The Midwest Artisan

The Midwest Artisan Trailer Bonus Episode 9 Season 1

Validate Everything

Validate EverythingValidate Everything

This week we discuss the common occurrence of over-engineered abstractions, digging into post-request logic without losing our minds,  analytics, and securing digital assets.

Show Links:
Mergeloop -
Zendesk Breach -
Heap Analytics -

Creators & Guests

Andy Hinkle
Laravel Developer, Father, Husband
Dalton McCleery
Laravel Developer, Music Enthusiast

What is The Midwest Artisan?

The Midwest Artisan Podcast brings you insights and discussions on all things Laravel, with a healthy dose of general web development and tech talk. Join Andy Hinkle and Dalton McCleery, two passionate Laravel developers from the Midwest, as they share their expertise, explore the latest trends, and dive into the world of coding. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just getting started, this podcast offers something for everyone who loves tech and Laravel.

Connect with us:
Andy Hinkle - X/@andyhnk
Dalton McCleery - X/@DaltonMcCleery

Cover Art by Robert Wade (

Andy Hinkle (00:02)
Welcome to another episode of The Midwest Artisan. I'm your host, Andy Hinkle.

Dalton McCleery (00:06)
and I'm your co-host Dalton McLeary.

Andy Hinkle (00:09)
So how's the going,

Dalton McCleery (00:11)
So yeah, it's two weeks into launch, new products, lots of impressions, lots of clicks, lots of traffic, no sales. Nobody's bought it yet, which I expected. Honestly, I expected at least a month before somebody would buy anything. I've got paid ads, I've got sponsorships out, and I've got feelers getting pushed out, but nobody's converting yet.

Andy Hinkle (00:30)
Your effort.

You have an advertisement on X, right? Yeah, because I've seen it. I've read it. I've got the ad myself. And that's what I noticed. I was like, hey, Dalton's on. Yeah, it's on here. And that's when I noticed, dude, this has 40,000 views.

Dalton McCleery (00:44)
Yes, yes, so I...

Hey, it's working!

Yeah. Yeah, that's what I mean. It's, it's a lot of impressions. think the, that, advertisement cost me about a hundred dollars and it got a little under 44,000 impressions and it was like 150 clicks of the link. So it was like less than 0.1 % of impressions actually clicked on the link. So, I mean, that's to be expected. It's an, it's an advertisement for a sort of niche package product, but,

That, that got me quite a bit of impressions and traffic. Ironically, I got, I put it on made with Laravel that, that package system that actually got me a lot more traffic than the X one actually did like actual traffic converting from to my product. And so if, if anybody else has packages, even if they're free or not, not necessarily paid, I would put them on made for Laravel if you want some eyes on it for sure.

That's been worth every dime that I could put into it. I wish I could put more actually. I would love to.

Andy Hinkle (02:03)
So you're on Made with Laravel, you got that running, went, I saw you're on Filament Sponsorship page, and then you're on Laravel News, so you're saying by far is the best one has been Made with Laravel? Yeah.

Dalton McCleery (02:18)
Yep, yep. When I look at my analytics, most of the traffic or most of the referral traffic is from Made with Laravel. That one's first and then Filament's second. Actually, Laravel News is third.

Andy Hinkle (02:30)
Mm-hmm, yeah. So, do you have any inquiries? Anyone asking questions?

Dalton McCleery (02:31)
So, made with Larval is great.

I did get an email from someone asking about multilingual support. I was like, yeah, I have it on the docket that I would like to do it, but I just haven't found the time for it. And actually this person was super helpful. They were like, actually there's a current bug with filament using repeatable fields in multilingual support, like using Spatie's multilingual package. Like it won't, it doesn't work in repeater fields.

So they're like, Hey, heads up. We like your stuff. I'm interested in multilingual support, but we think you're going to run into an issue that we've run into. Like we, we sort of have this, this idea as well, but it's not as like polished as what mine was.

I was like, but you're going to run into this issue. And they actually sent me a link to the GitHub issue for filament. So I've been keeping my eye on that to see when it gets through.

Andy Hinkle (03:33)
Look at those Laravel of all developers being helpful and telling you, you're gonna run into these problems. So still think a demo. if I, yeah, go to your, I love the video you have. And I want, and me as like somebody, cause I've seen kind of the internals, but somebody looking at the surface, the video gets me excited. Like what the capabilities are. You just add in this component and then you have a list of products. And then you add, you did like, you created a blade file and then.

Dalton McCleery (03:34)
Very nice people.

Yeah, very nice.


Andy Hinkle (04:01)
all of sudden you can customize the styling of each product. And that was really cool. And I would be like, and I was like, I would love to just poke around in a demo and see the open source side of it. Like if I could see the code versus yeah, but be really cool to see something like that.

Dalton McCleery (04:17)
Yeah. So I've, I've actually been working on that recently and it's like, it's going to be a little easy. I'll make a new role because the package already comes with roles and permissions. I'll make a new role. can just like view stuff, but you can't edit anything. I was like, but what's the fun in that? If like, if I'm a developer and I want to try this out, I want to make like, I want to make a page. I want to make a menu item. I want to, I want to build a site like I would normally. The problem is if I just let people do that, it's, it's going to be chaos. So like, I have to write some sort of.

I've been writing the script that basically just resets the database with a seeder like every hour. Basically, so people could come in there and create whatever they want and then just every hour resets it back to what it is. That way people aren't just writing nasty things in there or deleting pages or things of that nature.

So that actually got a lot more complicated than I thought it was gonna be.

Andy Hinkle (05:11)
So my developer wheels are turning, so hear me out. So they're authenticated, I guess everyone's going to be under the same user, probably like demo with the password of password. But maybe some cookie or some abstraction where you can actually set a unique identifier. that is just the content they're looking at is set by the cookie. So they could edit whatever they want, but no one else sees that.

Dalton McCleery (05:20)

Andy Hinkle (05:35)
So now I think I just got your wheels turning too. was thinking like theoretically, because anyone could just go in and type in whatever they want. Like you said, it's some expletive and then it'll be there for an hour. Then all of a sudden it's all over Twitter. Like, hey, look, look at this crap. yeah, something fun like that. If you want to allow them to edit. That would be something that's way different than any other demo, honestly. I think that would be a huge, if you can figure it out to do it right.

Dalton McCleery (05:37)


Yeah, that's...

Andy Hinkle (06:05)
because everything I see like a demo, it's like view only try to add something. Nah, you can't do that. You know, for obvious reasons, you know, we just talked, but.

Dalton McCleery (06:09)

Right, Yeah, because I really liked your idea of, don't want to have like, and this is the issue that I wanted to like reset the databases. You said last time that it would be cool to see a demo, like being able to work with a demo, but it being the, since the site is built with the package that the site is supposed to be selling, it would be cool to actually see that site. Like I want to log into, you know, and see how that marketing site is built.

using the package that it's supposed to be selling. And so that's what I've been trying to work on is have someone be able to log in but not delete my pages. They can create their own pages. And that's where it's gotten, the complications have just gone off the deep end. I could just set up a demo.autoload and it's just a blank page. You do whatever you want with it. I don't really care. But I really liked what you said of I want to see how this site is built using this package that it's supposed to be selling.

