La Venganza Será Terrible (oficial)

La Venganza Será Terrible - 13 de septiembre 2024 - LVST 13/9/24 

Más episodios:

  • La convivencia: catálogo de cosas que no hay que hacer
  • Artemisia Gentileschi: pintora 
  • Peligros en la carpintería

What is La Venganza Será Terrible (oficial)?

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Ahhh Amigas y amigos, muy buenas noches. Aquí comienza la venganza. Será terrible. Estoy presentando en este momento a mis compañeros, Gillespi, Patricio Barton y, por ahora, nadie más. Pero parecía que iba a seguir. No, I was going to continue but I saw that there was no one else. Miguel Vincenzo is there with us. Yes, Vincenzo is there. And the radio directors are also there. Where are they? They are on a balcony, on a stage, watching with their black suits. Yes, they throw things at us. I am very happy to be here today. Ah, because you are not here the other day. Yes, always, but today... I didn't have anything better to do, right? But, well... Me neither. Nothing better than being on the show. That's why I'm telling you. Nothing is better than being on the show. Well, how are the repercussions? Incredible. Of what? Of everything in general. Very good. What are the repercussions? I don't know. This show is the Zero R repercussions show. And I am the Lord Zero R repercussion. No. What happens is that you, not being on the networks, you have no contact with... No, I'm not on the networks. No. You are on the networks. Here we are not talking about current affairs, there are no smooth and flat provocations to the characters of public discussion. Well, of course. So if you want to fight tonight with someone, you have to choose who to fight with. And you will see. And tomorrow... You will see how he will not like it. I know how to fight on the radio. I fight with guys who break my face, for example. You will see that he will not like repercussions. Better not those. No, well... It's a noise. It's weird. You know, there are people who have been working for 50 years in journalism and they never mentioned me. It's weird. It's not that I'm a figure in the show, I'm just one, but in so many years, they would have said, yes, what is it? as Dolina said, or as this one said, or the other day, I don't know, this happened. Never. No. It means that I only take it as a palm-tree demonstration of my own insignificance. That is, when I have the temptation to feel more than I am, which is always... Well, of course. Human beings are like that. Yes, in the trend. Well, then I think about that. How many times were you named in the program of Flor de la Vé, for example? It's a program of any show. Yes. Well, then, they name me every day. They are every day. And every day they name, I don't know, 70 people. Yes. They never named me. No. But you are very well compensated by the public, because... Ehhhhhhhhh! That's not for everyone. Of course! That's why I offer a sincere thanks to the public. Yes, yes. The fidelity! If not for that, another rooster would sing to us. But it's the main thing! Of course, you think that I was called from Radio El Mundo and they offered me the gold and the purple so that I could... to do this program. No, they put me there out of pity and by chance the public was interested. But it's okay to ask. Who is one and why, if they name it or not, they name it. To give baths of humility, there is precisely the thickness of the Argentine programs that do not occupy themselves with us. Let's keep going that way. Yes, because where and how and for what they name it. Well, what is that? Sometimes not naming is a favor. Yes, well, but not beyond. No, I know, I know. And then another thing, it's also weird. Don't you notice that all the material you receive, besides that... the material has to do with oneself, with the acceptance that one makes of that material. Exactly. Well, I'm worried about that, because all the material I receive is contrary to what I think. How would it be if the system... I didn't follow a little. Oh, you mean the algorithm of the system? Of course, of course. There is an algorithm that makes things that supposedly interest me, well, not exactly. And then I say, if that algorithm didn't exist, then... I would not receive anything else than songs that I do not like, painters that I do not like, politicians that I do not like. Well, what happens is that you do not like anything. Well, that can be another question. The truth is that for me it is miraculous that you do not even know the algorithm. It is a thing. Of course, you do not even recognize my own cell phone. I understand today that even those who are willing to pressure me and manipulate me understand me. They try to sell me things that I would never buy. I have a militant attitude of deception towards the algorithm. I try to deceive them all I can. And when I see that you are already taking the card out of something, It gives you a lesson. It makes you sad. Yes, I start to confuse it with many things. Yes, it's good. And then I try to have a mosaic. I think that something like that happens, but I do it unintentionally. Because you look for some place that is wrong. Of course, I look for some places where there are things that I don't like. I look for them to see how far they go, for example. Yes, yes, yes. We have to do that. We are in a inferiority of conditions. The inferiority of conditions is total, absolute. Yes, definitely. So, at least, have the conscience of that and deceive everything we can deceive. It's a lost battle. What a good name for a program, huh? As you say, inferiority of conditions. Yes, inferiority of conditions. Inferiority of conditions with Patricio Varda. How are you, friends? What do you want from me? Unfortunately, the microphone is not working. Inferiority of Conditions. Well, speaking of Inferiority of Conditions, we are going to inform you about both our and friends' imminent functions. Well, tomorrow we are in the Chacarerian Theater, which is our home in the city of Buenos Aires. Tomorrow. Yes, we are going to be there. Next Friday we will also be in the Chacarerian, which will be the last one of this month there, because on the 27th we will be in Avellaneda, in the Teatro Roma. And then, I think it's October 4th... On October 4th we'll be in Almirante Brau, with free entry to the book fair. And what day are we in San Isidro then? On October 3rd. On Thursday, October 3rd, we'll be in San Isidro Cultural Center. All this is on LaVe the information. Metaphysical Variety, Back Home, with direction from Pompeyo Odibert. Good. Attention, eh? Attention. Follow you. Very good. Here. This is on Monday, September 16 and 23, Monday, at 7 p.m. The next Monday, the 16th, right? Exactly. Well, it starts next Monday at 7.30 p.m. in Teatro Aztatrilse. Yes, sir. It's there on Maza 177. Yes. It's a very nice place. Yes, entrance by Teatral Alternative. Very good. I'm going to throw a bomb. Directly. Careful. I'm going to throw a bomb. Miguel Vincente just lost an ear. Attention Santiago del Estero. Amen. Because we will be there and not just one day. Two days, especially in the band. In the band, Santiago del Estero. Two functions. 11 and 12 of October. Yes, sir. Are you sure that's the date? Yes, yes, yes. It's not 10 and 11, right? 