Clydesdale Media Podcast

Labor day weekend is for the Age Group competitors.  Is the ubiased 3rd party investigator really unbiased?

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

What's going on, everybody?

Welcome to the Clydesdale

Media Roundtable.

It's been a week.

What's going on, everyone?


We got the full team in.

Mine is Charlie.

Charlie's supposed to be in

the chat with you all.

I'm assuming lots of kids at home.

No, they're at school.

They go back to school, right?



They're back to school already?



I'm not, but they are.

I still have two weeks.

That's awesome.


I mean, I, to be honest,

I was actually already

doing some stuff right

before we logged in here.

Like I'm,

I don't have to be physically there yet,

but I've,

I've got a lot of work to do to

get ready.

When does Natalie go back?

We take her on Saturday.


okay so you're gearing up

yeah here's what's funny

about this is even my kids

said to me did you get um

why'd you get all dressed

up for your podcast today I

didn't get dressed up you

mean put makeup on and do

my hair I know it's so rare

it only happens once every

few weeks so that's so good

how long have we been doing this podcast

Four years.

It's almost five.


Almost five, right?


Do you realize that like the

majority of our listeners are listeners?

Oh, sorry.

So you should read the comment.

The comment said,

Amy got Kat's hairdresser's

number or something.

I did my hair.

I washed my hair.

It's clean.

It smells good.

I blow dried it and then I curled it.

It looks awesome.

I am.

I got my hair did yesterday.


So I just woke up this morning,

slept on it,

worked out and then fluffed it.

Cause I can do that.

See, I can't do that.

Oh, I put extra goo in mine.

There you go.

Speaking of working out cat

worked out this morning.

What'd you do?

I did.

Um, I did the, uh,

A 15 minute AMRAP with a 25

double under five dumbbell push press,

five dumbbell step over

buy-in with a max calorie echo bike.

So five rounds in three minutes,

like a three minute in

three minute intervals.

So I got like, I didn't get many calories.

I was kind of dogging it.

I was quitting after like

two minutes and 45 seconds to get a rest.


think I got like 65 calories

I think the the highest

member at my gym got like

75 calories maybe for the

five rounds um you ended up

being on the bike for like

a minute and a half minute

45 seconds two minutes if

you were really fast but I

used 20 pound dumbbells in

a 20 inch box um but fun

fact yesterday I did a

workout with power cleans

and um I did 85 pounds and

it was like for reps it was

a it was a lot of


I was doing them as singles.

And I was saying to somebody like, um,

I remember when I could do grace, my,

my best grace time is like

two 47 or two 27 or something like that.


Yeah, 95 pounds, clean and jerks,

like 30 in a row.

And this was like sets of

eight clean and jerks.

And I was doing them at 85

pounds and it was like one at a time.


With breaks in between.

I think I cycled like three,

one of the rounds,

I think it was doing like rounds of nine.

It was so hard.

I'm really out of shape.


It's engine goes so fast.

All of it.

I'm losing a lot of strength, too,

just from not lifting.

But I did back squats yesterday,

so tomorrow I will be dying,

hurting in a lot of ways.

That's what I expect.

Day two.

How about you?


you don't work out today because of

this podcast right here.


Did you work out yesterday?

My workouts look really

shitty right now just

because of the no antihistamine issue.

It was a pretty nice day yesterday.


Did you walk yesterday?

You should walk.

I probably did walk, Walter, a little bit.


But I did get on the bike

and just kind of hang out

in my garage yesterday.


Charlie and I did a terrible

workout today.


It was three rounds every 10 minutes.

You do 12 calories on the bike,

12 burpee box getovers,

12 calories on the bike,

nine burpee box getovers,

12 calories on the bike,

six burpee box getovers.

Yeah, three rounds of that.

It was a sprint because the

goal is to be done around

five minutes and then rest.

What do you guys do for the getovers?

Well, I coached it one way.

And then when I did the workout,

I did it a totally different way.

I typically like to,

do it like, um,

like where I'm almost like

diagonal towards the box.

And then I placed my hands

on the box and then jump my feet on top.

And then I kind of twist and turn around.

Um, so are you piling, like,

is it 40 inches or you're probably, no,

no, no, no, no.

It was 24 and 30 inches today.

Oh, okay.

Got it.

So we didn't need to do that with other,

there was no banding of,

there's no Chad set up at the gym.


But I did do, when I did the workout,

I did do my burpee and then

put my butt on the box and

spin it around.


