Let's Talk with the Northern Trust

Let's Talk with the Northern Trust Trailer Bonus Episode 7 Season 1

Paediatric Psychology - Living with Type 1 Diabetes - Aoife's Story

Paediatric Psychology - Living with Type 1 Diabetes - Aoife's StoryPaediatric Psychology - Living with Type 1 Diabetes - Aoife's Story

Specialist Clinical Psychologist, Maeve Cushnahan talks to Aoife Maguire, a young person who has lived with type 1 diabetes since the age of two and a half. Now Seventeen, Aoife tells the story about how her family supported her in the early years, changes in type 1 diabetes technology during her life and how Aoife experienced growing up as a young person with type 1 diabetes from primary to secondary school and now on the verge of university. 
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What is Let's Talk with the Northern Trust?

A podcast from the Paediatric & Neonatal Clinical Psychology Service in the Northern Trust supporting the psychological and emotional experience of young people and their families, in living with health-related difficulties, or infants and families who need to spend time in Neonatal Care. The series will focus on providing information and sharing experiences that relate to families who are in contact with the Paediatric & Neonatal Services.
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