11 and 12 of October. Well, that's... The band Santiago del Estero, attention, friends from Santiago. Very good, you really threw a bomb. I want to tell you, since you just threw a bomb, I... No, the thing is... This Saturday, again, this night ceremony of Ivana Szaszarski, there in Itaca Complex Teatral, Humahuaca, 4027, as every Saturday at 6 p.m. this work is still represented with great success, which has as its central character the argument of Olga Orozco. Alejandra Piazzalonga, Rodrigo Dañones, Mara Gutman, Nadia Lewandowski and Cora Barengo. So, I insist, at 6pm on Saturday, and all Saturdays, Ithaca, Humahuaca, 4027. Very good. And finally, I want to invite you to a show, I would say original, which is Tango, Theater and Sign Language. And what? And the sign language, the sign language of deaf people, is interpreted by sign language, not interpreted. There is a performance with sign language that is presented in area 623, in Pasco 623. Love, is love, is the title, is directed by Gabriel Avianco, and they dance and act Verónica Alvarenga, Eduardo Arias and Sandra Martínez. When is it? Eduardo Arias is the finalist of the tango world cup, not just any dancer. Oh, how nice! And do you know who's original music is from this show? Which one? Federico Miragi's. Oh, that's good. Look how good. Love is love, so Saturdays, at 9pm, this Saturday too, in area 623, which is on Pasco Street, 623, the alternative tickets on Eventbrite. Very good. That's not Federico Miragi, but Eduardo Arolas. But, well, the same. Well, what do you think if we go directly to the points that the higher hierarchy of the radio imposes on us? What topic? Today we will offer a service to the community. Yes, be careful. Gabriel Rolón should be here. Do you want me to leave? I just changed the subject. If you want, I'll get up and then... Rolón appears between the two of us. Please. And how is he not going to appear? He appears to me telling someone how to behave with the boyfriend, I don't know. So today we have a topic that is Rolón's. which is coexistence, a catalog of things that shouldn't be done. Convistence could also be a nice tango. Yes, from the 90s. [♪ Music playing in Spanish and singing in Spanish. Today we will talk about coexistence. [♪ Music playing in Spanish and singing in Spanish. Today in inferior conditions. Well, gentlemen. To not turn your home into a battle zone, we are talking about coexistence in a couple, right? Yes, of course. Or coexistence with occasional neighbors or with rats. No, no, this is much more complex because the couple is more complex than other bonds, right? Well, to not turn your home into a battlefield, these are some warnings to keep in mind. The bad literature of the beginning is brief. We have to thank the prophet. He is right. Very good. So, first thing we shouldn't do, don't escape the common spaces. What common spaces? We are already having problems because... He is right. Common spaces are suddenly a corridor. And what would be the non-common spaces? And, well, yes, what would be the unusual? It's very strange, where is there a unusual space? I live with a girl, she lives in one room and I in another, I can't enter the room and she can't enter mine. I have my studio in my house. Oh, well, but... Yes. Everyone knows that there... It's fine. But, please... Those things happen a lot, you know where? Those stupid movies that were made, some are still made. a few years ago in Hollywood, and they were a couple that was either separated or had not yet met or whatever, or it seemed that they hated each other. And then, generally, they rented an apartment, they lived together, but they had a plan. a few days so that his friends would come. Jennifer Aniston has to work in that kind of film. Isn't Ben Stiller there in that film? I don't know. Well, in any case, sometimes it's easy to forget that the living room, the kitchen or the bathroom are not just one. Exactly. They have answered me well. Place all your belongings on the dining table or leave your shoes scattered around the hall You can send the message that you do not respect the shared space Well, but there are also things that have a tolerance margin Yes, I can leave things thrown here, for example But not definitively. The question is where do you want me to put it? That's why. Where would you put it? I would put it here. No, but it's not going there. You don't realize it's not going there. Personal disorder is an expansive phenomenon. It starts with a pair of shoes and ends with a collection of sports magazines. invading the room. I never had a collection of sports magazines. There are no more sports magazines. It's been 30 years since there are no more. I would have lost the sports magazines. You have to buy them at the Pulgas market. At one time I collected several magazines. I mean, I bought many magazines. You are a collector of magazines. No, and I didn't throw them away. It's one of the best ways to collect. Not throwing anything away. When you realize it, you have a collection. Of course, because I bought with that idea, magazines that interested me, I liked them, and I kept them. Well, the humor magazine, for example. Good, can I put an 8? The magazine, El Porteño, I don't know if you remember it. Yes, of course, I remember. And a magazine... Yes, yes. Now I understand a lot of things. A magazine... No, it was a very long magazine. What would the guys who talk about this device say Yes. What would they say when examining the magazine El Porteño? And I don't know, for now, yes. A magazine where... I think it was directed by Gabriel Levinas, right? Yes. He had different eras. But yes, yes. And he worked for Ragen Dorfer. He was also with Jorge Doria. Jorge Doria was in all the magazines. No, I don't know if in all. They couldn't open a magazine if they didn't call Jorge Doria. They couldn't close it if they didn't throw it. Of course. The doorman did. But he worked very well. Fowil worked. Yes, Fowil. Well, the pigs and fish came out there. Pigs and fish was... Enrique Simms. Enrique Simms was a supplement of the doorman. Well, it says, second, do not ignore the homework. But why do we face coexistence? These things that we have mentioned so far, which are two non-capares of common places, and do not ignore homework, are the ones that I least care about coexistence. Well, but... The least important ones. Look, if one goes to make a drama... It's fine. Because you put the graphic collection on the dining table. Now I'm going to make the... The Devil's lawyer? The Devil's lawyer. How's that? You don't worry about the order and... But you have to worry about your wife. No, no, no. So that's where the problem begins. Because if you leave it and she's comfortable with it... If she's upset with it, you're not upset with it. I'm not saying I'm leaving it or not. Ah, you're not upset with it. Because it's a topic that I wouldn't even start the most minimal discussion about. Me neither. If they tell me to take out the magazines you put on top of the table, I take them out. If they don't tell me anything, I leave them. And I don't talk at night with my wife about the magazines or whatever. I think that true co-existence dramas are produced by displeasure, by discussions, by complaints that have more to do with nature itself than the bond. That is, they put the link itself on the court paper and in the situation of being observed. Not the magazine, the graphic. But maybe... Let's say that it hurts a little. No, but sometimes that's manifested, the other thing you say. It's true. Music analyst, in reality, is not to let the magazines destroy the graphic. See the magazine and the graphic and see yourself. Of course! So, the problem is not serious. It's not the revolution. The issue is now. Yes, I understand. They find you with another lady, or you realize that she goes out with two others, or they never see each other, or they don't want to see each other, or there are serious family problems in the interaction. That's it! That's it! I would make a movie about that, about the guy who leaves the graphic up on the table. But that's not what the report on stupidities is about. Please! That the authorities of the radio have given us. But where does it come from? All a compendium of stupidity. one after another. They are there, the guys on the radio. Yes, they are watching. Yes, they are watching you. I'm not saying they are listening, but they are watching. I'm not saying, I don't have an opinion. I say it's a description of the matter. Well, let's see if, how does it go on? Don't monopolize the bathroom. There appears something typical of the liberal regimes, which are the monopolies. I am against monopolies, especially the monopolies of bathrooms. Imagine a country where bathrooms were monopolized by a single company. And you have no choice but to go to the bathroom in this businessman who owns everything. Calperín? Exactly. There are no bathrooms in the houses. It's a company, the Galperín one, and it has a bathroom on the corner, and when you feel like you're in need, you have to go there. And there's no competition. It's a free bathroom. If you had to write about the monopoly of the bathroom, you'd make up that story. But it seems that it's not the case. One of the most sacred places in any home is the bathroom. As the... the poem, right? In this sacred place where so many people come. Please don't continue with the poem. I don't have that problem. Don't tell me about me. What's wrong with you? Don't you want to go to the bathroom? I'm not going to the bathroom. I'm fast. But we don't want to know so much. Doctor, I'm not going to the bathroom. No. Well, then... Well, but you... Backwards. As much as I am, I'm a minute, a minute and a half. Well, we don't want to... When a