The Keeper League - AFL Fantasy Podcast

In this week's episode of The Keeper League Podcast, we're tackling all the action from Round 9, focusing specifically on draft and keeper leagues within the AFL Fantasy landscape. Join host Heff and returning guest Jordan D'Sena as they delve into each game's key performances and explore their strategic implications for your teams. From deep-dive analyses to uncovering hidden gems, Heff and Jordan offer expert advice and essential tips to help you excel in your leagues. Tune in to gain the upper hand with insights that could propel you to the top of your draft and keeper league standings. This episode is packed with invaluable knowledge for anyone looking to navigate the complexities of AFL Fantasy with confidence and skill.

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Creators & Guests

Ryan 'Heff' Gerlach
Co-founder and host of The Keeper League Podcast

What is The Keeper League - AFL Fantasy Podcast?

An AFL Fantasy Podcast that doesn't focus on the superstars. We look at the up-and-comers and the lesser-known players to help you win your draft and keeper leagues.


Can I listen and welcome back to another episode of the K-Poleed podcast.

With the AFL Fantasy podcast that doesn't talk about the soup stars,

we only talk about the lesser-known and the players who will bring value to your draft

and K-Poleed teams. My name is Heff and welcome back to the studio for another week,

Jordy DeCenter. How are you mate? Good mate, how's it going?

Let me tell you about your back. Thanks for coming back.

I had a bit of an emergency this week. I actually had two people pull out this week.

You're the life saver of the week. I said on Thursday I want to text you,

I was like, I might keep you on the emergency and loophole you on.

Yeah, that's what it's an emergency.

So yeah, exactly. You must have put in a good performance on the weekend

and hit the leaphole you.

Yeah, no, and yeah, it's good to talk as well because I,

yeah, Fantasy was at a decent week, so in Super Coach 2, so there you go.

A whole loophole. We've got to be careful not to talk about the

Salary Cap too much. We're facing a lot of heat out there.

I'm talking about Salary Cap really.

Mainly just from Case, really.

What's he saying? He's just giving it to you.

Apparently, because Stevie Fizz has been on the point of difference,

the pod pod last two weeks in a row, purely because they're struggling for guests.

Stevie just being a good bloke.

And Case is pot-shotting him in the comments about being classic focus now.

What's happened to you?

I don't get the hate, you know, because that's crazy.

It's just fantasy.

Yeah, exactly.

It's all fantasy.

We're talking, talking footage.

I play every format of Fantasy because I'm just obsessed.

So it doesn't really matter.

But we're here to talk draft and keep league.

So we won't keep the classic or the Super Coach.

Chat our up too much.

I don't want to talk about my teams anyway in any format,

so it doesn't really matter.

I know you're doing all right. You're outranking me in Super Coach now, so...

I think you still be all right.

The dream's over.



Hate Super Coach now.

But anyway, yeah, welcome back to the podcast.

You watch much for the weekend.

You have a few gigs. What was it going?

I did have a few gigs, but I did manage to watch a few games.

I love the Thursday night games.

That's like unreal and obviously not gigging on Thursday at the moment.


Have you heard the news?

What's the news?

They're about to release the rest of the year's fixture.

No more Thursday night games for the rest of the year.


So we'll probably get some infinals like we always do.


But they've scrapped it even though it was immensely successful.

And yeah, does that seem crazy to you?

It does.

It's like...


One, it doesn't like...

Obviously the games...

Well, they don't overlap or have a Thursday game.

You don't have to squeeze it all in on the weekend.


And it's the perfect thing to lead into a weekend, so...


I just...


For like viewers, like, yeah, you don't have that double up on the Saturday.


So you can watch like an extra game around.

For us like podcasters, you know, where we try to have eyes on every game.

The less amount of double ups is fantastic.

Like, I know a lot of people win about the 630 starts on the Sunday,

because it's pretty late.

But at the same time, for people like us who like to watch every second of every game,

to try to pick up as much information as we can, like...

No overlaps is like the perfect.

Do you know what would be ideal?

I don't know if it's controversial or not.


Get rid of the dual Saturday night game.

Move on to Monday.

So you got Monday night football, like in America, you know how it's meant?

I don't...

It would be interesting.

I would be very interesting.

It's been done before.


Like, yeah, they've done a few trials and stuff.

I think they usually put like, St. Kielder and Norther back in the day,

at least to do that sort of shit to the game as well.

But like...

I don't remember the two Friday night games.

That was too bad.

Not too bad.


Because you can kind of switch over a half time and get a fair bit of it.

And then...

Yeah, it's got the whole second half once the poor game feels so.




But anyway.


I'm not a...

Yeah, I wouldn't be against a Monday.

And also, for fantasy, you can stream more players

when they play on a Thursday.

That's the especially when you go lockouts.

But anyway, I'm a rolling lockout type of man.


Anyway, it doesn't really matter.

But anyway, my leg doesn't play that.

But you can tell that to Komisch Kays.

Let's get stuck in the show.

Big thank you to Game Day Squad.

I feel like I don't pump them up enough on this podcast.

Like, that's seriously, like, I can't just say here,

here's a free pack, but don't legit actually thank them for all the work they do.

And then, you know, even with the game in, you know,

constant communication with Kow and the team, they're always like, you know,

looking for ideas and giving me a call and a value in my opinion and all this shit.

So I appreciate that as well.

And, yeah, appreciate the support that they put behind this show.

If you haven't signed up yet, just, you could do me like the slightest favor

and do them the slightest favor.

It's just jump on the link in the description.

Download the sign up, make an account.

You don't even have to play.

But the numbers there make things look good for, you know,

the business and investments and all that sort of stuff as well.

So if you could do one favor for me to support Game Day Squad,

it would be to download the app and sign up and, yeah, open your free packs away.

Opening packs is just so fun.


I love it.

The thing, the issue is I'm finding at the moment,

I'm not getting like last week, I was doing a live stream and they'd give me six packs of weeks to open.


But they're not doing that this year, which is fine.

Like you can't just hand out packs willingly for the end of time or whatever.

But yeah, I'm finding it heaps-hearted, a build a good team,

and I don't have constant packs to open, but the thing is like,

I had six packs a week, every week last year.

I still can't build a team good enough to win it.

You've still got to actually pick the best combination of players, you know?

It's hard, it's because it's pretty match-up depending on the set.

You basically got all the cards.

It's like, who do you, you know, you're no trading really.

So it's like, you have to pick the right match-ups.

And like, I think if you've got like the best players,

like you put the best averaging players on the field type thing,

but you'll always get beaten by the players that don't have the best averaging players

because like a random player or like, you know, I'll put a DOM in Jackson clear on

this week and he spuds it up.

Yeah, exactly.

Where people that don't even have that card,

can't play that card and get something better by playing, you know,

Nuzai, Wang and Emile, or whatever.

So, yeah, anyway, a game just got getting around, I'm supporting.

We're giving away a pack each week.

The deal is, I spin the wheel, I read out the team name.

If it's your team name, get in contact with me via our email address,

the contact form on the website, X, Facebook,

send me an Instagram message, whatever.

Everyone's got in contact with me in many different ways so far.

So, the packs are same to get to the people that are winning them.

So, here we go, spinning the wheel, now.

Let's see who comes up.

And the winner is this week.

We're going to say it is the pits.

Well done, the pits.

With two teams and two S's.

So, if you're the coach of the pits,

getting in contact with us, I've got a pack for you

and yeah, help you kind of boost your game day squad team.

Anyways, let's get stuck into the show.

The round review, the Colton versus Melbourne, Matthew Kennedy.

We were patting ourselves on the back last week

because we were like, "Oh, when Chera comes back,

he's going to be back to the Ford line

or he got sub last week."

And we were just like, "We were so right about Matthew,

Kennedy, Raara comes to this week

and he's starting in the midfield, George Huwis, the sub."

And he's playing a tagging role on Petraca, I guess.

Managers to pull out 85 points.