Andy Hinkle (06:58)
It's... yeah.

Dalton McCleery (07:11)
And that's sort of the road that I've gone on now. And it's quite a headache, if I'm being honest with you. It's gotten way more complicated than what I initially thought it was supposed to be.

Andy Hinkle (07:18)

Because it's so easy. There's just multiple avenues you could, you could approach it. but yeah, it's also also like where I was just thinking, what if somebody is like, shoot, I just, I just defaced this guy's website on accident, but they don't realize it's just for them. It's only just for to them. And so maybe like, you know, a notification bar or something like, Hey, you're okay to edit whatever you want. It's only you that sees it, but

Dalton McCleery (07:39)
Yeah. Yeah.

Andy Hinkle (07:48)
Yeah, it'd be really cool, that technical wise, that's a huge undertaking.

Dalton McCleery (07:53)
It's, it's a bit of a brain tease. That's for sure. I think it's a great idea and I think it's really clever. I I don't see a lot of people doing that. So I definitely want to try to keep pursuing it, but, it has definitely thrown me for a loop, last week. I haven't touched it since cause it threw me for such a big loop.

Andy Hinkle (07:56)

Yeah, for sure. So that's with your company Merge Loop and the products are... Would you like to give a little thing about your products?

Dalton McCleery (08:23)
I would. me put on my producer hat.

Andy Hinkle (08:28)
For the audio listeners, he's wearing a hat that says merge loop on it.

Dalton McCleery (08:28)
If you go to...

Yes, it's even got the little white logo on the back. Yes, so if you go to, that's me, that's the company name. From there you'll see the two products,, which is a filament CMS, it's pretty simple to WordPress, and, which is basically a SAS boilerplate, SAS starter kit. It's got all the stuff you need to do products, one-time purchases, subscriptions.

Andy Hinkle (08:34)

Dalton McCleery (08:56)
yada yada yada, it's the niceties. It's all in a nice little convenient composer package. Composer require, bing bing boom, you're done. Everything works as is. Producer hat off.

Andy Hinkle (09:07)
Sweet. So I want to talk about, so we've got a few topics on list this week. would like to just talk about abstractions and API formats, like how to send it off. Personal sites, you mentioned, pan with analytics. And so I'd love to crack into or talk with each one of these things.

So one thing I wanted to talk about is abstractions. And we lean on best practices like reuse, separation of concerns, maintainability. But there's a fine line between like hopeful abstraction and over-engineering. And I see this often. And it's this tendency to take bits of code, even the smallest pieces of logic. The first instinct is to put them in a service class or a helper.

Dalton McCleery (09:46)

Andy Hinkle (09:59)
repository pattern or other abstractions that just aren't necessary. And so one recent example was like a third party API. And so I've seen it many times where the first thing they want to do is include a service class. And then on top of that, they want to include a DTO for the response handler.

And some of these service classes, like when you, it'll pass along the token and set it up and which is great, but like I've never, I've never have that exception useful. Like please provide a token in your configuration or your environment. Like it's null you know, like the API is going to tell you if it's null you know, or they overwrite the errors. I've seen this in some packages. They overwrite the errors of like, if you get a response back,

It'll be like open API, just throwing out an example. It'll be like error, error from open API, but it doesn't actually tell you what the error came back from that API. just because of that abstraction, it's, it's hiding that error. and I'll like, I'll like look into the method. they logged it. Okay. Well then I have to go look in my log. And so, and see what the error actually was. And so it, I find this often, but too many times, like too many times of

where they're building it in a way like they're preparing for millions of requests just like right away. And if that's your thing, you do know like you're gonna launch this thing immediately have crazy traffic. Sure, there might be some, we would have a different conversation about this, but I'm talking like this is base level. You have one endpoint and these crazy abstractions that are going on. And I see this everywhere with Laravel with repository pattern.

Dalton McCleery (11:46)

Andy Hinkle (11:46)
And just, yeah. And so it just adds a big layer of complexity and where if I have another developer coming in to read this or some, or meet my, even myself coming back in the future, it's really hard to read and maintain. And instead of simplifying it, this over-extraction can, can lead to confusion and clutter. So do you run into this? Do you see this very often?

Dalton McCleery (12:10)
I see this sometimes, not at the place that we work at because obviously we work pretty close together and you don't do that and I don't do that. We're big refactors. Like I'd rather write it really simple once. And then if a new request comes in for something new or like, we need to rework this, then, you know, refactors what I would go to first. But like I've seen developers who will write,

an API call in a separate class, that API call may throw an error. They catch the error in, you know, like in the controller where they're calling it, they catch that API error and then format their own error that was like, oops, something went wrong. Like in the catch block of that try catch. So you basically ignoring that class and ignoring that error and just throwing up an error of your own. And I would just, I would just rather have it all in one file in my

In my opinion, just because that gets like, have to go over here. Okay. That's where the API calls comes over here. I'll catch us the error. it's another error. And then it's over here. but it's just, it's, it's so much thinking and just me explaining that took, you know, 15 seconds. And if it was just in five lines, I could, it is. I can read it. So yeah, not name of names, but I've, I've seen that quite a bit.

And it would, it would surprise you how often people will just, well, they'll write a third party API service, catch the error and then format their own error on top of it in that service. It's like wild.

Andy Hinkle (13:40)

Yeah, a lot of it goes back to the concept of YAGNI Have you heard of this before? YAGNI

Dalton McCleery (13:50)
is that that purple dress, blue dress thing? I'm kidding. I'm kidding, that's a different meme where you look at it and it's the dress purple. Wasn't there a meme where it was like Yagney or Yanni or whatever that is? Yeah, I was being a jokester there.

Andy Hinkle (14:00)
Yeah, yep. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

No, that's good. Yeah, I remember that the purple dress thing. Yeah. So is it purple for you with purple for me? Purple is gold, right? Purple and gold. Yeah.

Dalton McCleery (14:16)
It was, I think it was purple. but yes, I, I've, I, I know what you're talking about, but continue.

Andy Hinkle (14:21)

Yeah, Yagny, the first time I heard from it was from Tighten And it's aren't going to need it. And that's where this comes into play is this principle of Yagny. And it's like building for hypothetical future needs. And so if like your interaction with this API, if it's straightforward and limited to a few calls, why build an A abstraction layer now? Keep it simple until you need it, you know?

Dalton McCleery (14:51)

Andy Hinkle (14:54)
and not fighting the framework. That's a big thing of like any code that you're writing is stuff you have to maintain. I think about this with Laravel, with Taylor, he's mentioned that like anything that comes in the framework, he just has to assume that he's taking the maintainability of that code. And so I think about that for my own projects too of like anything that I'm adding in on top of the framework or on top of the code, that's something I have to maintain. If we're creating this crazy abstraction for a

Dalton McCleery (14:58)

Andy Hinkle (15:23)
one off API call. You're fighting the framework. It makes upgrades trickier. Many times when rescuing apps who are looking at apps that's not very well tested, the abstraction. So if you decided to rip it out, maybe these stumb abstraction, maybe the tests are integrated with these abstractions. So it just creates a lot of noise. so Laravel already offers a lot of

conventions for handling API. They have the HTTP facade client and you just write HTTP, and get wherever the URL is and then you can call it right. that way, and if you just have one off API, make one off call, just make it simple. It should be able to read like a book and straightforward. It comes in a straightforward, clean way. It's readable, easy to maintain.

