Casual FC

Angel City FC Home Finale & NWSL Drama: Goals, Controversies, and Playoff Hopes!

Join us for this exciting episode of Casual FC where we dive into Angel City FC's final home match against the Utah Royals and the latest NWSL drama! We break down Christen Press's incredible performance, ACFC's childcare policy controversies, and the league's recent sanctions. We chat about the rollercoaster of emotions from recent games, preview key matchups, and discuss the playoff race. Don't miss out on the latest shenanisode as we navigate through all things Angel City FC and beyond! 

🗓️ Sunday, October 20th at 4:30pm
🏟️ BMO Stadium
⚽️ vs Utah Royals
📺 NWSL+, CBS Golazo Network, Bally Sports, Paramount+
🎙️ iHeartRadio

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00:00 Welcome to Casual FC
01:20 Voting Reminder
04:26 Upcoming Match Preview
08:03 Angel City Sanctions and Childcare Issues
23:50 Boston NWSL Franchise Controversy
33:42 Addressing Problematic Hires in Sports
35:01 Diversity and Representation in Coaching
37:09 San Diego's Performance Issues
38:03 Social Media Banter and Player Highlights
39:42 League Standings and Playoff Scenarios
43:54 Match Recap: Angel City vs. Courage
47:04 Fan Reactions and Emotional Moments
55:57 Upcoming Match Preview and Final Thoughts
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What is Casual FC?

From causal and seasoned fans to fresh new fans to the game, Casual FC is your Angel City FC podcast previewing all upcoming matches, highlighting what to look for as the casual football fan.

Angela: Welcome to Casual FC,
an Angel City preview pod and

a certified footy therapy pod.


Mario: I think I'm going to get my
doctorate off of this footy therapy.

Angela: I'm already, I'm
already halfway there.

I've got the sports psychology masters.

I might as well go into footy therapy.

That, I don't want to be a clinical
psychologist, so I'll be a footy

Mario: Yeah.


When I'm applying to the school,
they're gonna be like, so you

wanna be a psychologist or No.

no, no, no, no, no, no.

You're, you're misunderstanding

Angela: I just want to be somebody
who talks about sports constantly.

Honestly, though, dream job.

Someone asked me like, what, right
now, like, what's your dream job?

And I was like, honestly, if
I could just get paid to talk

about sports, I'd be so pumped.

I'm your host, Angela Morales, who's,
getting over some funky, uh, non-COVID

bug that is going around literally
everybody I know testing, getting

negative, you know, negative COVID

Mario: Yeah,

Angela: Still so

Mario: that's definitely what
I had a, a couple weeks ago.

Angela: Yeah, don't recommend.

Been down bad.

But something happened on Saturday
night that basically cured me

because I woke up on Sunday and
had enough energy to go to Costco.

So thank you, Christen Press.

And this is my wonderful co host,
Mario Salazar, because I don't

know what, I don't have any fun

Mario: It's fine, it's fine.

You're sick.

It's, you know, I think we gotta
do the general apology of how

we sound when we're sick on the,

Angela: Yeah.


Mario: had to, I, I had to do it a
couple weeks ago when I was sick, so.

Angela: Yep, yeah, we're just hanging
in there, just doing the best we can.

just as a quick reminder, make
sure you have checked your voting

registration and that you have registered
to vote if you haven't already.

the 21st, er, Monday the 21st,

Mario: Monday.

Angela: know dates.

It's Monday because the
game is on the 20th.


Anyway, Monday is the last day to
register to vote online in California.

They just closed the online application
so that they can like create the

voter roll and everything like that.

You can still register
day of at the polls.

Please don't think that you can't
vote if you don't register by Monday.

Thank you.

Mario: you.

can do that.

Angela: Soapbox to the side for right now.

Voting soapbox anyway.

Mario: coming up before, all of
this, we'll be putting up the links.

There's some great, online resources to
just kind of get yourself educated on it.

the voter books should have been mailed
out by now if you were registered.

Angela: You should have gotten them

Mario: huh.

And, you know, there's plenty of
online resources to create your

own little like cheat sheet guide.

So like when you're there, if you're going
to vote in person, when you're there, you

Can just go stamp, stamp, stamp, stamp.

You're good to go.

Angela: take your little book with you.

You, this is an open book test.

is an open book test.

Think of it that way.

You get the little sample ballot.

You get the like, book with
all the information in it.

You can write in your sample ballot.

You can take it with you.

You don't have to memorize it.


Mario: It's okay.

And, you know, if you've already
received your ballot, mail it in.

You may let in beforehand too,
or Go to one of the many drop

boxes all around the city.

Angela: Yeah.

And for anybody who's up in the Valley,
which I am not, there is one right

across the street from Coffee Fix.

on, is it, Woodset and Moorpark, and
it's right in front of a library, so

it's like two of my favorite places,
libraries and Coffee Fix, so maybe go drop

your ballot there if you're in the area.

I'm not gonna name names because I
don't wanna give out where people

live, but just saying, it's a really
easy place to drop your ballot.

Mario: People live around there.

Angela: Yes, there are homes.

Mario: Alright,

Angela: so we've got this match coming up.

It's the last home game of the season.

What's it, what's it doing?

What we, where we, where we at?


Mario: so this episode is our
match preview of our final home

match against the Utah Royals on
Sunday, October 20th at BMO Stadium.

It's going to be a 4 30 game.

Match, which is always a weird time.

It's like a bit too.

Angela: It's like too early and

Mario: Yeah, at least though.

It's the end of the it's
the end of the season.

So like it's Not gonna be hot as balls.

It's good.

It's actually getting cool.

So like, you know, maybe
bring a light sweater yeah, TV

Angela: those who know, like April
25th weather, like that kind of,

perfect for a sweater weather.

Mario: All right, and TV streaming
will be on multiple places NWSL plus

Golazo, the CBS Golazo Network.

It's going to be on Valley
Sports and on Paramount Plus.

At this point, you probably already
have the Paramount Plus subscription.

So just, just go there.

Angela: Yeah,

Mario: Like,

Angela: go there.


Mario: or listen to the radio,
iHeartRadio, listen to Isaac and Tracy.

If you can't watch it anywhere, it'll,
they'll make you feel like you're

right there at BMO with everybody else.

it is the final home match of the season.

So there is a poster giveaway, which funny
enough on their social media, they post.

They're like poster giveaway
with like the poster image from

last year, and then they had to

put a little asterisk that says
design will be different on game day,

Angela: right?

Mario: which like I get it.

Don't give away the goods, but
also it's just a team poster,

like you can give it away.

You can show what it's going to be.