I kind of wasn't paying heaps of attention

because Petraca went Ford.

Kennedy didn't go forward with him though, did he?

A little bit, I think, but not, yeah.

Like, yeah, I mean, Petraca, I think,

even I was listening to his post-game thing

and he was like, he's obviously had a bit of

out of form a little bit in the midfield.

So, he obviously got that tag and he's gone,

yep, I'm gone forward straight away

and obviously dominated up there.

But I feel like Kennedy moves around with him quite a bit.

Yeah, so I don't know if he's going to keep that tagging role.

The thing is, like, Cherras got injured again.

So, you know, what happens there?

Like, because Huwis was kind of the tagger as well, so.

And it's like, is that a management thing?

Like, they're just managing players?

Or, but then Cherras out now, so, yeah,

like, I think they're probably bringing Carol

or Benz, actually, had a massive VFL game.

Benz, though, the outside time,

so it shouldn't affect them too much.

Carol's one I'd do like that could come in.

And he had a pretty good game in the VFL, so.

It's still a week to week proposition with Matthew Kennedy,

but what David said when he was on the podcast here a few weeks ago,

it's just so much easier that he's a forward.

You know, like, if he wasn't midfield,

you'd be so frustrated with the ins and outs.

But given that he's a forward, you can kind of ride that

a little bit more, I think.

100% and if you, like, if you do play rolling lockout,

like, I think that's perfect, you know,

you can see who the sub is.

And you can see if he's not subbed, like, he's pretty much,

you think he's pretty confident in scoring.

Like, and we were even talking about last week,

you know, because Zach will introduce you to whether he would go defense.


And this week is playing tagging roles.

So I'd be watching if he's subbed and if he's not as a forward,

I'd be pretty confident to, you know,

put that as a F4F5 if you need to in a team.

Yeah, definitely.

Alex Neil Bullin had his monthly, uh,

ton, 23 touches and 12 tackles to get there.

I guess the way weather does help him get those 12 tackles as well.

He's averaging in the 70s, so he's a viable option for your four lines,

but just not one I'm getting super excited about is like,

what you see is what you get with.

Yeah, and I think, I think,

Petraka going forward, they had to put someone in the midfield.

So it was him, he had pretty high CBAs.

So yeah, obviously that's, yeah, the, the beneficiary there.

Yeah, he does get used off and on, doesn't he?

Yeah, so I think, like, I think he averaged like 2% CBAs for the season last year,

but it was like, in spurts, you know,

the game's where he doesn't go in there and then he has like one or two.

And that sort of stuff.

So, yeah, Petraka, like, obviously he kicked five goals.

He had the highest time, like 40, at 67% time forward this week.


So whether that's because of the tag or whether he's actually going to keep that,

that role.

He kicked five goals, didn't he?

He kicked five goals.

Yeah, so.

And he, you know, as I said, he said he was, he's been a bit out of form in the midfield.

So, you know, he said he was happy that he was able to kick some goals

and contribute to the team.

So, you know, if he does pay a bit more forward,

you got, you know, New Bullen and I guess,

Sparrow, the next guy talking about they're going to, you know, get some more CBAs.

Yeah, 100%.

Well, we'll move on to Tom Sparrow as well.

So, second most used midfielder behind Oliver with Petraka, obviously, gone forward.

So, nice clearance work.

I just remember a few times just breaking away from the stoppage in those conditions.

I think that's the score we've been waiting for since he's got four status.

I think I just would want to be a little bit more, him to be a little bit more consistent.

I think that's the issue with him.

Also, your boy Caleb Windsor, I've done him as your boy.


I love that.

84 points. Back to back good scores.

Continuous impress.

Is he too good for the podcast now?

Given that he's like a rookie that was so highly hyped up in the preseason,

I think we have to give it to him, don't we?

Well, two weeks ago, he had 67 points and got subbed off at three quarter time.


So, he would have had it.

He would have had it.

So, that would be 380 plus.

So, yeah, again, same thing on the wing plus sixes,

kicked a goal, great to see.

I've had one of my mates in a keeper actually

has tried to target him for a trade

after the last couple of weeks.


I think we've got to give him that 80,

that 80 for that week he was subbed out.

So, he's too good for the podcast for mine.

And he plays West Coast this week.

Oh, there we go.

There's another 80 plus score.

He's on my field in like my classic teams as well.

So, yeah, he needs to.

When he's in that conversation, you know,

you're too good for the podcast.

Jolongkats versus Port Adelaide.

This was pretty funny because like, you were,

you were really excited that we were getting winning this game.

And I was just all doom and gloom misery.

It's like, oh, we're going to sign Ken Hinkley out for another five years now.

Oh, no, I was like, yes.

Goal, yes.

Keep going.

And I was just like, no, shut up, Jolongkats.

We want to lose.

But anyway, what's up with the cat?

Is that go through 104 points?

He's still going for the podcast.

We put a lot of time in the Stuart, I guess,

that might have freed him up a little bit more,

but he's had four good weeks in a row at the moment.

So, he's putting up numbers.

You got the confidence now to,

like, one of my mates dropped him a couple of weeks ago.

Someone's picked him up, got the four good scores.

He's, he's been one of those.

I think you're right.

Like, Stuart getting the time.


I think we would sort of double-teaming him.

Yeah, we were.

And then I think McIntee was going to him

just a bit of a four.

So, you know, that's, he was on the wing as well.

And we'll still tap.

We'll just fall in everywhere.


So, he got three is being the guide at the moment.

So, yeah.

I think like, he scored well with,

with him in the set side last week as well.

So, like, I don't think we can really say like it's,

because of that, I think it's like,

the proof is in the pudding that he's done four weeks in a row, you know.

It doesn't need Stuart to be quite to score as well.

Pretty funny story actually kind of going in a bit of a tangent.

A couple weeks ago, I got a message from Dossie saying,

because he tipped, he said, "Sam Durham will be good one day

about four years ago that he was claiming him."

And I was like, "Well, I said he'll be good this year.

Like, this is the year to pick him up."

That's more useful information than saying, you know,

watching a guy one game for four years ago

and saying, "He'll be good one day."

Than saying, like, draft him this year.

Anyway, I got a message from Doss,

the Saturday morning saying, like,

"Zack Guthre, can I claim that one?"

And, because I don't have any stocks in Zack Guthre,

I've never made a video about him.

I don't own him in my keep-al-egg.

I've let Dossie claim all the stocks in Zack Guthre.

So, yeah.

Does he call him Zoot or something?

I don't know.

Zoot, yeah.

That's right.

So, yeah.

Anyway, I just thought that'd end.

I remember that.

Dossie, yeah, the pod party years ago, I reckon, even.

He does some good nicknames.

I'll Dossie doesn't need for some players.

He's good with a pun and a rhyme, I think, as well.

So, yeah.

Oli Wines was one I want to talk about.

So, 133 points.

Two out of his last three games are 100 plus scores,

but it kind of coincides with Rosie's injury games, though.

What's your opinion?

Has he turned a corner?

Or has he just had a good few weeks here?

I've noticed, as well, he's been, like, the games

that he's put these scores up.

He's been tackling, like, he's got...

He's had 10, 9, and 7 tackles.

The last three weeks, which is big for numbers.

So, and the weeks that he wasn't scoring well,

like, against Colin, he had zero tackles.

So, that's obviously been, you know, something

in the last three weeks.

But, you know, he's looking, he's looking, like, pretty solid.

And, like, he's averaging 95 now,

as a midfielder for, like, your teams.


Obviously, Rosie is going to affect him, but, I don't know,

he seems to be, if he's going to be tackling,

seems like he's been pretty solid at the moment.

Yeah, I'm happy to, I'm happy to ride that one.

I think it's just good for owners.

And, even if, like, I don't know, he's kind of one of those plays

you probably wish he held onto in classic trade-out early,

because you could have another rookie off the ground.