And allows you more aligned with the framework and it's less code that you have to write. And there's less room for bugs or maintenance headaches. And as other developers coming, looking in, they don't have to like click into the method. And so, I think there's a compelling reason why, know, Laravel doesn't have DTOs or there isn't some DTO package you hear of like, they'll use this. And DTOs, I know it's a very minimal thing. It's just a programming concept, but.

But more or less, you know, just always question when you start the abstraction, should I do this? You know, and it's it's never it's not never abstract, but it's only when it's clearly needed or it's clearly necessary. It's kind of like hiring, which that's a whole different topic. But when you hire somebody, when you hire somebody, it should be like very obvious. We should have hired them months ago. We should have done this and it should be kind of that way with a

with abstractions, you know you have this coming big feature, now you're gonna refactor it and because of your current needs, we're not gonna sit here and build a spaceship around our future needs, know? So it's all about balance. I'm curious if you have similar, I think we're on the same page here, but I don't know if you wanna be devil's advocate, tell me like why you should always abstract, but that's just my personal beliefs.

Dalton McCleery (17:43)
Yeah, I can, the big one that I hear the most about trying to make something like reusable is like that, what do they call it? It's the, like the dry principle, like don't repeat yourself. Like, like if you have an external service, you might as well just throw that in like a wrapper class and you could just call that class. now anytime you need to call that service, you call that class. But like, if you're only going to call it once or for one thing, does it.

Does it really need to have its own file and its own wrapper stuff? You could, you could just call it inline. It works just the same. and it's still dry because that's the only instance of it ever being there. But I don't know if I can play devil's advocate because I'm, I'm squarely in the camp of, like if it's, if it, if it fits the need now, then it is readable and maintainable by not only you, but say somebody else, then keep it as it is.

But I start reaching for wrapper classes or abstracting out when it gets to like the second or the third occurrence. Like if I need to call this API twice, I'll probably write it two separate times. But if I need to call it a third time, it's like, maybe I'll just put that in a class with its own little wrapper and I'll just call that class and that way it's the same everywhere else. yeah, wouldn't let dry, dry is probably the most common thing that I see people saying like, just.

Andy Hinkle (19:11)

Dalton McCleery (19:12)
Don't repeat yourself, put it in a class that way. It's always there. You call that class, you call that, you know, that same little function code and it's the same throughout, but.

personal preference I guess

Andy Hinkle (19:24)
I have created abstractions, many abstractions, in the sense of perhaps you have a flaky API and you want retries. Maybe it's, that might be more of job batch processing. I've done ones where it's, the authentication token is dynamic based on the authenticated user. Like GitHub, example, you're pulling a list of repositories. You're pulling it by that user, which ones they have permission to. So I've used it that context where the...

Dalton McCleery (19:43)

Andy Hinkle (19:53)
authentication token is dynamic or conditional logic like organizations that they belong to. Maybe you want to flip it between which off, which user they're on by all means, you know, those things where you have to kind of centralize that logic of where you have it in multiple places across your app. Sure. You know, it's, but just be careful. I think it's the early on portion that I'm particularly talking about here is like you're starting off. You have this new feature. Somebody says, Hey, I want to connect to this API, pull these results.

just this one-off API call can just be useful for the HTTP facade and you don't have to abstract it. It's clear to read, understand. I can use one of my favorite things recently if you aren't going to need it until I actually do, just by leveraging the framework.

It really, you avoid the trap of over engineering and keep your code base clean, maintain, you know, maintain for other developers.

Dalton McCleery (20:48)
Yeah, just don't waste your time up front. Like if it's gonna be a one-off thing, just write it as a one-off thing. You've got more important things to do. You're already building an app and you're at the first part where you're like, there's like seven steps I gotta get done to get this app done. Just write it as it is. You can always come back later.

don't abstract too early, it's not worth the time. Or the later headaches.

Andy Hinkle (21:12)
So speaking of abstractions and where you want to put things is this is something I've been thinking about. And I don't think there's a right answer or a wrong answer really, but there's not a definitive answer better. the expected API format, so let me kind of paint this picture for you. You're setting up an API of an endpoint where you're not going to write some crazy abstraction for a service class.

Dalton McCleery (21:41)

Andy Hinkle (21:43)
Make a controller. You make this API call API. This API request has like a list of product identifiers, right? So you do like product underscore ID. You can give it an array. We'll just do products, right? Just we'll say a request of attribute of products and it's an array. You can pass it as many products as you want. It's by ID. So this is like again, array of products.

Then it runs through the validation. Validation asserts that products.start, right? It makes sure that the product exists, goes through that format. So here's the catch. Here's where turn around and you're gonna plug it into this API. You're gonna feed it into this API. This API format expects it to be a comma-separated list. Right now it's an array. So you pipe it through the request. The request comes out through the controller.

has request arrow products, it's an array, or obviously can format to a collection, et cetera. So the places you can put that format is either in the request, the form handler, where on its way out, can do the, you can split it off there of like reformatting it, or when it reaches the controller, you can do it at the top of the controller, like do some random thing in the top controller.

or when you're actually plugging into the API. I just talked about abstractions, maybe when you make a, when you, you know, do you format it there and call from abstractions that those in a trait. So if, if this came your way, what would be kind of your, your first approach or what would be like your, what would you lean for?

Dalton McCleery (23:34)
I always like to put it all in the controller first. So if something comes in, I will literally just write every single piece of logic that I can inside the controller. Yeah, I'm a fat controller boy. I'm a fat controller boy, first and foremost. And then what I start doing is I'll start abstracting it out to that request class, like I'll make a request class, and I'll put any functions or methods that I want in there.

Andy Hinkle (23:46)
So you're a fact controller's guy.

Dalton McCleery (24:04)
So validation and then probably like a getter method, like, Hey, get products or, or, know, arrow products. And then from there I can, I'll just copy paste my, you know, reformatting logic into that request. So then my controller becomes skinny, right? Just request, arrow products. And then now all the validation, all of the fat logic is now moved to the request class. That's, that's usually where I stop.

if that makes sense. yeah, I do fat controllers and then I put them on a diet and I make them skinny.

Andy Hinkle (24:42)
I like that. Yeah.

Dalton McCleery (24:44)
That's what I do. What did, is, was this like a specific request you got recently?

Andy Hinkle (24:50)
not necessarily. Yeah. I was, I was working on, yeah, I was working on it like an API integration where I was turning around and throwing it to a different, like I was getting an API request or form requests and I was turning around and spinning it to a different API, to where in their format that they expect. And so, where I was thinking there's just multiple ways that different developers could approach this. I see, like you mentioned probably the most common way. And I think that's through controllers.

Dalton McCleery (24:51)
for something like this with APIs.