Angela: There will most likely
be a FanFest and all kinds of

Mario: yeah, I haven't, I
haven't checked that out.

Yeah, I haven't.

Angela: F.


has been a little busy this week.

Mario: They've had other
priorities at the moment.


Angela: ha


Mario: let's get into this.

So, as we said, Angel's been sick.

If you're not joining us on YouTube,
and you can hear it in her voice,

she's been sick, but, Christen
Press did her such a beautiful,

Angela: to God, Eva and I were jumping up
and down, like, legit, flew off the couch.

That was Christen Press!

Vintage Christen Press!


Just, like, she literally was,
like, walking back and forth,

living room, kitchen, bathroom,
like, every, like, oh my god!

And then I was like,
what the F is happening?

Like, what?

It was the, the biggest,
shift in emotions.

but I'll

Mario: oh Yeah.

wild whiplash, crazy ass mood swings.

It's like, yeah, alright, well,

Angela: Angel City.

Mario: Yeah.

before we get into, All
the kind of heavy stuff.

let's congratulate our good
friend Max and his dog Beans.

who turns three.

Beans turned three today,
I think it was today.

At least he posted it up today.

Angela: Yeah.

At least he posted today, but yeah.

Beans is Max's super freaking cute dog
who lives very far away and I'm upset

about it because I would love for this
dog to, be a regular podcast guest.

Mario: well, you know.

if the rumors are true, there
might be a reason to go visit.


Angela: I know.

We'll, we'll get into that when
we can, but we have a lot of

friends in places that are far
away, involved in other things.

So we're getting,
rumblings of possibilities

Mario: Well I

Angela: Yeah, rumblings of possibilities
of things that are possible.


That's all I'll say.

Mario: mean, it's not like we really know.


I'm going off of a rumor
post from, like, Reddit.

So, it,

Angela: know.

So, with that, we have the hopeful
conclusion of The, the sanctions

and fines and all the things.

Angel City released a statement.

I'm just going to read it because
I feel like if you aren't on

Instagram, maybe you don't know.

But basically, the, no I'm not.

The long story short is that Angel
City said nuh they didn't like the

fact that the league took the three
point, like the three point deduction.

Cause they're like, for what?

Which everybody was like, for what?

they said, we acknowledge our
mistakes and take full accountability.

We're implementing new policies to
ensure compliance going forward.

our commitment to acting Our commitment
to acting with integrity across

all operations is essential to our
goal in advancing, I can't read

today, equity and maintaining the
trust of the entire ACFC community.

They basically, they disagreed with the
league's conclusion of what they found.

Part of that was that child care
payments, the league is saying that

child care payments are under the
umbrella of the salary cap rules.

Angel City was under the impression
they were not, which if they are,

which granted, we don't know all of
the dirty details of salary cap and

everything like that, but like, no.

Childcare being under a
salary cap is garbage.

Mario: it's

so stupid.


Angela: many levels of
trash, if that's the case.

And granted, 500, 000

Mario: 000.

Angela: 000.

200, 000.

So we've got 50, 000 over four weeks.

I, there's so many numbers
happening right now.

is not enough to solely be
childcare, even in Los Angeles.

But like, if they are saying that
childcare is included as part of

salary, they need to up the salary cap.

They need to allow for,
cost of living differences.

child care in Louisville
is not child care in L.

A., and like, there is a big discrepancy
on cost of living out here in, in bigger

cities in general, aren't resort cities.

Like, I have, I take
issue, I take umbrage.

With this umbrage.

Mario: I'm, and, and I'm
trying to pull it up right now.

you know, our Discord came to the rescue,
and we all had a nice long conversation.

Angela: We have big feelings about it.

Mario: me and you had a conversation
first, and then, and then it.

started blowing off on our Discord,
and I'm like, yep, yep, huh, we, yep,

this is, this is exactly how we feel.

Janthony did the amazing work for us
and we had a great conversation about

it was, there was a tweet by Steph Yang.

And it said, here's what
the 2023 competition manual

says about child care costs.

Players with kids receive
dependent care stipend up to

the IRS max of 5, 000 in 2023,

Angela: So literally
not enough in any state.

Mario: which must be documented
in their player agreement.

Anything paid over the IRS
annual max hits your cap.

So the 5, 000 All of that is
not cap related, anything beyond

that hits your cap, which,

complete bullshit.

I mean,

Angela: That's so stupid.

Mario: so on the one hand, okay,
let me, man, let me backtrack.

On the one hand,

it technically is, I see how, I see
where the leak's coming from, right?

They're saying,


it's, both.

They're saying, if you're
paying, if you're giving.

Someone like, like Syd or someone like,
like Sarah, if you're giving them an

extra like 20k for child care, right?

Then, then they're getting their, and
they say, let's say they're maxed out

or whatever, like they're getting paid
more than a, than the other player.


And the whole point about the caps
and everything is about equity

and parity and things Like, that.

And, you know, I have kids.

It's not like, my office is going to
pay me an extra 20k because I have

kids to be able to do childcare.

I completely understand.

It's like, you gotta budget it.

Like, we pay you what we pay you.

You gotta budget it out.

Angela: Right.

Mario: But, childcare
is fucking expensive.

Especially in California.


Angela: like hurts your feelings

Mario: oh yeah, oh yeah,

Angela: Makes you question
why you had kids expensive.

Mario: it kind of is.

It kind of is.

And like, you get, you get
annoyed by how fucking expensive.

it is.

But then you also realize, are
you gonna cheap out on the person

that's taking care of your kids?


Angela: Right.

It's a catch 22 for sure.

Mario: I'll bargain and I'll cheap out
on some other things, but I'm not gonna

cheap out on the person that's gonna
like, be in charge of the safety of my

child, you know, like, I'm And, and,
but as a player on a team that requires

you to move around a lot, like, you're
traveling, whenever you do travel

days, it's at a minimum three days.

Possibly five, right?

Depending on the

amount and time of travel,
how you're getting there, Like

all of that stuff, like, you

know, usually you end up leaving,
like, you know, day one, you fly

out, day two, you do a training
session, game day is day three, and

then you might fly out the next day.

That's four days right there that
you're away from your kid, right?

You need child care during that time.

And, you know, It's not,

it's not fair to say, like,
you know, I, I'm lucky,

yeah, I'm lucky enough that we have my
mother in law that can help us out when

we need help, and she can watch the
kids, but we do Try to compensate her.

We do try to pay her, or we
do try to, you know, Like,

there's a give and take there, and I
know that that's a lot of ways the way

it works out, and if you have family
members that can help you out, great.

It takes a fucking village
to raise kids, right.