But, yeah, I think vindication for people that own him,

or have owned him three-oly winds as performances

in the last few weeks.

It's in the capital of Willie Riholi with that four goals,

not one I would want to field every week.

Ryan Burton's been OK since being recalled.

90 points, but Burgoyne was missing as well.

So, I think that kind of boosted a little bit.

So, not getting too excited there.

Have you got Travis Boek?

Or, did you do something?

Yeah, so I put him, he was on the waivers in my league

and I know I had a few injury styles,

and because Jolong gave up points,

I was like, I'm going to get Boek here,

because I think he could put up an 80 plus.

So, I'm streaming, he got 90, and the last three weeks,

he's got 78, 75, 90, and he is sort of playing off sort of

in the half-forward.

And I wonder if he can get that forwards status in round 12.

Could you be a solid option with the forwards

that we don't have if he can try and go 70?

Obviously, a few weeks ago, he was the sub,

but he's coming back, but he's just a little sneaky one

that I've picked up.

He probably been on a lot of key put waivers,

and potentially could get forwards status

and maybe put some scores up.

These are sort of streams you need to make in your league

and then tweet them afterwards.

So, they've already done your league,

you know, your league mates can't get on,

then give them to the masses.

Thank God, they were too many.

That'll be followers galore, if you pull those off.

Jackson needs the other one, 83 points,

just interesting given that Rosie was actually properly missing

this time, and his CBA numbers went up.

He'll probably feature in the CBA article tomorrow,

although I'm not expecting long-term success from him.

But he's been good this year.

One of those players is just like a genuine trial,

you know what I mean?

And has got his way into the side by just knocking down the door,

like in the tooth, and just we can't ignore him anymore.

So, I just don't know how he gets a game,

like among our midfield in the future.

And the thing is, he's the son of a poor legend type thing as well.

So, he's not going to go anywhere, he wouldn't think.


Yeah, so it's an interesting one.

I think Rosie, obviously, is going to affect him heaps,

but maybe when Wands, Pratars,

but it's still a long way away.

What's these Wands even?

Wands just hit 30 now?

Pretty sure, yeah.

So, I don't know, might be a while.

Fremant versus Sydney Swands.

Yeah, bit of a, bit of a nothing game

was pretty sad for the Fremant,

and I think it took their toll on him, the sad news of the passing of Cam McCarthy,

but it is what it is, and there was still fantasy points involved,

so we might as well talk about it.

The big one, Jeremy Sharp, 118 points,

kick two goals.

People have been saying, like the last few weeks,

like he only scores well in the MCG,

because he said he's best scores on the G,

but like, it doesn't make much sense to me,

because my thing with the Wings is like,

you know, if you play it a small ground,

it's obviously going to help you,

but isn't the optostate in like,

it's still a pretty big ground.

It's massive ground.

Yeah, yeah, I think I looked it up,

and I think it's as big as the MCG, but it's close,

or it's one of the Wings.

Yeah, all the one's wider or something like that,

but they're still pretty similar area,

so I think it's a big ground.

Yeah, so, I don't know, he's capable.

There was a little junk time to his score, though, as well,

but I don't know, we've talked about him on and off.

He's probably picked up on enough,

I think he's under the 40% on,

but with respect to back scores like that,

you'd think he'd get a bit of attention, or I can...

Shout out to Brandon Walker, by the way.

80 points.

I don't remember him scoring more points than that ever in his career.

The guy I was playing in,

our league, who was bottom of the ladder,

I lost two on the weekend,

had Brandon Walker on field,

and scored 80 points.

I'll talk more about my loss later on in the...

I'll pinpoint the moment where I lost my keeper league matchup,

and you'll hear about it in a second,

but yeah, shout out to Foss,

who I was playing, who had Brandon Walker on field,

who probably the only person in the country that did

and scored 80 points for him.

That was crazy.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Well, one that you...

And once you see that score,

like, you just like, you notice it,

and you're like, "Oh, 80, like, exactly how did that happen?"

He's like, he's the all the point of Brandon Walker

is to not get kicked,

so he's like, "I'm not getting kicked."

Anyways, maybe I'm out of some city players.

All of a flora, 134 points.

What does he do?

Yeah, this is...

Yeah, this is crazy.

I'm putting it down to, like, maybe they're putting

a bit more time, like, sort of, like, the Jolong with the Stuart.

Are they putting time into something like a Blakey?


And Florence is that guy now that...

Because Blakey is so damaging.

Is he the one using it?

I think Roberts is sort of maybe doing a bit more lockdown.


But, like, Florence two weeks ago, like, I got like a 40.

So it's so hard to, like, read.

Yeah, he's so hard.

So you're probably right.

It's a bit of a flaw on as to who's getting the attention

on the day, and he's just the next one out there.

But again, it was a pretty nothing game, like, it as well.

So there was a lot of cheap stats to go around.

And speaking of guys who love cheap stats, Jake Lloyd.

I tweeted he's like an ex-girlfriend that you think you're fine

the other and then they text you.

B is scored 112 points.

Crunch them numbers on this one.

He's averaging 92 away from the SCG.


Averaging 61 at the SCG.

So that's like, that has to be just playing on a wing

on a small ground, right?

On a scale.


So if I can, I'm going to try to stream,

that's Lloyd for away games and try to bench him for home games.

So that's a good stat, isn't it?

That 92 was well, he includes that mount bark again,

which was like a, I think it was like a score in the 50s

or one of his lower ones where like,

he can make excuses, I guess.

But like, you know, a country ground,

it's not built up stadiums, like windy kind of conditions as well.

It's like, it can be tough to score.

I think even like, he had like, you know,

he was on a huge stretch that had a pretty low score in that game as well.

So like, you can kind of,

he can choose your stats a little bit if you include that too,

because like, if you take that one out,

it's closer to like the 100 mark away from like the SCG.

So yeah, pretty nuts.

That's crazy, isn't it?

But then like, you know, you take players off that wing,

like McAnony, Florent,

and their scoring is going up as well.

So it kind of does make sense.

All right, let's move into the Hawthorne St. Kool-Degame.

We might actually start with the Saints.

And this is where I knew my weekend was over,

so my opponent, Foss, he had Royal Marshall Captain.

And like, yeah, it was nuts.

He scored 1750th on like,

like the bottom team scoring,

like the huge biggest score of the league,

like type of thing, his biggest score of the year.

And yeah, my team just sucks, but yeah, that was a moment.

So don't you hate, yeah?

Now, my history with Royal Marshall this year,

I traded him into my Supercouch team,

trying to be smart, get out of the game,

get a good Ruckman in early.

That was a hard move.

In what I...

Yeah, I thought that was a hard move.

scored 51 and 61,

traded him out for sweet,

to cash in, to get two extra, you know, gun midfielders in,

and since then he's put up two monster scores.

And it's probably the reason why my ranks in freefall,

because like I've just wasted trades in the Ruck

and where are the people I've gotten ahead.

So Royal Marshall, I hate you.

It's just want to try something like that.

And the only reason, because you asked me about the trades,

and I was like, Marshall to sweet,

is because he was like, wasn't he injured, Marshall?

Like, he was sick at home.

And his eyes came in.

Exactly. And I was like, well, are they gonna,

and they were playing, like, we thought you might have been subbed

of that game.


And now he's come out and done 100 and then no 160.

His was probably the, the tiping point that I decided to trade him,

because I was like, there's no way they're bringing Haze in,

if he's 100% fit, and then he scored 100 in that game, you know?

And then, Haze got subbed out.

I think he got two kicks on the way again.

He got 12 points.

Yeah, so no good.

And then, yeah, Royal Marshall just went once.

So, yep, hey, Royal Marshall, let's move on.

Um, Josh Battle has moved into the forward line.

And, uh, scored 106 points.

He said, two scores, good scores in a row.

The thing is, like, so many times this year,

and most of the time it's when you're on the podcast,

well, you're probably the most frequent guest these days.

But we often get key defenders or key forwards

back to back good games.

