The Expert Podcast

Overview: In this episode, we discuss various types of liens and judgments that can impact your financial standing as a consumer. We provide insights into how to remove these encumbrances, the processes involved, and the importance of taking action.

Key Points:
  • Understanding Liens and Judgments:
    • Types of liens include:
      • Lawsuit judgments
      • Phantom liens on real estate
      • Prior second mortgages or home equity loans (zombie loans)
      • Vehicle liens
    • Liens affect your ability to sell property or vehicles and can impact your credit score.
  • Removal Process:
    • Each lien type requires a specific process for removal, depending on where it is recorded (e.g., car title, land records, court records).
    • Filing the correct document is essential, and it often involves third-party procedures.
  • Types of Liens and Their Resolution:
    • Many loans are classified as charge-offs or write-offs, providing a potential pathway for removal.
    • Techniques include sending notices, requests, and utilizing guerrilla marketing strategies to obtain necessary signatures for lien releases.
    • If a creditor resists, there are ways to challenge this through magistrates or courts.
  • Expert Guidance:
    • You don't need an attorney to remove liens; however, assistance is available if desired.
    • We have successfully submitted thousands of lien releases for vehicles and real estate.
  • Consequences of Inaction:
    • Doing nothing about a lien can hinder your ability to sell or refinance property, affecting your financial mobility.
  • Resources Available:
    • Links for DIY instructions and assistance with document preparation are provided.
    • Opportunities to schedule a consultation with a certified lien broker to discuss your case and options.
Consultation Availability:
  • Access to live one-on-one consultations with licensed experts in various fields, including:
    • Investigations
    • Insurance
    • Civil court mediation
    • Real estate
    • Business development
  • For questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section.
  • If you find this content valuable and want to explore more, use the link provided to connect with an expert live.
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What is The Expert Podcast?

The Expert Podcast brings you firsthand narratives from experts across diverse industries, including private investigators, general contractors and builders, insurance agencies, vehicle specialists, lawyers, and many others.

So you have some type of lien against you. Maybe it's a lawsuit judgment, a court judgment, a phantom lien on your real estate, a prior second mortgage, or a home equity loan that became a zombie loan. It disappeared and went dead for a while, but now it's back to life. Maybe it's a loan on your car or a lien against your vehicle title. There are many ways you could have a lien, judgment, or claim against you as a consumer. Until you get that lien removed or released, that is going to affect you.

It's going to affect you selling your car; it's going to affect you selling your house; it may even affect your credit because that's a documented record. Until you get that removed from wherever that record is being stored, it's always going to be there. So how do you do this? Depending upon where the lien is recorded, if it's recorded on your car title, in the land records for real estate, or in the court records, you have to find out the process of having that lien removed. There’s a document you need to file to have that lien removed.

Now, the problem is that this document isn't just a unilateral document, meaning that you just can't do it yourself and sign it. There's a procedure to have it removed by a third party. It doesn't matter the type of lien; there's a procedure you can use to request that lien release. Most of these loans are what's called a charge-off or write-off or expired, and there's a way to go through a paperwork process of sending notices out, sending requests out, and using what we call guerrilla marketing, where you send out multiple locations for these documents to be signed.

If the lien holder, the creditor, or the claimant doesn't sign them properly, you can get the lien removed. Sometimes you have to get a magistrate's signature; there are multiple different methods to do this. Here’s the good news: we're not attorneys, and we're not giving you legal advice, but the good news is you don't need an attorney to do this.

You don’t have to have an attorney to do this. Your video will be back in 8 seconds. In the meantime, remember you have access to live one-on-one consultation with undivided attention from a licensed certified expert in this subject and many others. We want to listen to your story; we want to hear your questions and give you expert advice about your options. We want to tell you what we know about your situation and what options you have.

Now back to your video. We have submitted thousands of lien releases over the years for vehicles, real estate, and even court judgments, and this could be very successful. You can have a lien, judgment, claim, or mortgage removed if you file the right process. Now, if the lien holder responds and reacts to it, you may have a battle on your hands. But even then, there's a third party that can override it, whether it's a magistrate, a notary office, or a court. If your claim is accurate, you can still prevail over a claimant that rejects or resists or answers the claim. Most of the time, they don’t, and that’s the key.

Most lien holders and claimants are out of sight, out of mind. If they already have it as a charge-off, a write-off, or something they've put out of their mind, many times they don’t respond because they figure it’s not worth the time or the money. Regardless of what you do, if you do nothing, your lien will stay there and will affect you. You can’t sell your car, you can’t sell your house; you have a claim against you. At least if you try, you have a chance of having that lien removed and being able to move on with your life: sell your car, get the money, refinance your house, get the money, and not have a judgment against you in court that could affect you in other ways.

If you have more questions about how to do a lien release and what the process is, you can click the link below. It will give you instructions for do-it-yourselfers. We also have a service if you’d like us to assist with preparing the documents. Remember, we’re not attorneys, but you don’t necessarily need to have an attorney. You can get one if you want, but it just costs more money, and it may not yield different results. Click the link below if you have questions. You can also schedule a consultation with a certified lien broker to go over your case and see what options you might have.

Thank you for watching another video at and Describe TV. Remember, if you have questions or comments about our videos, put them in the link below. Also, remember that you have availability and access to live one-on-one question-and-answer consultations with a licensed expert in various fields, including investigations, insurance, surety bonds, civil court mediation, and real estate records research.

In addition, you’ll find that experts are available in business segments like business development, marketing, and advertising. If you find this content valuable and you want to delve more deeply into a subject, you can’t ask YouTube a question, right? But if you want to talk to somebody live and actual human, use the link below. Thanks for watching.