Andy Hinkle (25:18)
Where I come from is a place of skinny controllers of like, or just skinny logic in general. don't like, but the other thing is I don't like too many abstractions. And so I try to leverage the framework as much as possible and Laravel in their form requests, they have this thing of, if you write a custom form request, they have a method it's called passed validation. And so when a,

when the form is passed validation, it will check if this method exists in your form request and then run it. And so what you could do, you could do like a this, like a replace or this merge. And so that works really well, but I found a quirk with it. And this is where I started questioning everything. So this, if you do like this merge, and then I did the whole rigmarole where I did, I did the collect, know, I put the array in there.

Dalton McCleery (25:55)

Andy Hinkle (26:14)
then I did a comma separated list. So now it's a string, right? It's a comma separated string once it has passed validation. But when you get back into your form request, wanna pass it to the API of the values that I'm passing to the API are this validated instead of having to a break out each individual thing, which again, skinny controllers, right?

Dalton McCleery (26:20)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.


Andy Hinkle (26:42)
So, I like the using this validate and just passing whatever, that was passed. But if I do this validated, technically I get layer of all stance under, but technically under the hood, that's since I merged it, or since I replaced it, that attribute is no longer validated. And so when I do this validated that, that value is not there anymore. So then in my mind, I'm thinking, maybe I'll do this all right.

But then I started thinking, my mind goes, well, this all is dangerous. If you, you, you're going to include some attributes that were not validated or, or, or something that was not in a request and now it is. And so, and I think there's ways you can prevent like, undefined attributes in the request, you know, to automatically fail them. But any who, so there's kind of that middle ground. It's like, I thought about PR PRing this something to Laravel of like,

Dalton McCleery (27:06)

Andy Hinkle (27:33)
yeah, I was trying to think of like this keyword of like what, what I could pass where it could be a level PR of that I could do it. So there's something I've been toying around with. that way you can get the, you can either get the

attributes that are defined and pass the validation or and also you can get the ones that you you changed or that you merged. Does that make sense? Going on a bit of a tangent, but.

Dalton McCleery (27:54)
I didn't know that that was a thing. I didn't know that there was an after validation hook you could essentially get into and sort of manipulate some of that data.

Andy Hinkle (28:00)

Yeah, yeah, but then it's kind of broken right in the end because it's not just arrays, it's any value. And so I gave the array example, but if you go to a string and you replace a string and then you call later in the request, if you call request validated, it's not there anymore. Actually it is there, but it's the original value. And so you're going to get like an array back or the old string. So then that's where, but then you can't use request all because that's, you don't want to use request all.

Dalton McCleery (28:10)




Let's bait it.

Andy Hinkle (28:36)
But then, so then you have to do the whole nasty thing of like, have to deconstructure their array and spit it out into the request.

Dalton McCleery (28:38)

Interesting. I would expect that behavior to, to work like you've, you've described it. Once it's validated, if I change it, you know, on my side as the developer, that's how I want it to be right after validation before, you know, an accessor or, know, calling, calling that requests. not all, what did you say? Validated. Ooh. And naming that's going to be pain. Why is naming things so hard?

Andy Hinkle (28:49)


Here's a, here's a.

Dalton McCleery (29:16)
I don't want to go on that tangent, but why is naming things so hard?

Andy Hinkle (29:19)
I said, like I had a fire, like we were on the back patio and we had a fire going and I was just thinking of these one word. So here's the, wrote them down in my notes. Here's a cleaned like request cleaned or request processed, which, yeah. Or request cleansed request transformed. Yeah. Yeah. I was just like, all these are dumb because all of them can are ambiguous. They don't, they

that's like everything in Laravel, least in the validation request, it's very clear in what it does. Like requests validated, obviously you're getting the attributes that are validated. Request all, you get everything, right? But then when you, can't do something like validated with merge or validated with, you know, change attributes. It's just so silly and it's not the Laravel way. And so it's trying to come up with those creative class names. So yeah, maybe it might be good PR.

feature, but that's right. It's kind of the old school thing of like, do think of a product, but you get stuck on the domain ID or the product name, but the product, you know what that's going to be. and I look through the PR docs and see like somebody reported this as a bug and, and rightfully so like it's doing what it's supposed to do. You're when you call request validated, you're getting the actually the validated things, not the ones that you replace or the ones that you merge. Makes sense. Right. But I feel like there's some room in there, kind of a middle ground.

Dalton McCleery (30:28)

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Andy Hinkle (30:45)
Right, so yeah.

Dalton McCleery (30:47)
Yeah, even if it's just like a parameter you can pass to the validated function. Like I know you can call validated and you could pull out specific keys, but I wonder if there's just like an extra parameter you can give it like with merge, with whatever or something of that name or of that nature where I have manipulated the data post validation and I want to get all of that data.

Not all of the validated data. want all of the data after validation, after my changes, whatever, after that hook. So yeah, I would consider that a bug. mean, that's not what I would expect it to be, especially if it's a hook built into Laravel that's automatically called for me. should automatically handle that sort of merging for me, if that makes sense. I shouldn't have to call anything extra.

Andy Hinkle (31:40)
Right. Yeah. Yeah. Well, yeah. Cause I get the validated thing. Cause they're technically you could write something that's not being validated. Cause you're not going to validate it again. Cause that's dumb, you know, or cause the reform request does have something in there where you can do something to the data before it validates. And if you use that and then it validates and then, then it'll come out the right way. But then it's like, you can't, it's kind of ugly after it before that. Right. Because then you can't do the,

Dalton McCleery (31:53)

Andy Hinkle (32:10)
The like product dot star thing I was telling you about where it can actually form it can actually check each array iteration and check if it's a Thing then you have to like write some weird Weird code to like split those out and then check them individually gets ugly, right? so was thinking like only if there is like an easy way to get both the the attributes that were changed and that the attributes that were validated so Yeah, so something to think about

Dalton McCleery (32:25)


It kind of smells a little bit to me. I know that you and I talk about a lot of code smells. if a code smells funky, there's something wacky there. And that smells a little to me as an Indiana boy that smells. You can quote me on that.

Andy Hinkle (32:49)
Yeah. So yeah, I'm curious. If, yeah, if you think of a cool name like that, like, or listener of the show, if you think of a cool name, or if you tell me this is a dumb idea, sure. But, but yeah, there's, there's gotta be, gotta be some middle, middle ground there for sure.

Dalton McCleery (33:02)

Now keep that to yourself.

Yeah, because naming things suck. It took me two months to name the company Merge Loop. Two months. And I refused to start building any of the products until I had the name because I was dumb.

Andy Hinkle (33:23)

you have Merge Loop, which built the site there. I've been working a bit on my personal site, and I want to talk about personal sites. And I know you have a site. I have a personal site. So mine is at Yours is at

Dalton McCleery (33:32)

That's right.

Andy Hinkle (33:42)
So I did a refresh before it was just like

hey, here's a little bit about me. that here's my social links, yada yada. That's it. But here in recent months, I was like, you know, I. have opinions. So I created a blog. Then then I was like, you know, we're, we're getting our opinions more public now. Thanks to Aaron Francis. So we started the podcast. and so then it's like, well, you know, these things are coming up and I keep adding to it and I.

I've created it in a way like I've always wanted a personal site, but everyone's personal site, I feel like it's neglected after like a couple of years, mostly because they're back on Laravel 6 and you have to get it up to date, you know? And it's just like, well, I'll just create a new one or something. Everyone that kind of neglects it because it's kind of a lot to maintain for just being something, you know, it should be something so simple. So.