And then we generally tip them to go low the next week,

and they do.

So, would you say the same for Josh Battle?

Yeah, I mean, the thing about, like, battle is, like, the saint's game.

They just chip it around a lot.

And it's, um, yeah, I mean, he's, he's put up these score,

but you're right. Like, he's hard to trust.

He could put up a, a 50 or 60 the next week.

So, just one, yeah, we're not sure.

We're not sure. We're not the shipping around.

And that, like, there was a lot of, I think,

St. Kool-Aid scores, but mostly two good for, like,

for the podcast type players.

The, what is it called? Utah Stadium? Is that what's called?

York Park, whatever it is actually called these days.

Apparently, it's the one of the widest grounds in the competition.

And the commentators are saying on the radio, they're basically like,

you just cannot not afford to switch there.

So, they're so much switching going on on the ground.

That's why the Hawthorne players, when they play their generally,

go right. And, um, yeah, St. Kool-Aid also went

around this game, um, and players like, you know, like,

like, Darcy Wilson and like, who's, when Jimmy Webster was the big one,

86 points, like, just so much switching going on.

Like, Wanganymeli, we got like, one 13, and Bonacott, one 20.

Yeah, exactly, you know what I mean?

Like, so, if battle is there, I mean, if you, I don't know, yeah,

it's the playing for, but like, these guys are going to get,

they're just going to get points, aren't they?

Going back to Darcy Wilson, I'm elevating him to

two good for the podcast.

And, listen to the Ford again. He's on my classic team.

He's, uh, way too good to be talked about in this podcast.

I'm then, like I said, Jimmy Webster, they all just got involved.

They just feasted on that kind of chipping and switch around me.

And they lost the game too.

So, like, you know, it wasn't like it was part of their strategy or anything.

It's just that they couldn't really do anything else.

Jack Jinnivan, he had 78 points moving onto the Hawks here.

He's had 70 plus scores three out of his last four.

I've started actually fielding him in my keeper league.

Teamers might have five because, yeah, I've got no one else really.

So, that's pretty handy.

Yeah, yeah. And he's scoring 70 plus.

I think it's 78 in this game, yeah.

Did he kick many goals?

Or, yeah.

Oh, it was, let's see on the radio, so I'm sure.

But, um, probably, he moves out the ground, takes a few months as well.

So, yeah, yeah.

It's good though.

It's a bit higher.



Let's move on to Essin and Versa's GWS.

All right, Sam Downe.

So, again, tip just break out this year.

97 points.

Playing a count of midfield role roles, which does, like,

cause some fluctuation in scoring.

But, I don't know, his lates, but he's still better than his scoring from the wing.

You know what I mean?

So, you trust him more.

He's just a lot more fieldable this year than you think.


And especially when you go inside midfield and doing CBA, he's like,

you're going to get an uptick.

And we even talked about him last year, about an average.

And, you know, we think he can go 80 plus.

And that's fieldable in the draft, the draft league.

And I'd be pretty confident in just putting him straight on field.

So, yeah.

I think anyone that goes inside is going to get that,

yeah, it's going to get that uptick.

So, that's awesome.

97, unreal.

Yeah, yeah.

So, like, my team, he's on the,

on the field of my team, midfield at the moment,

includes like people like Tom Mitchell, who's, yeah.

I had Brad and Fair any playing on there as well.

So, he was out on the weekend, managed.

Then, like, just like Luke Parker is one of my midfielders as well.

What's wise he can't, yeah.

I just stack this one.

Yeah, I think he applies to any hasty.

Yeah, he's performing too well on two.


And I think he's playing a bit more forward.

I think, like, what my gut feel is, and I'm,

we're talking about, specifically, hell, but,

my gut feel is that they're retraining him as like a mid forward.

And he's just got to spend a few weeks in the,

in the VFL doing that job.

Cause I saw he keep the match winning goal.


On the weekend as well.

So, like, he could make sense.

Cause like Sydney's midfield is, like,

unreal at the moment.


It's the top rated, like, in the league.

Like, what did you change?

You think, like, maybe someone like James Jordan

could come out of that side,

but he's doing too good of a job as a tagger.

Like, he's probably the weakest link,

but he does his job right for the team.

So, I think they have to retrain him and maybe take someone

like, I think maybe Wix, they probably got a second week.

So, like, get him a four-like, a regiga and say,

yeah, I'd expect Parker in a few weeks,

might see his kind of just had a bit more of a run in that

forward line.

That's my gut feel.

What's going on?

Maybe he gets forward, so let's just hope he gets lost.

That's why I kept it.

Cause I'm, I was hoping he would,

because, well, that talk of handing on the midfield,

and all that sort of stuff.

See, if Parker's on your waiver,

like, and people are dropping him,

getting frustrated, I think he's not going to play.

He's probably one to go on with as well.

But anyway, we're talking about SNN versus GWS Giants here.

So, yeah, Nick Hine had 97 points.

He played the half-back role,

and I think it pushed Hepel up to the wing.

Like, said, "Dur's my out."

My worry was, Martin was going to go back to the wing,

but he's doing two good in defense.

So, that wasn't really, that wasn't really going to happen.

But yeah, so I think that was the shuffle.

And I think it was just a good game for half-back flankers,

because there are a few in this game,

except if you're lucky, Woodfield.

Cause I think people have discovered,

if you shut down,

lucky, Woodfield, you shut down.

J-D-O-S at that moment, so.

Oh, no.

It's a tough, a few weeks, fun.


So, I think that's going to keep going on there.

And the other one is Todd Goldstein.

So, 82 points.

There was Brad Scott interview saying,

"Drave had a knee issue,

so it wasn't just being dropped for being a dickhead on his podcast."

So, we're dickhead.

There was so much chat about that.

A lot of people were saying, like,

he should be applauded for saying that sort of shit,

which I kind of agree with, in effect,

that like, you want players to have some sort of personality,

you know, like, maybe not applauded,

but you don't want them to be robots either.

And like, maybe don't go as far as the NBA,

whether we're trash talk and each other and stuff like that.

But you don't want them to be boring either,

so I don't know.

It's a hard line, isn't it?


Yeah, if Draper is going to go get this knee surgery

or this clean out, Goldie, like, 82, pretty solid thing

you can go at that for the rest of the wild draper's out.

The only other thing on that is,

what's their backup?

Nick Bryan?

Is that his name?

Had a monster game in the Toos as well.

So, that might style for things X.

Apparently, he's looking awesome in the Toos.

I want to get games into him because he's probably,

like, if Draper doesn't sort of shit out,

whether I can become like a viable option,

you've got Goldstein for two years, Bryan could overtake him.


You get him there.

So, yeah, let's want to watch.

Stashing your key, please, Nick Bryan.

Speaking of Nick's, Nick Haynes.

I dismissed his VFL performance in the last race,

because I think at 300 plus scores in a VFL in a row.

And I was just like, if he's not coming in 200 rows,

probably not going to come in this week.

And I wrote the article because Kay has done available.

And then, yeah, it comes in and takes a bunch of marks and defense

and scores in 82.

So, it takes a lot of marks.

It can be viable back there,

but I don't know, it's not comfortable

feeling him or would want to rely on him.

It's hard because you've got like Ash Himalberg, Wittfield.

Like, they all usually take the point.

So, it's hard to trust him, but I want to watch.

Yeah, for sure.

And Harry Paramann, I think we've got to make

two good for the podcast as well.

He's averaging that 80 plus from the last three.

Like, a few years ago, we were getting excited

because he was going on the midfield and stuff like that.

I think those days are over, but just does his job

and gets the, you know, around the 80 mark most weeks.

So, he's going to be picked up and filled in most leagues.

So, he's probably want to move on.

Gold members, thank you to Sean Leonard, Jared Pulse,

Ricky Mitchell, Trent Roseanne,

Roll Marshall, get fucked.

I'm sure that's not the same.

What a week to have him on there.

