Daily Mantras - Ancient wisdom for happiness, health and wealth

Today’s story is about the Gopis’ unwavering devotion and selfless love for their charming cowherd, Nandagopal. In the enchanting land of Vrindavan, the Gopis embarked on a heartfelt mission — to cook a feast that would delight their beloved Lord Krishna. 

To listen to today's mantra, and, to read more about it for free, visit dailymantras.in/022

What is Daily Mantras - Ancient wisdom for happiness, health and wealth?

Start your day on a positive note with Daily Mantras - Ancient wisdom for happiness, health and wealth, a podcast that draws wisdom from ancient traditions to provide mantras, meditations, and mindful practices that promote happiness, health and prosperity. Tune in each morning to receive inspiration and tools to live your best life through the healing power of sacred sounds and thoughtful reflection. Uplifting episodes delivered daily.

Today’s story is about the Gopis’ unwavering devotion and selfless love for their charming cowherd, Nandagopal. In the enchanting land of Vrindavan, the Gopis embarked on a heartfelt mission— to cook a feast that would delight their beloved Lord Krishna. Welcome to Daily Mantras, and let's learn about, "Boundless, Selfless Love".

Cooking for them was more than just a task; it was a form of meditation, a love letter expressed through flavors and spices. Armed with vessels brimming with devotion, the Gopis arrived at Krishna's house. Krishna was seated in the center of the room, having already finished a delightful meal. A hushed tension filled the air. But then, something magical occurred. Instead of disappointment, the Gopis embraced the moment. They twirled and moved, their eyes meeting Krishna's. When asked about their happiness, the Gopis replied, "When we entered this room, our eyes met his, and what did we see? That very glow, that very contentment we dreamed of when cooking food for him." In that moment, it became clear: the Gopis' love was beyond measure, seeking only their beloved Nandagopal’s joy.

This story teaches us a precious lesson - true love and devotion aren't about receiving something in return. Instead, they're about giving, about the boundless joy that comes from selflessly caring for someone. Let's cultivate selfless love in our lives, finding happiness in making those we care about smile. Just as the Gopis found their reward in Krishna's joy, our genuine care and devotion became our greatest treasures.

To listen to today's mantra, and, to read more about it for free, visit dailymantras.in/022.