There's a reason why So, our taxes
are supposed to go to educating

kids so they're not doing dumb shit
and they figure out what they want.

Like, you know, there's a
reason why that's the ideal.



Wrong soapbox.


I don't want to get
started on another one.


why are we penalizing
the idea of child care?

If, let me put it this way, one,
NWSL, fuck you, and I'm totally

gonna clip that one, and two,

Angela: Oh no.

Mario: okay, maybe not, and, and two,

childcare is corporate benefit,
right, like, if I went to go

work at a company, and they
provided, like, on site childcare,

Angela: Yeah.

Mario: great, that's an extra
benefit that I'm gonna consider

when I'm looking for a place, right?

This other place paid me more but
didn't provide the child care, okay,

that's part of a consideration of like,
okay, penalizing them for providing

something for players like this
that's so essential, it's so stupid.

like, and I really hope, one of
the things we talked about was

that I really hope that Well, I
think a lot of this comes down to

what the, how the CBA was
structured in, and in 2023.

And I think part of that might
be like, hey, we're holding You

to these standards of what is
being implemented at the moment.

The 2023 CBA is still
what's being implemented.

The new CBA doesn't take
into effect till next year.


The fact that players
automatically become free agents.

That's just because next year there
is no such thing as, a restricted

free agent and all of that stuff.

Like it just goes out the window.

So might as well just start that now.

But a bunch of the salary cap
rules and things like that

don't take an effect until 2025.

Angela: honor the contracts that
are already like signed and honor

them through their duration.


Mario: So with it's,

Angela: It's just a clusterfuck, frankly.

Mario: and then,

Angela: it's so bad.

Mario: and another, another good point
that was making was, Good discussion to

have is like, how is this being treated
separate from like clubhouse and like

training faculty facility people like

if they need childcare, you know, like,
if if this was a benefit that was being

provided, say like an extra amount
that was being provided to everyone,

understandably, you might give more
to the talent, do the people that are

the reason why you're there, right?


is that going to affect everybody else?

Like, Okay.

Angela: Yeah.

Like, it doesn't impact the
folks who have kids in the F.


friends with somebody in the F.


who has a very adorable eight month old.

Like, not She can't get a job.

Like, the way Eva put it, we
were talking about it today.

Is Caden, Sarah Gordenson,
is he lacing up?


Why, why are we being mad at this?

Like, stop it.

The kids are not, like, don't do this.

Mario: Okay.

So I am going to play.

I wouldn't say devil.

I wouldn't say devil.

Angela: Caden laced up for Angel
City, do you know how pumped I'd be?

Like, an exhibition game with
Caden and Cassius, and Rouge just,

like, hanging out, having fun.

Like, oh, that'd be so much fun.

I would love

Mario: I, I will say this
though, on the whole topic of

the sanctions and the money,

childcare is expensive.


Very personal one on one childcare can be
way astronomically more expensive, right?


Angela: Yeah.

Mario: that these kids aren't, It's not
like you're leaving your kid at a daycare.

center while you're gone for four days.

It's not like leaving your dog
at a boarding facility, right?



So it's, it's considerably a
lot more expensive when you

have to figure that out, but

I will point out that the statement
that they released casually

disregards the five contracts.

Angela: Yeah.


Just it's like,

Mario: Two of them,

two of them might have been these,
these, childcare, there we go.

Yeah, Childcare related issues.

What about the other three?

What were those?


my guess is that they're, when
they say, Our understanding based

on the league's salary cap rules
was that child care payments do

not count against the salary cap.

We believe that ACFC did not
exceed the salary cap and formally

requested a reconsideration of three
points and the league said, nah.

With that though, it sounds like us
reading between the lines that the

majority of the 50k in those, like, if
you were to take out what the child care

costs were, maybe they went over the
salary cap by like Six grand, you know?

and then

something, something insignificant
that would have been like, you guys

violated the salary cap, here's
a slap on the wrist, here's a big

fine, and then go on your merry way.

But because it was compounded,
ends up being 200k, which can very

easily be the salary of a player,
like, then it becomes like, okay,

Angela: two players really, truly close to

Mario: Yeah, unfortunately,
close to three, It should, it

should be the salary of life.

Angela: they make normal people money.

Like they make the same thing

Mario: So, with, with all of that
being said, while I appreciate the

statement that they've made and the
fact that they haven't let this go

on forever, where other situations
In past years from our own FBI,

Angela: past years and also this
season, I'm just, sorry, I'm,

Mario: Are you talking
about our own FO or?

Okay, okay, okay, no, so what I'm saying,

Angela: had a persistent
issue for three years.


No big deal.

Mario: what I'm saying is that in,
for our own team making statements

after allegations or things that came
out in past years, they've waited

so long that it's It just became
a, it just became a little too late

whenever a statement made, was made.

And it's like,

I'll give you an example.

Angela: Which

Mario: I used to, I used to work
for a, a company that sold clothing.

There was a snafu where a code
was leaked onto Reddit and

Angela: Like a discount

Mario: a discount code?

and said clothing went
for sale for a penny and.

Angela: this.

I remember when this happened.

Mario: we got slammed.

Now, of course they weren't
going to honor those things.

so they stopped it as
soon as we figured it out.

I worked in the like email marketing, like
the digital marketing side of the company.

So like, we were like, Hey, here's
five different versions of a statement.

Put a statement here.

Here's a graphic.

We can email this out right now.

Post this on social media.

No, no, no, no.

We're thinking about this.

We're we got it.

We got a word that, no, You don't.

We're not.

Angela: need to figure this out yesterday.

Mario: cure cancer, we sell damn
clothes, like, say something.

And of course they waited till like,
the next day or something like that

and it's just like, and it just
became, it just became a bigger issue

than it really should have been.


yes, taking your time to craft a statement

is very appropriate.

Angela: Yeah.

Especially for something like
this that is being reviewed.

Like, there's conversation behind it.

It wasn't just like a one and done thing.

Like, they had to wait until this,
the bigger picture was closed before

they could make a statement on

Mario: But then, you
know, there's also, A, a

socially acceptable amount of
time between incidents where

you can like apologize for it.

You know?

Like, I think if this would've, I
think if they, this came out maybe

a week later, everybody would've
been like, too little, too late.

Angela: Yeah.

Mario: I think this was
just about the right time.

So good job on that.

And Yeah.

Angela: This, I mean, this almost
qualified for the Chaos Award, but not

quite because there was bigger stuff.

Mario: bigger stuff.

that just came out today

Angela: out today I literally told
Mario, I'm putting this on here and I'm

talking about it because I'm so angry.