That is not the same guy.

That is surely not.

Anyway, Roll Marshall, James Van Baillain,

Matt Quigley, Matt Jones, McDowardy,

Brody Johnson, Braden Ren, Tim Stickland,

Tom Bevan, Josh Cleeland, and Tim Meyers.

Thank you to those people who support the podcast.

Honestly, you cannot do the podcast without members support.

Awesome to see people like just re-signing up in the last few weeks as well,

just hearing these calls and want to support the show.

Because honestly, if I don't have members,

the show doesn't continue.

I go back to a work and fall time

and I have no time to get any of this stuff done.

So, yeah.

Thank you so much for those people who support the show.

Let's continue on with the round review.

Didn't watch a second of this.

So, long story as I'll dobbin' in.

No, it's not even dobbin' in.

Supposed to have Aaron Bryan's on this week,

called me after we finished commentating the Crow's versus

Brisbane game last night and he's just crook as a dog.

I don't even know how we got through the call.

-Dwing to the scene around, isn't it? -Yeah.

And he actually sounded like, "Okay, on the call."

But I noticed like, he was very few and far between taking over.

And I was like, "He's not really saying much on this broadcast."

I was wondering what was going on.

And so, I did not watch this game at all,

because Aaron being the Richmond supporter,

I just expected him to watch this game.

So, sorry if the analysis is a bit short on this one.

-I watched a bit of it. -Awesome.

It's where he was hoping you would.

So, all right.

Daniel Raleigh, 102 points.

He's had a few good games in a row.

So, like, what's the catalyst here?

He has some owner as well.

It's hard to put like, a catalyst down of what's happened here.

Is it just there's like a severe lack of quality at Brisbane?

And he stands out as well when I start.

And he's, I think he's just in a bit of form as well.

Now he's, you know, obviously started the season quite slow.

And he obviously takes a few kick-ins as well.

But he seems to be that guy that they look for

straight away out of the, like, the kicking-

He can break a line in a pretty good use.

Exactly. So, I think he's just in a bit of form.

Obviously, the balls down there would be at the moment.

-Yeah, that's true. -With the dogs just smashed them.

So, I don't know if there's a catalyst, but,

yeah, a couple good weeks, which has been good,

because as an owner at the start of the year,

I was like looking at benching him and stuff.

And now he's been putting up some sort of score.

So, it gives me confidence to, you know, put him straight on the field.

The other one is, um, Tile of Sonny, 79 points.

What's your take on him?

Like, because he's someone that I think put up good,

was he out of the VFL, or, or he, either out of the VFL,

or he's a junior who played some VFL, as a junior.

He's three or two years.

So, um, yeah, I think he had, like, solid numbers.

But do you think he's ever going to be like a decent fantasy score?

Yeah, I'm unsure on Sonny.

Like, I just, I need to see more from him.

And Richard and I got like, so many of these guys that,

like, who's going to be the next one through?

Like, they're trying out Dau.

They've got like, Ross there.

They've got, Sunsea, they've got, like, McCall of now.

I just wonder who the next, like, bunch is.

They had, he had a few CBAs, which is, like, good to see,

but he wasn't the main guy.

Like, I looks to see, like, Dau is the guy that they're trying to,

like, giving the main thing in there.

That's a thing, like, I just don't know where the next mix is.

With the teams at the start of their rebuild,

you get guys like him thrown into, like, roles.

But then, like, by the time their rebuild ends, like,

three, four years, five years later,

you've had five years worth of first round draft picks

and things like that, like, these guys need to show something pretty soon.

Otherwise, they just get moved on and tried for other people pretty quickly.

So, like, you saw it all through, like, the Melbourne

down and out years and all that sort of stuff as well.

Like, you see these potential young guns come through,

but if they don't take off straight away, they tend to go back to the Trud and True

or whatever they can use to, like, develop everyone else further as well.

And, yeah.

Richman, like, they're 17.

They're probably going to get picked too.

So, like, like you said, who are these,

like, they're probably going to pick a gun mid-coming,

and so it's just, yeah.

Knowing that, I felt they'll probably get a priority pick or something as well.

So, just, like, West Coast want at the moment.

Even though they want a flag in 2018, but anyway,

I think the West Coast talker that's out the window anyway.

Um, onto the dogs.

Ed Richards went to drop back to 13% CBAs last week,

and then went back up to 93% his highest for the year,

what the hell happened.

It's got 141 points.

What the hell happened?

Crazy. Obviously, libert out.

That's the main thing.

Say for the new libert.

Yeah, if libert is out, Bevor loves him in there, I think,

as, like, the guy.

But to do hundreds, like, he had, like, 90% CBAs a couple of weeks ago,

and he was going 70s.

Yeah, that's true.

To put out a 140, I was, like, surprised.

Bit of Richmond factor about it.

A bit of Richmond factor.

But, like, he hatched, like, maybe it's a few weeks he's settled into the role now.


If libert, who knows how long libert is out for?


If he is out for that, indefinitely.

If he's out for the year, he's probably a good option.

I don't know whether he can go 140 again, but,


You know, like, he's 90% CBAs.

It looks like Bevor is trusting him as the man to replace libert, so.

In my dynasty league, I lost to the top team by about 60 points with

itch on the bench.

Oh, no.

No, and no emergency on him either, so I couldn't even loop him on.

So, James Harms, 134 points now.

I believe what he was half-back last week, because I watched him.

What was he for this week?

He'd keep four goals.

He'd keep four goals.

What the hell's happening?

He was sort of like, the one I was watching, he was mostly, like, on the wing,

and just, like, basically going everywhere, like, going half-back,

and then forward, going forward, and he got just some nice, like,

some good, you know, some lucky goals as well, some like, that's suckers and stuff as well.

But I just think this game was so open, like, you know, again,

134 points, like, where did that come from?


But I think he's, I have Harms in a league as well, and to see him on the wing,

like, and sort of, like, switching between, it's, that's pretty good to, like,

you know, put on your forward lines, because before he was doing that half-forward role,

which was just, it's like a very difficult role to play, and he was getting 40s.

Yeah, yeah.

So it's good, like, obviously he's on a lot of wave-wise.

So if he is there, like, he'd have to be number one pick this week.

Yeah, I've put him in the wave-wire podcast, so yeah, yeah, he's definitely up there.

But, yeah, it's just, it's crazy, because I thought he was dead and buried, you know,

a few weeks ago, and he's always going to drop him.

Yeah, yeah.

My brother's like, "Oh, I'll pick him up."

And then, "Okay, so people are looking at it, I'll keep," and then,

yeah, fair enough.

Aaron Norton had 114 goals, he's just not consistent enough.

For mine, but good performance here.

Like, feelable because you need five forwards, and he's generally around that 70 mark.

But, yeah, I wish I could see.

He could be like a Kerno type player, or, I don't know, he just has like this big ceiling game,

you know what I mean, but just doesn't happen enough.

Bailey Williams is a player, I actually like the look out of, like, well,

I like, he's been around for a while, but 96 points in, because he just puts

us on handy scores and that wing.

I'm finding, and I've said this week in week, yeah, the hardest position to

feel a good player in at the moment, I think, is your M7 position.

And it's guys like him that kind of, you've got, everyone's got like a player like him,

you know, I've got a Sam Durham, you know, those type of players in your M7 role,

like even like a Xavier Dures, my wheels, I also have like a player like him that can pop a

90 every now and then is like pretty valuable to have this season.

So, 100%.

He's another one that's like under 40% owned on wavewires too.

So, I don't want Bailey Williams as a pick up.

Jack McCray, so you mentioned before as Ed Richards is like the new libra, my thinking was like,

McCray could just be more trustworthy now that libra's out.

What are your thoughts there?

Yeah, I'm not sure about McCray.

Like this is a game that years, like you looked at all the dogs, like there's a 140 there,

there's a Tra-Law 150, there's a 130.

