Clydesdale Media Podcast

We come to you live from Alabama after Day 1 of the Masters CrossFit Games.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

to a special edition of

Sunday Night CrossFit Talk.

We're here on a Thursday

night because I am live in Birmingham,


and we are going to talk about

the Masters CrossFit Games

that launched today with

three events for athletes

up to fifty-five, fifty-four,

and fifty-five to

sixty-five plus did two events today.

So with that, what's going on Carolyn?

I had my first day back at work today.

Not with the students, but first day back.

So it's been like catching

up on the Masters games as

soon as I got home.

Trying to just fast forward

through everything.

Was the deadlift one on YouTube?

I couldn't find that one.

So I believe that because

most of that occurred outdoors,

they did not stream it.

That's what I heard.


Again, I was there,

so I didn't really watch

the stream at all today.

But before we dive into that real quick,

I saw an announcement on

your Instagram that Crash made.

Do you want to share with everybody?

I got an invite to crash

that's in October.

So looking forward to

testing my fitness there.

There's some great athletes.

I'm sure that will get released soon.

I've already seen two of

them get released.

Plus the field that

qualified through the qualifier.

So looking forward to that

as well as getting ready

for NorCal next week.

How excited are you?

Did you see the complex of,

I saw what you sent me and

it looks insane.

It's an audition for the LA

gymnastics Olympics.

It's, it's a routine.

I think I'm going to go like

this before I go and after.

And so I showed Ellie Hiller,

a semifinal athlete here.

She's like that people are

going to fall off the bar.

so dumb the front roll is

where she's like that gets

really crazy yeah it's very

technical I don't have it

yet I need to I've been

just looking at youtube

videos for it so I'll play

around with it this weekend

but I mean what are we

doing here yeah so I uh I'm

working with jonathan

ortega this weekend here um

at Masters Games,

he's gonna be at NorCal shooting.

So I said, hey,

can you mind getting a

couple shots of my friend

while she's out on the floor?

So hopefully we'll get some

stuff for you that way.

But yeah, I'm excited for Crash.

JR always puts on a show

with his programming and

really finds elements to

show off the athletes.


That's what drew me in last year,

the programming, the events.

It's unlike any of the

events that we see really

in the offseason besides

maybe Rogue that does a

really good job with the

implements and stuff like that.

I think he gets very creative,

but not gimmicky.

not doing a circus trick um

or a routine but it's uh

it's well done it's very

organized uh I saw it and I

was jealous that I wasn't

there last year so I'm

super excited to have the

opportunity to go on the

floor this year yeah I'm

excited to see you there I

it's just so well run and

talking to my wife about

maybe driving down because

she has family in that area

So we may make it a long

weekend and pop in at least

for a day to check it out.

It's Canadian Thanksgiving

for me that weekend.

So that stresses me out less

because I mean, Thanksgiving,

like it's not as big of a deal, I guess,

in my family or sometimes

even in our country versus the US.

But to me, it's like, oh, great.

I don't have to take an

extra day off of work on the Monday.


so it's less stressful that it's a

three day weekend.

Like I get the, just the Monday off.

I don't get the Friday off,

but I'll have to take the

Thursday and Friday off,

but it's just less

stressful than taking three

days off for instance.

Um, I know as a teacher,

those days are very

valuable for you guys.

They are.

I, I absolutely hate missing.

So one last thing before we

jump into masters our friend,

Holly Dugan is in the chat.

I got to meet her in person

for the first time ever this morning.

And it was awesome.

She is so cool.

And the stuff she's putting out today,

when you think about all

the divisions and all in

both male and female,

and they have a team

competition going on and

she's covering that.

Everything she put out is so

freaking amazing.

And the people at CrossFit

HQ even commented about her stuff.


I think people have been sharing too.


I've been seeing a lot.

And so shareable.

Very easy.

Competition organizers would

see the value in someone like her.


I don't know how you can't

see the value in it.

As an athlete,

it's easy to repost and to

send to your family or your

friends and whatnot.

Great job, Holly.