So we all know I'm, I'm taking over
Chaos Award for like 30 seconds.

I will watch my time.

we all know that.

is the next expansion city, right?

Cool, cool, cool.

The Breakers are coming back.

We're gonna have a Boston franchise.

Maybe Sam Mewes will be involved.

It's gonna be so great, so cool.

They announced today, Monday, October
14th, That they want to commit a

crime, a crime against soccer, not
even woe, so soccer, international.

This is an international criminal
court case, like call the ICC.

Let's go to the Hague.

This is stupid.

and I'm actually going on record
being like, what the hell is this?

was announced today that
the Boston NWSL franchise.

This is willingly going to call
themselves BOS Nation Football Club.

I hate this with my whole heart,
like every comment on like attacking

third, the NWSL, the Boston team, on
every social media platform that I

have looked is like, take it back.

You still have time to change this.

Maybe why are you doing this?

Please make it stop.

Why, why, why, why, why?

Mario: Thank you.

So the, the unfortunate part of all of
this is that technically, well, okay,

they still have time to change this,
to fix this, not change, fix it.

because they're coming in 2026.


Angela: Yes.

Mario: This came out, whether it was
an intentional, like, press release

of that part I didn't see, or if it
was a leak of, like, this is what

Boston, but they're going to have a

Angela: It's not even

Mario: press conference tomorrow.

Angela: Yeah.

And they have a affiliated website.

Did you see the name of the

Mario: No.

Angela: It's too many balls.


Mario: That sound, that
legit, that legit sounds Like,

a porn site.

Like, like if, like if you
typed in, like, toomanyballs.

net, you're gonna get
the wrong site, you know?

Angela: Yeah.

Mario: And you know what?

You know.


Why didn't they do, If they're gonna do
that, why didn't they do TooManyBalls.

net, Dot net, net, it's

Angela: Dot soccer.

Like, you can just

Mario: too many balls.

I don't know.

Angela: want.


Like what is happening?

Like the Boston Breakers were somewhat
of a cursed team, like just shenanigans,

but like that name still is available.

Like It's not too late

Mario: I'm pretty sure they
can find whoever had the

rights to Boston Breakers or

Angela: like the NWSL, like, come
on, pay whoever bought that out

from the Breakers when they folded.

Or like, I don't know, Boston McBoston.

Like, yes, something.

Like, Tea Party, Tea Party FC,

Mario: Okay.


Angela: America, F, yeah, FC, like,
cool, look, we just got, like, three

Newman names that are better than BOS
Nation, who, I don't, I think that Bay FC

could have been a little more creative,
but, like, I get it, it's encompassing

a big area, it's fine, BOS Nation,

Mario: But honestly, just calling
it Boston FC would have been fine.

Angela: Perfect.

Mario: Bay, Bay FC, I completely
understand because they were

trying to encompass the Bay Area

Angela: the whole Bay and San Jose.

Mario: and Angel City couldn't take,
couldn't take out LA FC because

that's already a team, right?

Angela: That's already a team.

Mario: But you could have done
Boston FC like it was right there.

Angela: It's, what?

I'm so mad.

Mario: I wonder, I

Angela: friend lives in
Boston and is from Boston.

And he even, he was
just like, what is this?

Honest to God,

Mario: wonder what Jill thinks.

Angela: of the most
creative people I know.

Have gone to school, been
educated, come from Boston.

This is embarrassing.

What is this?

I hate it so much.

Mario: so side note, I'm going to take
this into the men's game, but it's

because it's so as stupid as this.

recently, The, older, I'm going to call
them the older generation of MLS teams.

have been trying to catch up

the first gen?

the version 1.

0, have been trying to catch up to
the more kind of fan centric, the way

the, the, the more fan centric like
atmosphere that the newer teams have

just naturally built into it, right?

Like a lot of the teams have.

cool rituals at the beginning of
the game or, you know, the fans have

their own chants and blah blah blah.

Angela: there's more, it's less like
utilitarian soccer and more fan inclusive

Mario: Yeah, Yeah.

So like, and, and apologies
cause I don't really know a lot

of them, but a few examples are
like LAFC has the falcon flight.

Atlanta has carries in the golden spike
and they, because of their, their, You

know, it's because the background of like
the Railway and all of that in Atlanta,

they nail the golden spike
at the beginning of the game.

so like, you know, whatever celebrity they
invite or whatever, that's what they do.

Angela: Gotham, they light the torch.

Mario: So, like, there's,
there's cool rituals that happen.

Now, one of these,

Angela: We could have one.

Ours is just confusing.

Mario: one of these,

Angela: And has too many steps.

Mm hmm.

And it's always offbeat.

I'm so anti three clap now.

I'm so we could have had something nice.

I'm so sorry.

I just

Mario: I don't know.

Angela: we could have had nice things.

Mario: Okay.

Oh, okay.

I remembered what I was going to say.

One of the things that the Since

96 crowd came up with, with the
New England Revolution there.

And the

Angela: another team out of New
England that has a better name.

Mario: thing that connected this is
because I think you said the, like the

Boston Tea something and then, Yeah.

but we don't want to call it
the Boston Tea Party then.

What they started doing pre
match is they have a crate.

A tea crate with the other
team's logo on it that they,

Angela: is so weird.

Mario: that they chuck
over the, the stand.

It was so, I don't, I don't know if
they're still doing it, but the very

first time they did it, whoever it
was that was there, like doing the,

like, they, they take this crate, they
throw it, which It's like made out

of foam because it's something that
they have to pick up and throw and it

goes and it's like, you know, Sabado
Gigante when they like threw the rubber

or the foam dice and it's just like.

Angela: He.


Mario: like lightly and
gently delicately rolling.


they threw this crate and it
just gently rolls on the ground.

it's just like,

it's like,


okay, way off of digression.

But BOS Nation FC, stupidest
name in the whole thing.

Fix it.

It's like,

Angela: I saw one, like, retweet
that was like, if we bully

them, they will change it.

We've done this before.

We've done it before, change it now.

Mario: I mean, we were just talking
about like the stupid, San Diego

FC, like The stupid F 150 logo
that it is like all chromed out.

Like, there's things you,

Angela: San Diego men's team is like, men,

Mario: we're.

Angela: men, men, men, like, it's

Mario: It's shiny, it's metal.

Angela: We are straight men.

That's all it is.

We are off the

Mario: Okay, Shenanisode.

Angela: and not Capri Sun.


Mario: Other Chaos, fuck
the SD San Diego FO.

They're just being awful.

Full on lawsuit.

You can just log on to
YouTube and see Angela's face.

