Clydesdale Media Podcast

Clydesdale Media Podcast Trailer Bonus Episode 1035 Season 1

Lunch with the Clydesdale - NFL is King of Sports! CrossFit is at a Cross Roads

Lunch with the Clydesdale - NFL is King of Sports! CrossFit is at a Cross RoadsLunch with the Clydesdale - NFL is King of Sports! CrossFit is at a Cross Roads

We use our lunch hour to chat about all the events of the world including sports, entertainment and what is making news.  Today we talk about the Free Agency Frenzy in the NFL and the unlimited amount of money that is available.   Plus we take a look at the leaderboard for 25.2 and see where our favorite athletes stand.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

what is going on everybody

welcome and good afternoon

to lunch with the

Clydesdale it's a monday uh

of daylight savings time

week uh feeling the effects

of that every single minute

this morning uh but we are

back at work we are

cruising we are doing uh

our thing and uh what's up

cat what's up cory um

Doing our thing here on a Monday,

getting a little break from

the work schedule.

And then we got a meeting

right after this.

So today's lunch has got to be quick,

but we'll get through that.

And we're going to talk a

little bit of the NFL

landscape and free agency,

the money that they are

throwing around and the

health of that sport and how, in contrast,

it looks for the fitness world, CrossFit,

whatever we're doing.

And then we will move into

taking a peek at where we

are on the leaderboard.

On one side,

last week's champ seems to

have posted up a score that

will make her a two-time

champ in the open.

And then we'll look at the men's side,

see where we're at.

Last week's champ has not

posted yet on that side.

So we'll see how that kind

of plays out as we move

through today's show.

What's going on, Andrew?

Did we save the daylight?

We sure did.

It was almost eight o'clock

here when the sun went down

last night and it, man,

it messes with me trying to fall asleep.

So Aaron Frazier says, no,

the daylight is lost forever.

Oh my gosh.

cat has a first date tonight

hiking state park should I

bring a firearm uh depends

on how much you know the

person and did you stick to

your rule that you had to

meet them in person to get

the date or you back on the

apps that's my question um

corey says stay strapped or

get clapped cat uh aaron

fraser always bring the firearm

So she's back on the apps.

Already breaking her own promises.

Always already breaking her own promises.

I'm looking at some breaking

news here from the NFL.

Sorry, guys.

The Chicago Bears just signed the center.

There we go.

We are revamping the

offensive line in a hurry

this year with two trades

last week and a brand new center today.

Yeah, that's pretty sweet.

So I woke up today and do

you ever get that song like

stuck in your head and you

don't know why it's that song and why

What's crazy is it's not a

song I even listen to very often,

but the song that's stuck

in my head is Whistle by Flo Rida.

Flo Rida.

Why would that song be stuck in my head?

And the biggest problem for

me is I don't even know the

words to the song except for whistle baby,

whistle baby.

And so that, so it keeps going through,

keeps going through my head

and I can't get it finished

cause I don't know the ride,

the words to get to the end of the song.


And so maybe I just need to

play the song fully out and

get it out of my head.

Do you, is that how you get a word,

an earworm out of your head?

Or if I play it,

will it then just get more

ingrained into my head and

I won't be able to get rid of it.

Uh, Kenneth,

I got pink pony club on

repeating my brain.

Oh, that's bad.


Aaron says I need to get that whistle



maybe maybe maybe that's

that's the answer to it all

uh yeah just put your lips

together thanks kat uh just

playing it all right I'm

gonna try after this show

I'm just gonna go jam do do

a dance in my dining room

to a little whistle and

then hopefully it's gone

from my head and I'll

update you guys tomorrow on how that is

I just got done watching.

I didn't get done with it.

I was in the middle of

watching the Fronk podcast.

Did you see that the barn roof of the barn,

the gym barn, got ripped off?

Half of it got ripped off

and sent across his field.

And they had standing water

inside the gym.

All that gym equipment

sitting in standing water.

That is...

that is insane to me so much,

so much expense.

And like,

I know my gym is super tiny

compared to his.

I know what I invested in my

gym and if it had standing water in it,

I would, I would be crying.


I just wonder what the insurance claim

is going to look like.

