder, Producer and Podcast Personality at Total Betty Podcast Network
Michelle Rubinstein
Co Founder, Producer and Podcast Personality at Total Betty Podcast Network

What is We Are Liars - A Pretty Little Liars Podcast?

Every Wednesday join Liss and Michelle from Total Betty Podcast Network as they rewatch and discuss (spoiler free) each episode of Pretty Little Liars.


[00:00:00] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: We're going to get a voicemail and it's like in Michelle and Ilissa's voice. Oh, I will. You'll never hear from me again.

[00:00:10] ILISSA TENIO: You'll never hear from me

[00:00:11] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: again. You'll never, no, that's the day I retire

[00:00:14] ILISSA TENIO: from podcasting.

[00:00:33] ILISSA TENIO: Well, let's get started. I have a question. Daphne wants to know, out of all the girls bedrooms so far, which one is your favorite? Uh, I feel like we haven't seen Hannah's.

[00:00:44] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Yeah, we only see the downstairs of Hannah's.

[00:00:46] ILISSA TENIO: We've seen Aria's bedroom, which is like very moody. Dark. Spencer's is usually kind of dark too, and Emily's has the nice bay window.

[00:00:55] ILISSA TENIO: I would pick

[00:00:55] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Emily's. I think Emily's, and doesn't Emily, it seems like she's got a little nook. [00:01:00] Or Spencer's also has a little nook, it seems. Also, Aria's is too dark, I need Sunley. Hers fits

[00:01:06] ILISSA TENIO: her perfectly. Yeah. Yeah, it's just moody. Yeah.

[00:01:11] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Okay. We'll go with we'll

[00:01:12] ILISSA TENIO: go with Emily's Emily. Yeah. Well, we'll pick Emily's room I just always wanted a bay window or like a seat like a seat at the window

[00:01:21] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: We kind of have that upstairs in our living room, but I don't yeah sit in it the cats.


[00:01:28] ILISSA TENIO: actually, I always wanted just a bench like a nice window bench Yeah. Yeah. It's a thing. That's a thing. Yeah. Well, we hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving break. If you haven't checked out Michelle's episode with Simon, I highly recommend. It was adorable, and I just love Simon's voice. Oh my gosh. It's so

[00:01:50] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: soothing.

[00:01:51] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Right? He has a great oddcaster voice, and that was a great story. So he shares about attending the coronation and what that was like. So if you haven't listened, [00:02:00] please

[00:02:00] ILISSA TENIO: check it out. Yeah, well, this is We Are Liars podcast. We discuss pretty little liars. If you're interested, I'm Lyss. And I'm Michelle. And we're talking about season 2 episode 5.

[00:02:12] ILISSA TENIO: Can you believe we've done five weeks? No. And, like, three out of five have been virtual. I know. I know. We're virtual again tonight, but that's okay, because we're going to discuss The Devil You Know, which aired July 12, 2011, written by Maya Goldsmith and directed by Michael Grossman. With the shocking news about Ian making the rounds through Rosewood, The liars and their families all try to cope with the outcome.

[00:02:42] ILISSA TENIO: Hannah gets a surprising look into Caleb's life after his shady foster mother surfaces. I totally forgot about this. Janet. I mean, I don't remember if she's a thing again, to be honest, but I forgot this whole thing happened. Yeah. Yeah. Sketchy Tim Riggs. I

[00:02:59] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: love [00:03:00] him. I, he's just He makes me swoon. So I love this character so much.

[00:03:07] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: I don't know what it is about him. Well first i'm like, oh my god He's wearing like a diamond jacket And then it's his voice and then the kiss on the forehead. Oh,

[00:03:16] ILISSA TENIO: I love the kiss on the forehead I love I love him so much me too. You know what else we love a good old Fashion review. We love

[00:03:28] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: reviews. We did get one.

[00:03:30] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: It is titled, titled. Sometimes your brain and your tongue don't match, right? As the night goes on, that comes worse for me. Okay. Titled, Dive back into the bonkers world of PLL with We Are Liars. This is from A. Kate Miller, which It's always felt

[00:03:51] ILISSA TENIO: backwards. Yes. We figured that out. Now we figured it out. Now.

[00:03:55] ILISSA TENIO: Yeah.

[00:03:57] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Uh, she rated five stars among the [00:04:00] many PLL podcasts to choose from. This one is the very best. The hosts are self proclaimed teen drama aficionados that bring extensive experience and hilarious insights to recapping this show. They also take questions and comments from listeners for every single episode.

[00:04:15] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Watch, listen, and get involved. You'll have an amazing time. Aww.

[00:04:20] ILISSA TENIO: Thanks, Kate. Yes. So sweet. And that really means a lot. We appreciate the review. And as I've teased in the past, we have a phone number that you can also leave us a little message. I think you'll hear one in this episode. Mm hmm. Stay tuned. A very, a very interesting one, but if you are looking to reach us by voicemail, the number is 631 600 3916.

[00:04:45] ILISSA TENIO: Leave us a little review, question, love note, whatever it is we want to hear from you. And pardon my, if you're on visual, you'll see I keep wiping my eye, a post COVID symptom for me, a clogged tear duct. [00:05:00] Oh,

[00:05:01] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: I'm telling you, the post

[00:05:02] ILISSA TENIO: symptoms. The post symptoms are still symptoming. Yeah.

[00:05:06] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Yeah. Yeah. Is that the only one you're experiencing?

[00:05:10] ILISSA TENIO: Uh, Yeah, I mean, there's some times where I have like a very slight tickle that it feels like I have to cough, but then a cough doesn't come out. That's fun. Randy has that. That's his, like, thing. And we're both just like really tired, so. Oh, yeah.

[00:05:24] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: So weird, but yes, the symptoms will, it's like the gift that keeps on giving.

[00:05:29] ILISSA TENIO: It really is. Yes, everyone be careful out there this holiday season. Yeah. Yeah. Um, I'm gonna start with Emily today because I feel like she had the pretty hefty storyline going on. I love her this episode. Yeah. So the girls are obviously still shooketh of this Ian situation, them all finding his body. And Emily can't like specifically put her finger on it, but she's like something is just not right.