I tried to get her Wi-Fi today and

couldn't from the organizers.

So she's on a hotspot doing all that.




But there was a big event today.

It was three floors.

It was four hundred fifty

athletes and it was utter craziness,

but seemed to be pretty controlled.

there live at the event.

And it kicked off this

morning with the deadlift run.

or run deadlift,

however you want to put that.

They ran out of the bay door

in the back of the convention center,

six hundred meters down to

a cobblestone road,

came back and in and did

their deadlifts and then

back out they went.

And it was a really cool

event to see in person.

Was it six hundred meters?

Like, do we have accuracy on that?

Uh, nobody's complaining that it wasn't.


Um, so I'd say that's a good sign.

Were most athletes unbroken

on the deadlift and it

became a running workout.

Very few were unbroken on

the deadlift on the last set.

Um, you know,

Corey's in the chat saying

Jamie's killing it.

Jamie was in second place

coming in after the last run.

And then she got to her bar,

got two reps before the

other person and never put the bar down.

And when the girl saw her going unbroken,

she broke.

Like it broke her.

And then Jamie won by nine seconds.

So it altered everything.

That's deflating when you

see someone just holding on.

You're struggling and you're like,

just put the bar down.

You see them keep going.

You're like, oh, okay.


So it's one of those where

Jamie was furthest away from the exit.

kind of at the beginning so

at the beginning she was

she had to like hustle to

get through the traffic and

then work her way and then

every round she reeled more

people in and more people

in and then at the in the

last round her entrance was

the closest so she was able

to get on that bar get the

rep started and that's

where she won the event

which is pretty awesome

And what was the time of that event?

Because I don't think people

were even close to the time cap.

No, no.

I want to say Tristan's in there.

Tristan, I think it was eight something.

No, not for that minute.

It would be like,

I think it was ten or

eleven minutes if I have to

go to the competition corner.

I got so much stuff in my head right now,


I think it was ten or eleven minutes.

I'm sure Tristan knows.



that's the one thing that's missing

from the comp is if that

was their long event, you know,

the rest of the events,

we can talk about it after,

but they are going to be sub-ten minutes.

So the men were ten to eleven minutes.

What were the women on that one?

I'm trying to get to them.


So Jamie did it.

Jamie won that event.

In, no, she won that event in so,

so that was not eight, two minutes.




it just leaves no workout above

twelve minutes all weekend.


Which is a big hole in the programming.


And they actually started.

I like most of the events.

I don't,

we can talk about the overhead squat one,

which was a complete shit show.

I, we called it before.

I absolutely hated that event to watch.

Um, way too,

like way too much pressure on the judges,

but most of the other ones

are like CrossFitty, but which I like,

I like all of them,

but they're missing that longer event.

Yeah, the overhead squat one,

I wasn't even there.

So my friend Rudy went.

I wasn't there to get to see it.

I just was kind of in the back.

And everybody was coming

back saying he got screwed.

Because he got no reps nonstop.

And that's valuable reps and

time in that workout.

That workout's a minute and

just sub two for the ones

that are racing.

You can't get a no rep.

The lunges look terrible.

People were hunched over.

They weren't even completing

their lunges at the end of the line.

They weren't fully standing

up before dropping them.

They're just dropping them,

running to their barbells.

It just put a lot of

pressure on the judges

And it just,

it's so much pressure on them.

And it's not consistent lane to lane.

I talked to my friend, Jasmine Sheehan,

and she had the same issue too.

Like she was getting no rep,

but other lanes are just flying through.

And it's just like, as an athlete,

it's frustrating because I

feel like we're not testing

fitness at that point.

We're just testing what we

can flirt the line with.

And it's not the athlete's fault.

You kind of go with what

your judge is allowing.


Like you're going,

you're riding that line of, okay,

what's it going to be with this judge?

And you kind of adjust right

away once you get a no rep.

But if you're just, if you're letting,

if they're letting you do it,

then you just kind of do it.

So I talked to an athlete in the, I think,

fifty to fifty five, fifty four years.

And I said, like,

I've talked to a lot of

people that are getting no reps.