lot. And when I bathe, I'm five minutes. It shows, huh? Well... The truth is that it shows. Pay more attention. Well, if I don't go here, he says, spend too much time in him, he... Bathroom. ..comes in the bathroom. Yes, of course. Especially in the morning, I already told you something. When both of them are in a hurry, what did he say? I sleep in the morning, I never have less hurry. Well, but the couple type. Ah! Yes. Are they two guys? No, no, the couple of guys is the couple that has work from 8 am from Monday to Friday at dawn. Of course, those who are directed the message of the radio. Yes. Madam, you who go to the fair. But it's not fair or lady either. Well, sir, the trick is to be efficient. What the man said. Of course. What the man said. He's not directing a movie in the mirror. just preparing for the day, you say it because you are looking to refine your image and it takes a long time. Yes, well. But I don't take it for granted. Hey, how did you get in? This is called turning around. Yes, but immediately. I often go out to the street in a disheveled way, because I didn't choose the clothes well, I have problems, there are people who are better at that. Now you, for example, here you can ask any question. What are you going to ask him? How did he dress? No, I mean, when he leaves the bathroom, and prepares to leave, To the world. Point one. To the cruel world. I don't wear clothes in the bathroom. So you go naked? No. And dripping? No. I go out with the minimum essential clothing. A shamblin' dress. A hat. No. In socks. Well, of course. A little bit of fire. Exactly. And I change my room. What was the protagonist's name? John Forsythe. Yes. There was a series called Dynastía with John Forsythe. John Collins. Yes, sir, I remember. And the guy came out of the bathroom. with a look that I never had to go to the delivery of the Martin Figueredes. But listen, it's a lie. I had a hair cut that cost $ 5,000. But it was a lie, they were combing it for three hours. And well, but I didn't believe the series. The same thing that came out of the piece and also always the hair cut. Impeccable. Impeccable, I don't know. And they fought, they said things, but... Always well dressed, not like you. No, I envy myself. With one shoe like that and another not, you are putting the bond in a fabric of judgment. Yes. I envy those people who out there someone touches the bell and comes out from inside the house so impeccably dressed. John Farsight. Well, yes, one in the house. Well, he didn't even come out, there it is. Well. That's one thing. Who comes out when they touch the bell in your house? That puts you in one place. Yes. I come out, it's the best answer. Yes. But send one, who is going to open the door. There are several dilations, I don't know if you are there or not. I like it. Of course. And the worst thing is that no one comes out and you play and you know they are there. Yes, well, yes. That's another matter. Don't leave messages. Passivo-agresivo. Define me as passivo-agresivo. The aggressive passive, let's see, so that it is understood, right? Yes. So that people understand it. Before anything else, doctor, thank you very much for participating in this program. Well, no, they have told me that it is a very prestigious program. Yes. And well, they invite me... Well, we do the prestige with guests like you. Yes, yes, I know that, that's why. Of course. In the beginning we only invited idiots. Yes. Well, we had to change politics. It's another conversation. Ah, well. Look, the aggressive passive, so that you understand, is to attack in a passive way. Ah, how? I don't understand. Excuse me, but... Let's see, how would it be? Well, but an example. An active aggression is... Is to hit a trumpet. I hit a trumpet to the guy. An aggressive aggression is... Ah, look, that you put on... I once saw it in a clown who worked... In a circus? If you tell me that, I'll hit you with a trunk. But that's passive-aggressive. Of course, of course. It's an aggression. You're digging the links, you're eroding them. Did you put the content of irony now? Yes, yes. Or not? No, no, it has a lot of... For example, you know that... It has a lot of cynicism and sarcasm. In the love relationship with a woman? Yes. Please, don't stop. No, no, talk very well about your friend. Of course. That's... That's passion. Let's see how it is. The way Fabiana... The other day your friend Fabiana came to visit... Yes. The truth is that she is... Every day more beautiful. That's... Yes. That's passion. That's terrible. That's like a lace. Well... The classic... Is this one. Wash your dishes... Or remember to take out the trash. I mean, it's nothing like what you've said. Well... It may seem like a solution, but the truth is that it only increases tensions. Well... Nothing is more similar to a communication problem than a message written in a tone that seeks to avoid direct confrontation, but that ends up provoking it. Yes. You're washing the dishes? Yes. Careful, you're not going to help me. But that's pretty direct. You're right. But if you say, I'll have to wash my hands here. If I don't wash them, nobody washes them. I'll lose the film. I'll wash the dishes. No, leave it. Don't bother. No, leave it. Don't bother. For me, it means nothing. Nothing means anything to you. This is the problem. Are we talking about washing dishes or are we putting our bond in a judge's cloth? No, no, no. I don't even know what judge's cloth is. Well, grab all these dishes and I'll break them. And then what? You know why you can't break them? Because those dishes I brought are from my family. Because what is yours, we wouldn't have dishes if it were for you. And again your friend, here I can't stand them anymore! I'm your mother-in-law, his mother, what a friend! You don't even recognize my own mother! You say the same nonsense! I'm sitting here in the dining room an hour ago! Shut up Raquel! When is your mother leaving? When is your mother leaving? Because you said she was coming. How is she leaving? Did she leave? Yes, well, but it seems to me that... If I leave, I'll take the ice cream that I gave her for the wedding. A Tolben from 1958. But if that ice cream... You know what? I'm going to wake up. You have to wash dishes for my son. It's clear that's how he raised him. And I was very decent. Right, mother? The first time he went to the villa he was 27 years old. And I came back right away. Why don't you marry your mother? You would have married your mother. And I already married you. And I said, okay, no, no. What do you want me to do? You would have earned money by marrying me. Yes, of course I would have earned money. I'm sure I would. I already feel like leaving now. Well, and... Don't play the music at full volume. What does this have to do with marriage? And because it invades, you're even reading a book or something. Always with that music. Again. Again with the piano. Finish it with that piano, please. Not that piano, the radio. Does the radio happen in that? No, not in any radio. Yes, in this one. He says, don't play music at full volume. Your favorite music can be a reason for pride, but maybe your partner prefers silence. Respect, listening, is key. Yes, a little bit of silence. It's an invasion. They explain that playing music is bad. A little bit can be, but well. And now it says, don't invade the privacy of the other. But that's the title of the report. Well, okay, but let's suppose the bathroom is sacred. Yes, yes. There it is. A question even for the listeners. Yes. The listeners. You are going to be responsible for the listeners' response. Yes, yes, yes. You go to the bathroom and leave the door open. Or do you close the door? I close the door. To what point do you close it? Always. Do you close it with a key? No, not with a key. Do you put the insurance on? No. Or do you put a lock on the door so that no one enters? No. Or do you sing so that people realize that the bathroom is occupied? I can sing so that people realize that the bathroom is occupied. But I close it, but not with a key. Yes, I also close it and I never open a bathroom that is occupied. The invasion. And what if by accident you think you are free and occupied? Sorry, my bad, sorry, my bad. You withdraw. I withdraw? Yes, you withdraw, you go back. I can't even open the door completely. Of course, even the mountains are in a hurry. Yes, yes, yes. There are many people, a very common accident in respectful homes, is that the one who enter a wrongly occupied bathroom, when closing the