[00:05:57] ILISSA TENIO: Right? With this situation. Something's wrong [00:06:00] with this super side note. Something is going on here. And then Garrett comes over to the girls and he's like, yeah, Ian's body has been there for about a week. So the girls are now realizing that the person who was texting Melissa obviously wasn't Ian. And I thought the way that Garrett presented this is like, yeah, Ian's been dead for a week.

[00:06:21] ILISSA TENIO: It could have been worse. I'm like, what? I am

[00:06:25] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: so glad Liss, that you said something. I rewound this part three times. I was very much taken aback with his delivery on that. And my first note, in caps, says, Could have been worse? Question mark, exclamation mark.

[00:06:41] ILISSA TENIO: Who says that? I know, and I was like, what could have been worse?

[00:06:45] ILISSA TENIO: Like, the fact that the body then had decayed, that's worse than finding a fresh dead body in my opinion. So I don't know what he was saying. I don't know what they wrote in that, what it was supposed to mean or be, [00:07:00] but I thought it was very off putting and confusing.

[00:07:02] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: I agree. I did not like it. I didn't like it

[00:07:04] ILISSA TENIO: at all.

[00:07:07] ILISSA TENIO: So then later on, Emily goes to drop off this random package for her mom. This whole thing, I feel like I like, you know, just blew over because I'm like, what is this package? It has really nothing to do. But she sees a familiar face there. The gentleman, Logan Reed, who was at the drop off in the finale of last season with Ian with the supposed ransom money.

[00:07:30] ILISSA TENIO: And so Emily. She sees him, and then she leaves, but then the next time she sees him, she questions him, and he is like trying to dodge her. Please don't ask me anything. I don't know anything. He says, I was hired for delivery. I never saw who hired me. I only spoke to them on the phone, and it was a woman.

[00:07:49] ILISSA TENIO: Were you surprised? I wasn't,

[00:07:52] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: and I was like, oh, it's Jenna. Like, automatically it was Jenna. Where I was taken aback more was the name of this place, the Speed Demon Express. [00:08:00]

[00:08:01] ILISSA TENIO: I know, I'm like, they couldn't use, like, I guess, they couldn't use UPS, they couldn't use FedEx. But

[00:08:06] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: like, speed, it fits. It fits in this world of, uh, pretty little liars.

[00:08:13] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: I mean, I guess it could have been Rosewood. Shipping and parcel or something. True, yeah.

[00:08:17] ILISSA TENIO: Speed

[00:08:18] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Demon, ah, that was

[00:08:20] ILISSA TENIO: strange. Very strange. I kept referencing it as the packaging store. Yeah. Because it was like the random single packaging store in Grosewood. Yeah. It was very strange. But Emily hears this and she does try to talk to Spencer about it and unfortunately Spencer's just not in the headspace because like obviously they're burying her dead brother in law who everyone hated.

[00:08:43] ILISSA TENIO: So, she's having, you know, she's having a rough time with that. But then Emily decides she's gonna tell Garrett. About Logan Reed and the woman on the phone and thinking he is an ally, but in reality, Garrett is the one paying Logan to [00:09:00] leave and telling Jenna he took care of it. So I don't really remember how this is all intertwined, but it seems as though, as you said, Jenna was the one on the phone call.

[00:09:12] ILISSA TENIO: Hiring Logan to bring the money, which is weird, like, how does one tie in with the other?

[00:09:19] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Okay, so you're, you're my fearless leader, and if you're a little, like,

[00:09:24] ILISSA TENIO: confused Well, like, there's things that I think I know, but I don't obviously want to tell you, and it doesn't, it seems very complicated at the moment.

[00:09:34] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Yeah, there's lots of layers here. But the layer and kind of puzzle of, oh, Logan Reed is back, female voice, Garrett, it's like, here's the thing, anytime Garrett is involved, I'm like, oh, Jenna's gonna be in this episode, or Jenna's gonna be covered because we saw them together, so that was kind of easy to figure out.

[00:09:57] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Right. But like, to think of why [00:10:00] she was paying him or Garrett was paying, I'm like, Right. That's

[00:10:04] ILISSA TENIO: the reasoning where you're like, wait, how does, how does Ian tie in with Garrett and Jenna? Right, right, right. But that night, Garrett was the one to work with the girls. Yeah. So, he obviously knows something he's not telling them or, or anyone at the moment.

[00:10:19] ILISSA TENIO: Obviously. Yeah. Emily, Yeah. Gets a text from A that basically tells her, like, that suicide note looks familiar, right, and Emily goes back and she decodes every single text the girls have gotten from A, and this suicide note is just compiled of all texts that they had received, and so Emily is, like, Oh, this is weird.

[00:10:40] ILISSA TENIO: Brings it to the girls attention. This is when Spencer's like, I can't deal with this now. And then we have the last scene, which I LOL'd because it was just so campy with this projector. Um, the girls, Emily gets a text from A. A texts Emily twice this episode, like. Pay attention to this. Oh, the [00:11:00] suicide note doesn't look real?

[00:11:01] ILISSA TENIO: That's because it's not. And so she finds this like, the plot of graves that, that was like what her mother was sending. It was very confusing. I know! That was so weird! I don't know where it tied in, but The point is, Emily goes to the gravesite of Allison and Ian and brings the other girls with her and during this time they witness a longer version of the tape between Allison and Ian.

[00:11:30] ILISSA TENIO: Ian, and this extended version shows that Allie was still alive when Ian left that day, night, whatever, it was still light out, so I'm gonna say it's day, and so even though the girls, you know, had buried Ian that day, they're like, I don't think he killed her, because he was alive, and she was alive, and this is when they realize, like, Yeah, we think A obviously set us, set us up, set Ian up, but why?

[00:11:58] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Yeah, and that whole, [00:12:00] like, they, they had the conversation of, Oh, so A's trying to help us.