Like McCray in old days, he would have gone 151, 60, like Bons gone 130 to come up with 88 points

when they're feasting. I don't know, he was a 40, he didn't have that many CBAs, he was doing that

third-fold role. Obviously he's a scorer, like 88 points is good as a forward, but this is a McCray

that would like you know, years ago you just look at that game, or they've won by like 70 points,

McCray would usually pop 140.

I know, I know, but I'm not really expecting that from McCray anymore.

I'm expecting like 90 average forward.

Dragon, we could see that from now on. I think, yeah, I mean, I think so, like the forward options are

obviously, there's only a handful there this year. He's probably still going to be F5, F6,

at the end of the season, probably F6, but he's still probably going to be there.

Yeah, I mean, yeah, he's going to still score, I just, I think that's F6 in classic. He's probably

only most people's like F1, the F2's, I think he's my F2 in one of my leagues.

I think, yeah, Richard's is the guy now for with the libra, not McCray.

Interesting. Riley Garcia had 85 points. Two goals there. Is there other signs for the future with him?

Was he just like again, like, feats the unrichment?

No, I think he looks, I think he's like, got himself in the best 22 now. And he's, he looks good.

He's, he's precious, pretty good as well. He works his way in through just like some good

VFL performances as well. So that's always a positive sign if they can force their way in through

good performance and actually put up some scores. Just be nice to setting up someone here as

an enrichment as well. And so like Sam Darcy will not even say anything with, but Sam, Sam Darcy

actually looks like he's going to be a gun player of the future. Like he's going to be like the

key forward pitch in, like, pinch hit in the rock type deal. They could go back one day. He

can play anywhere. Just a gun. So yeah. So glad I held him in super coach. So coach, yeah, which I did.

Moving on to the Gold Coast Sunsverse North Melbourne, it was about half time of this game.

I cracked the shits, turned it off, went to bed because like my opponent had like five players in this

game. And it's like it's Darwin. There's obvious. He's surely going to have some, like some 30s and

some 40s in this game, you know. But then he had like Alex Sexton, 88 points. I think he had

Braden Ainsworth, who's called an 80. He had took Miller like those guys are always going to feast

in these kind of games because that tackles galore. Meanwhile, my only player in this game was

Tristan Sherry here at 51. So it's just like, and like his score was going backwards in the third, I think,

as well. So just giving away three kicks and not giving touch. So apologies is my second half analysis,

you should because I didn't watch it. Mac Andrew though, 107 points. This guy is an amazing talent. So

he was essentially playing center half back and then going into the rock as like with like not

really resting either because I well machine like fitness, like tank type thing. But also just like

the athleticism as well. I still think he's like best used as a key defender. So like he's only

going to be pinch hitting in the rut because you know, they're not going to play a second rutman. So

he'll just do the kind of pinch hit. But as opposed to like the forward rucks who I think it hinders

because like I think when the forward goes into the rut, that's time they could be kicking goals. I

always think like it's much easier to get a plus 12 from a mark kicked in a goal than it is to get 12

hit outs when you go on to the rut. You know what I mean? But some of like Mac Andrew, like where

you kick a fan is probably aren't doing a heap anyway and they don't have that X-R plus six from

kicking goals. I think it actually helps him. So Mac Andrews just one I've got my eye on. And he's

a high like he's pick five. Yeah, so highly talented. The talent is there. Yeah, definitely. But just like

imagine if you could score like Jack Weedering, but then pick up an extra 10 15 points by getting

hit. You know what I mean? That's massive. It could it could be a decent play. Alex Sexton,

fuck off. I think he's one to look at like for Will Powell who's going to be out for another four

weeks. The VFL form was just really good. That's the thing. But then I saw Connor Butterick put up

a good performance in the twos as well. So they might rotate and try the two of them. But I think

Sexton is the preferred option over the two when you agree. Yeah. And I powers out and look,

I can't say it last week is a lococious. Yeah. He's back forward now. So they need someone

back there. Yeah. Well, the other one they brought in was job Jeffrey. I mean, I only 51 points,

but it's the right role. And I just don't think you can expect him to score. He's the intercept

mark type guy. Greasy conditions like. Yeah. I want to see him on a dry field where he can kind of

actually take a grab and then run and dash type thing as well. The other one was Alex Davies. He scored

84.52 percent time and ground. I think just like this game is like just suited these conditions

just suited for him. He also cramped up and couldn't even walk like and they had to sub-map because

he couldn't even move. He was cramped up so much. So I'm not sure what that says about him. He might

be out next week, but could be a one week play if you need a forward up in Darwin because he doesn't

need a lot of time on ground to score. Yeah. That's for sure. Zach Fisher is the other one. So 103 points.

He's striving with she's in the midfield probably to get for the podcast. But I want to know your

thoughts. Like is this role going to continue for she's all because it's not having any effect on

whether they're winning or losing games? I'm worried about it. There's a she's all like he just

doesn't look the same guy. Obviously it's a new role, but it's hard because Cargo just flicking back

and then everything changes again. But I definitely will. Yeah. I think they need to try and progress

their game. So I think she just needs to obviously it's a new role. He's going to take a bit of time

to get into it as we spoke. Last week, if the prospects of she's a little bit forward and he's going

to be doing 90. It's obviously he's going to be still unreal, but it's that transition is always

hard. Yeah, I just yeah, I mean, who knows what car is going to do, but I just I think they're just

going to stick with it. Yeah. You're going to have at least another three or four weeks of just looking

at it. Yeah. Before they actually make it decision what they do, I think. So sucks for owners, but you've

just got a green and bear it. Hopefully it's like better off long term. You know, he's got you never

going to have as much points across the half back. Clowns, you do a North Melbourne, but you might get

him mid-forward status out of him in the future. So hopefully you are better off long term. Don't do

anything stupid like trading in your draft or keep legs. Trade him in your classic leagues if you

really want to, but surely you've got bigger issues than him. And Jaden Stevenson, just a tip of the

cap 84 points. He was probably one of the only live ones up forward for the kangaroos who scored two

goals. Moving on to the Sunday games again, didn't watch either of them because I'd well

truly cracked the shits at football and for fans, he was at this point. But anyway, Colin

Wood versus West Coast Eagles, Jack Crisp, we mentioned he was the one getting the bump with

DeGoey and Mitchell out. Also a lot of West Coast factor about the 130 points there. Don't think

you can put too much confidence in it if those guys come back pretty soon. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Oh, this is an interesting one. Still side bottom. Went to a half back roll. Not so far this. Yeah.

And you know, he's scoring one up. The half back roll was much better for fans who's scoring than

the wing is. What are your thoughts? Worth a cheeky either waiver or I sent out the cheeky

trade request to the owner in our league today. Got rejected. Oh, yeah. Honestly, I wonder if people

actually are aware of it because you didn't watch it. You wouldn't know. Exactly. And if he does this

roll, like it's very handy. And like you're talking about M7s, like you could just run him in

the car. He's an M7. And if you can go at 85 and 90 with this half back roll, like a lot of people

are struggling with that M7 roll, you know, a lot of leagues. So I would be putting a waiver in for

him for sure. I've put the waiver in for the shaver league. I just think I stupidly used up my

priority. I had a really high priority. Yeah. But he was on Jaceburg one a few weeks ago. So

yeah, then he got injured though. Joey Richards, 81 points, one goal, six tackles in the forward line.

Don't love the role, but it was a good score. Maybe a classic or super coach cash care coming up. But

I'm not sold on him for long term fantasy scoring just yet. Finn McCray is a player that was super

hyped up in the pre season. Finally, it's a run really 71 points, but played forward and kicked three

goals for that. Only the three three goals. Three goals of 71 points. That's concerning.

Definitely. Yeah. If he's playing anywhere, it's going to be forward, especially with all the midfield

outs as well. They're coming back straight in. So he's no chance to go in there. Alex with it.

And someone asked if they should drop him last week. I hope they didn't. Lucky we said.