It was, it was, it counted.

We have, there's a lot of, uh,

rowing program or burpee

over rower programmed with Ibex and, uh,

the people at my gym cannot,

are not hurtling over a rower.

So we always end up just

doing regular burpees, but yeah.

Burpee get overs.

I think they, they dig.

I like them.



Corey, six rounds,

two minutes rest between,

32 heavy rope dubs, 16 GHD sit-ups,

10 thrusters at 115,

eight-bar muscle-ups.

10 thrusters at 115.

On a different note, Scott,

my wife is traveling over

to Alabama with her mother, Karen Dawkins,

who will compete in the

65-plus next weekend.

One, super excited to meet them.

That's going to be awesome.


why hasn't she contacted me to have a

profile done on this channel?

Let's do it.

She should.

I interviewed Kelly Frio

last week from the UK,

and I'm interviewing a guy

tomorrow from the UK.

So, yeah.


I've not interviewed anybody

from the Isle of Man.

Chelsea says,

been a while since I've made a live.

Amy, how goes the muscle-ups?

We're still chugging along.

Actually, I got my first entry from them.

Let's see if you can see this.

See this bruise?

I'm going to lose this.

Oh, yeah.

What happened?

Well, we've been working on...


we've been working on some strength and

it was, you know,

like face down on a bench

and like doing dumbbell rows.

And so like I went to put

the dumbbells down and I

just slammed it right on

top of my finger.

And that was that.

But my I've been doing

assisted strict muscle ups

and they're looking good.

My coach even said.

I've been taking the online

gymnastics course for the

last year and a half because I just,

I go to it and then I

forget about it and then I revisit it.

And now that I'm due for

renewal on September 7th,

I have to get my act

together and finish it.

And there's like 10 more modules to do.

But every time they talk

about like arches and hollows,

it makes me want to go back

to like the basics.

Cause I feel like,

like I'm not even doing toes to bar.


in the gymnastics sense.

So interesting.

Apparently Jake's

mother-in-law sounds like a pirate.

Sounds fun.

It does sound fun.

He answers Jay Birch by saying,

you just wait to hear a voice.

It's like an extra from a

Johnny Depp film.

Okay then.

All right.

Definitely got to get her in

the behind the scenes then.


Did Mark reach out to you?

Mark Peters?

He did.

Okay, cool.

We're finalizing a time now.



I have like maybe five for this week

set up already and a couple

kind of lingering.

But like we leave next week,

like next Tuesday.


Are you going to ask you,

what is your mode of transportation?

Who are you going with?

What are the details?

Uh, I'm going with my wife.


We are driving, um, so that we have a car.

It can take the equipment, all of that.


and it's like an eight hour trip to


So that's about what we did to Madison.





Uh, I'd say a little less to Madison,

but not, not by much.

yeah um and then the team is

caitlyn walters is a

videographer jonathan

ortega videographer and

ellie hiller interviewer

and then myself and ellie's

an athlete right she is

cool but they're gonna have two floors um

They're going to have two floors, major,

big size in this convention

center running at the same time.

I don't know what that means

for the stream.

I know that it's going to

mean for us splitting up

into the two sections

somehow to cover both.

which is going to be wild

with four people.

It's three floor.

The one floor is smaller

though than the other two.

I'm hoping that there's only

like one or two events there.

The floater wide.

Will your wife remind you to

pack your cords and take your medicine?

Or do I also need to give

you those reminders?


She'll remind me, for sure.

And then also,

I think she'll be a lot less

annoying for you to travel

with in the car than me.

But... TVD.

That's great.

That's funny.


andrew said three floors two

for individual one for

teams so the teams are not

they're a part of this but

they're not like sanctioned

as crossfit games winners

um so that's going on as

well during this is what so

um jake's wife don't

interview my wife though

she's a retired olympian very boring

Sounds like she has no

stories at all to share.


Here's what Andrew said.

I found it.

Two floors streamed,

two floors for individuals,

one floor for teams.

Please not an Aussie breakdancer.

I don't know.

I found it entertaining, Chelsea.

They did take breakdancing

out of the next Olympics, though.

Do you know what that Aussie

breakdancer did?

It made every one of us

believe we could be an Olympian.

You're right.

It gave a lot of us hopes.

So much hope.


I mean, she's like 36.

I mean, so basically, I mean,

you could start right now and train.

My favorite was the dead fish.