And if the insurance

adjuster is even going to

understand what the hell, uh,

those items are on the list

of things that were damaged in the storm.

I know when I go to the

doctor they don't even know

what crossfit is or any of

the stuff we do can you

imagine an insurance

adjuster coming out and

trying to figure out uh

what the hell an echo bike

is or um this an ohio bar

or all these things I think

that would be a funny

conversation to have with

an insurance broker so

I know the thumbnail said

NFL free agency frenzy.

That's already gone on.

I cannot believe the money

that the NFL is throwing around.

Before free agency even started yesterday,

teams were signing their

own players or trading their players.

Yesterday alone...

Josh Allen got three hundred

and thirty million.

Miles Garrett got one

hundred and thirty million.

DK Metcalf got one hundred

and fifty million.

And I know I'm missing another one.


Devante Adams got like twenty million a


What a crazy, crazy day it was.

And then free agency,

the negotiating period

opened at noon today.

By like twelve or five,

there were already four signings.

The Bears made Jeff Dahlman

the second highest paid

center in the league.

Hassan Redick went to the Buccaneers.

Three hundred and thirty

million to play a game.

I have this argument with

people all the time.

The only reason he gets

three hundred and thirty

million to play a game

because millions and

millions of people watch every Sunday.

And the TV networks can sell

ads for those games that people watch,

and they can make a fortune.

So they are paying that

league billions and

billions of dollars to be

able to air those games.

And because of those TV contracts,

and to be competitive,

the players get their share

of it because they are an

attraction to the game.

That's why they get this money.

If people came to watch me

do my job and they paid so

much money to do that,

then my value would go up

and therefore I should make more money.

But that's why.

I ain't mad at him.

I just think it's wild.

Yeah, I'm not mad.

If someone's going to pay you the money,

you sign on a dotted line, right?

And maybe that's...

that's the attitude we

should take with this WFP thing.

They came in and offered twenty athletes,

forty athletes a chunk of

money to come and play a game,

play a sport,

whatever you want to call it.

Do fitness fast.

And they jumped at that opportunity,


Which I would, most people would, um,

there were a Tia didn't maybe.


I don't know if anybody else had turned

them down.


but if someone's going to offer you the

money to do it, you're going to do it.

But I think what,

what makes it tough right now is,

is that here we sit,

we're coming off of games that wasn't,


that had a tragic event,

and we knew there was going

to be a dip in support for the sport.

Then we have this second

league come on who's

offering everybody money,

and now we have these two

competing seasons.

In a year where we need the

sport to come back,

we have a lot of things going against us.

And I don't hate on the WFP.

They can do whatever they want to do.

It's a free market.

And if they can make it work

with the way they do things,

that'll be interesting.

And maybe it helps grow the sport.

But right now, it just seems like

CrossFit is actually putting

on open announcements that are fun again,

that are emphasizing the community.

They're making the right steps.

I heard on Rich's podcast,

the Safety Advisory Council

had a meeting where they

talked about things.

especially like should

athletes know movements?

Should they not?

What does that do with the games?

Sounds like they're actually

doing things that need to be done.

And that has been a

criticism in the past that

the councils that have been formed have

uh don't necessarily do what

they were designed to do it

sounds like the safety

council is actually talking

about important things for

the upcoming season the

athlete council is putting

out statements and their

surveys and they're

answering the surveys and

they're doing things that

other councils have not

done in the past like we're

making headway

So it's just going to be interesting.

It's something I think

that's going to be fun to

watch how the season plays out.

I watched dense updates this morning.

And her theory is that, you know,

some of the athletes are

sandbagging the CrossFit

game season while doing the WFP.

I'm not sure I would go that

far in my conspiracy theory.

I think that, that athletes know that,

There was a lot of unknown

going into the open.

We didn't know what the

signups were going to be.

We don't know what the prize

payout's going to be.

We don't know all this stuff.

And so they were kind of

reserving the way to

examine what their options

were and kind of slow play it.

just like Justin Fields in the NFL, right?

He has offers from the Steelers.

He couldn't get other offers

from other teams till noon today.

He slow played it rather

than re-signing with them

to see whether or not other

teams would offer him more money.

And so...

So yeah.

So he is waiting to see what

kind of money he would make.