door, grabs the fingers. So embarrassed. It happened to me... Oh, really? my grandmother's house. This happened many years ago. It's all been many years. Who's grandmother's house? No, no, it doesn't matter. He said it. Well, well. At my grandmother's house, let's say, a girlfriend... Yes. What are we going to say about a girlfriend? Of course. She was showering me. If she wasn't a girlfriend, don't say it. No, no, yes, yes. If she was, say hello. Yes, well, she was a girlfriend many years ago. And you were showering yourself. What a face! Who showsering herself? You're so confident. I never showered myself at anyone's house. Then she left, left all the soap full of hair. For example, she went to visit the roll and showered herself. Of course. I did. Her grandmother, when one is young... is more comfortable sometimes because she is more comfortable in her grandmother's house that she let her do anything. When a young man has a grandmother. Of course. They abused each other. My grandmother was a I don't know how you guessed in this And... Anyway... I almost didn't hear much. He got into the shower. No! He didn't realize I was in the shower. He didn't even realize. And I told him... I even told him... How did you get to know he didn't realize? Because... I looked... And when I saw her sitting in the toilet... But why? Ah! He sat in the toilet! But... I said, well... What? Ready. Everyone continues with their own thing. But how? Nothing has happened here, I told you. And she didn't look to the side? She did everything she had to do. She looked forward. You... ..disembarked at least. Yes. You didn't close the... Nothing. Nothing? Nothing. You must have been quiet. Quiet. Yes. What will the toilet paper do to you? And it was all... It was all not to innovate. And suddenly, of course... My girlfriend... She saw her out! Of course! That's why you need to have more than one bathroom! I saw her go out to the bathroom with her grandmother. And she knew you were there. Yes, she knew I was taking a shower. And she came in. And then she said, Grandma, what are you doing? She's your girlfriend. Since she came out, she was gone. But she didn't know that. And then, well, grandma was embarrassed. Yes, because you let her go. At the end of the battle. But with that we gained trust and a bond. And yes, since then they go together to the bathroom. You were in when they were bathing. I never had a relationship like that with my girlfriend's grandmother. Imagine that I never had a relationship with her grandmother. That happens to me, and if you see me in those circumstances, I... I leave the country. Well, don't ignore the difference in schedules. It causes me laughter and surprises, I warn you, you scoundrel. It is better to be aware of your partner's sleep habits. If you think, or if you are a nocturnal person, and your partner is a morning person... I can't understand how they're living together. Well, but it can be a circumstance. Yes, it can be for work. Well, but avoid generating unnecessary noise at night when you come back from the Roxy at six in the morning. But you work at the Roxy. There are people who work at the Roxy. Yes, of course, like me, for example. Do you work at the Roxy? Yes, I'm the duck Vika, one of the Vika ducks. Good, very good. But don't you work with the physical role of a duck Vika? No, no. What happens sometimes is better, more technical. I am a person of the Aikido. I take advantage of the strength of the other, the other who works with me, and I send him to fight. But if you manage the art of persuasion... Oh yes, in rock we persuade everyone. If it's necessary, kick it. You can tell them, look, this is not done here, no, not here. How to enter the bathroom, anyway. Don't take control of the remote control. Let me do it. I don't care. I don't need remote control. Me neither. It gives me the same program as you. And if there is another person who gives me remote control in a capricious and random way, I don't care. But you are the perfect men. No, exactly. You want to get married. So imperfect that we don't care about anything. While the other person watches a movie, I turn around and fall asleep. Or I'm leaving. Of course. To Roxy. Yes. Well, blah blah. All that. It says, don't make promises that you will not keep. This is delicate. Here we come with something deeper. You promised me X and yet Y. This is deeper. Because sometimes in a situation... Here we can talk about any... Yes, yes, what's the problem? In a situation of... X No, no, but we will add X, of fight, of conflict, of whatever. One can get to promise things that one cannot fulfill. For example. You want to re-compose a situation, to get out of a conflict quickly, where you are in need. I swear I will not go out with this woman again. And you start promising other things, even. Yes, and that, I leave it to you, and that other, and remote control, and what you want. It is a very desperate parity. Everything you want. Of course. And you know that, next week, You can't keep it anymore, you won't keep it. So when the girl says, You promised me that you would do something, and you didn't keep it, you are left with no evidence. No evidence? Like the botarate you are. Well, because you did it in a state and they say it. I did it in an altered state of emotionality. Yes, our bond was at risk. Of course. My own... Yes, well... own health. Well, I don't know if that much, but... But yes, he starts to promise, as long as he doesn't advance. Do you have to promise? Not now, but I promised a lot. Now I say I'm not asking you to promise me something. Me neither, but I have promised. Tell me something, my love. I promise you that everything is a escape. That promise is very bad. Yes, yes. And when they tell me, no, but you promised me, I say no, no. Let's clarify. I never promised anything. I promised in a state, justice must contemplate that. You were in a state of alteration. That's why. Mental alteration. That is to say that you do not commit to anything. No, no, I do not promise. I can take a commitment, but I can't promise anything. Because I don't have any control over the future. Here it says, don't leave the old food in the fridge. The old food. What old food? Where did I see it? Overlaps. They're all old. Well, it says, let's go back to the old stuff. Don't make assumptions about the other person's space. Ah, I'm going to see what they say. It says... Although they share a home, each one needs its own space. That is, each one has its own department. That's the best. No, no, well, but here you say something else. It could be a corner to read, a small studio, Yes. Work or just disconnect. Invade those spaces without asking for permission. or assume that the other does not need moments of solitude, it can generate unnecessary friction. Look, nowadays houses do not allow solitude. It's true, they are small. The world does not allow solitude. And they are all alone, there are many alone. I met a friend who liked to cry, but he lived in a house with his family, a relatively small house with many relatives. And he couldn't cry. Because everyone was saying... Of course, every time he tried to cry, someone would come to console him, or make fun of him, or ask him what was wrong with him. So my friend found, in a street near the railway station, a place, a kind of abandoned warehouse, and he was going to cry there. Every time he had a reason to cry, How sad! which was quite frequent, he would go to that little shed and there he would only cry. Until one day he went and found, written on the wall, here he cries, Fulano. No! Who had seen him? No, he never knew. I never knew, but it was nothing more. Of course, it was nothing more. How barbaric, someone who saw him. Not even that, poor thing. It's tremendous, huh? Yes. Don't ignore the moments of conflict. What do you mean, don't ignore? This is what we were saying, right? A little bit of denial, you start promising things, the conflict is evaded, says Vallejo. There are ways to avoid conflict that are more offensive than conflict. Yes, yes, many times, yes. It's escalating. For example, the girl comes, what do I know, blah blah, and you say, I'm not going to say a single word to you. Why? To avoid conflict, you said. No, no, no. But he doesn't avoid it. He doesn't direct the word to me. No, but in general he is more the aggressive passive, what we said before. To avoid conflict, he comes out with another conversation. It's fine, as you wish. Look as you wish. As you wish, Eduardo. I'm not Eduardo. With