Not sure what to make of him though. Like I just don't notice him when he plays. That's

makes you within like it. Just just get chip mark. Exactly. Just don't do anything. Yeah.

Yeah. Beautiful. So like he scores well. He's just got to remain on the side. I just don't think

he's well loved by the coaches. But there was a few injuries in this game. Petri Chely was out

early. I think Brady Hoff as well. Okay. Got injured as well. I remember him hobbling at some stage.

But well, listen to it on the radio. But yeah, I think he was injured at some stage as well. But

he might hold. Hopefully does. And this keeps the scoring up. Tom Cole's a player like. So 96 points.

Just can pop up with good scores, defense. But I think like with McGovern going down,

he just propped everyone's score up a little bit. Just you know, everyone was more involved in the

chip rounds and stuff when there was less like intercept marking going on from him. So yeah, Tom Cole.

No, don't see. Docky boy. That is a docky boy. One of my mates actually,

so I went to high school with Shannon Hurn was the year above. So I kind of know him like. I sat in it.

I used to sit next to him on the bus actually when we were like year eight, year nine, but you know,

as we started driving, school and stuff, that kind of drifted apart type thing. But I'm a few of

mates have stayed in touch with him. And they went over to his last Shannon Hurn's last game last year.

And yeah, Shannon Hurn doesn't really drink like he's pretty serious kind of guy. So these guys

all wanted to go at clubbing. And they reckon that Tom Cole, Tom Barass and there was one other

were just like the three best funniest losers. There's funny funny story like Shannon said to Tom

Barass. He's like, oh, make sure you want my mates get into the night clubs out here in Tom Barass

goes, I can't even get myself in the night clubs. But apparently they do get in, but he was a real

pest about it as well. So there you go. Yeah, pretty funny story. Yeah. Apparently, Tom Cole though,

absolute legend of a bloke. I like Rose versus Brisbane Lions, the draw from here. Another job,

it's that's a, is that the most like the record for jaws this year? It's been a lot, hasn't it?

It's the line. That's one for the source want thing to come back to us with. Darcy Foggy, 101 points,

four goals is he worth a wave of pick up? Maybe, maybe behind side bottom and, yeah, maybe after those,

and there was another harms. Yeah. We talked about this last week, 90 points he got and now he's

backed up with 100. So is he getting a bit of form? And it's like not like it was a shit-a-pain, I

think it was actually on, was the good kid offender for them? Not paying because paying was on

tax. Andrews. Yeah, Harris Andrews. Pain was on tax and gave him a bar, so I think he actually had

Andrews on him as well. I'm kick four goals. So yeah. I mean, he's done it two weeks in a row. That's

pretty good. I think, yeah, he might be hitting some form here. Yeah. Again, would have been good

if he hit that earlier because just because of the Thursday and Friday games that Cros have, I think

when the fixture gets flexed, I don't know if the Cros are going to be getting many more.

Lockhe Show M7. He's been growing. He's one of those guys who has been talking about 79 points.

I picked him up off the waivers a few weeks ago, planning on that M7 role. And yeah, he's just been

awesome. Like I think he said three, almost near 80 scores in a row, pushed forward for goal last week.

Yeah, probably, like almost too good for the podcast, but it just doesn't feel right, making Lockhe

Show. He feels like a prenatal, keep a league podcast name. That's also, I might give him another

week because he's bound to probably stink it up again soon and get dropped. Jack Payne had nine

eight points. He had 12 marks. He just gave texts about like, yeah, just then I don't think text touched

it until just before half time as well. So yeah, not reading that too much. Two of the cap to Kalamachi

as well. Kick four goals. It's called 93 points, not reading to that. And the other one is Jasper Fletcher,

not really like expecting too much this season, but I think he's just showing good signs of the

youngster. It's just like a hold in keeper leagues type deal. I think I definitely holding in. I think

he's got some real talent. Is he one of the reasons why Barry's probably playing a little bit better

as well? Maybe holding up outside because yeah, you're a bit solid. Yeah, all the wing. Last goal,

members read. Thank you to Tim Myers, Lincoln Smith, Scott mentioned Michael Mins, Matt Bollnick,

Brankovitch, Daniel Lucev, Josh Gallo, Will Robertson, Tim N. Elliott Hoffman, Brett Johnston,

Martin Anisfacin, Zach Shutt and Joseph Love. And there's one name in there I'm not going to read out.

We'll leave it at that. It's a bit rude as well. That's all. Let's get into the questions. Let's

finish it off. Rye Bread wants to know thoughts on Owens. Do you see a world where he can get back to

a 70 average? 100%. This guy, I like like, he's a talent and he also can move up the ground,

do a bit of rucking what he was last year. Can you see a world where he gets back to a 70 average

this year? Well, that's another question. I think the Saints doing not the best. Yeah, I think

that's more or less. But as a prospect, he was going in your mock simulator, I reckon he was going

in the first 70 picks. My dynasty Lee, he was my shining light in my forward line. Now I don't

even feel him. Not sure about 70 this year, but I wouldn't be dropping you at all. Again, if you're

in a single season, you can send, but Keeper Lee, it's more of a sanctuered issue than it is an Owens

issue. You know what I mean? So just ride it out. He'll be a gun in the future. He's just, you've seen him.

He's a freak talent. He'll play anywhere on the ground. Yes. Absolutely. Gun. At Dilly Docker, what's

your best keeper by low candidates right now? I feel L.D.U. is just as low as he'll get before he

picks up from form to be traded elsewhere? Who else? Definitely chips in L.D.U. We spoke about last week,

but he might like this talk, it goes to Jelong maybe or Croz, if he does get traded. And Jelong,

I'm assuming it's a Jelong like, don't you feel it out? L.D.U. in? Yeah. Probably another one,

Darcy Parish, after his 60 on the weekend, he's better than that, especially like considering

the last few weeks, you know, you've seen him put up. I reckon... Probably should have done some

research on this one. For me, I'm a chair owner. Yeah. And I am getting a bit worried about these

hamstrings. He just keeps doing these hamstrings. Yeah. Comes back for a couple of weeks. He's going at

like 85 this year. I think I've got a bit frustrated personally as a chair owner, so I think you could

potentially... It could be one that you could go for. Yeah. I know Newcombe was another name,

but he's people up a ton on the weekends. Yeah. But he had been a bit out of form. Yeah.

If you can try and target these guys that he's sort of got youth on their side. Yeah.

Like at L.D.U. or Parish. On the kind of flip side, I'm an Andrew Brayshaw owner and I'm getting

pissed off with his 11 point last quarters. Yeah. And shit like that. To the point where I'm like,

do I throw an offer for a curture? Because I don't think my team's going to win the flag this year.

I'm getting to the point where my three best players are getting to like 20s type of thing.

So do I just start the rebuild now? Like type thing? But is he someone to target low, do you think?

Definitely, Brayshaw. Yeah. Yeah. He's a scene before he can go. Yeah. I just feel like...

E obviously is behind so on and down. He's just pushed down like, yeah. And then even young,

probably as well. Like they seem like he's more important to them than he is. Like to the point where

like Brayshaw is not even like, young's probably more of the tag target now. Well, they seem to be

putting more attention into him on the weekend anyway. Yeah. Interesting. The Veggie My Man asks is the

fog finally settling. I think we just touched on that. And I think he had definitely

definitely worth a sneaky waiver if it's not going to cost your priority or anything like that.

If you can just pick him up as a free agent as opposed to a restricted free agent, I'd be on board

with that. A major van, bam. What was Nick's high end's role and is it sustainable? Yeah, half

back role. I think it's done as Ders and I comes back though, it's shaky again. So yeah.

Maybe three weeks. Yeah. I think it's got the quad. So yeah. Yeah. What's up with is Bruce

Reveal. Reveal, isn't it? She's on the hill at the showdown and just some random come up to me

and just goes, what do you think of Bruce Reveal? And they showed me the photo of his like,

that's what it was like. It was a pretty good photo. Yeah. I think I did listen to the pod. So

I mean, you know, someone knew someone, you as well. But yeah. Yeah. Badger's asking, this is from

Discord. What's up with the reveal? Having a 50 to 6% game time last week, they had no bench yet.