It's, I mean, it's

complete bullshit.

Complete bullshit.

Angela: I had these thoughts, these
thoughts started when certain people

whose names rhyme with Schmilschmelis were
announced to be part of this organization.

We, we were there for the
national team situation.

Some of us were there
other NWSL team situations.

We haven't heard too much from collegiate
players other than that it was great.

But like, We're still there.

And this lawsuit is now inclusive
of an anti SLAPP lawsuit.

So, in California, there's a law that
if you file a lawsuit against somebody,

if they, like, say, Nuh like, I know you
are, but what am I, and follow one, or,

file a lawsuit against you in retaliation
and intimidation, that's illegal.

So then you can follow or file
another lawsuit against them being

like, you can't intimidate me.

So that's what this one is.

So now we're in that,
like, this is stupid.

I hope, I really, truly hope that this
causes FO, across the board, men's and

women's soccer in the States to unionize.

FO employees, at this point, we
need, we need some protection, guys.

Mario: They're,

like, I, it,

Angela: Something's gotta

Mario: There's been, there's,
there's been too many examples of,

Angela: Yes.

Mario: of like, problematic
people, people that you know are

problematic, And then them being
hired, like I said, the last pod,

Angela: And failing up constantly.

Mario: like, like I said, last pod, you
could be a good player, but a shit human.

And ultimately, at the end of the
day, which one are you going to value?

And that shows a lot about who you are,
if you're going to value this shit player,

that's a good, I mean, sorry, this shit
human, that's a good player, Now, I, I

mean, are you really promoting the right
things that you should be promoting?

Like, not to say like everybody's
gonna be like, goody two

shoes, like, you're, you're,

Angela: Everybody's going to
screw up, but there's a difference

between, hey, I messed up
shouldn't have said that or this.

And then a continued behavior of the

Mario: yes.


Patterns are there for a reason.


part of all of this, I

want to say that part of all of this has
been everything we're saying, allegedly.

I don't want that shit coming back on me.

Angela: all of this is allegedly.


Mario: And we feel it in our nuggets.

stop hiring shit people.

Like we, we talk about

in the conversations of like, how many
coaches there are available, Right.

there's going to be two
new teams coming on board.

Who are they going to hire on as coaches?

so one, we start talking about just.

It brings to light even more of this
whole equity and, and, the way people

are being brought up through the
system or the lack of a system, right?

Like, how many, how many Black
coaches do we have available, right?

How many, female coaches do we
have available that are at the

level that they need to be?

In order to function in a professional

Angela: to all the
trainings and all of the

Mario: and their licenses and whatnot, you
know, like they need to, they need to get

up to a certain level to be able to coach
effectively in a professional league.

Now, how many of them are there, right?

How many, Latin, Latino,
Coaches are there?

How many, like, there's

Angela: Yeah.

Mario: how many
underrepresented communities?

How, like how many Asian coaches,
Asian descent coaches do we have?

Like, you know, like why, why do we
not have a little bit more of that

available or why isn't there that process?

And I'm not saying in the, just the NWSL.

it's this is a problem.

Us soccer and,

Angela: Because we prize
people out of the world's game.

Mario: I under, I understand why
there wouldn't be tons, tons of

black coaches, like in Japan, Right.

in, in the Japanese League.

Why aren't there a ton of black coaches?

Why aren't there a ton
of Latino coaches like

Angela: You're in

Mario: You're in Japan.


The diver, like the US
is a diverse country.

But there's so many inequalities,
there's so many fucking roadblocks

that there shouldn't be.

Angela: industry needs to reflect
the population of the country,

regardless of the country.

Like it needs, we, it's
just not that difficult.

Mario: So either way,

Angela: San Diego needs to get their shit

Mario: either way, San Diego,
you fucked up, everybody told you

you fucked up from the beginning.

Yes, you had a great
season, the first season.

This season has been shit, and there's
probably a reason why it's been shit.

So, sort your shit out, and do better.

Do better.

Angela: this, so are the players.

Regardless of they're able to
speak out right now, everything.

If it's shit, it's shit, and everybody
knows it, and everybody feels it,

and everybody's impacted by it.


Mario: Okay.

All right.

We are,

Angela: I want, like, a little lap.

I need Don Staley's rolled
up, like, plan, so it should

Mario: oh man, we are off the rails.

, it's like 40 minutes so far.

Angela: I have no brains.

Mario: All right, well,

Angela: clip that.

Mario: All right.

let's, let's keep moving.

thorns the, or, the thorns are,
are part of our ca We have so many

Chaos awards, thorns for breaking
the Orlando invisible season.

also, also,

Angela: about it.

Mario: okay.

mad about it.

Angela: Okay, I'm mad about it,
but I'm glad they did this now,

so then they can just win out.

Mario: Okay.

Mad about it, but.

I love, I love me some good.

online banter, like, some good.

healthy online banter,
there's a difference, right?


Angela: hmm.

Mario: posting up, like, You know,
thanks for hosting us, like we had

a fun in Orlando, whatever it said.

But the key thing was they wrote
Orlando all lowercase except for

the capital L, which is So good.

And then, and then the one and only
Marta, with the clap back of Like,

have fun trying to make the playoffs.

Angela: yeah.

Like, damn.

Immediately after the game, too.

Like, as soon as that was
posted, she saw it and said,

Mario: Yeah.

Angela: Like, bet.

right, bet.

Mario: So, I mean, I, I want more.

I want more of the social media
teams just kind of having more fun.

with this.

Like, I know, I'm, I, I really hope
that Marta is the kind of player who is.

like, no, this is funny.

Let me clap back.

Like, as,

like, it was totally not like, like,

Angela: Yeah.

Mario: Like, it was more, it was all
fun, so I want to see more of that.

And then, Temo Chuinga breaking
the goal scoring record in her

first season, like, insane.

So we've got records broken
all over this season.

This season has been insane.

around the league, besides those things
that just has happened, Washington

Spirit clinched top four, so did the
KC Current, and so did Gotham FC.

They are now top four with
Orlando, and the Red Stars also

clinched the playoffs this weekend.

Around the league scores, we
have What we just talked about,

Portland beating Orlando 2 0, the
Red Stars losing to, Gotham 0 2.

KC doing us a big ass favor

Angela: Big.

Mario: beating Bay FC 0 1.

Spirit keeping us going still.

by beating Racing 4 1.

Utah still like, you know, not out of it.


Angela: to say, oh, our coach got fired?


Mario: French player got
left, bet, like, Yeah.

Angela: Half our teams hurt?