[00:12:04] ILISSA TENIO: Right, but how is that really, it's not really helping them. It's just giving them information. It's just blaming the death on Ian when in reality it's someone else. Right, and then why would that help the girls right

[00:12:21] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: and yeah, yeah, although I have to say I give it up to Emily She was great.

[00:12:28] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Mm hmm using my skills and for that clicking of like going through every text. I was like, wow Okay,

[00:12:35] ILISSA TENIO: Emily. Yeah, she was like the little Spencer. She's great. I loved her in this role Yeah, me too. Kate had mentioned something about Emily that she was reading. The heart is a lonely hunter And this book is written by Carson McCullers Does that name sound familiar?

[00:12:54] ILISSA TENIO: Of course, that's Paige's father. Last name. Well, Paige's last name is McCullers. [00:13:00] Right. So, she wanted to know if we had It's a real book, had either of us read it, and does that name have to do, like a coincidence, that that author's last name is McCullers, and Paige's last name is McCullers. Yeah, I Never picked up on that.

[00:13:14] ILISSA TENIO: A happy accident or not? I don't really know. But no, I've never read it. Good eye, Kate. I guess when you watch this show over and over again. Right, you start noticing. Kate like loves this show. It's like a comfort show for her, so.

[00:13:24] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: She can pick up on all the details of like, you know, what movie's playing, TV show, books, posters, all that good stuff.

[00:13:30] ILISSA TENIO: Yeah, which is great and helpful for me because it's like basically like my second time watching it. Right. Even though I've watched it like five times at this point, but you know, I get the, I don't get the small details. Okay, so over to Spencer. She and the family are dealing with the aftermath of the Ian situation.

[00:13:47] ILISSA TENIO: Melissa is like a shell of herself. She can't even speak and It's apparent that Ian doesn't have any family or no one that actually cares about him, so Spencer feels like it's only right for them [00:14:00] to just give him a proper funeral, a burial, nothing, you know, fancy, but just to help Melissa move on. How do you feel about this?

[00:14:10] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: How do you feel

[00:14:10] ILISSA TENIO: about I think it was the right thing to do. Right. It

[00:14:15] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: was the right thing. I'm like, do the family I just, like, this whole time, I wanted Melissa to look at that suicide note and be like, that's not his handwriting. Right. Like, I refuse to believe this, that Ian could do this, because Unless, unless it really mocked his handwriting.

[00:14:37] ILISSA TENIO: Right, we don't see the handwriting. Like, we don't know what

[00:14:40] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Ian's handwriting is. See Ian's, like, you don't know what it looks like. And so, yeah, unless it really was, they made it look like his and that's why it's not spoken about.

[00:14:50] ILISSA TENIO: Right. You know, because Spencer and the girls have just been like drilling it into everyone's head, like, hey, this guy's no [00:15:00] good, he's a killer, he tried to hurt me, he told me he tried to kill Allison, and then hearing that there actually was, and her witnessing and seeing that there was a note, I guess she just, Like you said, either the handwriting is very similar, or she just, like, had to believe it because it was, like, right there in her face, and she's like, okay, I guess this is the truth.

[00:15:25] ILISSA TENIO: And in this episode, she does Have to deal with the fact that she says, says to her sister, like, I'm, I'm sorry that I chose him over you and like, I didn't believe you and that I didn't know he was capable of these things. So she really is believing the facade, if it's true or not true. I mean, just because they, Show that he might not have killed Ali doesn't mean he's not particularly a great guy

[00:15:51] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Right doesn't mean he has a ton of shady stuff and and Veronica also owned up to stuff as well Which I did appreciate, you know, it was about regardless of the [00:16:00] Ian stuff.

[00:16:00] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: It's like can we just be by your daughter? And

[00:16:04] ILISSA TENIO: yeah, I was happy to hear that she apologized and realized that she shouldn't have kept her friends from her. Like, oh, I'm sorry I did that. I was the one who orchestrated it. I'm really proud of you. You work so hard. So we did get some positive moments between the Hastings.

[00:16:23] ILISSA TENIO: Um, but ultimately they had to bury someone that nobody really in the town likes, you know, I'm sure just really just, uh, Just an awkward day for everyone because they're burying someone who the town thinks killed Allison and at that time pretty much everyone there thought that he killed Allison and then there's Melissa who was married to him like it's just.

[00:16:48] ILISSA TENIO: And pregnant right? And she's pregnant with his child with a girl. Her and Spencer have such a nice moment when they talk about that she's gonna have a girl and then literally everything is ruined. [00:17:00] When Ian's cell phone goes off in Spencer's bag, and Melissa just goes off. She doesn't even want to hear Spencer.

[00:17:09] ILISSA TENIO: She is like, I hate you, I never want to talk to you ever again, I can't believe you would do this to me. You were the one who was texting me when Ian was dead, just, and that was it. And it was awful and she was about

[00:17:21] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: to say something she was about to admit something and share a secret And of course, I mean she goes from zero to a thousand I was like, this is like I get it but also this is like really fucking dramatic.


[00:17:37] ILISSA TENIO: so Dramatic

[00:17:39] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: you can't even get a word like Spencer cannot even get a

[00:17:42] ILISSA TENIO: word in. She's trying to say stuff, like, listen to me. And also, like, not for nothing, but if she was trying to hide the fact that she had Ian's phone, why would she try, like, pick it up in front of her? Exactly. You know? Like, oh, I changed my ringer.

[00:17:54] ILISSA TENIO: And also, like,

[00:17:55] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: look at, she has such a genuine surprised face of like, I don't even [00:18:00] know how, like, what this is.

[00:18:03] ILISSA TENIO: Kate wants to know what was our favorite funeral look.

[00:18:09] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: I gotta say, Kate, I thought these looks were something that I would never wear. I think Hannah's was the most, I loved her little,

[00:18:19] ILISSA TENIO: I just called it a mini veil.

[00:18:21] ILISSA TENIO: Let's call it that.

[00:18:23] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: But her dress was very revealing. It was

[00:18:25] ILISSA TENIO: revealing. I think I liked Aria's look the most. It was very grown up. Though, yeah, I didn't, I like Daria's hair. I didn't particularly like, like anyone's. Emily's was as boring as boring, because that's, you know. I guess that's the most appropriate.