I think I could pull off that move.

I love all the memes that

have come out with it since.


Corey's moving to Australia just to

become an Olympic break dancer.

Well, they're taking it out of,

they're taking it out of

the Olympics next time.

So that's not a solid plan.

Football's getting added.

Um, okay.

I like Carolyn's question here.

What sport do you want to

see added down the road in Olympics?


I can't believe that pickleball isn't

there yet, but I bet it will be.

I mean,

if you have badminton and ping pong.

pickleball will be there

have you seen them play

badminton and ping pong

they move more than

pickleball players

fascinating I mean and then

how high they throw the

ball up to serve or the

ping pong ball it's crazy I

i would like to see added

functional fitness would be interesting

I mean,

the IF3 has been trying to do that

by creating like a

standardized template to

make functional fitness an Olympic sport.

I'd like to see them.

I know that's the boring answer,

but it's what I'd like to see.

And that's led by Gretchen Kittleberger,



So, yeah, that'd be mine.


Kat, you got one?

Can't think of one.

Go ahead.

Is bocce ball?

Is bocce ball in the Olympics?

It probably was at one point in time.

I like street bocce ball.

We play it like in the

neighborhood where it's just like, I mean,

you can, it's anywhere.


Fair game.


We call it hillbilly bocce.

Wherever you can throw the pin.

Now you got to make it there.


Chelsea Miller wants bull riding.

That would be interesting.

Lots of logistics there.

Carolyn says,

need more buy-in from game

athletes from IF3.

It needs to be more competitive.

She's also surprised karate

isn't in the Olympics.

Taekwondo and judo are.

Speaking of school, Carolyn,

have you started back to school yet?

I think Friday, she said.

She does a mid-service day.

Then everybody's back on

Tuesday after the holiday.


Which would actually be next week.

Yes, next week.

I watched your show on Sunday night.

And I actually retained some

of what I watched.

Look at that.

Yeah, I think Charlie wants slap fighting.

That's what he's talking about.

Oh, see?

He just put it in there.

You are like magnificent.


Anything else going on with

you guys before we hit the

one piece of news that I

saw that I do want to bring up?

I just got to take a kid back to college,

and that's it.

Yeah, my kids are,

one of my kids goes to

college very close to home,

so it's not like she's even leaving.

And she technically moved

into her apartment at the

beginning of summer,

just hasn't been sleeping there.


And my son went back last week,

but I think he starts classes next week.

He's got the most expensive

apartment known to man,

one bedroom furnished because he's fancy.

He's bougie like that?

And broke.

So like how he does it, I have no idea.

I don't know.

It's annoying.

But we do have some sad news.

So I will break my sad news

just because we should talk about it.

On July 2nd,

my golden retriever bumper died suddenly.

He was nine years old,

had like a cardiac event,

tumor out near his heart exploded,

internal bleeding.

Like the whole family met at

the emergency room and we

had to put him down like within an hour.

Super shocking.

The kids were, you know,

the kids were wrecked

because he was their dog

along with the other two

dogs that they have living with them.

And now the 13 year old dog

is on his last legs.

He collapsed on Sunday.

I had to go rush home

because Eliana was by

herself and figure out what

was wrong with him.

He got blood work done yesterday.

He is bleeding internally somewhere.

We don't know where.

He's like on his last,

like we're on like the

death watch with him.

He's either going to, you know,

he's having these episodes of like,

wagging his tail playing

with the toy eating frozen

broccoli like he loves to

do going outside and

everything else and then

you know and then he'll

like lie down for 10 hours

and we're just like

watching him so um yeah it

sucks um so we we will

probably in the next week

or two be down to jojo the

one crazy dog that lives uh

at my ex-husband's house

and then the sheepadoodle

that I have here that lives with me so

went from four to two really fast.

And it sucks.

How close did you get those two dogs?

Were they like,

did you get them around the same time?

We got them four years apart.

So we had a golden retriever when,

when we got dash and then

that golden retriever died

at the age of eight from

some crazy cancer.

And then dash, um, when dash was four,

we got bumper.

And then when bumper was four,

we got Jojo.

So it was like every four

years we've gotten a dog.


And so when bumper died, like we were, we,

we were expecting dash to

die for dash is 13 bumper was nine.

So they're obviously like

four years apart.

So yeah, they grew up together.

So, uh,

we've had dash ever since Eliana was,

you know, a baby she's she's 19.