And, um, and so, yeah,

I think that's what the

athletes are doing now.

They don't know what the WFP

season is going to be like.


And so they're just slow

playing it to see they're

getting some guaranteed money.

They can slow play it,

see what it's going to look like,

how much effort they put

forth in any of these things,

whether BWFP or CrossFit is

anybody's guess.

And we'll have to wait and

see when they come up.

Jody Lynn says.

Who cares?

The CrossFit competition is

going to be awesome no

matter who it is in it.

I don't disagree with you on this.

And I think the unknown fact

of who's going to win even

makes it more interesting.

What I kind of disagree with

is I care to see how it plays out.

That's why we have these shows, right?

I care to see how I want to

see how both play out.

I want to see how they both

attack things to be different,

how they look at revenue streams.

That's something I kind of

wanted to talk about last

night on the show,

but we ran out of time is I

don't think CrossFit over

the years has capitalized

on revenue streams that

they could access to help

make more money and to make

the sport more profitable.

I think they rely on the

stuff that has been done

before and they're not

being innovative about how

to bring in additional money.

And I think part of that is

that they don't look

outside their own house as

to how other people are

doing some things that are

actually really good ideas.

And so what's going to be

interesting to me is if the

WFP does something that is

of value and brings value to the sport,

Will CrossFit be humble enough to say, hey,

that was a good idea,

we should implement it?

Because none of that stuff

can be trademarked or

copyrighted other than CrossFit the name.

I guess WFP could be copyrighted as a name,

but you can't copyright revenue streams,

things of that nature through the sport.

So that's what I want to see.

This is the exact example.

I was thinking of Kenneth DeLapp.

Doing a tailgate stream like

Rogue did is such an easy

way to make some dough.

I completely agree.

When you do it as well as Rogue did it,

people are willing to pay

twenty five bucks for a

full weekend of getting

different camera angles,

getting a different studio show,

getting different stuff like that.

That is a way to make money

that CrossFit is not taking advantage of.

I also think that another

one that I've brought up is

CrossFit has never done

Jersey sales well.

They've never delivered on time.

They've never delivered in a good way.

If you go to any other sporting event,

there are T-shirts or

jerseys or whatever

polluting the audience.

I went to the Olympic swimming trials.

T-shirts for different

swimmers were being worn by

tons of people in the

audience or in the crowd.

You go to a baseball game, a football game,

a basketball game,

jerseys are being worn everywhere.

The only thing that CrossFit

sells in their store

typically are things that say CrossFit.

You have that copyright.

You're the only one that can

do a CrossFit Games jersey

because it has CrossFit in it.

They could do jersey sales

and give a percentage to

the athlete just like they

do in the other sports.

And that is a way to make

money for those athletes and for you,

the big entity.

But it takes too long for them to do it.

And maybe if this B-to-CrossFit,

whatever it is,

over near buys them and has

an apparel company,

they can be more equipped

to do things like this,

capitalize on a different revenue stream.

And that's one thing I don't

think the WFP is doing awesome with.

Their merchandise right now is just WFP.

They've known who their

signed athletes are for a while.

They could have done Jersey sales,

things like that for the

people to do that.

That could have been written

into their contracts.

And all that you see are WFP merchandise.

They could have put the WFP

logo on a Jersey with Emily

Rolfe or with James Sprague

or whoever their signed athletes are.

And it would be easy because

you know who they are so

far in advance and you

already have a contract with them.

Craig says,

really good quality replica jerseys,

top-bottom compression shorts,

and socks would be cool.

Yes, so much so.

I completely agree.

And people would buy those.

When Christy owned our gym

and she made her shirts for a competition,

she would sell the hell out of them.

And everybody wore Christy

jerseys throughout the gym.

So, yeah.

Emily Rolfe is a boss.

She sure is.

Emily Rolfe is really cool.

Did you guys see the Emily Rolfe?

She only drinks in the off season, but,

and then her chugging, what,

what is that called?

Smirnoff ice after the

twenty two point two twenty

five point two announcement in the middle,

like in a lunge in the

middle of the comp floor.