He goes, if you're not getting no reps,

you're not doing what you need to do.

Cause you have to find out

where the line is.

But like those, the, the,

the higher up you go, the speed of the,

of the movement is

obviously not what we're

seeing at like the thirty five,

the early forties and stuff.

Um, but I understand that, that comment,

it is, you're,

you're trying to find that line.


And that's what he said.


I'm going to I'm going to get no rep

trying to find the line.

Because in this event, you have to.

And this is someone that's

trying to win his age group.


And and there's no room for error.

And what stinks is it was

kind of a fun it was a fun event to watch,

minus all of that crap.

It's a shame we can't get it

to a place where we get

consistent calls because it

was a fun race to watch.

Because it's so fast, it's fun to watch.

Because people are finishing

within seconds of each other,

it's fun to watch.

But I hate it.

As a spectator that like does the sport,

obviously like as, as you know,

us athletes,

you're just like looking at

the hip extension and

they're not finishing them.

And you're like, geez,

I would hate to be on the

floor right now and

watching some of the

movements and being like, can I like,

where's that line?

And just seeing other athletes being like,

like, I just know I was,

I was frustrated watching,

even though it's exciting

to see who's going to finish and,

I just don't know.

I didn't like that one.

But that's the one workout

of the weekend I didn't like prior.


Yeah, you said that this would happen,

and it did.

It's too fast.

It's too light.

Everything was light and not.


So the other event today was

the rope climb sandbag to

shoulder handstand walk event.

I liked the event as it went off.

I didn't like the way the

lines were on the floor

because it was confusing to

know what was the finish

line for the handstand walk.

They should have had a

different color on each end of it.


A lot of people came down

and walked too early.

I saw that the entire day.

of people coming down where

that's where it says the

number like of your lane or

eight ten or whatever um

yeah anytime you start and

finish a section it should

always be a different color

at semi-finals we had three

different sections of our

handstand walk I don't know

if you remember but it was

like I don't know certain

amount of feet a little bit

longer and then finally all

the way through and each

each one of those sections

finished with a different

color so you're like okay you're going to

the yellow one for round one.


Now you're going to, I don't know,

red for round two and

you're going wherever for round three.

When you're upside down,

like that's what you're,

you're searching for that, right?

That color.

If everything's just that same color line,

you're like, okay, wait, one section, two,

like you're,

you're having to count in your head.

Sometimes as you're tired, um,

It's harder to do.

Sometimes judges are nice and they're like,

hey, one more, one more.

And then sometimes a judge

says nothing and doesn't help you.

And then you come down and you're like,


There we are again.

Not consistent.

Some people get the advantage.

Some people don't.


Which sucks.


The only other thing I'll

say about that one,

it was a pet peeve one for me,

is the finish line should

have been in the middle of the field.

They had people on both

sides of the field.

It should have finished in the middle,

crossing a finish line.

Done with the handstand, turn,

run to the middle.

I guess, would they run into each other?

I don't think they would.

It's a pretty big gap in the middle.

But when you just come down

from your handstand and you're done,

it's hard to tell if you're done or not.

And again, a no finish line finish.

No finish line finish.

And is it a stopwatch?

It is a stop.

There is no chip timing.


we want to be professional.

Like you can't have a stopwatch for this.

It's especially when people

are finishing within

seconds of each other on that,

that one workout, even the hands,

like there's still people

finishing really close to each other.

And it's like,

are they going to stop the

watch when your hands are crossed?

When your feet come down

from the handstand?

Like there's just so many factors.

There's the human just speed

of the stopwatch.

Um, it's not consistent.

And when you're talking about seconds,

it makes a difference, right?


Holly says there are a few

finishes that are just a

couple of milliseconds different.

And if you're doing it by hand timing,

who knows how accurate that is?


Even the sandbag, the shoulder,

some of them were a little bit in front,

especially the ones that

were going like touch and go,

like they weren't fully here.