more reason. Well, last considerations. Don't yell or insult in discussions. That's true. And where am I going to yell and insult? But you know... In love moments, too. No, but I can tell you something, there is no going back. Where? What do you mean? No, you say a barbarity. But then you can go back. If the bond is alive... But if you say... If you want to fall and get up, it's a step back. You changed the middle of a word for another. It's not a time to laugh, Roberto. But if you say, for example, I never supported your brother. I'm a portrait. Is that already installed? Yes, of course. But give it for not saying it. No, but you said it. If you said it... Uh... Oggression, oggression. No, no. If you said it because you felt it, because it's like that. Retire... how do the lawyers say it? Retire the previous one. Is that what the lawyers say? Something like that. Retire it. Well. But you... What clothes did you wear? Why are there couples... In the moment of the act. Hey, where did you go? I'll take it off. That's it. There are couples who are climbing... in the... They fight once and say certain things. Yes. The second time they used those arguments and resources. They go for more. They have to put a little more of it in. And they go up and at a certain point they start talking about relatives. Of course. I never supported you. Of course. You're not even bothering to tell me. I didn't want to tell you, but I never supported you. What? And you never said anything for 20 years? No, no. On the second day I was already fed up. Well, and now I'm going to get caught. But 20 years have passed. And what? Well, but... Yes, well, yes, I'm a barbarian, I go barbaric. No, no, good. I always went barbaric on the first day. No, so you see that... but you punish everything. Don't you see that it's like that? If on the second day you were already fed up and 20 years have passed... I didn't want to tell you, so you wouldn't have to endure it. Because I imagined what you would say when I told you. I feel sorry for both of you. Who are you? Your mother-in-law. Ah, again. I feel sorry for both of you. Mom, don't get involved. First, I feel sorry for her because you never loved her. And then I feel sorry for you. Because I'm your son. No, because you were 20 years without loving a woman. Oh, that's why! You're right, my dear. You're right. Having the opportunity to be with another is better. You're right. Someone raised him so that he would love himself as little as you say. Don't blame the parents of the acts of your children. Period. I never supported him. From my children to him. From the second day he was born, I couldn't stand him anymore. And they passed... I thought I was 20 years old today. Yes, but you're 20 years old. You're 40, Roberto. Yes, you're right. 20 years old from my mother and 20 years old from you. No, we met at the same time. That's my life. 20 years and two days. 40 years and two days. Well, look, the truth is that I'm choked up. I don't have any more... besides the crap of this buddhism you made... You know, because you're choked... You don't know how to make buddhism and you start making buddhism! You ate it like a desperate person! You're choked because you bit your tongue and you got poisoned! Mother! You're so clever! Well, look, let's go with the listeners because... I don't think this has a return. There are messages from the listeners to WhatsApp of the Revenge, which is 11-658-555-8-0. It starts with a conflict here too. Really? Let's see. I met them because of my husband, who is Uruguayan. That is an accusation. Why? He is blaming his husband for having met us. And we listen to them every night. Thank you very much. We hope to travel to Buenos Aires soon and see you there. We are waiting for you. Yes. Many children know Gardel thanks to you. Because Gardel is talked a lot, but his songs are never heard. Rodolfo de Santos Lugares. He is very right. Everyone pays homage to him where others sing. Yes. Well, I am Olga Arango. Since Monday is my birthday... So it's already over. Happy birthday, Sola. Happy birthday, Sola. And we're all empty-handed. I'd like you to dedicate me to sleep. Oh, no, guess what? Guess what? That exquisite mora tango. I recently heard it on trumpet. I was fascinated. How nice. Guilespi can start rehearsing. How nice. Because the tangos on trumpet are great. A hug, let's see, let's play a little bit. We have to do it, we can do it in Sibemon. Yes, yes, good idea, Olga. Well, okay. Here it says, we are Maria, and I don't know how they write together, we are Maria and my mom is from Montevideo, that is, she writes Maria, from Uruguay. It says, with my mother we listen to them at night, she likes Greek mythology, she has fun with the program. We always believe that the Porteños are all stupid. Well... But it's ugly to generalize, he says, after he said it. Please. He says, we apologize to everyone. We want Montevideoans to generalize. We love you very much, as the exception. Of course, well, thank you very much. In the name of the rest. Thank you for making my mother laugh. It's all aggressive-passive, what you say, Maria. Here you have examples of aggressive-passive. Yes, yes. Ok, Maria, thank you. Dear Avengers, I listen to you every day in the morning because I get to work at 4am and that complicates me to listen to you live. I would like to listen to Dolina making a report about Aleister Crowley. We have done. The worst man in the world, according to an English judge. But we have talked about him, that he was a magician, that he was violent, that he had tormented relationships. He was much worse than that. He had a certain influence on rock musicians. Yes, of course. The Beatles put him in the stage of Sgt. Pepper, among other figures, and Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin was like a satanic follower. Yes, there was a certain satanic air in some of his maneuvers. Well, but we have talked more than once about it. I don't have more to say. Here, look, Sara, from Mar del Plata, says, Dolina, I love you. Thank you. But look at what she says. Oh, out of nowhere. You are as renegade as me. She says that. And you say, ha ha. Kisses from Mar del Plata. Sara. I am Juan de Luján. I would like to ask the teacher to say the word Salsita. Salsita. The one with the four cheeses but with saliva. The Salsita. We chose the Salsita. All full of saliva. Of course, with the four cheeses. Here, Carlos, the revengeful hairdresser of Almagro. I told you we were going to have a problem. That's how you call it. and he made a request, so they will have to comply. He asks for Chippy by Charlie Garcia. This is for the trio. It can be for the trio. Could it be a song from Charlie's new album? There is a song from the new ones that uses Chippy Chippy's music. Yes, in the Scorpion's logic. Yes, in the logic. Or maybe yesterday, I don't remember. Well... Charlie's new album. Here's Maria Teresa, who asks us what they think of Larry David's series. It's the one about enthusiasm. Yes, yes. Some of my intelligent friends like it a lot. I didn't get to get excited at all. And that's the title a little bit. But... It makes a sense of discomfort. It's like a kind of... It handles it very well. Yes, it handles it well, but if one doesn't... Thank you very much. You like the sense of discomfort. In that genre, he must be the best. Yes, I think so, because he was the creator of Seinfeld, or the scriptwriter. Of course, but it wasn't the same kind of humor. It wasn't exactly the same. It was more classical. A wider palette and more classical. More classical, with a more classical formula. Well, we have to take a break. Please, make it dry. We continue on La Venganza Será Terrible. We invite you to visit our website, lave For example, there you can get tickets to Chacarerian, to the functions of Avellaneda, San Isidro, and so many others where we will introduce ourselves, and among many other things. Lave We are going to talk about a painter today, a painter in a time when there was no painter. It is about Artemisia Gentileschi, who was a great artist born in Rome, in 1593. She was the oldest of four brothers, and her father, Horacio, was a pizza painter. But they lived in Rome, right? It's funny because Horacio writes without H and with Z. with two short spelling mistakes. Not much is known about her mother, but after her death, Horacio, her father, wanted Artemisia to take on the habits of a nun. But she wanted to be an artist, and she made her father know. Her father was a