It was freaking awesome.

yeah I have a jamie shirt

too they came out well that

was thick boy thick boy did

that um made a really nice

replica-ish uh type jersey

it was really cool uh yeah

she probably got iced she

did it was cool and she

chugged it like a boss too so

I will buy Jamie's t-shirt

this season to Fofford.

Well, you'll hear it here first, Craig,

you're always here.

You'll know if we offer another one.

If she goes to the games, I am sure that,

that we will do another shirt for her.

But I do know that her

priorities this year are

more about her son's senior

year in high school.

So she's got to get through

that and get him into college.


But hopefully she is able to

do both this season.

But her priority is really

her son this year.

And she said that on our show,

I think a couple weeks ago.

But she took sixth in the

first open workout in our division.

I'm sure she's going to do fine this week.

She'll make it to the next

round where she will do better.

um and hopefully she

qualifies and we'll see her

here in columbus if not

hopefully she comes to

columbus and hangs out with

me and we do our coverage

down here when all that's

going on so so I just think

that that everything's kind

of at a crossroads and it

and crossroads means not

that it's going to be bad

from here on out

It could be good.

We could have an uptick of

things with everything going on this year,

or we could have a downturn.

I think it's the time.

It's a crucial time where

CrossFit has to take

advantage of what's out

there and make those

changes to get that uptick for the sport.

And it's going to be fun to watch.

Fun to watch for sure.

So let's take a look at the

leaderboard and where we

stand at the current moment

with twenty five point two.

On a side note, Scott,

my wife was hit by the

return to office policy in Texas,

so it looks like we are

moving back to Austin.

That sucks, dude.

Do you still have your house there?

I hope so.

And how much longer does she

have till retirement age?

I'll tell you what it's done

for me has made me really

kind of look at all the

retirement options I have.

And you don't have the house.

Oh man.

What it's made me do is

really look at retirement options.

What are my options?

When can I make, when can I make the jump?

Fifteen years.

Oh, that's brutal.

See, I know like in the state of Ohio,

as long as I'm working from home,

I just have to be within

the border of the state to

continue to work my job.

I could move anywhere in the

state of Ohio.

But if I return to the office,

it has to be here in Columbus.

And I'm assuming that that's

the same for your wife.

And that is just, that's just brutal.

tell her I feel her pain so much.

Cause I know like I made it

through this phase of the, the,

the problem, but it is going to,

it's going to come back and

bite me at some point.

I know that I'm going back at some point,


because the momentum is just too great

at this point.

Uh, and it kind of,

Cause my daughter lives in Pennsylvania.

My, my mom lives in Pennsylvania.

We thought about moving back

there since I worked from home, but it,

I'm not allowed to be

outside the Ohio border and

they have actually busted

people here for doing that.


because they can tell from your IP


if you are in the state or out of

the state.

And, uh, yeah,

we had some people move out of state,

try to work,

continue for the state and

they were promptly fired.

So I hope you find a good solution,

Jay Birch, man.

So on the women's side,

I'm going to refresh this

since we are on the final day.

Um, Heidi says to Jay Birch,

wouldn't it be better just

to get a new job?

Um, yeah,

it depends on how many years you

have and how close you are to retirement.

Those are the things that I

had to look for.


uh denise my husband had

back surgery february tenth

and I've been working from

home to be his caregiver

yeah we're not even in for

my job if they find out

you're a caregiver you are

not allowed to work from

home you actually have to

take fmla or be off for

that um thank goodness when

my wife had knee surgery my

boss was like listen

You're not going to need to

take care of her twenty four seven.

Just kind of tell me when

you need to do stuff and

take leave just on the

times you need to do that.

And he was super cool with

me and kind of like under

the table allowed me to to

get away with that.



They're really strict here

about that stuff, and I don't know.

I don't know why.

They're so not friendly, so.

We look at the leaderboard

as it stands right now.

Miriam Von Rohrer, as predicted,

is sitting in first already with a .

So she won the first week.

There's a lot predicted that

she would pull the double.

Right now,

she's sitting at four eighteen

with a gosh,

what a twelve second lead

over Anika Greer at four twenty nine.

Fisa Goffey, four thirty.

Daniel Brandon, four thirty five.

Maddie Sturt, four thirty six.

Claudia Gluck, four thirty seven.

And those are tight.