He sat out the last 10 minutes this week. He's off the field for a long time. Are they easing him in?

With Bruce, I don't know. He doesn't look like the kind of guy who has a huge tank on him just yet.

And like second game. Even if you've only got one left, you've got to put someone there.

I think it's just the second game. You see it with these guys coming in for the first

second games, they just don't give him really high time on ground straight away because AFL level is

another level to the lead below. So it's like, I think it's that. I don't think he's, I mean,

from what I could say, I don't think he's carrying anything because it's a second game.

Yeah. I think that more is like, I think he's saying his score points per minute is quite good.

So there's a fantasy prospect there. But yeah, I think like second game, like, I don't know what,

like to be honest, like I'd seen his photo because it was a funny photo like on the Brisbane website.

He's just one of the great photos. But like, he's never come across my radar as anything.

Me. You know what I mean? So like, I don't know what people are actually expecting of him to be

honest. But like, if you do think he's going to be a lot, which I need to know a lot more about him,

like, give him more time than his second game, I think. Yeah.

Um, human. Would you rate meek against Nank and the big O? So I'm not sure if he means playing

against them because I'm not sure who they have coming up or if he means like taking them over Nank

and the big O. And either way, like, Richmond and Brisbane are the ranked fifth and sixth for

Ruck scores against. I think that's going on fantasy positions. And then I think as it goes to,

like, champion data, Ruck, Ruck, whoever they classify as Ruck, you know what I mean? I think

they're even higher against like, pure Ruck style things, not just people with Ruck status.

Um, and in terms of if I take them over them, I think I would at this stage like Nank,

getting on is still a gun. Yeah. But like, if you're in a K-Pole, I think it makes the better

prospect going forward and big O's like an 80 type average Ruck guy. He's 31 or 32 as

new as well. Yep. Yeah. So I've, I've, I've, he's been unbelievable. Yeah. Incredible.

He's gone 17, 124 last two weeks. Yep. Definitely. Um, so yeah, yeah. Any of the, any sense, whatever

you're asking, yes, by meek stocks. Um, the last question that comes from Tom Oates or is it Oots?

I never know. Um, what's happened to Toby Green? I think, okay, there's a few things he, like,

he's scoring less goals as well and coupled with getting less, even though he wasn't getting

a heap of midfield times, getting even less midfield time at the moment as well, plus not scoring goals.

And I think teams are just putting time into him, like N stopping him, so I think he's, and he could

be just a little bit out of form of the last, like last year, you had an unbelievable year. All Australian

captain, you know, like he was, he was awesome. Like, sometimes it's hard to keep that, obviously,

is a gun player, but it's sometimes hard to keep that, um, you know, that sort of form. So, yeah.

I think you'll be fine. It's Toby Green. He's like the best, like, he's probably top three player in

the comp. Yeah. When he's on the phone, he's on the form, that's for sure. I think, yeah, with Toby

Green as well, like, I think sometimes you see his scores from like, these averages from last

years, like COVID year 65, so that's like an 82, 84, 74 in 2022, and then an 88 last year, like,

sometimes it actually surprises me. He has scored as well as he has just for the type of player he is.

Yeah. And like to average around 68, 70 type thing, being a non midfielder forward, like, and you're

not a key, you know, you're just a general forward, essentially. It's, I think sometimes he just will

have years like this where just everything doesn't click and he's not kicking what he kicks 60,

I'd 66 goals. I think it was. Yeah. Yeah. Almost 70 goals last year. Like, if you're not doing that,

like, you're not going to have the fantasy scores. Yeah. Just plain and simple. But then I think, like,

Hogan stepped up, like Daniels. Yeah. And then Daniels is definitely stepped up. Ricardys,

like a pretty, like, handy key forward. Now, there's just other avenues to goals. He could be a

biolife from that question. Absolutely. Yeah. That's good. Going at 68. Yeah. So I think he's better

than that. So yeah, for sure. People again, going back to that, at least sometimes he's like,

only to get frustrated. Yeah. I'm a bit frustrated with cherries. So you would,

right, sure, he could be a Toby Green and I'm frustrated with my whole same identity.

I actually just said, is anyone's going to flared? Come at me. Drag us some draft kicks. I'm done.

Bratius, you man, though. I don't know. I know. I know. I know.

Anything is that I'm, you know, you might get something good. Yeah. You love him.

The thing is, like, with players like him is just like, do I let them fizzle out and become non-everage

guys or do I cash in while they're still the hype still there? That's the type of thing. Sometimes

there's players like, there's players in my team that doesn't matter if they're fizzle out. I want

them for my their whole career. I know. I know. I'm like, some are like, Rosie. I don't think I ever

trade him and if he can just be forward. Yeah. So I've got like, he's going at 70 and he's

last few years. Like, I'm happy with that. I've got like Jordan Dawson who like, I hate the

crow's, but I've always loved Jordan Dawson. Yeah. When he was a Sydney and stuff, like, I backed

him in so early, like even the earliest days of this podcast, I was all about, it was the

thing was like the first year of the podcast. I was all about Jordan Dawson, you know? And then,

yeah, like, say, even though he plays crazy. But these guys, like, they're getting to their

late late 20s, I think he's like 26 and I just don't have the younger guys underneath to

like bring my team to the next spot, you know what I mean? So do I just go all youth and get

quality youth in? I don't know. It's hard with youth though, because like, you're not guaranteed.

You're not guaranteed. But I reckon I could trace like trade like a, like a, like a, um, Dawson

for maybe like a mccurture or for a dusty Wilson or, you know, that sort of stuff as well. Like,

it seems overs, maybe throw some draft picks in there as well. Yeah. But then I'd actually have

like a cool. Yeah. Maybe like a, a winter. Yeah. That sort of stuff, you know what I mean? Yeah.

That's a, that's a, that's a, that's a, that's a sort of, sort of, trades. I'm starting to consider

a bit more now that I've lost four games in a row after winning the first five of the season.

The other one is like, we were Ashcroft actually as a bi, like, that's one I was thinking of like,

throwing like lead for Ashcroft. Yeah. And he's in, like, people might be a bit worried about him

with his ACL. Yeah. Same as Baddie Smith. Like, I know it's not a win now, but if you're like a rebuild

team, Basin is going to have Ford status next year. He's, does he get traded to Colin Wood or something

for mid-roll forward? Like those injured guys that, those injured guys, if you don't know if you

want to throw it away or like you're not winning. Yeah. And you want someone's biolo. Yeah.

Um, Bailey Smith, like, could be F1 next year. Who knows? Yeah, true that. So, because I've got four

sons. I know you're going to go. Yeah. Yeah. If he goes another club, I can't see him being like, not

top six if he's a Ford next year. Yeah. So he'll be in everyone's classic day. Exactly. Yeah. So,

anyways, let's wrap it up. Giggs playing at the Rams game Friday. Is that right? Yes, that's it.

Next two months. So it comes down if you're a local. Yeah. That's the only Giggs you got.

Yeah. And I got some at the footy playing at the home grounds. Um, like the barge is on the

torrents there. Yeah, the other one. Yeah. Yeah. The other side is green. I'll be there this Sunday before

the port game. And there's a crow's game on the Thursday night, which I'll be at as well. So wait

before that. So I'm bringing my son to the footy on Sunday, but we're popping for some day

or something like that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I like that place. Anyways, let's, uh, wrap it up. Get

around us on Facebook, X, starting, putting more stuff up on YouTube, TikTok, all the socials,

wherever you'll find us. Just check out our website. Sign up as a member. Get around game,

die squad. I think that's everything I need to mention. All right. Thanks for having me. No worries.

Thanks for coming on. Take care, Lily. See ya.

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