painter, as we have said. She accepted the girl's decision, who was already drawing wonderfully well. But, of course, at that time it was unthinkable that a woman would be trained in the workshop of a teacher and that they would go out too much to the street. They only went out to the street to go to church, to the women. So this girl continued to learn with her own father. many times under the gaze of a neighbor named Tuzia when her father was not there. At the beginning of 1611, Horacio Gentileschi was commissioned to paint the fresco, a small lodge that is like a porch, in the Palace of Cardinal Chipione Borghese in Monte Cavallo. Horacio put... a young artist, Agostino Tassi, nicknamed Luis Marllazo, the bravado, right? So that he could work with him. And between the two, a friendship arose, because Horatio, who was almost always out, couldn't take care of his daughter's studies anymore, asked this boy, Agostino Tassi, to teach his daughter. Class of perspective. Yes. And Agostino began to visit the house of the Gentilechi. One day he managed to take the neighbor, Tuzia, who was always present, and then raped this girl, Artemisia. The young woman wanted to scream, but the bravado had covered her mouth. Then, to reassure her, Tassi promised to marry her, speaking of promises. A promise that for a year the girl was hoping that she would fulfill. But she didn't. In March 1612, the Pope, Horatio Gentileschi, denounced... ..along with the authorities, and they took him to trial. Probably the Gentilex realized that this boy had no intention of marrying Artemisia. Or they discovered that Agostino Tassi had been in prison for several crimes in the past. So the trial complicated this boy. Even they discovered cases of murder and illicit relationships with a lot of women. At that time, however, sexual violence was not considered a crime against women, but rather against family honor, which was on the other hand, in charge of the family men. So imagine. Also, to obtain justice, The victim was demanded to be proven to have always had a very proper and very integral behavior. So throughout the Artemisia process, he insisted both on violence and on deception regarding the nuptial promise. Look, the nuptial promise was stronger than the rape. Yes, that's what I was thinking. While this guy, Agostino, accused her of being a woman of a bad life. and said that she had never had any relations with her. To aggravate things, Tuzia, the girl who took care of Artemisia, and other witnesses, claimed that the painter was seeing other men and that she was too free. Did you see how people were? Yes. There was even someone who claimed that she used to look out the window of her house to look at the street, something that was not appropriate for a decent person. Artemisia, to which... Everyone looked at her suspiciously because she was simply a painter. Imagine that. Well, Artemisia was considered a licensed woman since that moment. Well, if that were not enough, to verify that her statement was true, Artemisia was examined by two maids. and he was even tortured, he was called a civili, he had some strings between his fingers, of his hands tied together, they started to squeeze with a stick, making a kind of torriquete. It's not worth explaining, but he was especially cruel with someone who used his hands to paint it, right? The trial ended with the sentence of the taxi. They sentenced him to death. La sentencia preveía cinco años de cárcel o el exilio o dos años de trabajo forzado. Tasi optó por el exilio, pero gracias a algunos amigos influyentes consiguió volver a Roma un tiempito después. Incluso reanudó su relación con Horacio, el papá. Después de todo esto, Artemisia se casó con... He said a Florentine, Pierantonio Stiatesi, he was also a painter, he had four children with him. It seems that the marriage was arranged by Horatio to silence the previous scandal. But Artemisia did not want him, they went to Florence and Artemisia managed to enter the circle of Duke Cosimo II. in a Medici, Cosimo de Medici. He learned to write, since he only knew how to read. How strange. Whoever knows how to read, also knows how to write. He began to connect with artists and intellectuals of the time. He even met and was a student of Galileo Galilei. And also with the great-grandson of Michelangelo Buonarroti, also called Michelangelo. And this great-grandson... this Buonarroti, ordered an allegory of the initiation for the family house vault. He painted a naked woman, which according to them was a self-portrait, so realistic that his client was later forced to cover it with a cloth. There are some very realistic paintings. There's Judith killing Holofernes, a very violent painting. Another very realistic one is Susanna and the Old Men. It's a story from the Bible, from the book of David, I think. Susanna was a very shrewd girl, and some old officials, who I think were judges, extorted her. They said, look, if you don't let yourself be loved, we're going to denounce you as a prostitute and the death penalty. or you give us your body or you die. And she chose to die, she didn't give herself up. Then Daniel, the same one who writes the book, tells that he helped her. I don't remember how the story ends, but there she is in the painting, there is this young girl, naked, and next to two guys. The judges. The judges who are there with the face of... I don't know. But she was very realistic in her paintings. Her paintings. Well, the husband to all this, Pierre Antonio, had gone to Florence, she worked quite well. He saw with good eyes the progress of art in Missy because she was practically the one who provided the support of the family. And while she was working, the guy was walking from here to there. mujeres, yo que sé. Well, something actually happened. What? But something happened recently. In 2011, a man named Francesco Solina found a box with a bunch of letters from Artemisia. And in those letters, what? some relationships. For example, the true love of Artemisia had been the noble Florentino Francesco Maria Marenghi and the painter maintained for years a relationship with him, also with an English musician, Nicolas Laniere, and it seems that the husband did not like it, did not mind. Well, look... To the point that one day he disappeared, they didn't see him anymore. The fame of artemisia grew a lot. It was invited to be part of the Academy of Desirables, a prestigious institution that gathered the most important Roman intellectuals. It was the first Baroque art academy in Italy. It has the name of Murga, the Desirables. Yes, yes, the Desirables. Ya antes también, siendo muy joven, había sido admitida en Florencia en la Academia de las Artes del Dibujo, que había fundado Giorgio Vasari en 1562. Esto fue en el 1616. Él ya está cuando ya había muerto Miguel Ángel, Vasari. Vasari no era un pintor, Vasari era un biógrafo. Y escribió la biografía porque él fue... almost contemporary of them, of all the greats of Florence, of the best moment. Of course. The end of the 15th century and the 16th century. And there were Michelangelo, Leonardo, all that. He was the founder of this academy. Well, they were in London too. He worked a lot. He painted a roof in Greenwich, the roof of the Queen House, and they are there. They are paintings that are seen and appreciated a lot now. Very good. And whoever looks at them will see that they are very meritorious. They are already a little bit maniocal after the... the boom of Miguel Ángel, of Rafael Urbino, of all those guys from the 15th and 16th century, things were changing and what came later was the maniarrism. They were a little bit spoiled. They were looking for some things. In recent times, Artemisia tried new artistic challenges because even his paintings seemed a little outdated. We are not going to talk about it because we are not very expert in this. Of course. But since painting was a very popular thing, people knew a lot. Some effects were in fashion, some themes, some ways of shading. Others were in fashion, like in this case the technique of the light-darkness, etc. Those things. Well, finally... We must say that he never got rid of his fame as a licensee. Well... Well, it didn't help much... The letters that appeared. ..the theme of the letters. So, well... It took them a while to discover it. Yes, but they also took a while to appreciate it. Because before this meeting of the letters, in 1916, already in our time, there was a historian, Roberto Longhi, who facilitated the evaluation of the art of artemisia. But we must say that his private history continues to prevail. its artistic trajectory, and less than a job whose quality can be compared to that of the very same Garavaglio. Garavaglio, I think, got to know the father of... of Artemisia. Well, nice story of this poor woman who was malnourished because they said she looked out the window. Of course, what a prejudice, please. Listen, you can't do that with those guys. Well, I wonder with what theme we could illustrate this talk. Let's listen to Tita Merelo, in a tango that was composed by someone who knew the history of artemisia. The tango is called, Se dice de mi. Let's continue with the revenge. It was terrible, ladies and gentlemen. This is the best time to start the next segment. Attention, Carpenteros. You don't hear much about Carpenteros, as we've heard, in a study of those who do. The noblest trade. 