Now she was like five when we,

when we got her.

So, and he's like the grumpy old man,

Scott, you met him.

He's like a terrier.

He's all kind of disheveled.

And on Friday I went to the

house and I gave him a haircut.

And I did so badly because

the attachment that I used

was like too short.

And so he's got that hair

that is like blonde at the

base and black at the tip.

And so if you don't cut it

completely evenly,

he looks like eight different colors.

And I swear he looks homeless.

Like he looks like he got

ran over by a car,

like just looking at him, his sides,

he's got all these spots on

them of like black and blonde hair.

because I totally butchered

his haircut and it was just on Friday.

And then Sunday this happened.

I was like,

he's not even going to look

cute for his last little few days.

But yeah, everybody's really sad.

It just sucks.


I'm sorry.

Well, thanks for bringing the show down.

I'm sorry.

I had to talk about it.

It was on my heart.

No, no.

I know what they, what they mean to you.



um corey with a joke uh so

he looks like a boy band

member for us exactly corey

likes corey gets

uncomfortable and makes

jokes I think that's what

it is I will post uh I'll

post the video that eliana

sent me last night of him

playing with his squeaky

toy on my instagram you can

see what he looks like yeah

it looks like spock yeah

how long have you been

doing this you have to read

the comment out loud

Oh, sorry.

Shaming us on the podcast.

I think it's unclear who's

pressing the buttons too.

I think that's why I was

like waiting for someone

maybe to else to do that.

But I know I I'm allowed to

do that too if I want.

So I'll start doing that.

Jake said, I cut my son's hair.

Either it looks like Spock

or Dave Hill from Slade.

Slade is a metal band from Europe, right?


you shouldn't eat broccoli or green



That's what Charlie said.

Dash eats frozen broccoli.

That's like his favorite

thing in the world.

You open up the freezer and

he goes berserk.

What was it?

Yeah, from the 70s.

I thought so.

And then I cut Leia's hair

over the weekend,

but she's all matted on her legs,

but not on her back.

So I just cut kind of like

her legs and her shoulder

blades and blended the rest.

And she looks like a

character from CatDog.


I don't know if you guys know that

cartoon, but she's super fluffy,

like everywhere around her shoulders.

And then she's got these

tiny little stick legs.

She looks ridiculous.

All right.

So one piece of CrossFit

news we're going to talk about.

What do you got?

And that is,

it went around our group chat.

It is that CrossFit

announced that they are

doing a third-party investigation.


John Woolley,

who I think is trying to

become the new Andrew Hiller,

is getting very expose-ish

with his Instagram and his YouTube,

where he is commenting on

what he sees wrong in the space.

And he makes an excellent

point with this one.

He does.

It's a very good point.

So I'm going to share this.

And hopefully I have it

pretty much at the beginning.

And I'll go ahead and play it around.

Mr. Edge is this for me.

He's worked the bulk of his

career for the department

of Homeland security and

ice as a deputy director,

the U S border patrol is

the largest department in

the department of Homeland security.

again, where he was the director.

This is notable because the

United States border patrol

has been a sponsor of the

CrossFit games for the past two years.

I mentioned earlier that a

third party review needs to

be above approach and unimpeachable.

And the guy running the

investigation has direct

ties and relationships with the sponsor.


Does that make him unqualified or biased?

No, not necessarily.

Again, I don't know him.

He may be the most honest

person on the planet,

but out of the hundreds of

people in firms,

you could have gotten to run this.

You chose someone who is

connected to CrossFit through a sponsor,

and that raises a lot of eyebrows for me.

You get the gist.


Go ahead.

My initial reaction was,

why can't you guys get out

of your own way?



Why not consult with PFAA

about... This has nothing

to do with PFAA.

Well, I know in his long one,

he talks about that.

They weren't consulted about,

I'm just saying that would

have been a good start to

consult together about

where it should like, okay,

CrossFit looks, you know,

maybe throw some names in the hat.

Maybe PFAA does too.

And then maybe they come to

an agreed upon group that's

going to do that investigation.


you think the investment firm that

owns CrossFit would be able to provide

lots of names of people to

do an independent

investigation that don't

even know anything about CrossFit, right?

I mean, that's kind of what you want,

I would think.

So this part of the thing I

kind of agree with, with John, the PFAA,

one I'm less inclined to believe,

the PFAA is an association.

It's not a union.

they do not have an existing

relationship or a

contractual anything for

them to go to them in this case.