I felt some of that was a little bit.

off is the real judging us

on that they made them come

like all the way up yeah

they were pretty strict

where I was watching and

again I'm back in the

warm-up area so I'm not

seeing everything yeah so I

like I've been watching it

on my tv here and like

there's still some people

here and some people are

having to open up hand

release obviously but like

the positioning on that is

Not consistent.

Are the ropes twelve feet?

Is that what I heard on the

like the broadcast?

Or is that just for the higher divisions?

Because it looks like the

same rig from semifinals, which the very,

very top beam would be fifteen.

The one underneath is

technically like fourteen that you touch.

It's a fifteen foot,

but they're calling it

twelve foot rope for the

older for the older divisions.

There's a line.


so I was having this discussion with my

friend Steph Roy that she was saying, no,

it's twelve feet.

And I was like,

it looks like the same rig as semis,

which is fifteen to the top

and fourteen to.


OK, that's what I was thinking.

It's fifteen to the top.

I mean, I've watched Jamie enough.

She's doing two full on

pools to get up there,

which is what she does for fifteen.

Yeah, I figured.

And I know the older

divisions were not going to the top.

That's what I thought was

twelve was twelve foot was

the because I could see

that one tape line.

It's the same one that we

did the legless the seated

legless at semifinals,

which was to the twelve feet there.

It's that same color.

So that's why I figured that

that was a twelve foot

marker and the beam is fourteen.

So there's a lot of people

in the chat talking about

that there's a lot on and

they're still going over

there at the convention center.

Yeah, I have it all right now here.

We had to make the choice to

go a little bit earlier tonight.

Probably do that the next couple nights.

The way we're breaking it up

for a team covering the

behind the scenes is I'm

covering the morning shift.

at least covering the evening shift.

And then we're kind of double,

double dutying in the middle.

Um, but just so that we're not there for,

for, for, for, for, for, for, for, for,

for, for, for, for, for, for, for,

hours a day, uh,

and able to at least do a show.

And then like,

I'll be up at six and back

over there in the morning, uh,

catching them as they're

warming up for the first event.

Uh, so that's,

that's the reason we're on now.


Right now it's the, uh,

thirty-fifths to thirty-nines,

I think is my friend, uh,

from Canada is competing.


Paul Trombley's there.

And who else?

His partner, Adam.

I'll go there.

There's some good athletes.

It's been cool looking at

all the divisions all day

and just seeing a lot of

athletes that you've seen

over the years at

semifinals or old games

athletes years ago.

Not their old, but older games athletes.


Craig Kinney is who I was thinking of.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Craig Kinney.

No, it's been really...


it just brings back memories on

different athletes just to

see the longevity of their

careers and where they're at now.

Yeah, it's cool to watch.

Tomorrow the teenagers start,

so I feel like I'll be

watching a little bit of everyone.

It's all these people I've

watched for years,

and they're the same

athlete they were ten years ago.

Paul Tremblay is still strong,

and running is not his jive.

That's okay.

You know, it's funny.

But Will Morad's in there too.


He came back from that injury at semis,

sitting in second place

behind Mitch Wagner.


I know that name too.

Like it's all names that

have been around semifinals, like games,

whether it's teams and stuff like that.

And then Julie and I are

staying ten minutes away from the venue.

It is crazy tonight,

just to paint a picture.

So there's the convention center,

and then right beside it is

the University of Alabama

Birmingham's football stadium,

which has a game tonight.

So half the streets around

where you need to get in

and out of are closed.

Oh, wow.

It is almost impossible to get an Uber.

We're about ten minutes away.

Kyle Ruth is staying here.

Mark Hutchinson is staying here.

I ran into some guys from Sweden.

Even though we're ten minutes away,

we still have a lot of the

athletes here in the hotel.

I'm sure people are... The

hotel prices and stuff

probably went up massively.

Ten minutes is nothing.


Tristan said, yeah, dude,

roads are closed and that crowd is rowdy.

And it took me an hour to

get my Uber Eats.

I believe it.

That's how I was for me at

semifinals this year.

It took a while to get my Uber Eats.

I wasn't sure whether it was

just busy or downtown with the events.