[00:18:41] ILISSA TENIO: Yeah, right. That's true. Vic wants to know what if we change out our purses a lot, because how could Spencer not realize that she had the phone in her bag? Honestly, I don't think I would realize if I had a cell phone in my bag. Kurt, like a Motorola Razr, like a little one, at this point. Point [00:19:00] in time. I probably my bag is so small.

[00:19:04] ILISSA TENIO: Yeah,

[00:19:06] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: that I'm only in there to get my wallet That's a most of the time. It's just like you're grabbing it for my keys. Sometimes I don't even put my keys in there I'm saying

[00:19:15] ILISSA TENIO: my pocket put my phone on my keys in my coat pocket And then I just leave and I hope and pray that my wallets in my bag, right?

[00:19:22] ILISSA TENIO: That's it, right? Yeah, yeah, but I never change out my bag unless I get a new bag cuz cuz I'm just practical like that Yeah. Sam. Sam. Yeah. Okay. So Aria, she and Ezra are hanging out in his office at Hollis and you know, they're talking about the Ian incident because everyone else is and they're like chummy and touching each other and Jackie sees and then I love it.

[00:19:47] ILISSA TENIO: She's like makes her presence known. She's like, Oh, hey. But, you know, you can tell she's like, doesn't really know what to do with the situation. She's like, do I make it awkward? Do I not? And then she makes it awkward, which I [00:20:00] loved. I think she had, she was like, so perfectly condescending to piss off Aria.

[00:20:04] ILISSA TENIO: She's like, Oh, I remember you. You're Byron's daughter. Like, aren't you? In high school, you can call her, you know, let her call you by your first name Z, which is a nickname that they had given him in college. It just, it was so perfect. I'm like, go Jackie, because I can't stand these.

[00:20:20] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: I agree. I was so here for it.

[00:20:23] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: We need more

[00:20:23] Jackie.

[00:20:24] ILISSA TENIO: Yeah, which is so funny because the first time I watched this, obviously, I was like, Get Jackie out of here. She's terrible. Now I'm like, Not between my Azaria. Azaria heart. No, please. I was like, Please go in Jackie. And as Aria is obviously annoyed and pissed that, you know, Jackie can give him a nickname and Jackie can hang out with him in public.

[00:20:45] ILISSA TENIO: And they have a brief conversation, barely, about You know, what does it mean for them and being in the outside world now, and they don't really talk about how they're going to, like, progress, but just the fact that they want to progress, but there's no talks about how they're going to do it. [00:21:00]

[00:21:00] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Yeah. The whole, like, her making fun of him for having a nickname was so stupid.

[00:21:07] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Well, yeah. Like, what do you think? Just added dialogue. Z. And then she's like, I had one when I was younger, a pookie bear. I was like, this conversation can end. Jackie, come back in, honey. Come back in,

[00:21:20] ILISSA TENIO: please. You're being summoned, Jackie. You're being summoned. Right off

[00:21:24] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: this stupid conversation. Jackie, come on in, come on in.

[00:21:26] ILISSA TENIO: Please! Yeah. I know, I just, I can't, and this show does it so much, and it's just, I don't know if it's a ABC Family Freeform thing, but like, why do we have to add words when they're not necessary? I agree. They're just so, they just don't need to be there. Yeah. Just take, the acting will speak for itself.

[00:21:44] ILISSA TENIO: Just have a look. That's it. It's so true, it's so true, it's just frustrating. Um, Vic wants to know, will Ezra and Aria continue to have issues over Jackie?

[00:21:55] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Oh. Oh, I hope so. Please tell me she's not on the island. She's not. Okay, great. [00:22:00] No, I, um, I want meddling. Like, me too. Needs to continue. I'm very hopeful

[00:22:07] ILISSA TENIO: for that.

[00:22:08] ILISSA TENIO: Yeah. I don't remember, like, exactly what happens, but I remember, It happens. Some shit happens. It happens, yeah. During this episode, I teased that we would find out what Mike's secret was and We see a scene where a black hooded figure is about to break into Jason's house and Jason catches said black hoodie.

[00:22:33] ILISSA TENIO: Were you surprised that like Jason was face to face with a black hoodie? I was. What did you think was gonna happen?

[00:22:40] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: I, well, first I didn't think we would get a reveal. I was like, oh shit, we are setting it up for Jason is like shady shit. But then we see Mike and then I was like Oh my god. Was he the one Were you like his Mike A?

[00:22:53] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Well, not his Mike A, but did he, was he the one who broke in? Like, did he take the camping gear? Like, I [00:23:00] started thinking about past episodes. And then the whole breaking into Spencer's

[00:23:04] ILISSA TENIO: house. And shoving his own sister. Right. So Body checking her.

[00:23:10] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: You know, I know we found out his secret, but we don't rea not really.

[00:23:14] ILISSA TENIO: Like, we don't really, um, know why that he does it. Like, for a high? Right, like, some listeners want to know, like, why do you think Mike does this, and I honestly just think, like, an attention thing, or, like, not an attention thing, because obviously people don't know that it's him, but, like, just the fact that you could get away with it.

[00:23:35] ILISSA TENIO: I think it's, like, thrill

[00:23:36] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: seeking. Yeah.

[00:23:38] ILISSA TENIO: That's honestly really it. I mean, obviously he's had, they've had a lot of stuff going on in the family that he just probably needed like an escapism somehow just to feel like something exciting. I don't really know.

[00:23:54] To

[00:23:54] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: give him this storyline is just to give us another, like, throw us off the [00:24:00] track, especially with him wearing a black

[00:24:01] ILISSA TENIO: hood.

[00:24:02] ILISSA TENIO: Right. It's frustrating a little bit because, you know, you wanna believe the fantasy of, you know, A is all being all around, and then you find out, okay, it's Mike, so you're like, alright, well, that's kind of boring. So, like, that part gets summed up, that these break ins weren't A, they were Mike, and Jason doesn't call the cops, he brings Mike to Aria, and this scene was like, oh, so cringy to me, I wanted so much more, and I'm like, please stop.

