Marketing doesn't come naturally to everyone. Matthias explores with his guests what our listeners can do who don't "want" to do marketing but feel they "must".
I'm working on my book, Marketing for Introverts. Yesterday, I completed the first draft of the table of contents which gives me a clear direction. Now, it's crucial to double-check all the methods I recommend for introverted marketers. I aim to provide reliable techniques that an introvert can confidently try and likely succeed with.
Just like when writing software where only 5% is truly original while 95% uses tested components from others - such as NPM libraries in JavaScript - these components are trustworthy but their combination might not be if untested. So too with my book; borrowed ideas work independently but will they function together in my proposed workflow?
So before proceeding further into writing my book, I need to ensure everything works well together by retesting every method within this combined system. This way, readers can trust that what they're implementing has been thoroughly checked and stands a good chance of success when executed correctly.