So a couple things I wanted

to just throw out there is

one of the guys we interviewed, Rob Davis,

is in first place after the first day.

Killing it.

Carly Matthews came to play.

I interviewed her after her first event,

which was the sprint overhead.

And she's a smaller statured athlete.

And so I said,

that's pretty much in your wheelhouse,

small levers.

And she said,

everything here's in my wheelhouse.

And I was like, what?

Classic CrossFit.

That's kind of what she said, but she is,

I have it on film.

It'll be in the behind the scenes,

but she is not lacking any

confidence coming into this weekend.

which is kind of fun to see sometimes.

Just an athlete that knows

they're in a groove.

Um, Rudy Berger struggling.

He, he got all those no reps.

He's down in the twenties.

Um, they'd still,

I still don't have a score

for him for the rope climb yet.

So he, hopefully he comes up into the,

where he's going to be in

the second heat.

Cause if you're not in that

second heat and Jamie found today,

like if you can't see what

you're going up against, it's,

it's tough.

Like she's,

she competed against Carlene

today in three events and

never got to go up against her once.


Like the, the,

where you are in the heat and that,

that race that you're able

to get that from being in

that final heat is, is huge.

It's a huge advantage.

So, um, I mean,

they've done one that I'm

assuming they didn't recede

after the first event.

He would like Rudy would still be with,

they did recede.

They have not receded at all today.

So all day today,

he should still be with his regular heat.

But there's ten scores.

And, you know, one event that is so –

based off of judging.

Like if I'm him, I'm not, you know,

I'm not counting myself out by,

by any means.

Like he's got so much experience.

He's, um, he should still do, you know,


And there's not more sports

and there's still a lot of

room with two more events

in the day to get himself back into, um,


And even it's that,

that other heat was that

after two events or three

or one of it that he was in the twenties,

uh, after two events, uh,

He finished thirty seventh

in the overhead squat workout.

That sucks.


So what I'm going to do real

quick is I'm going to go through.

The top threes of all the

divisions real fast.

I'm going to start at the

top because maybe some of

the other scores will

populate as we get down there.

For women, sixty five plus.

It's Patricia McGill, Denise Moore,

our very own Denise Moore

and Sue Sue Lawson.

For women's sixty to sixty four,

it's Betsy Vanderberg in first.

She's always consistently good.



Also really good.

And Lynn Watt, always there as well.

Those are three heavy

hitters in that division.

In the fifty-five to fifty-nine,

it is T.U.

Maver, Lee Coates, and Shanna Bunce.

In fifty to fifty four, Carol Mezen,

Kim Purdy and number one, Cheryl Brost.


we talked about her whenever she's

in the competition.

Always wrong to watch out for her.


Forty five to forty nine.

Allie Crawford's in third.

Kelly Friel defending champ is in second.

And the once retired Val

Vogel is in first.

Oh, gee, she looks good.

Yeah, you said teacher, right?



She hasn't competed in a while.

She looked really good out there.

I don't know if you got to see it.

I was scrolling through a lot of things,

so I think I saw her division.

Women, forty to forty four.

Our very own Jamie Latimer

sits in third place.

Carly Newlands in second place.

And Carlene Matthews in first.

We also learned that Becca

Voigt can still do rope climbs.

Just in case anybody wonders.

And then she would lose time

on the other two movements a little bit.

And then who was she was racing?

Who was she racing?


who was faster with the

touch and goes and had

faster handstand walks.

So yeah, it was good.

Good little race.


And then in the thirty five to thirty nine,

we have Julia Holm in third.

Just outside is Andrea Nistler,

if you're wondering.

And fifth is Haley Murillo.

So those big names are fourth and fifth.

Shout out to Jasmine two and six,

my friend.

Jasmine Sheehan is in sixth.


Man, Mackenzie Riley's an eighth.

This is Allison Stahl in tenth.

What a loaded, loaded field.

Oh, yeah.

And then second is Sammy Scorzelli.

And number one,

who we actually said to look out for,

Caroline Klutz,

who kind of made a name for

herself last year at Crash.