But my God can't how, like you said,

there are hundreds of firms

that you can choose from to

get one guy that has no

connection to what you do.

And this is what you pick.


It's almost as if somebody

came forward and said like, I'll do it.

Here are my credentials.

If you're a good company,

and at this point,

we're not talking about CrossFit HQ.

We're talking about Berkshire,

whoever's running the show

from the investment firm.

I have zero confidence going

forward that these people

can do anything when this

is the stuff that they're doing now.

I get what he was saying

with the PFAA in the longer

version of this if it was a union.

But people have to remember the PFA,

they could not get enough

athletes to band together

to make it a union, to stand up together.

And that is the most

difficult part of a sport

that is more individual

based than a team sport.

That's why tennis and golf

took longer to unionize

than like football and baseball.

That's interesting.

Now, could you in good faith say, Hey,

we want to take a

collection of athletes and say,

we want to do a third party

investigation and want your input.


That's what I'm saying.

Then just involve the PFAA.

Or oversight.

I just think it would have

been a good move for a lot of reasons.

Who am I?

I'm just a preschool teacher

that's talking on a Clydesdale podcast.

You have as much authority

as anybody else who's talking right now.

I just... I'm having a real

hard problem with the PFAA right now.

And I haven't said any of that publicly.

Because I want to see more

facts before I talk even more.

But I did talk Sunday night

about there's a lack of

authenticity with some

things going on that's really bugging me.


i think that there's a an

agenda push in a direction

based on things that aren't

related to a man's death

but you're using his death

to do it and I think that

sucks I think the first

thing you have to do is

solve the problem of the

man's death then once we do

that then we can move on to

the other stuff


But as is being said in the chat, you know,

there were no concerns

brought up about run swim.

And for then for you to and

then for you to use that

and say there have been

complaints forever and blah, blah, blah.

Like, yeah.

But again,

I want more facts before I go

too far into it.




Yeah, I find it's really hard to,

it's even hard to process

it all without knowing

exactly what's going on.


it's hard to know how you're supposed

to feel.

And I think there's so many

voices in our space that

are taking stands.

And I don't think that's wrong.

Like, that's cool.

with me, um,

I just tend to be someone

who's highly influenced by

things that I hear and people that I see,

especially people that I

respect and care for and

things like that.

So I'm just, it's,

I'm still struggling with

all of it to sort of process it all.

Not quite sure how I feel about, you know,

the surrounding circumstances, obviously,

you know, Lazar's death is,

is the easy one to feel a

certain way about,

but it's just so complex.

And I hear viewpoints from

people that I didn't think

of necessarily.

And I'm thinking, oh, okay, well, yeah,

I get it.

You know,

and then I hear something else

that's completely to the

contrary of what I just heard,

where I said I get it.

And I'm like, yeah, okay, I get it.

It's just, it's hard for me to, I don't,

I feel like I'm all over

the place with my thoughts

and feelings about it.


that's natural when there are no facts.



I think that's what I was getting at.


it's really hard to say because it

kind of, it's one of those things like,

how do you feel?

Well, it depends.

You know, it depends.


And I don't know what it

depends on yet because I

don't know what that is, but it depends.



So I just,

I hope and pray that local

authorities give us more

facts because now after John put this out,

I don't trust the third

party investigation.



And a man, an acquaintance of ours died.


And I was very sad about that.

And it has lingered on for a week.

And it's going to keep

lingering on until we get

some facts about what

happened and some kind of

resolution as to correcting

whatever it was that caused that.

If there isn't.

But at least we'll know

there was no resolution.

Either way.


And so, like,

I think for us as a community to move on,

we need facts and answers.

And the problem is we just

don't have any of them right now.



You can't get closure is not

the right word,

but you can't get clarity

around it when when there

is no clarity around it.


Mm hmm.

because you want to be mad.

You want to be sad.

You want to do all these

things and you can't do any of it.

You have no idea where to point it to.

So I have a lot to say about

a lot of things,

but I want facts to come

out before I say them.



And that's hard too,

because we like to talk about things.

That's what we do.

Very hard not to talk.


But I think that that is the

best way to handle it right now.


Because I mean, even,

even today we're struggling

for like content.

It's like, so what's going on?

Like, oh, well, my dog is sick.


I don't want to backtrack what I said

a week ago, like spend done.


Come out and all of a sudden, woo.

Well, I didn't really mean that.

I meant this.