[00:24:32] ILISSA TENIO: Just stop. Here. Okay. The looks,

[00:24:36] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: the looks. Okay, good. Okay. I'm so glad we're on the same page about this because

[00:24:39] ILISSA TENIO: I was, I mean, you know how much I love him. I was like, guys, I'm watching

[00:24:44] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: in bed and I'm like, there is no way that my little Lissy Tenyo is at home fawning over this situation right now because he's just staring like a

[00:24:54] ILISSA TENIO: guppy and he's staring back.

[00:24:56] ILISSA TENIO: She's like, okay, bye. Like, thanks. She was

[00:24:58] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: good in this scene. [00:25:00] She's like, can. I help you with anything else. He's just staring. He's so

[00:25:04] ILISSA TENIO: awkward with her. Yeah, I hated it. Super cringy. It was super cringy and I just couldn't stand it. And he's like, yeah, obviously, like, the same thing he keeps spewing, like, I know what it's like to be a troubled teen.

[00:25:17] ILISSA TENIO: I don't have a good history with the cops. Like, they haven't helped me in the past. And she's like, okay, well, thanks. Thanks for helping me. Thanks. I'm involved with a 23 year old, okay? Like, I have no time for you. Like, she's, you know, she doesn't see, doesn't see it like that because, well, not yet. She shouldn't.

[00:25:39] ILISSA TENIO: And not yet, at least. Like, there's nothing, she's, she's not reading into it. She's thinking he's creepy because he's always been Ally's creepy, weird, older brother. Like, that's just how they've always had their relationship. So yeah, this scene I was not too keen on. I wanted it to be cute because, as you know, Jason is so cute, but it was weird.[00:26:00]

[00:26:00] ILISSA TENIO: It was really weird. Yeah. And then Arya confronts Mike and he admits to breaking into basically all the houses in town, including her friends. And Brit wants to know, will Arya tell her parents that Mike's been doing this?

[00:26:16] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: I don't think so. I think Arya will probably keep this a secret. I wonder if Mike's going to continue to do this.

[00:26:22] ILISSA TENIO: Yeah. I think he basically said to her, like, I don't, I don't think. I think he said, unless I misinterpreted, like, I won't do it again.

[00:26:30] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Right. Like, I just did it. I got away with

[00:26:32] ILISSA TENIO: it. Right. I won't

[00:26:33] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: do anymore. And he even says along the lines of, like, I don't want mom and dad to start fighting again.

[00:26:38] ILISSA TENIO: Right. Mm hmm.

[00:26:40] ILISSA TENIO: Yeah, like, he knows he was caught, and it wasn't a thing he wanted to get caught doing. Right. So I think he's done with it. If my memory serves, I think this is the last of it. Over at Ian's funeral with Aria, Ezra comes to support her. And as soon as he gets [00:27:00] there, Ella questions basically what he's doing there, and his excuse is that, you know, he cares about his ex students and wants to be there for him, for them.

[00:27:09] ILISSA TENIO: And this really just upsets Aria, because she's a child and it would upset her. And it's like, well What did you want him to say? Oh, I'm here for Aria to support her. No, like, you can't say that. A funeral is just not a good place to, like, tell your parents that you're dating your old teacher who's much older than you.

[00:27:30] ILISSA TENIO: Right, like, now's not the time. Why was she so 2D about it? Well,

[00:27:34] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: because she wants them to be something. Yeah. And once, she wants to be public with him, but, like, The funeral is not the time to

[00:27:43] ILISSA TENIO: make that announcement. No, and she's just like, I needed a hug from you. I wanted to, you know, and not have anyone, you know, say shit about it, but I can't do that.

[00:27:54] ILISSA TENIO: And she's just, she's so sick of hiding, and we keep pressing this point, and he's like, okay, [00:28:00] it's just not the right timing. They have not talked about how they're going to execute this plan. She just like, threw it at him. Yeah. So, maybe after some discussion.

[00:28:10] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Maybe, but they keep planting these little seeds of like, Oh, travel in

[00:28:15] ILISSA TENIO: paradise.

[00:28:16] ILISSA TENIO: Jason. Yes. Yes. Right. So, you know, Aria is about to go over because she sees Jason who's from afar watching the whole funeral play out because I'm sure he's got a mix emotions. And this is when Ezra's like, Hey, like, I'm sorry. And she's like, about to walk over to Jason. So they do bring in that intention of will Aria start feeling things for Jason because Ezra can't, you know, give her what she wants, basically.

[00:28:44] ILISSA TENIO: Which again, with the ages thing is so confusing. Because if Ezra can't give her what she wants, why is it okay that Jason

[00:28:51] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: does? And I had to keep reminding myself that because with them, especially in the funeral scene, I was like, [00:29:00] I don't mind this. And then I was like, nope, he's pretty much the same age or as Ezra,

[00:29:09] ILISSA TENIO: older, you know, right

[00:29:11] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: in my head.

[00:29:13] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: I keep thinking he's a teenager. I know he's not, but I was like, it would be cute if he was right and then I'd be on board with

[00:29:23] ILISSA TENIO: age. It would be okay, but she's still 16. She hasn't reached a 17 age yet. And we said Aria goes over to Jason, who is feeling a lot of emotions because he told Aria that the summer that Allie went missing, he was obviously like, just.

[00:29:45] ILISSA TENIO: Always blacked out. The night she went missing and killed, he was blacked out and thought for this whole year that he could have potentially been the one to kill his sister because he gets violent when he's under the influence, which is [00:30:00] Whoa. Yeah, that's some trauma. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Right? Like, that is not what you expect someone to say.

[00:30:09] ILISSA TENIO: No, not at all. When they're burying their sister's potential killer. So he's like relief, relieved that Ian was the one to confess and do it. He's like, I'm just so happy it wasn't me. However, I did receive this note. The next day after I woke up from my awful hangover when Allie went missing and the note basically just says like I, I know what you did, but the handwriting, Is very similar to the suicide note, in my opinion, which I didn't notice before, and this time I was like, oh, the way that they wrote, like, the K's and stuff, it was very reminiscent.