Dalton McCleery (34:19)

Andy Hinkle (34:39)
I I've refreshed my site. It's all it is. It's just a level app with tell when there's no packages, like other packages install. There's no like spotty, like, packages or anything or, no live wire or anything. It's just like, it's very straightforward. And, the way I am using folio. So I use Laravel and Laravel folio is like the two main things. So, but I love it. Cause I can just right click, like in my, it's our resources views pages.

Dalton McCleery (34:46)

Andy Hinkle (35:08)
blog, I just right click and click new blade file and type in the name of the slug for my blog post and start writing. And I usually just I have like a blog component and which just is the the bread of the thing. And so and that has like some things you can pass like a header image or a title, et cetera.

Dalton McCleery (35:28)

Andy Hinkle (35:29)
So I have that gone, it's like, just love how I can just like right click new file and start writing. Same thing for like when we publish new podcast, I right click, hit the new file, type in the slug for the podcast name. And then I'll change like the link for the show and the YouTube link and it probably gets from there it pulls in. So I worked in with a few of background tasks.

So when I create those, there's a background task that will pull in the transcripts. And so for, from transistors, so we'll grab the transcripts and paste them in. So that way if people are searching out for a particular topic or et cetera, they can find kind of what we're talking about in the show. So, but how it works is like, like on the homepage, for example, like, know, I right click and click new view file. How it works is it create, there's a component on the homepage that

Dalton McCleery (36:12)

Andy Hinkle (36:25)
pulls in by the date of the Windows created on my disk on the creation date. And it pulls in the most recent three blog posts. So it's kind of flat file, right? It brings them all in and parses through and it brings in the title and it brings in the first few lines of the description for like a little preview on the homepage. Then it shows like recent talks and podcasts. Another thing I...

Dalton McCleery (36:39)

Andy Hinkle (36:53)
I did was recent contributions. So it works with GitHub and it pulls in, I have a schedule that runs daily. It pulls in anything like any public PR that I've done. And it just, it gives you like the first five. Just, I was just thinking like what I've just, I was just trying to get people like, here's what I've been thinking about. Here's what I've been talking about. And here's what I've been working on. Yeah. So, just, just a little bit of, it's not, it's very minimal. It's, there's not a lot going on to it, but.

Dalton McCleery (37:02)


Andy Hinkle (37:23)
I like it from a maintainability standpoint. There's no abstractions, as I just talked about. You literally right click, click new file. I'm doing any copy and pasting or anything like that. It's very straightforward and it's very easy to maintain if Laravel bumps to 12 next year. Just bump that version up and I don't have to upgrade a bunch of packages. I don't have to change a bunch of stuff. It makes me get right back to work. And then when I have a thought about something neat, I just go right back to the site.

Dalton McCleery (37:30)

Andy Hinkle (37:52)
or I click new file, you know, so. Yeah, man, I went long on that. yeah, so that's my personal site. I know you have yours as well. And if, I don't know if you wanted to talk about what you think about your personal site preferences and how you like to approach it.

Dalton McCleery (37:56)
Very clean.

Yeah, I like, I like yours a lot. It's very clean. It's definitely very developer centric. Like it's your site. You're the one maintaining it. So you don't need, you don't need a CMS, right? You don't, you don't need any of these extra garbage things. And like you're smart enough to like, I'm just going to do some fancy routing and file names. Bing bang. Boom. Laravel expert over here, mine, mine isn't that clean. Unfortunately.

I like to, every year I like to like refresh my site. So I usually let it sit for about a year and then I'll come back to it with fresh eyes and like, I really want to do this thing or I really want to try this technology or something. So I've, I've actually rebuilt my website a few times in different languages. And I know that this podcast is really about Laravel development and this is maybe sacrilegious for me to say, but my personal site's not built in Laravel, it's in.

Next.js on Vercell. But I did that because it was free and I wanted to do some more JavaScript-y, bit heavier on the animation things. The last time I had it, I had a video of me typing on a keyboard and as you scroll down the video would play through like it does on Apple. I liked that a lot but it made my website really heavy to use.

Andy Hinkle (39:10)
I love Next.js.

I love that.


Dalton McCleery (39:37)
That was actually built in Laravel. And then I was like, I'm going to slim it down. And I, ironically, I did not slim it down. I actually set up sub domains. So I put in a sub domain router. So I had like business dot Dalton McCleary at, you know, for, like freelancing stuff, I had music dot Dalton McCleary and it had like an API link to my Spotify and all my most recent songs. I was like, this is just insanity. So I scrapped that whole Laravel project.

And I just rebuilt the fresh Next.js one using Tailwind's UI components. And I basically just pulled all of that stuff and I put it on one page, one homepage. It's got a Spotify API so you can see what songs I'm listening to. I've got a little spot of packages that I've worked on open source and these paid packages. And just like a little blurb about me. And then I may or may not have copied Andy and started a blog very similar to that where like there's no database because it's Next.js and I don't want to

pay for a database. I have to write it out manually. It's not smart enough to go, I'm going to go pull all of the files in this directory and that's my blog post. So I have to basically make a new entry, give it a date time, give it a path. And then in that path, I can write my blog content. But now that I'm saying about it, it makes me want to rewrite it in Laravel because there are things that I miss.

I miss writing in Laravel from my personal site. Like man, I could just, I could do this so much faster in Laravel than having to do it in Next.js. But my hosting's free and I don't wanna have to pay for Laravel hosting. I know that the, I have Forge for the company and that's why I'm like, I might rebuild my website for early next year and throw it on that Forge server. But I know that there's,

Andy Hinkle (41:06)

You don't want to pay five bucks. Do play? Do you get forage yet?

Drop it in. Yeah.

Six dollars.

Dalton McCleery (41:32)
There's a way to do larval on Vercell. I can't remember who had that blog post. Maybe was Caleb Porzio or somebody.

Andy Hinkle (41:40)
Yeah. Yeah. think you're right. Yeah. I think Caleb did that. Honestly, wait for cloud. That's another option. So Laravel cloud. Yep. And so,

Dalton McCleery (41:43)
who added, so I might try that.

Hey, that's a great idea. That's a great idea. So I like yours a lot and I kind of want to rebuild mine to be very slim and lean because now mine's gotten quite a bit bloated. I bought several animation libraries and it's got just a bunch of junk in it, if I'm being honest. So I like to just bend it and start over.

Andy Hinkle (42:11)
used to have that video, which video formats now are really like minimal. I remember like, you know, a few years ago, videos would be really heavy on the web and Google really SEO wise, they hated that. And, but recently like you can really get a, you can get like a good 10 second video for, I don't know, 200 kilobytes probably. You can get it like really minimal these days. depending on how many frames are in the video.

But yeah, there's a lot of different options like WebM and stuff like that. So I think WebM is on the way out. So but there's some other good options.