Mario: so they beat, they beat the Seattle
rain three to zero and happy birthday

to the one and only Paige for winning,

Paige Nielsen.

for winning and kicking the San Diego
wave in their, right in their tuckus, in

their crappy ass stadium, zero to two.

Angela: it looks so bad.

That's the

Mario: the pitch looked like shit

Angela: Once Straight Man FC comes in,
and now it's gonna be football, men's

soccer, and, I hope, I genuinely hope
another stadium allows, the Wave to

Mario: at this, at this point,
at this point, I think it'd be

Angela: bad.

Mario: at this point.

I think it would be better for the Wave

Angela: Mm hmm.

Mario: to find another stadium
that they can Have more

leeway with.

Yeah, yeah, let, let,

let men FC take over the shitty field.

And so, okay, so beyond that,

we did not do what we needed to do.

We We'll, we'll get into it.

We tied.

we're still in 11th place We have 23.

Angela: 11th for 20 years.

feels like we've been in 11th place
the entire season, just, you know.

Mario: Yes.

technically my optimist
side is coming out.

It's fighting for dear life to
come out, but it's coming out.

we are still in it.

We have not technically been eliminated.

We have a total possible points of 29.

Bay FC are on 28, which is the only
team we can catch up right now.

So there's a possibility.


Angela: stranger things have

Mario: Yeah, Taylor Vincent did me
the favor of not having to pull my

hair out trying to figure this out.

basically the,

the route of, for Angel City has
been, is going to be win the final

two games, BAFC needs to be limited
to at least one point in their final

three matches, which they lost.

So one point in the final two matches,
racing limited to a max of three

points in the final three matches,
which they also lost, or four points.

Because we might be able to overcome
the goal differential against them.

And then some San Diego Utah interplay,
which We already got San Diego lost.


all of that being said, there's
a very, very, very slim chance

that we can still make it.

Now, the big thing that's going to
kill all of this, if the Thorns And

Bay FC win this weekend, that's it.

Playoffs are set.

They're done.

No need for the last day.

so that's what it is.

And yeah, let's get some
therapy going for this.

Could have been freaking
amazing game that ended up 1 1

Angela: Yeah.

Mario: against the Courage.

Angela: All right.

So we played the Courage.

It was a draw.

1 1.

I'm gonna start by talking about the
goal, which happened after our goal

and it was dumb and I'm mad about it.

It was at the death and the whistle
should have been blown, but this

has never happened to us before.

I've never talked like that before.

What are you talking about?

but the important thing that happened her
100th NWSL cap, the Christen motherfucking

press showed up, showed out, and reminded
the world who the actual hell she is.

And for those who still were unaware,

unsure of what I was saying, I'm
definitely not directing this comment

to Mario and what I meant, that she can
make something out of absolutely nothing.

Christen Press the Katie Zelem,
one of her very good friends,

and just decides, okay, dribble,
dribble, okay, I have a shot, four,

five defenders collapse on her.

She rockets the ball past them, past
another defender and the keeper.

My friend is Christen Press.

I just, like, I could not have asked for
a better welcome back CP goal than that.

I'm gonna, like, I'm already, like, I
just don't understand, like, her comment

about, like, I want to know what a 35
year old Christen Press with four knee

surgeries scoring looks like could
not have been more perfect, could not

have been more vintage Christen Press,
not have been more life preserving.

And, like, just, it was, the fact that
we conceded a goal like immediately

after, that's why I'm so mad.

It was the most beautiful

Mario: didn't give the timestamps.

it, was 90, 90 plus 7.

Angela: and then they scored at the death.

Mario: Beautiful, beautiful goal.

By press at the 90, 90 plus 7 and
then courage come back 90 plus

10 like what the hell I get, I
get, hey ref, ref, eh, I get,

Angela: Just call the game.

Mario: I get that you were giving extra
time for the celebration of the goal

because the goal pretty much happened
at the eight minutes there was only

supposed to be eight minutes of stoppage

Angela: Yep.

Mario: but you don't give
two whole minutes for a goal

you give 45, maybe a minute.

Angela: Can we talk about
who the referee was though?

Mario: Which Trevor was this?

Angela: This was the guy who gave
Carson Pickett her first handball call.

For those who don't remember, Carson
Pickett is the fantastic player who

actually has a limb differential and
does not have a hand on one of her arms,

and that's what he called a handball.

This man.

Anyway, we had a great time celebrating.

Eva was running around screaming,
we were hooting and hollering.

It was a great time.

Kay Facetimed me.

We were screaming and
then went, What the hell?

And hung up on each other.

yeah, it was a great time for two

Mario: Yeah, yeah,

Angela: the interesting thing is on the,
Like, brief post game, Becky was in tears

on the sidelines, which didn't everyone
kind of assumed what we all assumed.

Nehas, the coach for Carolina came over
and like, of course, like the camera like

Mario: zooms in like right when,
yeah, when the two coaches are like,

Angela: and he's talking to her
very like in her ear very quietly.

So was consoling her.

It was a very like touching moment
between coaches and coaches who have

like gone through that kind of thing.

this whole situation, the
Angel City situation is getting

curiouser and curiouser.

Mario: we'll, we'll, we'll talk about it.

I don't, I don't think anything, I don't
think any moves are going to be made.

Angela: oh, we can't,

We have nobody to assign, like,
unless they've already delegated.

The power.

We can't do shit.

Mario: yeah, but yeah,
we'll talk about it.

Angela: if you ever need to
pick me up in your day, just

watch the Chris and Preschool.

I've watched it like 10 times and
every time I'm like, you know,

today's not so bad after all.

Am I still sick?


Do I care?

No, I was cured.

Between my mom's enchiladas, some
chicken vegetable soup with rice

that Eva made for me, and then Chris
and Preschool, your girl is healthy.

Mario: All right.

Angela: Am I still
congested and very sick?


Do I care?

No, healthy, cured, 100%.

Bonkers, actually.

so after the game, Mario posted,
hope giveth and hope taketh away.

And our boy Ethan came in with cross
and pass too long, press coming in

with banger, can't close, tragic.

Mario: We

Angela: Yes,

Mario: we talked about this.

Angela: exactly what it felt like.

Mario: We said park that.


Soon as that went in, everybody's

like, why are you trying to score again?

There was there should have
only been 60 seconds left.

Why the hell are you
trying to score again?

Like Who told you?

Who told you that?

Who told you?

Who told you Who?

Angela: do that?


my buddy Kay came in that
says we need a new cry emoji.

Mario: Hmm.


Angela: Alma said, rooting
for Casey so hard, laughing

face emoji, up, prayer hands.

or high five, depending
on if you're wrong or not.