[00:30:48] ILISSA TENIO: And Aria's like, huh, which I'm like, does Aria, like, we don't think anything of this again? I mean, we will, obviously, but like, [00:31:00] what's going through Aria's mind? Does she think it's A? Like, I don't know.

[00:31:04] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Well, she's also like, oh. My boyfriend won't address me in public, so.

[00:31:09] ILISSA TENIO: So I'm gonna. That stinks, Jason. Yeah.

[00:31:12] ILISSA TENIO: So sorry. For you. But she does, she does have some sympathy for him. No, she is. And he admits that he wishes he was the one to die, and I'm sure his parents, you know, I'm sure my parents feel that way, and she's like, don't say that about yourself. Yeah. That was hard to hear. Yeah. It was sad. Very sad. All right.

[00:31:31] ILISSA TENIO: Lastly, we've talked about Hannah. Yay. Best part. Yeah. Yeah. So. I mean, the whole town's in uproar from the whole Ian situation, and Ashley is worried about Hannah when Hannah doesn't pick up her phone call. She's like, I need you to answer me, okay? Like, a lot of shit has happened in this town, and every time you leave, I memorize the top that you're wearing, and I'm like, This is so sad because, you know, a mother's worst nightmare and she's like, I want to always be prepared and they have a moment together.[00:32:00]

[00:32:00] ILISSA TENIO: And then we see Caleb who keeps checking in on Hannah, which she's like, you don't need to do this. Okay. Like I'm fine. She offers him things, you know, in the refrigerator. And she's like, nevermind, we have nothing to eat. And they just have like a cute back and forth. You know, things have thawed. They're not great, but things have thawed since their fake date together.

[00:32:19] ILISSA TENIO: Yeah. Later, Caleb. Tells Hannah about his foster mom, Janet, who treats him like dirt, basically takes his government checks and he doesn't even live there anymore and he has to, you know, pretend that he does and be on good behavior. And so Hannah sees Janet at school. After she's already threatened, you know, Caleb and telling him, like, she was annoyed she had to come down there and Hannah's like, excuse me, you see that woman over there?

[00:32:47] ILISSA TENIO: Yeah, that's my mom and she's like a really high powered attorney at like Dolce Gabbana and Leibovitz, which was so funny and, uh, you know, she'll kick your ass, basically, and so this does work [00:33:00] on Janet because Janet does give Caleb her checks, his rightful checks. I don't understand how this is his rightful money.

[00:33:08] ILISSA TENIO: She's She's his foster parent. She's his foster mom. I guess because technically she's not fostering him because he's not living there anymore nor is she like a good parent. Right, but then who's accountable for him? Yeah, I don't know how

[00:33:22] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: that works. Like, shouldn't it be Lucas's

[00:33:23] ILISSA TENIO: parents who get the money?

[00:33:24] ILISSA TENIO: Right, yes, that should be it. Lucas's parents get the money. I mean, I know they're not

[00:33:29] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: through, they're probably not signed up through the system, like you know, we're talking about how legitimate all of this is. Right, it's not. He's not signed up to be his, you know, like legal foster parent. But I could see him chipping in, too, for Lucas's parents.

[00:33:44] ILISSA TENIO: Absolutely. And then later he chips in and buys groceries for Hannah and Ashley because he's like, I know you guys didn't have anything and like, thank you so much because I know that you were the one to talk to my step, my foster mom. And this is when he's so sweet and he kisses her on the [00:34:00] head and she's like, what was that for?

[00:34:01] ILISSA TENIO: And he's like, you know, I'm just like, I'm really thankful for you. And then she's like, wait, wait, wait. We gotta come back. We gotta kiss. We gotta kiss! Ah! I love! It was so good! Yeah. I really enjoyed it. Oh my god. I love him. Mike wants to know, what would our attorney name be in, to use for our mothers to intimidate someone?

[00:34:23] ILISSA TENIO: Oh my god, Mike. That's a I just have to say Jewish guilt. That's my mother. Oh! Don't, don't, don't mess with my mom. She'll give you the Jewish guilt. She gives me the

[00:34:31] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Jewish guilt. She gives my sister the Jewish guilt. I always used to say it's the Jewish guilt and the Christian obligation.

[00:34:41] ILISSA TENIO: That's perfect. Yeah, I love it. As

[00:34:45] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: far as the name, I'm not sure, but it's definitely Jewish guilt and Christian obligation.

[00:34:52] ILISSA TENIO: But Dolce Gabbana Leibovitz, is that what it was? Something like that? Yeah. It was, it was great. The fact that [00:35:00] Janna didn't know that those were, but like, it was, it was funny that Caleb knew exactly what the names were.

[00:35:06] ILISSA TENIO: I'm like, did he hear it? Did she know verbatim? She said that, that told him. Probably

[00:35:11] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: from being around Hannah and He, he got it.

[00:35:14] ILISSA TENIO: Yeah, so cute. We have this scene between Hannah and Ashley where Hannah doesn't really know if she wants to go to Ian's funeral because she's like, Ugh, I really just, it's a whole lot of emotions stirring.

[00:35:29] ILISSA TENIO: And she does ask Ashley, like, how was it when you buried grandpa? Because, It's clear that they didn't have a good relationship and she's like, well, I basically paid for the whole thing, but I didn't go because I just couldn't and she doesn't have regrets about not going. Yeah, that was interesting. It was interesting.

[00:35:47] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Like, are we going to learn more about Ashley and their family or was this just to relate a funeral experience, you

[00:35:56] ILISSA TENIO: know, because I, Not that I recall, honestly, but [00:36:00] the fact that she told her, like, she doesn't regret going, and then Hannah does go, I'm like, well, it was a lesson in the ear, you know?

[00:36:08] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: That your mom probably did regret it.

[00:36:11] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Right. Or maybe support your friend. I

[00:36:13] ILISSA TENIO: don't Yeah, I know. I felt like we were missing something there, but She wanted

[00:36:18] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: to wear that red saucy dress. Oh, God. And instead just wore a black

[00:36:21] ILISSA TENIO: version. Basically. And Ashley was like, uh, no. You need to change. Yeah. Yeah, that's my summary. And we'll be right back with your Rosewood Shop.