Alex Kazan, four forty one.

Andrea Solberg, four forty two.

And then you can see Lucy

McGonigal and Rebecca Fuseli,

Lucy Campbell, Marissa Flowers,

Ariel Lowen, Alexis Raptus.

Spiegel, Wells, Kristen Holta,

Kyra Milligan,

Sarah Sigmundsdottir having

a pretty good performance

this year in the open.

Elena Caratalla, Trista Smith,

Sydney Wells, Olivia Kerstetter,

Christine Best, Emily Rolfe,

Alison Scuds.

Shelby Neal, Caitlin Sanders, Amy Kringle.

So that is your top fifty

with highlighting some of

the women on the women on

twenty five point two.

So then we look at the men

and this is where things

get a little bit.

Oh, they've already they've removed them.

So there was a two minutes

and eighteen second person.

And in the time since we've

started the show, that has been removed.

So Austin Hatfield now sits

in first with a four sixteen.

Jace Peck with a four

eighteen and Colin Bossard

with a four nineteen.

Then it's a jump to Jeff

Adler at four twenty six.

Tied with William Rios at four twenty six.

Kale Lehman, Peter Ellis, Dallin Pepper.

Fabian Benito, Jay Crouch, Jonah Koski,

Justin Medeiros, Jason Hopper,

Ricky Garrard, Harry Lightfoot,

Caden Hogan, nineteen-year-old, uh,

really having a good open, um,

Bruno Marins, uh, Leonel Franco,

Sam Cornway, a oldest Supanix,

Scott Pancheck,

the old man sitting in

there with a sub five, a Nola Kai,

Seth Stovall, Roman Krennikoff,

George Sterner, uh,

no MMA guy in the video this week.

Such a disappointment.

Uh, Ben Fowler, uh,

Jack Rosema, Tanner Balazs,

William Leahy IV,

and Enrico Zanoni round up

your top fifty.


same for me just doing the kin care

hours for when I need to help him.


I'm glad they're letting you do that.

A good two, isn't physically possible.

I don't give a damn how fit you are.



I'm glad they are looking at those

odds scores.

Me too.

And they're quickly removing them.

Like that has never been a thing, uh,

in the past that I remember

where it went up and down

within an hour or two.


Denise says the top score in

sixty five to sixty nine

seems implausible.

Well, let's look at that.

So if I go age group.

Sixty five to sixty nine women.

A six oh five.

And the next score is ten fourteen.

And there sits our Denise

and fourth at ten twenty one.

Yeah, that that doesn't seem plausible.

That there's someone four

minutes faster than everybody else.

They'd have to be a really, really fit.

Really, really fit.

Sixty five year old to whip

out a six or five.

That actually beats Jamie's score.

I know if you haven't seen it,

it's out on YouTube.

You can check it out.

I don't see a sixty five

year old being as fit as

Jamie in a workout like this.

But congratulations, Denise,

that's a great score.

I'm thinking it was their tie break time.

That is entirely possible.

that's way better than my tie break time.

So, so yeah,

so that is the leaderboard

where we stand today.


It's going to be interesting

to see how it all plays out.

I know everybody's waiting

for the Colton Merton score

to come in and see if he

wins two weeks in a row.

I think that is completely possible.

But I also think it's just

as possible that someone is

going to have a hell of a

weekend and be able to beat it.

There's just too many fit

people in the world.

um and that's what makes um

mirham von rohr so

impressive that right now

she's sitting in position

to win two in a row um I

think that is insane and if

she pulls it off if colton

pulls it off wow that's

something then I think the

question becomes later in the week

Is programming diverse

enough to find the fittest to move on?

If the same people are

winning the workout week after week,

have we programmed it right

to find the fittest to move forward?

And that has been the crux

and the issue with the Open for a while.

So I will wait and see what

happens tonight.

But after that,

we can talk about are we

doing the best to find the

right people to move

forward on to semifinals?

Because taking that

quarterfinal step away from the season,

I think the Open is more

important on who gets to semis.

So that is going to be fascinating to see.

Well, with that,

I do have a one o'clock meeting today.

So you hooligans get back to work.

This has been lunch with the Clydesdale.

We will see you tomorrow.

Bye guys.