Yeah, it's hard.

I mean,

I will say that I've been paying a

lot more attention to

Instagram and YouTube than

I was a month ago.

I've paid less attention.

I agree.

I've actually really tried

to be not involved in it

because of what you're saying earlier.

I feel like it's influencing

my feelings on things,

and I don't want it to

because I want to know more.

you know, more facts.



And I think for me, it's just,

I'm searching for information.

I get that.

And it's not like, yeah,

it's not the information that I,

that I need or want necessarily, but it's,

I also think it's, you know,

I hadn't really been too

involved in the space prior

to me going to the games

and knowing I was going to the games,

I sort of started to get back into it,

you know, and, and now, you know,

as a true diehard that I am like,

I'm in it, I'm back in it.



So I want to leave with just

two quick things.

And that is,

One of the byproducts of

this whole thing is that I

took some of the best

pictures I've ever taken in my life.

And I don't feel like I can

post any of them.


So what I've kind of done in

the background is...

I've contacted athletes that

are friends of mine and I've said,

you know what?

They're yours.

I'm just going to,

I'll edit them and you can

have them no cost, no nothing.


and then if you feel okay with doing

that or not, that's your choice.

But I just didn't want them

to go to waste.


Um, but then I would,

so one of those people is Bethany.



And after talking to her,

I went and looked at her YouTube,

which part one at the games.

If you have not watched that.


It is one of the most

beautiful pieces of content

in such a lovely tribute to Lazar.

I highly recommend it.

Caught a cat.

It is real.

It is raw.

Like have a box of tissues beside you.

I know.

But that's just part one,

part two still to come.

Um, it is, it is really,

I'm like tearing up just

thinking about it because

she was in the ice tub when

the search started and the

video captures like her

reaction to it all.

Oh, wow.

That's raw.

I have a funny Lazar story.

Can I,

I want to try to bring one up once a

week as we, as we meet.


so I was going through my DMS again

from Instagram and I don't

know if you guys remember, but the,

one of the times that we

had him on prior to the games,

he was also going on the seven podcasts.

And it was like the same day or like maybe,

you know,

hours later or something like that.

And I was sort of giving him

shit about it.

And I said something like, you know, well,

ours is better than Savant's podcast.

And he said, he said something like, oh,

it's so hard.

It's like picking your favorite child.

He's like, you both are awesome.


And I,

I screenshot and I sent a seven too.

Cause I, you know, it was just funny.

He was like, Oh, thanks.

That was cool.


I could just hear him in his voice too.

Like saying it, you know,

if he was speaking it.


I can't pick, pick your favorite child.


Oh, I love that.

My lap.

Well, I'll do a memory too.

I can't remember talking to

him where he wasn't

laughing while he was talking.


The only time I can.


A giggle.

The only time I can remember

is when I was in the pit

and he was getting no rep

on his facing handstand pushups.

And he was so mad and

spitting on his judge,

not like intentionally spitting,

but screaming so loud,

like stuff is coming out at his judge.

And, uh,

But that showed, like, that he could be,

he was funny and giggly and

all that all the time.

But when it came to, like,

getting on the floor and going, like,

it meant so much to him.

It's because he was a passionate person.

I mean, yeah.

That's what you get.

In all the things.

Yeah, right.

In all the things.

Yeah, he's a competitor.


Yeah, I probably,

I was taking pictures at the time.

So I need to go back to that

year and see if I can find those.

I need to go back and see if

I have any video.

So yeah,

that's what I reposted it the other day.

because I had forgotten I

had taken that picture.

And then I saw that somebody

liked a photo and I was like from 2021,

what the heck?

And I go and I look,

so somebody must've just

looked up Lazar or whatever.

This reminded me.

And I remember taking that

picture and he was walking off the,

the Coliseum and we were like, great job.

And he like smiled and waved at us.

And I was like, yeah.


I mean that he was,

he was looking at us when

you took that picture.

It wasn't like he was.


That's cool.


that's the same year he was doing

pull-ups off the railing.


Right in front of you guys.



Did I make it?

Did I make it?


I love it.


We got to keep that going.


Let's do it.

yeah I think that's a good

place to end this um but

yeah there's there's

comments in the chat about

how good that bethany video

is um and the editing at

the end man really like

honest to god get tissues

ready because it's it's

freaking fantastic awesome um with that

going to keep his memory

alive uh and we will see

everybody next time on the

clydesdale media roundtable bye guys