Yeah, she would have done really,

really well on the individual side,

the open division or whatever it is.


I had to look up the second

place person on Instagram.

Lex made me look her up

because her doodle looked

exactly like one of my doodles, Callie.

So then I just, I followed her right away.

I was like, oh my God.

All right.

And then we go to the men.

Sixty-five plus.

Third is John Mariotti.

Second, John George.

First, Freddie Cherry.

Sixty to sixty-four.

We have third, Jose Luis Vaz.

Second, Stuart Swanson.

First, Joe Ames.

Fifty-five to fifty-nine,

Vic McQuaid in third.

Shannon McKibben in second,

and Robert Davis,

the guy we already talked about in first.

Fifty to fifty-four,

Sean Ramirez in his

comeback in third place.

Jamie McGarva in second, and Justin Las...

Lasala in first.

And then we go to forty five

to forty nine.

Nuno Costa in third,

Jason Grubb in second and

Kane Hayes in first.

We go to forty to forty four.

Looks like things have been updated.

And we have Chicho Quesada in third,

Julian Cerna in second,

and Jonathan Edel in first.

Another guy we interviewed

coming into this.

And Rudy snuck up into ninth

after the third event.

Finally, in thirty five to thirty nine,

we do not have updated

scores and it's all over the place.

But we talked about Mitch

Wagner being in first and

well more being in second

coming into this final event.

For the day, but scores are not populated.

The only other thing I'll

say about today is I was

amazed at how many

international athletes are here.

Came came through.


I've talked to at least five

people from New Zealand,

three people from Sweden,

lots of people from South America.

So yeah,

the international flavor is

definitely here, which was great to see.

And you guys asked,

you and Lex asked about the crowds.

They are pretty robust for a Thursday.

Any CrossFit event, you know how it works.

It is...

It is more sparse at the

beginning of the week,

and then as you get to the weekend,

it picks up as people have

time off and can come watch

the whole day.

But yeah,

it's like the little stands they

have at each place are pretty packed,

and the barricades are

lined with people on all

three floors whenever

there's action going on.

That's good.

Games are posting like on their Instagram,

a little bit of highlights

on certain athletes prior to the comp.

I still would like for them

to share like the link or

the leaderboard more often

and draw people to the YouTube.

Like I think I saw around

close to two thousand maybe

on the live today when I

would be watching the

Um, but again, like I,

at first I was looking for the link.

I was thinking it was going

to be on the CrossFit games

at some point or like shared like on the,

on their YouTube.

And I wasn't following, um,

like the legends on, on, um, on YouTube.

So like I was, I was like,

where is the link?

And then I, and then I thought, Oh,

I'll go to the games

website and then see it from there.

And then

It's like, oh, okay.

I have to follow the legends one.

And then I also ended up

following the pit team

tonight so that I'm ready

to watch this weekend my

teenage group get to work.

Mentor doing her due diligence.


but just to make it easier for people,

because not all of us followed,

to begin with,

the Legends CrossFit channel,

like the YouTube channel.

So if they want to get more

people watching the stream

and have their investment in the stream,

you know,

be more worth it.

They need to be drawing people there.

So I feel like all day they should be,

you know, pushing people to, to that.


I will say that it was great to hear

Sean's voice.


It was, I was hoping to run into him.

I haven't seen him yet.

Um, I've seen Tommy and chase, uh,

and Lauren, but I have not seen Sean.

He had some flight issues

trying to come in.

So he wasn't here yesterday

with the rest of them.


The last thing,

I'll keep saying the last thing.

I did hear some tea that

CrossFit did hire some

people to do many

documentary vignettes on a

handful of athletes.


And those people are Mariah Moore Oldroyd.


And Tyson.


Are there filming these vignettes.


They do a great job.


so we've been complaining about the

lack of content that's been

coming out from CrossFit.

They have been putting some

out for the Masters and the teens,

and that they did hire

these guys to come in just

a week ago to do these vignettes.

So I was hoping Tyson out

because the bands, man,

the volunteer security are not –

equipped to handle the

different colored bands and

who gets access to what.