[00:36:38] ILISSA TENIO: It's time for a brief intermission. But don't get too comfortable. Remember, AC's everything. Stay on high alert, Bettys, because when Liss and Michelle return, the game continues. A. I. A. I. A. I. We hope you enjoyed your break. With that. [00:37:00] Yeah. I guess Wren Kingston has left us a little voice message. Wow, wow, wow.

[00:37:07] ILISSA TENIO: I loved it. I thought that was great. So thank you to whoever that is. Okay, so we're back with the Rosewood Shop, which, as you know, is sent in by patron and listener Michael. He pairs the episode with an ice cream flavor, and this week, this scoop of the week is Ben and Jerry's Boston Cream Pie. Girl, we need to get some of that.

[00:37:30] ILISSA TENIO: I know. When we go to Whole Foods, did you ever see the brand Jenny? Yeah. The ice cream? They don't really have that many dairy free ones, but they have one that's not dairy free, that's Boston Cream Pie, and every time we go, Randy's like, I wish I could get this one. Aww. I'm like, just one day. We'll just, like, suck it up one day and have real ice cream.

[00:37:50] ILISSA TENIO: I mean, if you have,

[00:37:51] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: like, a tablespoon a night, like, just a taste.

[00:37:53] ILISSA TENIO: We'll see. I want to taste that. Right? Don't you just want to taste what a Boston cream pie ice cream would taste like? [00:38:00] Well, maybe we can try the Ben and Jerry's. It's vanilla custard ice cream with cake pieces and pastry cream swirls topped with milk chocolate ganache and fudge chips.

[00:38:11] ILISSA TENIO: It's like a whole thing. Fudge chips! Delish. The top layer of this flavor is the ganache, keeping the rest of the ingredients trapped underneath. Kind of like the characters in this show, Spencer is trapped between keeping the secret of selling Melissa's ring from her, and now thinks to A, Melissa thinks Spencer has been texting her from Ian's phone.

[00:38:30] ILISSA TENIO: Aria thinks now that Ezra is no longer her teacher, their relationship doesn't have to be hidden and can come to the surface. However, Ezra and the rest of us know that telling her parents will not go over well, and they should be keeping it hidden. Or, Ended it all together. Hannah, in this episode, puts the boss in boss and cream pie while standing up to sketchy Timberigan's foster mom and telling her to give him the money.

[00:38:54] ILISSA TENIO: The cake pieces represent the pieces of text from A that Emily put together and [00:39:00] realized that that's where Ian's suicide note came from. Ooh. Good pick, good pick, all around. Sounds good. And it worked very well. Very well. Yeah. Was your MVP Emily or was it someone else? It was Emily.

[00:39:18] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Yes. I thought she was great in this episode.

[00:39:21] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: I loved her. I loved her doing the detective work. It was like a nice breath of fresh

[00:39:26] ILISSA TENIO: air. It was. Yeah. I don't, I picked Hannah, um, I guess for helping out Caleb. I mean, obviously when I did my nose, I picked Hannah. Hannah's a great choice. Yeah. I thought she was, and she just, You know, she's coming into her, herself.

[00:39:42] ILISSA TENIO: And, yeah, I just, I really liked her in this episode, but I think Emily is actually a better choice.

[00:39:50] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: It was just a strong storyline for her in this

[00:39:52] ILISSA TENIO: episode. It was, yeah, definitely. What about shittiest? Well

[00:39:59] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Okay, so the [00:40:00] cop out is Janet.

[00:40:01] ILISSA TENIO: Mmm. Just

[00:40:03] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: for speaking to Caleb the way she spoke to him. I didn't love that in the hallway.

[00:40:08] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: But she's like, you know, I had to, I was clueless on answers to give, blah, blah, blah. I actually chose Spencer.

[00:40:16] ILISSA TENIO: Oh, okay.

[00:40:18] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Although, like, how can you blame someone who's dealing with a situation like this? Mainly because I was so into Emily, I didn't like the way she spoke to Emily. Mm hmm. Yeah. I can't deal with this.

[00:40:32] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Stop digging into this.

[00:40:34] ILISSA TENIO: Yeah. On the contrary though, I found that that was probably not the place to talk. I agree.

[00:40:42] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: 100%. I agree. I know. I know. See that? I know. I know. I know. But,

[00:40:48] ILISSA TENIO: no, I, I remember when I watched it for the first time, I was like, Oh, Spencer, come on, you're being a little rude.

[00:40:54] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Right, like, not the place, but also, like, Spencer, you're the one who's been driving this.

[00:40:58] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: You've been so just [00:41:00] obsessed with A and all the things, and then to be like, Well, maybe we shouldn't be so obsessed with A. You know? Right. What do you Well, I want to hear your shittiest before I ask. I

[00:41:09] ILISSA TENIO: picked Garrett, because Oh, yeah, Garrett. I was like, he's clearly shitty for something. It doesn't seem like he's trying to help the girls out, so.

[00:41:16] ILISSA TENIO: Yeah. Yeah.

[00:41:18] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: What did you think about Spencer Googling to get rings? The rings.

[00:41:22] ILISSA TENIO: Yeah. I mean, she clearly doesn't find anything good. No,

[00:41:27] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: I mean, she gets that weird text of like, you'll get the ring back when you tell the truth.

[00:41:34] ILISSA TENIO: Something like that. And then what I thought was interesting is that the phone was ringing.

[00:41:39] ILISSA TENIO: And I was like, is that what they meant? Whoa! I was like, wait. Do you mean ringing? Like, in a, like, a different use of the word? And Melissa threw that phone. And she

[00:41:53] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: threw it at it. So it's like, come on! Right? We could've,

[00:41:58] ILISSA TENIO: like, had a clue [00:42:00] here! Yeah. That also, you know what? It still makes me feel like Melissa's fishy there.

[00:42:04] ILISSA TENIO: She is fishy! What

[00:42:06] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: was she going to tell? Expensive.

