The Meaningful Marketing Podcast with Chantal Gerardy

In this episode of the Meaningful Marketing Podcast, host Chantal Gerardy discusses the best strategies to maximise your online sales. From setting up Google My Business to leveraging social media, email marketing, content marketing, and customer reviews, Chantal covers a wide range of actionable tips and methods to enhance your online marketing. Learn how to optimise your website, use promotional offers, and analyse customer behaviour to stay ahead of the competition.

What is The Meaningful Marketing Podcast with Chantal Gerardy?

What sets this podcast apart? We believe in the power of meaningful marketing—a holistic approach that prioritises authenticity, connection, and purpose, whilst still turning a profit.

Chantal Gerardy is an International Award Winning Marketing Strategist who empowers purpose-led businesses to revolutionise their online marketing approach and create a brand that resonates deeply with their online audience. If you're tired of cookie-cutter marketing advice, and seek strategies that truly make a difference, this podcast is for you.

If you are a business owner feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or struggling to cut through the noise online? We've got your back!

Our podcast is tailored for entrepreneurs hungry for clarity, confidence, and tangible results in their online marketing. Our podcast isn't just about boosting sales; it's about creating an efficient marketing machine that reflects your values, passion and purpose. Whether you're stuck or looking to maximise your marketing, we're here to guide you every step of the way.

Our episodes dive deep into practical skills, customer-generating strategies, and streamlined systems to help you thrive without relying on paid ads. From mastering social media, creating content that converts, ranking on google, getting your website to work, lead list building and email marketing, each episode is packed with tips and techniques to help you thrive online.

Join me each week as we explore management and monetisation online marketing strategies designed to reduce your time online while increasing your impact. With our guidance, you'll align your business and marketing team more closely, ensuring every effort moves you towards growth. From overcoming challenges to seizing opportunities, each episode is packed with actionable advice to help you thrive in the world of online marketing and effective management.

Are you ready to transform your online marketing, build a business that you enjoy, and leave a lasting impression?

Tune in to the Meaningful Marketing Podcast and unlock the secret sauce to marketing success.