Dalton McCleery (42:46)
You know, I'm looking back at way back machine I was gonna try to find how far back that was because I really did like that site or that that version of my personal site it just It was flashing it didn't have content. It was basically just a fancy video scrolling animation like Apple does it wasn't I Don't know. I saw that on Apple. I was like I want to do that. So I sort of made my own

Andy Hinkle (43:04)
Yeah, I love that. And one of my favorite things is if you went view source or if you right click and view that video in a new tab, you could hear yourself typing. It's just a little Easter egg. So if you were to talk to or said something in the video, that was probably my favorite thing is like if you went and actually watched the video and unmuted it, you could actually hear Dalton type it away at his keyboard. So no, that was good. Yeah, it a little Easter egg.

Dalton McCleery (43:16)

Whoops. Maybe, maybe, maybe not look at that on the way back. Well, I'm glad I didn't have like music blaring or, you know, talking to myself like a moron.

Andy Hinkle (43:36)

Heavy metal? Yeah. Cool.

Dalton McCleery (43:43)
Yeah, I definitely want to rebuild mine to be more streamlined like you have yours because it's kind of a pain for me to write a blog post. It's like three files after change.

Andy Hinkle (43:52)
just make it easy. Yeah, because you have to go back and edit your homepage.

Dalton McCleery (43:58)
Yep. And it kinda sucks.

Andy Hinkle (44:01)
Yeah. My thing is I didn't want to CMS. I didn't want a database. Like if I decided I win layer of a cloud comes out, I'm definitely gonna move it over there and save probably six bucks, but who cares, right? But I'm save a little money. But the reason I want to do that is because the staging branches, they sound kind of fun if I get like a cool idea or something. And so I wanted to make it minimal, no database. I didn't want to have to deal with the migration thing. So it just, just files.

Dalton McCleery (44:13)
Hey, six bucks.

Andy Hinkle (44:29)
very much similar to Statamic in some ways, some context. I don't do any caching under the hood. I don't do any page cache or anything like that. There's some room improvement for me in that aspect, but it's pretty straightforward. Do a...

Dalton McCleery (44:45)
Yeah, your site's already wicked fast. I know we talked about page caching or offline, you know, we were slacking about it and I'm surprised you weren't because it was already wicked fast as it is. I mean, it's just a flat file system, but I was impressed.

Andy Hinkle (44:54)

The actually the biggest files on the page now and I can't figure out how to do it is my when I showed the GitHub contributions list, my recent contributions next to it, I have the organization that came through them. So it'd be like a picture of it pulls in from the gap API. So it'll be like a picture of Laravel's organization contentful. It's one of the CMS platforms we use. They're like their icon they use. And it's like, it's like, I think like 1028 by 1028 and pixel size might be smaller than that.

but I can't figure out how to shrink that down without getting way too technical. I could probably catch that or catch that image, process it on my server and make it smaller. But man, I just like, I don't have that kind of time right now. Just my personal site. But that's probably the heaviest thing on the site is those images coming through of their, and they're only like a couple of hundred kilobytes here and there. So.

Dalton McCleery (45:56)
And that's the heaviest thing. Yeah, it's not worth installing spotty glade or something like that and resizing them, optimizing them, and swapping them WebP and all that junk.

Andy Hinkle (45:58)

Yeah, yeah, then I have to maintain. then, yeah, then you have to, sometimes you have to install webmat or what you call magic, image magic, yeah, yeah. So do you have any analytics on your site?

Dalton McCleery (46:12)
Yeah, image magic.

Yeah, now we're in it.

I have a lot of analytics on my side. I'm ashamed to tell you how many that I have because I know that you don't have any. I've got GA4, I had Fathom, I've turned that off. I have heap analytics now, so I guess only two. I only have two. I primarily use heap analytics. That's my go-to GA4 alternative. Big fan of that. But I know how much...

analytics you have on your website. So mine is gonna, I've got two and you've got none. So I've got one for both of us.

Andy Hinkle (46:50)

It's one of my things of like anything I do in programming. I've talked about this on the show. think a lot this or on this show, but the I think I talked about that a lot on this episode and that's just I like things very minimal and I question everything. getting things to production as quick as possible and shipping as fast as possible.

Dalton McCleery (47:09)

Andy Hinkle (47:14)
And so because of that, just, hate analytics platforms of anything. have to copy and paste a script, like copy and paste this script into your header and we'll collect all your analytics. And it's just like, I want it depending on how big their analytics platform is, they're going to slow down your site with that script hit either to Google analytics or to wherever it's going to be. And so, yeah, I don't have anything just because I, I

Dalton McCleery (47:34)

Andy Hinkle (47:40)
I just hate the market right now. I've thought about something. I saw somebody in the Laravel community, can't remember his name, but he did something really neat. that was like when he had a middleware and it launched a background job to plausible, I think was the analytics platform. And they just reused the API, but when you hit a link, would fire up background, like Laravel queue and process and send that report over. that way it's things move very quickly on the front end. But then I...

Dalton McCleery (47:57)

Andy Hinkle (48:09)
Can you, just, that thought where my mind goes is like, I can't imagine like waking up one day and you have like a thousand jobs that are failing to fire in your queue on your personal site. It just does not make like much sense to set up that way. So I'm like, well, you know, I don't want to do some like weird background processing. That was, that would probably be the closest I'd get to it. But then today Nuno from Laravel announced a pan PHP. So it's a, it's a, as he calls it, a little analytics platform.

Dalton McCleery (48:33)

Andy Hinkle (48:39)
and or it's like a service that runs on your app. And it's not just for Laravel, right? There's multiple adapters. It's around PHP, but then you can install it for different flavors. I imagine there'll be more adapters in the future. But for right now, there's a Pan PHP. And just today, somebody, I saw somebody post on Reddit a filament analytics widget for Pan. So people are already doing stuff. Yeah, I know. was like, this thing just launched 12 hours ago.

Dalton McCleery (49:06)

Andy Hinkle (49:09)
So yeah, so anyway, the current process is how you would view it is you do like a data attribute like data pan and they can hover over a link. I'm kind of curious how that works, right? I guess there's some injected JavaScript. Have you seen it yet?

Dalton McCleery (49:23)
I Yeah, I'm, I'm very curious. I, I installed it. So I saw it this morning and I installed it on, on one of my product sites. Just so it could be running and collecting stuff. I haven't looked at it yet. I don't think, I don't think I've had any traffic if I'm being honest with you, but I've, I've installed it. I'm curious on how, on what is it? Cause it does clicks, hovers in impressions or something like that. Right.

Andy Hinkle (49:50)
Yeah. Yeah. I think, yeah, you're right. Yep.

Dalton McCleery (49:51)
I'm curious about the impressions. is it tracking if it's in the viewport of somebody's screen? Like somebody sees it and then somebody hovers over a button, somebody clicks a button. Yeah, I don't have any traffic. I've installed it because I want to try it out. I want to see what it looks like.

Andy Hinkle (50:08)
I'm curious how it works. I think it's injected JavaScript from PHP. They inject this little, everything's minimal. so I imagine it's, I like it because it's privacy focused. That's one thing I hate. Anytime you have to add a script, it's like, I have to abide. You have to abide by what they, analytics platform service they wanna do. There's other platforms that are privacy focused, but I try to find that line of,

Dalton McCleery (50:13)
You must.

Andy Hinkle (50:37)
like good user experience where I'm not including a bunch of scripts. It's just you. Yeah. So, and it just works. I really liked the idea of this. The fact that you can put data dash pan and like a data attribute and then you could see your analytics. So I might check this out, see if it, see if I like it at all. So.