[00:42:08] ILISSA TENIO: Right? But also, why do you have to destroy the phone? Oh, that's a really good question. You know what I'm saying? Like, maybe, I don't know, like I truly don't remember, I truly don't remember, but I feel like there's something with this that's like something's going on.

[00:42:24] ILISSA TENIO: There's something with the phone. Yeah. I don't, I don't remember, but I feel like there's something up with it. I'm giving this like a four on a cringe meter. Yeah, I had like a 3.

[00:42:35] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: 5, but I'm, I'm down to go to a

[00:42:36] ILISSA TENIO: four. So 3. 7, maybe 3. 8. Yeah. The, the Jason staring the projector with the campiness. I love a good camp.

[00:42:46] ILISSA TENIO: Okay. They're figures. They're just black thing. Yeah. It just was. A little awkward there, you know. Yeah. Yeah. The added dialogue. Pookie bitter. Yeah. [00:43:00] Jackie! I'm Jackie! Oh, I can't wait to see her again. I can't wait!

[00:43:09] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: I can't wait. Also, like, I want to see Jenna. Where's my girl in her pottery? I

[00:43:14] ILISSA TENIO: know! Jenna. It's been a couple episodes.

[00:43:17] ILISSA TENIO: I know. Um, alright, let me give you the title for next week and my secret, and you can make some predictions because the peeps want to know. So next week we are on episode six, which is crazy. Title is Never Letting Go. And my secret I've got a secret. I've got a secret. I've got a secret is that we will be reintroduced to Jessica Dientes next week.

[00:43:47] ILISSA TENIO: Who is Ally and Jason's mom. Okay. Okay. Yeah. And she's an interesting character. Is it the same mom or do we It's not the seam because Allie got a whole new fam. Mm-Hmm. Yes, basically, because we [00:44:00] see her for one quick second at Ali's funeral. And it's no, it's not the same address. But this actress is here to stay.

[00:44:09] ILISSA TENIO: Like she's the new mom.

[00:44:11] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Okay, so I think she's coming to visit. I think it's gonna be where she's pretty nasty to Jason. And I think Ari is going to overhear a lot of the words that are being said, which will give her some compassion. And I think the other girls Will they care to hear it?

[00:44:33] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Yeah, maybe they'll say something and they'll be like, You just don't know how he's feeling, and she'll stick up for him, and I think maybe she'll get into it with as Z. She'll get into it with Z. And maybe she'll, like, get distracted with Jason. I wouldn't mind it, but I just, maybe I just have to forget the ages.

[00:44:52] ILISSA TENIO: Yeah, I think we just have to forget the ages. I won't, I won't forget the ages of Ezra and Arya, because it's made it [00:45:00] known that it's Yeah. But they won't actually give us the ages of anyone else, so I will just take it with a grain of salt, you know?

[00:45:06] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Yeah. I'm hoping for a cute Caleb moment. And is our friend Samara Trask back?

[00:45:14] ILISSA TENIO: I don't think so. Okay, cool. Uh, yeah. I'll just tell you that Jessica takes over a big part of the episode. She's like a big

[00:45:26] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: focus. Yeah, okay, that makes sense. And I really think it's gonna, like I said, Arya's gonna overhear something she says to him and maybe he'll like slam the door and Walk out and her and Ari him and Aria will work it out and talk about it.

[00:45:41] ILISSA TENIO: Yeah Everyone wants to know what do you think you're to make of the Jenna? Garrett Ian situation like what could you possibly think is happening there? I,

[00:45:54] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: I really, I don't know. I really can't even, I, I wish I [00:46:00] could be real witty and just be entertaining, but I, I don't, my brain can't even like these thoughts together about these three.

[00:46:08] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: The only thing is, is like Jenna and Garrett, like, what is happening there? And I would love to see them together.

[00:46:17] ILISSA TENIO: Do you think that their relationship is like honest? No. Do you think one of them is like using the other or both using each

[00:46:25] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: other? Jenna is using Garrett and they're sleep. They have to be sleeping together.

[00:46:31] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: It's so weird. I think they're into like kinky shit Yeah,

[00:46:33] ILISSA TENIO: it seems I think

[00:46:35] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: that way and that's fine, you know, no shame, but I think

[00:46:39] ILISSA TENIO: Again, though, like, age difference. Well, well, right, well, right. You know, it's still, why are we doing this?

[00:46:46] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Yeah, I mean, I guess the only one available is Nolkan.

[00:46:51] ILISSA TENIO: Right, and he's with Mona.

[00:46:53] ILISSA TENIO: And Caleb

[00:46:54] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: is with Hannah, so. And Lucas. And Toby. Right, right, but Toby's not, he's like [00:47:00] not in school anymore. He's

[00:47:01] ILISSA TENIO: not, he's getting his GED. Yeah, Mr. Toba for I missed him this episode, but we aren't we are missing Jenna. I feel that the presence is definitely lacking there Yeah,

[00:47:14] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: I like we need to see

[00:47:15] ILISSA TENIO: her.

[00:47:16] ILISSA TENIO: Definitely. Well, that's my uh, that's my summary of my episode. Hope y'all liked it You know eyes tearing, nose pouring, it's a good time over here on We Are Liars But we brought out an episode and we hope that you enjoy and we'll be back next week for episode six. If you have any questions, comments, email us, weareliarspod at gmail.

[00:47:46] ILISSA TENIO: com. Leave us a voicemail, 631 600 3916. We'd love to hear from you and until next week. We'll be back. Bye. Bye.[00:48:00]

[00:48:03] MICHELLE RUBINSTEIN: Thank you so much for listening to We Are Liars, a Pretty Little Liars podcast. You can email us at weareliarspod at gmail. com. If you're interested in seeing what we do with this show and all of our others, head over to Instagram and search TotalBetty Podcast Network.

[00:48:18] ILISSA TENIO: This has been a TotalBetty podcast produced and edited by Ilissa Tenio and Michelle Rubinstein.

[00:48:24] ILISSA TENIO: Music by Anthony Viccora.