So I had to help him out a

little bit so he could get

where he needed to be, but it's crazy.

We'll talk about that after

the weekend's over,

but that's been a little bit of a,

the only down thing for us

as a team is just fighting

the fight again and again and

And again, everywhere we go, um, but, uh,

but we're getting good,

good content and can't wait

to put it together for you guys.

And we're really trying to

get episode one out next week.

Uh, the behind the scenes,

which will episode one will be the,

will be, um, check-in day.

What's on, what's on the agenda tomorrow?

Which, which ones are tomorrow?

Is it that,

is that echo bike one tomorrow?

That gross one?

Are they in order tomorrow, four, five,

and six?

Or are they out of place?

They are for the younger group.

But not for the – For the older group,

it's a little out of order.


Yeah, it's four, five,

and six tomorrow in order

for thirty-five to fifty-four.


And that starts a little bit

later in the afternoon.

Do we have that anywhere

where I can pull it up super fast?

Do you know where –


here event four is event four is the

snatch ladder.

Another sub two work, two minute workout.

They added a minute.

They did.

That's what I heard today is

they added a minute to that

because of the weight change.



That's a three minute cap

instead of a two minute cap.


And it's still a two barbells.

I believe so.


Yeah, I mean, it's going to be fast.

It's going to be racing.

For a lot of people,

it's going to be a weight

that they can push.

And then for some people, that last bar,

they're going to have to

focus and they might have

to squat snatch that one.

And if you want to be

competitive in that one,

execution is going to be huge.

Event five is the wall ball one.

The Karen,

the sandwich with three

movements in the middle of the dumbbells.

But I believe you said it

was not a symmetrical up

and down like you like.

Yeah, I'd like to be symmetrical ideally,

but it is what it is.

That one has a fifteen minute time cap,

so we'll see.

we'll see how long, you know,

they're going to go.

Cause sometimes the time

caps are close and sometimes they're not,

uh, event six is that gross, gross, gross,

nasty echo bike with the, uh,

double under and chest of our buy-in.

Did you ever test it?


Can't get to that point.

Um, but just mathematically,

I just know where it would be.


It's going to be interesting

to see who sells their soul

on that to try to finish early.

I think the females is going

to have more trouble

finishing than the male.

I think the men, some of them can really,

really crank that echo bike

and get that power up,

but so high that the cows

just start going.

I think it's a more

difficult thing to do on the female side.

It's going to be close.

I think.



fewer if you are gonna are

gonna be able to finish it

but what I'm curious about

tomorrow is they've they

had the bay door open all

day today for that run and

now the three floors will

have full air conditioning

with that bay door shut

today or tomorrow uh so

hopefully people aren't as

fatigued at the end of each event

And how's the warmup area

and cool down area?

Like they had not gone as

sponsorship or something with the ice, uh,


So there are no ice baths or

anything like that there,

unless you go upstairs to

the vendor village and

Boulder athlete has a couple.

Um, so the warmup area is nice.

It's big.

It's got lots of platforms,

lots of rig space.


but that was one of the

things we ran into today is

basically they gave us a

coach's band because so we

could be in the warmup area

to talk to them.

And it got so crowded in

there that they made their coaches leave,

which that means that our

orange band wasn't good anymore.


and it was very frustrating because a

lot of it was from the team and

that isn't even part of the

games like a lot of people

back there want to be with

their teams and coaching

and it just was way too

many people when it got to

be the individual athletes

later in the day it wasn't

even that crowded there's

plenty of space are the

teams going on all weekend

I have not paid attention to teams at all.

Me neither.

But I don't know if it's

like two days and then the

rest of the time they can

spectate and be there.

Or if they're going all four

days and there's different divisions.


I know there's lots of divisions of it.

I don't... I think it's...

Hopefully it's just two days.

Because we're done super early on Sunday.

Like, it's done at noon here.

And then...

I don't know.

I don't know about teams.

I like the concept because

it brings more people to the party.

But like,

do they need the full games rig

set up to warm up?

Or could they have been put

somewhere else?

