The Meaningful Marketing Podcast with Chantal Gerardy

In this episode of the Meaningful Marketing Podcast, host Chantal Gerardy reveals the most crucial platform that every business should utilize: Google My Business. Learn why 93% of consumers use Google Maps to find businesses, and how a well-managed Google My Business profile can dramatically increase your visibility and customer engagement. Chantal provides step-by-step guidance on optimising your profile, incorporating keywords, keeping information updated, and engaging with customers. Discover practical, ad-free strategies to enhance your online presence and attract more local customers effortlessly. 

What is The Meaningful Marketing Podcast with Chantal Gerardy?

What sets this podcast apart? We believe in the power of meaningful marketing—a holistic approach that prioritises authenticity, connection, and purpose, whilst still turning a profit.

Chantal Gerardy is an International Award Winning Marketing Strategist who empowers purpose-led businesses to revolutionise their online marketing approach and create a brand that resonates deeply with their online audience. If you're tired of cookie-cutter marketing advice, and seek strategies that truly make a difference, this podcast is for you.

If you are a business owner feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or struggling to cut through the noise online? We've got your back!

Our podcast is tailored for entrepreneurs hungry for clarity, confidence, and tangible results in their online marketing. Our podcast isn't just about boosting sales; it's about creating an efficient marketing machine that reflects your values, passion and purpose. Whether you're stuck or looking to maximise your marketing, we're here to guide you every step of the way.

Our episodes dive deep into practical skills, customer-generating strategies, and streamlined systems to help you thrive without relying on paid ads. From mastering social media, creating content that converts, ranking on google, getting your website to work, lead list building and email marketing, each episode is packed with tips and techniques to help you thrive online.

Join me each week as we explore management and monetisation online marketing strategies designed to reduce your time online while increasing your impact. With our guidance, you'll align your business and marketing team more closely, ensuring every effort moves you towards growth. From overcoming challenges to seizing opportunities, each episode is packed with actionable advice to help you thrive in the world of online marketing and effective management.

Are you ready to transform your online marketing, build a business that you enjoy, and leave a lasting impression?

Tune in to the Meaningful Marketing Podcast and unlock the secret sauce to marketing success.

 This podcast is brought to you by Podpro Australia. Want to know what the number one platform everyone needs to be on? Then this episode is for you.

Social media, Google, email marketing, systems, website traffic, and the endless content creation that comes with marketing. It's overwhelming, right? Say goodbye to endless stress and hello to clarity. Meaningful marketing podcast. In this podcast, I will share with you fast and free practical methods to help you manage, monetize, and market your business.

All infused with a healthy dose of motivation. Let's do this.

Welcome to another episode of the meaningful marketing podcast. I'm your host, Chantal Gerardy today, we'll be discussing the most essential platform in the world. Every business should be on and yet so many businesses seem to neglect the platform is Google. My business. Firstly, did you know that 93 percent of consumers search Google maps to find a business?

91 percent of people read Google reviews before contacting a business and 60 percent of interactions on Google. My business lead to website clicks. Everyone is always asking me which social media platform they should be on. when the most important one is Google My Business. Not only is it the number one search engine in the world, but like all platforms, it needs management to help you rank.

And when I say management, I'm not referring to ads like most think. Like every platform, you have to respect the platform and you have to respect the audience using it. It allows businesses to manage the online presence across Google, including search engines and maps. It's incredibly important for local businesses and digital marketing because it helps improve visibility, attracts potential customers, and helps you to be found when people are searching online.

Statistics show that businesses with complete and accurate Google My Business listings are 70 percent more likely to attract local visits. This activity leads to calls, messages, and website clicks. So if you think of Google My Business as your online storefront for your business, without it, it is like having a beautifully designed shop hidden in a back alley.

Once you optimize it, it will be as if you've moved your shop to the busiest street in town. The increase in visibility and customer inquiries can be remarkable when you manage it like it needs to be managed. And it takes such a little effort and time. Like I always say, whoever does it best gets the customer.

So if you think it's such a great opportunity for your business because your competitors may not be using it like it should be used. So this is a great opportunity for you to stand out and to get found online through Google. So once you set it up and you manage it correctly, you can easily monitor your performance or insights, and you will soon start to notice an increase in people viewing your profile.

You'll notice how many searches you appear in, calls and messages you receive, along with website clicks, all coming from Google. And again, it is all ads free. So how do you start? We'll first complete your profile. Ensure that your Google My Business profile is completely filled out with accurate information.

Include your description, your business category, your contact information and your service area. Secondly, use keywords wisely. Incorporate relevant keywords in your business description to improve your search ranking. You can use the platform answerthepublic. com which allows you to have two free searches per day and you can see what people are searching for in Google in your country through the search engines.

Using these words, the words your audience use, when setting up your products, this will help you to be found and rank higher. Thirdly, regular updates. Add updates regularly. Keep your information current, including business hours, photos and posts. Regularly updating the profile with new photos and posts keeps your audience engaged and informed.

And it also shows Google you're relevant and helps them to favour you in being found when searched. Engage with customers, respond to reviews and messages to ensure you continue to build trust and engage with your audience. And lastly, utilize their insights using the analytics provided by Google. My business will help you understand customer behavior and will help optimize your strategy.

So having an optimized Google My Business profile is an absolute game changer for any business. Here are some additional strategies you can use. Use high quality photos. Include high resolution images of your products, services, and premises to attract potential customers. Create posts. Use the Google My Business ad update feature to post updates, promotions and events to keep your audience informed.

Encourage reviews. Ask satisfied customers to leave reviews by sharing them the direct link or even create a QR code which leads to the review link. Respond to them promptly to show appreciation and build trust. Now getting your customers to use search words in their reviews helps Google match you with being searched for.

So many of my clients have not only been found, but got the job based on their Google reviews. Optimize for SEO. Now, SEO is a big fancy word for search engine optimization, but at the end of the day, it's the words your customers use to find you. Once you know and use these words, it helps to attract your ideal client online.

So for example, if you run a cafe and you post updates about your new menu items or special events, and if you provide high quality images of your dishes and a well crafted business description with keywords like Best coffee on the Gold Coast. It will help you to attract more loyal customers in the area.

Now that we've explored the importance of Google My Business, I encourage you to take action. Update your Google My Business profile today with accurate information and start engaging with your customers. Share your experiences or questions in the comments section of our podcast page. Let me know, have you got a Google My Business profile and how have you found it work in your business?

Start with just as little as once a week to add an update, add some photos or update content and respond to reviews. So to recap, Google My Business is the number one platform for businesses, but it requires you to simply manage it. Thank you for listening today. For more free resources, visit our website.

Onlinebusinessmarketing. com. au and don't forget whatever platform you're listening to this podcast on, subscribe, hit follow, rate us, or leave a comment below if you have any feedback, comments or suggestions on upcoming episodes, please feel free to simply send me a DM on Facebook or Instagram. This is Gerardy Girardi from Online Business Marketing, and you're listening to the Meaningful Marketing Podcast.

Thanks for listening in. Meaningful marketing is all about you making your marketing meaningful. If you've enjoyed today's episode, please hit that subscribe button. But subscribing means that you won't miss out on future episodes all about marketing and motivation. Stay inspired, stay focused and make your marketing meaningful.