Dalton McCleery (50:40)

Yeah, I was going to try to pull it up just on my local site and see if I can force a few things. just in the meantime, I wanted to mention that I think that's like, just dawned on me that I think that's why we work so well together, you and I, because I like to have fat controllers. I'll put in like the least amount of effort possible to get something working. And then Andy loves to refactor things and loves to simplify things and make them cleaner. So I'll give him fat controllers and he'll just make them really lean.

And really nice. And I was just thinking of that one subscription service site that we built. That's basically how that entire site went was I did a lot of the backend, like heavy things. Andy did a lot of the front end user registration and then came back through and we basically swapped and cleaned up a bunch of this stuff, cleaned up a bunch of that stuff. I think that's why we work so well together.

Andy Hinkle (51:42)
Mm hmm. Yeah. Did PR say?

Yeah, there was many times where you'd come out the pull requests Mike, gosh, I like I think of something that, you know, I would either put this like, there'd be like a method that's reused, not put it in a trait or something. I'm like, gosh, don't just gonna hate this. I'm pretty much rewriting, you know what he did. But then you're always very friendly in the responses. So I'm like, I don't know, hopefully doesn't hate me after this.

Dalton McCleery (52:12)
It's no, it's, better. mean, I don't, I don't think we've ever argued about a PR before. I can't, I can't think of a timer like Andy quit or this is dumb. Why are we doing this?

Andy Hinkle (52:20)
No, it's always been, we're putting...

I think, yeah, I always wonder that with some other developers because at least some of our other developers on staff, you can tell they're kind of annoyed that I do things like in single quotes instead of double quotes. I, know, anything I just try to run the, any project I'm on that does not have styling rules in place, it bugs the crap out of me. So I implement some styling rules on their, on this fresh new project I was added to it'd be like, I would install pint or something from Laravel or piney tower, you say it. And then I would install the rules.

or run it and do a PR and people will be like, why? You know, I'm just like, hey, it's just, I know it's just styling, but hey, it helps me, am I reading through stuff? It's really helpful.

Dalton McCleery (53:03)
is what it is.


Andy Hinkle (53:09)
You want to talk about securing assets? Or I'm sorry, did you have anything else on analytics?

Dalton McCleery (53:15)
Yeah, I think I'm just, I poking it around. I'm still not quite sure how it works, but I assume it's by page load because I have some, data pans at the bottom of my page, like for some facts sections. And like if people are clicking the facts and those are at the, at the bottom of the page, they're below the viewport. And so when I load the page, it still counts an impression towards those facts, like openers.

Andy Hinkle (53:41)
Hmm. Mm-hmm.

Dalton McCleery (53:45)
but it might be a couple of bugs cause it's brand new this morning, but I hovered over a button twice and I clicked it once. And now it says I only have one hover, two impressions, one click.

So I don't know how it quite quantifies that. I would assume impressions would be if someone sees it in the viewport, but that doesn't seem to be how it's actually working. So TBD on that.

Andy Hinkle (54:10)
Someone with, yeah, so somebody with pan, they're talking like they're replying in in the newest replies about tracking like doing a B test with this. I thought it was kind of a fascinating idea of like maybe there might be a community package or something that kind of merges pin it, which is Laravel's feature flag package. And then something with, you know, with this analytic tracking to maybe like, have like something, there's niceties in there to kind of track a B testing. There's

We talked about A-B testing on the show before, I thought that was kind of a neat idea for a use case for this. But again, I think it's more minimal. It's like stuff like for our personal sites, this is a great example we should be putting on people like, do you know, maybe I'll do A-B testing. Like, but it's built more for, you know, minimal approach.

Dalton McCleery (54:50)

Yeah, I think I would, I would rather see a separate AB library that has its own little analytics like this. Very simple, lightweight. I don't have to worry about GA4 or any of that garbage, but I would like one that, you know, it tracks the impressions, it tracks the clicks, whatever, and just whatever one of the AB test is doing better, just start waiting that one more until it just becomes a hundred percent. Like I don't, I don't want to have to AB test, here's my window. And then at the end of it, I have to look over the analytics and pick one. I can just, just do it for me.

Like here's my A-B test, everybody's clicking A, obviously, so just stop serving people B altogether for me. Just go ahead and just start waiting at that.

Andy Hinkle (55:37)
That's a.

That's AI in about 10 years. Maybe less.

Dalton McCleery (55:42)
10 months probably or 10 days at the rate this is going

but yeah, interesting little package.

Andy Hinkle (55:49)
So one thing you had on here, yeah, one thing you had on here was you wanted to talk about securing Laravel assets.

Dalton McCleery (55:58)
Yeah, so I know we don't like to talk drama, whatever. And so I'll just briefly touch on it. There was a new Wallpapers app from a popular YouTube creator. A lot of drama around it. And I found a couple people talking about it on Twitter and this guy just found all of the unsecured high resolution assets for this app just publicly available. You can just go download whatever you want.

Andy Hinkle (56:09)
I'm aware, yep.

Dalton McCleery (56:27)
You don't have to pay this creator. You don't have to download the app. Just here's all of the URLs completely unsecured. Here's everything. Just download whatever you want. And in my head, I'm like, that is the biggest security risk and probably the first thing that I would do if I was building an app like this. Like if I'm selling a product, I want to make sure that nobody can access that paid product without paying. And the fact that you could just get this entire creator's library of

paid assets for free just completely boggles my mind that the developer, whoever the developer was, didn't think of securing their Google API storage link. And actually I'm gonna click on it to see if it's still, yeah, see now it says access tonight. So when I added this topic late last week, it was just publicly available. You just download whatever you want, had all the different sizes, all the different resolutions. I was like, wow.

Andy Hinkle (57:11)
That says Google.


Probably already exported, yeah.

Dalton McCleery (57:27)
You could spend $50 a year or you just, here's the link, here's everything. So I'm curious from your point of view, because I know you use Vapor for quite a big client and they have a lot of assets on S3. I'm curious your take on something like this happening because, wow.

Andy Hinkle (57:42)


Yeah, yeah, yeah, for the client in particular, you mentioned they have, they're very, they're very well known. can't say who they are, but they're very well known in the industry and they, people are obviously poking holes trying to figure out what their next product is gonna be, what their next thing is gonna be. see it a lot on social media. And so like, maybe this year they'll announce this, that, you know, et cetera.

So what I do on Vapor and S3 is I do signed URLs, so at least to the image assets. And so the first thing is signed URLs. And what that does is it just generates a random hash on the image request and runs through the middleware to determine if they can actually view it. particularly these are for unreleased pages. So there might be

administration role, yes, no, know, I'm boolean flag being able to see this particular product, you know, just running through some flags there. So then we have, we have that. And then we have, obviously if you can pass that, you get the direct link, which that kind of defeats the purpose of signed URLs, right? I thought of going down the avenue of working with AWS to doing some pipeline of, doing some crazy thing of determining if the user has access, you'd have to plug into like the AWS APIs and stuff.