[00:00:00] Chantal Gerardy: This podcast is brought to you by Podpro Australia. Did you know that there are easy ways to get sales online? In this episode, I'm going to show you how.
[00:00:13] Chantal Gerardy: Social media, Google, email marketing systems, website traffic, and the endless content creation that comes with marketing. It's overwhelming, right? Say goodbye to endless stress and hello to clarity. With the Meaningful Marketing Podcast. In this podcast, I will share with you fast and free practical methods to help you manage, monetize, and market your business, all infused with a healthy dose of motivation.
[00:00:38] Chantal Gerardy: Let's do this.
[00:00:42] Chantal Gerardy: Welcome to another episode of the Meaningful Marketing Podcast. In today's episode, I'm going to discuss with you the absolute best ways to sell online. Yes, you heard it here, the best ways to sell online. We'll explore why mastering [00:01:00] online sales is crucial, and I'm going to share with you actionable strategies that you can put into practice right now.
[00:01:06] Chantal Gerardy: I'm going to show you the best ways for you to maximize your online sales potential. I am so super grateful that when I moved from South Africa to Australia and I had no marketing budget or know how, I had no choice but to get my marketing to work for me. I could not afford to go online and spend endless hours every single day, spitting out content, hoping something would stick.
[00:01:27] Chantal Gerardy: I had to have it that whatever I did online would actually result in paying clients. Today, I'm going to share with you some of those strategies. Selling online is more important than ever today when it comes to online marketing. With the rise of social media and online marketing platforms, businesses have no option, but to prioritize proactive marketing strategies to effectively reach and convert online customers over their competitors.
[00:01:53] Chantal Gerardy: Whoever does it best gets the customer. And you will hear me say this multiple podcasts. As [00:02:00] one of my amazing clients, Bill says, This stuff is far too important to not do properly. Online sales is a critical component of any business strategy. However, so many overlook it or disrespect it by not giving it the amount of attention it needs, or they don't give it the amount of attention it deserves.
[00:02:20] Chantal Gerardy: 20. 1 percent of retail purchases are expected to take place online in 2024. Each year, fewer and fewer people are shopping in physical stores. To stay ahead of the game, your company needs to maximize its online presence and give customers a viable way to shop online. The most popular platforms for social media shopping by Statistica is Facebook at an amazing 60.
[00:02:48] Chantal Gerardy: 70 percent, followed by Instagram at 47. 4 percent and YouTube at 33. 8 percent. When I first moved from South Africa to Australia, I knew no one and no one knew me and the industry [00:03:00] I was in was completely saturated. With no tech experience, I taught myself out of necessity to effectively Communicate my points of difference and to stand out for my online competitors.
[00:03:11] Chantal Gerardy: I always say marketing is not about what you do. That's the same as everyone else. It's what you do that is different. So what are some of these key strategies? Firstly, set up your Google My Business account. Google My Business is the number one search engine and is absolutely imperative that you use the words that your customers are using to search for you, the keywords or the SEO words.
[00:03:33] Chantal Gerardy: Number two, you have to learn how to leverage social media. For me, I always say 80 percent of your time should be spent on your income producing channels where your customers are hanging out. And this not necessarily means the platforms that you like to hang out on and use, but the ones that they are on.
[00:03:50] Chantal Gerardy: Use social media platforms to drive traffic and engage with your audience by positioning your speciality or your niche. Again, whoever does this better gets the client. [00:04:00] Number three is email marketing. And my number one rule has always been get people the hell of social media and off your website and get them onto an email list.
[00:04:09] Chantal Gerardy: By building and utilizing an email list, you can now nurture these leads and promote your products. You do not own the leads that are on social media. You only own them once you have the email address in your email marketing platform. Content marketing. Create valuable and relevant content that attracts onlookers and retain customers.
[00:04:28] Chantal Gerardy: And yet so many business owners and the marketing managers run out of content or have no idea what content to put out. It is absolutely super important that you pay attention to your customer's needs so that you can provide relevant and topical conversation online with them through content marketing.
[00:04:47] Chantal Gerardy: Customer reviews. Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews to build trust and credibility. 91 percent of people online will make a decision based on reviews that they have read. Lastly, [00:05:00] optimize your website. Ensure that your website is user friendly, mobile responsive and optimized for search engines and make sure that you have a way to engage and capture leads online.
[00:05:11] Chantal Gerardy: Now, so many times people will say to me, I need to have a website, I need to have a logo, and those are the first things they need to have in order to start their business. And I'm going to say, hell no. I grew a six figure business without a website, without outsourcing it, without ads, simply by getting my social media content marketing plan right.
[00:05:30] Chantal Gerardy: My customer journey and then a way to lead capture and get them offline. Now with landing pages, email marketing platforms, you honestly do not need a website as much as you used to in the olden days. I would say if you're starting out right now, get your social media and your lead capture and your email marketing, right?
[00:05:49] Chantal Gerardy: And then grow into a website. I learned that consistency, effective communication and customer engagement are key online. It's not enough to just set up an online [00:06:00] profile. You need to actively promote it, show up, connect with your audience. You need to focus on creating a seamless user experience and continually show interest in your customers through various online channels.
[00:06:13] Chantal Gerardy: So what other fail proof strategies can you use to maximize your sales online? SEO optimization. Again, a big scary word that people get freaked out by. Search engine optimization. Basically, you need to use the relevant words that your customers are using in the content that you are creating in order for them to find you online.
[00:06:32] Chantal Gerardy: Number two, social proof. Make sure that you display customer testimonials, get reviews, share success stories, show before and afters as social proof on all your sites. We're talking about Google My Business, website and social media. Number three is promotional offers. You need to use limited time offers and discounts to create urgency and drive sales, ensuring that you always use a call to action or next [00:07:00] step.
[00:07:00] Chantal Gerardy: You want the customer to experience a fear of missing out, have that sense of urgency to take action right now. And number four is analytics. Always review your analytics to ensure that you understand your customer behavior And that you are making strategic decisions based on the results that you're getting so that you can optimize your next steps.
[00:07:23] Chantal Gerardy: Your strategy needs to be logical, not only to you, but to your customer. So if you're selling handmade crafts, ensure your website showcases high quality images, detailed product descriptions, and an easy checkout process. If you're using Instagram, share behind the scenes content, And if you use an email marketing platform, ensure that you send regular campaigns to announce new products and share exclusive discounts.
[00:07:48] Chantal Gerardy: Always remember that marketing is about what you do that's different to your competitors. It is about your points of difference. It is also about what is in it for the customer. You want to [00:08:00] focus on sharing the outcomes of your product or service with the customer. So how do you get action online? Well, we've just discussed the best ways to sell online.
[00:08:08] Chantal Gerardy: So now it's time for you to take action, implement one or more of the strategies that we've covered today and watch your online sales grow. I would love for you to share your experiences or questions in the comment section of our podcast page or send me a DM on Facebook or Instagram. We've covered today the most important online sales strategies and I provided with you some practical strategies that you can use to optimize your online selling.
[00:08:33] Chantal Gerardy: For more free resources, please visit our website, onlinebusinessmarketing. com. au. Don't forget if you've enjoyed this podcast, whatever platform you're on, make sure that you follow, subscribe, leave a comment or rate us. Thanks. Remember, the online marketing space is vast, but with the right approach, you can stand out online and trump your competitors.
[00:08:53] Chantal Gerardy: Until next time, keep making a difference with Meaningful Marketing. This is your host, Chantelle Girardi.[00:09:00]
[00:09:03] Chantal Gerardy: Thanks for listening in. Meaningful Marketing is all about you making your marketing meaningful. If you've enjoyed today's episode, please hit that subscribe button, but subscribing means that you won't miss out on future episodes all about marketing and motivation. Stay inspired, stay focused. And make your marketing meaningful.