76% of our listeners are Carpenteros. So it must be very few. Carpintero. Y el mismo Jesús lo ayudaba, incluso cuando se atrasaban en algún laburo, por ahí se mandaba algún milagro. Claro. Para ayudar, imagínense. Bueno, peligros en la carpintería. Bueno, muy bien. Todo es peligroso. Todo es peligroso. De que entras a una carpintería, estás ahí en peligro de morir. Sí, sí. Los riesgos a los que está sometido un oficial. of carpentry are the following two points first falls and shots with the cutting machines for example the saw blade the circular saw the saw to climb etc. well that is the worst of all yes and part with the butcher The circular one. Yes, but that one. They use it to cut boards. And the guy is pulling the board or the ribcage, whatever. It's a carpenter or carnicer. And he keeps going. And he cuts himself in half. That's classic. He cuts himself in half and falls. With the board on one side. The board on one side and half of himself. And the other half for the other. Before he was either by the client or by the assistant. Or in the carnicería of some lady. Well, yes. Now what a repisa he has left. No, well. He has a repisa left. No, the falls too, because you can fall on any tool. Of course. There is no place to lean on. And also the asherin that is on the floor. It is slippery. And what does he tell me about the dust? It will arrive soon. Why? Cut in the use of manual tools. fall of stairs to the roof because I see that the carpentry sheds usually have stairs to access the board rooms or a second floor says loss of members in the use of the saw The other one was worse, it cut in half. Yes, well, but... What are the precautions to use the saw? I think it has an alarm. It has an alarm? Not for me. Not for me either. Well, but I decided I had it. How are you going to know the saw, that the wood ends and the butcher comes? No, you can have a body temperature detector. So the alarm rings and it ends. I think the bike has a... It has one? It has a fuse. It doesn't look like it. No. But yes, there are some that have a fuse. Now, that would have to exist, right? It seems to me that what it has to do is not to move forward with the body, but with the arms. Of course. What it cuts. There are some... Some inconveniences that are of management. More than by accident. For example, here we have a carpenter, Josep El Carpintero. Oh, look at that. Every time I nail the wood, it rips. Yes. Oh, well. That's very common. You must have something to say. Yes. I think I was using a very large nail. Yes. And that it's very close to the edge of the board. But it could also be made of wood. The wood was already half cracked. But it has a bit of the tree. Because I want to tell you... Proclive the crack. I want to tell you that they had to cut a tree to do that. Yes, I know. I'm against it. I want to say it too. Cut everything. Cut everything? Yes, it's an actress. of the 20s. Or of India, it could also be, not all of them. Well, here it says, be careful with the speed of the saw. If you put it very deep... Even if the wood is pricked... No, and that's where the saw comes flying. Yes, yes. Yes. I have no patience for this. Break the circuit and cut four clients off from the carpentry. But how? We are not in the carpentry. It's the same. No, it's not the same. Well, what are the best wood qualities? Well, hard wood. Stated wood. You know a lot about wood. Yes, hard wood. The wood is divided into two, hard and soft. Well, but you see that the harder it is... more expensive? I don't know. There are trees that are very expensive. Yes, it's true. The cahoba, for example, is very expensive. And isn't cahoba hard? Yes. Yes, yes. I think hardwoods are the most expensive. Yes, yes. Because, notice that they make them cheaper, let's say, galgarrobo. Pine, all that. Pine. They are... You scratch it with your nail. Yes, yes. Excuse me. Yes, yes. And hardwoods, in general, are very woody trees. Well... There were even woods that are expensive, I don't know if it's because of their hardness, but because of the texture of their vests, their drawings. Yes sir. I was thinking of the people of the Luthierscas in musical instruments. Ah, well, they use precious woods. Yes. Thank you very kind. No, please. Now the woods must be light woods. The one for the instruments? There are different woods for the neck. Depending on, for example, on the guitars and... The covers are flexible, they are made of a common wood. And it has to vibrate a bit. Of course, that's why I say that. I don't put wood from the sleeping of the railroad. But that's because the wood is thin. Of course, but the diapason is made of very hard, stony wood. So that it doesn't bend, do you agree? Well... I continue with the risks. Yes. Strikes received by the turning of wooden pieces because of a poor display. You file some boards, Yes. You arrange them wrongly. goes through your girlfriend's side, and you get a pile of boards. I didn't have to enter here, my girlfriend, because... Then you have to pay for it. No, no, what happens is that you cut the smaller things down there, and the bigger ones... And of course, you got... It's like Jenga, like the Jenga game. You have to... Well, you're cutting wood and you get this, which comes down. A waste of pre-made pieces, it's the same. ..the blows received by uncontrolled movements of elements of machines or materials. Exactly. There are several kinds of saws. There is circular saw. And then there is another one that is a... is not a tape that forms a circle, but it is a complete circle like a wheel. Like a toothed wheel. Yes. Oh, yes, yes. And then there are the elements to sand. The garlopa. The sandpaper and the garlopa. Yes. What do you say? Yes. Are they two of your friends? If you don't pay attention, I'll cut your hand off. It's an old carpenter's advice. I used to manipulate the garlopa in a very distant time, further away than I said before. In your youth. No, before. Don't tell me that your grandmother came in and manipulated you. She was holding the garlopa in her hand. No, sir, but yes, my grandfather was there. No, but it's not the grandfather of that grandmother, another house of another person. The grandfather was a carpenter from a friend of mine from elementary school and he had his carpentry workshop there in the house. They called him Opa. How beautiful, eh? It was my great-grandson. No. When they say, opa, listen to me. It shouldn't be very lively. No, because it was a German family and I think that in the grandparents... Ah, in German opa means something else. No, I think that the grandparents say opa, I think, affectionately. The countryman's cry of opa, opa is something else. It was German, it seems. Sonrió el tropero que era el desengaño. Que lindo momento ese. Fíjese, le voy a llamar la atención sobre esa canción, Opa, Opa. Cuenta que el tipo estaba parado una noche, casi anochecía, dice, cerquita mi rancho, cuando con mis penas me encontraba sola. Y vio. like a horse in the sky. The same theme of horse in the sky. That was And he answers, I have signed and the market promises and returns for these payments in search of others, of other hopes. Do not forget that I have my pots full and even as a gift I give them all. He spoke of hope. And there it comes. The trooper smiled And then it ends. Who composed this? I think the old Pancho, a composer from the beginning of the 20th century, was sung by Gardel. Uh-huh, good. Well. But what were we doing? In the garlopa. He walked in with his grandfather. You walked in and your grandfather was in the garlopa. No, the other way around. Ah, were you in the garlopa? I was in the garlopa, but very