Vero said, press scoreth, DDFN goes
outeth of the goaleth, too fareth.

Mario: Dara.

Angela: also, yeah, she's also
an ex goalie, so it's, stressful

our girl when this happens.

Zach came in with the ice cold emoji,
like the face that's like frozen,

and then the regular face like that
that's frozen, And then crying emojis,

shruggy, a toilet, a heart, the heart
hands, a soccer ball, and the net.

Mario: I'm guessing ups and
downs of the of the game.

Angela: Garbage match
overall, Christen Preskell.

Mario: Yeah.

Angela: That's all that

Mario: Yeah.

Angela: The Neff, who's Nick, right?


Mario: Is it Nick?

Nick, Nick.

Angela: Nick, says, I just wish
there was something to give me hope

for next season, but the FO hasn't
done anything to make me trust them

when it comes to the actual soccer.

Same, bro.

think Tweet is capable of inspiring
and pulling the team together, but

can she get it done tactically?


It feels like there's no way to know
due to the FO being marketing FC.

There's been a bunch of talk during press
briefings about developing a consistent

identity and playing professional soccer.

Possession based football.

But where is that coming from?

The president?

The GM?

The coach?

All of the above?


Mario: There's lots of feelings.


Katie, Katie, which there was a
lot of stuff we were talking, I

couldn't figure out which one was
exactly going to be the quote, but

I think this one was my favorite.

Katie's husband.

This is her quoting her husband.


Angela: new citizen who's registered
to vote and so pumped about it?


Mario: think the FO strategy is
to just wait for everyone else

to fuck up, And then that's how
we make it slash get better.

Angela: Yeah,

Mario: this point, that's
really what we're hoping.

We're hoping,

we're hoping for Bay and, and racing
to fuck up so hard that we squeak in.


And then we get, like.

I said, kicked out on the first round.

Angela, our Angela, yes, came in with
the, CP's goal cured me, and then

the rebuttal immediately made Me.

sick again.

As we were all chatting.

Angela: yeah, Kay us and then
the next morning she woke up not

feeling good and her wife was
like, Well, how did you get sick?

She was like, FaceTimed Angela.

Mario: and then, Jeff, who
normally, DMs us with the check

DMs because he's going to give us
a nice long, message said screw it.

I'm going to use the discord this time.


Angela: Welcome to the couple
new folks that joined us in the

Mario: yes, yes.

Thank you.

Angela: like two or
three new people jump in.

Mario: Jeff came in, came in
with, I'm usually the one on ING

that post check DM, but I thought
I'd switch it up and post here.

Games where Angel City scored first, but
went on to tie or lose in the 2024 season.

Game against Orlando, March
against Orlando results in a tie.

April against KC results in a loss,
September against Seattle results in a

loss, September against Louisville, loss,
September against Portland is a tie.

And then we have this
North Carolina result in.

a tie.

That's 15 points we've
dropped when scoring first.

We don't score a lot, so we can't
build the size of a lead to mitigate

giving up a goal or two at times.

But it's six matches that
we fail to hold defensively.

This one hurt particularly more than the
rest because we've held it for so long.

We held it for like 99 percent of
the match and it was CP who was

going to lead us to victory and
give NC their first home loss.

Angela: Since October last year.

Mario: But that's a different timeline.

This was a microcosm of the season.

Some great opportunities that we just
weren't able to finish and at some point

there was a big breakdown defensively.

This may have been Tweed's
nail in the coffin, but alas,

we move on and keep fighting.

But this will be one But this will be, one
will be shaking our heads at for a while.

And then according to Taylor Vincent,
we've dropped 18 points this season from a

leading position, the most in the league.

We typically can't build more
than one goal of a lead and

we can't sustain a defensive
presence once we build that lead.

And those breakdowns usually happen
late once the other team puts on.

more pressure and press to force
the transition goals against us.

So freaking well put, normally I think
Jeff is like ultimately the tactics

like breakdown person whenever we do
these because like he brings it and I,

Angela: yeah, he breaks it down.

Mario: and then yeah, and then we got two
last ones, Lawai came in with, I wonder if

that was Tweed's last match, perhaps she
was told something along those lines if

they lost, her devastation was palpable.

I mean, you.

Angela: hurts.

I was like, get the camera off of

Mario: Yeah, and then Eva.

I'm gonna end this one
because It was just too good.

Immediately after North Carolina
equalized, I had a squishy

ball in my hands that I gently
tossed against the wall.

I underestimated how bouncy
it would be and came back and

nailed me right in the face.

That's what the end of the game felt like.

Angela: I want to make a,
asterisk, caveat, disclaimer.

I don't know what it was.

She threw it a little bit
harder than she thought she did.

I saw it happen.

It was like right there.

She just went,

like, we then, like,
she fell over laughing.

It was a good time.

Mario: good time.

And then

Angela: Yeah.

Mario: Then it became about time.

all right, well, we've gone on So long.

and thank you.

If you're still here,
here's the match preview.

Angela: Our five minute match preview.

So we're playing the Royals at BMO.

Mario mentioned, I think we mentioned
earlier, I don't even remember anymore,

Portland and Bay play on Saturday.

we'll know if we need to play on Saturday.


Mario: We know,

we know, if we still got a leg in it.

or if we just got pushed out of the boat

Angela: yeah, we'll know, we'll put it
on our, our Instagram and everything, but

if nothing else to say,
Face, we gotta win.

Utah has now eclipsed us in the standings.


It, that's, that was, when I saw
that, when I was looking up stuff,

I was just like, I hate this.

Mario: and like, I don't even want
to blame the three point deduction.


Angela: we should have
been fine regardless of the

Mario: as, as Jeff just pointed
out, we've dropped 15 points

when we were leading the game.

Angela: Yeah.

Mario: That was

Angela: So,

Mario: 15 points we could
have saved by parking the bus.

Angela: Yeah.

So this game ends up being like another
six pointer where if we win, aight.

If we lose, shit.

Utah's been bringing the heat.

They kind of got into that we have
nothing to lose mindset once all

the stuff with A Rod happened.

again, that's a coaching equity
issue because I have a feeling

the FL forgot what their plan,
they announced their plan was.

was to build a system, build a team, build
around a specific player, but whatever.

I have questions about that whole
situation, for the Royals, Amandine

Henry, a familiar face to Angel City,
is actually no longer with the team.

She's now playing in
Liga MX or Liga Mequis.

Oh my gosh.

Mario: Liga MX is femenil.

Angela: thank you because my
Spanish brain does not work.

I had to look up how to
say camiseta, yes, earlier.