Dalton McCleery (58:49)

Andy Hinkle (59:13)
That's really complicated. so for what I've done in this one, I have the image, like the image, what it's the name, the title of the file, and then it'll be underscore, and then it'll be like a hash in there. And so that way it's kind of randomly generated. And I understand if that one image gets out, it's that one image can be linked, or it can be leaked, if you will. And so...

There's not really a foolproof way that I'm doing it honestly, if you really get down, if you're an admin or you get admin roles and you get into this, you get into the application, it goes through the middleware of the signed URL process. Now you have the actual S3 link. You can share that and it's public. Then you just have to reroll it. So that's kind of...

Dalton McCleery (59:44)

Andy Hinkle (1:00:09)
It's not the best, honestly, and there we have, we've had discussions on improving that, but again, that's, have to go through a whole bunch of pipelines and AWS to set that up. At least what I feel like. So, I don't know. Yeah. That's kind of my take on it that yeah, just sign URLs is kind of the winner for that situation, but there are downfalls if you have, if it's on an external service and you get the direct link. So, but I'm curious, yeah. What you, what you think on that?

Dalton McCleery (1:00:35)
Yeah, I remember, it wasn't me, but there was a site that we, we also have different site who uses S3. and they sort of published like a yearly booklet of like, here's, here's the new products for the next year. And I remember a lot of stories from other developers that, work, work with us like, yeah, people would just, you know, put in name of the flyer and then, know, the year like 2024.PDF

Here's all of the unannounced products for the year 2024. And people are trying to put in 2025. Here's all of next year's

Andy Hinkle (1:01:07)

Dalton McCleery (1:01:11)
and we're like, that's, that's bad, right? That's real bad. And, and so I don't, think all we did to solve it was just change the file name to something crazy right before it's released, you know, just some random hash. people can't necessarily spoof it, but you could probably find it if, if you try every single hash ever imaginable. So yeah, liked, I liked the signed URL routes.

the most because it seems to be the easiest. It's basically just like a webhook secret almost. Like, hey, you know, does the hash match? I don't think that there's a great solution to do. Obviously the people that we're talking about have fixed it since I sort of put this topic on here because it's not publicly available anymore. just to me, that seems like a massive, massive oversight for a paid product of, you know, that.

Andy Hinkle (1:02:04)

Dalton McCleery (1:02:09)
Calipers or millions of people downloading this can just bypass the payment for free if you just know where to look.

Andy Hinkle (1:02:16)
Yeah, yeah, not trying to be like super like critical to the developers, but that's something that would, least in my mind, that would definitely cross my mind of for protecting these products and making sure that there are, you know, there are secure, like the images, you know, that they're secure, they're not gonna be in a public leak or especially, it was always a directory, right? It a whole directory or is it just?

Dalton McCleery (1:02:39)
Yeah, the whole directory.

Andy Hinkle (1:02:41)
So yeah, that's directors, especially. never, I can't think of a timer I've had a director accessible. It just, there's never been a reason. And so that's just, I think that's be the first starters. That'd be, know, what you would want to do. but then yeah, after that, you might want to figure out how to pipe, you know, you can do it through engine X and those configurations, how to pipe your image assets through your application and run middleware to determine if they're authenticated to view it off, et cetera. But then if you're on AWS.

you're gonna have to hire some people or just get you kind of creative how you do it. So, you know, one thing we're battling now actually is SEO on these images that are have the random hash on it because it's like Google likes very clean file names. so, yeah, it's over. That's something to think about as well. Like you might have this random hash. Statamic for example, is notorious for this. Your entire file name is some random hash. so I tried actually attempted a PR for two Stamac Core and it was unfortunately breaking.

change. think they're going to take a look at it. I was trying to do something like where you have file name then the hash. And so that was something they're thinking about. So anyway, yeah, not to get off into a tangent, but yeah, there's multiple ways you can approach it. that yeah, assets is a scary thing, especially if you're dealing with a big

Dalton McCleery (1:03:59)

Andy Hinkle (1:04:01)
Now big clients where they people are constantly poking at URLs like, huh, if I increment this from two to three, that worked. Wonder what four is going to do, you know, so,

Dalton McCleery (1:04:12)
Yeah, somebody just take a bot and try all of your, all of the URLs now, right? Just like people try and I'll see logs on my site where people are like, they're try, you know, slash WP admin just to see if I have a WordPress site. And obviously if that passed, they're going to try a bunch of other stuff. But yeah, I saw that and I was like, wow, of, you know, of that scale. And you know, it's, since it's a digital product, once people download it, that's, that's it.

Andy Hinkle (1:04:21)


Dalton McCleery (1:04:41)
Like you can't, you can't take it back from them. They've, they've got it. And especially if you leak all of your assets, that's just, that's it. Like I don't, I don't obviously that they've pivoted since then, but I, if looking back at this, I don't know how they would have pivoted. If this, this sort of link was more widespread. I think it's, I think it was definitely contained to sort of my, my sphere, my development sphere of Twitter X, whatever you call it. But.

Andy Hinkle (1:05:06)

Dalton McCleery (1:05:09)
I saw that and I was like, wow, I'm so glad that I don't work on that app because I would have yanked all of my hair out if something that simple of securing your assets got that big of a leak.

Andy Hinkle (1:05:21)

There is another big one, did you see Zendesk? I'll keep it short, but yeah, Zendesk had one that was just in recent days that was publicly announced. So Zendesk, it's ticketing software, it's where people can write in, they get...

Dalton McCleery (1:05:28)

Andy Hinkle (1:05:43)
and you know, email back. So you write in to the service desk and they'll punch a reply back. But a lot of the email addresses are generated by Zendesk. So it'll be like support plus one at. or support out one company would increment from one to two so support at two etc so there was a security thing of where Somebody could use like single sign on so they could get on like their company slack type in support support plus three at company comm

Trying to you have to being able to get into slack you have to be you know under the organization to register etc so what they would do is that they would turn around and reply to that email address like to the one that they they would get a Reply back and so they would guess the next increment version of what they reply to I'm sure if you're holding up or if you catch me here, but they would

they would be able to guess at the email address that the Slack would send a confirmation to and they would send in a reply and then Zendesk would reply to them with the whole history and the email of everything and it'll be like a confirmation from Slack or something. Yeah, it's wild. I'll post it in the show notes. For those, I'll send it over to you. it was a pretty wild one. It made a lot of headlines because they're the billion dollar company.

Yeah, we use Zendesk or our clients use Zendesk. So, yep, pretty wild.

Dalton McCleery (1:07:19)
Spices so just make sure to secure everything The public cannot be trusted Validate everything that should be Well known at this point never trust anybody

Andy Hinkle (1:07:26)
Yeah, for sure.


Alright man, it's been good. I've had some good discussion, good talks. And yeah, if you're still here, thanks for listening. Or I'm sorry, one of the two.

Dalton McCleery (1:07:34)
Thank you.


Yes, please please and thanks share this around messages whatever we're here

Andy Hinkle (1:07:44)

Dalton you wanna close this out? Making his tradition.

Dalton McCleery (1:07:53)
Yes. Yes, I do. I do. Hey, I'll, I'll, I'll close it out. You open it. All right, everybody. Thanks for listening to another episode of the Midwest artisan that has been Andy. You can find him on Twitter. You can find him at My name is Dalton. You find me on Twitter, We will see you guys next week. Bye.