acidually. Garlopas are those that come out in bits. You support it on wood, of course. And the sandpaper, you take out what's left. It has a very dangerous edge. It's like a deep scratch. Deep and the garlopa is very heavy. It has a steel thing, a tool. It's very heavy. A handle. That's how you grab it. No, no. If we don't do things with respect, I'm going to get up and leave. Because I open my heart. Yes, but be careful. I'm telling you things from my childhood. Yes, well. You also had a childhood. He was so gentle in the audience, and he was trying to... He came in with his grandpa and he was showing us with his hand in his mouth, passing him a board and he was shouting things in German. Of course, because... Scandal, scandal, police, police! But that's not Russian. German? Ah. He said things and I understood that he was challenging us. And yes, I imagine so. And in German it is much more severe. Of course. And he kept on screaming. Because that's where he could hurt himself. That's what the grandmother said. And then my friend, a child, said... Enough, Opa, shut up, Opa. We're leaving, Opa. All like that. But it seems that Opa was affectionate. Wouldn't it be Opa? No, no. Some German people could... Well, I continue with the disaster series, which continues with electricity. Also because these mountains, all these devices... That breaks cables every now and then. And you get a full moon. In the United States, every day more than 70,000 carpenters get a full moon. It can't be, there are no more than 70,000 carpenters. No, more than seven. Ah, well, but you can't throw the march. No, I have a bad grade here. Well, please. It says, particle projection, it must be a movie. No, particles because they go to the eyes. Exactly. Astilla. ring, they go out anywhere. When you are there, the same garlopa passes, but worse still, when there are some machines that are like the garlopa but electric, like lichers, purifiers, and that takes your eye away. And you are invisible. Yes, it's very painful. You have to remove it between four. Well, I don't know if between so many. But sometimes the same dust. Yes. The same dust is going to... The dust is made up of small particles of wood. That's why you have to wear antipaths. Yes, you breathe them too. Yes. Half of the carpenters die very young. Well, full of wood. They are like wood. When they crema, they burn. It turns on quickly. They catch right away. The carpenter catches right away. No, please. Sir, don't laugh like that, please. They're going to charge you. Well, then there's the noise. The unbearable noise in the carpentry that damages the ears. 45% of the carpenters in the United States are deaf. And there comes the saying, malicious, which is all carpenters are deaf. No, but... Or more deaf than a carpenter. No, I don't think so. It's true that one comes walking in the middle of the square and hears... But it's tremendous. Having a carpentry shop next door. No, it's tremendous. And here in the capital we have, not the carpentry, but the carpentry is transferred, more recently, to the construction works. Of course. And all the time you are going to be like... And you don't know what it is. They cut ceramics. But what are they going to do? A wooden building? Calculate one. 20-story building. Is it the sawmill that cuts the ceramics? Yes, I think so. Yes. But why don't they cut them in the ceramics factory? No, they cut them, but for the cuts of the angles. Yes, you have to put them. Well, careful contact with contacts with irritating chemical substances, like cola. Of course, cola. Of course. We had already named it. The sandpaper, the garlopa, and now the tail. The tail of... what is it called? The carpenter. The tail of the carpentry. It's the one that sticks. Be careful because sometimes you put a hand on a wood that is stuck and you have to live the rest of your life. I know many carpenters who have a piece of wood in their hand. You think you're grabbing it by accident. No, but listen to me. And no, it's your life. It takes several hours. At the beginning, the carpenter's tail is like milk. How about it? For me, with mayonnaise, please. Make me a drink. Does the carpenter's tail happen to you? Yes. I just arrived. What is today's topic? The carpenter's Among all the carpenters, they are deaf. And do you have a milk tail? Well, he says, another thing that can happen to him is to ingest harmful substances, even by dirty hands. But listen to me, everything is dangerous. The varnish has a smell that... After the test pilot, the carpenter comes. It is impossible to survive. The varnish is also toxic, the smell. Yes. Well, another danger is the fires created by the concentration of wood or wood dust, aserrine, flammable products, Be careful when you throw cigarettes in the carpentry. You're supposed to smoke everywhere. You should start smoking here in the carpentry. You grab the firewood and then the wood and you don't put it out. You don't put it out. Be careful when you eat in the workshop. Why? I don't know yet. the aserrin and the breadcrumbs. Of course, you're wrong. You make a milanesa, you're making a milanesa, and you put breadcrumbs instead of aserrin, and you eat it. But it's weird that they cook carpentry. No, but you had given it a churrasco. And he says, I thought it was a churrasco, but it looks like a milanesa. Well, he eats it like a milanesa, and it was a churrasco with aserrin, sir. Well, how many fingers are lost annually in the United States? Not more than ten per person. And not? No, per person, not more than ten. In the carpentry where I went, in the Gaudino carpentry, half a relative of mine, the Gaudita, they had a little drawer with fingers. Ah, the ones who had lost their employees, the same Gaudino. Please, what an impression. A greeting to the Gaudino family of Baigorrite. Do you know something else that is dangerous? The nails. Sometimes when the wood is hard, a hammer hits it. A hammer in the finger. It can also be... Claro, se dice que se pega el martillozo en el dedo. O que en casos no tan frecuentes, que usted se clave la mano. With the nail. Like a Christ. And he keeps giving, without realizing it. When he wants to take out the hand, believing that he has finished it, he sees that he has it nailed. So he has one hand with a wooden stick and the other hand nailed to the wall. And if your husband is here, what is he saying? Greeting with the hand nailed. Well, extraordinary. A tribute to the carpenters, which is a great job. What else impresses you about the carpenters? Some of them have come to work here. Very good. Yes. They have built libraries. And some of them are still very artistic. The Ebanists, right? In the museum of the Bicentennial, which is in the Casa Rosada, but not the Casa Rosada, but the underground, the Sarmiento's office is exhibited, which is... That's why Sarmiento was a writer. Why? Because he didn't know the type of writing he had. Of course. He wanted to write a faculty. Of course. He just sits there and writes the faculty. Something absolutely spectacular, gigantic and full of boxes, little boxes, details. There was a time when there were such beautiful writers. I even remember those writers who appeared in period movies. of... and possibly the 19th century, which has like... which closes... The Persian? It has like a Persian to close. I don't know if they are so beautiful, but they are very picturesque. Yes, yes. And then there are the others, which as you say, have a lot of windows, A lot, a lot. but very nice, but it's invaded by the computer. Of course, of course. And then it doesn't light up. It's the same. It's just that now computers don't look good in any office. No, they don't look good anywhere. Now, with what you just said, surely a listener will give you a desk. Or a computer. But is that every thing you say is given to you by a computer? Yes, generally. I would like to have a car, zero kilometers. That's one of the things that doesn't happen to me. I listen to programs and say, well, they have arrived from the confectionery and they gave us this and that. They sent half a moon. We have been here for 40 years. They never sent us a piece of bread. Now they send us hamburgers. But that's because of the chacarera, because no kind of bakery comes. Of course. Well, gentlemen. We have to pause, the music is coming. Yes, the musicians are here. Please. Trying to get their hands out of their tails. Or the other way around. Pause. And to finish, two words are enough. Thank you. Passion for the podcast.