And I was like, wait, what is t shirt?

so I'm not saying what you
wrote because there is a rumor.

that with the sanctions came a narc in a
trade because it is rumored that a play an

ex player mentioned something in like an
exit interview or in a something something

people are saying it was her and I don't
know and we don't know and we're never

Mario: Okay, okay, so I want to say I
was listening to Angel City Chicks and

they brought up a good point, which was

I'm going to give the benefit of
the doubt that if you were given

a contract To give you more money

and you're being given by the F.


Like the, the, who you are assuming
is aware, you're going to take it.

You're like more money.


Give me more money, please.

You're not the one that's like, well,
wait, is this against the rules?

Like, you know

Angela: right because it
should have already been

checked and triple checked and

Mario: and then you get traded, right?


Like we said, child care is
one part of the whole thing.

There's five letters out there, so there's
other stuff you're not talking about.

the players that left, there are
very few of them, from this 2023

to 24 season that were like, yep,
bounce, you're over there now.

it could have been an honest,
like hey, league, what about this?

Do I still need to do this to get paid?


Angela: like am i still
contractually obligated for

Mario: Exactly.

And, and it all comes down to, the
teams don't pay the players directly.

The league, the league owns
all the teams, technically.

That's why you have to buy into,
you have to have a franchise rights

in order to be a team in the NWSL.

The NWSL owns the rights and the naming
and everything that goes along with it.

In the NWSL, your player
paycheck comes from the NWSL,

the teams reimburse the NWSL.

this is how Nina broke it down,
maybe Panda, one of them, but

Angel City Chicks, the chicks

did this.

and So, with that being said, if I
got moved to a different team, and

I was technically supposed to, like,
do a couple social media posts, or,

like, do an appearance, or whatever it
may be, or, like, I needed to do this

in order to get this money, how am I
going to get this money just asking

since I'm no longer wearing that crest?

Angela: right.

Mario: wasn't an

Angela: There

Mario: honest mistake.

It wasn't necessarily malicious.

But still, you know, if it was malicious.

let's just get stitches, you know, that's
all I'm saying, that's all I'm saying.

But she, she's lucky she's not here
anymore, she is now in Mexico, and also

she just retired from international play.

Angela: she did.

She just announced her retirement over
the weekend, I think everybody kind of

knew was coming, but still, like, it's
always kind of like when a good player

retires from, from the international

Mario: We're getting old,

Angela: I know I don't
want to talk about it.

I feel it every day.


Mario: that's why they're
retiring, cause They're like us.

Angela: yeah, but worse sometimes.

overall, like I genuinely.

I have been so sick.

I die.

I like phoned it in.

don't care about who's
on what team right now.

I just want us to win because I just, I
want to end the season in BMO on a high.

I love this team.

I just want us to win
at home one more time.

We've, we didn't get too
many opportunities to enjoy

a three point BMO night.

Just give it to

Mario: Yeah.

Even if, even if come Sunday, we've been
eliminated, give us that last home win.

Angela: Give me a five to one.

Give me another kick.

Give me an Olympic coat.


Mario: Give me, Give me something
I can make a sticker out of.

Angela: Yes!

Yes, like make it, make it
memorable in the best way possible.

Mario: Ah, so Yeah.

I mean, I'm,

Angela: History between the
teams, we beat them in Utah.

Let's do it

Mario: let's do it again.

We beat them in Utah and Amandine
was pissed off during that game.

So yeah.

all right.

Well, that's it.

for today.

Thank you for hanging out.

our matches this Sunday, October
20th, Angel City versus the

Utah Royals at BMO Stadium.

430 p.


kickoff time.

It's going to be streaming on
NWSL Plus, CBS Goloso Network,

Valley Sports, and Paramount Plus.

Just watch it on Paramount Plus.

It's the easiest thing.

If you can't watch it and stream it,
check out the radio, iHeartRadio.

It's free.

It's awesome.

Listen to Isaac and Tracy.

They make you feel like
you're right there in BMO.

the audio mix is amazing.

It just sounds like you're there.

Angela: Isaac is a fantastic
play by play announcer.


Mario: did you see his
clip from the last game?

I did.

Angela: No, I, I will cry.

I can't.

Mario: It, yes, the
Christen Press is great, but

DeeDee's face is safe at the beginning.

Angela: Oh, oh God, that poor woman.

Like, yeah.

Mario: got that.

I'll send it to you.

Angela: Just nailed, okay.

Mario: alright.

And then, it's the final
home match of the season.

It's the, client appreciation,
what are we called?

Angela: Fan

Mario: Fan appreciation.

It's the fan appreciation giveaway.

They're gonna give a poster where,

Angela: There's probably gonna
be giveaways during the game

again, like there was last season,
the second there's a FanFest

information post, we will repost it.

Mario: And if you like what you've
heard so far, Let me say that.


If you like what you've heard so far,
give us a like, give us a subscribe

wherever you're listening to this.

Check out casualfc.

com for all the pod links.

We're also on YouTube and Spotify.

Our social is casualfcpod on
Instagram, Twitter, Threads, TikTok.

Also if you type in youtube.

com slash at casualfcpod,
you'll go straight to our page.

Angela: Boom!

Mario: Come join us on the Discord.

We have lots of fun just kind of talking
super long banter during the match.

Post match, when ACFC makes
announcements, when people just

have cute pictures of their


It's all good.

Angela: We have a whole channel dedicated
to people's pets and cute things.

Mario: So it's awesome.

And then best ways to support
the pod, share, like, comment

on any one of our social posts.

It's all about engagement.

Better yet, go to one of the
places that you're listening to

and make A comment or add a review.

It also helps Other people find it.

And the next step would be grab
some merch, buy some cool stuff.

We have some stuff that is really fun.

and if you don't feel like you need
extra shit in your house, then and

you do wanna support the pod, if
you feel so inclined, help support

the pod by buying us a coffee.

Check out our link on our socials or go
to buy me a fc pod.

Throw a couple bucks our way.

It helps us do what we're doing and.

Let us know you appreciate it.

tell a friend about the pod.

Here brings good luck.

We totally need it for this last match.

the luck has been getting there to them.

They've been doing well in little spurts.

They've been getting it.


Angela: has been signed for.

Mario: but you know what?

Maybe some other pod for.

some other team has been
sending them luck to their team.

You know.

it just, it's a numbers game, people.

We gotta, we gotta get the numbers up.

So thank you for writing
with us this entire season.

we still have another match
after this, so we're not

one more against Portland.

but yeah, thank you for
hanging out, everyone.

It's been fun and we'll keep making
stuff as long as you keep listening.

Alright, thank you everyone.


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