I haven't seen the space,

so it's hard for me to comment on that.

So I would like the athletes.

village area where you just

get to hang out there's no

warm-up area is massive

like it's half of a

convention center room like

huge you could have taken a

quarter of that and given

it to the teams to warm up

in and and then got them

out of the elite because

the elite athletes this is

their games this is like the big show

to have the teams back there

warming up on the same stuff,

hogging equipment,

all that stuff seemed to be

a little much.


Linda Jerry asks a random question.

Where do we know Kevin jurors from?

I just have seen him around

the master space for a long time.

Don't know from anything else.

I don't know.

But anyway,

day one's in the books and our

very own Jamie Latimer.

And I got my, my shirt today.

Let's go.

Jamie is in a podium position right now.

Keep going.

So she has a good day.

The rest of the good day tomorrow.

I think she gets to tomorrow.

She's gold.

Tomorrow's going to be,

it's going to have a couple events.

I think for her that she'll

have to stay in the mix, right?

Like that snatch ladder and

that power output as a smaller athlete,

I think will be challenging.

So I hope that she's able to

stay within the top to then, you know,

push where she needs to.


I agree.

So, yeah.

I think what's good is the

athletes she's at the top

with are also smaller athletes.


You know, Carlene is a smaller athlete.

Carlene may be the only

person smaller than Jamie.

And the good thing is, you know,


You start the weekend off

and you're doing well.

You know, that head space is huge, right?

Um, it plays a huge factor.

It's not just physical.

When you go to these competitions, it's,

it's about having

confidence and being in a

good mental space.

Like I know that's,

that's where I struggled

the most this year, um, was mentally.

And then I just had trouble

physically to go after.

Cause I was just like,

I was in a position.

I was never, ever in my career,

like added a competition.

So I had a better start.

Who knows?

what type of weekend I could have had.

So if she's having a great start,

let's ride that wave.

And, you know, who knows where,

where it can go from there this weekend,

even if it's a quote

unquote bad event for her, if she,

you know, is no,

that knows that she's

competing for a podium spot like that,

just all of a sudden puts a

little bit more, um,

energy into the pedals maybe, you know,

and, and pushes a little bit more.


And let's be honest,

it does the exact opposite

on the other side of the leaderboard.

Those people that have had a

bad start who are

struggling to get any kind of momentum.


I've beat people I had no business

beating in in certain wads,

and I've been beat by

people that shouldn't beat

me just because of where things are.


you don't know how people are that


So, yeah, never know.


the last thing I'm going to say is it

was nice to be back to a

competition that was just

about the competition.

Even though that Lazar has

been addressed a lot this weekend,

there are athletes wearing

temporary tattoos with his

name on their arms.

Thick Boy is selling Juket

shirts with all proceeds

going to his family.

So there are people wearing

the Jukic jerseys and

wearing temporary tattoos

during the events to honor

him during the competition.

But it feels like a step forward,

like not forgotten,

but moving a little bit

forward to a new normal in the space.

And I got a lot of time to

talk with Boz and to...

Becky harsh, uh, which was really,

really good to do and enlightening and,

um, yeah, glad I got that opportunity.


So with that, tune in tomorrow night.

We'll do these every night

throughout the weekend.

The only night in question is Sunday.

We may have to pause that

till Monday because they

changed the schedule to end so early.

We may try to get out of our

last night of hotel bill

and hit the road to get

back so we don't have to do

eight and a half hours in one day.

With that, thank you, everybody,

for being here.

You guys are the best as always.

And enjoy those Masters athletes.

They are killing it,

and they're what this sport is all about.

Let's share that link, too.

People should be sharing

those links on their social

medias so that we get more

eyes on that YouTube channel.

And if you're able to be there in person,

get a ticket.

Let's support the Masters

and the teens as well this weekend.


With that, thanks, everybody.

We'll see you next time on

the Clydesdale Media

Podcast or Sunday Night CrossFit Talk.

I'm confused because it's Thursday night,

but we're here.

Like and subscribe.

See you next time.

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Hit the notifier.

All of that.

Bye, guys.